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Wa alaikumu As-Salamu wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuh

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Qutada ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Wa alaikum

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SNK_King ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
if you rely on Allah that is the most powerful act of worship while Allah if a tower [Music] meaning and indeed you should lay your trust and reliance totally and wholly upon Allah if you are a true believer or if you are true believers if your true believers you need to rely wholly totally on Allah when you came onto the earth for example your own parents had to rely on Allah if they didn't they would struggle with anxiety they would struggle with depression and depression is not always caused by lack of Reliance in allah subhanahu wata'ala but at times that is a contributing factor we need to understand you don't have to add worries that you don't need to add in your life or upon your brain your mind and your system and even your heart you rely upon Allah he will definitely take care of you if Allah can take care of the smallest of creatures don't you think you're bigger than that why ma'am [Laughter] but you feel I don't belong here is gonna wanna move most economists and I couldn't pick it up in Ruby there is nothing that moves on earth except that allah has guaranteed its sustenance nothing that moves on earth except that allah has guaranteed to provide it what it means subhanAllah this includes the ends the ends that you and I don't even see and the little mosquitoes subhanAllah that irritate you and I if that sustenance is written in your blood subhanAllah there's nothing you're going to do about it it's gonna come and get its portion so eat less sweets masha'Allah may Allah grant us goodness Allah says in the rest of that verse that Allah knows its place that it's going to come through and where it's going to leave from everything your birth and death is determined by Allah everything is already prescribed predestined by Allah you rely on Allah Allah says he will provide for every single one all his creatures what they need the problem with us we become depressed because we have what we need but we want beyond what we need there is a difference between what you need and what you want what you want Allah didn't guarantee he's going to give you what you need Allah will give it to you Subhan Allah it's amazing so what do you actually need you don't need the luxuries you don't need so much and whatever else you probably need a little bit of food to survive some clothing to cover yourself a little place that you can actually sleep even if it happens to be under a tree if that's what Allah has written he's provided you what you need but what you want Allah still says I will give you as much as I would like to give you you work hard I will still provide you know what to show you that I will actually give you more than not only what you deserve but more than what you need and then it's a test to see will you share with others will you talk to others will you communicate with others will you help others not only financially and materialistically even by speaking to them sometimes talking to someone is more valuable than a million pounds because you've spoken to them you've moved them you've changed their lives people say you know what you've changed my life well I tell you what you need to start changing the lives of others in whatever way possible sometimes within our own homes we don't even talk to each other because we forget that reaching out to people primarily starts with speaking to them subhanAllah so if you rely upon Allah and you understand that Allah created you number one he will provide for you he will definitely give you there's no way that Allah can forget you when he's provided for the ends when he listens to the discussion of the flies amazing subhanAllah so look at what Allah says if you are true believers you rely on Allah correctly your reliance should be fully on a lot you shouldn't be worried take cognizance of the fact that Allah is in charge I always say when things happen your way say alhamdulillah when they don't happen your way say alhamdulillah twice because they are happening according to your boss who is Allah your maker Subhan Allah I was reading an article of a sister 1979 having arrived some of you might have seen this having arrived from Syria into America and she had a little delay because she refused to take off her scarf in order to take a photograph and what happened they missed the connecting flight and as they missed the connecting flight they later discovered that that flight was involved in a crash and everyone died how many of us have been saved by being delayed we get angry sometimes agitated because of something that went wrong according to us but according to Allah nothing ever went wrong subhanAllah someone can bash your motor vehicle completely you walk out with a smile yes it doesn't mean you say it's okay it's okay sometimes it's not okay no we can get out with a smile and still claim what we have to and still say you were wrong yes I know you were wrong but it's called an accident no one did it purposely but we come out of the vehicle as though they did it intentionally come on Subhan Allah may Allah grant us ease and guide us don't be angry when things don't happen your way because in that case something is wrong with your belief in Allah it's not strong enough you need to believe that Allah was in charge if you plan to do something you desperately wanted to marry someone you wanted a specific business you wanted to buy a specific house you wanted to do something you needed a specific dress you wanted to attend a specific function and it did not happen your way thank Allah double because it happened his way and he took over he saved you from something and even if you don't realize what he did for you at the time the fact that you're happy with what Allah decided for you would actually earn you closeness to Allah Allah decided it for you so don't worry you've lost out on nothing the only time you blame yourself is