My 600-lb Life Patients WHO SNUCK JUNK FOOD & GOT CAUGHT!

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so I'm putting the trash and I know this is hard for you but it's gonna be easier take care I can't believe she just wasted all that food my 600-pound life has shown us stories of both failure and success in overcoming obesity and food addiction but even the success stories have bumps along the way it's a pretty common occurrence on the show to see someone's weight loss stop or slow down despite them being put on a strict diet plan in these moments there can only be one explanation and no it isn't water weight in this video we're going to be listing a few patients from my 600-pound life that were caught sneaking food against dr. now's orders before we get started though make sure to leave a comment down below who has been your favorite patient or your least favorite patient to have appeared on my 600-pound life also subscribe to the channel that way you never miss a new video and enter in to our monthly shout out giveaway husband and wife duo Allen and Vinay went onto the show to get some help together and move down to Houston for months after video calling with dr. now and after promising to lose some weight before they got there which of course they did it now during the initial weigh-in things are not looking very good or very promising but the two still claim to be determined to lose this weight together despite weighing more than his wife Allen is the more mobile of the two and has admitted to regularly cheating on their diet like going to fast food places when he went to run errands a home and fortunately for his own good he doesn't get away with it as during the next appointment Bonet gets approved for her gastric bypass well Allen unfortunately doesn't which results in a very awkward moment well Allen I do feel sorry for you but that's what you get when you sneak fast food here's a clip when I go out to run errands when my cravings get really bad I give it a little and get something quick from a fast food place a large order the nacho cheese mistake at all I'd like to have a half a burrito this with rice and cheese yeah that Debbie it I just hope it doesn't mess my progress up because I want us both to get approved for surgery at his next appointment when Paula went to the gym for her very first attempt at working out she had a very tough time it was so tough that she took it upon herself to completely ruin any progress she may have just made with that workout by stopping at a drive-through on the way home to get a burrito hey don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with the occasional burrito I mean burritos are delicious just when you're on a reality TV show for losing weight or being overweight it's kind of counterintuitive to get a burrito after a workout I don't know I don't know man here's a clip to get anything else as I workout more my body should be able to handle it [Music] like every patient on the show Erika's first task was to start dieting and lose some weight before she could be approved for her gastric bypass by dr. now's orders she should be eating a low carb high protein diet and should not be going above 1200 calories per day which is pretty doable but when the nutritionist comes by to check on her food situation she sees that Erika has been keeping a lot of high carb high-calorie junk in her fridge that definitely isn't going to help her towards her Kohl's what's really annoying about this one is that instead of taking responsibility for her cheating she gets annoyed with the nutritionist for supposedly wasting food when she throws the junk out she sulks about wasting her time and that the nutritionist won't be able to do anything about it when she reorders everything yeah that's right she's on a show to lose weight and literally told the nutritionist that she's going to reorder all the junk food that was just thrown out what pretzels we've got some fries all right put these in the trash and I know this is hard for you but it's gonna be easier take care I can't believe she just wasted all that food I'm so frustrated right now but I could just order more and there's nothing she can really do to stop me from doing that Lisa was pretty obviously lacking commitment to her diet during her episode and was caught sneaking food multiple times one classic moment was when dr. now was trying to examine her skin and lifted up the blankets only to discover something almost worse an empty bag of chips how although the couple tried to claim that it belonged to her husband Hubert it's pretty clear who's it actually was Lisa also got caught sneaking food earlier on in her episode when a nutritionist went to her house and seen loads of junk food in her fridge like not a little bit of junk food like tons of high-calorie bad food honestly it's a bit of a mystery why Lisa even took the time to come onto the show and why her husband Hubert was such a bad partner in crime instead of actually trying to help his wife break her food habits without a doubt Lisa and her husband Hubert have to be one of the weirdest cases we've ever seen on this show and his pizza rolls he's the piece this is going in the garbage tonight who's eating the double cookies and cream and lasagna who's eating that Robin he was eating them because nothing right up in your bed up next is James who definitely had one of the most unsuccessful appearances on my 600-pound life it wasn't entirely his fault though as his wife Lisa went beyond most enablers and played a very active role in sabotaging James's weight-loss despite dr. now's best efforts at controlling the couple for constantly lying about James's food intake James just never seemed to lose any weight and his health problems were just getting worse and worse at one point because dr. now was so worried he had the hospital staff keep careful watch over Lisa James's wife when she came to visit knowing that she was sneaking in food and went against a diet this one was especially tragic as for the most part it wasn't necessarily James's fault of course he is an adult so he is responsible for his own actions in the food that he puts in his body but Lisa was definitely a very bad influence on him usually when he's here in the hospital on your diet plan he loses two to four pounds a day yes he does so why do you think he didn't this time nice huh I'll tell you why you've been sneaking food in again this time because your attendant Lisa you snuck food in I know onion I don't want to tell you again this is gonna be the last time okay you're killing him Lisa and you'll be getting a visit from Adult Protective Services because this is some of the most self-destructive and deceptive behavior I have ever witnessed up next is an a who has the unfortunate reputation of being one of the most delusional and least successful patients to have ever appeared on the show before getting her gastric bypass she was put on a standard low-calorie diet to lose some weight in the hospital unfortunately for Shanae hospital staff had caught her sneaking pizza burgers into other delicious but forbidden fast food despite her clever plot of hiding her foods trash in another patient's garbage bin of course Shanae is full of excuses and she claims that it was actually her husband Freddy who is eating this food but this doesn't really add up as Shanae has lost almost no weight she's actually gained 50 pounds since coming into the hospital despite dr. now trying his very best to nicely explained why this behavior is wrong Shanae just refuses to make the connection that she has been eating more than she should and that's why she hasn't lost weight in the end Shanae actually ended up quitting the show and in April 2018 she started a GoFundMe asking for $50,000 hopefully that's not for junk food here's a clip hey person a stay where they are fine we're ready what about Freddie Devlin's Freddie the hospital staff not only seen you eating pizza but burgers and then you smart enough not to torture onto a shortage somebody else's trash I there was me to hate him she didn't take any of that you both need to stop lying [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 1,013,753
Rating: 4.8058691 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, my 600 pound life, my 600-lb life, weight loss, weight loss transformation, weight loss journey, education, list, funny, obese, fat people, fat people documentary, weight loss tv show, biggest people in the world, fattest people, giant people, crazy, largest humans
Id: ecxHo0yITZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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