The MOST RUTHLESS Dr's Lectures On My 600-lb Life!

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you having so much difficulty helping puffing and don't you realize that because of your weight oh yeah and that doesn't just stimulate you to do something about it there's no moment more intense on an episode of my 600 pound life than seeing someone waiting in dr. now's office after a bad weigh-in dr. now delivers some of the best tough love on TV and here are some of his most ruthless lectures to patients who severely needed it before we get started though leave a comment down below what's the best my 600-pound life season also don't forget to subscribe to the channel that way you enter in to our monthly shout out give away when choice requests for medical transport to get her into dr. now's office for her next appointment he sets up a video call to talk to her by this point she's far enough in the program that she should be able to make it in on her own and it doesn't take an expert to see the problem is definitely with her eating doctor now elaborates that she has to be eating five to six times what she should be and reminds her that she's putting food at a higher importance than saving her own life he also goes as far as mentioning that he can tell she's gained weight just from seeing her which definitely had to hurt a little bit I did look into an ambulance but it was just too expensive for me to afford though that way low carb high protein food [Applause] when Sienna gains back some weight for a total net loss of only 24 pounds dr. now asks her what's going on and gets some puzzling answers she claims to only be eating tuna and lettuce and feels that the therapy she's been doing has been helping but if this is all true then she shouldn't have gained 13 pounds back he also asks her if she's lost her copy of her diet plan again and it kind of seems like he's making fun of her a little later asking if she's also lost a copy of her exercises the best part is that she actually has lost both again dr. now also tells her that this is her last chance so one would hope that she loses some weight this time and not her fourth copy of the diet plan spoiler alert she doesn't I found some like mixtures of food that I like wrapped in those mm-hmm well I'm sure this but this is that not only kind of food you've been eating the past two months because you gain you still have to diet or did you lose again honestly uh Austin again are you serious yes sir so we give you another copy could you we had the any activity or the last two months what's that mmm activity mm-hmm with her progress slowing down after the move to Houston second time bypass candidate Holly is nervous that dr. now is going to tell her it's over she tells him she's struggling and he just says yes you are and the most try unimpressed tone possible he then recounts her slow initial progress and how she's doing even worse after he gave her a second chance and makes her drop the act of pretending to be confused about her lack of progress Holly admits that she's having trouble with cravings due to a record playing in her head and when doctor now asks her what the record is saying you can just tell from his face that he's already eternally cringing at her response Holly stop playing games and lying to me you know exactly what you're doing when you're making the choices you do just a repeating record in my head that plays over and over and over until I give in what is the complaint saying I want chocolate I want chocolate I want chocolate I want chocolate so chocolate is more important to you than living apparently if you aren't even willing to do this and show me you're ready to work hard even for the short ten then there is no point in us doing any weight loss surgery or revision on you when doctor now confronts Antonette on her 15 pound gain and asks her what's going on we can all collectively facepalm when she says that she's been gaining fluid dr. now reminds her that she came to Houston to save her life and that being approved for surgery isn't a magic pass to go off eating upwards of 8,000 calories again he also tells her that she has to undo the damage she's done on top of the 50 pounds she supposed to lose in the next five weeks or she's not getting her surgery and this is her last chance how are you fine but I'm concerned about you what's going on yeah gained 15 pounds yeah you're saying you're not giving me excuses and then you give me excuses to gain 15 pounds in a few weeks means you take in the 70,000 calories are they right now I don't know don't play games with me and pretend you're computers and you don't know eating whatever whenever and I'm not King about yourself is gonna get you to the point where are you gonna die soon so this is a matter of life and death for you okay [Music] after having only lost 45 pounds when she was supposed to hit her goal of 100 angie calls doctor now to let him know the results and after debating whether angie is under the influence the to have a battle of SAS doctor now delivers singer after singer every time angie is rude to him during the call and even keeps the high ground by genuinely wishing her well at the end of course this is a serious matter so we shouldn't find it funny but here take a look at these clips it's pretty funny yes I'm down to five 98.6 and I'm expecting me to come there and sit around and wait for surgery for another month I'm not coming I don't have time for that by the end of her episode lashauwn toes progress has slowed to an absolute halt and dr. now gives her one last final lecture it's been nine months and he's given her all the chances in tools she could possibly need and he admits that she really did come to Houston for nothing and is just going to kill herself with food at the rate she's going leshawna pleads that she doesn't want to be kicked out of the program but doctor now dishes out the sad reality that she never ever even started it 507 pounds when you have to ask for documents ago and you were supposed to lose 100 pounds but again you're at 576 I lost the whole three pounds we've given you every chance possible now and you gotta kill yourself with the food and there's anything we can do to stop you from that this is all just a game to you and you ran out of time I know the way I don't believe it what do you say because you keep lying and keep lying to yourself and there's nothing more I can do for you near the beginning of Silius episode when he's being transported into the hospital doctor now questions why his poor health hasn't made him want to do anything about his weight especially given that he has a fiancee and kids that he supposedly wants to keep alive for dr. now compares his situation to somebody hitting themselves in the head with a baseball bat and then complaining that it hurts since like every other patient on the show his problem is mostly due to his own terrible choices you having so much difficulty helping puffing and don't you realize that because of your weight and that doesn't stimulate you to do something about it position you know the solution is to stop but the reality is you haven't wanted to stop eating so don't pretend that you don't know how you got like this and you have no control of your situation okay do you have any goal in your life yeah I have a beautiful fiancee like marijuana so there's your moderation because if you don't start to lose the weight now and get out of this bed you're gonna die soon and none of that will ever happen for you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 391,786
Rating: 4.8696108 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, my 600 pound life, my 600-lb life, weight loss, weight loss transformation, weight loss journey, education, list, funny, obese, fat people, fat people documentary, weight loss tv show, biggest people in the world, fattest people, giant people, crazy, largest humans
Id: P7fcEjcaSOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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