My 600-lb Life Guests Who Got OWNED BY DR NOW!

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you said no reading and doing whatever you want and it just give me a cruise is now it's hard I'm not gonna say that um eating right is hard when watching my 600 pound life it's pretty easy to get frustrated with patients who are clearly on a path to failure but usually by the time we want to start yelling at our screens the show is reoccurring here Oh doctor now appears to call them out for their terrible terrible decisions in today's video we'll be listing a few of his best moments so with that said here are a few my 600-pound life patients who got owned by doctor now before we get started though leave a comment down below letting us know who your favorite my 600-pound life guest is also don't forget to subscribe to the channel that way you enter into our monthly shout out give away the first time Lindsay goes in to see dr. now his first line of questioning is why she wants to try another weight loss surgery when her first gastric sleeve eight years ago didn't end up working as he points out the second time is likely to just end in failure as well if her behavioral issues don't change he's also quick to point out her husband Paul as the obvious enabler but Paul actually gives her a reality check later on he gets frustrated with her demands for snacks and ends up throwing bags of chips at her while telling her that she's going to eat herself to death later on when Lindsay fails to meet her first weight goal as predicted doctor now shuts down her claim that she followed the 1200 calorie diet and by her second appointment she's lost even less doctor now questions her if she wants to tell the truth this time and she does tell the truth but she's been more into danishes and dieting at this point Lindsey is nowhere close to getting weight-loss surgery and dr. now isn't up for playing any more games expect to see you back here in two months and 35 yes okay okay how many snacks left yeah we do but like do you really want to eat those snacks well my Mac really hurts you know what this is right here all these little things right here this bag is considered death Lindsay and you're killing yourself with this bull and I'm not sticking around for it the truth is you really don't want to change and I know that because you already had one weight-loss surgery and you failed it because you don't agree about the food that your mind that's killing you what do you think you're gonna do from this point you need yourself to dead or are you gonna change your eating out of it no I'm definitely gonna change my you have it okay yeah show me because you Lanie out of time up next is Ashley be weighed in at six hundred and thirty seven pounds at her first appointment and had to use a walker to get around at only thirty two years old she claims that she didn't grow up knowing how to eat healthy and as you can guess doctor now it definitely isn't going to let her use that excuse anymore especially when she's been given her diet plan but believe it or not she only ends up losing six pounds in the next two months well on the diet ashley claims that she was trying and only messed up a few times but by the doctors estimation she must have been eating at least 6,000 to 7,000 calories a day to maintain her weight or as dr. now put it she's basically eating for the next three years in advance he asks her if she was expecting some kind of magic to happen and reminds her that weight loss has far more to do with eating than activity along with one of his classic zingers that's not reality 637 pounds huh yeah alright so I see you walking with a walker huh hmm because you have an eating disorder where you don't want to stop overeating and you make excuses why you aren't able to do that so this is something that we want to address all right there so what's going on nothing much let's see that because in two months you barely lost any weight I have been trying to follow the diet there's a few times that I've messed up okay maintain the wave you want you need to be eating please six to seven thousand calories a day no reading and doing whatever you want and it just give me a cruise is now it's hard I'm not gonna say that um eating right is hard pull Lissa weighs in at 643 pounds during her first appointment and doctor now is not impressed with her diet of candy soda and fried stuff he's even less impressed with her use of nicotine patches since she's already had a heart attack and suffers from a heart disease during her first follow up with doctor now melissa is still over 600 pounds only having met half her goal and when she defeated Lee says I tried doctor now responds with probably the most crushing no you didn't we've ever heard he also corrects her when she mistakenly refers to the 1200 calorie diet as 1400 calories and tells her that the changes she made still aren't enough to save her life he wants her to lose 50 pounds by the next month and afterwards she does seem to be making a decent attempt to enjoy her healthier foods candy soda that's a junk food fried and greasy stuff too you're 41 years old you should know the candy in that part of you died to come here sounding soda and candy and smoke why you're upset because I just I thought I did way better than what I do you know II didn't because if you tried you have lost more than half of what you should have at this point so you study the four to five times what you shoot you don't understand what is just wrong but there's a pretender stare of crying and throwing a tantrum made your decision his talent if you eat properly you can easily lose 100 Penn an amount Jian has lost 29 pounds of what she lost in the hospital so instead of getting approved for weight-loss surgery like she was hoping and expecting from the beginning of her episode she gets an earful from doctor now he gives her a chance to explain herself but isn't buying her explanation that she just had one bad day where she went over her calorie limit he points out that she's seen how weight loss worked in the hospital on a controlled diet and that she doesn't have time for dishonesty as this is a life in death matter he lays out her situation as a metaphor where she's falling off a cliff and they're throwing her a rope almost she screams that they're not helping her when she just doesn't want to do the work to pull herself back up because I'm too heavy and I can't do it without it so you decided already what the solution is for your problem but I got need for you that solution is not solution for your problem your problem is your eating disorder and surgery it does not correct eating disorder okay I understand that I hope you do because before we even consider any weight loss surgery I will need to see evidence that you're willing to put forward the effort to change tell me what happened I mean I had a day that I went over the 1200 calories so what that day you gave 30 pounds I did that party telling me now we've gone over the absolute facepalm situation that is James K and his gross wife Lisa quite a few times so let's keep this section short doctor now gave these two some pretty harsh lectures the first time we saw them but unfortunately James was doing even worse by the time of his where are they now episode a year later still well over 700 pounds and suffering complications from his cellulitis and being the good doctor that is doctor now is still not giving up no matter how obvious it is that Lisa isn't trying is this how you want to live James it takes five people to lift you know it is beautiful it is miserable but whose fault is it mine I think about this home and daily basis what do you think about it but do you do something about it what's a difference you do your part and he does his part or I'm through with you understand this up next is an a who has a BMI of 123 at only 28 years old and dr. now warns her that the next five years could see her bedridden and going up to 1,000 pounds if she keeps on eating the way she does now this should be scary enough for her to stick to her diet but later on we see her cheating with some Taco Bell and to know in surprise she doesn't lose her 30 pound goal she actually gains weight instead getting up to almost 700 pounds during her second interview with dr. now Shanae tries blaming it on the fluid in her legs but doctor now doesn't even let her finish the sentence before asking her to try something else because let's be real if you've ever watched this show before doctor now has heard that excuse a thousand times supposed to lose 30 pounds in a month and you're at 693 and that is a 28 pound weight gain I have a lot of fluid in my legs can you try something else because I heard that one that has sometimes you gain like your did you still have to be eating over 10,000 calorie a day you're not realizing that I did not realize that all right I don't think you're grasping how dangerous your situation is to me so with all the health issues you've got you may not even make it to dirty [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 93,550
Rating: 4.8125944 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, my 600 pound life, my 600-lb life, weight loss, weight loss transformation, weight loss journey, education, list, funny, obese, fat people, fat people documentary, weight loss tv show, biggest people in the world, fattest people, giant people, crazy, largest humans
Id: K-Kn0Eb0mxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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