Bishop Tudor Bismark - This Kind

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praise the Lord I'm going to share a little thought with you my presentation today is going to take on the characteristic of a fairly lengthy set of scriptures that we read which is necessary a handful of definitions that we'll go through are then run a a running historical commentary on the key feature of the text and then we'll make a home application for today let's go to Acts chapter number 12 starting from verse 1 and then we'll go to Matthew chapter number 17 verse 19 now about that time Herod the King stretched forth his hands to vex certain of the church knowing that if he vex certain of the church it would affect the church itself and he killed James the brother of John with the sword and because he saw it pleased the Jews he proceeded further to take Peter also and those were the days of unleavened bread feast of Passover and when he had apprehended him he put him in a prison and delivered him to the four continents of soldiers to keep him intending that after Easter to bring him forth to the people Peter therefore was kept in the inner prison but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him verse 23 and immediately the angel an angel of the Lord smote him because he did not give God the glory and Herod was eaten of worms and gave up the ghost verse 24 but the Word of God grew and multiplied the Word of God grew and multiplied I am going to go to Matthew 17 the disciples came to Jesus apart and said why could we not verse 19 Matthew 17 verse 19 why could we not cast him out that's the devil that was in this boy and Jesus said to them gives the two reasons why the devil wouldn't come out first reason because of your unbelief because of your unbelief because of your unbelief well verily I say to you if you had faith as a grain of mustard seed you will say to this mountain remove hence to yonder place and he shall remove and nothing shall be impossible unto you how be it second reason why you couldn't cross him out how be it this kind goes only by pray and fasting this kind for a few minutes it's time to deal with this kind it's time to deal with this kind tell someone it's time to deal with this kind father thank you for your blessing pray for your your anointing in this service we pray that not only yokes will be broken but that gifts will be empowered in the name of Jesus amen I'm looking for a clock and a timer if I can please receive a guide oh there it is right up there so small as a small clock amen boy Africans you need a lot bigger clock that's me sure your world is a reflection your world is a reflection of your inner self everything in your world is a reflection of your inner self you want to fix the outside you got to fix the inside first number two your world is a reflection of your knowledge your knowledge because if you knew different you would be different so we perish for lack of knowledge so your world is a reflection of what you know and simultaneously your world is a reflection of what you don't know because if you knew what you don't know you wouldn't be what you is number three and most importantly for this presentation your world is a reflection of your wisdom your wisdom knowledge and wisdom are separate things knowledge and wisdom are separate things no time to define that but your world is a reflection of your wisdom so when you pray for wisdom as you should James said in 1:5 if you lack wisdom and we do we should ask of God that gives to all men liberally and abrades not but you have to ask in faith not wavering for he that waves like the wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed let not that man think he shall receive anything from the Lord for a double minded person is unstable in all their ways so it is scriptural to pray for wisdom and that's something we ought to ask God for so when you pray for wisdom and God gives you wisdom and he will and he does one of the ways it's evident that God has given you wisdom is God as a relationship to your life God as a relationship to your life so when I pray for wisdom God adds a microt puts into my life now the the reason for that relationship is not just friendship that - the reason for that relationship is God is answering my prayer I now suddenly have access to Bishop its world because this is a reflection of his wisdom this so I have to respect and honor and protect the relationship because his relationship is an answer to my initial prayer give me wisdom so when I walk into a world like this I shouldn't be frivolous I shouldn't be irresponsible and so I make notes of everything I'm counting lights why does Bishop have so many lights and and if you don't know anything about cinematography that wasn't the place to laugh it was a place to see live why does he have so many lights I'm counting cordless microphones um watch your brother over there with the sound desk on his iPad thank God you didn't put it on bishops lab to control the sound but there's a brother controlling sound on his iPad other well that's interesting I'd heard of that and finally now I see so I now understand that that wisdom is is is part and parcel of a person's framework of thoughts and when we were in the back in the green room bishops office we could hear the pitter-patter of feet up and down and it was very very relieving and wonderful to to hear little feet running up and down and there was no need for any sort of apology because that is a sign of the future this church has placed a lot of emphasis on