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[Music] you see me [Music] the infinitely good the merciful our two names derive from mercy mercy requires an object of mercy and no one is an object of mercy unless he be in need his mercy covers everything everyone whether they are a mean believer whether they are a careful one who disbelieves whether it's a gin whether it's a believing gene a non-believing jinn whether it's birds in the sky whether it's fish in the sea whether it's the earth and the worms inside the earth rahma and his mercy covers everything and his name and his name and and by deriving five different names from the same root allah is emphasizing the concept of and there is no question that the primary attribute of the entire quran when it comes to allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the attribute of there is no other noun or verb from which five names have been derived and if you look at the quantity of times that allah ascribes mercy to himself in the quran there is no other attribute that comes close over 500 different adjectives and verbs and nouns all of which derive around are ascribed to allah are found in the quran in a number of different places in the case of the name al-rahman it is found 57 times in the quran in kuluman festival all in the heavens and the earth come to god the beneficent as a servant and really these are two of the greatest names of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and the most oft repeated names in the quran and they are among the names that are repeated many many many times in the quran from this is the statement of allah azzawajal the most merciful has risen over the throne your lord has decreed for himself that he shall be merciful allah and this ayah it illustrates for us a very interesting point even allah has laws even allah obeys laws but no one has the right to legislate upon allah except allah allah has the right to legislate on himself and no other entity has the right to legislate upon allah and if allah had wanted to he could have legislated anything upon himself even allah has rules that he abides by but what are these rules allah azzawajal has told us a few of them of them and the most important one our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that your lord decreed this hadith and it affirms what the quran is saying your lord decreed upon himself before creating the heavens and earth by 50 000 years and it's 50 000 means in it beyond our comprehension before allah created anything he decreed upon himself a rule that he wrote in a book that is with him literally the hadith says he has a book that is with allah so even allah has a code book as a law every entity has laws even allah but the difference is allah legislates upon himself and allah has rules that he has promised his servants he will always abide by and what is the number one rule that we learn in the quran and the sunnah shall always overcome my anger my mercy shall always triumph shall always win over my anger perfect mercy is pouring out benefication to those in need and directing it to them for their care and inclusive mercy is when it embraces deserving and undeserving alike the mercy of god great and glorious is both perfect and inclusive perfect in as much as it wants to fulfill the needs of those in need and does not meet them and inclusive in as much as it embraces both deserving and underdeserving encompassing this world and the next and includes bare necessities and needs and special gifts over and above them so he is utterly and truly merciful both names come from the the arabic root rahma which means mercy and both of them are what are called intensive forms of the present participle the original form rahim becomes rahman and raheem now both of them fundamentally we're saying means merciful but there are some subtle differences between the two rahman is looked at as being a more intensive form than raheem because the intensive forms are depending on the number of letters that that constitute them the more letters the more intensive they're considered to be and rahman has more letters than but in terms of the understanding with regards to allah the general explanation which is commonly given and most people are familiar with it is that rahman is one who possesses complete mercy for the creatures of this world and for the believers in the next covering both worlds this world and the next whereas raheem is more specific for the believers on the day of judgment a greatness to his mercy that shows there is no end to this mercy and allah's is when allah has mercy specifically to the believers so this is only to those who have turned to him this is only to those who believe in him these are only people who are close to him these only people whom allah has chosen and they if it's in this dunya if it's in this world then his rahmah his mercy will be with them specifically uh as as well as those who don't believe in him that's fine that's from rahman but rahim is only for the akhirah so when in the next world allah azzawajal on the day of judgment he will have mercy on the believers it will be him as being raheem the name the name is a unique name there is no other name like it in the quran other than the name allah itself and the name allah and the name have a unique status that no other name shares and that is that both of these names are considered to be the primary name of allah typically the name allah and the name they occur by themselves they don't have a second name attached to them rarely they do but typically it's by themselves and the name al-rahman is linked directly with the name allah allah says call upon allah or call upon ar-rahman whichever of these two that you choose whichever of these two that you choose all of the other names belong to him so allah says all the other names go back to them and there's no other name that has been raised to that status other than these two allah and in the case of ar-rahman this is a description of allah's essence