when Allah has given you the capacity the ability to do something that is beneficial for you or to protect yourself from some harm and you sat back and said well if it's decreed let it happen like the lazy lot of today who sit at home and make dua oh Allah I've been reading five Salah a day I'm getting a foot to head dude oh Allah help me help me I need sustenance oh Allah I need a minimum of a thousand pounds a week that makes it fifty two thousand pounds a year not a bad salary actually so you cannot sit in your room when Allah is giving you the capacity to pick up your phone and look for jobs online from your phone but you say no I rely on Allah that is false reliance the hadith says tie your camel then say I rely on Allah Allah gave you the capacity you cannot leave your motor vehicle open with all your pounds dangling from here and there and everything else you know that's valuable or in your vehicle and you say I rely on Allah and Allah alone he's going to take care of my car while I tell you what when you come back everything will be stolen from the car and your car will be gone as well why you were foolish so this is why we say when Allah gave you the capacity to do something do it use your brain use your energy that's why the hadith says yes Allah Mayan Farook was telling billahi well attachรฉs always always work hard to achieve what is beneficial for you did you hear that work hard to achieve what is beneficial for you and seek the help of Allah and never give up Subhan Allah that's called proper reliance on Allah I locked my car I did whatever I could still someone best broke the window and stole something I say alhamdulillah I'm ok lah Akbar Allah didn't want me to do to perhaps make use of something that was stolen maybe to stolen from me so this is all the help of Allah you need to understand how Allah works if you believe you definitely will be a happy person always you'll be content a Japan liamri Luqman the affairs of a true believer are amazing why are they amazing when good comes in his or her direction he is happy she's happy and thanks Allah I'm thankful to Allah how do you show gratitude to Allah by the way not just by saying oh Allah I'm grateful and then we sin against Allah day and night even if you didn't say o Allah I'm grateful but you fulfilled your prayer you fool you tried your best to obey what Allah has instructed you you tried your best to abstain from prohibition because Allah has provided for you in that case it's true gratitude unto Allah true gratitude is when you are trying to get closer and closer and closer to your maker and I'd like to believe that every single one of us without exception within us we have it that we want to get closer and closer to Allah as time passes don't we anyone who doesn't want to get closer to Allah as time passes please show us your hand nobody mashallah that's what I expected because it goes to show deep down we love Allah and guess what I have good news for you today Allah loves you too Subhan Allah we seated here we want to hear a motivation we want to feel like we're believers muslimeen we're good alhamdulillah we're trying I know that Allah loves us because he's provided for us much more than we actually need much more than we deserve at times if you take a look at how strong we are myself included we need a lot of attention we need so much of help we need to improve ourselves from so many different angles and you know what Allah still provides and he still gives and it gives you more and he gives you more and he gives you this happiness and that happiness may he never make us from those who transgress as a result of the gifts that he gives us but still he keeps giving us even though we transgress look at how merciful Allah is how can you not rely on Allah how can you not trust Allah when Allah has promised you things and Allah has delivered those on those promises Allah says I'll take care of you Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala tells us don't doubt people don't doubt people don't suspect for nothing yes if there's reason to suspect you may do so but only if there's reason if there's no reason you don't suspect people you don't spy on people Allah says leave it to us don't spy on people because if you spy we want to teach you something Allah says to us I am the most merciful the most forgiving someone might have committed a mistake I will forgive them they will change their lives they will become how many of us have been weak in the past and we've committed sin and we've changed our lives and we no longer commit those sins but we would be embarrassed to admit what type of sins we've committed in the past many of us don't you agree imagine if someone had to spy on you and knew what you were up to they would never forgive you or they would never look at you with the eye of positivity ever because they knew what you were up to but your life has changed you are genuinely a changed person only Allah understands that I tell you my brothers and sisters the whole world will let you down absolutely everyone will let you down but Allah will not let you down Allah says my worshipper I will forgive you by you just asking me for forgiveness even if your sins were as much as would fill from the earth to the skies you want to hear the words Jana Adama LaBella Kat von Ibuka Anna Anna summer e semester 14 e refer to laka voilรก Oberly lakita nila - shriek Abishai and the hadith says o son of Adam if your sins had filled from the earth to the skies full of writing meaning if they had filled that whole space that's how many sins you came with on the day of judgment but you came without associating partners with me worshiped me you tried I can forgive your sins without even being bothered it won't really affect anything at all on my side so Allah is telling us Oh son of Adam no matter what you've done have hope in my mercy o son of Adam your acts of worship benefit you they don't benefit me so trust that I will accept them from you did you try yes I tried accept it don't let the devil come to you and make you lose your faith in Allah you have faith in Allah what is the faith in Allah he is her for Raheem were dude he is the loving the most merciful the most