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hello friends it's me today we're going to be watching some tick tock so we're going to try not to laugh you laugh you get hair clip on lips [Music] are you going to transform it make it look good i want to see this transition [Music] it doesn't get better than that many friends are often constipated it makes them very painful so i invented this toilet the design is very human we just need to sit on it and then activate the switch oh very easy to use very easy to rip you a new one now all you got to do is sit on it not only is it gonna get the poo out but also your entire intestines they gotta put this in the next saw movie we just need to sit on it and then activate the swing very human my butthole very easy to use very human and very easy to use if you'd like to die that's a lie goodness gracious i thought it was like one of those stuffed dogs attacks the dermis look why he feel like that why are you brushing a dead dog you brushing a dead dog no he just he don't like to be brushed sir you are in the air but he looks so flat that's a weird guy she climbed up these hand stairs congratulations you made it all the way up to the hands why is that so funny to me like you climbed up and she went to go kiss the fingernails wowza we climbed all the way up the forearm just to be eated from the top where do y'all come up with these mmm tortellini oh some huge lips bro what what are you stuffing in there you got a tortellini in there bro chill the wind just popped no more lip are you a boy or a girl oh no [Music] i tried i'm sorry the way she just stirred up a bowl of breast in my face okay but what's it like having no back pain and being able to lay flat on your stomach that's a flex in itself what is that okay fast i was like where did he go he got the power up in real life gotta go fast he went a little too fast too fast for us all good don't ryan two times that looks fun he's swinging from his backpack do it again i'm more disappointed at the momentum he did not gain enough moment and it just it's like when you crack an egg and it's not like it's not a satisfying fall a mere plop if you will be careful be careful be careful there's a banana on there do not smile be careful no we literally had somebody say be careful be careful there's a banana peel on the floor and you know what that means casualties be careful no did you not heed my warning i'm literally standing here warning you until this one guy just we've lost one i just saw a video like this the other day but it's ahead of anxiety bro i'm not falling for this this is oh my gosh oh what the it's a head y'all get me every time with this every single time look at this funny noise i just learned how to make this is it's pretty good this is pretty i like that sound do it again metal bowl make funny noise perfect other people with waffles how do you feel 10 seconds after recording that tick tock when the cameras aren't rolling when it's just you alone surrounded by syrup and who cleans all that is it you is it your mom wipe the countertop scrub it hard i presume and all that on the floor do you get on your hands and knees on all fours and wipe endlessly bowed down like you're worshiping some god uh no i'm pretty sure he has a tarp one who certainly doesn't look kindly on you when you try to get up from those impossibly sticky floors does your body stay as if trapped in hell i hope so that's not very personal like that syrup was the last straw i just ended this whole man's career with this monologue y'all have seen her eating some seaweed make it a tick tock that ladder did not like that tick-tock do not make fun of her or you will never get gf get ready for court with me now girl i don't know what you did to get yourself in quartz but what you just did to your head girl you need to go to jail i'm sorry okay but for real though in middle school this is how i was training my hair you know i was in a rush i thought it would be faster doing it this way now witnessing it that's a crime a follicle felony realizing that my son will end my bloodline because he can't pull no type of hose you laugh you go to hell it was but a giggle nah you know what the bloodline ends here right now i want to square it up 1v1 with my dad he would disrespect me like that you look like another character from a movie i mean man respectfully they ain't wrong me 3d printing batman oh no our table it's broken what happened to what's what's wrong batman are you okay it just about collapses it started 3d printing on top of it why do that at least now you got venom and here is messed up of germany his first attempt in the javelin in the f-41 category and he's held that one well well beyond 30 meters nearer to 40 meters you laugh you're going to hell i mean going back to it they do look like toothpicks like what look what he's throwing is that what a javelin looks like they do look like toothpicks though they are tiny i'll land in another one you did a little clap it's okay good job got me and nobody could take you seriously with that voice changer when your bestie says facetime me but it's that kind of face time i hate him i feel like i'm never gonna the way she just got up it was only around her face i thought she wrapped up her whole body into like a burrito and then just the feet and the head were out where were you hiding the rest screw the arms out of the tortilla shell she was quick with it butter ragu no prison for you immediately okay okay girl she really out here on tick tock you dip butter into a low tier pasta sauce and you just eat it like as a snack ma'am the fbi has been notified i can't trust nobody who eat a stick of butter straight up oh ah goodness gracious and just wiping the eggs that are surgically implanted into my cheek what are you hiding in there i