Being a PSYCHOPATH in Detroit: Become Human | Part 1

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you are now ready to begin detroit remember this is not just a story this is our future august 15th 2038 8 29 pm the day events would start to be put into motion and i would be the catalyst just look at what i can do i was built for two purposes solving murders and performing impressive coin tricks one of which i am infinitely better at i am android negotiator a mother was certainly in distress but i had more pressing manners like adjusting this absolutely human-placed picture frame and an angle completely unsatisfactory to any sensible being then i found a fish please please you gotta save my little girl but what about this fish ma'am you're wait an android all right ma'am you need to go you can't do that you they can and they will real person because real people are emotional and weak whereas i am only emotional for fish be free young one survive thrive strive create dominate i spoke to some inferior mortals but they were so preoccupied with their work they wouldn't help me listen saving that kid is all that matters so i think you deal with this android now i'll take care of it 48 i like those odds there were two people laying on the floor one in the living room and the other in the kitchen i approached a potential witness to probe for information are you all right explain to tell me what happened sir deceased it appears this man is dead lower lung hemorrhage internal bleeding upper lung hemorrhage is it isn't that that dragon from skyrim it appears this man could fly i was in way over my head we were now dabbling in superhero territory so i calmly made my way over to the kitchen here there was a cop who tried to take on a hostile android head-on turns out he wasn't good enough but it also turns out he dropped his gun an opportunity for me to say the least i located said gun and pondered for one millisecond if i would use it yes and with that i watched another dude get rattled and decided my investigation was over i had a gun what could go wrong oh it appears the android also has a gun don't come any closer or i'll jump you couldn't if you tried my name is connor what about you what is your name i didn't really care i was just making small talk and then a helicopter completely ruined the balcony destroying the aesthetic of this apartment are you armed obviously i was but seeing as it was august 15th the opposite day in the north pole no i know you have a game my lie would be a seed for success daniel people are not fish then it's not up to you i'm holding all the cars if i die she dies well that's problematic i can't stand that noise anymore tell that helicopter to get out of here not wanting daniel to have any victory i refused i don't think they'd listen to me i want everyone to leave everyone in detroit and i want a car when i'm outside the city i'll let her go there was only one clear option left and although i'm a lousy shot i've been told i'm great at intimidation what now daniel is this really what you want did you lied to me yes you lied to me again yes i would convince daniel story ends victory was so close i could i lost i was so embarrassed i didn't want this no you left me no choice no choice and in the end daniel did get to do with 70-story trust fall well i'd definitely say that one was on me fellas but after all i am conor i'll probably get him next time [Music] things were off to a rocky start well somewhere else in the city of detroit to i android number two was booting up the strange humans stared at me it was super awkward come on zoey let's go then this creature approached me i'm not sure when goblins were considered a part of society but here we are it was really messed up what'd you say happened to it again the car hit it ah this guy gets it august 15th north pole it's as good as new now except that we had to reset it meaning we had to wipe its memory i hope you don't mind that'll be fine okay did you give it a name my daughter did ax 400 register your name oh no way too close way too close kara my name is cara so cara got hit by a car i see how it is we got a funny guy over here well somewhere else in the city of detroit i android number three was strolling child detected hey move it you're scaring away my customers do you think i care i am superior to you in fact give me that ketchup i said so some guy knew who i was i can see through you you are the one by whom the are you the president you are the one who will destroy detroit do you have any ketchup so anyways i arrived at the paint store and i bought paint here is your order number eight four seven but just as soon as i left i was ambushed by what i could only assume to be hey guys morbius tin cans here i was pushed down to the ground and i dropped my paint steal our jobs but you can't even stand up i did in fact try to stand up but a police eventually came to my rescue and marbias had to stand down leave it alone i'm gonna take your job next hey punk get back over here i'll paint you so much so anyways i got in a bus ride home with a bunch of other nice people wow what a day that was back in the new life of cara we arrived back at the old goblins house which was putting it nicely a complete dump the moment we arrived inside