The Day Of Judgement

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Hey that hour has come close the hour is nigh judgment is near the reckoning of man has come near the hour is close and everyone is accountable for his own deeds the Rasul said how can I relax and the owner of the trumpet the custodian of the trumpet has lifted it to his mouth and he has put the focus of his hearing focused attentive when will the law decree that I blow the trumpet when the trumpet is blown whatever is in the heavens and earth will be destroyed for verily the tremor the shaking the vibration the quake of that hour is a big thing the creation changes the mountains fly about the earth is destroyed buildings come crumbling down everything that you know is an utter ruin the most catastrophic day in the existence of creation and this is the first blow and this is called the blow of destruction so although the idle island mentioned the hadith but it isn't the strongest of a hadith but nonetheless great scholars have mentioned it and they narrate the story where in the creation nothing is left except for what Allah wishes so they say this refers to the four grand angels these angels are Rafi Mieke Eve Jibril the Angel of Death and the angels that hold up the throne of Allah and Allah will tell the Angel of Death take the soul of this Rafi then take the soul of me ket then take the soul of Djibouti and the law will order the Angel of Death to take the souls of the angels that hold up the throne of a law and the law will ask who is left and the Angel of Death will say me yelled law and you and you are the one that does not time and in a narration Allah will toll the Angel of Death go and take your own soul and the Angel of Death will go to a land between the heavens and the earth and he will take his own soul in a scene brothers and sisters that's described that from the scream that the Angel of Death will produce if the people of the world were alive they would have died again in shock and that the Angel of Death would say if I knew death was so painful I would have been more merciful on the souls of the believers and then Allah will ask who is left but no one will answer who is left but no one will answer there is nothing in existence of Lara Buddha mr. krabs the earth and Scrolls up the heavens in his riot shaking it says I am the king where are the arrogant ones where are the proud ones where are the haughty ones I am the king where are the kings of this world to whom belongs the Dominion today who is the owner of the heavens and earth today to Allah the Lord of Honor and grandeur there is nothing but Allah [Music] this is how it started this is how we'll end nothing alive except subpoena what the hell and then after a period of 40 allah rabbul izza sends down water this water is like a sticky gooey substance and through it and from it allah rabbul izza remakes the bodies of men of the humans under the gray under the soil it seeps through and the hadith of the prophet from the last bone on your spinal column for every human that's what remains science a so from that allah rabbul izza remakes you orders is revealed come up again is fulfilled so the blower of the trumpet is resurrected he comes up and then he tells him blow again and he blows against a standing up and looking when the earth goes into shaking and brings out the heavy burden that was carrying as in the bodies of the billions that have come and went and they get resurrected the land is a different land the ground is white how are they resurrected the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam says barefooted naked uncircumcised darnisha said Brody Allah WA and her we are a soul Allah we are naked the men will be naked one they look at each other so the results Eddie Aisha the situation is much bigger than for people to look at each other and as they come out of their graves there is darkness [Music] and you see some people lights around them towards their right and in front of them is lit bright and if namaz rule says your life will depend on the amount of deeds you have put forth some people will come with huge light and some people's light will be enough just for themselves and some people like a candle that turns on and off like it some people are resurrected and they can't get up those that eat the money of river they want to be able to stand you will see another person and kids are poking him and pushing him he ate their money their wealth their white dolphins and he wronged them and this is their situation in the day of judgement the Sun comes a mile away from the heads of humankind and they start to sweat so some stand in puddles of sweat up to their ankles some to their knees some to their ways some to their shoulders some people are drowned in it based on the prong that you have done humankind panic and the fear is immense and the heat is unbearable and the sweat is covering people they say more people you see our situation you know our calamity you know what has befallen us let's go for in someone to intercede on our behalf so they said let's go to our Father other so they go to Adam alehissalaam and they say yeah Adam you are a lost first creation please tell him to start the day of judgment we can't take the weight anymore and Adam says no Allah is so angry today he's never been this angry before I made a sin I ate from the tree and so they will all go to no Holly he's Salah no you are the longest prophets please tell Allah just to start the day of judgment and no he'll say no no no I was so angry today and I asked him something I shouldn't have and they will go to Musa Ibrahim residing and ASA will tell them why are you going to us go to the one who can help you go to Muhammad sallallaahu a mercy to mankind and muhammad sallallahoalyhiwasallam will say and i laugh I'll do it the prophets are seldom goes up to the throne of Allah and make sujood and praises Allah for things that no human has ever praised them for before until allah subhanaw taala says ya muhammad put your head up put your head up ask and I'll give he says Ya Allah what about myoma what are you gonna do with them some Allah and Allah says don't worry I won't disappoint you today and the prophets of Allah Helios Ellen says yeah start the day of judgement some little item so a lot of bellezza says I will come and start the reckoning the day where the angels start to pour down so I angels come down from the heavens row after all formation after formation group after group on this plane land such grand creation so grand that human kind of mesmerized by them so they say these are Lord so the Angels say no he will come in a manner befitting his majesty at that moment the hardest part the hardest part of the hereafter the coming of Hellfire it is a roaring raging beast that is held down by 70,000 chains holding each chain is 70,000 angels there is no scene the more terrifying on the day of judgment that that scene and when hell fire comes brothers and sisters every creation of Allah they will fall to their knees all they are saying is oh Allah protect us all opportunities and mankind move towards the land where they will stand before allah rabbul izza and will be made accountable for their deeds their books start to appear and their books are given to them and they will be lined up one line there isn't our being uttered the first utterance in the Day of Judgment is from allah rabbul izza to our father adam alayhis-salam and he says yeah adam separate the portion of health from your children so he says and what is the portion of health so a lot of businesses from every thousand 999 for the fire the scale will be put the ummah of muhammad salallahu alaihe wasalam is the first OMA to get judged what will happen is the prophets of Allah Holly of Salem will lead us to the throne and all the creation of Allah they're looking and they're saying who are these people and you're walking heads high the judgment will start you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 1,115,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the end series, the hereafter series, minor signs, major signs, dajjal, ya'juj and ma'juj
Id: 6oTEq2TP_t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 0sec (780 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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