Reacting to Ultimate TikTok FAILS

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Kris is so pretty and she never fails to entertain us

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hello everybody and welcome back to my youtube channel or welcome to my youtube channel i'm call me chris and you can call me chris and today i want to see some people fail okay because it makes me feel better about myself which is probably not healthy and i should it's i that's okay scratch that i just want to laugh i don't know anyway don't think i didn't notice by the way yeah you've been working out haven't you you haven't well it looks like yeah we should arm wrestle actually no i'll probably lose don't do that i'll give you a kiss instead there we go okay let's just get into the video i'm excited to to see these fails all right let's do it [Music] i was recording a tick tock and myself for the first video in and a kid got ko'd this is gonna be a great video i hope he's okay it's me running for my responsibilities look at me go it's and that's me procrastinating so oh he got up real fast that's good sandy i'm gonna give you this pet squirrel is over my shoulder oh you know what you did sandy this girl's like i got a taste for human blood i'm gonna come in there i'm gonna eat your fingers i don't know why he sounds like teeping but this squirrel is tp just want to talk to you i i just want to buy your finger off i love sledding so oh norrie you know some people that would be a good day to get a face full of ass i'm gonna let myself out kick it oh that was so mean i would have totally fallen for that i'm gonna do that to somebody else i'll probably forget how i even did it never mind it looked like he meant to fall did it not let's let's uh let's get a replay instant replay on that see this fake ass influencer fake and fails oh and there's just a conveniently placed camera below where this happens as well you all right oh whoa whoa you deserve to fall on your face for that fake and fail all right and i accept that i don't even know oh she's doing oh you're doing good sweetie that reminds me of me i used to um believe it or not i used to irish dance for a couple years for a couple years very key terminology because uh that happened a lot on stage and uh the teacher didn't like me a lot i wanted to be a break dancer so i even broke out and break dancing at some at some points yeah it didn't work out oh god that's kind of terrifying it's all funny games until like she actually starts sinking you're like kevin i'm okay i'm not okay in the head but i'm okay physically mostly [Music] played it off cool [Music] oh oh that scares me oh he kind of like yeted himself out of there that was kind of fun oh god there's a fan what are you doing what are you doing oh are you trying to be a cat oh no oh is he gonna break the freezer oh watch the fan watch the phone oh yeah i knew that was gonna happen yeah what the [ __ ] you doing if i can handle it said oh it's a weighted blanket oh god ah your head was so close to the ceiling already it was like two inches away and his bed broke what a day oh nice shot that's not a fail oh god is this gonna like explode what happens if you close it i don't even know what happens if you close it is it gonna like explode all over did anybody do this as a kid i did it as a kid all the time i never closed it though this is making me scared oh don't open it because you know what's going to happen when you open it's going to squirt all over your face that was gross i take that back i understand it no see this is where i go wrong this is yeah what was that oh god we got another one oh oh and she looks so pretty oh that's so unfortunate oh oh this is a fail compilation this makes me scared i feel like she's going to break her neck oh don't break oh my god oh doesn't that scare you guys i would never do that i would never well i don't have anybody to do that with but i still would never do that oh hey that's impressive i didn't even have time to react to it i fell in love with your sculpture and you ruined it oh god this is gonna be bad oh i don't even have one of those and that hurt and that was the day that daniel smith's manhood got put inside out and he became danielle smith i don't know why i i sounded like morgan freeman he's like the narrator in my head does anybody else have a narrator in their head all the time oh god what is this oh what are they doing [Music] are they taping her to the ceiling to this who does this but like her body's not fully over the bed like her like if she fell her neck would break who would do i would do this i just don't have that many friends to do it kevin i'm recording them oh wow they're really going for it though oh my god wow this is impressive to be honest [Music] there you go bud oh this thing oh is the machine gonna fall on him oh okay that's fine that's good he broke candles back oh but not actually right oh that's me trying to pick up weights in the gym yeah oh you got it buddy did he get back up he stops on the phone nice the man oh god his achilles taken out oh my god is his ankle broken that sounded like it hurt ouch normal people taking pics with the cherry spoon where's the cherry spoon does anybody know i have no idea my dad oh he's so cute oh look at him