My 600-lb Life Guests That DIDN'T EVEN TRY!

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I know this isn't the food I'm supposed to be eating but I don't think it's going to cause too much damage to cheat just a little bit when I really need it before any patient can enter dr. now's program they have to prove they have enough motivation and discipline to lose some weight on their own they're usually put on a standard 1200 calorie diet with a list of foods to avoid and usually a simple exercise plan but unfortunately it can be hard to turn around years of bad habits and some of these patients really make you wonder why they even went to Houston in the first place you guys seem to really be enjoying them my 600-pound life content so here's another video here are a couple of my 600-pound life guests that didn't even try before we get started though leave a comment down below letting us know who your favorite my 600-pound life guest is also don't forget to subscribe to the channel that way you enter into our monthly shout out giveaway add only the age of 28 Gina is just over 600 pounds and is bound to her chair doing nothing but eating and sleeping and bathing once a month when her wife Beth or mom Kathy nags are enough I know it's mean but just imagine being that big and not showering for a month like the smell oh my god let's just move on she weighs in at 606 pounds and is told to lose 50 pounds in two months dr. now also wants Gina to make her own meals and for Beth to stop feeding her once they get back home to New Jersey Gina says that she didn't start the diet on the week-long trip back which to be fair makes sense I mean if you're going to start a diet doing it in a car would be pretty uncomfortable however once they get home Gina says that she's not feeling well due to the trip and because of this she wants something that she probably shouldn't have now amazingly her mom and Beth refuse which is pretty uncommon for this show but Gina wines that she's overwhelmed and complaints eventually she gives in and asks Beth to teach her how to make the turkey burgers this almost seems hopeful but by the next appointment Gina hasn't lost anything she's actually gained six pounds on her second attempt she loses a measly five pounds over 60 days and on her third attempt she loses twenty totaling a net loss of just over 19 pounds in over six months I couldn't even try to start the diet and exercise plan doctor now gave me until we got back home there's some lettuce when we make a salad oh no I'm like not in the mood for any of that I'm hungry and I'm sick what do you want something that I probably shouldn't have okay bad can you go get me something we can't do that you have to give I've what's on your diet you guys aren't eating healthy you need to want to do this for you you your whole life is ahead of you but I'm overwhelmed [Music] Nicole is 23 and weighs almost 700 pounds at the beginning of her episode she says that she hates her whole body and is humiliated by having to get hose down on the back porch by her boyfriend Charlie now you'd think that this would motivate her to start eating right but on the way to Houston they make a burger a fries a coke stop and a sub stop plus more stress snacking on top of that doctor now sets her goal at a 30 pound loss over the next month and two weeks later we see the family eating corn which is an exactly low carb but is much better unfortunately this attempt at eating healthy does nothing as at the next appointment Nicole hasn't even lost half of her goal with only an 11 pound loss under the stress of House and job hunting in Houston Nicole misses her doctor's appointment and instead tries to forget her problems over a cheeseburger she claims that she's been holding back for so long and doesn't think that this cheat will cause much damage despite the fact that they've basically been surviving off a fast food since coming to Houston and in the next appointment this is made very clear when it's revealed that nicole has only lost six pounds I need two double patty burgers with two fries in a large coke right here libelous can I get two of those yes candy my love when I get stressed like this and I want to eat I start to think about all the things I'm craving and one place I ain't gonna have everything I want I just want the roasted chicken on that one kind of bread tie an herb and cheese so long I can't help but give in to my cravings and eat everything I had almost 40 GN relies on her parents to do almost everything for her and her whole household seems pretty miserable she's basically a mobile and has an affected growth on her leg that's constantly bleeding due to her and her mother's poor hygiene on the drive to Houston she combat stress with a really big soda and when they get there she weighs in at 700 in two pounds G Anna's hospitalized to deal with her infection before it kills her and though she loses 53 pounds in the hospital she's already not happy about the diet once she's released she's supposed to lose the rest of her 100 pound pool on her own but instead she gains 30 pounds later she's given a second chance to lose 100 pounds in 60 days and claims that she's going to shove her progress in dr. now's face at the next appointment but only loses 8 pounds in the whole two months in the end her episode takes a very sad turn when her father passes away during her episode which is the reason that she eventually gives up get me a soda a really big one please I need something with sugar to help my nerves I will make sure that 1,200 calories because I'm gonna prove you wrong that I can do this I'm gonna do it I'm gonna prove him wrong and I'm going to do better and lose the weight I need and then I'm gonna show my progress in his face there's gonna feel really really good to do that should be below 578 today [Music] Penny's appearance in season two is one of the classic zero effort episodes so we won't say too much about her for those who aren't familiar with this lady penny as the speaker of the famous line nobody told me I had to lose weight when I got here in total throughout her entire episode she only lost about 35 pounds and despite getting gastric bypass she still snuck food into the hospital and made zero effort to get up and move when she started skipping doctor's appointments she had to be transported by a whole team for her checkup despite the fact that she should have been walking by that point and down to 250 pounds and at the end of it all she somehow still managed to delude herself into claiming a personal victory what is it bariatric soft diet 1200 calories why have a soft diet that's the words that he well he needs to get his type and a group raw something or order or something I can find out what my diet is his diet no one told me I had to lose weight when I got here even if I'm not successful in the world's eyes the fact that I did all of this so far changed my path in life forever 38 year old Holly Hager admits that she's addicted to food lives to eat and never wants to stop eating during her first appointment with dr. now she weighs in at 658 pounds and the doctor warns her that her odds of long-term failure are hot especially because she's gone through weight loss surgery once already and fail he sets her goal of losing 50 pounds over the next 60 days and to start walking for at least an hour a day after the appointment Holly is already worried and even says that being told to give up all the foods she likes is almost the same as being told that he can't help her which makes zero sense later Holly says that she's trying to rely less on the wheelchair right before settling right back in to the wheelchair we also see her chopping up some lettuce for a salad but seconds later it looks to be loaded up with dressing and cheese by the next appointment Holly and her fiance Ray arrive days late again and she's also only lost 29 pounds and the words of doctor now that's not good at all to make matters worse right after moving to Houston for chance number two they're still getting delivery due to not having the kitchen set up to cook which is a very poor excuse at the second follow-up appointment Holly has now only lost 18 pounds blaming her inescapable obsessive thought that repeats I want chocolate I want chocolate I want chocolate I was worried he was gonna tell me he can't help me but having to do well this feels pretty much like the same thing so you only lost a little over half of what you're suppose sooo for you go yeah not too happy about that just a repeating record in my head that plays over and over and over until I give in what is the complaint saying I want chocolate I want chocolate I want chocolate I want chocolate so chocolate is more important to you than living apparently [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 1,467,216
Rating: 4.8886929 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, my 600 pound life, my 600-lb life, weight loss, weight loss transformation, weight loss journey, education, list, funny, obese, fat people, fat people documentary, weight loss tv show, biggest people in the world, fattest people, giant people, crazy, largest humans
Id: 2VObysf6wAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 08 2020
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