The Throne of Allah - Mindblowing

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Great video i just wish muslims would stop adding the dramatic background music to these videos. It's overused, unnecessary and can push people away. I can't take them seriously.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Marilynkira 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

If there’s a time stamp that’s accidental. Please watch the whole thing jzk

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BradBrady 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/LeadershipComplex958 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies

K mate

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/memer_dreamer_exe 📅︎︎ May 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] all the praise is for Allah who is the author of all existence and the most generous to his creation while he is also the all compelling he is the only one worthy of our worship having no partners no associates no sons no daughters no one whom he must consult and no one or anything which has any comparison with him all the praise is for Allah who is the king of all who claim sovereignty the only one who has the right to legislate for his creatures he is the giver of life he is the cause of death while death has no effect upon him because he is the ever living the self-subsisting the eternal and the only absolute all the praise is for allah who has power over all things and there is in reality no power and no strength no influence to cause benefit or detriment except through him [Music] it is he who created this complex world the seen and the unseen the evidence and the speculative the earth and all that is on it and everything that is in it it is he who sent his messengers and prophets Elena Salaam with the common message of strict monotheism which simply means that there's absolutely no one worthy of worship no one worthy of our obedience except the Almighty the one the absolute and who has no partners the earlier messages which changed the world in the area in which the prophets were sent those messages we know have changed and even the prophets who brought them their names are now lost we just know in general because Allah told us in the Quran walaqad Bosna Facundo Mateen rasoolallah an arab of the law which tena Buddhahood I've sent to every nation a messenger calling people to worship Allah alone and to avoid the worship of false gods this essential message has been preserved in Islam in a way that it was never preserved this not because the message was different because it was the same message but because of the fact that there would be no other prophets who would come after muhammad's olive oil Salam so therefore that message now had to be protected it had to be preserved in a way none of the earlier messages were preserved I'm the latest what you see you have come to know 40 years back right and what to call the Big Bang is already mentioned in the book which I really the goal is Quran it's mentioned 1400 years ago and it's very humble chap number 21 what's the matter TV says avila Meireles in a cup you do not the unbeliever see and nessam awhat evil are de Canas conferred nama that the heaven and the earth were joined together and we showed them asunder what you're talking about the Big Bang I try imagine compressing a spring I push it closer and closer and closer together so it's smaller and smaller and smaller and I've stored a tremendous amount of energy in that spring and want to let it go at birth salad first salad birth salad the creation of the universe which you came to know 40 years back is already mentioned in this book the glorious quran forty-nine years ago who could have mentioned in the Quran so this is insane maybe someone wrote maybe it's a fruit maybe it's a guess what a human being regardless of who they are or where they are or what they do will have this curiosity they'll want to know why am I here how did I get here and do I have a purpose and if so what is it the only one who would really be able to answer that question would be the creator himself if there is a creator it would be up to him to tell us why we were created and what he expects from us and what this life is really about Allah has shown the people from the time of Adam until right now has shown the people what he wants from them and it's a very simple thing and that is that worship would be for him alone without any partners in fact we know this life could be a test from Almighty God that's why we're born and that's why we die because there has to be a beginning and an end for us to be tested on the next life after this life no one will ever die again a bad person or a good person both are brought back and they continue to live in the next life either in good shape or not so good shape depending on how they did on the test the worship of the God of Abraham that was what was taught by these prophets the Lord of the arson could see we're talking about the Lord of the world al-hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen we're talking about the Lord of the entire universe and beyond the entire universe on beyond you know we live in this dunya and we are fascinated with this dunya which allows a knoweth Allah indeed has created in a beautiful manner we fascinated there are over billions of people which live on this dunya at this moment in time over six billion people that live on the duniya at this moment in time this dunya of allah subhanaw taala is so big that there is face in this dunya for billions and billions and billions or more people but what is this dunya in comparison to what allah subhanho wa taala is created out there this dunya is insignificant this dunya is meaningless to Allah it means nothing it is worthless so worthless compare it with the Sun the Sun is one star you know more science than me you'll be able to tell me better take this planet earth and you place it inside the Sun and you will be able to place 1.3 million earth in the Sun 1.3 million earth in the Sun Allahu Akbar Allah is the greatest the Sun is one star one star there are stars out there which are millions of times bigger than the Sun you need you tell me this that you need millions and millions of stars to make one galaxy and then you tell me this that there are zillions of galaxies out there let me tell you on top of this my friend after this wherever you see above whatever you see above when you raise your head and you look above whatever you see above the zillions and zillions and zillions of galaxies let me tell you this is everything there is within the first heaven everything there is within the first heaven and Allah is the creator of seven heavens seven heaven and the distance between the first heaven and the second heaven is five hundred years you know the distance that can be covered in five hundred years what speed only Allah knows only Allah knows but it will take five hundred years to get from the first heaven to the second heaven five hundred years from the second to the third third to the fourth four to the faith give to the six six to the seven every time it will take five hundred years after the seven heavens one say I could see you who some are watching all of you already the idol could see you all know the ayatul kursi after this you have the courtesy of Allah you have the chair of allah subhanaw taala you know these seven heavens that we just talked about in comparison to the courtesy of allah then on existence they meaningless rasul allah will cinemas give an example in a hadith just to give us a little bit of understanding with regards to the seven heavens in comparison to the courtesy of Allah take a ring from your finger take it off the small ring that you have and place it let's say in a desert the Sahara Desert it's the biggest desert in the world you know that ring that we take off from our fingers and place it in the Sahara Desert what comparison is in between the ring and the Sahara Desert nothing nothing the seven heavens is the ring and the Corsi of Allah is the Sahara Desert after the of Allah you have the Arshavin law what kind of shoe a little man you have the other civil law again rasul allah has given as explained so just thought we can understand take the ring place in the desert this time the ring is the kursi and the earth is the desert what is the core see in comparison to the arch of allah nothing then you have angels which carry the other civil law their heads are in the seventh heaven and their feet are in the lowest hath my friends then you have the lord of the earth latitude reporter or equal observer wonder people severe he is beyond the size of Allah to Allah what Allah is the greatness of Allah is beyond the comprehension of my little mind this is the being that you and I are missing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MercifulServant
Views: 5,223,842
Rating: 4.8978581 out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Muslim, Allah, lecture, Reminder, merciful, servant, themercifulservant, islamic, allah, god, Allah's throne, amazing, powerful, reminder, throne of god, who is god, where is God, God
Id: nIbnUMqLQ78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2016
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