forgiving the most compassionate that is who Allah is have you ever thought about it when we say bismillah he the first words as we are reading the Quran what do we say bismillahi r-rahmani r-rahim e in the name of Allah what did he choose as the ultimate of the first two names for us to be repeating what did he choose number one ar-rahman what's that the most merciful the entirely merciful he is merciful even upon those who don't deserve his mercy subhanAllah that's what the meaning of a Rahman and then he says a Raheem he has a specialised mercy for those who believe they will feel that mercy because of that belief and conviction when you are convinced with Allah when you rely on Allah when you know that the good that came to me is definitely a blessing from Allah and the tests and the bad that came to me is also a blessing from Allah and the test then you have true belief then you're a believer but if you think the bad is always a punishment it's not it's not you know we have tsunamis we have natural disasters we have death we have so many other things disease sickness a lot of these things are actually a blessing from Allah yes it can be a punishment it's all got to do with your own condition someone said oh look at a la panning the people of Indonesia because of what they've been doing and I got up and I said it's my duty to tell you that is not necessarily a punishment what about those who died while they were Institute what about those who died while they were trying to read Quran what about those who were decent people who died and they were martyred or perhaps killed in that natural disaster can you ever say that it was the punishment of Allah no it was not it was the mercy of Allah upon them they died in a good condition how many of us would like to die in sujood I would like to die Institute yes so if Allah took you away Institute no matter how he took you away but isn't it a blessing of Allah you'll be resurrected perhaps in a similar way and people say hey I was punished you see because he died natural disaster you don't know it was the mercy of Allah but if someone was in the disobedience of Allah at the time that's between them and Allah may allah subhanahu wata'ala not do that to us so it could be the same disaster could be a punishment for some and a mercy for others depending on how you are and those who have survived it depends on the condition of your heart those who have survived it depends on the condition of your heart subhanAllah if you're a happy person if you're X if you're always happy and you make the most of what's left with you then you're definitely a believer you believe in Allah it's definitely a means of closeness to Allah how many of us when we've had disease and sickness have we become better Muslims Wow so isn't that sign of the mercy of allah subhanahu wata'ala it softened us it made us fulfill Salah and how many of us once we get cured we back with our old ways and habits Lochaber may that not happen to us may we always be from those whom when we're cured we change our lives as well and not just sickness people cry for things to Allah o Allah I need a child I need a chart and mashallah after eight years ten years twelve years fourteen years I know eighteen years I've known of one case they they were blessed with a child Subhan Allah may Allah bless all of us with children I mean even if you're not married to say I mean you might be laughing why I can tell you why when you say o Allah grant me with good offspring who will be the coolness of my eyes it's like a full package it means firstly in order to get that I need a husband right so that's included in it okay and I need it's like if you if you don't have a job and you say oh Allah help me to buy a lovely expensive cup just an example right it means you firstly gonna have to get a job and earn the money or something's gonna have to happen for the money to come to you right so in the same way when you say o Allah grant me pious offspring it means all I get me the best spouse and thereafter with us give us the good offspring so it's an all-inclusive two-in-one like the shampoo organic smash-up you see a Las promise is true yeah I um so in our Donaghy happened no people a Las promise to you is absolutely true woman as duck you mean Allah he Haditha woman Asda come in Allah who can there be more truthful than Allah regarding his speech regarding what he has said regarding his promise cannot be cowered down miss hoon when Allah promises us Jenna and paradise and goodness he says this is a promise that you can ask Allah about you can hold him responsible to the promise he's made Allah said whoever seeks forgiveness I will forgive them if you have sought forgiveness and you go on the day of judgment you can ask Allah o Allah I sought forgiveness my forgiveness you won't even need to ask Allah do you know why it will definitely be that your sin is wiped out don't lose hope don't let Shaitaan trap you to make you believe otherwise now let me tell you Allah promised you unfortunately sometimes man is such we're ready to believe another person but we're not ready to believe Allah give you an example beautiful example okay so you're looking for a job and suddenly you find a job and they tell you listen you're gonna be paid you're gonna be paid how much what's a good salary come per week let's see what's a good salary can someone say yes 150 son I think you're a bit too young mashallah okay say 500 pounds a week it's a good salary okay someone's offering you 5000 pounds a week and they tell you we pay you monthly so what's that how many weeks four weeks 20,000 20,000 a month Oh subhanAllah and what's the job it's simple you can just work at home it's just online you got to do X Y & Z that's it when you're done you're okay so you're working online a few hours and what's happening every day you're excited the fact that you got the job was so beautiful you put your signature on there or even if you just took the word for it you're so excited finally and ultimately someone has promised you that after 30 days were you gonna get twenty thousand in your bank account Wow wouldn't you be excited I think I would right so now what happens when twenty days pass you're