want to just i don't like it she showed the plastic surgeon handsome squidward let me get this an inspiration but you know come on let's take it too far they're playing charades and she got a certain word on her forehead and she's trying to guess the word oh i'm edible i can't be swallowed no you can't so can you like is it like a tasting like but not really five in this room right now there are five you can eat it you can't swallow it i touched it today you can put on someone's face chill why can't this thing do so many things that your things can't do this is not fair cheese can't do those things cheese can't do those things gucci ate cheese i want to know what happens when she found out i'll be home by 10 today what keep yourself safe thanks dad maybe i'll just you know everybody keep yourself safe where do you get that from sorry that is not what it means who gonna tell him bro i did not know the filter was on she's trying to square up with the ghost behind her you can't fight a filter the ghost of sia she really dodged it was like swerve it's blowing a balloon screen i feel like i should put a trigger warning on this because my friend is deathly afraid of balloons so maybe it's more people that are just like it was a death screech when hearing loud noise must also make loud noise or he was simply very hurt from losing his last balloon can i have your wife yeah go ahead huh no i said where are the knives i'm deaf i can't hear he really just offered her up like can i have your wife yeah sure go ahead tired of her but with her the last 60 years oh wait so you weren't asking for my wife you want some knives and then ask an associate my wife however my dude about to take her to the walmart and leave her there my two dogs when i make i'm trying to love each other love each other there is no loving in this household only hate surprises the sound she just made what it sounds like for your entire sinus to come out i'm crying with laughter i'm going to sneeze i'm like allergic to this tick tock they're on these vr machines that allows them to like run it's like a grappling hook and they just hello friends it's me and my wall used to be white how did you turn yellow can't do a video without my sparkling peach beverage anyways today we're going to be checking out some funny pranks they will make you laugh or your money back guaranteed [Music] hello so i've been seeing this prank a lot so you basically take your straw fold it in half like this put it in the drink and spit it and you got a nice little lump of the good stuff in here and you're like hello hey boyfriend try my sparkling peach beverage it's delicious ah we love warm saliva i saw this before i was like if you want to traumatize somebody for life ruin every single bathroom experience replace their soap with a block of fancy cheese i don't know about you guys but this one gets me hard i hate i there's not a lot of foods that i hate but stinky cheese i don't like it gorgonzola i can smell it just looking at it like imagine picking that up thinking it was actually soap and lathering your hands with a lump of cheese stinky cheese it ain't even mozzarella i would be okay if it was like a bottle of mozzarella that's fine i'd probably eat it afterwards but this monstrosity use this prank carefully my new hobby is drawing pens all over the workplace to screw with a lady who never wears her glasses take that lady who never wears her glasses why can't i pick this pen off the notebook am i hallucinating that would like trip me out i've done that before like try to grab something and it ended up being a picture you straight up mean for this how much 375. uh honestly uh the total the total for you two bands all you gotta do is two trash up in the chevy yeah just crazy bands bro just stop the window quit your job you're still getting money two it's really two bands two bands two thousand dollars somebody offers you two thousand dollars are you jumping out of your drive-through window into some random stranger's car hell yeah i am you probably shouldn't though you you probably shouldn't what about the dude behind him who just ordered two happy meals i'm gonna get my two bands but his kids are gonna starve just like that two bands oh two bands hey hop in the whip hop in the whip not in the window just hop through that through ain't got no time to waste oh just like that what's good bro what's up bro it's poppin that's it career ended with mcdonald's career started on youtube i mean youtubers are always doing crazy stuff and like giving out money for it i don't know how much of it is actually real but like mr beast walk up to you and be like here's ten thousand dollars all you have to do is shake my hand do you want the ten thousand dollars or not more motherly pranks look in your shirt and spell attic edit attic like a d-d-i-c no like attic like upstairs and an attic att i see att i see nice mom nice do it again att i see you don't get it i get it you get it not yet she doesn't actually get it i feel like my mom always does this she'll like laugh because we're laughing and then she'll be like yeah i get the joke and then i'll be like how do you get it because it's clearly a joke that she doesn't understand like she can't possibly understand this it's funny because you asked me to spell something completely unrelated to what i see inside my shirt if you still don't get it spell attic slowly do you work with a lot of old people at work are they not up to par with the new technology print these easy to use instructions and stick them on a printer introducing voice over using voice over is easy stand close to your printer and speak one of the following commands print copy scan you may also speak additional information print five copies copy this two times this is like an idiot trap i mean you could get a