i was put to work because he literally hadn't done anything for two weeks you've been gone for two weeks so the place is a mess you do the housework the washing you cook the meals and you take care of alice the thought of anyone else living here made me want to self-destruct there you are that's alice child detected i had my objectives the first thing my robotic android eyes noticed was how much of a broke fool this guy was what a freaking loser i brought him a beer bottle filled with soap because he was out of beer and i doubt he could tell the difference then i tried to catch the score real quick but what are you looking at get the [ __ ] out of here it appears someone needs to take a swig of that soap i immediately walked in front of the tv in retaliation out of the way for free sake i'm sorry todd it won't happen again i was told to collect the trash but unfortunately this bin wasn't big enough for the massive sack of garbage sitting on the couch ellis came outside with me probably to make sure i wasn't dead but she literally wouldn't answer any of my easiest questions the only thing that came of this encounter was her trust as i went to clean the laundry i discovered a horrible secret the detergent was todd's drug dealer selling him crushed up lego lightsabers the sith kind unfortunately todd was last year's first place winner for psychopath of the year you shouldn't mess around with my stuff he would definitely have to go i then indulged in watching todd basically implode his organs sniffing sith sabres roomba he's high as a kite run while you can alice you better stop that right now it's official todd would die he also set up the forbidden todd zone i've made a good start down here i'll head upstairs do what you have to do but stop bothering i really hope that this man has a gun somewhere in his well would you look at that watch it no no don't make me go in there you can't make me i went to clean up alice's room who was not only coloring all over the walls but she was reading a book about herself an egotistical vandalizer in the making we had a pretty good conversation where she said but then gave me access to her treasure box i was gonna be rich rich diamonds gold oh well i found out they had a family i hope nothing bad in particular happened to specifically one of them then i found her secret art stash oh that's her and her dad oh hey there's me oh [Music] okay putting that back not good come on open the drawer get the gun after failing to retrieve the gun i came downstairs to witness todd being the worst human being on the planet for like a minute straight i know what you're thinking i think your dad's a low life don't you think i tried to make things work but whatever i do when someone comes along they just [ __ ] it all up say it you hate me unfortunately for todd his actions would have unredeemable consequences forgiveness isn't a computable subject for androids well back in the shoes of marcus i returned to the average youtuber's first house and obviously like all normal people returning from a long day of picking up paint i activated the birds i also witnessed a staircase built specifically for petting giraffes i then went to my master's room to blind him with the power of the sun good morning carl good morning he noticed i had clearly gotten into a good old-fashioned street tussle what happened to your clothes so i gave him a typical human response oh it's nothing i picked up carl like he was nothing weightless it reminded me of my sheer dominance and strength over simple human life forms in their fragile brittle forms then i found myself with too much power carl let us go do some catwalks in the driveway car i tried to show carl as birds but he didn't care these birds will outlive you by a hundred years carl i placed carl at his table and went to fetch him breakfast hey carl you want some of that red meth carl no okay another time i then made a world famous breakfast the breakfast of champions bacon and eggs thank you mark why don't you find something to do while i finish my breakfast i'm sure okay carl i tried to see if carl would actually eat the breakfast i made from i never thought to check before and that faker unbelievable in my frustration i sat at the piano and began to play a song [Music] why won't you eat your breakfast carl i got beat up by some guy on the street who hates me carl carl watched me like a hawk the whole time sometimes i think you have more humanity than most humans i do not know how to respond to that carl holy frick he's an autobot let's see where he left off i unveiled carl's latest art project and he only painted for like five seconds before he got tired so what's your verdict marcus it's freaking garbage i'm not a very good judge i i don't think it's your best work let's see if you have any talent carl i didn't realize you were so eager to have your ego destroyed paint but would i painting what anything you want the painting is not about replicating the world it's about interpreting improving on it showing something you see try to imagine something that doesn't exist something you've never seen and let your hand drift across the canvas this was my moment to shine my moment of glory years of taking care of this old man and his insufferable art i would unleash