*3 HOURS +* HoneyBobaBear TikTok Videos 2023 | New Honey Boba Bear / That Girl Tiktoks

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I'm gonna try to become that girl starting with my fridge it's giving expiration dates um I'm gonna take everything out so I can deep clean put most of it in the freezer because it's probably gonna take me a few hours pretty sure I can take the shelves out hey it's really clean now it's time to fill it back up I got an egg container I feel so fancy this is so extra okay and this container I'm doing strawberry and raspberries this one will have blackberries and blueberries this is so pretty am I on Pinterest I can eat a whole bag of cherries in one day so I'm sitting its own container so I can use it as a plate and crop is these are going on the middle shelf I cut up some watermelon so I'm putting it in this container same thing with pineapple this one's gonna have cut up vegetables to snack on got this crisper container thing I don't really know what it does but I'm putting my Greens in it oh my gosh I didn't realize it was gonna take this much work to become that girl this is just the fridge like I wasn't ready look how aesthetically pleasing this is well whose bridge is this not mine it's that girls now I'm gonna put the juices in separate I'm just kidding I'm not doing that putting the cheese and butter here coffee and creamer are going on this shelf this stuff is so Good by the way it tastes like a banana milkshake sauces Capri Suns will go here because I'm addicted almost done after six hours this is what it looks like and I love it so much this is my favorite part there's so much space it looks like I need to go grocery shopping but I don't Next Step redecorating my bed this is probably gonna take me hours but I'm gonna try to make a glow-in-the-dark Starbucks cup I'm putting tape in the cup so the glitter doesn't go everywhere this is glow in the dark glitter you can get it on Amazon or Michael's oh my God I'm gonna do the whole bottle because why not I'm gonna make the snow globe mixture it's 1 3 cup Elmer's glue and 2 3 cup of water I'm just putting it in the squeeze bottle now we're gonna mix this up okay here we go I think I used Too Much glitter and everything clumped together it's gonna take me hours to wash this out so I'm gonna work on another one in the meantime I'm just hoping this one doesn't Clump because it's really cute seal the hole with a cabinet bumper you can get them at Target I heard the best way to seal it is with resin I don't know what I'm doing I'm just gonna pour it on top the resin takes a data set let me show you the potential this cup has I'm gonna buy some more glitter to fix this so I will see you tomorrow yo what up let's restock my house and to be that girl while doing it cute place for toilet paper I mean Gumball send feeds I'm putting my fruit in a sealed container this time you guys said it would last longer so I'm gonna try raspberries blackberries blueberries and strawberries honestly I never buy these I just really wanted to do that wow flower I always make the biggest mess with not even funny chunky Chips Ahoy microwave them for 10 seconds look at this masterpiece beautiful Capri Sun because I'm addicted cucumbers and gropes now I'm just restocking the lemons for my lemonade toilet wand refills that's it for now next I gotta restock my beauty room and clean it because it's a mess I'm still trying to become that girl and I can't be that girl without an aesthetic mirror my old one broke R.I.P but I have a better idea for the new one and that's what I keep telling myself this might go so bad never seen a poster board this big but I have to tape them onto the mirror now I'm just in the mirror and then I draw my design okay here it is this could be so good as long as I don't mess it up I have to cut this as carefully as possible I messed up I'm done for mine we're good I'm laying down the tarp because it's gonna get messy I'm gonna spray it with this liquid foam stuff I have to do this so carefully this is gonna be my boyfriend I think I got the hang of it ready I need more phone okay I'm back I need to fill it in more because I'm going to sand it down when it's done finally done I'm gonna let this dry there's still so much I have to do especially with those buckets so see you in part two part two I'm gonna finish sanding it then I'll add the Spackle now I'm gonna try and move this so I can clean up all the mess so much better I'm gonna add the plaster now I'm actually really scared because I don't want to mess it up I'm almost done this is so fun it's like icing a cake I'm gonna cry this took me three hours it's fine it's gonna be good it's three o'clock now this is gonna turn white when it dries hopefully it dries quick it did not dry quick it's the next day and it's not even dry it's also cracking this is not good my only option oh my God my only option is to get this on here somehow let It crack and then fix it when it's on the mirror well here goes nothing I'm just gonna slide it off you guys I did it there's a lot of damage but I did it all on my own I'm so proud now I'm gonna fix the Cracks by adding another layer okay I think we're good this time there's no way this is going to dry tonight so Stephen part three wish me luck getting it up the stairs when it's done so I'll just cross our fingers hopefully part three is finally dry and I'm gonna paint it I'm cleaning the dust with a blow dryer not the best idea I still haven't decided on the color but we're gonna do purple for now okay I love the purple I think I'll keep it now I'm gonna let this dry and then glue it on the mirror you know what comes after that bringing it up the stairs by myself I can do this okay I was able to stand it up I can't wait to show you what it looks like I didn't mean to make this thing so heavy it is so heavy but four steps down all of those to go oh my gosh I'm sweating I made it you guys it's up it's there and it's not broken now I'm gonna put these LED lights behind it I'm just gonna get to the point this is the mirror I don't know how to describe this it's so much better in person single number one when you walk in this is what my YouTube channel will see it's just so pretty I love it so much ah it's so worth that looks disgusting right now okay bye I'm gonna try and make an aesthetic hot chocolate bar again first I'm filling sprinkles this one's gonna be blue with white snowflakes peppermint marshmallow or smooth s'mores random blue what I'm gonna make I'm gonna put them here I'm so excited now I'm Gonna Fill the small containers first one's gonna have polar bear marshmallows gingerbread men peppermint hot chocolate Toppers and these really cute snowman ones these are gonna go on top now I'm Gonna Fill the bigger ones look what I found so excited to try these hot chocolate powder Tanaka was playing pretzels lastly had chocolate stirs now I'm just labeling everything and that's it it's so cute next I'm setting up my glow spot that it's gonna be Christmas themed yo what up I got Crocs for the first time and I'm gonna try and decorate them this is what the white ones but look how cute these are I just organized all the gibbets now I'm putting them on this side to plant them out first I'm doing a lollipop and ice cream cone donut cherries in this seashell found these Bubbles and I got a few because they're so cute and I'm gonna use this mushroom I also had Craig the flamingo literally when I saw him I screamed outside's done this one's gonna have an alien get jellyfish I'm gonna put them in I'm so excited put the bubble right behind Craig and I just think that's funny it's not even 3 A.M oh my gosh excuse me I why people are so cute even Hazel think so right yo what up I've always wanted a boba bar so I'm gonna try and make one it's also gonna be a smoothie bar I'm so excited first I'm filling the mini containers we're about to get a funnel so this is gonna be really messy next dragon fruit powder all right Peter my Billy eilish hoodie I'm gonna cry matcha acai berry powder chia seeds and hemp seeds these are going on the bottom time for the Boba I'm putting them in these containers firstly cheese Taro black sugar and golden tapioca these are going up here this looks so good now I'm Gonna Fill the bigger ones I'm so excited for the Honeydew mix Taro strawberry and honeydew this smells so good last one's gonna have oats for the smoothies now I'm Gonna Fill This cute Honey Jar disco drink stars on this side that's pretty much it it's so cute next I'll try and make one part two I'm Gonna Fill these with dried fruit first strawberry bananas raspberries blueberries mangoes and cherries I put them on these shelves I got off Amazon I'm gonna put everything on my Amazon storefront by the way anyways let's fill these this one's gonna have crushed Oreos I'm gonna have chocolate chips can twist these and everything comes out so easy that's why my favorite toppings are in them putting the chocolate and caramel drizzle up here put some tea down here now I'm gonna put the sprinkles in Rainbow order oy G3 except that's pink honestly I put these lollipops in this mushroom cup now let's make some soda and ice cream this is my favorite thing I've ever made too bad I have to pack it up and I have to pack my pantry because I got my case to my new place so yeah show it up I should be packing but I'm gonna make an ice cream and soda bar instead first time filling the sprinkles this one's gonna be pink I'll crack the flamingo sprinkle so I'm mixing those in too next yellow and yellow stars purple green blue and some flowers this one's my favorite so cute oh my gosh and orange should I put them on top of this clear dress it's gonna be so cute now I'm Gonna Fill the bigger containers granola sour punch straws and the last One's Gonna Hold the ice cream cones now I'm gonna put the sodas in these organizers got these syrups at Starbucks and they gave me pumps I'm running out of time to their shelves dried fruit well I tried I'll see you in part two and then I'll pack my pantry which I really don't want to I'm putting yo what up anyone else feel like cups I've been giving Grandma's couch Karen's kitchen towels casino floor so today look how cute these are these ones color change let me get some ice okay what the water looks blue and red wow found the triangle cup I'm actually gonna use it this one looks like a disco ball it's so cute but it's so cute until you turn it around I'm Gonna Keep It facing forward this one's my favorite right now the straw the texture everything look at this masterpiece it's beautiful this reminds me of the very very hibiscus refresher summer 2023 Maybe please bring it back I got this one in Florida it's Perfection actually this one the straw oh my this one it's so cute and that's pretty much it now I'm gonna put everything away part two let's stalk the mini fridge first I'm filling the mini bottles pomegranate juice I'm probably gonna spill everything coconut water plus for with just water I'm gonna put these on the bottom shelf now for the fruit I'm doing raspberries and blackberries Babybel cheese Lunchables and yogurt on the side I found these snack containers at Target and I'm just filling them with grapes I bought four more so I'm just filling in the chocolate can't forget Capri Sun because I'm addicted I've never had these so hopefully that's good pickle Ricks these are the best I found this really cool looking soda strawberry apple sauce we have watermelon hints okay this is so worth it it's so cute I have to restock random things around my house starting with scent beads you guys talking out of getting another dog I really want Hazel to have a little sister but still talk me out of it more laundry stuff cereal Moment of Truth whoa that's cool next my bathroom drawer [Applause] laughs that's pretty much it next I'm organizing and restocking my car it's so bad I'm gonna put rhinestones on this Windex bottle starting with the label I'm going to coat it in this glue it's been an hour and this is all I have that took me another hour but oh my goal almost done this part's pretty easy my filming room has a lot of glass so I've been keeping this Windex bottle on the counter I usually hide it behind this plant but now I can display it looks so fancy What's that a spot on your glass yo what up I'm gonna restock my entire house starting with laundry space next fabric softener laundry sanitizer these are so cute they're from Target by the way hope I try next I'm restocking my fridge okay you guys are gonna kill me um I found a few more we have the gridded pink and blue cup it looks like a disco ball look at the straw and I found the red and purple one look how cute their system [Applause] I found the confetti cup oh my gosh oh my gosh wow I also got one that has swirls on it I just want to say that this makes me happy it just makes me happy oh I don't know what I've done but this just it makes me happy for some reason I can explain question mark walked into Target and there they were so I found these keychains and the matching cups I found the big one the jelly pink one I'm actually gonna use it and not put it on display and dark green look how cute they all look also the keychains actually open look at this I can't believe I found this one it's the prettiest Cup this one reminds me of Barney but it's really cute water bottle they did such a good job I love it so much the swirls I got this one because it looks like it's glowing and I thought that was cool I found the mint puffy cup it's so cute I love this one because it's matte it's so good this is my favorite round of Cups so far I want to design a cup so bad but I'll keep drinking part two I'm so excited I have to take it all down because my lights broke it's all over here now do I just leave it there and go to sleep yes no yeah I feel like I'm gonna be here all night now I'm putting on the new ones this looks so good I'm gonna put the rope light up now I'm doing the same paint drop thing like last time I think that looks good oh yeah yeah I can finally put the cups back this is gonna look so good looks so good so this is the lights on and the lights off next I'm gonna finish decorating my room I have to make nightstands anyways I'll see you in that video I'm gonna reset my whole bathroom while I'm gonna try I'm turning it into a glow spot first time taking everything out okay okay I'm gonna cry I wasn't ready for this bucket foreign for the aesthetic part of the video it is so echoey in here okay this spray is broken I'm trying to make this look aesthetic but it's not working out that took me 10 hours that is not okay but at least I'm done kind of I still have to decorating got any shower head by the way this is not it this one I'm so excited because it has missed but anyways this is everything I'm gonna decorate with so I'll see them in part two part two I just put these up they're a little loose but oh well I'm putting LED lights pretty much everywhere starting with the sink and around the mirror oh my gosh okay I'm gonna finish the ceiling starting on the shower now I got these acrylic shelves from Amazon they're so cute we also found matching hooks I'm putting them on this side to hold my Lou fed razor back to the shelves I forgot I got these okay what how is this my bathroom right now since my bathroom is pretty small showering is even worse so I bought a curved shower curtain rod hopefully it'll make it feel bigger for my shower curtain I was going to use this cow print one but when I put it up it made my bathroom look so small so instead I'm using a clear shower curtain liner with these curtain lights wow that's different okay these are waterproof by the way it's 4am by the way that's what it looks like with the lights off there I like it better with the white shower curtain but the outside is one thing the inside is a whole experience crying at 4am because I love it so much all I have to do now is fill with product make a DIY bath cart fill my drawers I'll see you in part three part two I'm gonna restock and decorate the shower first I'm taking everything out also I broke a nail so don't mind that I tried anyways so clean finally now I'm gonna put these clear shelves up you guys it looks so good let's put my stuff back topshop's gonna hold shampoo and conditioner hair mask hair clip for the hair mask for shampoo and conditioner next shelf is going to hold body conditioner body scrub these shower gels are my favorite they smell so good look at these mini tree hood body scrubs they're so cute and they smell amazing that's like candy cane shave oil my Chef's gonna hold body wash and body conditioner also I bought this thinking it was candy cane body wash but it wasn't it's conditioner yeah I'm gonna leave that right here I'm also going to put a Christmas tree here and this I don't know but it's festive I put up these acrylic hooks to hold my loofah my Razor oh nice I'm running out of time see you in part three part three I wish I could scream I'm so excited finally gonna decorate and restock everything starting with my DIY bath car the first shelf I'm filling two jars with lavender and Eucalyptus foaming bath shelf is gonna hold that flowers and I'm putting them in these cute little jars also I put sugar cubes in this jar and that's going in the middle is holding cow print face mask way bath bombs and then this I thought they were fake roses but it's actually soap I couldn't find cloud-shaped Bath mats so I'm gonna make my own I can do this I just cut it in half now I have to make those two look like that I'm gonna wash them and see what happens oh does that work I thought it was gonna fall apart in the washer but it didn't oh normal house and then bam portal last thing I have to do is restock my shower shelves normal shelves and my drawers I'll see you in part four and no it won't take three days to stop part four I'm Gonna Fill the jars first I'm so excited this one's gonna hold bath bombs foreign I used to have a bread-shaped one but I lost it last big One's Gonna Hold face masks and the last two we're gonna hold shower Steamers and soap also I rolled up my towels and they're going on that shelf found these display risers these are gonna be the pop-up shops and so they Genero gets the middle Lush on the left tree Hut on the right lastly I'm putting bath stuff on this shelf and that's it I love it so much I'm gonna cry while I take a bath though because part four I'm gonna restock and decorate my whole bathroom starting with the shower shelves first shelf is holding hair products so we have my shampoo a hair mask and scalp scrubber I'm gonna use the hook to hang this fake eucalyptus plant and this one for my Razor the Shelf below that is gonna hold shaving products like the Shaving oil shave butter and coconut milk sugar scrubs this one smells like real orange like freshly peeled I'm I'm in love how do I only have two shelves done this one is for shower creams body oils and body mats last one's for body washes yeah day night and whenever I feel like I need more collagen I feel like I'm in a dream also I link the shelves on my Amazon storefront in my bio so excited now I'm gonna decorate the main shell top One's Gonna Hold body brushes skipping to the middle this one shelf is the reason why I redid my entire bathroom so yeah found these at The Container Store I'm using them for bath salts this one's lavender lemon eucalyptus and Mandarin you may or may not need a part 5 but every video has been good so far right I'm so close also it's almost 4 AM I'll see you in part five part five I'm gonna hang eucalyptus onto my shower head with a hair tie why haven't I done this before it looks so good I've also never put a tray on my toilet before it's 4am haha why do I do this to myself um at least I have a cute bathroom I just filled this with Lush bath bombs and I'm putting them on the show I got this candle at Home Goods this is Cupid you're fired I had to get the last thing going on the Shelf is this book and it's random but it's so cute I almost forgot lotion I'm putting that on top I feel like I'm in my dream bathroom almost done last thing I need to do is restock my cabinets and drawers so please enjoy this ASMR while I do that oh my gosh I'm finally done now you know how to make a glow Spa good night spring cleaning part one the guest bathroom my pockets are out hope you guys join me on this cleaning Series so you guys can get spring cleaned little by little see that stuff over there we are cleaning and redecorating today I'm going to start by taking everything out of the bathroom same I'm over it this is the part I've been procrastinating about see how much stuff is in here sorry about that everything I have in this drawer into a bucket so many things oh my gosh emptied out all the drawers now I'm just gonna spray it down it's funny because I put everything in its spot and I don't even know what to use this drawer for anymore I just finished grabbing this thing in the counters now I'm gonna get the mirror and then the toilet which I'm not going to show the toilet part oh yeah and I'm done time to decorate I just finished washing everything here's the new shower curtain rugs down here are the fancy towels and I also have a basket tear thing for stuff like that the succulent soap and lotion and I'm done see you guys in part two spring cleaning part two the junk drawer I want to say the last time I cleaned this was about never ago I bought these organizer Baskets at the dollar store so I'm going to be using it at the end I put all of those stuff in this bag because I'm starting to pack it and I'll explain that more in the next video I started by putting things in piles this all go in the tool bucket Tech bucket random bucket upstairs I don't know I don't know I don't know this is gonna take forever oh I know where this goes you guys this is my old iPhone 4. let me know in the