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the longest answer wins everyone we are crew and today we're gonna figure out who has the biggest brain out of all of us starting with I'm gonna hard questions because we're not babies wow what are the types of chemical reactions oh [Music] explosive no physical I forgot the words okay salty this isn't working oh no okay so my brain just farted real quick so let's not ignore that name a term that starts with fairy what oh easy easy I need help what was it very Licious very oh very oh that's what you mean I stole it oh you know what I'm gonna wave tsunami right Z hurricane yeah what I got one tornado hurricane doesn't work that's stupid that's not a natural disaster it is natural are you saying hurricanes are you have to name the type um well that's a Roblox oh no rainbows down all right give an ocean name like uh-oh Pacific Ocean is it or do we name it oh Pacific oh the Indian Ocean oh look at how many words you guys have Atlantic let's go for another one what are the birds that cannot fly oh I know this that's not really long to fly or a penguin a pink out your answers how are you supposed to hey lunar said Penguins because you failed chance it's hard mode and then we're stuck with name a bad job for someone who's accident prone what does that mean what name a bad job delivery person delivery construction worker doesn't work I wrote delivery it doesn't work none of this works uh Love Prayer yes I spelled it wrong oh I forgot I busted my nails my nails messed it up I spelled it wrong how are you still alive uh wait what's oh my gosh I'm stupid oh you were thinking about the brand funny funny about the bread I swear I saw an ad with a gecko a tie I could have wrote home insurance I think we should go orange Insurance you guys this card was too hard can we go with easy yeah easy for breakfast for rainbow I hope easy is actually easy because that was quite embarrassing I know everyone's screaming whoever knew those answers they're screaming from the top of their lungs right now yeah don't worry guys I know example of something that has a pair airpods a pair Luna's triggered gloves and socks I wrote oh I'm so annoyed yeah this is easy name a superhero uh I don't want a long name I want one of the really long names wait wait Draco did you space it no okay no spaces okay in our solar system they're trying to think of the long one Jupiter I can't think of along Jupiter trash Oh I'm just gonna go with you but it's like the longest you can get isn't there a planet with a long name that's not our solar probably don't remember I would have tried to Kepler but what are things you'd usually store in your wallet well money is basic money [Music] sorry lunar I think simple if I put American Express would it would have no no no no Brands no Brands oh okay let's go example of a thing that is cold uh Iceberg didn't work and articles name something you might see Out on the Ocean got it a type of building that always seems to be cold an igloo you like making stuffed red red hot glass shall you ring Luna now you're just being toxic hey give me my blocks back give me funny wait guys look I beat that game wow I was so smart what a cheat that didn't count round three the real round no round two round two the other one didn't count what desserts do kids like ow well I was a kid ah I like ice cream ice cream cake pudding it doesn't let you put ice cream cake how dare I know we need more detail in this game but it is fun name something people do while watching fireworks uh um hold watch fireworks I wonder if this is gonna work drinking what I did hold hands wait what do you do when you watch fireworks dancing doesn't work hold hands doesn't work either way Jacko YouTube enable something you feel oh angry sadness emotional happiness I hate this game I put excitement I think it's because Rainbow's overthinking it and she's dead name one thing you would find in a pencil case are you gonna put s's at the end or it just doesn't work you're right I don't know sometimes it doesn't happen I love colorful by the way Draco cheated look at it [Music] um name a month with 31 days [Music] October although February would have been long is that a hint fabric doesn't have 31 days nice try [Music] gold you don't know October my birth month I'm so sorry something that your younger brother wants to do hey younger brother be annoying be annoying I wanna blog it didn't work game doesn't work I don't know this is too bad yeah uh be annoying didn't work guys what works all right name a day in the week away Monday Saturday Wednesday Wednesday I don't like this Wednesday's always tricky to spell yeah that's why I sounded out like that really far oh we're about to hit our trophies give one name of the seven dwarfs in Snow White I don't remember dumby how about dumb I did a dumby I don't remember me what Eddie can you name something in your mouth wisdom tooth that's way too specific Tom I'm I'm too I'm too close I'm not gonna try being yeah I'm I'm not gonna try piggy um what's that thing in your mouth the uvula the thing in the back yeah yeah well you can try riding that Draco oh thanks okay we're up pretty high example of something that has a pair foreign I don't count that rounds either I ignore that one well I think the chaining wheels are off we gotta go to normal okay listen up everyone rainbow has over thought it rainbow are we gonna overthink anymore no I'm gonna write the most simplest and simple yes and you could put an S at the end draco's not