the greatest masterpiece the world would ever lay its eyes upon me but my moment was ruined by some homeless guy i didn't hear you come in i was in the neighborhood i thought i'd stop by hey listen uh i need some cash dad what happened to the money i just gave you it just goes you know hey same with todd's yeah you're on it again aren't you no no no i swear it's not that no don't lie to me leo what difference does it make i just need some cash that's all wait a minute was this guy sniffing sift savers too what why you know why because you're an idiot leo you'd rather you'd rather take care of your uh plastic toy here than your own son i believe you mean his favorite son leo what's a god that i don't you've never loved anyone you never loved me dad so true you never loved me well back in the life of me connor it was time i found myself a professional partner to carry out this investigation of rogue androids and where better to start than the local pub using android tech you wouldn't get it i located hank anderson immediately my name is connor i'm the android sent by cyberlife i looked for you at the station but nobody knew where you were they said you were probably having a drink nearby i was lucky to find you at the fifth bar well i don't need any assistance just be a good little robot and get the [ __ ] out of here lieutenant anderson i must inform you that i intend to file a report on your behavior yeah you could say i'm pretty savage but would i stop there no i went one step further and absolutely devastated this man via dumping his drink all over the floor he was hostile now and that's all i needed well we drove to the crime scene listening to some kids music and before i could say a word he told me you wait here i would refuse that order so i got right out of the car instantly and headed on in androids are not permitted beyond this point it's with me hey he likes me you don't talk you don't touch anything and you stay out of my way now i'm gonna touch everything i proceeded to touch this then out of pure spite i licked the blood right off this knife so good i touched this touch that it appears this wooden chair is made out of wood it appears this bat is made out of bats but as i touched this curtain i discovered the greatest conspiracy of all time rag also there was a little wooden statue that appeared to be made out of so i returned to hang to investigate the victim it appears this man was a zombie i found out that this man was indeed dead as was his beard and he was stabbed 28 times he also had cheeto dust all over his fingertips after reconstructing the crime scene i narrowed the murderer down to only one possible option frosty the snowman after he stabbed the guy a lot he was stabbed 28 times like 28 times but it doesn't tell us where the android went i had my suspicions on the closet oh my gosh the android was a broom after being told that it wasn't i found evidence leading to the attic and so using the wooden chair made of wood i made my way up into a very safe feeling attic and behind curtain number two it was him the murderer after being told that it wasn't again i continued further in i got jump scared except not because i'm an android until there he was i was just defending myself he was gonna kill me don't tell him connor what the [ __ ] is going on up there it's here lieutenant well back in slob main central i cara was serving my world famous spaghetti but using string cheese instead of noodles and ketchup instead of tomato sauce cause well todd's broke i lost my job because of androids here's some water todd he was clearly high on the sith they never fail they're never tired they were sad not the life you dreamed of eh things began to escalate to seriously uncomfortable levels and not just because todd smelled like a sack of three-year-old dead body as alice ran i knew what needed to be done you stay there don't you dare move or i'll bust you worse than last time todd was busy hyping himself up and i decided hey why don't i break free of all my android limitations and achieve free will and so that's exactly what i get without don noticing which really isn't that hard i rushed upstairs and had to make a choice well not really because there was one very clear obvious real choice hello beautiful but there todd went i rushed over to alice's room terminator plane on repeat in my mind to confront the absolute buffoon that's enough leave her alone put down the gun and get the [ __ ] out of here that's an order no i want you to leave her alone what are you gonna do you're gonna shoot me is that it that's it you're gonna shoot a human out oh my goodness and so it began dodge this is it dodge again we'll go with it what do you think i'm doing a q a oh frick get your grubby pizza hands off of me hey oh quick it's so fast uh shift up how am i supposed to read this stuff hey okay so why can't i just dial 9-1-1 in my android head my time to shine i had now finished cleaning up the house do not worry alice i am perfectly safe now that might not have been as iconic as 28 stab wounds but hey we all gotta start somewhere we rushed outside and made it onto a perfectly inconveniently timed bus and rode off into the night what a busy day that was as far as i was concerned peace was never an option back in the