children's ministry now it's not it's not it's not that that this church needs children's ministry that - it's the wisdom that's applied to putting so much time effort and money into that so you as a person when you come into this church you have to recognize that you are participating in someone's wisdom and so when we're dealing with issues of wisdom and and knowledge we then have to define laws and systems laws and systems a law basically is a principle that causes something to function causes a thing to function and a a law is I wrote this one when I was in Nigeria a law is a fundamental series of thoughts and ideas that when applied produce the desired results that when applied producer desires result fundamental series of thoughts and ideas that when those thoughts and ideas are applied they produce a desired result now anytime you have laws laws come first and then are placed in systems a system very succinctly a system or systems are and are an inter connected series of persons places things and events interconnected series of persons places things and events that are self-sustaining self-perpetuating organized to produce certain outcomes that's a lot of definitions there but it's important for where we're going so systems are generally a set of things that work together and so there are certain systems that are dependent on others and there are certain systems that don't need others for example I am speaking through a microphone which functions in a sound system it is a system the sound system is highly dependent and cannot function without the system of electricity Nayla krisily will get on just by itself it doesn't need sound to cause it to function but as it applies to this system the sound system is dependent upon a different superior system now the law governing sound is that sound travels at 750 miles per hour at sea level because of the density of the air at sea level 14.5 pounds per square inch Sun will travel at 750 miles per hour at a different altitude probably 743 miles per hour electricity or light travels at 186,000 miles per second in straight lines that's the way it functions that's the law and their govern within systems and so there are certain systems that are necessary to cause a thing to function desire is never adequate desire is a first initial step desire then has to be placed within the confines of a system of wisdom to get a desired result and so somehow strangely God has associated certain portions of his manifestation now we know his everywhere God is everywhere we call that omnipresence but there's a difference between omnipresence and manifested presence for this cause was the son of God manifested to destroy the works of the devil so even though God is everywhere you still have to have a holiest of holies so we can show up even though he's everywhere and the way you get him to manifest himself in the holiest of Holies you have to go through a certain system observing certain laws how am i doing how am i doing I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying and so when God creates something when he creates something he names it and puts it to function within a system so when I walk into a church like this it's not just chairs thrown everywhere a lot of thought has gone into the colors are interesting I'm wondering what's the deal with the colors and so I'm making notes I'll ask a few questions later etc etc the type of music the tone of music all of those things and but I'm also watching the secret service here in their nice tan jackets and amen black trousers and I'm wondering why certain are sitting a certain place there's a reason for it there's a reason for it is it possible that you know we've seen it in different places that the men sitting in the places they said have been trained for example in case of an event that somebody runs in here with a gun etc etc and so if you're sitting here you mustn't even take that likely because these individuals are here to keep you safe and to keep me safe I don't know I don't know you know got a brother from Africa somebody might want to send you see Jesus prematurely and so so obviously there are things that you are not aware of that have been thought out very carefully and meticulously including the place you park your car is not just park anywhere are you crazy there's a system by which certain things have to function how am i doing so far all right all right so so so when we dealing then with with attitudes of Prayer to break into a presence of God it is amazing that even though Gandhi is sovereign and he chooses to bless where he wills but generally there has to be the agency of prayer that activates God to move in a specific way and just about every revival that you ever read about or study you will find that preceding that revival there's been an initiative concerted initiatives of prayer point to prayer now prayer system brothers is answered in one of three ways and we are in the season in this church where God's about to answer prayers there's a lot of prayers that are about to be answered in the next few weeks prayers that people have been praying sometimes even for years there's going to be a speak of answered prayers miracles take place it's a Yamaha yeah I've got a feeling a feeling of feeling a feeling of Philips and and so pray is answered in three different realms the first realm that prays answered in which is quite interesting is the realm of human will pray is answered in the realm of human will in other words a human being is going to be the answer to the