Strength Through the Storm | Bishop Dale C. Bronner | Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

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this is Bishop Dale brother thank you so much for joining our YouTube channel today if this is a blessing to you I want to encourage you to like it and then click the subscribe button and then turn on notifications get that little notification bell so that you never ever miss another one of our videos and then if you're in the metro Atlanta area on a Sunday check out one of our exhilarating services at 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. or 6 o'clock p.m. well if you are turning your bibles to Ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 through 12 reading from the New Living Translation there you'll find these words a final word be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on all of God's armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil for we are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world against mighty powers in this dark world and against evil spirits in the heavenly places and then I want you to notice it from Ephesians chapter 6 just first ten and they amplified it says in conclusion be strong in the Lord or draw strength from him and be empowered through your union with him and in the power of His boundless might and we're speaking today from the subject simply strength through the storm strength through the storm strength through the storm it's not a question as to whether or not storms will happen is only about when will they happen storms come and storms go storms will happen there are different kinds of storms as some people deal with health storms there's a storm dealing with the sickness in their body they deal with the storm of a failed relationship they can deal with financial storms the storms with family relationships of mothers and daughters and fathers and sons there there are social justice storms of unfair systems there are storms of having a lack of skills to be prepared for a marketplace that is rapidly changing so there are various kinds of storms that can happen in your own life and and we have to be prepared for them and this is why the Apostle Paul is writing to the church at Ephesus and reminding them to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might because we are dealing with something that's deeper than flesh and blood enemies you have to realize that oftentimes when people don't like you for no apparent reason generally there's a spirit behind it there'll be people that when they first meet you they don't like you and they don't know anything about you you haven't even done anything to them have you ever picked up an attitude from somebody and they don't even know you you don't know them and they just don't like you and you haven't given them a reason not to like you see that's a spiritual thing of an unseen force that is working against you and you cannot conquer those kinds of forces what natural carnal means and that's why Paul is writing to let us know that not everything that you're battling is a battle that can be warned with nuclear armament and drones that drop bombs when you drop those kinds of fights and you're using natural armaments you're gonna get more and more of that popping up from here and there and another place that was a country that I was in in Indonesia and they had run an ad in the back of the newspaper for suicide bombers they had a hundred and fifty thousand young people that said I'll do it and I want you to realize that when you're dealing with a situation like that that's not just a natural kind of a thing where people are saying that I'll give my life to be able to kill ten or twelve people at a time a hundred and fifty thousand young people said I'll do it it is interesting this is so interesting and when you're dealing with something like that it's very difficult to stop people from harming you who don't mind dying in the process and that's it's it's a time like that that you need to depend on spiritual forces I can't tell you the number of times that I've had the testimonies of people that somebody pulled a gun on them and pull the trigger and it didn't fire but the weapon was formed but it didn't prosper I'm just here to tell you the weapons of our warfare are not carnal people that have sometimes been beaten unconscious and they should have died but somehow the fists that was formed against them didn't prosper in killing the person and so God has a way he has a way of being able to protect his children when you're dealing with a warfare that is beyond flesh and blood kind of things that you can see and you'll wonder what's wrong with her what's her problem what's his problem why are people attacking me and it seems like I get take two steps forward and then I go three steps back and you cannot even figure out what's causing this has it ever dawned on you that the cause might be spiritual I mean if every place that you go if you're finding some some mechanical failure that stuff keeps breaking down and you're in your house and in your automobile and costing you money maybe there's a spiritual devour this that's happening and you need to use a spiritual methodology to deal with something that is spiritual that is manifesting in something that looks like a natural way it is is that could it be a spiritual thing that you keep drawing abusers into your life and then you're bleeding and and now you're drawing sharks and they smell your blood in the water and they're coming after you and this is not a natural thing and you can't see that you're bleeding but there are other folks that can smell insecure people you see a bully knows a person with a timid spirit who has fear on the inside inside of them every bully knows who to mess with and who not to mess with so there are some battles that we deal with in this life that you need supernatural and that's why the Paul Apostle Paul is telling us as he's writing to the church at Ephesus and he's saying to them the same message that he says to us be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might because there are some battles that willpower alone cannot help you through willpower cannot help you get out of addiction willpower will not help you to get out of out of suicidal falls there are certain things