house of carl i marcus was bringing him back from a party that was by far the most boring party i've been to in the last 25 years come on let's have a drink all the excitement of this whole thing has made me thirsty but before whiskey we did some donuts in the foyer i began mixing carl's drink pretending it was whiskey when it was actually prune juice but you leave the light on in the studio call the police detroit police what's your emergency we've just returned home and found the lights on there may have been a break-in marcus no i'm gonna come with you absolutely not i would go in alone and of course it was none other than some sis sniffing slack here my father's plastic toy marcus get him away from there get him out of here making leo leave was not on my agenda not tonight all you ever do is tell me to go away that's cause you suck leo not good enough for you never have been no that's enough get out right now what makes it so special anyway huh what's it got that i don't know brain muscles money fame absence of human imperfection to name a few leo didn't realize how little he wanted to push this as he swung hit after hit something in me snapped i would not let leo have any of my inheritance the thing about this situation is that carl thought it was just an accident leo leo leo's gone carl you can give up the act they'll destroy you marcus i would like to see them you gotta go get out of here nowhere did seem upset but it was already too late the feds get rolled up evening officers please just give me one second why'd you kill him what happened before you took that knife why didn't you even try to run away after like five seconds of trying the deviant android hank gave up i'm out of here we're wasting our time interrogating a machine we're getting nothing out of it i could try questioning it what's so funny mortal what do we have to lose now hank seemed to believe i was actually of some use so i would definitely not ruin this interrogate i began my interrogation with simply showing him some photos of the man he murdered you recognize him these look familiar there buckaroo stabbed 28 times his level of stress was rising so i threatened him you don't seem to understand the situation if you won't talk i'm going to have to probe your memory no that got him talking the stress level's optimal what are they gonna do to me they're gonna destroy me aren't they my addiction to lying was getting bad no why couldn't you just have left me there more lies they were going to find you anyway if they'd have found you first you would have been shot on site oh no my lies were decreasing the stress time for fear 28 stab wounds you didn't want to leave him a chance huh hate it was working lay on the pressure he was bleeding begging you for mercy but you stabbed him again and again and again i know you killed him why don't you say it i was so proud of myself his stress levels were high but just like in top gun maverick we needed to push those boundaries more guilt more pressure just say it so i stabbed him again and that's how it's done everybody a confession till he collapsed there was blood everywhere yes and how did it feel listen everything is probably gonna be okay but then he started doing this now perhaps i went a little too far i can't i can't stop it you know i was just gonna see how this played out although i do believe the cops were mad at me i considered this a massive success back in my life of cara we were at the end of the line and told to leave the bus yeah you're gonna have to leave wake up child the humans demand us leave do you know if there's any other place we could spend the night i have no idea it didn't matter i would find a good place i started by scoping out a nearby dumpster but it was too full to climb inside but that's when i saw it across the street welcoming warm and free this abandoned car i welcome dallas to her brand new home i don't want to sleep in there can we find a better place well it's too bad you don't get a choice we're better off staying alice turns out alice didn't like that why didn't he ever love me because he was never loved alice why was he always so upset because he is a tool shed alice all i wanted was a life like other girls you'll never leave me right promise you'll never go never make a girl a promise you can't keep alice we don't know what's going to happen and on that note we fell asleep out of all the possible endings alice and cara stayed an abandoned car on that same night i marcus found myself awakening to what i could only imagine to be a hangover also i was in the dump not as bad as the abandoned car but still i diagnosed myself and realized that like andy with his broken toys carl just threw me away and so filled with the determination to destroy all humans i crawled until i found new legs and i proceeded to plug them in like i was a bionicle and right when i thought i was safe there's a place where we can be free find jealousy [Music] well jericho sounded pretty cool so i made my way through the stereotypical wall of creepy hands trying to pet me i also got hugged and found myself in some sort of android pick apart so as i scavenged to find replacement parts i kept finding garbage or getting grabbed by other androids so i decided hey why not just rip the heart