comments if you want me to charge it and show you guys what's on it there we go now I've made progress I finally cleared off most of the countertop and no I did not just transfer it to the other table okay here we go oh wow now I'm just gonna take a cleaner and a rag and wipe it down and we're spraying we're spraying okay that was a little too much I put the white baskets in now I just have to fill them so my chapsticks will go here airpods upcoming Tick Tock baskets I don't know and now it's an organized junk drawer if you end up cleaning yours tag me so I can see it spring cleaning part three the main bathroom and I already eated down the shower curtain I got the space saver at Walmart for 35 so I'm gonna be building that first I just finished putting it in I think it looks really nice now I'm going to work on cleaning off the counters and getting everything out of the bathroom counters are clean I'm gonna start wiping them down white now that that's super cleaning I'm going to spray down the mirror and scrub the toilet but I'm not going to show that part because you also I recommend everyone buying one of these it's a toothbrush holder it also dispenses your toothpaste in the perfect amount look at that I got it because I hated fighting with the toothpaste too but just just buy it 12.99 on Amazon trust me now for the shower I'm just going to organize this a little bit better here's the before and after so cute everything is super clean it's time to decorate I ended up putting my face washcloths here my body ones here and this bucket is going to hold the dirty one so I can wash them at the end of the week these are the towels I chose for this bathroom and the shower curtain I have a matching hand towel and I have this plant to pull it all together lastly I just put in this cute toilet paper holder almost forgot to show you guys I cleaned and organized my drawers too and that is it I'll see you guys in part four spring cleaning part four the pantry viewer discretion advised yeah I'm going to start by taking everything out of the pantry and putting it on the counter I knew it I knew we had pepper I kept going to the store to buy more the set of the pantry is done and I don't understand I don't understand I don't understand there's still a hole there's some and I'm done and who's on a shelf now I'm gonna organize everything I'm gonna have a pile for keeping and a pile for donating now that everything is kind of organized I'm gonna take this Method Cleaner and spray the wired shelves down and we're back now that the cleaning is done I can start organizing and decorating I went zip at bath me on and I got this can tracker it can hold 54 cans so I'm gonna put this at the bottom shelf and we're gonna start to fill it this did not make sense to me at first but now it does and it's really cool so you put the can on and then you just push it and it aligns with the bottom how did I not know this existed that's all of my cans now I just have to put things in the buckets and label them I'll see you in a couple of hours Spring cleaning my pantry part two of part four I'm gonna start off with taking all the food and organizing it into the buckets okay I cleared off most of the countertops so I separated it so here are my sauces I have a breakfast bin more cans and then instant foods and this is going to be like a dessert box I organize the spices into the smaller bins it's one in the morning and I'm missing four bins so I'll be right back so much has happened to me in the last 24 hours it's insane I just got home from re-homeing Booth so I had to wait till I was common collected to finish this video I hit 2.1 million followers so thank you and I can't find the bins I am an individual and I am strong and I just got to keep the party bus rolling since I don't have the bins I'm just gonna put the ones I have in place I have a couple of these bins with the wood top and I'm just going to be putting my tees In Here Also if you want to start making Iced Teas at home I recommend these three flavors they are my favorite I put the rest of the food in four piles so they're ready for the bins that I'm getting tomorrow morning this is what I have so far there is so much more to do why is this taking forever um I can't wait to label so I'll see you tomorrow morning spring cleaning part four oh part for the pantry also part four gotta make space for my pre-workout so I'm clearing out this bottom shelf I got motivated and I cleaned the entire cabinet so time to put the stuff in all right let's move on now time to fill the cereal containers wow I made sure to label them with the date they expire on time to put them in the pantry now I'm just finishing up the labels for the flour sugar and cookies wait did I spell flour right okay just making sure last container is for our coffee beans and this is the last thing I needed to do final review wow this looks so amazing I'm so proud of myself thank you for joining me on the series I have so much more to do make sure to follow me to see what's next yo what up I'm finally gonna unpack my Starbucks cups I'm so excited I'm gonna move all this to a different corner and deal with it later okay that's embarrassing I actually have a lot of space now I'm gonna take all the cups out and lay them on the floor to keep going but there's too many layers so there's a problem I didn't think this threw I don't know what straws go with which cups so this looks kind of right now I'm gonna put the keychains next to their matching cup okay kind of it's not done yet still have a lot to do like putting my lights up I need to reorganize this because it's not doing it for me see you in part two yo what up I'm back from Disney uh yeah and I also use a core memory of all the churrosy this one looks like a mango which is my favorite fruit the lid opens on this one so I'm doing strawberries because that's all I have a cute kind of dog dinosaur eggs also went to Vegas and I found this cup I love it this one's really cool it's like reflective I didn't even know this one existed but yeah this one is so pretty one of my favorites but I feel like it should have been released during Christmas time because don't they look like ornaments just say it's the most aesthetic up I have it reminds me of that little circle this got this one too I like it more color changing mystery cups that I'm trying to find all five colors I don't have any ice but chicken bakes are working this far gosh yes the only one I need to find is orange because I got two Reds it's actually not three a.m so I can try these they're Sun activated cups I don't see an ombre effect but maybe with a drink in it you know I'm saying like that does not look like that but resetting my entire house part six this is so bad about your shelves the first I gotta build those also I just took everything down it's so dusty three days later and the shelves are done I could easily distract now I'm putting up this role play I'm trying to make it look like paint trips but it keeps falling I'm gonna have some patching to do when I leave I didn't do it everywhere by the way I just did little dots here not putting lights behind the shelves in a zigzag pattern um what hold on okay time to put all the cups back this is gonna take me forever I should probably dust the okay so I color coded everything please enjoy this ASMR by e this is the best thing I've ever reset it looks like a store I could cry right now next I'm restocking the guest bathroom nobody's coming over but I really want to do it one more thing I've never made Boba before guess all I can do is try my best even if I fail it should taste good hopefully first I'm gonna boil the water now I'm adding the Boba I think I'll do that's a good amount hopefully I don't need more while that's boiling I'm gonna make the drink don't have a Shaker so I'm gonna use this I'm doing honeydew this is gonna taste so good that was creamer now I'm adding water it also said to add hot water added ice now I'm gonna shake it so far so good now I'm gonna put this in the drink it looks good hopefully it tastes good it's not bad it could be better but it tastes pretty good resetting my entire house part seven now I'm gonna restock the guest bathroom bathroom's really small so I'm gonna put everything in these acrylic drawers and make a guest bath card first off I'm doing shampoo and conditioner a lot of you different kinds because I wanted them to have options you know lastly hair masks next shelf is gonna hold these cute mini Razors oh my gosh shave cream and body wash a chef has bath fish sugar cubes and loofahs I almost forgot please enjoy this ASMR by honey bubble now I'm Gonna Fill the drawers this one's gonna be for skincare mini micellar water real quick is a micellar water cleanser serums and moisturizer in the back I'm doing face rollers wax kits Mighty patches and cleansing balls top ones for extra washcloths once for hair got some extra brushes bobby pins and hair ties body slash hair so I have some deodorant Running Out of Time lotion dry shampoo chapstick toothbrush toothpaste mouthwash cloth also made of manicure bins basically it next I'm going to try and organize my pantry it's really bad so I don't know if it's gonna yo what up I was gonna clean my car but I'm not feeling good today I'm going to show you what I got for it so far I don't restock and organize it tomorrow first advisor makeup mirror my car lighting is yellow so I like that you can change the color and there's two mirrors LEDs for the inside of my car I'm most excited for this swinging Craig from my visors back to organize stuff for some reason I like eating in my car so I got a vacuum to pick up the crumbs any Trash Can so I stopped throwing stuff on the floor I got the car hopefully it actually works let's keep affirmation cards in random places so I got these for my car these are some of them I think they're so cute registration holder a bunch of hand sanitizer this cup nothing to do with anything I just thought it was cute cleaning stuff this is one of my favorite Brands and this acrylic box that's all I have so far next I'm actually going to restock and organize my car see you in that video yo what up I'm sure you know what this is first took out this blanket for my couch I've never had a weighted blanket before this thing is so heavy or I'm just weak it's really pretty next I found this ring display I'm gonna show you how cute this is hold on I'm trying to organize my jewelry so I also got one for bracelets dude I'm excited next day gummy bear I have a collection of nightlights because I'm still afraid of the dark I just get so claustrophobic in it anyways this is cute next day bottle organizer Ziploc bag organizer there's a theme with everything I think it was in a cleaning mood this 11 11 necklace a Pisces necklace and a Wubble I saw it on Shark Tank yeah you can learn to crochet a penguin anyways that's it that's resetting my entire house part not just kidding I'm moving first I'm gonna pack my Starbucks cups I can't wait to show you my new place anyways here's my box or may not be a good idea but I'm taking the straws out so I can lay them in the box like that so I'm gonna put this paper on top to her so I'm not here till 3am so please and try to stay smart but anyway thank you I'm Gonna Keep the keychains in this container that didn't work so I put them in here how to get a second box also how do I pack the straws found a basket with the lid so I'm putting them in here I might as well put these in there too I wrap the glass ones in foam and I'm done oh my God yeah so I have to pack my entire house I'll see you in part yo what up my bag is so full I can't even close it I'm gonna try and clean it out no it looks like a lot but it's all necessary except for the receipts the french fries some other things first up holding the receipts and putting them in here I'm getting rid of things I don't need this is my new bag by the way it's okay I'm gonna try not to treat it like a personal trash can this time now I'm gonna stalk it first little pocket's gonna hold my lucky bracelet the front One's Gonna Hold makeup I can't go anywhere without like this lip plumper you will never catch me without at least for now next to lip gloss slush this one's my favorite mascara I just found out what I Bretner is and now I can't leave the house without it lastly this mirror that says you look good time for the bigger pocket this one's gonna hold my inhaler because if you didn't know I have asthma wallet this one's falling apart I need a new one Whatever perfume I'm feeling this one oh my God if you know you know it's so good running out of time blush hand sanitizer this one only cavities air pods and Lysol you just never know and that's it I have try this grab some Oreos you'll need about 27 put them in a Ziploc bag and crush them decide grab a pot pour in one bag of white chocolate chips and a can of sweetened condensed milk put that on the stove on medium heat constantly stir it until it's melted take it off the heat and add in your Oreos mix it all mix it all together and then pour it into a baking dish and flatten it out um oh my God I forgot the parchment paper if you want you can add extra Oreo pieces to the top leave it in your fridge for a few hours and I'll see you I'm just kidding there's not gonna be a part two yeah yes it's been a few hours now I gotta cut it into squares now you know how to make Oreo fudge let's try it hmm how do you guys do that okay here we go whoa It's really good and it's really chewy I didn't I thought it was gonna be hard as rock grab some strawberries wash them grab a small spoon take your spoon and cut into the strawberry but not all the way and pull out do this until you make your way around the whole thing don't mind my nails by the way now that you have your first layers start higher up and make a second layer once it looks like this you can either leave the top like that or cut it in half now grab a skewer and poke it into the bottom of the strawberry put a whole bunch in a vase and now you know how to make a strawberry rose bouquet Every Mother's Day I like to make my mom a DIY gift basket because she loves anything DIY I'm doing a Mother's Day series you can see how I make and what my mom's basket ends up looking like this here so hopefully I can pull something yo what up my family coming in an hour so I'm gonna try and make a mini snack bar I have to hurry first I'm filling the bowl this one's gonna have strawberry cream marshmallows I have to tell you guys why my family is coming it's really exciting Hershey's Kisses these are so cute I was nominated for lifestyle influencer of the year they're announcing the winners today I don't think I'll win but who knows I just wanted to celebrate that I was even nominated that in itself is crazy so thank you guys so much this one's gonna have many eggs I got mini tongs for these two but this one broke so I'll just use a scoop putting everything on my Island putting all this stuff on the stand popcorn in the middle strawberry soda I don't know so I did not end up winning but I'm so grateful that I was even nominated like that was insane I don't even have words for it but I just want to thank you guys for even putting me in that category like being put amongst five other incredible people that is insane so thank you guys so much and I will see you in the next video yo what up I'm doing another giveaway this time it's that girl theme so let's pack the box I'm putting in this stuff first there's a lot so I have to go fast this Stanley I blend it I have the pink one it's my favorite thing glow in the dark Starbucks cup and keychain I went back to buy myself one of these but they were sold out so walk goodbye also from Lululemon this band set and the yoga block I might need a bigger box a new bum bum Body Oil a butter body wash your mask let me go socks so cute one of my favorite hair oils Grande lash and brow Charlotte Tilbury makeup by Mario rare beauty of course Too Faced Blue Lemon hair ties and Beauty toner and pimple paste fancy Beauty sunscreen Pharmacy honey mask this one's really cool I put it in here so you can try scalp massager to-do list notebook sets this planner it's so cute sticky notes my favorite gel pens Valentine's Day mini waffle maker Valentine's Day blanket maybe if I organize it it'll all fit lastly a Starbucks and Target gift card I just went with two boxes the giveaway's gonna be held on my Instagram so go there for all the rules and how to enter so yeah anyways oh my God I try not to open this door to avoid what's inside yeah reorganize organize a cleaning closet I'm going to start by taking everything out debating whether I should DIY Hazel a mini closet she has so many clothes look at you waiting she loves when I take them out first shelf is done I'm so glad I'm doing this and why do I have pillows in here okay wow I just gotta grab this now taking this out and I'm going to use it in a different space I can't wait to show you what I got instead I got these two Cube organizers I already built one I'm gonna hurry and build the second one one more screw [Music] screw the first one's going in like this put the second one on top and I secured them together so they wouldn't move yeah my Ikea was out of stock but Target definitely came through this is exactly what I wanted minus a little space in the middle now I have to put everything back in and organize it I'm also going to be decorating so I will see you tomorrow for part two cleaning my cleaning Closet part two I have to go to the kitchen so I normally use these cleaners but I'm gonna wait till they're empty and I saw these glass spray bottles and I'm gonna try and make homemade cleaner in case I don't like it comment down below your favorite cleaners or recipes you think I should try but for now I might as well be cute while I have them if you just want to do this and skip the homemade recipes most containers will tell you if you have to store it in its original container with what I read on my other cleaners these are the only two I'm putting in glass bottles I'm labeling them with this and a paint marker there's so cute so I saw that a lot of people wanted to know how my hand was doing I just want to say thank you I feel so loved and cared for my hand is doing so much better I'm almost able to make a full Fist and it's getting better every day these bins are from Ikea I'm putting stiffer pads in this one I almost forgot I got these Command hooks you stick them to your wall and you can hang your room or mop on them my cleaning cloths are going in this basket I'm putting the cleaners I use the most on the first shelf the rest of them are going here and under my sink this is so cute I'm adding a fake plate on the side this basket for Hazel's clothes and that one for random things oh my gosh it looks so good in here I'm sleeping in the closet redecorating my living room part one it's a disaster right now but this is what I'm working with and I'm really gonna miss our old couch it's broken and ripped though so I'm excited to build the new one before I start tearing everything apart literally everything is going to get replaced I'm gonna give you a little haul of what I got so far going for an outdoor vacation buy because that's what's most relaxing to me so I got this streamlined at Target and I'm gonna hang them from my ceiling it'll make more sense once they're out there and then I got these from Home Goods I can't wait to show you where I'm gonna put them these two are from Ikea I Could Cry of excitement right now oh hold on let me do a thumbnail there we go these are also from Ikea they were on sale for really cheap so I got a whole bag of them the living room is also gonna have pops of peach pops of peach I'm so excited Bath and Body Works has some new scents of candles and I am obsessed with this one and it matches also this one is really good too you're so cute she loves the new couch oh my gosh how did I get so lucky well the real work starts I will see you in part two deep cleaning and redecorating my living room part two all of this mess and this needs to be moved out I'm gonna start with the storage cubes oh gosh what is in here oh my gosh I think this is my stepdad's but my brother and I would play all the time see that stands for Andrew and Kelly can you tell I love card games it's so cute it's all sorted now I'm gonna clear off the table this was my little call center desk and it's still so weird not seeing a computer on it yikes I'm glad I'm cleaning this this does not work anymore I'll be using this in a different room it totally looks like I just moved in and there's even an echo Coco I have five boxes of stuff I need to build to fill this area and I can't even bring them in because they're so heavy I'm gonna be honest it's probably gonna take me all day to build them so I will see you at two or three o'clock in the morning for part three you're still here okay you get a little sneak peek of some more things I bought for decorations and don't don't mind me it's one of those days I'm really proud of this one so I found one of these knitted ball seat things and I found it for 30 bucks at Home Goods what I saw this and I just had to buy it it's so cute I'm actually going to repaint it another plant why not this basket is so cute it's from Target and I'm gonna use it for my blanket I'm spray painting a different color redecorating my living room part three this is how I spent my last two days building this TV stand and the TV is mounted to the wall we're getting somewhere just to organize most of the cables in this drawer and I ordered some stuff from Amazon to hide these ones so cold out here now I'm gonna spray paint the basket I got from Target okay I'm gonna let that dry I was gonna wait to do this but I can't I'm just gonna reveal the couch and we're gonna decorate it yikes this place is a disaster