willpower can't just bring you out of out of depression you can't just will yourself out of it you need to use supernatural power and this is what the Bible says be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong in the in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and if you've got demonic things coming against you satanic things working against you you got to be strong in the Lord strong in the Lord strong in the Lord the weapons of our warfare are not carnal so you have to be strong in the Lord to be able to do the warfare in in this dimension and I want you to realize strong people whenever you find strong people in the world they're not just born strong they are strong because they've already gone through a struggle they're strong because they didn't run away when they were tempted to run away but they said no no we're gonna talk about this and they had to pray through situation and they had to work through situation and that's how they got strong not by running but by confronting and dealing with it head-on and to say oh no oh no no no we made a covenant we're gonna talk about this we're gonna talk about this we're gonna work through this and they began to then deal with the spirit of that thing the spirit of it you see because here's the way the devil works the devil comes and he whispers to the man she's your problem and that same demon whispers in the woman he's your answer and while she's looking at him expecting him to be her answer he's looking at her and said that's my problem and then that same demon that incited each against the other now leaves the scene and makes you think that your mate is your enemy the devil is the enemy he's the enemy he's the one that comes with the spirit of enmity between husband and wife father and son mother and daughter he works in relationship neighbor against neighbor friend against friend he's the one that's trying to flip the script but I came with some good news today that what the devil meant for evil plot twists plot twist plot twists he's getting ready to turn it around for your good I'm just telling you he's gonna flip the script twist the plot and bring something good out of something that was demonic looking in your life and my question to you today is are you doing enough of what strengthens you are you doing enough of what strengthens you there are different things that strengthen you exercise strengthens your muscles exercise strengthens your muscles the Bible says that exercise profiteth little it may profit little but you need that little profit exercise strengthens your muscle nutrition strengthens your cells and when you have healthy cells you have healthy organs you have healthy organs you have healthy systems in your body you have healthy systems you have a healthy body money strengthens your buying power and your social currency practice strengthens your performance you know practice doesn't make perfect practice makes better practice strengthens your performance I don't care what it is if it's baseball football if it's soccer if it's an instrument practice strengthens your performance whether it's acting practice strengthens your performance reading strengthens your mind reading strengthens your mind reading strengthens your mind not watching television reading strengthens your mind fellow ship strengthens your soul because in fellowship you get encouraged that's why we want to get you in a life group so that you can get encouraged through the fellowship encouragement is the oxygen of the soul you get that from being in in fellowship with other people fellowship strengthens the soul prayer strengthens the spirit prayer strengthens the spirit please hear me when I say this your character will never grow stronger than your prayer life because prayer strengthens the spirit prayer strengthens your spirit challenges strengthen your faith challenges strengthen your faith if you never had a problem you never know God could solve them you never know what faith in his word could do challenges strengthen your faith whenever in your faith it needs to be strengthened God will send a challenge and our team strengthens your dream you need your dream strengthened build a team a team strengthens your dream it's just a team it strengthens your dream I remember a number of years ago I did a amends conference up in the Adirondack Mountains of New York upstate New York and I didn't know it was springtime here in Atlanta and I went up there in the springtime and I got up there and the Adirondack Mountains it snowed every day I don't even have a jacket with me and so I had to have one of the big guys I said you know you got more subcutaneous tissue here then I do let me let me have that so he gave me his jacket I was freezing and and it snowed every day it snowed every day upon top of the mountains where we were and all this group this big group of men that had gathered there in the upstate New York and every day we'd get up and then I teach all day but I had the biggest guy that I could find there with the strongest voice to get up and go through the whole camp the whole facility several floors and I could hear him on the floor beneath down there with the scripture that I had given them second Timothy chapter 2 and verse 1 and just and I just had him to just just recite that and he just said be strong in the grace that was in Christ Jesus be strong his ascent that be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus just over and over and I heard his mouth 6 o'clock in the morning be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus be strong I heard him walk by my door and it says be strong in the grave seven procedures just going on the hall be strong and that was the wake-up call everybody's alarm system be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus be strong because I got a group a man up on top of a mountain who have been yielding to their flesh and now we are speaking the Word of God speaking life and speaking strength we woke them up be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus not in yourself not in your willpower not in the power of your confession be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus there's a grace that that lies in Jesus for you to go through whatever that you need to go through the grace the grace of God is the