prayer that you pray I'll break that down in a minute the second round which is quite interesting as well is prayers are answered in the realm of the Angelica where God uses angels to bring answers to our prayers and the third realm in which prayers answered is where the big Jesus steps in the room and answers your prayer anyway Oh clean it up in here Oh a feeling a feeling you can feel it rolling amen someone watching via Internet you're about to receive a miracle right in your house right in your place where you are God's about to bless somebody in a significant way miracles are about to break out all over this room shamba come on Holy Ghost come on Holi does but god I feel like running through a troop and jumping over a wall let me deal very basically with the realm of human will some years ago I was speaking at a church in Texas and Cheech and I had a medical program and a project that we were embarking on and we needed $100,000 to help with that program and that's a lot of money anyway in the world and so we were believing and praying and so on and so forth and early that morning was Sunday early hours of the morning I was awakened and the Lord spoke to me very clearly and we're not going to get too technical about God speaking and so on and so forth but you understand with a brother saying and the Lord has sent to me said to me then I send somebody I prepared somebody that will give you that $100,000 check this morning for that project because the project is my will and I finance what I will so I was all happy or jovial or jumpy and so on and so forth preaching my little heart away and then at the end of the service we received the offering and there was no check for $100,000 and so when I got back to the room I was a little depressed and late that night I was asking the Lord I said was i tripping or did I really hear from you and this is what the Holy Spirit said to me said he was there the man was there he was there with his check to give you a monastery of $100,000 well when the offering bucket came by he changed his mind he changed his mind he changed his mind he changed his mind and so I then realized that my prayer was in the hands of human weel the answer to my prayer was in the hands of human will so a few days later I got a phone call from the late Isaiah Williams in Miami and he said to me Bishop Bismark please can you come to Miami I need you to pray over this project I have he said I know I know your f Restonic gift will bust open this thing I'm trying to buy a city block and I said to myself I cannot come I have to go it's one of those deals you know I married a wife I bought a cow she she's waiting for me I have to go home and he said to me said you've got to come you've got to come making flight changes and so on was rather expensive he said it doesn't matter I just feel you have to come so I went it was an off night it was a Wednesday night and after I priest the very average message there was nothing you know interesting was spectacular anything no key revelation and when I finished I was wandering in my head but what is that all about there was nothing a super Macondo vyas about the whole thing I was like what in the world was that and so as I'm walking back to my seat the side he put an envelope in my hand he said I know you're gonna be busy this people come to see you this is your honorarium i said thank you so much bishop and i stood there I mean he barely he barely addressed the congregation and he said to his secretary said God just spoke to me go right now and write Bishop Bismarck a check for $100,000 so the answer to my prayer was in the hands of human will human will a few months ago on a Sunday morning I hardly wear a watch you know I mean the cellphone does everything now almost make a cup of coffee if you speak to be nice and so I put on a rather elaborate watch while I was going to church just for for whatever reason and in the middle of praise and worship the Holy Spirit said to me give you a watch to could Z and I know that voice took it off and walk straight you could see who's one of our paths in our church and put in his hands he was not crying because that morning his child had broken his watch and the Lord said to me said this is the end of an old era for you you are going to get a watch and it's going to be a sign of a new era in your life so God used me because initially initially I was going to say to God well you want to have a given watch give your own watch but God used me to answer cutsies prayer because he said where am I gonna get another watch God already had somebody that was gonna answer his prayer now listen to me here so many of you are struggling because there is some bank manager not that I'm against any or some Clark sitting in the municipality building somewhere that that is refusing to let your papers go through somebody's sitting with the contract for some reason they don't want you to have the contract and they keep on putting your papers on the bottom you prayed six years ago you prayed a month ago and it's in the realm of human will the devil is a liar we come to every individual and we say in the name of Jesus if you are holding back my prayer either you have to change your mind or you gotta get out in the name of Jesus two minutes two minutes let me just work this just a little a few years ago was teach and I won doing that well and so I started doing what we call cross-border trading golda South Africa import goods income you know offload them at home it's a very painful experience going through