because of this project so sorry you have to see that it took me a while to find the right couch because I wanted a specific color in size because I'm picky but I finally found it and I got it at Costco and this is Hazel's new spot I've always wanted an ottoman this big it's basically a giant dog bed okay I don't think this is look good until I clean the rest of my house but oh well I thought this blanket was so cute it's from Target this pillow is from Target as well it's from their bedding section can you believe I found these at Walmart what this is what I what I came up with and I don't like it as much as I thought I would I think it's way too plain and it needs pattern or color or something but I'll come back to the couch later I'm gonna start with working on the two sides of the wall and the ceiling I will see you in part four redecorating my living room part four I finally figured out the couch and pillow situation so I'm keeping this blanket she's not happy I tried to move her how to give it a good butt crack I decided to keep the black pillow and I bought another one I'm keeping the pillow I found at Walmart and I took your advice bam pattern this is an outdoor pillow from Target it's so cute and it was only 10 bucks okay just pretend the mess isn't there right right this is so cute I want to start working on the walls and the ceilings but the stuff I ordered to finish it isn't getting here until Tuesday technically tomorrow but I'm going to show you what's in this box instead I got it at Ikea for 30 and I do have to build it let me just show you what it is so instead of having this or having your shoes on the floor I am times two look at this oh they're kind of messy there we go he's gonna know I can't stop doing this it's fun I'm almost done finding decorations for this area so far I found this isn't it so cute it's just gonna go right there yeah three o'clock in the morning well I'm gonna film a haul in a few hours and then I'm gonna film part five so I'll see you in part five so redecorating my living room part five all the lights I ordered off of Amazon are finally here I'm so excited because it's gonna look so first I ordered these Philips Hue Lights and I found these really cute lamps at Ikea that I'm gonna put them in I'm putting one at the very top and bottom for each lamb I am on the floor now where is my inhaler I'll show you the whole thing at the end it's gonna be worth it now I'm gonna work on these LED strip lights this first box is going behind the TV I really hope I'm doing this right especially with the corners please tell me there's a better way you know what I'm just gonna trust the process the second box is going behind the TV stand oh my gosh this is so cool I told you it was gonna be worth it so all I have to do now is hide all of those cables yikes then put a rug down and all my decorations so I will see you in part six redecorating my living room part six I found a rug not that one that one and I found everything else to finish this today it's a gray and white rug from Ikea I don't know how to pronounce it so I'll just have to show you staying jiram I don't know but it's perfect now I'm gonna work on the two sides I found these at TJ Maxx I know they're for plants but I'm gonna use them for my lamps yeah so much better higher up now I can decorate in front of it I got this at Home Goods I'm adding this plant because it makes me feel like I'm on vacation and that's basically the theme of this whole living room debating whether I should paint this or buy a whole separate planter we'll see I'm adding this thing and I ordered a small blanket to put on top of this to break the colors up that's it for the right half did the same thing on the left side and I'm adding this basket for blankets I like to roll my blankets up before I put them in they look like gray cinnamon rolls I can finally start decorating the TV stand I'm leaving this over here everything is love Island inspired I have a problem somebody watch it with me I also got some fairy lights to put into each of these I'm doing a separate Reveal video this time because last time I didn't have enough time to show you my room but at least you'll be able to see what it looks like during the day and night time I will see you tomorrow redecorating my beauty slash filming room for the second time I'm even getting rid of my boy Shane though bye-bye I'm going to start off with the closet not too long ago I fell and I broke my closet door and I was gonna fix it but then I was like no wait I could do something with that so this store is coming off too [Applause] now that the doors are off it feels so much bigger in here I'm gonna start taking everything out of the closet and putting it in this corner I seriously need to find a new spot for my massage table I forgot I had this it's a neon Cloud sign I'm totally using it for the new room [Music] everything is out I'm gonna spray and wipe down the wired shelves now I'm gonna wipe down the molding and clean the floor I'm so excited I got some LED lights for Christmas I'm gonna put them behind the frame of the closet I'm so excited so I'm just making sure that was for a thumbnail I'm just making sure that the light is behind this Frame thingy changed my mind I like the look of it being shown wow I'm gonna pick up my storage and organizational things tomorrow so I can start putting everything back in so I'll see you in part two redecorating my beauty filming room part three I have to organize all of this back into there somehow after I'm done with that I can finally work on the rest of the room I can't wait to eat this wallpaper I'm gonna start by building these wickered baskets from Ikea I have six of them so the first one is gonna hold my wax Supply the second one is going to hold anything to do with lashes so my lash extension lift and tint Supply I'm going to put all of my small disposable items in this six drawer container running Lawn Supply maybe I'll do a restock video I decided to put it on the shelf and next to it I'm putting my wax sticks and strips in the third Cube I'm going to be keeping my favorite things like my micro needling pen my ultrasonic skin scrubber and my high frequency machine the fourth cube is going to hold any extra disposable Supply like gloves Q-tips things like that fifth Cube will hold any extra Nail Supply on the Shelf I'm keeping my towel warmer in my wax machine and my skincare fridge these two baskets are from Home Goods I'm putting cleaning and disinfecting in this one and hair Tinsel in this one I didn't know what else to put in here put those on the top shelf and look at this plant it's so cute I'm putting it in the middle the closet is finally done for the most part I have a plan for the rest of my stuff like makeup and skincare so I'll see you in part four redecorating my beauty filming room part four I finally have all the things I need to paint and Starbucks with my own eyes because the girl didn't put enough painting my entire room so I need to get all this stuff out I'm gonna shove as much as I can in the closet just check out the big mirror and I'm finally getting rid of the stinking shelf I put all the stuff that was on it on the Shelf this is only temporary I have a plan and I cannot wait to show you how I'm gonna organize my makeup and skitter oh it's gonna be a dream come true there's tape on my floor I'm almost done I just need to take out this drawer and this one I just have to take down this wallpaper [Music] this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be but I'm almost done I brought up all of the things I needed to paint now I'm just taping up the edges of the molding and the ceiling this is the color I chose it's a light gray I'm so in love with it here's the first coat s oh my gosh my voice [Music] I just finished the first coat on all the walls except this one which I'm gonna start in a minute I'm so excited for a party by a few days they're not here yet we yet redecorating my beauty filming room part five I repainted this is the color I was originally going to do but I think the white just reflects the light a lot better storage organizers are finally here so I'm gonna start picking up and making space so I can build them what the heck why was that so hard to open anyway here it is I'm so excited I have to build two of these so wish me luck I've separated and organized all the pieces this is what it looks like so far I just had to put the top and the back on this literally took me two days this is the one from earlier and I just got done building this one now we have the stand it up I'm gonna take a break from the cabinets and install the new light fixture oh my gosh I love it so much chocolate at Ikea and the bulbs are called gu10 bulbs I got the Philips Hue ones but if you want to save some money Amazon does have a dupe to these it's a four pack under twenty dollars wait is any is any an issue with their volume like as you film it starts out really quiet and then it goes back to normal it is so late right now I literally have work in four hours anyway I'm gonna finish putting in the drawers in the shelves then I'll see you in part six where we're gonna start organizing everything so I'm like I said shells like yay I can finally film this redecorating my beauty slash filming room part six I have so much to do I'm gonna start out with this area when you go to IKEA always go to the as is section so I found this height extension shelf thing and I have a really good idea for it I'm putting it right where the mirror was I'm putting the mirror on top of this can still see my outfits I think even better and I can store things underneath now I'm going to stick some LED lights behind the mirror so putting some underneath the Shelf it's gonna look so cute bought these cute plants from Ikea I'm gonna stick them up in those two corners this is the last one oh my gosh I'm sure I got this decoration from Home Goods so I'm going for like a black and white beach theme so I'm putting it right next to the mirror then on accident I put one of these plants inside and now I really like it okay it seems like I didn't do anything but just watch this oh what should I put under there next I'm going to finally organize all my makeup and skincare I'll see you in part seven organizing my makeup and skincare part two I'm gonna start to fill the drawers with these containers I'm gonna clean the drawer really quick because there's a bunch of dust everywhere I'm doing two of the larger containers from Target in each corner and I'm putting five of the smaller ones in between oh man yikes I think the best way to do this is to put everything in little piles and then put it in the drawer it made some progress these are my little piles the first container is going to hold my face palettes this one will be for highlighters I actually like the way they look if I stand them up like this so cute this one will hold blush powdered bronzer cream and liquid bronzer setting powder baking powder this area is kind of all jumbled up so it's just powder area I guess as I learn more about makeup and try different brands I'll be able to fill the back of the Shelf but for now wow I love the way it looks the next one I just spaced out five of the larger containers first one is for Tinted Moisturizer BB and CC cream full coverage and stuff I want to try outer Foundation blur sticks and concealer so I'll need to fill these and my whole skincare and lifestyle section I'll see you in part organizing my makeup and skincare part three I'm gonna hurry and fill the makeup side so I can move on to the skincare side I'm gonna make little piles again because that just makes things so much easier doing five of the longer containers on the left for mascara eyelash glue lip liners I feel like these two need to go in the top drawer though so I'm probably gonna move that black liner and colored liner these two trays are going to hold my eyebrow stuff I can't decide I think I don't know what I'm thinking I think the primers are just gonna go here I don't know how I feel about the front but the ones that can't stand are going back here finish off the drawer I'm doing setting sprays on the right if you're practicing this line for the last 20 minutes in the back I am keeping my brush cleaning product and then extra Beauty blender and an extra eyelash curler I don't know for the last drawer I'm using these marble trays this one is for any product that Brands send me or that I buy that I want to try or even do a video for and the last one is going to be like a workout drawer I think it's so cute wow oh my gosh so I have decorations I can't wait to show you those and I'm working on the skincare section tonight so I'll see you in the morning redecorating my beauty filming room I feel like the series is never gonna end the shelves are here let's put them up yay it's up oh man I'm looking rough working on the fronts of the drawers first and then I'm sorting my skincare by brand this is what the front of the first drawer looks like now I'm organizing the second drawer I'm matching the amount of containers on the makeup side to the skincare side my floor is finally going to be cleaned let's start filling them also I'm sorry about the audio going from low to Crazy loud I think it's happening to more people now so hopefully Tick Tock is working on that I forgot to film the process but this is what the second drawer looks like doing five containers in this drawer also drop your favorite makeup remover I'm looking to move away from makeup wipes I don't know why I keep using makeup wipes it's so bad for your skin but I heard micellar water is really good so I'm gonna try this it sure is like the body drawer we have the pumps the sprays and the oils extra body scrubs and after one leg I realize that this is gradual tan can you imagine what my leg looks like right now this one has serums and toners the top one has cleansers and exfoliators I don't know I was just trying to fill the space three more drawers decorating cleaning and I will be done I will see you in a couple of hours yikes there is no way this room is not going to be clean tonight I'm doing it let's do it I need to stop foreign I'm using these white containers I got at Target they don't really match but they're going to be in the back so I don't really care this is where I'm gonna hold all my hair products this one is going to hold hair tools hair brushes and clips finally at the last drawer this one's going to hold some of my filming equipment now I gotta deal with all of this I'm going to start by picking up all the trash I already have a trash bag over there I gotta get a new one though because that one's full the fact that that was mostly trash yikes I'm gonna make a pile of everything else in the middle of the room so I can pick it up foreign so the last thing I have to do is decorate and paint because my wall is still gray my next video about this room is going to be the last part of the series and I'm really sad but I'm still excited because it's the Reveal video so I'm gonna hurry and paint this I'll see you tomorrow grab a mini watermelon wash it cut it in half long ways scrape out the watermelon eat it or save it for later now grab your favorite fruit if you're using strawberries or kiwis cut them in smaller pieces set that aside grab a bowl okay wait can we admire how aesthetic that looks wow add in two cups of room temp water four packets of unflavored gelatin if you want to you can add in a half a cup of sugar whisk it together until it's dissolved now boil two cups of water when it's done poured into the mixture bless you mix it slowly it should look like this once you've added in a handful of each fruit layer it with the mixture don't fill it with fruit all the way so that you can leave a layer of the mixture on top uh don't mind my Contraption but leave it in the fridge overnight I film my videos in real time and I'm tired so I will see you tomorrow morning I love you friend also I think I'm good gelatin in my belly button I don't know why I'm telling you that part two let's take it out of the fridge also in part one I told you to use four packets I don't know why I said that I meant four packets from two boxes so eight total don't forget all right I have my cutting board I'm gonna cut it straight in the middle this is what it looks like cut in half I'm gonna cut it one more time oh my gosh these are so cool I'm a little dramatic now you know how to make watermelon fruit slices let's try it these are so cool they're frozen in time no jelloed in time oh okay here we go what what this is n't what for me it needs more sugar maybe put some vanilla extract in the mixture but you need a little bit more of something sweet but then that is good also what is going on last night I had 3.1 million friends and I'll have 3.2 million friends oh my god oh thank you oh my gosh welcome to my car I don't even want to show you the bag I'm gonna try to clean and restock my car first let's go to the car wash now I'm gonna throw away all the trash this is really embarrassing you know buy this Hazel have so much hair I'm cleaning the windows time for the car slime I've seen people do this oh it actually works okay now I'm gonna restock I'm gonna take everything out and replace it now I have a use for this bucket that's been in my car for so long and my ghost keychain this looks so good in here I just have lotion of pen teeth whitener nail brush yeah I found these zip bags on Amazon I thought they were so perfect there's stuff in this one and girly things in this I'm gonna stalk the doors now okay I have no more time my Throwing Cars clean yay doing it I'm deep cleaning the laundry room for your discretion advise hey yeah oh there we go it's basically it's pretty much I obviously don't take care of it first I gotta get everything out of the laundry room I'm gonna set everything on the table before I do that I'm taking all the clothes out and putting them away this is a cool angle I feel like I'm on the show so uh now that all of that is out I'm starting to take things off the shelves it's so dusty and dirty okay so now I'm on my dryer and we're gonna use this multi-surface cleaner and I'm just gonna wipe everything down because we just got a letter we just got a list I'm gonna clean the outsides of the washer and dryer well let's see if I can get this and we're vacuuming yeah wow this is what it looks like so far here is everything I'm going to use to decorate with there's still a lot of work to do I got to fill the boxes and the jars with the detergent so I will see you in part deep cleaning my laundry room part two it's time for my favorite part okay let me get down first I'm Gonna Fill these jars and the first one we're doing detergent I'm gonna try to pour it once oh my gosh cross your fingers for me oh yeah second one is going to hold the laundry booster I cannot do laundry without this stuff it makes my clothes smell so so good this one is going to hold scent booster beads there you go I used about a fourth of a cup for each one of these so I'm just going to stick this into the jar I found this really cute jar for the laundry sanitizer so I'm just gonna pour that in and I'm doing the same for the laundry softener it kind of looks like milk I got labels for each of these so I'm just finishing up the last one I got this bin I thought it was perfect to put dryer sheets in I also got one for kitchen towels I'm putting these in order of how I use them don't know what I'm going to I'm gonna put there but this one's gonna hold my Wallflower I added this rug and I'm so happy with the way it turned out I'm doing it I'm decluttering and deep cleaning my bathroom especially in this area pulling the phone with my forehead I'm trying to get the shower curtain off so I can wash it everything in here is empty I have been filling everything with water to make them last so I'm just gonna throw those away now that everything is out I'm gonna spray everything with this bathroom cleaner I let that sit for a little bit now I'm going to spray everything with the shower foam now I'm taking everything out of this cabinet so I can start wiping it down it feels so refreshing to have everything gone now I'm going to clean the sink it's so echoey in here I hurry and do the toilet really quick I also did the drawers in the cabinets off camera now the bathroom is fully deep cleaned I'm going to fill it back up with product I'll see you in part two I also bought new towels and bath rugs I can't wait to show you deep cleaning my bathroom part two it's time to put the product back in the first shelf is gonna hold shampoo and conditioner I'm trying out this new brand I've heard really good things about it and it smells amazing it also comes with a body wash and lotion I'm also going to try out this brand I love their hair mask so I decided to get the shampoo and conditioner second shelf is going to hold body scrubs I fell in love with these I didn't even know about them until I started binge watching shower routines so thank you I feel like I have to talk so fast tree hut tropical mango and vitamin C this is the mask I'm talking about I always talk up on these because I feel like it should be sold out I've always had an issue with split ends and rough hair because I straighten my hair all the time but this mask seals those up and it makes your hair feel so healthy and so smooth also this is not sponsored I just love this stuff you can get it at Target if you want to try putting my scalp massager on top the next Shuffle is going to hold more exfoliating products like this KP bump eraser a coffee scrub the Shimmer scrub I don't know sugar scrub cubes if you want a nice clean shave and you want to smell good this I also got the Razor if you haven't tried this it's amazing amazing for watching upstairs and downstairs Just Not underneath the stairs if you know what