divine and abling ability of God to be what God has called you to be and to do what God has called you to do so he was just selling them we reminded them every morning every morning for days be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus I wanted to remind them that when you're weak there is a grace that is in Christ Jesus there is a grace that is in Christ Jesus whatever challenge that you're dealing with there's a grace that's in Christ Jesus be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus let the say I am strong be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus not in your own ability but be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus there's a grace that's in Jesus to help you to be who God called you to be and when other people are not graced to do what God calls you to do it freaks them out they wonder how in the world did you do that because I'm graced to do it I'm grace to do it if you don't have the grace of a drop your body I'm amazed at how women have this incredible grace to be able to multitask it's just a euphemistic way of saying that they have attention deficit disorder but I've been blown away at how a woman can be in the kitchen cooking dinner she can be in the kitchen cooking dinner she's got a load of clothes in the washing machine a separate load in the dryer she's on the telephone and watching TV at the same time this uncanny ability to be able to multitask and then she's got children my my my my my on top of all of that but you ask a brother it's like I'm doing one thing I'm doing what you told me to do we got a one track man we can't do but one thing at a time I'll get to that when I finish this and homegirl got something on the stove she got something else in the oven she's on the telephone she got a load of clothes in the washer another load in the dryer she's watching television and mine and a conversation on the telephone at the same time telling hush baby I love peanuts you're just diminishes when you see mama on the phone and they got all of this stuff that they are coordinating and it blows men's minds because we don't have that grace there's a grace that God gives us to be what God has called us to be and to do what God has called us to do have you ever noticed somebody you've got a friend and and you wonder how in the world can she put up with him I mean I've got people I was out there was a couple or not I pulled this mess up how can you live with her mouth I'm like I would be suicidal but the key is is that they have a grace for it you see when you get ready to marry somebody everybody has their peculiarities their idiosyncrasies about them you have to ask yourself the question am i graced to be able to handle this person's uniqueness because everybody I just call it uniqueness everybody has uniqueness and the question is am I graced to handle their uniqueness if you're not graced you wind up either with a homicide or divorce if you don't have the grace but the only reason that people can deal with things that would drive you batty is because they have the grace and you don't have that grace but what's your grace for they don't have your grace either to do what you do and they wonder how in the world can you do that it's because there is a grace that is in Christ Jesus so don't be strong in yourself because we are fallible limited human beings be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus be strong in the divine ability to be what God has called you to be and to do what God has called you to do that is in Christ Jesus so if that power if that strength is in Jesus the more that I'm plugged into him I get strengthened and that's why they that wait upon the Lord shall read renew that strength it's not that I don't give out of strength but I plug in that's why he says building yourself up on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost because I'm strengthening myself to be able to deal with this because there are some people that you you you talk to and they drain your energy that's sometimes you see a number coming across your phone or a text message and you say I don't have the strength to deal with this right now I can't talk to them right now I can't deal with this right anybody know what I'm talking about you got folks like that that you know and you say I not not right now I don't have the strength and you just be it's tough at work and somebody will call you in some screwball supervisor manager and you'll just be saying lord give me strength please I need this job don't let me say anything stupid and get sent home today and ridden up today Jesus give me strength be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong in the Lord be strong in the Lord you have to say hold me hold me Jesus hold me Jesus hold me Jesus oh one dear woman I I burst out laughing when I heard that she was standing there praying she said Lord put your arms around my shoulder and your other arm around my mouth be strong in the Lord and the power of his might may I just remind you that whatever you are and whoever you are in whatever you've attained if you really be honest is not because you're all of that at the end of the day what other people call greatness we really feel very ordinary because there's the grace of God that it's on us to do what we do there is a grace of God that is on us to do what we do the Apostle Paul admitted he says I am what I am by the grace of God his is not because I'm so smart he says not because I'm so anointed he said it's not because you know I speak five different languages it's not because I'm a scholar in the Jewish law that Nepal said I am what I am by the grace of God now notice what he said in first Corinthians chapter 15 verse 10 he says but whatever I am now it is all it is all not some of it it is all because God poured out his special favor on me favor is grace in other word for grace the other versions do say grace because I am what I am by the grace of God is it and not without results he says for I worked harder than any of the other apostles yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace God was working through me by His grace whatever you've done it really is by the grace of God it's by the grace of God it's by the grace of God I'm so glad that Paul had an honest moment here Paul say that is so great because I've