Bishop Mike Okonkwo 2020 - Engaging the Holy Ghost

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they tell you to do and other gods look just and you will need no effort no struggle just look is not tough to look he's not difficult to do they look [Music] when you turn off Israel while the wilderness are they were pitted by snake deadly snake and what the Lord did was instructed to feel it to make a prawn stick a booty today steel and in that camp the instruction is if you have a pity look when you look you will those who say they don't believe it how can it be by looking I'll be healed of snakebite they all died may those who looked God's instructions are not too tough and not too difficult is land that makes it difficult just like when they were in Egypt he told them just is that kill an animal put the blood or the tapas at little done you just clean those no struggle just stay in the house let me do the job and the Bible says that when the Adept injure came all he needed to do was to see the blood when I see the blood now pass away we don't know how much we have been protected because of who we are in Christ we don't we don't live rich on our relationship with Christ with only reality we think that we are the victims when we are the victim we are more than conquerors what so MIT point of God overcometh the world and the victory that overcomes the world is our faith look and that's all look [Music] tis recorded in this word hi [Music] what what I look [Music] [Music] his recorder [Applause] come on give Jesus a clap offering you a clap offering all of what is ours [Music] amen or that awesome God we saw go to seven people tell them all you need to do is look and leave [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a man glory to God what a mighty God we serve I celebrate the Evergreen of angelic voices that wonderful time of worship and songs ministration we thank God for making you instruments in the hands oh but none of course celebrated for such a wonderful presentation on leadership and teamwork the Bible says we should be doers of the word not hearers only only doers of the word are blessed and these are what she shared with also what you get in business schools and and people pay heavily for a few days in the hotel to share but getting me free of charge in the church that's what you should be just celebrate Jesus don't take it for granted when you come to church you actually come to learn to know more things from the Scriptures and from in every way that will help you navigate your life here on earth so never take the things you share that I shared here for granted they will help you they'll help you in life happy in your individual endeavors and the beautiful thing about churches I think you can practice in church no one will kill you for making mistakes and so by the time opportunities avail for you in the secular you are ready you already because he already know what to do praise God let me also say to us battalion headquarters even though this also applies to every branch that when we come to church we come to worship God will come to have a fellowship and relationship in our relationship with God and it's very important that in our conduct we respect the holy spirit well you can't the church is that's not the place to come and start to share with visitation with somebody more especially when the service ongoing what the service is over you can share fellowship can go to the cuisine or share cook or whatever snack amongst yourself is part of church is part of fellowship but it's wrong can I hear this very very very more with those of us who say we have been old in church you can come to church and be discussing outside the message is going on the service is ongoing that's when you are outside with your friends is disrespect to the Holy Spirit the Bible say grieve not the Holy Ghost if you are not ready to come and sit in church when you left your house then sit at home you don't have to come see that oh don't come here and set the wrong example as if we don't we don't know God the Bible tells us to honor God in all our conduct it's wrong you left your home drove to this place or took a taxi or whatever means of transportation that brought you and then what we see is you hanging around did your friends outside that is it's not only this respect is rude to God and it's important that we address it and please don't do that it's better you stay outside I will not stay here under my watch and allow you to grieve the Holy Spirit and Hinda and hinder the rest of people from be blessed so if you don't want to come and sit in the church then scatter or do you already to come to join and sit in the church service and fellowship we encourage that you can fellowship as long as you want but not during service time is that clear very important give Jesus a clap of me right some snotty 4 verse 5 some 34 verse 4 I'll be sharing 3 few with you what I've called deliverance from terror deliverance from terror father we ask that your grace would help us this morning even as we share your word fact that he was understanding and let everyone understand what the Spirit is saying let us know he has strengthened more than ever before for the blessings we were received we covered under the glory subscribe to you and everyone that believes shouting louder hey man they looked unto Him look at me and we're what enlightened and their faces were not ashamed I love the scripture I love the scripture in some 34 verse 5 they looked unto him he started with her I will bless the Lord at all times his praise shall continually be mouth and he said that my soul shall make is boast in the Lord and the humble shall hear the rock and be glad in other words I will scream hallelujah I will tell you I will live for joy in the presence of my enemy because my eyes are focused on God and not on what he's doing the humble Shahid had that off and did that all magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt his name together I sought the Lord if it was in trouble when this was happening and he heard me and delivered me from all my fears whatever fear you have God will deliver you I thought how he allowed a man in louder amen God with no we are living in the world that is in not tainted with fear terror sudden fear is never expected they just eat you destruction sudden some I mean something that dismays you you are you are confounded that's what we are living and as you know is a fallen world and as a world begins to spiral downwards more and more more you begin to see satanic activities wickedness in in different places evil all around that's happening anywhere you turn that you don't hear of something evil disaster here and there you watch the television what