lot of people caught in this trap like this look legit and you're covering the screen so they're practically forced to use voiceover so you got people standing by the printer yelling print copy five pages please why are you gonna doing it when i worked at bmp the head of television commuted in from brighton every day he started reading the exorcist on the train he said he thought it was the most evil book he'd ever read in fact he said it was so evil he couldn't finish it so at the weekend he went to the end of brighton pier and threw as far as he could so i went to the bookshop i bought another copy then i ran it under the tap and left it at his desk drawer for him to find oh no hell no imagine you are reading the freaking exorcist you're like oh this is too scary yate into the ocean and then you buy another copy and put it at his doorstep oh hell no hell no hell no that is actually terrifying hello thanks for sharing your prank satan throw this right here okay and then do your job is to try to hit my hand when i go to wipe it up okay and it's a magic trick okay okay are you ready yeah oh man that kid got bamboozled straight up bamboozled how are you gonna do your child like that like hit my hand with a spoon when i go to clean it up what a savage he'll never see it coming because he's a child takes legs pulls him across the wet spot i have a joke for you okay what what did cinderella say when she got to the ball i don't know what that is inappropriate it took me the slightest second i'm surprised his mom got it wow my mom would be like why i don't get it did she like trip and fall into like a river and huh you sneaky sneaky child like if you get it mother made me very angry she did not make me my favorite meatloaf the worst passively aggressive thing that you could do to your mother just go into her pantry and rip all of the labels on the cans oh no this is brutal this is a mother's nightmare like what you do in this situation i need my beans they all look the same i mean the ravioli got the lift lid other than that it's over for you what will your next move be another straight up evil prank if you want to watch the world burn cut out a little black skirt put on the guy's bathroom oh lo and behold you have a guy with a skirt girls are gonna see it walk in there see dudes using the urinal and run the heck out i've walked into the guy's bathroom a couple of times i've never seen somebody in action like doing it i don't know if there's like two bathrooms one girl one guy and it's like it's been occupied for more than five minutes that i really gotta go like i hate awkwardly standing in the hallway between the bathroom and the kitchen so it was like the boys bathroom was right there empty i'm just gonna go in do my business walk out nobody will suspect a thing how to always always always beat somebody in a swimming grace [Music] [Music] oh cheating level 100 like man what took you so long i've been chilling here for like five minutes that bad it's a freaking lime i love limes on my tacos and my drinks i mean i guess i never really had a lime squeezed straight up into my mouth while i was sleeping what was she saying in the beginning of the video it's like she's begging for forgiveness like please lord forgive me for the sin i'm about to commit be allergic to lyme or something oh billy look i got you a surprise oh boy what is it oh my god i thought it was takeout but it's actually an iphone say it ain't so take out an iphone box starring you mother actually that'll looked mighty fine i think i would take that over our iphone right now oh so this is how they do it so you can buy a pregnancy test that's always positive i thought you just gotta know somebody pregnant or i know they sell them on craigslist like positive ones great for marriage extortion nice we love wholesome quality pranks used with caution food the good old invisible string so you go up to somebody be like imagine there's an invisible string going through your ears and it's like here hold this end of it and then i'll hold this end and then you tell them to pull it out and when they pull it out you smack them if somebody's really making you angry and you want to get a free smack in this is the perfect way to do it and they probably won't smack you back that however is not money back guaranteed oh this is a good one you gotta break a lot of glass but if you want to give somebody a little mini heart attack you know get their blood pressure up put the window in your victim's car all the way down and then break a bunch of glasses and put it right by the window and they're gonna walk out to the car oh my god somebody broke into my car my window is shattered and you'll be sitting there like little do they know it was just a mexican coat shattered upon the driveway another wholesome prank we love wholesome pranks so does youtube swap out the toilet paper with a lint roller so when your victim tries to wipe they can't but they'll walk into the bathroom and glance at it real quick you know make sure something's on there be like oh yeah but when the time comes they shall perish [Music] it's not a prank but i thought it was hilarious okay what is this what is taking a pen nice perfect duet material [Laughter] fun sleepover prank only works with back sleepers and open mouth sleepers that's actually terrifying what happens do they like just like swallow it where does it go hello friends it's me your favorite safari snack every time i wear this we're ready to go pet some giraffes so today we're going to be checking out some funny kids this little kid looks like gordon ramsay that's creepy throw the whole child away start over because first words gonna be like where's the lamb sauce what's [Applause] oh my god she got a squirrel from outside like mommy brought home a new pet can we keep him