supposed to be up there it's supposed to be me the true long answers that I steal from Draco anyway all right name a green fruit honey just honeydewer I'm scared no no she doesn't work what watermelon watermelon watermelon Oh that's come on buddy do it watermelon watermelon yeah name a precious gem of course oh you copied me Draco I know I didn't Emerald is my birthstone well I like to do gem Emerald of course how could you forget that you should have spelled opal no opal's too short lunar what did you put in that gout rejected I put an amethyst oh did you spell it what might you put in your coffee cream sugar uh something longer creamer creamer while Jack was your fault you yelled it out I was just giving it yeah like it's hard for us to read it like it's it's better if you don't say it name something people do while riding a roller coaster screaming your butts off screen I want to type raise your hands but I'm pretty sure it's not gonna work gold you should try to raise your hands I put screaming and it didn't work yeah I put screaming too because technically guys okay what do we got now a board you can write on I think whiteboard's longer uh it's actually the same great yeah same amount of chalkboard whiteboard Smart Board yeah yeah got it I mean we're heading up pretty high crew can you think of one real thing that you cannot see I can think [Music] not oxygen I put in ghosts and it didn't work you can't see air gold star video come on oxygen counts how dare you Draco carbon dioxide name a shoe brand oh uh um um textures are real did I spell sketches wrong oh I was gonna write Vans but Luna wrote Converse so I won't steal from Adidas yes that's right I didn't I didn't I wrote band I wanted to do Louis boutons but I didn't know how to spell it what is something people do in sleep do you think snoring will work or sleep it doesn't work this game doesn't work for me yeah Sleepwalk that's so smart oh what are the places where you are not allowed to touch anything um a museum yeah I was gonna say that I spout Museum wrong didn't I yeah bye-bye I'm scared okay name a sport with an A and then an F what food no name of sport but getting with an F what oh my gosh can we have a legit game I could buy neon blocks yes I saw okay let's get this let's try hard this time guys no this is the actual round no more cheating this is the for real round okay I know we keep saying it a Greek God's name oh no Luna knows these I got Zeus [Music] are you kidding me I spell Zoo well gold now the water's gonna rise and it's gonna sue you last time [Music] soon oh my gosh I almost smelled economic typed earthquakes tsunami oh wait earthquake is yeah why'd you put earthquake really big word okay water is rising questions are good keeping a good pace name something that only happens once every few years solar eclipse is that really yeah thank you oh I spelled it wrong I was scared that leap year wouldn't work oh my gosh Nails I spout leap year something you might eat with crackers cheese yeah the cheese is so short yeah apple jam green cheese no chocolate would you rather I'm just gonna do cheese to be simple bread spinach tea okay keep going or tomato [Music] example of a type of bear I swear if this isn't do I write bear at the end or do I just type in Grizzly yeah yeah no don't say don't write the bear okay you know you have one more chance all right name something you never leave home without like cards obviously a phone on my phone oh wait or a wall oh you should have said out loud I am not risking it I just don't want to be ready credit card yep aluminum no gold we're not typing right he's trying to snap example of a continent [Music] no worse do we space it North America is the longest one yes did you space that yes no it's funny you have a rainbow okay give us a good question rainbow things that people lie on their resume wait what leadership doesn't work skill doesn't work hard worker what no no I don't know I don't understand I'm gonna reduce the water no no no you see at a museum obviously paint oh oh paintings statues oh paintings you wrote Mona Lisa I'm sorry Luna remember what we said about overthinking goodbye oh no oppression give a dinosaur name oh pterodactyl okay I'm just gonna spell it's not Tyrannosaurus Direction I can't even spell any of them have you seen that Tick Tock the pressure is rising goodbye spell dinosaur names it's my one weakness do not ask me how to spell a dinosaur I put an H I should have just wrote T-Rex it would have saved my life [Music] final round adding some seconds on for us and exploding some blocks okay name something hot ghost pepper didn't work I'm just gonna do pepper I think you mean actually hot the sun I spout don't do Chili Pepper it doesn't work guys they don't eat spicy they need hot magma Chili Peppers are high wow Funny's big brain she's about magma Luna has the most wins it's because I looked at dracos how dare you I reduced the water I also reduce the water oh thank you you're welcome a farmyard animal cow sheep cat cattle skin oh yeah put roosters cool It's gotta be more basic yeah we'll get you yeah she's gonna lose name a vegetable oh I don't know how to spell asparagus don't you just feel yeah a cabbage sometimes cabbage didn't work are you kidding me no one copy me I had to sound that out how does zucchini not work that's stupid oh you should have went simpler like broccoli no or asparagus name an animal that doesn't have a leg to stand on what shark yeah oh I should have wrote hammerhead shark Flamingo are you narwhal