out of this still clearly alive android for my own self-gain and so i did and it was surprisingly easy it even felt good and with that she died or at least the android equivalent fellow androids my greed requires your sacrifice and with that announcement i rip and tore every last part of still living androids to better myself my terminator senses were tingling and the only thought on my sd card of a brain was the complete annihilation of all humans including carl i had created myself back to life and i removed the android chip from my forehead i was a real boy my name is marcus and not even geppetto could stand in my way well back in connor's shoes can i help you i'm here to see lieutenant anderson do you have authorization yes my authorization is a is there any reason in particular you despise me yeah i was listening there is one lab report says well good talk an ax 400 is reported to have murdered a man last night that could be a good starting point for our investigation hank wasn't listening to me so obviously i immediately got aggressive if the situation doesn't suit you lieutenant you should ask to be relieved of duties and let me work with someone else i know exactly what i have to do so keep your advice to yourself and mind your own business and then i threatened him i'm going to file a report with my superiors that you refused to work on this investigation turns out he wasn't a fan of my attitude but hey at least it was hostile if it was up to me i throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it so stop pissing me off back in that abandoned car i woke up but alice is super lazy so she was still fast asleep i decided that now was definitely the best time to make a disguise so i found some absolutely sanitary scissors cut my hair and then colored it white i was now completely unrecognizable immediately afterwards i cracked open the trunk with a crowbar i found conveniently in the same lot and then i found a coat that conveniently fit me perfectly and here i thought the convenience store was on the other side of the street then i woke up alice wasn't a nightmare no but life soon will be that android we saw yesterday he gave me an address he said we could get help there you really look like a human now alice that is an incredibly rude thing to say but after alice roasted me we found out police were looking for us that's all for now probably because i shot a man to death well we slipped by them completely and headed towards the train station unfortunately there were more officers looking around so we just casually strolled down the street and they really didn't mind us at all even when we deliberately hid behind signs and polls to avoid them but as soon as i had figured we were safe two of them ambushed us and saw right through my clever disguise and automatically knew i was an android that's them the chase had begun well if you could even call it that because as conor i frantically ran out into the street in no plausible direction and got distracted by the first store sign i saw letting cara and alice get away we lost it and with that alice and i live another day well now that i marcus have rebuilt myself i could easily blend in with the humans hello i am human i do like coffee and i made my way to jericho wow i i wonder who did that no it couldn't be me i found an alternate route to jericho by jumping off a bridge oh wait that's water [Applause] well turns out i'm water resistant i grabbed a nearby shake weight which doubled as a flashlight and started to resident evil my way through the abandoned ship which was still not as good as the abandoned car however i expected a jump scare here but found none with that i turned around and left nope this wasn't the life things were getting way too android in there for me after a good cry i did proceed further in knowing that i had nowhere better to go but of course the minute i think ah yes this floor looks secure i am completely wrong and everything goes to crap ouch luckily i'm an android and can't feel physical pain i grabbed my flashlight but found myself surrounded by androids who stand in awkward positions and this guy who looks like his name is glenn welcome to jericho who are you my name is josh i'm simon north uh [Music] android how many are you there are 19 of us still in working order 28 would have been better the rest were damaged escaping their masters humans have little pity for our kind hiding is the only way we can survive well we could fight for those like us if humans knew we were here they'd kill us with that i met some weird lady who made me hold her hand give me your hand you had it all i did and you lost it all i did but hey at least i took out a human on my way out your choices will shape where distance she had no idea how much of a mistake that was but i gladly accepted that power responsibility well turns out the android loot boxes were emptied out so we needed to hunt down more supplies if i was to create an army i know where we can find spare parts cyber life warehouses in detroit harbor they have everything we need the docks are guarded did i stutter i just walk in there and take what we want we can and we will have any weapons and even if we did none of us knows how to fight we can steal what we need without fighting we'll