I mean yes and yes wow I still have my after shower shelf to fill I'll see you in part three deep cleaning my bathroom part three time to fill the after shower shelf I don't know well at that anyway a lot of people were asking where I got it from I got it from Walmart and here I'm storing some body scrubs do you hear that after every section I record the sound starts out super low and then goes back to normal does anyone know how to fix that it's so distracting this is for a thumbnail by the way okay so I like to keep lotion up here my favorite is the Hem sugar banana and I'm also trying this one this stuff is amazing it's almost like a spray-on lotion here I keep my three essential skincare products two cleansers and an SPF how's your mess Edition friend I approve anything Image Skincare I feel like I'm holding the secret oh these are my two favorite after shower sprays this one's getting discontinued if you didn't know Dr pimple popper has a skincare line This is their new body seal that they sent me I'm so excited to try it it's for dry eczema prone skin literally look at my hand couldn't have come at a better time this deodorant has changed my life I don't spit when I use it and it doesn't smell like anything thank you Mom my basket for my towels and dry brush some cute decorations in my Lush basket a non-slip shower mat my shower curtain shrunk it used to go all the way to the floor and that is it wow it's so cute deep cleaning my nail cart because it's so bad right now I'm just gonna start by taking everything off the cart wow okay the first shelf is done let's see how long this takes me it's about one o'clock right now the second shelf is done oh my gosh wow now I'm just gonna wipe it down with the Lysol with hydrogen peroxide this smells so good there's so much dust I took everything out of the bins now I'm going to disinfect them with barbicide wipes my setup is pretty much staying the same I'm putting my most used products up top I'm still keeping my nail tips and dual forms on this side wow I forgot to mention I wiped all the little stuff with barbicide too finally on the last shelf and it's three o'clock are you ready bam oh my God resetting my entire house part five now I'm gonna restock the mini fridge first I'm filling the mini bottles pomegranate cherry juice this stuff is so good next water these ones are glass and they're a little bit taller so I'm just gonna put it in for fruit I'm doing mango blackberries raspberries lastly strawberries I love fruit I'm putting these on the bottom shelf it looks so good next to Lunchables Capri Sun Gogurt Babybel cheese coffee I'm filling the smaller ones with jelly beans and chocolate eggs I didn't know what else to put in here but this looks good Next Step I'm organizing my cup collection because it's so cute up I've never had a snack drawer so I'm going to try and make one first I'm filling the mini containers any M M's these are so good Sour Patch Kids and Cocoa Pebbles this is so cute now I'm Gonna Fill the bigger ones first Oreos blue Takis and Cheez-Its oh now I'm Gonna Fill the even bigger containers anyone else like snack on waffle cones this one's gonna have fruit snacks and fruit strips so excited time to put everything in my nightstand yeah yeah now I can properly binge watch Love Island goodbye yo what up I'm gonna try to make an aesthetic hot chocolate bar it's not understanding I love how it's 11 at nine now first I'm putting up LED lights they make everything look good I'm gonna use this laptop stand now I'm Gonna Fill the pop jars this one's gonna have these cute marshmallow Toppers they melt into your hot chocolate it's so good snowman ones too next hot chocolate stirs I didn't even know this was a thing I also got them in spoon for hot chocolate bombs I'm trying to make a back and forth pattern so it looks better he's not sure what they are but they're really good these are going in the back I found Starbucks hot chocolate powder at Home Goods and I'm gonna put them in these jars I don't have a funnel so I'm hoping that this works I'm using a white chalk marker to label them toffee bits crushed candy cane and more marshmallows what do you think I just made it this was a 3am purchase but they'll be on my Amazon page I'm adding this thing I made and some cash draws you know why do I feel like crying right now but it's just the hot chocolate bar it's so cool I'm still trying to become that girl but it can't be that girl without a cute room we're still gonna build this it's 10 p.m by the way I'm gonna cry morning kind of fell asleep this is what I have so far we might have a problem it'll be easier if I move the bed frame closer yeah I hope this doesn't break the bed I'm putting LED lights under the bed now that I have a giant marshmallow I'm gonna add the pillows okay this is what I have for the room so far so much more I need to do like a whole other side I still need to redo this mirror because it broke so yeah I'll see you in that video part two take the parchment paper off grab a cutting board and dust it with powdered sugar it'll look something like this grab your pan flip it upside down you'll end up getting something like that hey cut it into slices like this dip the edges in the powder because it's super sticky then cut them into cubes and do the same thing I put mine on a cute platter and now you know to make homemade marshmallows let's try them really quick look at that good I had a little accident that's okay let's give this a try okay here we go I'm so good wow you guys this is so good so easy to do and oh my new addiction bad yes day one of redecorating my bedroom if you're wondering where again I've been here eating chips seaweed going to Taco Bell first I gotta pick up because we are going to be painting that wall AKA throw everything in my closet clean up clean up everybody clean just about done taping the outer parts of the window and the tops of the walls now I just gotta do the molding that was way harder than it needed to be now I'm strolling out some cardboard paper to keep paint off my floors everything is now taped it's time for the paint I didn't know that this was just a liner I didn't get a tray so I just made a DIY one I'm so excited to show you the color I chose it's a lot darker in person but it just looks so cool I hope this works out first coat of the wall is done now I'm going in with a paintbrush and getting the corners the wall is done there's so much more to do I'll see you tomorrow day two redecorating my bedroom the accent wall turned out so pretty and I also painted around the door as well not the best paint job but it's fixable I haven't had a nightstand since I was eight years old my soul I need somebody to love whoa that really made a difference oh my God I went to Home Goods and I got these super cute lamps light bulb check I don't know oh yeah I love plants but I can't take care of them so I got a fake plant my plan is to paint this one the same color as that one but I'm too lazy even though the paint is sitting right there oh my gosh I ordered some new bedding but it's not here yet for now we'll move on to this area yay okay now I don't know what to do here there is so much more to do you and I are going shopping tomorrow so I'll see you soon redecorating my room day three this wall is so empty so I go to Hobby Lobby and I see these I really love them but they're 89.99 and they say gather so I'm gonna make them on my own for 20 bucks I'm gonna start this off with a matte black let's hope I don't mess this up because I only have one chance to do this I mixed together this really pretty forest green and they outlined where I wanted the wreath to be got a bit carried away because it's like two in the morning um this is what I have so far I'm adding more leaves so it doesn't look like a cartoon I tried to outline the word cozy um I think I ruined it but we'll see it's three in the morning and it's actually cute got this glow-in-the-dark paint and I'm gonna outline the word cozy I'm gonna let this dry and put on the second coat of glow-in-the-dark paint tomorrow because it's not looking really good right now in the meantime let's decorate the nightstands this one says home and this one says love I got this Garland at Target I'm putting it by the TV okay okay we're getting somewhere it's literally four in the morning I don't know what to do with this plant named Craig so I'll see you tomorrow well today after I go to sleep day one of redecorating my filming room Craig we got this we're gonna start off with the wall I bought some new wallpaper off of Amazon it's adhesive so it'll stick right on the way after removing everything off the wall I went ahead and into test patch and it's gonna be so pretty I started by laying the wallpaper on the floor and cut it at the end in hopes it would be the right size that first part was so hard to do by myself but I did it first part down I'm just going to repeat the process roll it out and cut so satisfying next I had to cut out little slits for the wall outlets and I did a bad job but oh well yay I did it you guys it looks so good oh snap I got this huge piece delivered today I'm so excited to build this so make sure you stick around for day two I've been wanting to declutter my cleaning closet for the longest time but I'm saving that for the next video we're gonna be reorganizing my dog's things I found this three tier cart from Home Goods I'm going to be putting the treats on the top tier let's fill these jars I love that they come with chark what chalk I'm actually using a chalk marker to label them instead we have the biscuits jerky Bully Sticks these smell so bad but they're her favorite this jar is going to hold her dental treats I also got one for her freeze-dried tree and one for her training treats by the way I got these jars at Burlington for the middle tier I got these two gray baskets these baskets will hold anything we need for walks and the first one I'm holding leashes collars and harnesses the second one is gonna hold her portable food and water bowl her portable tree container and her poopy bag holder the last hair will hold all the grooming items these are some wipes for a stinky Dorito feed I got another basket to hold her brushes if you have a dog that sheds like crazy try this brush it gets so much of the loose hair out it also holds her toothbrush and toothpaste oh and an extra poopy bag jar wow oh my gosh I love this so spring cleaning even though it's not spraying the bathroom part two it's time to decorate I just picked out the ornaments I want to use I'm going to use what's left for a future DIY video I chose the glitter ones I'm putting hooks on them and setting them to the side I'm just keeping the same shower curtain because I like that it's white and I'm hooking the ornaments onto the Rings as I'm putting he's up I realized I forgot to change out the hooks so they're just gonna stay blue I just hung this up it is temporary the one I actually ordered hasn't come yet oops but I kind of like it for the main towels I decided to go with a dark gray and then I got this hand towel set that has snowflakes on them I just folded them over like that I think it looks super cute I made this glitter Pinecone decoration I'm putting that on top of the toilet for the towel ring I did white with a gray snowflake towel at the top of the sink I'm adding this candle this frosted cranberry soap and this lotion dispenser I'm also going to try this toilet bowl light I don't know how I feel about it but here we go oh that's cool I've never had memory foam bath rugs these were like five books at Home Goods but I am obsessed now wow I love the way this turned out it is so cute let me know what you guys think and I'll see you in episode two spring cleaning even though it's not spring the bathroom I'm gonna start by taking everything out of the bathroom every December I like to declutter everything I have so I can have a fresh start for the new year so what I'm basically saying is this is gonna be a series so that you can do this too yay whoa now that everything is out and the shower is rinsed I'm going to start by scrubbing it clean out this drawer I'm putting everything in a separate bucket so I'm going to declutter this at the end I did the same thing with the bottom drawer and under the sink now I'm just spraying the drawers and I'm going to wipe them down same thing with the counters I'm gonna let this sit and Winx the mirrors first Mama hit me with the chicken wing okay I'm tired of this hair it's two in the morning I work in four hours hi it's the next day and I just got off of work next I gotta clean the toilets I'm gonna wipe down the baseboards because they're kind of gross lastly I'm cleaning the floors with a Swiffer wow I think the bathroom's super clean I'm gonna redecorate this with all the new winter stuff I bought so I'm gonna go film that real quick I'm also going to show you how I organize these unpacking my family room part two now I'm gonna build the makeup table finally gotta drill you guys I feel very professional please enjoy this ASMR by Honey Boo Bear I'm almost done I have a few more screws then I have to try and flip it upside down oh is this oh it's not even heavy okay how am I gonna get this on top of the table [Music] I can't believe I did that I'm so proud of myself now I'm gonna screw in the light bulbs thank God I lost my patience not mine okay all right can't stop jumping around I'm so excited oh my gosh it's like a tree you can finally start reorganizing my makeup it's gonna take me all night you know what I'm going to bed just kidding just kidding again I will see you in part three good night part three it's very echoing here anyways I don't know what I'm doing the only thing I know is how I want my shoes organized so I'm starting there and I'm gonna wing everything up first I'm building all the shoe boxes really cool they have a door I wear a seven and a half so my shoes are gonna look so small but it's fine 12 more five more I've been here for so long finally done now I'm gonna stack them along the wall sorry I'm just so happy I don't think I have enough but we'll see I brought most of my favorite ones so let's put them in the box please enjoy this is [Music] putting these on top for now definitely gonna need more boxes but it looks so good I'm gonna organize my workout clothes I always wanted a workout section so that's gonna be this size I'm putting in these tension rods the workout says they're going here instead of four I can't even do 3am again okay anyways I'm gonna hang these up just wow can't wait to finish everything else I'll see you in part part three I have an idea what if I turn my glow spot closet into a mini store slash pop-up shop so that's what we're doing first I'm going to show you what I got also I'm getting my nails done tomorrow what do I do found these smiley face bath bombs at Lush I almost killed when I saw them but just wait also had sad faces now I can properly take a sad bath I also found these Cloud ones this one's really cool you can actually open it and there's stuff inside like what is that candy cane bubble bar and this ghost checkered bar so apparently Play-Doh soap is a thing so yeah I got that this is a gift this is for me of course I want to try it out too last thing from Lush are these you pour it in your hand in the shower and it's body scrub basically these are from Target they're shower Steamers this one smells like fruit loops can someone run to Target and tell me I'm wrong like is my nose broken I smell Fruit Loops these are always sold out many tree have body scrub and I got the bigger one lollipop soap and these jars to put everything I'm gonna go start organizing everything I'll be right back part three it's dry I'm gonna stand the edges so it's more smooth first night's done this is the only sandpaper I have left so it's not gonna be the smoothest but oh well here goes nothing I'm gonna try and paint this now I decided on pale blue with a glow-in-the-dark layer on top just got done with the last layer now I'm going to turn off the lights and we're going to see what it looks like why does that creep me out no thank you now I have to figure out how to get this onto the baby I can just slide it on oh my gosh I did I'm gluing it together with this but there's a problem not all the edges lay flat oops I'm putting weights on them here it is oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God it's perfect don't mind the mess in the background but oh my God part form putting these bins on the top shelf I'm Gonna Fill those lots but I spaced them out better I'm putting my favorite bags on this Shelf next I'm filling the main part of the closet which will clear up at least the bed I tried color coding kinda let's just see if it looks good where's my shirt hoodies sweatshirts and crop tees oh is this my closet right now it doesn't feel real it's so pretty so far this side's gonna be my casual comfy size just made that up basically more sets putting my leggings on the Shelf using the Shelf divider to separate flared and regular I'm also putting bodysuits here because those are comfy that's it for this side but what do I put here the other side is going to hold my dressier clothes think about all my bottoms on these shorts pants sets everything else that's pretty much it I'm going to Vegas in a few hours for my birthday I'll do the bins when I come back actually when we get back because you're coming with me yo what up I'm finally gonna unpack and organize my new kitchen I have an island now by the way first I'm organizing all the cups I think I'll put all the clear ones on one shelf I don't know Robin Millstone by the way I think they're so cute little girls these remind me of being in chemistry next shop is gonna hold my water bottles and these ones on the other side almost forgot about these clear ones lastly all my mugs are going on top this is my favorite mug it's so cute except this part why are they ruining yeah I'm finally done I'm gonna put my cutting board bag into my flower vase so let's figure out how to decorate this area but at least this part's done anyways next I'm organizing my Starbucks cups I'm so excited you guys have no idea part two I got different color tape for all the boxes this room's gonna be pink and I've already done that side so I just need this one I have a feeling I'm gonna be here till 3am oh well [Music] her stripped on it's kind of sad but I can't wait to set everything up in the new place I'm putting all the loose lip glosses in this container proud of myself I got rid of a lot of palettes I don't use these are mine and I kept a pile for my sister one day I'll wash my makeup brushes but for now I'm throwing them in here okay I'm almost done I just see the workout drawer do I just skip this and start my pantry yes no yes see you in part three part two of the mystery box Daniella scents there's so much in here again thank you Daniella for sending this we have some Ring Pops she has her own shop called candy Boulevard so if you see any candy in here you want you can order from the link in her bio this is so cute it's a bath gift set oh my gosh it's oh my gosh pink lemonade candy straws thank you thank you Flamingo lollipops my hearts cinnamon discs oh perfect a sticker that says you deserve it I don't I really don't it's a binder zip case I don't have a binder but my sister does my voice is starting to hurt ketchup and mustard mustard on a chair on a freaking bench strawberry Sour Power straws yay slaps I see these on her page all the time and I've always wanted to try them these bullies oh I tried I'm trying to learn how to speak Spanish fluently I know I'm Colombian and I don't speak Spanish that's a story for another time wow please explain how there's still stuff in here and it's still so heavy okay part three is coming hey guys today I'm going to show you how to make Tang Hulu yo what up I'm so excited for this one because I haven't tried it yet and I can only do it with one hand because I haven't got to the doctor yet but I'm going tomorrow so we'll see what he says but let's see if I can do it for the fruits I'm going to use and I also have skewers I'm so excited lots of help washing these look how pretty now we're going to dry them with paper towels pretty sure this was supposed to be the last step but it's fine now we have a pop one cup of sugar I don't think I can do this do you remember the water goes first what am I doing two cups of water one cup of sugar don't stir this is on medium heat and I'm using a candy thermometer and I'm waiting till it gets to 300 degrees which is the hard crack stage oh that's right so I'm just winging it but now I'm putting the fruit on the skewers it didn't work this time I'm doing one cup of sugar half a cup of water this is how you test it it's supposed to be crunchy when you bite into it it works now I know to make ton Hulu let's try it put my hair up okay here we go this is what it looks like [Music] this looks kind of cool actually grab a bowl add in one cup of baking soda half a cup of Epsom salt half a cup of citric acid and half a cup of cornstarch be careful don't drop it on yourself mix it all together set that aside and grab another Bowl add in a half a teaspoon of water two and a half teaspoons of fractionated coconut oil I chose cucumber melon and I'm doing 10 drops mix that together and slowly add it into your dry mixture if you add it in all at once it'll cause a fizzing reaction and we don't want that yet well no it's done when you can hold it in your hand without it breaking and this is what the texture should look like I'm doing five colors so I separated the mixture into five bowls now that the colors are separated I'm going to put them in the silicone Ice Cube mold make sure you pack it down now stick it in your freezer for 10 minutes didn't want to wait for cloud mold so