Abnormal Cases On My 600-lb Life

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the premise of my 600-pound life is to get people who are living abnormal lives into a place where they can start to live normally and there are some cases on the show that either begin or end in particularly abnormal circumstances in today's video these kinds of moments are exactly what we're going to be talking about so with that said here's our list of a few cases on my 600-pound life that work quite like any other before we get started though make sure to leave a comment down below who in your opinion is the best guest to have been featured on my 600-pound life also don't forget to subscribe to the channel that way you enter in to our monthly shout out giveaway Pauline Potter was actually well known for her size already before appearing on season three of my 600 pound life she had previously been confirmed as the heaviest woman in the world by the Guinness Book of World Records in 2011 at 643 pounds and later appeared on dr. drew stating that she had lost about 100 pounds and wanted to lose more Pauline was also featured on the British show supersize vs. super-skinny warning this supersize guest Helen about the dangers of getting to her size when she appeared on my 600 pound life in 2015 at 678 pounds Pauline expressed the true extent of her sadness at how she could hardly do anything for herself we saw some of the deeper details of her life and how it affected both her and her 21 year old son Dylan who took care of her full-time despite seeming to have gotten nowhere Pauline still claims to want to lose weight and have a normal life she recognizes how much her weight hurts herself and her loved ones but getting a control on her food habits after so many years is far from easy here's a clip and says she's eating healthy but she's not she's eating whatever she locks and telling herself she's doing I was calling about Pauline Potter she said that nobody called him we did sir we called her three times and she said she didn't eat us and she had someone else helping her turn this wait and we thought I got the message from Frisco therapy they said that they called you and you told them do you have somebody else coming in that you don't need him that was them I thought it was this specific we all love to hate Steven Asante from afar but unfortunately his brother Justin was forced to deal with him firsthand there are a lot of unhealthy family relationships on the show but Steven's abusive treatment towards Justin that apparently began in childhood and continued throughout the show is one of the more saddening cases or a bit of backstory the brothers both turned to food at an early age to deal with the emotional neglect by their mother and though their father is with them during much of their time on the show their relationship with him isn't perfect either Stevens solo antics are also highly remembered for being pretty abnormal behavior including the falling off of a golf cart incident and riding to the hospital begging for his fix of painkillers only to get a harsh beatdown by dr. now what might even be stranger is that Steven is apparently married and living a normal quiet life now on Justin's reddit AMA he responded to someone asking if the wedding was a fake saying that Steven did get married and that he doesn't bother him or their father anymore maybe not the perfect happily ever after for both the santi brothers but at least they're both living more normally than they were when we saw them on the show here's a clip punch me every single day every day and what did you do the day before and every day you're calling to come in here you're hoping you're gonna get your pain medicine I told you you are not gonna get any pain medicine but after Stephen left I noticed my painkillers they sent me home what we're going and he didn't care about what it would do to me but it showed me he's always gonna go back to his old ways as you've seen with the past two entries there are plenty of people who have been unsuccessful when being featured on my 600-pound light but penny over here is a special case of a quitter she is one of the most standout fustrating episode says she hardly did anything to change her ways sure she lost enough weight to get approved for the surgery but that was about it then after gastric bypass she just kept on eating the exact same way she was eating before and even attempted to convince doctor now that she was in fact losing weight despite the scales and her food intake clearly saying something different penny keeps up her dilution all the way to the end talking up how hard she's trying her parenting skills and her plans to improve in the future but as we all know unless penny starts to make some real changes things aren't going to change here's a clip hey I try everything it's very difficult living in a world where I've given you my life and put you as a my earthly God not what you say the truth is in this guy and he lives in new false reality and if she choose to overheat she does not admit it [Music] Shawn is a special case on the show being its heaviest patient to date at a staggering 919 pounds which was actually over the 800 pound limit of dr. now scale during the show dr. now noted that he might be the heaviest person alive at the moment and that his weight was not at all a good place to be Shawn stated on the show that he felt like a prisoner not having been outside in public in an eight-year period and that he was worried that he wouldn't live past the age of 30 unfortunately that came true as Shawn sadly passed away at the young age of 29 in February 2019 what makes this especially sad though is that at the time he had lost an amazing 400 pounds and was sadly suffering from the loss of his mother Shawn died a few days after being admitted to the hospital and social media posts by his father and friend Ashley discussed his passing and how he will be fondly remembered by his friends and family forever I can't call like this and I'm starting to freak out a bit the possibility diamond sky this afternoon and Shawn had some difficulty breathing and then his heart to stop and then we resuscitate him but he did not respond to it and he did not make it so he passed away yes he did okay thank you ball is good golden okay thank you [Music] brandy and candy are identical twins with near identical weight issues both were 29 years old when they first appeared on the show weighing 587 and 604 pounds respectively now both twins started gaining weight when they were both very young their biological father used food as a reward mechanism and they soon learned to use food to deal with the many problems they faced in childhood the twins suffered the effects of both parents having substance abuse problems and also underwent abuse at the hands of their fathers friend as well as dealing with bullying in middle school they would constantly eat together to fight the pain throughout all of it in adulthood brandy and candy tried their best to help each other out at home with bathing and other daily tasks but it's unfortunately getting harder and harder for them to help themselves and each other given how heavy they have both become their mother is shown to still be in their life and the three women had agreed to get control over their respective addictions the twins actually ended up collectively losing more than 500 pounds and brandy even gave birth in June 2018 they both look a lot happier in update pictures and this case of success is especially well deserved I was always let her know I'm gonna use up boots I'll catch up just might take a couple months we're living now and we're not letting anything or anyone get in the way of that ever again [Music] you
Channel: Plot Twist
Views: 1,311,243
Rating: 4.8639345 out of 5
Keywords: entertainment, movie, tv show, my 600 pound life, my 600-lb life, weight loss, weight loss transformation, weight loss journey, education, list, funny, obese, fat people, fat people documentary, weight loss tv show, biggest people in the world, fattest people, giant people, crazy, largest humans
Id: 1aa_PJgxRyc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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