so excited because you can start smelling the pounds mashallah right 25 days you can start smelling the perfumes you're gonna be biting with those pounds mashallah right 28 days and you're so excited you're starting to plan your outing and how you're going to take your family and what you're gonna hope it's halal each other but whatever else you're going to be doing you start planning everything you're excited because someone's promised you you work 28 days 30 days I'm gonna give you the salary and you work hard and you're dedicated and you wouldn't like to lose the job and you don't want someone else to take over from you and you don't want someone else to prove that they're better than you so that you can be replaced you don't want any of that you work so hard and exactly 30 days later a few hours delay and you're getting excited you want to think of whether I should call management my money is not reflecting and I need and I've got this commitment and that commitment and suddenly Bing you get an SMS 20,000 in the bank and you say wow mashallah now we can do what what happened what happened you worked hard for 30 whole days believing another human that he's going to give you some reward after your job but when Allah promises you that after you work I'm going to give you you don't believe Allah you don't believe Allah Allah says we promise you if you believe and you do good deeds we're gonna give you a good life if you try to discipline yourself we'll give you a good life remember happiness in this world is not connected to that which is temporary it's not connected to that which is Haram that which is prohibited because it will only give you moments of pleasure but long-term it's going to come back to haunt you Allah not do that to us unless you've repented sometimes even if you've repented from a worldly perspective it could come back to haunt you how many people have tattooed themselves and later repented to Allah the son is totally forgiven but if it's a permanent tattoo guess what happens as forgiving as you are as similar as you are as spotless as you are you're still going to be having a big tattoo somewhere because it was permanent tattoo you did at the time when you were sinning it doesn't mean you're not forgiven someone might say well remove it no sometimes it's more harmful to remove that if you can remove something that's not really permanent then let it be but if it's a big one you you will have to live with it even though in the eyes of Allah you're a clean worshiper of Allah but you had to live with the mistake you made the same apply sometimes we pay for things on a worldly basis but in the eyes of Allah we don't Allah says you know what I've forgiven you so when Allah has promised you Jenna if you do X Y and Zed rely on Allah believe him have hope as you grow older and as you become Subhan Allah as you grow older and as you become terminally ill perhaps may Allah grant us all cure but there is only one way to survive that having hope in the mercy of Allah you've been through a divorce you've been through so much you someone's diagnose you with something you don't know what's going to happen you can either be cured or you can either lose your life I'll either way I have hope in the mercy of Allah ultimately I'm going to die I want Jannah I have hope in the mercy of Allah that I'm definitely going to Jenna and inshallah we meet each other they say I'm in in the company of mohammed salah solemn I am convinced I'm totally convinced because I'm not going to enter Jannah through my deeds it's just my trial but the mercy of Allah is what will get us into Jannah it's the mercy of Allah it's not my deeds Allah doesn't need anything you know what Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala says yet not Adam o son of Adam if all of you were together upon the highest level of piety and the person who's the most pious ever all of you on that level it wouldn't increase in my kingdom even a droplet nothing nothing increased and if all of you were as simple as this most sinful person on earth it wouldn't decrease from my kingdom even ab droplet nothing it's Allah rely on Allah he loves us he made us do are you trying yes I am The Magicians at the time of Moses Musa alayhi Salam one Saturday after which they were executed how many sujood did they fulfill what that one said that Allah forgave them and granted them Jenna how many sujood have you and I done don't you have hope in the mercy of Allah don't you have hope in the mercy of Allah keep trying when you falter don't lose hope Shaitaan makes you lose up seek forgiveness again and again and again subhanAllah but when Allah promises you masha'Allah tabarak Allah you need to make sure that you believe that promise of Allah Allah is the most merciful from this day we should change the way we look at things we need to look at things positively not everything is negative yes if you have a tough situation at home you should do something about it in a good way but don't become despondent don't lose hope in the mercy of Allah Allah knows he's going to give you and that's why one of my favorite verses in the Quran is in surah Taha Allah says while I saw over your thinker a bunker fat aroma very soon your up your Lord shall give you so much until you become satisfied that will be in the dunya and akhirah or just in the affero just in the hereafter so what I know I'm going to get it from Allah you need to know that those who truly believe when the verses of the Quran are recited to them their hearts tremble their hearts tremble and you know what happens to them it boosts their Eman it strengthens them and they rely totally on Allah and believe what Allah says may allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala grant us all goodness I've overshot by four minutes and five seconds but that's fine may allah subhanahu wa ta'ala grant us all genitals
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 379,666
Rating: 4.950397 out of 5
Keywords: merciful, servant, themercifulservant
Id: 2fm9FxolmN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 20sec (1640 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2020
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