I'm using seashells unicorns and rectangle pack in the first layer gives her two big so I just cut them in half and I'm lining them up like this now add your last layer I hope this works stick it in your freezer for about an hour or two oh my gosh it worked the other one's failed but these were here we go it kind of works I'm addicted y'all I'm tired of seeing it and being the only person who hasn't tried it at least that's what I feel like well we'll see what's about to happen next okay I have my fruit what's the straw lizzo had pomegranates in hers and I could not find them anywhere so I just made my own I'm doing strawberries raspberries blackberries and blueberries oh I'm so excited time for the cocoa water I don't really like coconut water so this is going to be interesting can't forget the ice okay here we go how it looks but what if we add a splash of almond milk let's try it I don't know I just wanted to try it no but honestly I think my life has changed I could literally eat this every morning [Music] I actually saw this on tati's tati tries thing so if it's nasty you don't have to her series is the best anyway I have Kool-Aid I don't know how much Kool-Aid I'm supposed to be using maybe that's too much this actually looks really good okay I don't know what to think about this oh okay here we go um really fun really sweet okay I got everything I need even some glitter I'm gonna finish putting the trash bags on the floor I think the space is missing something so this is gonna be good I have this bucket I'm just filling it with black paint oh my God so excited okay now I'm adding in the glitter oh my God oh wow I think there's so much [Music] I just realized something about this color combo that's really special to me my real dad used to work at the Mandalay Bay Casino in Las Vegas for years like 10 plus years anyway anytime there's a large event he would take into the back where only employees had access to and the floors literally look like this and I had so many good memories there anyway this is gonna be a really cool thing oh my gosh okay oh man it's not gonna look good oh maybe I have an idea um I decided on a textured piece instead I can't wait to see it when it's dry I'm so excited because my boyfriend told me it'd be easier to eat an Oreo with a fork so I'm gonna try it so I'm just getting a cup of milk and I'm so excited because I didn't know that this is possible so here's the milk yeah yeah I'll leave that there close the fridge whoops get a fork okay and then my Oreos are over here so excited because normally when you stick it in you dunk your fingers in and it's like where like I don't want to do that so okay we're gonna try it with a fork so I'm so excited he said it's a lot easier but I don't see babe it's not working it's not working how in the it doesn't work Yoda I'm gonna try and turn my new bathroom into a Christmas glow spot that's why I stopped the video anyways okay first I'm painting my shower doors hopefully this comes off in a month just kidding it will because Tick Tock told me it would help okay what do you guys think I try to make it look like snow in a window I also got a mini Christmas tree for the bathroom let's decorate it please enjoy this is simple but so cute time for the lights okay ready the best thing about these lights they change color can't decide tree skirt no tree skirts they both look good found this mini star I don't know if it ruins it though star no star yeah no star no I'm putting rope lights above my mirror changing out the sun okay so far so good I've been working on my shower and dealing with this closet see you in part two I'm trying to become that girl I'm gonna turn Hazel into that dog starting with her own closet this route is going between that and the wall I got these clips for her bandanas just wait ready full body mirror like I don't have any carpet so she's obsessed with rugs so I got her this one this is gonna be her dresser it's so cute I'm putting her backpack and collar on top treats behind the backpack I had to get a good thumbnail her socks go in this drawer did you just steal her bows scarf and hat more collars and pajamas I bought this Vine and I'm trying to shape it into a bone okay we're going with the heart instead almost done just adding this glow bar and now I'm gonna hang up her clothes like it so cute oh she loves the rug I'm still trying to become that girl so I bought a gym bag let's fill it I don't even go to the gym I work out at home that's my drawer but oh just a water bottle it's my favorite color right now a squat band this works really well waist trimmer this jump rope on this really cute case in here I'm keeping smaller things like tampons chapstick hair ties it's gonna go in the front pocket booty bands sweat towel you know headband that you tuck deodorant hair brush I found another pocket by the way there's a side pocket and I'm putting hand sanitizer in here resistance band ankle weights maybe I don't know pods and a tripod and a protein bar dry shampoo a change of clothes I'm just kidding well actually I don't know okay I think that's I'm still trying to become that girl and I can't be that girl without a sick day routine so let's plan one out I'm gonna start by setting up my nightstands this kind of looks like a lava lamp found this cute jar I'm filling it with honey sticks and cough drops can't forget the normal water that side's done now I'm going to fill my humidifier on this side this jar is going to be for a whole bunch of random stuff like an eye mask hair tie chapstick my inhaler moisturizer and this hair clip tissue and a trash can now that everything is set up I'm gonna take a bath and shower I'm just making some tea and I cut up some oranges for a snack okay finally I'm just gonna hang out in my room I brought this table up for my laptop and write down video ideas just put this in the microwave it's so nice that's basically it I don't know what else people do when they're sick but also if you're wondering where anything is from I put it all on my Amazon except this this is from Urban Outfitter anyways if you're feeling sick I hope you feel better love I'm gonna try to become that girl but I need you petting to do so so yeah white or sage green I have a dog and I eat in bed most weekends cry mascara we're gonna go see it my style is next because I need help also getting this pillow because I have one on my couch and it's really comfy white pillowcases Lunchables and you already know I'm taking two of these I hate going outside can't be that girl without a cute candle so we're at home goods let's see if you have psychic abilities two of these I'm just kidding back this is my situation it's giving Echo it's giving live laugh love it's giving monotone I'm gonna paint new pictures for my room tomorrow but for now white sheets white duvet cover now I'm throwing the pillows on and adding the buds look at this masterpiece tell me why this was at the back of the Shelf like we don't get enough attention as it is not these glow bar things from the checkout lines let's see if they were wait what ten dollars at Home Goods it's so worth it almost done just adding a laptop notepads and pens because that girl is productive figure out the wall situation later but yeah I'm done this is what it looks like during the day and at night it's so cute like I'm just kidding Next Step an aesthetic nighttime routine this is so bad I'm gonna try to become that girl but first I need to clean and restock this room so let's do that I want to keep these up forever but first I'm picking up all the trash I'm gonna make two piles for makeup and skincare yay now let's put it away now I'm gonna organize my drawers and restock all right foreign remember the last time I cleaned this mirror this thing up here I'm just trying to watch a little violin and I'm over here cleaning my room like [Music] oh my gosh that took me all day this weekend I'm doing a tour of this room so if you want to see that it helped me get to 100 000 subscribers go subscribe to my YouTube channel okay I'm gonna take a Batgirl bath bathroom but it smells like bananas some Epsom salt and can we appreciate how aesthetic this looks well that fills up I'm gonna get everything I need to put on the trip just decided on a watermelon theme this mask for my face eyes lips I'll do this bath bomb this is so pretty can't forget to hydrate I'm using dried raspberries and blueberries a book almost done just need a candle I almost forgot these little watermelons for your eyes that's pretty much it this is so aesthetic even the freaking water oh my gosh still trying to become that girl and I can't be that girl with dirty makeup brushes so let's clean and organize them got some new makeup brush holders and they just make sense they have a lid you're dust okay let's go wash my nasty makeup brushes I'm gonna use this because I can't find my baby shampoo and I'm pouring it into this bowl it's been two hours I'm halfway done and I'm on the floor I'm done I'm gonna let those dry I'm gonna use my old beads because the new ones look kind of yellow everything is pretty much dry and I organized it by color I'm doing smaller brushes on that side and bigger ones over here I'm hoping I don't need a third one oh my I've never what these are so nice let me close the lid like whose makeup brushes are these they're that girls I that girl so I'm starting a bullet Journal I'm gonna decorate the outside first with these stickers I made hold on wait a minute that was so cute I feel like I need more though I have a really good idea for the first page also I almost paid 25 for a six-pack of these markers when I found this 120 pack for 36 on Amazon please it'll all be on my Amazon page in my bio skipped a few pages for the index I'll do that later I've always wanted a follower tracker I'm adding in some cow print not sure if it's gonna look good but I messed it up I don't even have white out anyways I hit 6.2 today thank you guys so we get to fill that in together kind of ugly but I'll get better I have a lot more pages I want to fill out so I can do a part two or I can move on to the next That Girl video let me know I'm gonna try a that girl morning routine first I'm making my bed can we appreciate how aesthetic this looks by the way you like time to hydrate now I'm brushing my teeth I like to work out at night but I guess this makes sense here we go time to shower this is hard I need more time lotion why does my leg look like corn dog filming a beauty room tour for my YouTube channel and I'm barely going to be in the video so I'm wearing comfy clothes I usually don't eat breakfast toast honey and bananas did you hear that it sounds like that girl's about to eat her breakfast now I'm gonna do my skincare wash and tone hyaluronic acid and eye cream moisturize and SPF I'm almost out now I'm gonna plan out my day yay I did it next step that girl nailed I'm gonna reset my whole house well I'm gonna try I'm not leaving this up till March this time um oops got a Christmas tree bucket yay sad it's all empty and cold now okay now I'm gonna vacuum I'm just gonna throw things got these really cute cloud pillows for my couch I love them and that's my living room I didn't think it was gonna take me this long I still have I could just forget this is all here next I'm decluttering and deep cleaning my room I will see you in part five thousand yo what up so I I went on Amazon so I was scrolling through all the dumb stuff I was gonna buy and I came across a honeycomb tried one before and I wanted to try one and we're gonna do that today it's like a sticky part around it oh oh we're putting it in a plate oh yeah just look at this okay here we go mmm oh wow 10 out of 10 you guys were going again they're just so crazy got bees made this it's like bees yo what up I'm gonna use Michaela style one last time before I pack it and show you my shaver team I'm Gonna Miss This so much but the new one's gonna be a lot better let's do watermelon first time fully using any tree hot body scrub this one's watermelon it smells so good I have really dry skin and the scrub does the best job at removing it so it just takes them on this glove and do Circle motions and I love how glowy and soft I feel after using it I'm going to use Treehouse watermelon shave oil love this one because it doesn't irritate my skin while I shave I do like two or three pumps I always get the closest shave and it's really hydrating here getting lightweight and not greasy which I love and that's it time to pack it up I can't wait to show you my new glow spot okay bye yo what up I'm trying this again this time I'm doing a Halloween theme putting paper on the edges so the glitter doesn't go everywhere I'm gonna try and do a green and black ombres so wish me luck first layer done now I'm mixing green and black I'm on the last layer this looks so cool I just discovered something so if you go like this it makes these little swirls I want to see them at the same time so I'm working on the orange one now I'm so excited to seal the whole I'm using cabinet bumpers I have my nail lamp now I'm pouring UV resin on the top like that kind it says to leave it on for 60 seconds so I'm just gonna lay it on the top like that and kind of balance it out yeah oh my gosh oh my God oh yeah they're so cute up I just woke up broke off all my nails last night so I'm getting them done tomorrow can't decide what I want so I'm gonna let the top comment she's for me I forgot I bought these so let's open them because I'm freaking bored looking for Lunchables and Capri Sun if they have okay that's a shopping cart what is this not a Lunchable nope no but the baby belt is really cute I refuse to do a part two speed round no nope nope nope Kool-Aid that's close enough how many times am I gonna get this one nope no this is my last one come on I just want a little lunchable nope things are not looking good okay well all that for nothing Well Kool-Aid my sister is really crafty so I'm gonna give them to her and see what she made I'm waiting for the paint to dry and I'm so bored so I'm gonna read some of these cards going all out I'm using one of these thingies okay there's my foot what do we have okay when your class returns from gym and they smell like onions bro there's always that one kid that's smelling my Bo oh this is like my worst nightmare when you can't figure out who keeps carving car wrinkle when a kid flicks a booger at you and you find it in your hair four hours later okay one more this is fine when you accidentally stick your hand in the gum under the desk this is fine it is not fine this has happened to me so many times as a student hi guys so I just got a package from the American influencer Awards and how do I get out this is so crazy I was nominated for lifestyle influencer of the year for 2022. I just wanted to come on here and thank you guys so much I wouldn't be able to do any of this without you and I'm just speaking I don't even know how to like make words right now voting ends August 31st you can vote every single day and I would truly appreciate your vote I keep doing this just because I'm just so excited I just want to jump around thank you so much I love you um like I'll be in my bio I'll be in the lifestyle category just scroll all the way down and don't forget to vote for all your favorite creators too okay grab a bowl add in one cup of flour one teaspoon of sugar one teaspoon of salt can you choose your mouth closed please set that aside grab a grater and a block of cheddar yay use the side that looks like this this is gonna look like a lot but if you were to squish it all together it would be able to fit in this one cup add in your one cup of cheddar and mix it now add in four tablespoons of butter and two tablespoons of water I'll mix that all together it's easier if you use your clean hands if it's so crumbly like this add more water when you're done it should look like a ball of Play-Doh preheat your oven to 375. line a pan with parchment paper roll out your dough You're Gonna Want it pretty thin frequently push in your edges so you can avoid the cracks carefully transfer that over to your pan with whatever you have I was lucky to have this cut out little squares then I think you already know where this is going poke little holes into them bake for about 10 to 15 minutes let them cool for about five to ten minutes and now you know how to make homemade Cheez-Its or cheese crackers let's try them okay here we go besides the thickness it literally tastes like a cheetah yo what up I'm in a hurry but I'm gonna try and decorate before I hit a million subscribers on YouTube starting with the cake I'm just scraping this off same with this one I didn't have time to bake a cake put buttercream in a bowl now I'm adding food coloring now I'm gonna spread it on the cake I don't know what I'm doing put these red sprinkles all over I already messed up fine everything's fine we're just gonna go fast so cute now I'm gonna carefully add white glitter on top I'm doing one more cake and it's gonna have these sprinkles pink border and I'm using fondant for the eyes and mouth can't believe I just pulled that off these are so cute especially this one anyways it's in my mom's house this is what we have so far I'll be here till 3am so I brought some snacks this one's gonna have Eminem okay that was so loud someone's gonna have different types of chips foreign so I saw this at Target and they reminded me of a very small inconvenience that I have every time I did my makeup let me just show you so there are these things and they stick onto your mirror let me just clean the mirror really quick they're really weird there's no adhesive on them but they stick just like that like what this is how I have mine set up I'm gonna reenact what happens to me all the time disregard the fact that these are all dirty so I go in and use a makeup brush it's clean I use it it's dirty put it back I end up having to wash all of them at the end of the week because I can't remember which ones are clean or dirty especially the darker ones now when I'm done using them the dirty ones will have their own spot I'm using the smaller ones to hold Beauty blenders and when you're done washing the brushes boom you hang them to dry it gets better this thing holds your beauty blender when you're not using it wow it's like a whole system like hold on let me back up like that's cute it's the little things I do at 3am good night please do not do this at home let me do it for you okay plugged in no it's stuck in my head girl don't do it it's not worth it putting some parchment paper down and I'm gonna use tweezers so it'll burn myself I'm not gonna do it girl I was just thinking about it I'm not gonna do it putting another piece on top and gonna close it oh my God oh it stinks but that's what it looks like holding it like this until it cools down wait did I do it okay tried to put it on and it broke hold on let me make another one I'm gonna try to do my name I did it but they're so easy to break watch whoops very creative though yo what up I'm getting my nails done because that thing destroyed that worth it though it's beautiful I'm gonna show them this I put it together myself thank you girls don't cry and the sad face so cute there's a little before action the other side I know Tech is gone till March I'm going to a complete stranger same place that's your fingers for me probably my favorite Nails it says Girls Don't Cry I might cry over these other side these are the longest nails I've ever had too I love them part four I got more sugar because I ran out I think I'm gonna get it right this time we'll see we got the sugar the [Music] corn syrup the colored water poured in very very carefully Universe look at me I'm putting the sugar away because I'm not gonna have to do this again a lot of you guys told me to use powdered sugar instead of cornstarch this has both of them in it so it's the best of both worlds I invested in a basting brush I have a good feeling about this one now you know how to make a giant Lifesaver it's finally working oh my God look at that oh my gosh I'm so proud of myself right now this is why you never give up kids okay here we go wow wow yo what up I lost the paint to my Spotlight so I need to get more but they're closed it open in six hours so instead of sleeping I'm gonna try and unpack my filming room first I'm building my makeup drawers I'm almost done with this one bad not me to put the drawers in also it's morning now I'm gonna go get the paint I got the paint and I'm putting these on top of the boxes so I can get the edges here goes nothing I just hope I don't make a giant mess almost done I'm so excited these are so cute I really I was worried for a second it turned out so cute I can't wait to hang them up I keep decorating my room when I wake up but I'm so tired goodbye I'm gonna make a Batgirl car Essentials kit hairbrush hair ties first aid kit and typher's hair wipes waxing strips you never know lip balm look how cute this is oh my lotion bobby pins sunscreen toothbrush floss and toothpaste sprinkle releaser hand sanitizer lint roller flashlight tahin like extra ball for Hazel and extra poop bags some Clif bars a mini GorillaPod charger and an empty lipstick bottle with cash in it just for emergencies a pen and that's pretty much I'm still trying to become that girl and I can't be that girl without a body skincare routine so let's plan one out this is everything I'm going to use First Step dry brushing I always brush towards the heart and this is the best for exfoliating next up a body wash that has skincare ingredients in it like collagen and vitamin B3 complex my favorite is olay's collagen body wash it always makes my skin feeling super soft and hydrated and it smells good body conditioner apply for lotion all I know has a matching collagen body lotion that includes all the same