I've spent so much time in prayer in memorizing Scripture nun Allah Paul says I am what I am because of his God's special favor and Grace on my life he said I am what I am by the grace of God I am what I am by the grace of God and if you ever rise to attain anything worth having any level of notoriety it's not because she was so disciplined and so diligent and so focused and had everything all together and all of your dots and your eyes dotted and your t's crossed but it is by the grace of God you are who you are by the grace of God demons by the grace of God that you were able to raise your children without killing them it was by God's grace it was by God's grace it was by God's grace that he helped you to get your children through school it is by the grace of God there are some things that God just had to help us you able to keep your house by the grace of God you were able to keep your car by the grace of God you better thank God that he didn't give you every disease with every dog that you laid down with my god by the grace by the grace by the grace of God by the grace by you otto said lord I thank you for your grace thank you for your grace thank you for your goodness thank you for your mercy Jesus thank you thank you thank you Paul said I am what I am by the grace of God I am what I am by the grace of God and my question to you is will you find the grace necessary to handle the issues that life will bring your way it's not a matter of whether life is gonna bring you challenges in whether you'll have battles and storms or you will have battles you will have storms but will you have that find the sufficiency of grace to be able to handle it Genesis chapter 6 in verse 8 the Bible that reminds us Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord now here is the deal grace was there for everybody to find but Noah was the only one that found it I wonder if Noah was the only one who found it because he was the only one who looked for it because Jesus told us in Matthew chapter 7 and verse 7 Jesus says ask and it shall be given seek and you shall find knock and it shall be opened unto you for everyone that asks find this and everyone who seeks you know it there's a process that goes here there's a process and he's just telling us if you ask and if you seek and if you knock if it's the it's to ask principle each one of them depends on a different level of maturity in your life little babies can't work for that stuff so they just ask with their cry but when you get a certain age you don't want your children asking you for money you better seek a job see that's maturity asking is one thing seeking is another and the highest level is when you're knocking when you're getting out there and beating down and knocking on doors of opportunity for your life it's not gonna come to you you go after it don't wait for your ship to come in you better go out and knock on some doors you better go out and market yourself listen if you don't believe in yourself why should anybody else you better set up listen I'm knocking listen I've got something that God has cooked up in my life and I want to serve it to you I want to be able to be a blessing to this organization I've got something that I can add value here and you've got to knock unto those doors of opportunity but each one demands a different level of maturity because anybody can ask others who are more mature seek their own way but then they're really mature they actually get out and knock on doors that are closed because if it's not closed there's no reason to knock you knock on opportunities that God has for you he says knock and it shall be opened unto you and some people only have asking grace others have seeking grace others have knocking grace and you will never do anything great without knocking grace because when God brings you into greatness there are always barriers that say no and you have to be able to overcome the no salesman ship does not begin until the customer says no you didn't sell me on something that I needed and neatly but intending to buy anyway is when I said no I don't want that that's when salesmanship begins so it's about moving and developing and saying God have you given me a grace for that see I don't have the grace to be a telemarketer because people tell you no one hang up on you too much and it gives you a complex about yourself to deal with that level of rejection and I'm concerned about people when I'm dealing with telemarketers and and you know that I'm not interested in what they're talking about and so I just have to hang up the phone just disconnect the call but can you imagine on the other end you have to have a grace and there's some people that have a grace they'd have a grace for that they're men that that that use women as a sport and they can come up to a woman with a you know what a line you know did you do butter for my biscuit [Applause] and they're telling all kind of stuff and some women will just keep right on walking and in the brother he's not dejected at all here just pull it just try the same line on it hey you the butter for my biscuit and it you the butter for my business he does it just like water off a duck's back the rejection until the one who bats are iron is this really what kind of buddy is it we'll see their other personalities that the moment that they rejected you know that they see that abbis I'm one of those reserved counter brothers who's an observer and I'm gonna wait to see some sign some opening yeah I'm not you know my words are too valuable for me to just waste on any and everything that comes by you know I used to ride a motorcycle and uh and while I'm out on my motorcycle there were dogs on the journey they just move but you you you can't respond to every barking dog so save your voice plant your seed strategically don't just stand it everywhere plant with intentionality planning a garden where you see the rose here is gonna the soil is fertile here don't just indiscriminately throw seeds everywhere you waste too much of your seed and if you follow the holy spirit God will help you let me tell you this a goal here's a goal a goal is a desired result we have a goal that's a desired result here's a strategy a strategy is a desired result plus a plan plus a plan of action a strategy you need less goals and more strategies that desired