i mean it's fluffy it's a squirrel i was gonna be like how the heck does she get a squirrel what is dad kids really are something else mom these hot cheetos they're just way too hot put some by a fan to cool them down maybe that'll work oh billy if only you knew that's not how life works i wish it did though i wish you could just like cool down spicy food some way i give him an a for effort man i can't believe kids are this dumb y'all have no idea how this world works do you you think you've grown think again i did my six-year-old niece's makeup then let her do mine oh she looks so cute give her the smokey eye red lip and everything she even got the duck face nails and then this is what her makeup look like i'm gonna make you look so pretty auntie she'd even try i mean she got the lipstick on she was like oh lipstick you know what it probably goes on your lip but everything else future beauty guru here my five-year-old nephew asked how long my newborn needed to charge before he could go home it's a heart rate monitor it looked like they charging the baby like he got to be a hundred percent before he could go home just seeing a little girl confidently walk up to a bath bomb and lush and take a bite out of it kids are a class she already knew it's like she had a plan she went in she conquered she did it she took a bite out of a bath bomb i know it smells so good in there it's like you could eat them but you literally can't nasty don't worry she's just absorbing its powers billy that's not a real toilet we had the home depot but mom i saw a toilet and i had to go not in there yo i always wondered when i was a kid what happens if somebody did this what if somebody actually sit down and took a dookie on one of the store display toilets who's cleaning that out i quit billy i'm pretty sure that's not how you wear your diaper but go off when you ask the child to get dressed damn how many diapers we packing today we got one as a little vest two three four five six he got six diapers on today must have had taco bell you know gotta have that extra protection first time in a sushi restaurant okay billy you have to eat everything with chopsticks okay okay gotcha mom even the soup he managed to hold the soup spoon with chopsticks oh this gotta take some pure skill i don't know about you guys but the average person can barely pick up sushi with chopsticks you guys know how to use chopsticks smash like if you have mastered the art of eating with chopsticks i feel like this has got to have ended badly it's a soup spoon that's gonna fall you're gonna spill your miso soup billy but you gotta respect the skill i feel like my ponytail is not high enough what kind of school picture is this who let this boy take a picture like this looking like the armored titan from attack on titan okay billy make the face that grandma makes [Music] this is a whole mood right here if you're wondering what happens when you give third graders phones this is what happens we need to talk okay so i heard you went to the park with natalie why would you cheat on me joey i gave you two chances and i actually believed you when you said you loved me but i guess not i'm sorry i was just hanging with her whatever just don't talk to me in middle school i didn't even love you sounds good to me and well you are the one that bought my starbucks drink so obviously you love me a little bit screw you jelly ding-a-ling oh what was that oh yeah the elevator because you're not on my level i won this fight we're over for real this time this isn't even third grade this is middle school i can't believe a middle schooler said that ding-a-ling oh what was that oh yeah the elevator because you're not on my level i have never seen a roast hit so hard y'all roasted them harder than costco roast their rotisserie chickens can we get a big fat f in the chat for joey's demise your smile has arrived what's a kid gotta be so upset about billy looking like somebody drank his apple juice just wait till you're older until you get bills till you have to pay taxes till you have to get a job and get your own place and furnish it and buy your own utensils and then you'll realize your existential crisis is something to really frown about heard him crying and went to investigate oh no charlie fell in the toilet again but she thought i was gonna say billy what do you even do in this situation do you flush first or would you get him out first comment below did he try to sit on the toilet and then just like fell in i want to do what mommy and daddy do i love when little kids when they're like three years old they're like i'm growling y'all tell me what to do this is what happens when you got an attitude problem you fall in the toilet why is me as a child angrily flicking off my siblings on the day they were born you know i'm the oldest i rule this household you know i'm just asserting my dominance like you won't take away mother's love from me i don't care how goo gaga you are but i run this household i just wanted you to know that is it always like that is it always the oldest is the ruler of siblings most kids have a stuffed animal or a blankie my niece has one of those plastic owls you put outside to scare away birds ew that is creepy that's like having a damn garden gnome like imagine a kid bringing that to the dining table like oh she sleeps with him too i would be terrified i would get that thing checked out next thing you know she's like owl's a little girl just like me she told me the baby is a garden owl no she's a little girl just like me burn it little charlie over here looking around like where my lollipop goes we want to use took it mommy i want my lollipop little does he know he's on the back of his scalp that's gonna be nasty to get out i love how kids would just like yank that out of the hair and start