he's like am i holding it am i holding it stacy am i holding it like me with the this is petrie right here am i holding it yeah no now what about now how about now how about now just take the picture stacey i want to get hot dogs all right yeah what are you doing with cups on your feet why is everybody out here trying to break the goddamn necks you know i love that he's staying in character though very method i respect okay chris i pulled out some of my songs i've clipped it onto these balloons how would you do that turn around we already know how this is gonna go turn around and quickly grab them three two one i don't want it you said that's where you get the bb guts you didn't think of that did you no you didn't because i'm the real chris i'm the smart chris okay should have had me there i would have snatched that [ __ ] i've been trying to land this trick forever all right see [Music] ah he did it that wasn't a fail you know you try that's all that matters straightening the hair unplugs the thing is heated just because you unplug it doesn't mean it goes cold immediately i would immediately break up with this this this [ __ ] of a human being this is why i quit my dream of skating i feel like this is a setup look at who puts their garage down like that another fake fail i'm not buying it i'm not buying it okay i can't get this [ __ ] past me all right that's fake [Music] oh work that's me in the back who's just like oh oh [ __ ] we dancing oh i forgot that was me and irish dancing recitals just zoning out there's video footage and i will find it not for this video but maybe in the future i'll find footage of me absolutely killing it in the worst way in irish dancing like me turning off my car wallets and drive oh i've done that and the key won't come out i've been there caused my mom to help that's me i've done that me letting my girlfriend win well play fighting my ex was so much stronger than you why would you say that who says that babe caught him saying the cutest thing ever honestly the thought of losing you wait why thought of oh that was so cute cries and single inside [Music] oh what's his name what's his address i want to come give him a hug that was sad oh she was really nice about it though i would have been too i would have been like i'll eat it off the patio i don't care oh don't do that don't don't cut them sweetheart at least twist them oh no don't don't do it don't no it's too high it's too high put it down not lower lower lower lower you know what wasn't that bad i don't know why i turned irish did i turn irish the entire time i black out a lot such a graceful fall not the donut i was so invested in that why was i so invested in that it's just a game but [Music] oh oh norrie did she just jump off a chair onto his face is he dead she just need his ass for the 5 20 20. number one double xl toilet paper twice the wiping power number two plastic retro robot arm robotic pickup pinch i have one of those i have the the pincher toy thing bought it from the dollar store i love it i don't use it that often i just love having it around you know just in case this is gonna be a fun one glow sticks sick i love glow sticks i like to pretend i'm like breaking somebody's neck you know i'm joking so satisfying like pretending to be a chiropractor that's what i meant cracking someone's neck not breaking oh oh that's so cool oh it's kind of terrifying does it look cool yeah that's so cool i love that that's terrifying though i was under the influence just like lying down on the couch and that [ __ ] came up to me i'd be like well that escalated quickly oh i was sick that was tokyo drip [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] the donut shop was about to close that's such a bad show come on chris i'm not okay it goes higher than it's dropped height way higher oh does it get the extra energy momentum oh my god science science [ __ ] that basketball was never found it went into the stratosphere and it's now orbiting jupiter oh the puppy the pups does he know that oh he didn't know oh that's so cute i actually just stole 22 worth of groceries from walmart i scanned everything and put it in the bag and then forgot to pay and walked out and nothing stopped me i went all the way home and my parents were like can we see the receipt i was like sure and so i don't know couldn't find a receipt and i was like wait oh did i even pay for this and they looked at the credit card records that i never paid so i went back home i was like i stole your groceries and they're like oh like okay i have them with me if i can pay now she's like sure well merc's like don't give a [ __ ] like thank you for paying and i was like you're welcome oh my god what a nice guy why would you do it towards yourself you is your [ __ ] brain what are you doing you're covering your head you're protecting your brain you're not using it though what are you doing why don't i turn into a new yorker right there i don't know what's going on with me today so my friend jordan learned how to when he tried it in class what did he learn how to do oh backflip is he alive look at it oh his head okay his head's bleeding god how many people yeah i want to know the statistics of how many people die each year doing dumb [ __ ] like that breaking their goddamn