skincare ingredients as the body since using it my skin is visibly firmer and more radiant and it smells amazing there's no greasy residue which is amazing I just feel fresh after using it that's it it's a pretty simple routine since these products already have amazing skincare ingredients in them yo what up I'm gonna try and make a that girl Igloo I don't know how it's still snowing in April but look at this before I did that okay so first I'm building the base never done this before maybe I should look it up it's going good so far okay I think I'm giving up here I'm gonna try and make a giant snowball this is what it looks like so far I'm gonna make my knees push it around kidding she's making me push it taking a break and going upstairs it's got a clear last one okay get my hair yeah I got a package from tiktok it says refrigerate upon arrival but it's pretty cool so I'm just gonna open it and it says open immediately so technically I'm following instructions I think it's a cake I think it's a freaking I've never been sent a cake before oh it's heavy oh my God oh my gosh okay what do I do hold on I've never seen a cake This Tall since the bigger the slice the bigger the surprise so I have a butter knife because I didn't do dishes and we're gonna cut those I got one side let's do the other side okay here we go oh whoa that's so cool I've never seen a cake like this in real life and it's literally in my kitchen um wow cool thank you Tick Tock thank you so much and happy New Year 2022 I'm coming what does this mean for me yo I got a package from tick tock not just one but two I don't even know what this could be these are my countertops there are my dirty dishes and there's the boxes just like sitting on the I make food here I'm so grateful thank you we're gonna open the first box I cut the tape off so let's see oh my goodness food's gonna help me open it as our day 12 of days left with boo oh my don't eat that first thing in here is a tie-dye kit I have the perfect idea for this next we have oh Yeezys what okay I need to know what's in here oh my God it's a For You Cub I use this hashtag way too much oh be well it's so cute there are so many things let's do this one next what go take out part two it's already up yeah oh Kelly yo it up I bought myself some flowers here's the thing I like flowers I work hard I deserve these flowers I'm a baby so I bought myself some flowers wow maybe this is your sign don't wait around for No One get them yourself because you deserve them put them in a vase I got this weird shaped face oh and they also have some Scotch tape I'm gonna tag the account I got this hack from but first I'll put tape going one way oh and don't forget to fill it with water first oops and then do it going the other way now just cut your flowers to fit the size of the vase and stick them in filling the middle first I'm going to add a few pieces of baby's breath and that is it wow oh my gosh these are probably gonna die soon I need to put more water in them also I got the base at Michael's in case anyone wanted to know hopefully these last till Valentine's Day part two of the mystery box I'm taking more of this out thank you Courtney I needed this my lips are always so crusty ooh it's some mascara yes I'm using this tonight an eye mask cute some Jelly Bellies glitter pens these are really cool another eraser thing a baby bottle pop I haven't had these in Forever it's my birthday week so this is like opening a birthday gift pink chocolate bear why was I wrong this is actually an eyeshadow palette by Revolution it's so adorable some more candy strawberry chapstick another eyeshadow palette and it's squishy what I found these hearts and they're full of really cute erasers a pink tumbler oh my gosh this is so cute it's a matte pink mug another makeup palette but this one's shaped like a burger I gotta open it are you kidding me this is not my favorite thing in my makeup collection fortnite this is so cute thank you we said a bunch of 50 bucks and this is definitely more than that thank you so much and I yikes I hope you like what I got summer cleaning part five another kitchen sink your discretion advise oh my gosh my hands are ashy oh yeah and yeah it's it's just bad I'm laying down a trash bag in case anything Falls I don't want to get on the floor time to get everything out of here okay that just happened moving on now let's bring everything down with Lysol sponsor me no like he really threw something at me liner Home Goods transition ready that was loud hey Google broadcast I'm okay first thing I'm putting in is this drawer organizer and it's so cute because it opens at the bottom so I'm putting it on the left side I decided to put our sponges in the bottom drawer super aesthetic oh and on the top drawer I'm keeping dishwashing gloves next I'm putting in this cute wired basket and here I'll be keeping my Rags I rolled them up because it looks better that way so far so good so much more to do as you can see and of course I run out of time I'll see you in a sec I saw this video it's where they took a block of cotton candy just like this they fill the bowl with hot water then they just put the cotton candy on top and oh well that was pretty cool but it wasn't quite supposed to do that and now you know how to make Windex grab your favorite sour candy I like to lay them out grab some popsicle mold place it in to get the floating effect bend the candy in different ways fill it with Sprite leave them in the freezer overnight okay they're done I know how to mix our popsicles let's try them okay here we go so excited I'm making a whole bunch I hope I got enough corn syrup to fill those first honey this feels so wrong corn syrup and Tic Tacs can't remember why I was pouring that into a bowl I'm gonna store them upside down so I don't use as much ready love Island do you see it with the hearts found these white pearls I'm pretty excited for them pink and purple light blue and dark blue this one is a pink sanding sugar it's so pretty purple holiday one because it's close enough this one's my favorite so messy they don't look edible but they're really pretty let's freeze them I heard it takes five hours Let's speed that up I can't get over how pretty they are okay I'll be back I'm not ready for the mouth noises I'm probably gonna throw my phone at the wall multiple times editing this video I'm doing Frozen honey first one kind of looks like Styrofoam I feel like I did something wrong I don't really taste like anything maybe the Tic Tac one will go on my hair by the love Island one maybe okay it's obviously not gonna taste like anything but yeah oh why did I think these were gonna be sweet um let me know if you want a part two or trying the recipe I've gotta try this grab some strawberries wash them and cut the tops off now cut out the middle so they look like strawberry cups this part is optional you can cut the bottoms off so they stand up set those aside grab a bowl you'll need eight ounces of cream cheese half a cup of powdered sugar half a teaspoon of vanilla extract mix everything together I'm gonna get some help because I can't do it with one hand it's gonna look something like this when you're done put some graham crackers in a Ziploc bag and crush them you can also use the cup if you don't have a rolling pin a food processor or a blender put that in a bowl and start filling your strawberries with the filling using a cereal serious I haven't done dishes please observe dip the strawberry into the graham cracker like that now you know how to make strawberry cheesecake bites let's try them okay here we go hmm they're really good wow grab some cherries wash them cut them in half and take out the seeds grab two lemons wash them and do the same thing set those aside grab a bowl pour in some chocolate melt the chocolate in the microwave stirring every minute I'm making two servings so once you have the chocolate grab some cups dip the rims of the cups into the chocolate put the cups in the fridge in the meantime grab a larger cup that has a lid pour your cherries in squeeze in your lemons wow that was hard to do with one hand add in about two tablespoons of sugar more or less depending on how sweet you like it mush everything together I'm using a whisk once you're done it should look similar to a jam but not as thick put some icing to the cup put your lid on and Shake it for three minutes when you're done it's going to look like an almost melted slushie add in about a bottle of water stir that together this is where you can choose to add more sugar I'm adding a half a tablespoon grab your cups out of the fridge pour it in pour it in now you know how to make chocolate cherry lemonade let's try it okay here we go wow setting my entire house part four I got a desk way better than my bed I'm gonna be so productive since I have no drawers I got these from Target and I'm gonna use them to organize everything enjoy this ASMR foreign this one's going to hold highlighters gel pens last one is for editing it's going to hold batteries SD cards headphones so I just put my desk in this room now I'm going to decorate the wall lighting is so bad in here but it's so cute so far and I put that up fast forward I added lights I stacked these two because I thought it would look better and now I'm adding a plan I usually have my to-do list on my phone but I thought this was so cute I got it off Amazon that's going right there lastly an ice cream candle I'm gonna be so productive hopefully next up I'm restocking my mini fridge yo what up we made it to Vegas for my birthday so let's set up the hotel room first I'm laying out my makeup isn't this bag so cute you can actually hang it up Forever 21 don't know if they sell it anymore but if they do you need one anytime I travel these are my makeup must-haves also there's a whole bench in the shower just bumped into that and now my hair is wet I was gonna say I don't think I've ever had a hotel room this big I'm very proud of myself the only clothes I packed are in here I'm an over Packer so this feels very off this is us part two welcome to my room doing Amazon first because I don't remember what I ordered I space ruler Hazel thinks it's a toy I needed a car vacuum and this one looked cool where's your hint for my next video I wasn't gonna show this one but here we are my elbows are so dry so when you put lotion on them you put these on your elbows and it's supposed to help car hooks any glass straws this was supposed to be a lot bigger I'll still use it next box so excited about this oh that's because I love s'mores but you extend it and then you turn this now I can make the perfect roasted marshmallow cereal dispensers more car stuff look how cool this is it sticks to your fridge also comes with this clear notepad my new favorite thing acrylic drawer organizers that's it for Amazon I'll link everything on my storefront under things I recently bought next is skins I kind of went a little crazy I'm excited for the skincare but I'm sorry does this not look like the talking cat from Harry Potter I love these so I stocked up and I got this bodysuit I've never tried said OCTA so I got some things fancy and colourpop I have more Amazon stuff coming but that's it for now I'm late again let's hurry pack my little sister's birthday gift I do a theme every year this one is neon and musical theater the first bag I got her a playbill puzzle a Broadway tote bag and some Broadway socks and this bag some eyeshadow palettes I found a playbill charm bracelet on Amazon and this Hamilton necklace it says not throwing away my shot pop it in some earrings next bag a yellow water bottle this cute yellow wallet and a note because there's something inside yellow puppet and her favorite go I thought this would be so cute to hold her jewelry it actually goes in this bag for the last bag I got her one of these things out of neon wire lights to decorate her room Pizza pop it and some icebreakers just random stuff and some more random stuff she likes to practice acting at home so I thought props that are light blue for the tissue paper and then I made this card now I'm gonna go get balloons I'm back she loved everything yo what up I'm so excited because I'm doing another giveaway that thing is so cute anyways let's pack the box off these bags and I filled them with all my recent favorites for makeup skincare and hair before I continue I got you guys a Craig picnic basket it's not cute I have one too for makeup I got you my favorite lash kit papaya Beauty blender blueberry Buzz lip injection empty Beauty gloss bomb I love anything fancy Beauty Hair beauty mascara favorite palette lash glue her skin care got you the strong elephant kid favorite hyaluronic acid serum and eye gel cookies and clean mask by Fenty skin I've gone through three of these already it's so good super group daily moisturizer and I said in my Dew drops totally cuddly one of my favorite brands that I can't even pronounce right that's kind of embarrassing but This I Swear by this if you don't have this go buy it eye mask okay the sun's going down and I'm running out of time this is what I got you for hair shower stuff hand sanitizer these two cups and a beach towel always being held on my Instagram just look for the giveaway post but yeah good luck you guys I love you and thank you for 8 million the sun's gone I should probably go inside grab a pot add in two cups of sugar and a fourth of a cup of light corn syrup do not mix it you're gonna leave it like that set that aside and grab a cup of water add in some food coloring I'm doing red because Valentine's Day is coming up mix it together until it's the color you want and we're mixing yeah mixing until it's dissolve carefully add your food coloring water to the mixture super careful just like that very slowly mix that together maybe for like five seconds just like that okay now turn your stove on to medium heat place that on your stuff my stove is so dirty and leave it there for five minutes after five minutes it'll look like this you'll need a candy thermometer you can get this at Target for like 10 bucks and you need to heat it to 269. after about every two minutes take a damp brush I don't have one so I'm just using this and go around the sides so that crystals don't form once it's there take it off the heat and let it cool to 212. pour that into a quart size container or a silicone mold let it sit for about three to four hours I'll see you in part two let's restock my fridge is that girl first water filling two of these with cucumber this one was Limon so aesthetic reality you got some trash just dump it at my house next Capri Sun Pacific cooler friggin oatmeal well this is awkward it's turning into a pantry restock Halloween cookies so good granola do you guys like that these are for my refresher bar we have blueberries raspberries and strawberries cute container for lemons I know this is not food but I might as well could go on and pretend this is all I have to restart there's so much more part two resetting my room I'm actually proud of myself it's been worse I'm gonna start with the obvious issue at least I can see my floor now I'm gonna clear off the nightstands now this is my favorite part ew now I'm gonna clear off my bed and put some new sheets on almost done now I'm putting everything back um I forgot about the floor this is so bad next step decluttering and redecorating my dump site I mean my bad I ordered this off of Amazon it's for a pool or like a hot tub I don't have any of those so I'm just gonna use it for my room it comes with hooks that I'm not going to use some batteries and controllers inside of the white boxes are these pool lights and let me show you what they do the batteries are in now I'm just laying them all around my room so I have this controller all you do is press on you can change the colors you can do like half and half it's just the best purchase ever this is what they look like with the lights off I feel like I'm an avatar of the movie My Beauty slash filming room is basically done so I'm gonna do a mini tour also I ordered this off of Amazon it's for my room but I can only show it to you at nighttime so if you want to see what it is I will post a video later tonight this is where I do my makeup of course but I also film my YouTube videos here I got the desk from Ikea this I diyed and then the chair I got from Home Goods the neon signs are from Amazon that I think I got at Ross as well as those when you turn around this is what you'll see in my YouTube videos this is kind of like my esthetician Supply Closet so over here I have my nail cart this basket system is so helpful so this unit is from Target this long one is from Ikea as well as the baskets back here I have my LED lights which I framed on my closet and these were from Amazon and I also have a train case in case you do want to see what's in my drawers subscribe to my YouTube channel I'll be posting a detailed room tour and I will try to link everything possible this unit is from Ikea and you can customize it so I just got two of the biggest ones this side is for all of my makeup it's my side hobby so I wanted one spot for all of it this holds skin body and hair products and then my mirror and I'm gonna put slippers here and that's it yeah yo what up this is a video I never thought I would ever make but I'm gonna show you guys my laundry routine first I bring the laundry basket down we're at the laundry room now I'm just gonna throw the clothes in mainly doing dark clothes right now this is all in order I start with the detergent my washer has a pull out tray or a large load like this one I usually do a fourth of a cup of detergent and then about a fourth of a cup of laundry booster and I just sprinkle that all over the clothes for the scent beads I used a little less than fourth of a cup and I sprinkle that all over as well for the softener I kind of just eyeball it but it goes in this blue compartment right here let's see if I can there we go I also eyeball the laundry sanitizer so you can give it a little one too I've only ever used one setting and that's cotton normal these are already dry from earlier but I gotta clean the lint trap I don't know why I just love cleaning this thing keep all of my dryer sheets in this box if I did need to try anything I would just pick one up throw one in and start the dryer I just love it in here now that it looks nice okay for real this time I'm right here and I'm back to posting every single day I still haven't unpacked so let's do that first I'm taking everything out and putting it in a pile I didn't even use half this stuff so why the did I pack it now that everything is in a pile I'm gonna disinfect everything and put it in that basket I'm almost done I gotta make another pile for the brushes because I'm washing those do I put it away now her watch Love Island forget about it and put it away later okay I'm gonna put it away and Hazel's gonna help me hey I'm trying to make this satisfying and it's just not working I'm just kidding I'm gonna go watch these and start filming my next Tick Tock I've gotten a lot of requests asking me to make a smoothie so I'm going to show you how to make my favorite breakfast smoothie I'm gonna grab my magic bullet Cup this is the taller one I just filled it a third of the way with ice two scoops of the super greens powder which is about a half a tablespoon one scoop of protein powder now I just stuff it with a whole bunch of greens add in half a banana and freeze the other half for next time fill the cup halfway with almond milk and the rest with cold water and that is it wow let me know if you want to see more smoothie recipes also I am filming part five as we speak as you can see there's paint all over my hands and fingers I try to wash it off but it didn't come yay I mean excited for this one everything I'm going to show you is on my Amazon page if it's not I will let you know where I got it from but the link is in my bio thing right now I haven't done Lashes in a few months because my focus is somewhere else but I think I got this container at Bed Bath Beyond or Home Goods up here I have Micro and lip applicators I use these for so many things like adding pre-treatment or sealant or even removing the lashes I keep my under eye pads I've tried so many these are the best ones I've found so far for any service before I set up I like to lay a dental bib down and then put my stuff on top and I just keep them on that bottom drawer spoolies cotton swabs and tape if you're willing to spend a little bit more on tape next hair is so much easier to remove oh my gosh and it's more comfortable for your client I get my tiles from Home Depot I thought these ones were so cute I got this at Michael's when I make my pre-made fans I just store them in here my Nano Mister it's so cute last shampoo that I love this manual air blower honestly I just use this fan I know I should try other lash Brands but I just love minky's lashes when I practice I keep the tiles in photo boxes these magnifying glasses come with a light super helpful if I missed anything I'll list it in the comments oh my gosh look at my hands so swollen and stiff I can't fully straighten it so I'm kind of scared but if you want a story time or an update like this so let me know I I'm going to be taking it easy today and answering questions when I record I just use my phone I don't have like a fancy camera or anything and I even use my phone for YouTube videos for lighting if I'm going to film anything in this room I just use my vanity lights and then sometimes I'll use my box lights bam there they are oh my God these like three years ago they're either the mount dog ones or the Limo Studio ones I can't remember get my bulbs from Amazon as well that's the wattage in case you want to buy them this is the tripod I use I love this tripod so much I got it at Best Buy I love it