doesn't work rainbow flamingos have legs they don't stand on one of their legs this is game is ridiculous no that's if they're like posing name something you can listen to music on if I write airpods and it doesn't work I'll be very upset wait that's a brand though oh it doesn't work oh everyone everyone use headphones so dumb iPhone the water is barely Rising it's because we possible all right name a pizza topping we got this easy okay hey funny you should do pineapple pepper oh I should write it I'm gonna write it it works it works pineapple illegal yes pineapple Works hmm well the water's Rising slowly I think we could head straight to the sky that's no example of a popular edible meat [Music] steak is not a type of meat you guys look my tower spells chicken pineapples what are the things you can develop my this doesn't work I'll be very upset software okay game games you can develop software though fruits okay I guess not game Chicken I'm just gonna buy to win I did graphics a word that rhymes with horse okay this what I have a word remorse thank you gold me and gold not have the same well I'm gonna steal it thanks guys yeah you're welcome thank you [Music] then why are we dancing name a character you would see at Disneyland Mickey Mouse Cinderella Mickey Mouse oh I forgot to eat give me Mickey Mouse I messed it up and I don't even remember what Mickey Mouse sounds like I like Goofy what are the word that rhymes with election I'm not gonna say I'm not gonna say you know they can read your blocks right I'm not gonna say collection oh wait I should have wrote collection I always spelled it wrong no it's okay the the pressure is rising name something that lives in a shell Ariel no plan turtle hermit crab Works lunar you're being so risky yeah I mean she's making a pretty high look look at her Tower jealous okay give us another one give me a word that rhymes with buckle honeysuckle that way I'm not dying today Water Rising reduce water name something that provides you light when it's dark a lighthouse guys right Lighthouse that's way too specific why not advertised me yeah it doesn't work no gold it's obvious I should put night light a board you can write on we already know this yeah [Music] it's a I was gonna write Ouija oh yeah there's Blackboard too you can't write on a Ouija board guys how high are we going all the way at the top I'm just gonna keep reducing the water I want to see how far we can get all right what might you put in your coffee Jacker you said creamer works right um yep no put Boba Pearl cream ice cream doesn't work but what about avocado yeah okay Luna you can leave a review on the game where's yeah where's ice cream name something that makes you itch I know pimples mosquito most I got it we oh okay no more no more reducing the water we have to the pressure what can you find on a beach um how about coconuts uh Name an activity for which people who wear boots an activity a sport fishing um fishing for walking doesn't work boom but what happens what did you write I can't read it horseback riding oh wow that's really long uh Draco you're so smart name something you might break a fancy base your iPhone your cell phone a car glass I'm keeping it simple keeping it glass is too short you should have wrote cell phone yeah cell phone okay I know but I don't want to lose again reduce water objects that start with the letter J uh Jackrabbit jewelry huh yeah oh jewelry no it's too late now it didn't work name something you sleep in clearly people name a country with a lot of ice I don't think Canada will work and this Well Northwest Territories work someone tried someone tried why North Pole did anyone um Northwest Territories is in a country well I didn't write it which person you might go for advice they are funny sure teacher sister yes gold it's funny words wait look how high we are okay we're gonna reach a statue all the way to the top what is another word for woman women weighs a female it's true this game was that wrong yeah I don't know why he's trying to be so fancy yeah what do people usually lose or misplace the telephone charger cell phone again cell phone charger did not work I was gonna put like pajama pants okay so if there's a repeat name a precious gem I'm not risking it anymore I'm just gonna start looping did not work Sapphire doesn't work either oh I didn't spell Sapphire with two people yeah oh so you wrote Sapphire because she wrote it right where's the water birthstone okay what does a wrestler not wear during a match their shirts a shirt close Goldie wear clothes I don't I don't know no they don't yeah yeah they're not naked they're wearing that's clothes gold I don't know what kind of wrestling you're watching they wear gear guys give Fast give a fast food restaurant McDonald's yeah wait what's a long Burger King please um embarrassing lunar you see it everywhere and a Pizza Hut whoa we're Rising oh my gosh I can't catch us guys okay let's go name something that you might need to get fixed washing machine does that work everyone washing machine works if you play this game just keep typing cell phone and you'll wait you guys it's your refrigerator running KF what it doesn't work refrigerator I just throw cell phone again guys I wrote computer example of a social media platform Tick Tock cell phone Instagram Instagram Pinterest yeah Instagram has the most letters I think nah anyone else oh I did before did you actually use it though time exactly somebody go find Rainbow's pins no what do people usually take with them to the beach