listen to the news the newspapers are washed with all kinds of terrible things happening and no one is exempted as already the issue the issue is is it how we are good just going to fold our hands as God's people and allow these things to just ride the rough shod over us that's not God's plans and intention it's not his plans and attention in Romans 8:22 2:23 look at the what the scripture says Romans a 22 and 23 for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now the co-creation that's agitation for we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth and anything and not only they but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we are said we are groaning within us are waiting for the adoption to wit the retention of our body we want we want to put off this body that's filled with pain and sickness and disease and not only things that are coming upon the world fear and terror but I want to encourage you there is nothing the devil breeze it gives you that can defeat you I said there is nothing the devil breeze against you that can defeat you there is nothing I say it again that they were pressed against you that can defeat you a loud man 1 John 4:4 says that for we are over contantly to children not we are going to overcome we have already overcome them you have overcome where am i terrorizing you no matter what it is they doctor's report beasts fear on the highway or flying for EM IDs which is results terms whatever IDs because you are ready in Christ you have overcome them because greater is He that's in you than he that's in the world say to yourself the greater one lives in me I am not listen I'm not feeling you this morning say loud to yourself 1 John 5:4 listen to the scriptures we don't go by what we see we go by the scriptures we live my life from a pause one can fight for for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world who become it the present continuous it doesn't just stop whatever I tease that meets you you are ready when over common whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith our faith in what Christ has done for us amen a louder amen John 1519 John 1519 John 59 if you were this world the world will love his own but because you are not of this world but I've chosen you out of the world therefore the world hated you these are saying we are not of the world others can be affected got you I said that can't be affected got you because you are operating from a higher dimension a higher level in the believer functions from a platform that has known that does not Maggie for defeat the undefeatable you cannot be destroyed no we performed against you shall prosper glory to God I say glory to God they are not of this world look at John 16:33 these things have spoken unto you that Amisha you might have what peace in the world you shall have what tribulation but be of good cheer will happen put it in amplified version amplified version of John 16:33 I have told you these things so that in me you may have perfect peace in the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering and terror may be courageous be confident be contented be filled with joy in the midst of the battle what I have overcome the world my conquers is accomplished and my victory abide in the bitterness already guaranteed somebody shout hallelujah put it in message translation message translation I've told you all these so that trusted me you will not be unshakable and you will be unshakable and assured deeply at peace in this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties may take heart I have conquered the world somebody shout hallelujah I have conquered the world take that put it in New Living Translation I have conquered the world I've told you all this so that you may have peace in me here on earth you have many trials and souls but take heart because I have overcome glory to God you see you get defeated by terror when you are looking your eyes are fixated on something else your defeat comes by looking at the wrong place I've told you several it many times that destructions come by looking around when you begin to look at the things happen around us today you'll be distracted you'll be wandering without God has gone on vacation you'll be distracted I will show that many people who say they are believers that are destructed several am i how do you know I know by what they say I know by the thing they push out I know I know by what they push out all you need to see is is listen to the things they say the discussions they have you can look at them easily I don't need to pray to God to reveal to me because I already seen it I already see you are frightened you are afraid you don't even know whether you survive tomorrow you don't know how you are where the next meal will come from distractions come from looking around defeat comes from looking behind you discouragement comes by looking down that deliverance comes when you look up when you look up you failed when I'm looking up I can't see I can't be looking around the same time I know that my hair comes from above praise Lord David was so overcame that he refused to look around he refused to look at the rejection he refused to look at the denial he refused to look at the accusations no he refused to look no he his eyes were fixated on God David that was what I was able to defeat calamity he was one who rode as I put it on the screen some platform verse for the I saw the Lord and he had me and I didn't seek man I saw the Lord and God had me not man I didn't allow the social media to to speak to me not social media so the Lord let me tell you you are a product of the environment you hang around when you anchor and negative people the things that will come out of your mouth will be negative when you anchor and people who don't believe in progress you will never aim for progress because they will always tell you how to never walk when you hang around people who have their mind made up about certain things they never change no matter even if God is telling them that this is not the way it is no they tell God God you are making mistake such people will never help you progress I saw the Lord and the Lord had me until he vibrant from what from what from what move from some of the fears wherever you afraid of you can be delivered from all of them it's possible to be delivered from all my fears verse 6 verse 5 they then looked to him the faces were enlightened they look unto him they were able to see clearly they look unto him they caught the right perspective they look how many of you know that goes with a head and who is no no no you know his ways I heard anyways you know what we do believe us pray according to their will and say God and does it God doesn't need your permission