necks you worry me people please stop doing that it's not that hard what i'm gonna show you how to do it okay what is it oh the horse it's like show up it's kind of hard it is like i hope they pan back to the horse it's like this dumb [ __ ] saying it's not hard it is teresa it is okay look at you falling on your stupid face in my pile of [ __ ] oh it looks like kevin a little bit he missed that by a little bit that's funny because kevin can't get [ __ ] either they'd be a good match you tried though i cut my hair too short oh no worse as the video goes on oh no pretty funny i like that he turned it on didn't he that's what you get that's pretty funny i don't know if that was fake or not but it was funny i'm not done i got hit by a truck last night i'm right here i got hit by a chevy tahoe i'm not dead a chevy tahoe oh my god i hope my friends do this if i ever come into a near-death experience oh look at these guys nice nice i'm going to kick you on the nuts if i ever die you guys better make jokes okay that's all i'm saying i love these guys these guys are awesome it's not frozen no it looks pretty funny no it's not fatty it looks pretty solid there's half of it's water ready oh god the vines dead stop that's not a good idea stop maddie oh okay make sure little chris tip of the day okay a little survival tip because i like learning survival tips if you're walking on ice like that i mean she's doing the right thing you should be like going slow but also have your hands out so if you do fall in you have something to grip on you know what i'm saying so just make sure you do that she's not doing that you're gonna fall in don't do that don't i wouldn't dance oh my god oh my god literally the ice is moving the water you are going to the water's right there this should tell us if it's sturdy or not did you just throw you should be fine it's good oh my god what are you gonna do oh my gosh is she gonna fall in or not is she stupid she's literally in the water you know what she should be wearing vessy's that's not a vessel but that's what she should be wearing she fell through oh ice sculpture sick oh it's texas right i mean it's ice what are you doing carrying around like that like a [ __ ] sorry you're not a [ __ ] but like seriously what are you doing putting in a box what are you doing oh god i would feel so bad oh god oh that scares me so much she landed good though that was a good land stuck it on the back but still stuck that's all right that's okay i'll allow that thing works both boy or girls i never understood these all right guys when you're ready just like find out why you gotta make a whole thing about it you know oh that's funny [Laughter] everybody's dead there is no boy or girl sorry pull some of the duct tape off okay i over did it with the duct tape there's no bait it's okay just pull the duct tape there's no baby on three sides you see the black or the dark tape well that was uh i like if i ever had a kid i'd want it to be a surprise just be careful the slime might start leaking out but i kind of want to adopt instead so this is the longest video ever what's gonna happen nothing happened i guess it was a fail but i just wasted my time i could have been doing so many other things and watching that video i could have been eating candy not balloons [Music] are they gonna go up in flames so they're gonna pop are they all gonna pop into that and they're all made out of foil [Music] that's my worst goddamn nightmare i'm scared of electricity and balloons while we're at it i'm also terrified of weed whackers and lawn mowers in my girlfriend's house to get give her a surprise all right snuck into my girlfriend's house give her a surprise he's naked that's probably his her daughter lawsuit jail time yikes that's a fail that's probably the biggest fail this entire video so i step outside to take the garbage out mm-hmm and i'm confused about why it looks like elsa's castle out here yeah that looks cool oh be careful be careful what did i just say i said where do you listen to me nobody listens to me okay you listen to me that's what i thought okay you got a long happy life if you listen uh listen to auntie chris okay well boys yeah i've times are a little too hard oh my god i need it they both landed immaculately though okay i thoroughly enjoyed watching those actually i i am in love with the fail videos not gonna lie i hope you guys enjoyed it too and if you did it really helps out the channel if you like the video share the video sub to the channel and hit that little notification bell so you know when i post my next video i love when you guys give me suggestions in the comments and i always hang around for like the first couple hours to answer you guys and to like all your comments and read them so i love when you make comments just don't talk to me you don't talk to me okay i'm a real person nobody talks to me i just anyway i'll see you guys in the next video i appreciate you i love you so much and i hope you have a wonderball day okay bye [Music]
Channel: Kallmekris
Views: 9,379,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vUYiluzUCis
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 15sec (1275 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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