in plus an action plan plus an action plan plus an action plan don't have goals for the year have an action plan for the day it'll make a difference at the end of the year trust me trust me trust me you need a strategy wars are worn by strategy because God gives you a strategy not a goal and if you don't have a strategy with your gold your gold be realized you gotta have a strategy you gotta have a strategy you gotta have a strategy strategy and I first met my wife you know we met in high school when I laid eyes on her for the very first time she was lying at my feet in retrospect I realized that was a strategy I'd never seen her before I see him for the first time she's lying at my feet and so it makes me wonder she was setting that with her one of her friends is like push me Kara but here he can't push me now [Applause] it is amazing before I ever met her while I was I was praying I prayed as a sixteen year old I said God I said God you know I don't have the kind of personality that they'd ever marry Sally and Sue and I got in my closet at 16 years old and I said Lord you show me the woman that's gonna be my wife and I said I'm not coming out until you do and I stood on the word of the Lord in Saint John chapter 16 and the Bible says howbeit he the Spirit of Truth has come he will lead you and guide you into all truth and he will show you things to come I said Lord you already know and I said now I want to know and I'm not coming out of here until you give me a revelation and I prayed and I prayed and I prayed and God brought that girl's face before me so when she fell at my feet I'd never seen it before in the flesh until she fell at my feet and then all of a sudden I had deja vu and this is why you need to win some battles in the spirit so when you see it in the natural the word of the Lord comes and said this is that which was spoken by the Prophet this is what I showed you in your closet but it takes patience it takes patience you receive you inherit the promises by faith and patience faith and patience faith and patience and while you're in the waiting stage you need grace to wait grace to wait God has to grace you so that impatience will not destroy you he has to give you patience patience patience most people get messed up between the promise and the delivery because they run out of patience because God has to grace you to wait and this is why the Bible says if somebody's got real love their wait love is patient and kind is not just patient is patient and kind and listen if you are not kind while you're waiting you don't have patience you have frustration love is patient and kind it is patient and kind may give you three things number one sometimes strength is built through resistance through resistance that's what happens in a gym you build strength through resistance strength through resistance you resist the weight you build strength you resist the weight you build strength and so when God gets ready to build your spiritual muscles he has to bring some resistance against you because strength is built through resistance Hebrews chapter 12 verse 4 puts it this way in your struggle against sin you've not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood it says you got to resist sin like you like you're bleeding until it hurts you until it costs you something until you feel your muscles burn until you feel the shake you're not growing in the gym until you you can't just grow in comfort you can't just do it as an oil wait wait man I'm starting to feel tight now man quit no no that's what that's when your trainer says give me ten more when right after you reach exhaustion then he said give me ten more come on five more and you're shaking muscles are burning but that's when you're growing when you're tearing it down so you let it then build back up strength is built through resistance he says you got a resists in that we not just yield and cave-in to it because when you cave in to it you become weaker to it the more you resist it the stronger that you become the stronger that you become you know it takes a mother strength to be able to wean her own child and and to turn loose upset you think strength you got to resist the urge to hold on resist that brings as a point number two here sometimes strength is built through release built through release through letting go some people think that they are stronger they hold on but other people you know really your strength appeal about your ability to even let go you're gonna let go what it's already past it takes strength when somebody dies and you've gone through the grieving process to be able to let go takes strength it's extreme people that are still stuck in a place in the past as a sign of weakness strength says I was able to recover to heal from that I heal from the divorce I heal from the break-up I hear from the financial ruin that happened in my life I heal from it and I'm ready to move on from that I'm I'm moving on from that chapter in my life but there's strength that is built through release release release God called Abraham to let go what he loved in Genesis chapter 22 and verse 2 God says then take your your son your only son whom you love Isaac and go to the region of Moriah and sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on the mountain that I will show you God says I want you to release what you love release what you love and strength is built his faith was strengthened by what he was willing to give up by what he was willing to give up my question to you is what is God asking you to trust him with and release from your life what is God asking you to trust him with and release from your life if something that God will say I want you to give this up because you cannot go up until you give up you got to be willing to give up some things and when God gets ready to promote you you got to give up your current level if he is going to give you a new pair of shoes to start wearing you got to take off the ones that you got on you got to release them and there's some people that can't be promoted because they won't release where they are they won't lise what they have in order to gain what God has for them here's the third thing is sometimes strength is built through remaining through remaining through sticking it out and God will tell you and I want you to run from