to answer bring us the way once doesn't reach god you are not tell your neighbor is God you are not say it again say it again I'm tired of believers making God a liar believers making God a liar I'm tired of it God is too bad you can ever always be trusted even when you don't understand you trust him you commit and know that he's right always can never be wrong can I hear loud a man sudden my face was enlightened the face was confused and distracted and dismayed because you are not seeking him you are looking up to man and they were not ashamed their faces were enlightened and they were not disappointed when God enlightens you that can be no disappointment there can be no destruction that can be no shame there's no way you'll be embarrassed you can see the approach when God glory to God so they behold us and David had many opportunity to be discouraged was David that no one gave a chance when others where were being pointed at David was busy at the backside of the desert just honoring God he just loved God they said that they don't believe in him he should not be the one that it was just busy I look unto him my face enlightened and I cannot be disappointed they say I'm not a king material but I look up to him and I was not disappointed and Yap was rejected as I've inaudible rejected Shama was rejected and then somewhere said I will proceed further or till David whose eyes God was so fun and here comes somewhere to David we have been waiting for you we have been waiting for you while others were talking jockeying for position talking to be notice he was seeking the Lord there's no way you be ashamed somewhere said that we can't proceed any further until David arrives let me tell you what God has planned for you no one would take it from you I said no one would take it from you keep your eyes on him keep your eyes on him if there was a time we needed to keep our eyes on the Lord this is your eyes not on any one can I hear loud I believe in a man Abraham was dismayed confused when law took the better part in the in the months I Abraham was done for but here comes God now that lot has gone hey bruh look from where you don't look at what is happening look from there as far as my eyes can see including what God took they all belong to you what are you looking at the terror of life death and life award that our life award I've never seen believer so fearful like the Anna what type of nonsense is that it's gaudy life is Bible no more the infallible errorless impregnable authoritative every possible word of God never see so fearful believers know from where you are is a Korean 99213 prisoners-of-war patrol to look to the stronghold look to the stronghold prisoners report we are not prisoners of hopelessness confident expectation from last night put it on the screen phone requires greatly o daughter of Zion shout o daughter of Jerusalem behold I think comment on to the his jaws and having salvation lowly and riding upon dinars and upon the cold and fall over us we guard the chariot of G from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem and the battle bow shall be cut off and they shall speak peace unto the hidden and intermedia shall be from sea to evil to sea and from river even to the ends of the earth as for thee also the cousin blood of the covenant have sent for that prisoners out of the pit where it is no water wherever pitch you are in where there is no water I command you to come out of it come out of it the breach that wants to destroy you whatever pity talk for you you will not attain to it in the name of Jesus Christ look at it is as for the by the blood of the Covenant because you a covenant I have sent for that prisoners out of the pit wherein is no water to a trial to destroy whole stop looking at your challenge so looking at the terror priorities from who you prisoners of hope we are prisoners of confident expectation if you today I decide that I will render durable I declare by the authority of heaven purple is your portion for everything they've taken from you couple is your passion Topol is your Porsche Turbo Alisha Pasha to abolish your Porsche that's what he said when you turn to the strong cool I'm not looking at Rosa comes to a shelter over our head don't you understand that good night was the Bible was careful too difficult to describe the mo of cool hair to us taking three versus three long faces this might not be terrorizing cross people for 40 years I mean 40 days at night thought it is a night to sleep they wake up hearing the last voice they could to break the air in his voice I wonder what voice you are hearing concerning your career your profession your marital life what voice are you hearing concerning your finance your children what voice got on your head what are you hearing who has jumped on your shoulder and speaking to you that you have no good was it terrible as as long as Saul and his army kept their eyes on Goliath they could never never be delivered never they had all the promises they were covenant people God loved them but they were not delivered y-yeah I swear I'm glad the eyes were on Goliath what is giving you revelation is newspaper social media your friends and your peers who are from the opinion you say where is God in your plan we are exploring your thoughts there is God you see you can't you can't take sides with God and be ashamed but here comes David who had happy robust relationship with God at the backside of his desert he turned his disadvantage into an advantage the relegated him to the backside of the desert but he said that doesn't change anything it doesn't change my relationship with God Devi will always sing unto God no wonder when he came it never defied goliath by condolence name who is this uncircumcised that you would defy the armies of Israel who is he they told me his brothers try to discourage brothers brothers they try to discourage him he walked away knowing whom he was in covenant with God I don't know where you stand but I I have with God we attend the same church but I say don't know where you stand with God I know I stand for I know whom I believed and am persuaded is able to preserve that with a committed glory to God on your belief of my life to behold looking at the war I joined the beauty of Christ I celebrate Jesus you are saved is to enjoy God the only way many of you are having problems because you do I enjoy God just enjoy him enjoy his love for you enjoy his faithfulness I can't have a say if you want to see what you don't look at me just look at me I'm a testimony set my feet present to worship Him if not for His grace so why would I enjoy him now that he allowed me into his presence let's come boldly to the throne of grace and okay Monsieur my grace for help