because you can adjust the height and it's so easy to use for my recipe videos this is the kitchen I use and this is the counter I film on Google change lights to Ivory I use the Philips Hue Lights in my kitchen for the lighting and I always use filter F1 and that's why I'm able to get my recipe videos to look like this I always keep an extension cord around and if I want color in the background on my videos I use this thing got it off of Amazon you can change it to literally any color you want using this dial and that's it what other thing about Disney World for the first time getting a bubble one just makes everything better also Pinocchio scares me putting on the little mermaid ride oh my gosh look at my nails I bought the jingle Hopper this is okay I'm at Hollywood Studios on the pickles why is so good got this raspberry lunchbox tart so good cute next I got this overnight oats thing at this place this donut matches my nails not the Epcot Center I'm so excited this Empanada looks so good it's so pretty I want to find Japan I found it um I need this oh my gosh it's Hazel yeah it's a Hazel rug I have to get this okay back here at night it looks so cool I'm finally back my feet hurt so bad I'm here for a few more days so I'll see you in part two my family makes fun of me for the way I make my orange juice but all I do is grab some oranges I use about five wash them and cut them in half this is probably gonna be one of my shortest videos but I have my cup stop looking at me I have my cap my orange and then I just press down and then a pulp and put it back into the orange juice because I like to drink it it just hits different grab some Oreos this time you'll need about 37 brush them in a food processor or a Ziploc bag it should look something like this measure out about a cup and put it into a separate Bowl eat those to the side yikes grab six tablespoons of butter bye baby can someone come clean my fridge put it in the microwave until it's melted oh my camera's dirty wow that was terrible add the butter to the bigger bowl of Oreo it should look like uh wet dirt when you Pat it down grab some liners and line your cupcake pan add in about one tablespoon of the mixture to each liner now pack them down as hard as you can preheat your oven to 350. bake for five minutes and then take them out grab that same Bowl 16 ounces of cream cheese I had in 1 4 cup of sugar a splash of vanilla extract that was too much and two eggs then whisk everything together once it looks like this add in your leftover cup of Oreos this mixture should look like cookies and cream I filmed my videos in real time and I have to let this sit overnight so I'll see you tomorrow in part two bye part two let's take them out of the freezer I'm so excited oh my gosh this is so cute you'll love them I'm gonna store them in a mason jar these are the cutest dog treats I've ever seen just set everything up let's see if she likes her treats ready she's very gentle when she eats so she's not gonna take a big bite out of it let's see if she likes the watermelon one yep she's so cute time to open present present go through it toy oh my gosh she's so happy right now get it out baby oh my gosh I gotta open these for you what else did you get a mini pool here you go baby happy birthday grab some strawberries raspberries a Mongol dragon fruits two apples a lime I mean lemon wash them cut them into small cubes side note dragon fruit to me tastes like paper so use it if you want but I just use it for a look now pour all of it in a bowl now cut your lemon and squeeze half in now this now that now boost stopped looking at me add about one spoon of preserves and mix it all together once you're done it should look like this cover the bowl with something and put it in the fridge next grab the flour tortillas tortillas okay pour some olive oil on it and spread it on each side you don't need a lot so you can use what's left over for the next tortilla you'll need a third of a cup of sugar and a teaspoon of cinnamon mix it now sprinkle it onto the tortilla once they're covered on both sides place them on a baking sheet preheat your oven to 350. now make it for about seven minutes I don't have a lot of time left but part two is already up so I'll see you soon part two let's take it out of the freezer I tried to open it I broke off the only tab I had to help me with that I managed well that's cool now you know how to make vanilla ice cream let's try it okay here we go now these videos just like to cut me off this is way better than something you can get at the store and you can make it for your mom for Mother's Day with her favorite topping look at that it's just me and myself and I drinking homemade ice cream while I'm eating it not drinking it I read this recipe a 10 out of 10 I will totally be making my own ice cream where are my words I can't find them anymore I'm making homemade ice cream from now on don't quote me on that but for now for now on and yeah man look this is where it is with the noodle [Music] cheese let's see when does it go it doesn't go away I'm gonna call Lady yeah I'm gonna do it to lady is my sister by the way like overnight it'll go down okay I hope so it'll go down the bruising part some people are just prone to bruising so you may have that I can reverse them I got you it's actually my sister Michelle but anyway should I do a part three he won't give me the Box thank you we have been waiting a long time so make a video of you doing whatever's in the Box all right and you know what that maybe the last thing there's a last thing there's a last thing oh my God here's the first thing you had me do which painting this plant made no sense here's the box I'm kind of scared yeah I'm so confused as I'm going to the Box I've been fighting these charms so far I found a camera and a lightning bolt I'm just gonna shake them so they all fall to the bottom I found these and the middle one is my birthstone I I found a cat and some words I found a cute little globe and a crown I'm making a charm bracelet I've laid everything out to how I wanted to go first one down now the glow now these ones are really hard because I have to open and close them with my teeth I'm almost done the only one I know for a fact is that this one means boo thank you for my charm bracelet can I have my next thing no this is a DIY for my last minute Mother's Day Shoppers find three pictures of you and your family make them small and print them out cut them set them aside grab three jars grab some decorative filler my mom's house is full of gold so I chose this color to match it fill your jars they're gonna look like this grab some ribbon and glue it to the back of your first picture now that you have your ribbon on your pictures place them in the bottle and measure how much you'll need because you're gonna glue the top of your picture to your lid in this case cork now put your pictures back into the bottle and there you go I chose to add ribbon to the top of mine this is what the back looks like and there you have it they're super cute and my mom's gonna love them I'm gonna try to make an aesthetic wreath or just a wreath what is this even called I don't even anyway so first I need to figure out how to get it on like stuck onto here just finished tying the Garland around the middle part now I need to do the outside now I'm going to spray it with fake snow I'm actually gonna put the pine cones on first okay just trust the process I'm gonna now I'm gonna put the ornaments on I went with gray clear and gray I bought a bunch of hooks for nothing it's so much easier to just time onto the pine needle thing okay let's hang it up it's not even for my front door it is for my room so you walk in like it's at Walmart while I was shopping for a really cool recipe video I'm posting tonight I'm almost positive Courtney's done a video on these I'm gonna tag her because her content just makes my day I'm just gonna read the ones that are kind of funny Pop-Tarts yeah more on salt oh my gosh look I just want to shaped like a cereal box so I went through Rice Krispies okay we're getting to the good stuff this feels like a candy bar oh my gosh I can't open it there we go ah dang it two milk drones and peas and the last one feels like a bottle of sauce fish bone if you turn your screen with me that's everything the only one I really liked was the Rice Krispies yo what up the living room is finally done I can finally do a reveal kind of there's still some things I want to do look at Hazel she's so cute I don't know what she's doing right now oh my gosh let's see how many times she does this I don't think she's gonna stop getting tired oh I still want to do something with the bottom of this plant and hide some cables but other than that it's pretty much done the light the shiba inu everything just looks so pretty I feel like I have no energy I fell asleep at like four in the morning and I'm just so tired I didn't do anything else with the couch it's still the same and so is the mess but it's cute it's mine the vacuum lines on this rug I would show myself using the couch but I look like a horse stomped on me and left me to die okay I was gonna clean my room but Disney invited me to a mini brunch so I'm here instead so excited I'm here it's so pretty oh little ears doesn't make your own candle section so let's make one I think I'll do an orange and pink swirl inspired by someone else's candle so this is what we're doing now to have brunch look at the view this is the place setting look how cute take an egg really good so far then we have this I'm about to take a picture with her filling it with a bunch of products look how gorgeous this is we have LiPo just made it home they gave us so much can I just say I had the best time thank you for inviting me Disney and let me know if you want to show it up I haven't done laundry in about a month but I thought it'd be a good idea to refill on the supplies and maybe I'll be motivated to do it please enjoy ASMR by Honeyboba bear episode one Audrey that's a long title next we have centipedes stain remover dryer sheets okay that's everything let's put it back in my laundry room also thank you for all the love in my last video I promise I'm okay I was just really tired welcome to get started on laundry I have to be at a Halloween party in an hour so I'm gonna make some last minute treats one bag of brownie mix fourth of a cup of water one egg and a third of a cup of Veggie oil mix and spray a cupcake pan with pale preheat your oven to 325 and leave them in there for like 35 minutes yeah don't fill them too much they're going back in now grab a bowl and fill it with cream cheese frosting add in some green food coloring once you take them out of the oven grab an ice cream scoop and press down to create a bowl shape mix and put it into one of these things I forgot what they're called fill them with frosting now I'm just adding big and small Pearl and a pretzel stick and now you know how to make bubbling cauldron brownies they're so good I also made these so cute okay here we go wow that's really yo what up I'm going to Coachella I was invited to Coachella like like me what is honey but we're gonna do at Coachella I'll probably just like stay in there again better I was also invited to the neon carnival by DirecTV oh I'm so excited and I'm packing right now it's like 3 A.M and my flight leaves in four or five hours so let's pack these packing cubes from Amazon and I was able to fit six outfits in this one little Cube and then some extra t-shirts and the sweaters are in this one but like gosh I did it now I just have to close I have over packed these are the nails yeah JK I just had a rearrange thank you guys so much I wouldn't be doing any of this if it weren't for you I literally never thought died and I'm here with another Creator let's see if you can guess who it is yo what up in that Coachella I'm gonna try and make one of those get ready stations super so cute and this table is perfect first the hair section foreign makeup all the other makeups going in the middle we have the lip section screenshot these are all my favorites blush base makeup this has like primer concealer all that eye makeup this section has eyebrows too on tour brushes and highlighter blast section is going to have perfume favorite makeup wipes and jewelry I got this on Amazon you open it there's like a mirror let's just go behind the mirror it's so cute and that's pretty much it I love it so much it's so perfect posting all my outfits on IG so if you want to see them just in case you can go there yo what up I'm gonna try and make a get well basket for Courtney she's sick and since I can't be there hoping this helps her slippers in a blanket she wrote out notes for the last gift she gave me so of course I'm doing the same for her next to mug and tea okay but this mug is so cute the new it's extra candle yeah did you plan to keep by our nice dude Courtney loves coffee but what if it was delivered things that help me when I feel sick this when she gets bored got one too we'll see how that goes goldfish her favorite snack I thought everything would fit I'll just put everything else in the Box stuff I thought was cute but also funny lastly she does mystery unboxings that's what everything else is for she probably already has the mystery stuff we'll see maybe not just decorated the box it's so cute I'm gonna send it to her and yeah um yeah I can explain I had to push everything that way so it wouldn't look as bad but that did not work so I'm gonna try and reset my entire closet first I'm taking everything out [Music] I'm gonna have to sleep on the couch I already know okay this side is great that side oh my God okay it's finally empty now I'm gonna make a keep in donate pile kept some of this because of the memory so I'm gonna try really hard to let those go okay finally done this is what I'm keeping and the Donate pile is over there I really want to pick stuff out but I just never wear them so I'm hoping someone else can enjoy them but I'm gonna miss them why am I like this before I put it all back I have an idea for this closet putting in new lights everywhere and I bought a bunch of organizing stuff most of it gets here tomorrow so I'll see you in part two I'm getting these are them right now so cute I think I'm gonna do a mixture of this one and this one oh my gosh they're so cute it's like they're so cute they're pretty girly but I am okay with that they are so cute I'm so excited it's finally full my mom and I wait all year long just to redecorate for it together and going over today and I thought it'd be super cute to surprise her with a fall gift basket and some Starbucks to get her in the mood he's all want to see Grandma I got us pumpkin spice lattes because that's our favorite here's the gift basket I got her a gift card so she's all set on pumpkin spice lattes bath bombs caramel popcorn this cute Starbucks cup and a little toy for her puppies are you excited to decorate YOLO follow me I'm gonna try and organize under the kitchen sink okay first I'm taking everything yeah now I'm Gonna Fill the mini drawers with all the small stuff this one's gonna hold sink cleaning stuff Magic Erasers grub daddies I have to put them in like this or they won't fit dishwasher pods next please my cleaning sponges on the side I'm excited about this one it's a cup cleaning drawer lastly cleaning rags and trash bags now I'm gonna put the drawers back in the cabinet I'm putting four on this side and the other four like this so I can stack cleaners on top putting a few more on this side in this bucket lastly a section for lotion because I always keep it by my sink this looks so good I actually want to clean now if only the rest of my house could look like this but if it did I wouldn't have a tick tock so I didn't really want to start Christmas decorating so guess what the next video is going to be Yoda found more miniverse make a mini food ball so I'm going to try and make more it was so much fun last time so let's see what I get this time so excited first we're gonna open them the little ingredients are so cute it also comes with a recipe card and collection guide I will be needing that first I'm pouring the syrup on the bread bananas and blueberries I'm trying to use the mini tongs but it's not working out so cute now I'm gonna let it sit in the sun well that's there I'm gonna make a few more first mini Boba look how cute the ice bag is ice first soba and milk tea oh my God I can't this one's my favorite one I'm gonna try and find the other colors so I can collect them look at the pink one I just made these two now I'm gonna make a milkshake it's a chocolate milkshake okay these mini chocolate bars are so cute really hoping this one is the berry refresher because I need to collect it I got pineapple smoothie still a good one I think I did good this is so cute we know that these sit in the Sun so the resin can cure oh my God okay they're done this was so much fun now I can add these to my collection this is so last minute but I'm gonna try and wrap gifts as that girl we're still wrapping everything in white gift wrap I suck at wrapping so I'm using boxes now don't know why that took me two hours anyway I'm gonna try and draw aesthetic pattern on each box wish me luck first two done they're conference I don't even know what this one is this one's cute from far away but when you get close using a chalk marker for this one this one's gonna be like a drippy smiley face this one's kind of cute oh my gosh getting a silver bow on all of them and now I'm gonna put them under the tree getting ready to open presents you don't even know what's going on this is gonna be opening all her gifts on Instagram stories so I'll see you there part two I bought clay you guys told me to get sandpaper so I did and it's so smooth finally done now I'm just cleaning it tape is on now I'm gonna paint the whole thing white I'm only worried about the clay part wait this looks so good do I use the clay yes no should I use the clay you move the mirror so I'm gonna trace a line around it there's no going back now okay okay the first rope is done now I have to shape it to the black line if this actually works I didn't take Ceramics for nothing let's try and then somehow pick it up and put it on the mirror what color do I paint this I was thinking this one but no I don't know I'll see you in part three I've been really wanting to try this so you get a coconut poke a hole in it with a screwdriver clean it of course then pour the juice out once you do that put it in a Ziploc bag then put it into another Ziploc bag and then okay that did nothing to it we're gonna do it one more time and yay make sure you do sound effects because it won't crack if you don't now just grab a spoon and start peeling it out now wash your coconut and cut it into long strips now cut up a lime and squeeze it all over just realize how many times I've said now grab some classic seasoning I'm just kidding don't come for me it's called tahin and pour it all over you can choose between chamoy Valentina or both and just pour it all over and you're done let's try it okay here we go wow and here's another one of my 3am purchases actually I woke up at three to get to my Starbucks at 5am I went a little crazy but it's for the cup collection so it's fine the first one I got was this rainbow Dome lid look at the straw that's so cute people are saying this was the pride cup it's so pretty look at the top of this water bottle they match this one it's like Emerald right this is Emerald this one is so cute how is this the only one on the shelf and I was first in line you should have seen me I was like this reminds me of someone named Flo that's what we call Hazel when she smiles see doesn't she look like a flow this one is my favorite one same one but different color I got a stainless steel one I don't know I think I did a pretty good job at finding everything now it's time to put it away these were too tall so I had to take the straws out I need to find a better way to display these because I want to see them all but for now I'm obsessed yo what up I got two packages from Tick Tock I'm like Autumn one is kind of heavy so I'm gonna open the top one first I'm so excited this is so cute oh my gosh this is so cute okay I'm gonna read the card so they say gifts and products from latinx own Brands to show appreciation and celebration of latinx creators thank you so much take time to Face Time my mom be like the chat some stickers and tattoos and then this box whoa whoa that is really cool this one was so good I'm scared to open this one I'm sorry come on Kelly okay oh my gosh oh my gosh thank you so much this is so sweet very thoughtful I feel so supported we have some bum bum cream some coffee this cute tote bag and I cannot wait to try these hair care products and this candle smells amazing and we got some good chips thank you Tick Tock hi why does it have to be like this I finally found pickled garlic oh my gosh dude you just get used to the smell after a while there you go please be good please chili powder it kind of looks like pasta and Thyme maybe some more Sriracha oh my I think it's ready [Music] oh come on okay here we go [Music] foreign so my boyfriend comes up to me and hands me this plant white paint and three brushes all he says is make a video of you painting this plant and when you're done bring it to me I have something for you I mean here we go I guess I'm skinny paper towels so I don't get it on the granite I'm nervous because he doesn't do things like this I'm just gonna lay the plant like that and get this open I'm gonna make a little dot oh my gosh I think that's too much Boop at this point I'm just making little dots this is a look I don't know why but I managed to make a mess every time I do something maybe that's why he's doing this but I'm blaming you on the sponge