eating it again like nothing happened whoa there y'all kids have no chill these dudes ain't loyal he holding hands with his side thing while he got his main girl and pink with her arm around him wow so this is how it starts i can't believe she's okay with this she's just watching them she's like okay you know what as long as i get to hold his hand and he out here living the dream in kindergarten but i can't with this oh 12 27 am you walk into your baby's room you see him like this hello right why do i get the holy water y'all we got a demon so my niece decided to sneak off and jump in another family's photo y'all family looking a little lonely y'all need a kid please adopt me this kid who knew exactly how to treat her sore throat oh man nothing fixes a sore throat like a band-aid because band-aids fix all boo-boos even internal ones if only life was that simple oh my boyfriend just broke up with me my heart hurts so bad put a band-aid on it my baby sister's bag she got a little bag and when you open it up she got cheeto puffs in there so that's what girls have in their bags cheeto puffs the perfect place to put them this is so bougie imagine seeing a child at the grocery store pull out her little purse i start eating some cheeto puffs she living a life go off sis oh speaking of living the life we got this child over here his mom walked in on him eating wings in the bathtub okay your girl loves some chicken wings it's hard seeing someone live out your dreams this kid right here he got a tall glass of ice water some ranch some wings oh that sounds so bomb right now my daughter brings a checklist to stores now and just makes random checks it makes everyone uncomfortable walk it through the aisle mother put oreos in the cart check this random dude is buying oranges check future manager right here ceo boss lady the kids have made me breakfast i don't know if they didn't realize that legos and sharks are not edible or they try to kill mommy i like how they made hot tea and then put a straw in it it was princess day at dance and one little girl came as a hot dog i have never admired someone more oh she looks so sad why did her parents dress up as a hot dog you a princess hot dog yo when disney girl come out with a princess hot dog though i'm sick of all these regular princesses when you could have a princess weenie hut junior this target-loving kid threw a birthday party at target okay this is just weird what kind of kid likes target this much i mean i can understand ikea mcdonald's but target what's so cool there that y'all have to have a fondant rap target dog cake i'm sorry this is ridiculous this is bully fuel what's so great about target i mean i like target but it stops there it's just like i like target that's it we don't go any further than that this is like me having a birthday party at costco because i love costco so much you just don't you know the demon child we saw before well he grew up to eat pizzas like this you know i told you to call exorcist while he was still young but now a monster has been born literally eats the best part of a pizza just the tip and then leaves the family the rest i mean i'm not complaining i like the crust my son keeps grabbing fists of air and screaming mine my daughter is crying saying tj is stealing my air they are in my bedroom on a saturday morning that's my air my air my air hahaha you have no more air to breathe you are going to die so wholesome and cute man if i had kids i would mess with them like that all day i'd be like no more air for you if you be bad i'ma take away your hair brought my nephew a cake to class for his birthday before i took the picture he said why i don't like these kids his face bro why are you spoiling this class i don't even like them they don't deserve this cake i'll just keep it all for myself ain't nobody gonna get some of this this mine stand up for what you believe in like this child he loves trains let him love trains why does woman look like she about to take his poster like oh no honey you can't protest that here you can't tell everybody how much you like trains it's illegal my six-year-old son has been asking me over and over do you need to go to the bathroom i'm like why i just found out why [Music] so when you lift the toilet so you got this picture of this dude making a react face like i see you pee you know when i was a kid everybody would be like spell eye cup and i'd be like i see you pee and then they'd be like i made you say i see you pee but this was before the dab was invented oh no when you're a cat lady and decide to get a real baby all the cats are looking up the spilled milk and then the kid joins along that's gross i want to take a picture and make my kid like like go you can't be drinking this that's the floor's milk now i feel like every little kid did this not with a dog but just like anything i'm going to take all my little toys and put them on something this is such a child thing to do not childish but like child that dog is like end me this girl got her very first deodorant bottle and it said the spray has to be 15 centimeters away so she measured 15 centimeters and was like okay you know what perfect spritz spritz with a ruler i mean she probably grow up to be like good at math she's like very like precise but i know everybody go look at her and be like bruh really anyways that's all for today i hope you guys enjoyed this video comment below let me know which one of these was the funniest and would you have kids or not [Applause] you
Channel: SSSniperWolf Top Videos
Views: 5,616,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactor, SSSniperWolf, sniperwolf
Id: 1eyJSthhbUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 44sec (2084 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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