glory to God so why did it was busy and trade the beauty of God look at what happens in verse 5 verse 5 for in the time of what help me in the time of what he shall do what we are and in the secret of his word shall award he shall set me up reward verse 6 and now your head will be lifted up above your enemies Rande pothi therefore we like a famous Tabernacle sacrifice of joy I was here yeah I will say somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] well or does a terrorised I will be singing because my eyes on him oh now I know why David decided not to be like the rest in some mighty one look at the video first one so what you support my hard way up in the secret place I hate in the world the name of the Lord is worth and the Lord and his word award one the Lord and his word I would prove us 18:10 say the name of the Lord is what a strong tower and the righteous does what I lay claim to the promises and I'm safe and I'm safe so put back some night one plus one so I twelve in the secret place of the Messiah and I'm abiding on the shadow just like a hand of a strictly to cheek you cannot go Nia you will only see the venom on you to ever touch the liturgy if the hand can take care of the little chick is it God I will not take care of you watch this is in verse 2 because I am abiding there it making me see the awesomeness of God the mightiness of God Almighty nests of God in making me see that this God has muscles that if are you hearing what I'm telling that is is load that in him there is no defeat and because of that my language I've been speaking foul language but my language a strength I will say of the Lord not of the devil I am NOT talking and advertising what the devil is doing I will say of the Lord you are my refuge you are my fortress my god in him I will trust Charlie because I am singing a different song which is not met with heaven he is a delivery from the snare of the Fowler and from the noisome pestilence he shall cover thee with his feathers and on a swing shalt thou trust his truth shall be thy shield and buckler thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night nor the arrow that flies by day nor for the pestilence that walketh in tactical destruction that wasteth at noonday UPS potato I say you be expect at all he said none of them will come now you only with your eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked because thou has made the Lord you made the choice to look up to him which is my refuge with the most high habitation that shall no evil befall thee neither shall any plague come nigh the other Lane for exactly this angle chart to keep area disability open the heart that lays out touch thy foot against all thou shalt tread upon the lion and other the young lion that dragons are that trample of the feet because you have set your love upon him he will deliver you for you it will never come to pass what belongs to you know we take it from you in the same place the people who have been laughing at you will be forced to testify with you the sickness the disease the fashion that they will kill you you will rise above it your baby will be dedicated your marriage will be conducted your prisoners will thrive in the name of Jesus the creation the whole creation have been ordered to see to your good you will succeed listen I will hear you testimony your testimony delay is not in I did you hear me [Music] [Music] the Lord made heaven [Music] here we are the song [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I stand by the Mandate of Heaven [Music] to declare that whatever had been fashioned from the pit of hell they're raising your life today it comes to an end the club's lament Dickinson end the blood speak it better thing than the blood of Abel it speaks on your behalf I say speech on your behalf the songs angles met you by day the bull shall smite you by night in the name of Jesus in this country has a passion for you and that portion is issues of life your portion will never be taken from you it will never be taken from you the land will answer to you the land will answer to you no more delays in your life no more defeats in your life nobody disappointment in your life you will not see reproach you will not see shame in the name of Jesus that wind blowing around you I command it [Applause] marriage a bit delayed for several years [Music] but God said I should tell you yes remember you this year yes remember you this year yes remember utca thank you lord some of you you've lost so much in your finance but God said I should let you know that restoration is coming to you you will recover you will recover you see a breakthrough technology a breakthrough in this house thank you Father thank you father because one of our young people will soon be announced to the world receive it now father will give you praise father we give you the or no thank you for your loving kindness it is well it is well you know Isaiah chapter three they say to the righteous it shall be well no that was before Jesus King but for you it is not you shall be well it is well as it is well it is where I see massive testimonies is affecting every area coming like a deluge the Holy Spirit is taking over can I yell out a man before this match is over what you are expecting receive it now receive it now thank you Father we give you the praise in Jesus name come on shout aloud a man sad about hallelujah sad praise the Lord you miss South in the house [Music] haebang you may be seated now I want to give opportunity to those of you who say brother Mike I want to receive Christ into my life I want him to come into my life I've tried to manage my life all these years but it's not working but coming to church today I am prompted I want to say Jesus to be running but I surrender today listen to me to sing that was sending it to her he'll respond believe in what Jesus had done for you don't reject him it is free of charge you don't pay for anything other than say I believe once you say I believe to be translated into his kingdom the one my prayer you had a message but the first things first the core you begin to actualize the promises you have to be in the kingdom the one is rare take your Bible take your bath Khan Leah come here let us pray together leave your seat and come sit
Channel: Morning Worship Songs & Prayer
Views: 3,871
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Okonkwo, bishop mike okonkwo, dr. mike okonkwo, sermon of bishop mike okonkwo, bishop mike okonkwo 2020, bishop mike okonkwo messages, bishop mike okonkwo live, dr mike okonkwo
Id: 026JrzaHUEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 57sec (3357 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2019
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