of him in character himself is the most merciful and that is the bestower of mercy meaning that ar-rahman refers to the mercy that allah has and ar-raheem refers to the fact that he gives out that mercy now he has given out 100th of that mercy in this dunya and 99 out of 100 he has kept to give to the believers in the but both the dunya is giving this mercy to people and withholding it from people and allah mentions his name in 57 occasions of the quran 57 occasions around 50 of them are standalone they have no other name and as i said there's no other name that is standalone other than name allah so for example this is a standalone name and allah begins ayat with allah and he begins ayat with ar-rahman and there's no other name that us that a chapter or a surah begins with and typically in verses of majesty in verses of glory allah azzawajal mentions the name for example when allah mentions his most magnificent creation the biggest creation of allah the most magnificent creation and that is by the way the throne of allah the largest creation of allah is allah's throne allah's whenever allah mentions his arsh he always mentions the name seven different times in the quran this phrase occurs seven exact same phrase never does allah say allah he always says mentions the wisdom behind this he says when the arch or the throne of allah is the largest creation and we know this from many a hadith by the way that the prophet mentioned that it is the heaviest of the creation and it is the largest of the creation so when the is the largest of the creation ibm says allah wanted to mention that attribute that even envelopes the largest creation and that is the attribute of that allah envelopes even the largest creation and there is no name of allah that occurs upon the same structure now this goes a little bit advanced i don't want to confuse you with morphology or but the arabic language one of the beauties of the arabic language is you can take a three-letter verb and you can transform it into many different if you like nouns and even adjectives and adverbs depending on what you add what you subtract where you put an alif where you put so for example samia to hear samir and samir they both mean the same but there's a difference in the meaning samir the one who hears everything the one who can hear right now allah is not salmer allah is samir this is morphology the differences what i'm trying to say it has an alif noon at the end rahima is the verb has the alif nun there is no other name of allah that has this structure of the alif noon at the end other than this name al-rahman imam moves on to say that this name of allah can only be used for allah azzawajal it cannot be used for any other human being and this is one of the debates that the scholars have of which which of the names are very specific for allah because if you say that a name is specific for allah you cannot name a person with it so for example whereas you can you can call someone malik malik you can name someone his name is malik what is malik malik means that he is the owner of something but you cannot name someone because that is only allah azza why because allah's mercy the fact that he can have mercy on anything from the east and the west from this dunya to the next dunya from any of his creations from the heavens right and to the earth that no one can no one can be the same as him in that so that is very clear but allah if you want to name someone by that name you must put before it so you say abdul rahman you say the same as allah you can't you can't name anyone allah but you can say abdullah you can say his name is the servant of allah you can say his name is the servant of the rahman that is fine but you can't name anyone so the one who has the strongest and the eternal no other name of allah has the alif nun and that is why ar-rahman is so powerful that allah is always characterized by rahmah and everything he does is characterized by and that is why allah azzawajal mentions magnificent things when he mentions al-rahman so for example because allah is a rahman he created all of mankind and that is why the term al-rahman many of our scholars say that the difference between rahman and raheem rahman is for the entire creation and raheem is for the believers this is the primary difference we'll come to other differences as well but the primary difference that our scholars mention is that is for the entire creation the entire creation he created as for then generally speaking applies for those who have believed in him for the believers his mercy is vast it encompasses everything and he states that himself and sword out of my mercy encompasses everything so whatever exists in this world exists within the mercy of allah whether we're talking about the righteous and the unrighteous people and the jinn whether we're talking about believers or disbelievers where in the heavens or in the earth all creatures all beings that have an understanding and can choose the sentient beings all of them function within the mercy of allah allah however we did say as we said before there is a special element of allah's mercy which is reserved for the believers on the day of judgment so imam ibn al-qaeda defines the mercy of allah subhanahu wa ta'ala and he sheds difference or light on the difference between our mercy and his he says that entails that allah provides his servants with bounties benefits even if such a person despises them and finds them burdensome that's allah think about it look a parent may force his child to revise for an exam you may impose a temporary limitation on social outings and other matters he may enjoy now obviously any child will will hate this but the parent is different to the short term aspirations of the child the parent realizes this is an act of care and mercy and it is so similarly when you and i are in the thick of a horrible situation so dark that it just leaves us lost for words lost for answers and we're saying things like what mercy was there in the loss of my