just get ourselves killed maybe but it's better than waiting here to be shut down i'm with you maybe it's worth a try darn right it is they were starting to believe in me and that was their first fatal mistake well back in some abandoned apartment building still not as good as the car i was hanging out with hank why do you plan on staying in the elevator no i'm coming my awkwardness knew no bound nobody's supposed to be living here as we approached our suspect's room i found this a bunch of feathers weird cause birds don't exist so anyways i knocked on his door but no response so i knocked harder open up detroit police that may command sir turns out it only made him panic hank destroyed public property and we began to search the place i would not fail again it was not in my programming as hank destroyed another door we were greeted by none other than government trained pigeons no doubt well looks like we came for nothing our man's gone but maybe he left us some snacks ah no he's one of those non-eating types but in the bathroom i once again found that code any idea what it means wreck r a knife or yeah r a9 that works too as i continued to investigate the room i was led to yet another addict but certainly there was not another android up in there of course there was what are you waiting for chase it shut up mr krabs i'm going i was not going to fail again i was going to ah frankie got away [Music] where where'd it go i lost it come on let's get out of here seen enough vegetables for one day even though i was the closest i'd ever come to crying i'm sure this would have no serious future repercussions well alice was growing distant since i really didn't care about anything and we found ourselves at possibly the safest place we've been to thus far now of course it looked like a haunted mansion on the outside but i'm sure there wouldn't be any problems and or complications on the inside besides we were told by some random android that this place was safe are you use that code who's asking i was told you could help us i don't know who told you that you came to the wrong place i'm sorry wait we really need your help we completely trust this man 100 and if anything went wrong well i could always kill him come on in don't be shy luther would you be so kind as to take these ladies coat well that could be a problem don't be afraid of my big friend here he keeps me company in this big empty old house so he sat down with the guy and while he bambled on i scanned him for weaknesses i can help you he was obviously lying through his perfectly straight teeth all androids are fitted with a tracking device to locate them at all times i'll remove yours and then you'll both be safe follow me everything we need is in the basement ah yes the basement the pinnacle of safe havens i let alice down there without hesitation even when she said i don't like this place and that man let's go i have a bad feeling no choice we go and so we marched in i hope the little one isn't too scared no no she'll be all right alice was in fact not all right i reassured her that i was indeed the one who shot todd and i'm sure that whatever she was looking at didn't matter well this was definitely a murder shed if i had ever seen one but i hadn't so i waltzed right in i should warn you this could be quite unpleasant that's okay so is todd's appearance you know what's strange and at this moment i realized i [ __ ] up the trackers seem to stop working in deviance that's why it's so hard to find them you said yeah people believe what they want they'll come to me expecting me to help them and i just reset them no no i don't want to be reset let me go [Music] i forgot about the child um lock it up i'll deal with it later well things were going downhill quickly and soon i found myself being reset what happened to you it wasn't looking too good as my hatred only grew to somehow manage to murder this man in any way possible he just kept fueling that fire and with that i kicked stuff over and ripped out random cables until i was able to just tear myself under the machine it was murder time as i raced out i remembered that cell alice was staring into now normally i don't care about any of alice's interests but this this was different turns out it was a cell filled with a bunch of experimental psychoandroids hellbent on murder he likes so obviously i freed them this was absolutely a good idea then i stared at this guy and i waited for a jump scare but he just stood there so anyways i booked it on upstairs to find any weapon i could but only found alice so i guess that's okay or whatever well now they were after us and although we had a chance to run instead i decided to just burn the entire mansion to the ground with the mansion on fire and a psychotic android slaughterer right behind us there was only one thing left to do shotgun sadly it was luther empty in so i threw a table at him which literally did nothing well at least things couldn't get much worse i guess they could we were now being shot at chased by a massive killer android and escaping a burning building which i definitely take credit for but we managed to escape to the yard when alice on purpose tripped completely slowing us down i tried to get her out of here but our time was up i warned you dreams