our boredom is painful it's painful amen is painful did I say it's painful it's very painful and it's something that you know you just don't do for a summer vacation or an afternoon a break and so well we were importing your car because I didn't have a car I didn't ever motor vehicle and so I took my little boys to help us offset the duty because the duties were like 125 percent just to bring in the ground so any little but to help save was was a help so I walk into the customs office Bishop and this guy comes in from the back you know get a big head he like comes in from the back and he says to me you're not going through today so I'm looking over my back and and he says you you you're not going through today I said but why you don't even know me said even if I knew you or not you are not going through today you are slipping at the border tonight so I thought it was rather interesting and like the rock I raised my right eyebrow and so I then presented my papers and he said no they wrong they wrong and so I try to get them in order he said they right he said now you're gonna pay duty and the duty was excessive and so that back then we used to do Zimbabwe dollar traveler's checks to pay the duty and he was a book like that so I was signing away signing away and when I gave him the amount he says to me these cheques the signatures are not consistent because one difference from the other I was scientist like you know over 200 cheques and because of the amount and he said they're not consistent and already the banks were closed it was after banking hours he said you're not going through because I'm not accepting these cheques so I to leave the card was now dark it was late the boys that and eaten all day went around the corner and put put the boys in a little hotel early the next morning I went to the bank and price machi who was a bank manager there we walk together in my early years in banking he said children there's nothing wrong with these checks he said no just put them to you account and I'll issue you with a with a bank cheque for the customs office and so when I walked in there that guy was they says to me I told you you one going through he said how was your night so initially I wanted to curse him with the fleas of a thousand camels under his armpits and teach and I've been believing God for a long time but the answer to my prayer was in the realm of human will there are some people that are so nasty they're so belligerent they can answer your prayer God has spoken to them and and I'll tell you what even in church on Sunday when you're supposed to do something and you don't do it you have you have relegated the will of God to human will let me say this in the human realm the will of God is more the will of man is more powerful than the will of God human will in the human realm is more powerful than the will of God don't eat that fruit she eats it we all shaft it Jesus has afraid not my will but thine be done because he had one to exorcise and so when when you are on the receiving end of a blessing and somebody has has been used by God to answer that prayer you'd better know that that person is so mightily sensitive being used by God and if you are on the other side if God talks to you about doing anything if the Lord tells you to take a meal to a certain house you better make sure you take that meal because somebody has been praying for food I took too much time with that realm number two the angelic realm the most significant a commentary on this and this ever but Daniel 10 is the most significant where Daniel has this incredible encounter with God in Daniel 9 where he understands by books that slavery is about to end based on Jeremiah 25 verse 11 and 12 and Daniel says I set my face to begin to pray he repents for his sins there's none recorded against him for that of his family none recorded against them and then repents for the sins of Israel and at the end of this long prayer this prophetic prayer an angelic force Gabriel leading the force manifests and says I am here to give you skill and understanding and Ganga begins to accelerate the process of slavery coming to an end then in Chapter number 10 Daniel he's asking God for something specific and he begins to fast for that answer to prayer 21 days later the angel of the Lord comes and says Daniel o man of God the first day you prayed God heard and answered your prayer but as I was bringing your answer I don't understand that as I was assigned to bring your answer I was confronted with this demonic canopy over your life over the atmosphere and I couldn't break through in other words your prayer was answered 21 days ago your prayer was answered six months ago your prayer was answered a year ago but the problem is there's a demonic canopy that's refusing to let the answer come through because that devil knows if that answer ever comes through baby you'll be too hot to handle so here I am telling the demonic cross you better step back right now oh we bind every demonic canopy over our lives and declare the answer is coming cut your hands for answered prayer come on come on Devils are moving spirits have to go answers are coming breakthrough is eminent No the third realm in which prey is answered and again we don't have time to develop too much of this the third room in which prey is answered is in the realm of sovereign will where God just steps in the room and does it anyway and I don't understand the other realms too well but I know they do exist but the realm of sovereign will where God just answers anyway