this I want you to stay there and confront it I want you to talk through it I want you to pray through it I want you to work through it I want you to submit yourself to the process so that patients can have her perfect work in you you see the Apostle Paul reminding young Timothy to be committed to the process even when it is hard and he told him in 2nd Timothy chapter 2 and verse 3 he says endure suffering along with me as a good soldier of Christ Jesus endure suffering now listen whenever the Bible tells you to endure suffering it means that you're not gonna get a quick deliverance out of that it means that you're not he's not gonna ask answer that prayer where he's just gonna make your enemy drop dead he's gonna make you go through it and so sometimes when you pray God will deliver you from the fiery furnace other times when you pray God will make you fireproof when God is calling you to endure something he's making you fireproof it means that you're not gonna come out of the fire early he's gonna make you fireproof he'll make that fire not burn you when you come out it will not damage your clothing or your hair in other words God will sustain you supernaturally through it and when you come out on the other side you won't look like what you've been through you won't smell like what you've been through people will look at you you'll be telling that testimony and there's a girl not you man not you I know you didn't go through this but God will make it aware the fire that you were going through the hell that you were going through you don't look like what you've been through to be where you are and to have what you have God has a divine way of being able to preserve you but some time he'll say I'm gonna strengthen you by remaining because everybody that I know this kind of business has been tempted to quit it at some time when it got hard they said you know what I don't need this headache people stealing from me I don't need tax issues I don't need all of this unfaithful employees I need to give this you've been tempted to quit on your dream but God must says stick it in there stick in there stick in there hang in there hang during the tough time paint during the lean time because times are bouncy are coming and then you can go during the season of Baroness I'll let you enjoy a season of fruitfulness if you will just come here why you don't have anything and if you'll be faithful with a little bit I will bless you to have your back more locations you've got more money coming in most streams of income I declaring you in the name of Jesus if God can trust you to be faithful but you don't have two nickels to rub together God wants he blesses you then I'm telling you if he can trust you to praise him when you got just a little he knows that I can trust this person with resources and opportunities and position and power and he'll give you more than what you know what to do with you'll have to hire people to help you to manage everything that you've got I'm just here to declare to you that if you just hang on there and know God what in the world do I need to remain in so you can strengthen me and give me the grace to be what you call me to be and to do what you call me to do but here's a great question here is the great question that we have that God is asking when you're in the position and you're wondering god how do I do this how how do I do this it'll be difficult at times and you'll be asking God God give me some relief I need some relief the Apostle Paul the only reason that Paul could say this to Timothy is because Paul has been through it himself we see this story what he's been through it in 2nd Corinthians chapter 12 verse 8 through 12 concerning this thing he said I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might depart from me he was talking about his thorn in the flesh this thing that was eating at him this frustration that was in his life he's saying god I prayed three times take it away take it away and then God said to him my grace is sufficient for you my strength is made perfect in weakness and therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest me therefore I take pleasure in infirmities and reproaches in needs and persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake for when I am weak then I am strong Paul had been there himself strength has developed in the struggle strength has developed in the struggle strength has developed in the struggle one of the worst thing that you could ever do if you wanted to a butterfly is to cut the butterfly out of the cocoon while it's going from the larvae of a caterpillar through the transformation they have to break out using the strength of their own wings because it is the process of breaking out that then causes the veins to start spreading through their own wings and giving their wings strength so that when they come out their own breaking out if somebody cuts you out they would be crippled the butterfly could not fly and I'm just telling you there some of you that are in a waiting position right now in your life you in a cocoon you can barely move don't have many options but that's not a place of permanence it's a place of transformation it's a place of metamorphosis it's a place of where God is getting your attitude right it is a place where you need grace to be able to to be here because you don't have much wiggle room but God's making something different out of you and what God is doing while you're in your cocoon is he's causing you to sprout something that's going to give you a different mode of transportation because when you went into the cocoon you had to crawl in but when you come out [Applause] [Music] and a butterfly will never crawl again God has to shape your mindset he has to shape your mind and I just want to realize that the whole cocoon is formed about what came out of a caterpillars mouth they spin the cocoon by what comes out of their mouth you gotta tell people I'm not gonna always be crawling around in dirty stuff with you I'm on my way somewhere I'm getting ready to mount up with wings like an eagle I'm not gonna be crawling around in the dirt I'm getting ready and with the words of your mouth you are creating the atmosphere in which your metamorphosis is going to take place your change your transformation you gotta declare that finger being