no no cell phone doesn't work finally yeah words that rhyme with ground ground beef I'm kidding um that's what I was thinking right down pounds one pound underground doesn't count just remove the key and go round oh yeah Brown something that takes people into the air if this doesn't work I'll be so annoyed okay yeah what if I an airplane air balloon airplane it's air balloon it's hot air balloon because first of all the air balloon would just not go up it'll just stay on the floor it needs to be hot or else will not fly up what is the one thing your parents tell you not to waste they already asked this question uh food food money money don't waste the money or food or water or time I mean someone could put in time oh look at the water guys I think we're too high up we spent too much robots yeah name something in a fruit salad do people put pineapple in a fruit salad I don't think so why not I've never eaten a fruit oh come on it's Apple dumb it's like for the most basic fruit I could think of strawberry goes in a salad it doesn't even look what kind of fruit salad is this salad okay I am Halloween costumes that are professions easy oh yeah firefighter 11 blocks oh that's what I was thinking yes [Music] literally the longest profession word I'm not even scared I don't even see the water yeah I barely see the water what is the object that tells time I think we could play forever so I'm just gonna see how high I can get with Robux what are the materials used to build a house except Woods and I spelled that wrong wow I just butchered it so I'm just gonna keep I'm just gonna keep spending money why are you paying I just want to see where I go it's your pain really yeah due to their armpits what due to their armpits bad noises you smell it you smell it smell okay deodorant Works guys okay what else do we got give us another question example of a covid-19 19 vaccine I just felt it wrong Johnson Johnsons yeah like the baby powder brand I wrote it wrong [Music] well the longest answer is name a good winter sport [Music] oh boarding snowboarding guys no trekking yeah no boarding we they don't know what I'm getting snowboarding of this game well I'ma stay up here because I think I'll win the friend of Mickey Mouse Goofy do you guys think Minnie Mouse Minnie Minnie Mouse a note or the dog what's the dog's name I forgot the dog's name Pluto Pluto Pluto oh yeah Peter's not long as goofy though oh Donald Duck yeah Minnie Mouse's longest and then we are stuck with name a popular board game all time does that count oh my God I spelled monoply I spelled motorcycles it's nice seeing you down there oh goodbye cool because the Water Rising name some types of coffee drink Rainbow's favorite right now Americano what caramel macchiato I didn't know how to spell it I don't think it would have worked no it's not me how come cappuccino didn't work that works for me yeah I probably spelled it I didn't spell it with two peas something you can use to eat with chopsticks knife uh don't write Chopsticks it's not gonna work it works chopsticks yeah guys it's really hard to see you up here or someone that has fangs vampire um no vampires don't have fangs guys yeah they do um well vampire works bye guys what are the things women do to their hair I don't know tell me [Applause] because apparently that's not what woman do occasion that you celebrate with a party birthday wow congratulations I'm never going down you are going down don't no I'm not I'm staying up here you're going down Marco lunar help me we can work together we can bring her down you can end the game no you can't Luna stop what are the sports that uses a bat or a racket bad minting funny it's time to go down you don't deserve to be up there Jacob I just to the questions Draco you're killing stop type of clock self what the grandfather clock grandfather grandfather Yeah analog doesn't work no it doesn't work funny I'm too high up I deserve this one name things you could bring to a sleepover potato chips what kind of I'm not going to the sleepover movie oh popcorn yeah um no name something you find in a cave stones stupid forget you diamonds doesn't work are you kidding Draco you're just wasting Roblox you're just wasting Roblox I'm not wasting Roblox name something kids line up for at school cafeteria food lunch food food doesn't work how does food not work that's silly you're supposed to write lunch funny detention oh okay what are you guys really doing that you guys Luna keep exploding another word for a book what the dictionary encyclopedia if you know how to spell history it's three years Draco you're being a poop head I'm gonna keep buying explosions example of a household pet s hamster Draco see I'm giving her bye-bye funny bye Draco no no no thank you you guys just wasted your Roblox I mean technically Draco wand right I'm not ignore that it said no winner that's all you guys leave a comment down below if you learned something new today because I surely did don't spend Robux to try to do [Music] thank you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 6,707,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, roblox obby, story, roblox krew, roblox funneh, roblox longest answer wins, longest answer wins, roblox trivia, roblox game, roblox game trivia, roblox longest answer wins itsfunneh, roblox longest answer wins funneh
Id: 6n96ZMlJ7m0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 55sec (2275 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 06 2022
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