Bible says the Lord spoke to Isaiah the prophet and said go and tell Hezekiah to get his house in order because he's going to die tonight and Isaiah who has a relationship with Hezekiah says Oh king this is what God told me to tell you and he gives him what God said and then suddenly sisters and brothers he's walking out from the Kings Court and he's walking through the dining hall if you look at the commentary as he's walking through the Lord says to Isaiah go back and tell the king that he's great to live longer but what happened was Hezekiah began to pray a simple prayer and if you read the contents of that prayer the prayer won't even take you a minute it's less than 60 seconds if you read the prayer and so there's no human will involved there's no angel involved isaiah elvis hasn't even left the building it's a 60 second prayer and god jumps all up in there and says to isaiah tell the man of god I'm giving him almost 15 years of his life God's about a jump in someone's head right now and answer your prayer he's waiting and waiting and waiting for a moment to answer your prayer and all over this room all over this place God's about an answer prayers in a significant way cut your hands were answered prayer let's now deal with this incorrigible miscreant Herot from chapter number 12 of the book of Acts the Herod's are an interesting family a bad lots with genetic evil that's the editor II the Herod's as a family descend from Esau who are cousins to the real thing is though as you know would never commit himself to spiritual things but he loved the association of spirituality only when when it was convenience and of course the the Herod's coming from the Esau work on Everest hunters they had their roots in animalism and cruelty they have what a writer termed the pottage syndrome well they'll sell anything including the anointing for the right price and they have very evil and dangerous traits historically the Herod's come into being shortly after the Romans come to power in a world stage and what it literally happened was Alexander at the age of 33 commits suicide after he's expanded the combined Grecian States into a Greek Empire and on his way from northern eastern India a western India he commits suicide along the banks of the river Euphrates this blow to the Grecian system forced the kingdom or the Empire to be be divided into form one of the sectors was covering what is called the bridge of the world Palestine and the general that got that bridge Palestine was general Antiochus Epiphanes this man was very cruel and in his attempt to enforce his authority on an already volatile region and of course if you read from Malachi and the next chapter one of Matthew there's 400 years thereof so-called silent years but in those 400 years there's tremendous activity under the Maccabees family there's Matthias Maccabee Judah Maccabee and so on fighting the the the tyrants such as Antiochus who was trying to impose a system on the spiritual end roads that Israel had made and so in this time after the Grecians fall apart their kingdoms now divided into four the Romans aspire but Palestine is thought a volatile region it's so given too much rebellion and much instability and so what the Romans did they then brought in a Jew somebody that was not spiritual enough for somebody that was highly ambitious and they found the Herod's family and they brought Herod the first one called Herod the King brought him to Rome and programmed him with Roman ideology and put the Roman system in his head knowing that he would also knowing the people that he was serving would appease their need and that Herod himself would be the vessel and he would be the go-between between Rome and of course the Jewish people to endear himself to this group of people that didn't acknowledge him has King because he was not from the tribe of Judah he was a distant relative from Esau but to endear himself to the people he took on the task of building the temple because Antiochus Epiphanes had destroyed the temple and in the abomination of desolation Antiochus Epiphanes sacrificed a pig in the holiest of Holies and so that was still fresh in the minds of the Jewish community so to endear himself King Herod built a temple that is referred to in John chapter number 146 years in the building and Matthew chapter number 24 verse 3 when the disciples say what a great jumper we have Herod took time to build it he got Roman money and Roman labor and boots an incredible temple and he was now in geared in the hearts of the Jews they said well he can't be that bad if he's born as a temple but Herod the Great to enforce his authority was a very cruel man he then passed on his kingdom to his next son Herod the Great this Herod is the hair as you find in John uh where he kills all the babies in Bethlehem when Jesus is born this Herod was a miscreant a hater of anyone that challenged his authority this Herod system brothers killed not just the babies when Jesus was born but he also killed his three sons publicly because they hinted it was time for him to move on he drowned his brother-in-law Aristotle is publicly who challenged his authority over certain decisions he strangled his beautiful wife to death at a place called Masada in his ivory a summer palace his wife's name was Mary Jane he strangled her and as he was killing her he said I love you but don't you ever cross me publicly this man was so terrible that he knew the day he dies people around the country will be celebrating his death and so he commissioned his most