declared shall be established you gotta speak it out of your mouth that I am graced by God God is with me God is keeping me God is giving me strength in this I am strong he says let the weak say I am strong he didn't say confess your weakness he says let the weak say I am strong God is in you be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus there is a divine strength that's on the inside of you and it's designed to carry you to a place that you can't go by yourself you have to go and walk with Jesus and you have to allow him to be able to sustain you in the midst of everything that's happening in your life and the great question is what area is God challenging you to have the faithfulness to stick it out what area what area what area what area and then you might wonder asking yourself this question how do I know whether you are to resist or to release or to remain how do I know I'm not supposed to resist this am I supposed to let it go release it am I supposed to stick it out of remain in this thing but how do I know what to do I'll tell you you're gonna need the discerning of the Holy Ghost 1st Corinthians chapter 2 verse 14 notice the person without the spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness you'll be waiting on something other people tell you you're foolish for that and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the spirit that capital S means the Holy Spirit there are some things that are only discern through the holy spirit God didn't intend for you to be able to call a person he did intend for you to get out of a textbook it's gonna be a divine thing he might work it through a person but they'll call you and they'll open it up prophetically to you coming from a totally unsuspecting source that knew nothing about it in the natural and you know this is sure that God is like God I hear you I hear you talking to me Jesus I hear you read my mail I hear your Lord I hear your Lord and God will confirm that you need to remain God will confirm resist he'll confirm release let it go at their time you'll be in a difficult situation and then you pray after that thing and then for some reason you'll know that God has not given you a release to just walk off quit your job he's not giving you a release to walk out of there the relationship even though you know it is not ideal but he hasn't given you a release to go yet and you wonder God why about stuck why did you assign me I feel like I'm in prison I'll just tell you God has a way of being able to change your situation that way it's as though he commutes your sentence there's a divine work of God now Amaya 810 gives us an understanding of how we are able to do this he says don't be dejected and sad for the joy of the Lord is your strength the joy of the Lord is your strength another version says it this way is that the joy that you have is the evidence that you've got strength the joy that you have is the evidence that you've got strength because you've got a situation that's not ideal and yet you still got joy how could they still have joy how could they still smile knowing what they're going through how could they smile still dealing with cancer how could they smile the joy of the Lord is the evidence that you've got strength God's strength in your life and that strength doesn't just come from from your money there's not a strength that comes from your physical prowess or your natural giftedness or your network of relationships or your academic degrees or your accomplishment it doesn't even come by your great knowledge or wisdom that's why Psalms 3:5 tells us trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not depend on your own understanding he reminds us in proverbs chapter 3 and verse 7 don't be impressed with your own wisdom instead fear the Lord and turn away from evil 2nd Corinthians 10 4 and 5 reminds us that for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but of the flesh but they have divine power to destroy strongholds and we destroy arguments in every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God and take every thought captive to obey Christ it is the spiritual victory that actually grants us victory spiritual victory spiritual victory there's a spiritual victory that God desires for you to have and I'm just telling you you have to walk in a strength that doesn't come from just having a strong family and a strong mama or strong dad because sometimes you don't have a strong family and God had to give you a strong faith whenever you have strong circumstances you need a strong faith you need strong courage you need a strong vision to be able to walk and says God I've got to do this I don't have a choice and you realize that I'm gracious to do it I'm grace I've got a grace to do it it means that God trusts you with trouble you got a grace it reminds me of a poem that I I learned in the sixth grade entitled be strong by multiple babcom he says be strong that we are not here to play to dream to drift we have hard work to do in lodz to live shall not the struggle face it tis God's gift be strong say not the days are evil who's to blame and fold the hands in aqueous or shame stand up speak out and bravely in God's name be strong it matters not how deep entrenched the wrong how hard the battle goes the day how long faint not fight on for tomorrow comes the song and my question to you is have you found your song that helps you to endure your storm there's a song a victory that God sings over his people have you found your song our ancestors never would have made it through slavery without a song sometimes the pain becomes so intense that words even become insufficient and you have to [Music] there's some pains that you cannot articulate with your word and you have to just know to God he had knows how to interpret the groanings that come out of our spirit my question have you found your soul God always gives us a song the children of Israel had the song of Moses that he wrote when he delivered the people dr. Martin Luther King Hannah song we shall overcome that they would sing as the anthem of the civil rights movement it had a song every agenda of God flows on the wings of a song have you found your your song because it'll give you strength to be able to make it through your storm when injustice it's coming down on you and you don't