son to a car accident what mercy was there in the cancer that is now eating me alive what mercy was there in the unfaithful behavior of my spouse that has just rendered me physically emotionally spiritually paralyzed unable to move on where is there mercy of that at that instant the definition of mercy is to be recalled again the rahma of allah is a characteristic which entails that allah provides his servants with bounties and benefits even if such a person despises them and finds them burdensome that that he will greet them uh or the day that he greets them with salaam and allah mentions the term rahim over here in this context so is a special mercy that is given to the chosen and that's the believers is the powerful mercy that everybody shares in because allah is characterized by mercy even the kafir benefits from the rahmah of allah through and that's what our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that if allah did not have mercy then he wouldn't even give the kafir a morsel of water but it is from the mercy of allah that even the kafir is supplied his daily risk and his daily sustenance and our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam mentioned that when allah created the creation he divided his mercy into 100 parts now this is a symbolic hadith because allah's mercy is infinite and it cannot be divided allah's mercy is infinite but it just to give you an understanding he divided his mercy into 100 parts one of those parts he revealed to this world and because of it the entire creation has some bit of mercy because of it people are merciful to others because of it the process said the mother horse for example shows mercy to the fowl to the baby horse because of it the mother bird feeds the baby bird and allah has saved 99 parts of his mercy and those 99 will be used only on the day of judgment so imagine from the beginning of time until the trumpet is blown every act of mercy that any creature any bird any animal any human does to any other creature any plant you add all of that mercy for all of the billions of years that creatures have been on this earth and that comes to one bit of mercy and 99 times that allah will use on one day and that is the day of judgment and that is why our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam will be optimistic about entering jannah this is the power of allah's mercy and that is why abdullah ibrahim he said that a person may sometimes aspire for some matter of trade or a position of authority and he pursues it so ardently till he comes so close to attaining it then allah looks at him and he says to the angels diverted away from him because if he attains it i will take him to hell so it is diverted away from him but this person continues to see this as a misfortune saying so outwitted me when in reality it was nothing but the grace of allah when allah has characterized himself with mercy in over 500 verses when allah has described himself in mercy with five different proper nouns when allah says he is the rahman he is the raheem he is the mean the most merciful of all those who have mercy he is the best of all those who have mercy he is the one who is the one who is always merciful then how can we ever give up hope of allah's mercy how can we possibly give up hope of allah's mercy in fact to give up hope of allah's mercy is an insult to allah to give up hope of allah's mercy is an insult to allah of the highest magnitude and this is not me speaking this is the hadith our prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said listen to this hadith the biggest of all kabira's sins are kabira and sahira big and small you have the big sins the large sins the major sins you have the most major of the major sins what are they number one number two [Music] he said allah will forgive people on the day of judgment in a way which no human heart could ever imagine in conclusion one of the greatest signs of success therefore is when you are inspired to ask allah for his time and time again as is stressed in the quran in so many passages when allah subhanahu wa said to the prophet muhammad my lord forgive and have mercy for you are the best of those who shall mercy any person who assumes that he single-handedly is too sinful for allah to forgive wallahi what an insult who are you who are you and what are all of your sins compared to the mercy of allah have you limited the mercy of allah such that you believe you alone in one lifetime can commit so many sins that allah cannot forgive you this is the height of insult and that is why it is a type of kufur to assume that allah cannot forgive me that's why a process adam said right after shirk number two to give up hope of allah's mercy and the quran says who gives up hope of allah's mercy other than those who are baaloon completely astray and allah mentions in the quran who have wronged themselves over and over again you've gone beyond the bounds allah is saying directly in the first person he's speaking to them never give up hope of allah allah forgives all sins brothers and sisters can continue to show rahma and he can do have more rahma than all of the creation combined and it will not diminish his rahmah if he shows his the entire creation his eternal rahmah that never finishes so what can i do and what can you do that can extinguish that rahma of allah this is the hope this is the month of rahma this is the shahrukh and this is the month where we want allah and these are the 10 days of so let us renew our intention that we will gain allah's let us have that optimism because that optimism is a part of iman let us believe in al-rahman let us believe that the rahman will show us that the raheem will develop will envelop us [Music] allah
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 78,790
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Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant
Id: exdV5txmAF4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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