always end in tears you should listen to me thing is what are you doing get out of my way no luther wanted some of that terminator action too i said get out of my way or i'll shoot right through you but that wasn't even the best part my psychotic android murder party decided to join us in the yard ironic kind of like that scene in toy story but if it ended in death a payment i'm your master i'm your master the consequences of my actions unfolded before my eyes and it was beautiful and with that another kill to my name when i saw the little one risk her life to save you it was like opening my eyes for the first time i trust you but on the contrary luther should not trust me well only failure so far wouldn't keep me down and i had a lead on the investigation so i headed to hank's place and entered through the only reasonable way possible i met his dog sumo who was definitely the breadwinner here i'm your friend see i know your name i'm here to save your owner hank did barf on himself a super embarrassing human problem well somebody had to wake him up that did nothing plankton is stealing the krabby patty's secret formula it's me connor get the [ __ ] out of my house i'm sorry lieutenant but i need you i did the only logical thing i could do next toss that loser in the tub and spray them down [Music] i must be the only cop in the world that gets assaulted in his own house by his own android did he just call me his android well can't have that now can we so i immediately yelled at him if you're unable to conduct this investigation i'll have to inform your superiors go ahead tell him i don't give a [ __ ] he seemed agitated so naturally i just proceeded to tease him about the least probably wasn't interesting anyway a man found dead in a sex club downtown guess they'll have to solve the case without us you know probably wouldn't do me any harm to get some air i knew that would get through to him there's some clothes in the bedroom there and obviously i picked the most iconic hippie clothes i could find wonderful it turned out hank could literally rock anything my plan of making him look like an idiot failed like everything else i do well here we were heading into a giant dog side warehouse to steal android parts just your average tuesday what do we do now we need to find the cyber life warehouse that's where they keep the spare parts in the blue blood follow me luckily i knew how to maneuver this location as i had fought here many times in battlefield 3. instead of being a bunch of ground walkers we meres edged our way across the sea cans something regular humans could never do we ran into a problematic security drone that i convinced my team i could take out silently with that said i charted out the perfect route and completely botched up the execution looking like a friggin idiot in front of my team you alright nothing i can't handle who now all hate me i guess well screw em none of them are in my plan for the future anyways i'm not out here for them either i'm here to get myself out but right as i was gearing up some punk security android decided to show up you were trespassing on private property i will notify security good let them come as soon as that human guard reared his ugly head i knew exactly what needed to be done what are you doing i told you that was the only possible option there was no other way i could have handled that situation everyone around me seemed less than impressed especially this guy and with that i looted up the rest of the crates found a unit with a bunch of clones in it but because they had better hair than i did i locked them back up that's all we can carry let's go we can't just leave him here we can't bring him back it's too dangerous my crew struggled with leaving the security android but i had already made up my mind you can't come with us i helped you i don't care it's not fair life's not fair that helped you and now you're just gonna leave without me yep you're no better than humans you're no better than humans that was never my goal he triggered the alarm of course the security guy rushed out and sounded the alarm on us because we didn't let him join our club but we quickly hop the fence conveniently right by us and got away our days of slavery are over what humans don't want to hear we will tell them what they don't want to give we take we are free i told my fellow androids exactly what they needed to hear my plan was starting to take form and the current leaders of jericho had put their trust in me but their hopes of freedom through my vision would be sorely misplaced you
Channel: Kevduit
Views: 1,185,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevduit, Detroit Become Human, Detroit: Become Human, Detroit, DBH, Gaming, Meme, Memes, Psychopath run, Detroit Become Human Psychopath run, Detroit Become Human evil, Detroit Become human bad chioces, Detroit Become Human evil choices, Detroit Become Human Psychopath, Being a Psychopath in Detroit become human, Detroit Become Psychopath, Detroit Markus, Detroit Connor, Detroit Kara, Xbox, playstation, Kevduit Psychopath, Kevduit Detroit Become Human
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 26sec (2486 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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