powerful generals to kill firstborn sons throughout the land of Israel so that the day he died they would be Mourning even though the morning was not going to be for him it was going to be for sons but he was guaranteeing that there'd be no silly celebrations over his passing Herod the Great after him comes Herod Archelaus he was banished by Caesar Augusta because of his misrule he was then succeeded by the Herod that Jesus in John the Baptist dealt with the sees Herod Antipas or Herod the Tetrarch Jesus called him that old Fox this Herod was lecher not only was Electress but he was driven by greed and avarice over a handful of dollars in over an act of lechery had John the Baptist beheaded and he was this Herod that first tried to force Jesus to perform a miracle after him they came Herod the Terrible this guy we're dealing with here in Acts chapter 12 come to him in a man I just hang with me I'm nearly there associated with this family was Herod Agrippa Herod that Paul said when he preached to him he said to Paul you almost persuaded me to be a Christian their odious the wife of Philip lived with Herod the terrible the teet rock and then finally this Herod we're dealing with a very wicked man he took pleasure in killing people he was schooled incidentally by Caligula who preceded Nero and this Emperor and stir in his heart that there's only one God and it's Caesar don't allow this new movement and its leaders call Christianity don't allow this new movement to overrule our philosophy our laws and the systems we've so meticulously put in place and so this Herod in Chapter 12 of Acts arrested James the brother of John and after he arrested him he had him killed publicly and after he killed James he saw that a certain sector of the people rejoiced in it so he then went and arrested Peter and put Peter in jail but there's one thing that this Herod couldn't couldn't count on and that was the faithfulness and the loyalty of the soldiers that were around Peter and there's one thing that he didn't understand that this group he was trying to put out we had a weapon of mass destruction he the Bible says out the arrested I don't understand why why the Lord allowed James to be killed that's another study but I know that in the attempt to kill Peter and muzzle his voice the church got up and started praying on a level they never prayed before now if you read the book of Acts every chapter deals with prayer they are praying all the time but somehow it's time to deal with this kind there's this kind of spirit that we have to say enough is enough we're mobilizing in a way we've never mobilized before and I thank God for the house and the car and the shoes and the travel and all of that but there has to be a place in your life where something more has got to be given someone's got to say amen and so the heavens have been running now for almost a hundred and fifty years unchallenged and unmatched but now they are about to find their match children brothers God will allow evil to go just so far but when he crosses a line when he crosses the line something has got to be done someone's got to stand up someone's gonna say something as long as it's somebody else's child it doesn't bother you too much but the money is your chance now you start getting all coops I can tell you in the place devil you cross the line you cross the line you cross the line now you're about to see your church get up and mobilize prayer is about to be made continually without ceasing by the church to queue with some things it's high time that the cycles of revival come again mariko signs and wonders come again powerful apostolic gives activated and released again it's time for prayers to be answered again it's time for people to have their yolks broken off again brothers to be lifted again it's time for the power of God to be made manifest devil we're standing now we're not giving an inch we've given too much ground we're not giving an inch this type of the sky is type of this kind and in the realm God is looking for individuals that will stand up Moses and be counted look for Elijah's to stand up and say we're taking it system brothers it's time now for us not just in this country but around the world for the church to stand up and say we are the body of Christ the Church of the Living God and we have tests that God answers prayer and that God moves in mysterious and wonderful ways revival is not just enough to break out in one place but we need a move of God that will spread you out and bless and move and challenge and break someone or to keep the Lord of Hannah Prince stand with me let's pray let's pray don't stop praying for your kids don't lose hope on your son or your daughter in prison someone stronger on crack some way in a crack house or something crazy don't give up on your country don't give up listen to me very carefully it's a key year for the United States 2016 not enough to pray 24 hours before the elections Zakia we have to pray I'm not even an American but we pray we pray for the direction because if this country sneezes the whole world gets a cold and so now it's time for this kind of anointing to rise up - rise up it's time for significant individuals mom you're a midwife you were prayer warrior you have to mobilize that force in your spirit for those that might be retired and don't have much to do during the day we're calling for you to pray that God's sovereign will would be released in this country from shorter shining Shore we praying for that we're praying for that we're praying for that we