understand the why is so hard [Music] [Music] to be [Music] sometimes you find your words even in your pain [Music] [Applause] [Music] we draw from from me [Music] I go I'm just gonna remind you that there is a God that will give you a song that will take you through some of the toughest of times when you're in darkness and you don't know what in the world to do you'll have to reach out to God and says yeah [Music] on me [Music] [Music] if you're in darkness make your wait out here [Music] [Applause] storm in your life me you need Jesus come on down here [Music] the line [Music] he loves that he sees the storm that you've been here he sees a battle that you've been dealing with and I came to remind weak people who have souls have run out of oxygen to be strong in the Lord be strong in the Lord you run out of your strength he's not asking you to muster up the strength from the inside of you you've already given out of your strength you need divine supernatural help sustained by the Spirit of God you need his help you need his strength you need his grace to be who God has called you to be and to do what God has called you to do today is your day today is your day today is your day is your day is your day is your day [Music] he loves you so much and that's a grace there's a grace that comes from God that will empower you to be able to do the words of Isaiah chapter 40 that they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength they shall mount up with wings like eagles they run and not be weary their walk and not faint the key is that they that wait upon the Lord not they that wait on the contract not the one that wait on the man or maid on the woman not the one that's waiting on the baby not the one that's waiting on the loan to be approved not the one that's waiting on the job they that wait upon the Lord upon the Lord when you wait on human beings when you wait on things you get exhausted you get frustrated when you wait on people to change you get filled with anxiety and frustration and anger this is not about waiting on a human being it's not waiting on situations to clear up they that wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lord wait upon the Lord it reminds you of what happens in a restaurant you go in the restaurant while you wait there serving and the message to you is to serve while you wait serve while you wait serve while you wait I cannot tell you you'll be in trouble yourself you'll need help yourself but God says I want you to serve while you we my friend Dodie Osteen was diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer she dribble up and loss all of this weight and till she was skin and bones and 89 pounds stage 4 liver cancer they told her it was inoperable they gave her no radiation they gave her no chemotherapy there was no operation available for her they sent her home to die she was in the bed waiting to die and her husband said to her one day if you believe that God has healed you the bed is not a place for well people he says why don't you get up and go down to the hospital and pray for sick people that was with a few years ago and she just all of a sudden sitting beside me she just began to weep I said don't Eve what's wrong and she said I was just sitting here reminiscing and 30 years ago the doctors told me that they sent me home to die she said today is the 30th anniversary of my healing by God's supernatural healing while she was out praying for other folks she could tell you when but while she was out praying for other people the Spirit of God was doing laser surgery on her and he was serving notice to the demons in her body to every malignant cell to the mustache the thing that had metastasized in her body he was speaking death and serving an eviction notice to her stage 4 liver cancer and it dried up and died and she doesn't know exactly when it happened oh that she knows is that she was healed as she went while she was serving healing to others God healed her and when you forget about yourself so god I know that I'm in pain I'm going through my own issues right now but God make me a blessing even while I'm trying to help somebody else make me a blessing make me a blessing let me pray for somebody else who needs prayer and I need prayer myself and he says but I'm gonna pray for somebody else and she said I'm gonna pray for somebody else's healing while I need healing myself and I declare to you in the name of Jesus that if you'll do for another person what you need to done while you you're doing that you'll be surprised that God will take care of your needs and never forget a number of years ago my mother was she left my baby brother at home sick she was scheduled to speak in her mother's heart was battling and she says God I can't leave my child my child is sick and all of a sudden she heard the voice of the Lord say this to her if you go and tell them about my son I'll take care of yours and Mama went on and obeyed God when her heart was there with her baby and that she was obeying God when she got back home her child was healed I'm just here to tell you today I'm not telling you something that I read in somebody else's book I'm telling you about the realness of a God that I know then when you wait upon the Lord even though it is wearing you down and you're wondering God should I try to stick this thing out should I just let it go God should I resist it what in the world should I do God will give you a divine instruction by the Holy Spirit he'll begin to speak to your heart and the elite you and he'll guide you it is a promise of his word that I'll be with you and I will lead you and I'll guide you want you to stretch your hand toward these folks that are here we want to pray for them we hope that you enjoyed that message don't forget to Like and subscribe and then press the notification bell so that you don't miss another one of our videos and if you want to partner with us click the give Now button thank you for what you do you
Channel: woffamily
Views: 291,831
Rating: 4.8947735 out of 5
Keywords: Bishop Dale C. Bronner, Word of Faith Family Worship Cathedral, Church, Sermon, Faith, Encouragement, Hope
Id: 3-yN_81N190
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 2sec (3662 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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