want to extend our friend not just for our kids to be saved we're all daughter to marry the right man we want to extend our prayer that that in the legislature both in the state and and in the capital that God would move on a handful of individuals and anoint them to bring great and mighty things tell someone God's about to answer your prayer man when he answers your prayer remember you got to pray for the bigger picture but I pray for the bigger picture father we pray that faith would rise we pray that faith would rise increase our faith increase our faith and father we pray right now that you put a Grace on our lives to press into this kind this kind this kind look at me for a minute as human beings we are disadvantaged in dealing with the demonic world for several reasons number one we can't see them there might be a few evil spirits whatever the case might be could be in the room we know the eye angels in the room because your angel came with you we know that but but we are assuming that they could be evil spirits and how do I know that Matthew 13 says that when the word is song of the kingdom the bird to the air snatched them immediately so there has to be some activity in the room but we can't see them we're disadvantaged when you go to bed they could be watching you over your bed at night where we can't see them we can sense it from time to time number two we add disadvantages because I'm just 58 years old 58 years old when I came into the world in 1957 there was a demonic world that was there from the very beginning of the human era the first man Adam was tempted and they are very familiar with with human traits human behavior there are highly intellectual beings highly skilled very knowledgeable they are they are chief psychologists they understand human psychic and human behavior and we still have to learn some of these things so we are disadvantaged we're disadvantaged because we don't know number three the history of our lives we don't know I don't know what happened in in barely a hundred years ago in my life I have no idea I learned at my dad's funeral I learned at my dad's funeral five years ago that my dad's grandfather our great grandfather was a preacher that was hidden from me we learned that my great-granddad both churches in Malawi and some of those churches are still standing that was hidden from me I was 55 54 years old when I first had knowledge of that so for all those years preaching for 30-something years I was deprived of generational blessing because I had no knowledge of what was happening in my life but we are advantaged we are advantage because the spirit that dwells in us is the Spirit of Christ it's a quickening live spirit and and no weapon formed against us shall be able to prosper and every tongue that rises in condemnation is judged already that we as believers as believers we have power to cast out Devils I beheld Satan fall from heaven like lightning and we have been given power over all unclean spirits and so devil with Giggy in now as just advantages as we may be with Giggy you know we are demanding and commanding a revival and a move of God what Bishop has been pushing is right the greatest revival the greatest revival was in the most unlikely place by an 8 and 8 word sermon 8 word sermon yet forty days and Nineveh shall be destroyed there's no revelation in that there's no exegesis in that just 8 words and the King made everyone fast for three days and pray including the animals called a a citywide fast and prayer and after they fasted and prayed for three days God didn't send an angel God didn't even send a man God stepped in the room and wrote a a citywide national revival a national revival is coming the devil is a liar so with his mother-in-law is coming join hands let's pray father we thank you for the move of God in this country we thank you for the move of God in my country we thank you for the move of the Holy Spirit in every family here every family every family every family every family amen every family every family every family every family send revival in families families save families father send your spirit to draw backsliders draw them draw them draw them re-release angelic activity far beyond we can see or even anticipate we release it in the name of Jesus now here's your homework you have two homeworks your first homework you're going to pray a little more I know you do pray a little more your second homework is in your prayer it's Scripture what to do so you're going to release angels release angels scripture will release angels into households if you have a son in or a daughter-in-law or a daughter or child or relative a sister a brother that's having challenges send an angel someone other than three instructs us to send an angel they waiting for your command send an angel send an angel the name of Jesus let's sing it once let's sing it once let heaven touch come on we see the let's read ha everybody let's sing it the this put your hands together
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Views: 68,258
Rating: 4.8807945 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone, Church, Cstone, Toledo, Michael Pitts, God, Christ, Praise, Worship, Ohio, Jesus, Faith, This Kind, Tudor Bismark, Bishop, Wisdom, Prayer, Pray, Gospel, Pastor, Community, Lord, Holy, Ministries, Preaching, Ministry, Apostolic
Id: flc0SYMsKOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 38sec (3338 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 06 2015
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