things because they're really hard to work with I'm putting this on my tripod and in about five minutes I'll go in with the second layer trying to look back and think why a plant what have I ever said that would have anything to do with a plant a plant has five letters I don't freaking know I just finished a second layer I think it looks pretty good um I just realized I verified what okay I'm done here's a video I cannot wait to see what he asked for me part two grab a bowl put the rest of the chocolate into the bowl I might grab the chocolate for about one minute I did not I mean to slam that ten more seconds and those are not looking good I'm just gonna take those out anyway grab your chocolate and drizzle it over over the cookies now sprinkle the pink sugar all over I think I was pretty successful kind of I cut one in half so you can see what the middle looks like it actually looks pretty good well let's try them yeah okay here we go I'm in love with the chocolate Center hmm wow these are freaking good grab a bowl pour in a big bag of M M's add in two eggs I'm just trusting the process and one bag of vanilla cake mix I broke my whisk so I'm just using this giant for I found this recipe on Pinterest and it was just a video so instructions were not included so I'm on my own from here I guess I just don't see this going well for me so let's preheat to about 350. that's what we're wearing I'm just gonna leave it in here for like 10 to 15 minutes that was 15 minutes and I'm hoping the bottom didn't burn wow now just cut it in a circle and now you know how to make a cookie cake let's try it looks good look at that okay here we go foreign wow that's so good I thought it was quick no I could not find the gold cups anywhere but I did get some cute ones and I want to make a cup collection shelf now honestly I'm just grateful I was able to get this one ice machine has been broken so we've been getting pebbled eyes from the gas station imagine a little ice in here we'll get together I'm gonna start by taking everything out oh my gosh they're so cute together I've never had them all in one place at the same time I'm gonna clean the shelves before I put them on I should do it they're sitting here to see how many I've collected I'm using these two for now the random cups are going on the top part I'm a huge fan of Love Island so I got the cup and I use it every day I don't even know why I'm putting it away because I'm gonna use it but the drama on the show is so good anyway that's the first shot my Starbucks cups are going on the bottom these two are staying together though I just don't have the heart to separate them you guys are witnessing the start of my Starbucks cup collection yo what up I'm gonna try this is gonna go so bad to make a snow globe glitter cup here's my glitter I also got some strawberries because grab some strawberries you know because of the recipes grab some strawberries Elmer's Glue resin whatever it's called alcohol wipes distilled water I forgot to buy a drill well at least not now you know how to make a glitter I'm gonna make this video tomorrow so Excuse me while I go buy myself a new drink grab a bowl I broke all of mine and I broke my nails but this will work add in two cups of heavy whipping cream whisk it and it should look like this when you're done now add in one cup of condensed milk and a fourth of a cup of sour Kool-Aid mix it Zay it's so pretty put it in a squeeze bottle or a Ziploc bag grab a pan and some parchment paper and start making little dots it's gonna be tedious but that's not a DOT okay one second wow wow freezer for a few hours I'm putting the rest of it in this ice cream container I got at Target and now we wait okay it's been a few hours and they're done oh I feel like I should have made more now you know how many which are now called Dippin Dots okay here we go part three finally the pantry I'm gonna be here all night first I'm taking everything out and putting it on the counter thanks for watching bye just kidding okay kind of now I'm gonna try and find all the expired stuff I just found a mini pine donut maker also the Sun's Up Now gotta have these now I'm gonna check the cans there are so many crumbs this expired in 2018. oh my gosh you guys I finally did it I'm gonna go pack my glow spot foreign toilet cleaner anyways so sad oh I'm not crying you are see you in part four at the new place I'm gonna try and make a Batgirl tote bag I got this one at cotton on it's so cute just a hair clip I'm going with this blue one on screen yeah airpods I can't decide between this case or this one with a smiley face I'll just bring both I don't even know where I'm going or glossier I've never had this brand before but hand cream awesome aesthetic rings I chose these flower ones essentially everything's supposed to match so I'm doing a pink smiley face necklace and Angel Number aesthetic lip products we have chapstick lip plump lip oil and lip gloss snacks and just pretend I didn't just eat those sunglasses but I can't decide do I match the sunscreen or the lip gloss I made paper ones it's for the vision perfume matches the hair clip mascara that matches the ring and Cloud paint and gum and some bracelets and a scrunchie this plan putting all the makeup in this bag yes well if your carpet was going somewhere with that but never mind anyways okay I think I did pretty good step a Batgirl sick routine part two now I'm gonna unpack and organize the hotel room starting with the shower so nice first shampoo and conditioner body wash brought some sugar scrubs hair mask because why not razor and shave cream lastly my silicone luffa I'm gonna organize this towels and makeup Racers will go here skincare is going on the side too next Oral Care like toothbrush toothpaste and mouthwash putting this nail brush right here makeup right here and my hair stuff is going right here I'm actually putting all the makeup removing stuff down body care like lotion and sunscreen is going right here last time I slept was the day before yesterday we're gonna pretend that looks good next I put all my clothes in here these are all my Coachella outfits and I don't even want to show you out there because it's so bad and I don't feel like unpacking it so Yoda got this random box delivered today oh really yesterday I waited until today to build the video but let's open it oh my gosh okay what's inside okay it's so cute it says hello 2021 love from Tick Tock oh let's see what's inside I know freaking way this came at the perfect time because I am redecorating my beauty slash filming room eventually I will put it up on top of my vanity but I need to finish painting the wall I'm gonna put it on the shelf for now okay I just got the box up now I'm gonna lean the board on the box [Music] I'm dropping Hazel off to get surgery she has a cyst on her head that they have to surgically remove and now we wait it's raining that'd be cute to get her some of her favorite things I go to this cuddler bed I just want her to be comfy when we take her home bought her a new blankie she loves this material I don't know how to describe it but it's super soft and plush most of all the toys have names so this is spot and spot is very cute for yogurt and stuff for obvious reasons I had to buy these this whole thing makes me so sad and then she's gonna have a cone a cone I was at Walmart right I didn't know that they sold the aloe vera there so we're just gonna eat cut it open so we're just washing the aloe vera that I didn't know it was easily accessible what in the Jack and the crack wait what did I just say oh my God oh wow and there you have it aloe vera wow oh it's so slimy now I don't know what I can create with this but I will figure that out um by tomorrow so my friends another adventure awaits see you in part two yo what up I was gonna try and unpack my room and glow recipe invited me to Malibu so I'm gonna do that instead oh my gosh we're here this is the table um I got this beautiful tree why do I want my house to look like this now lava vitamin C eye cream oh my God first course looks good [Music] the view is amazing now I'm gonna grab a gift bag super cute thank you cool recipe I'm home now broke two Nails time to unpack my filming group I'm tired part five I'm Gonna Fill the bins now so Tick Tock my feet bands be sure to follow me on YouTube and Instagram I'm sure we'll be fine but just in case you know you never remember some organizing my swimwear usually I have a pile for tops and bottoms but now I'm gonna put each set in these mesh bags now I'm gonna put them in the bins this is so much better I could cry it's gonna be so much easier to find my swimsuits now next spin is gonna hold my belt bags sweatpants shapewear I tried folding I don't know extra bags almost done I'm getting rid of the ladder I found this acrylic stool on Amazon that's going here I'm short so it's perfect lastly a rug that's pretty much it this is what it looks like when I walk in and here's a slow clip of the whole thing yup that's it I'm obsessed I could cry I've never had a clip this long anyways I love it I really want to redo my office resetting my entire life first I'm getting my ears pierced I'm so scared was happening yeah thoughts are on I'm still scared I'm gonna fade oh no okay what do you guys I'm gonna try and make an at home workout card so shy at the gym I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing I'm gonna figure it out here and maybe go back or not anyway I'm gonna put everything in this acrylic card Topshop is gonna hold protein bars someone said these are really good so I'm excited to try them in the comments like would I be in the back that's gonna hold resistance bands mostly a water bottle in the back it doesn't look that great but oh well next shelf is gonna hold hair ties hair clips yoga block let me matcha let me deep look these are really good to massage your muscles this waist trainer is so good I'll link it on my Amazon store plus jump rope you can jump rope without hitting anything more yoga stuff lastly Body Glove yeah that's pretty much it I'm so excited to use it it's so cute Starbucks followed me of course I'm going to celebrate at Starbucks I'm getting my favorite drink a new drink to try and my least favorite drink hi can I please get a very very hibiscus with extra scoops of berries please and then can I get a venti pink drink with salted cream foam on top matcha green tea latte with soy milk please a matcha green I meant to say salted cream cold foam I'm so awkward I hate ordering I always forget my lines the car in front of me paid for me it was so nice so I paid for the person behind me it was like 20 bucks but I don't care this is my favorite drink very very hibiscus extra scoops of berries I love it that's beautiful okay so this is the pink drink with salted cream cold foam on top let's try it wait this is Bomb this is 100 my new favorite drink this one I'm not even gonna take a drink of I'm just gonna give it to my BF it's his favorite drink it just tastes like grass to me I just can't do it again I can't decide between this one or this one this is the closest I'll get to a b theme because I'm actually pretty afraid of them or this one well that didn't go well here they are I guess okay well long story short I'm gonna try and fix them myself today I went somewhere else the nail tech was like who did your nails because there's extra acrylic all along my it was so bad I just went with what I had before I just want one set person to go to severe Nail Tech DMV my brother left a fake cockroach in my drawers planning on moving it but now that I'm moving as if you're my brother I'm coming for you I might be right behind she's scared put paper towels on top of it so I wouldn't have to look at it right now you see that thing it's huge put double sided tape on the Swiffer I don't want to touch anything that's touching my just a Swiffer I'm not touching that I don't think I can do this genuinely I don't think I can do this Kelly come on pick it up and pretend it's not there pretend I don't see her through the whole thing away okay I've been scaring Kelly all afternoon with this fake roach in her room she's downstairs not even paying attention went ahead and I planted this little roach right here hopefully she comes in here to do her next video she will come across that thing and freak out payback for the for the cricket part two it's a little too hard I'm gonna stick it in the microwave for 30 seconds in the meantime grab a pan and fill it with cornstarch now hold the container upside down squeeze the bottom of it and try to get the puck out looking like this now stick it in your cornstarch oh my God just toss it around in there until it's completely coated now form a donut shape and keep squeezing the edges it's gonna gradually get bigger your hands are probably gonna hurt after this but the end result is worth it also if it gets way too hard you can just pop it in the microwave for like five seconds once it's big enough you're just gonna make a figure eight and keep going got my driver's license list after a while it'll look something like this yours will probably look better and now you know how to make it handled cotton candy or Dragon Spirit I messed up because I let it sit way too long I was supposed to wake up at 3 30 a.m to start pulling it and I accidentally woke up at eight o'clock so don't let your sit for nine hours and you should be fine let's try it anyway I'm trying this again if you want to stick around for part three I'll see you oh my gosh part three let's hope I do it right this time I'm so determined okay I got my sugar corn syrup oh my gosh and oh colored water and I remembered a teaspoon of vinegar this time and we're mixing ah okay let's pour that in carefully oh my gosh there we go sorry I don't know why I'm breathing so happy I messed up again I was supposed to felt distracted and let it get to 280 degrees instead of 269. okay I'm gonna try this one more time good morning everyone giving up is not an option colored water very carefully I'm staying right here this time it's gonna work okay I formed the donut I don't understand why it's hard in some spots this is what I have so far this is the last time I'm doing this I'll see you in part four I need more sugar two days left it's fine everything's fine let's put up the tree what do you think it's giving my life right now I'm kidding I'm so I'm gonna try to make a cloud themed tree so these are the raindrops you know now I'm gonna stick this white Garland around the tree and the white ornaments are mini clouds I actually got a tree topper this year whoa I didn't know it did that wow that's really cool I just turned my flash on because the lighting is so bad but now I'm adding this white fluffy tree skirt the last thing I need is Hazel's paw print this was hers last year they're the same but it's fine it's dark so quick but this is what it looks like at night time oh my gosh it's so cute Next Step I'm gonna try and wrap gifts as that girl so I moved back into my room so part three of the mirror will be up soon famous bachelor but then I forgot I was going to Vegas for JBL Fest so here we go hey okay [Applause] got a restaurant called Tao and they have all the Necessities I think it's really cute anyways yeah I gotta go back well now let's figure out how to get James in the suitcase so okay James the suitcase I'll see you when I get back I just want money that's gone teenage never worry about me my mom got me this box it's kind of heavy and I have no idea what's in it so let's open it I hope this is a little break I'm so scared or if it's a bug I will send mountains to your house my mom has a phobia Mountain okay [Music] this is a cup I've been wanting and I missed out on thank you oh my gosh I'm pretty sure I know what the rest of these are she got me the cosmon Wanda cup I've been wanting I can't I missed out on last year they're so perfect a black and gold one and the red stainless steel I'm gonna go put them on my shelf right now thank you I'm cleaning my entire house on my Instagram stories right now so if you've ever wanted to see what my house actually looks like go follow me on Instagram it's probably 20 plus videos on there already so if you're bored and want something to do let's hang out and clean my house anyway I'm already bored the way my bathroom looks so we're gonna redecorate it again the shower curtain and liner now I'm putting up a new one I'm using actual curtains but my mom inspired me to do it like this so that way I can open them like that maybe hook it onto the side I don't know just took out the old bath mats and these are the new ones these are the towels I'm using I can't go on I'm sorry this is a redecorating fail like what even know where I'm going with this if you guys can comment some ideas I would appreciate it I got this tie-dye soap making kit so I'm going to try and make some soap okay it doesn't seem like it'll be too hard so I have white soap and clear soap molds and instructions and some soap colorant I'm supposed to choose one of these and cut them into one and a half inch squares now I'm supposed to put this in the microwave for 30 seconds with my luck my kitchen's probably gonna explode I'm mixing mix it now see this is take two I'm pouring it in now oh that's cool I'm excited this one's gonna be yellow and red now I'm just swirling it around I don't know if this is gonna look good oh my gosh it's ugly it says to leave it here for 30 minutes so I'm gonna go watch some love Island I'll be back time to take them out of the mall let's see if I can do this gosh this is the last one it just won't come back oh they're not that bad I really like them this one's my favorite I'm gonna go to my sink and see if it stains my hands okay here we go by the way it's my Denzel Curry shirt anyway I've never tried slime before I don't even know what the heck it feels like so I'm gonna try it for the first time this time is sent to me as a gift by Boba Belle slime so thank you again we're gonna start off with the cookie don't mind my dry ashy hands oh my gosh it's gonna be like an ASMR oh oh my what whoa I don't even know how to describe this oh my God that was cool this one is a crunchy slime I've always wanted to try it oh my gosh wow this is so cool this one is called baby Yoda Boba and you can see the little bubba balls inside this smells so good oh my God I don't know if I'm doing this right but I'm pretty sure this one goes at the bottom and this one at the top put the straw in this is so stinking cute this is so fun I do how they do wow I'm gonna try to paint these baby pumpkins I have all the colors for each design I'm gonna do so yeah wish me luck this one's gonna be cute just wait I don't have a blow dryer okay first one done that one took forever to dry so I'm gonna do the first layer on all of them first this one's green yellow white this one's tan light purple and another green I couldn't help it I finished the culprit one now I'm working on this one it has stars on it now I'm doing this abstract smiley face one I don't know if it's gonna look good it's my favorite one so I'm gonna work on this one oh yeah I did that don't know how I feel about it but think about it I am the only one in the universe at this exact angle this is exact moment I'm just redoing this one regret doing that oh my gosh don't mind that one but the rest of the ugly I would separate them and put them all around my house but they just belong together again I haven't posted in two days it's because of these so bye yo what up I'm gonna try and make a giant Advent calendar for my sister and niece wish me luck boxes in the middle and then bags on the side now that I have the layout I'm gonna decorate them and then fill them I'm gonna start with my nieces I'm sticking these lollipop things to the back of the poster board okay yes and that's my sister's so cute now I'm taking these ornaments and hanging them on the side I wrote one through twelve in silver Sharpie and non-stick two months of the bags added some bows too oh my gosh time to fill up my niece loves turtles so day one is a turtle ornament and my sister gets a microphone because she loves to see candy canes for day two okay three I'm doing bath bomb in a snowman oh my gosh day four I found these wallet lanyard things but there's an extra pouch for extra stuff out of day five of beauty sponge day six these candles they smell so good I'm gonna have to put extra tape on the bags though ChapStick for day seven I found these really cute hair ties for day eight and some makeup removing towels for day nine I'm excited for day 10 it's gel pens 11 is an Oreo Health but I'm trying to wrap it necklaces for day 12. yo what up oh do I have a video for you I'm so tired I really think you're gonna go to this one I'm posting that video later today but for this video I don't know why look my hair kind of looks like a horrible I went to Sally's and I got this quick dip kit the kit comes with nail tips glue and a fox it also comes with the activator brush on glue and three dip powders I'm going to be using white so yeah let's do my nails I've never used a dipping powder before so we'll see how it goes starting off by filing and buffing my nails I'm not going to be using the nail tips that come with the kit because that's just too much work and too much filing to get the shape I want I just bought some that cover your entire nail and they're coffin shave which is my favorite only doing one nail at a time in case they mess up applying the glue and I guess you just dip it in let's see okay uh yeah this is the aftermath um you need more practice I ripped my nails off because I followed them down too much they looked like a birthday hat I'm gonna go last minute Christmas shopping for Courtney so if you're watching this please stop she doesn't even know we don't have Duncan where I live so I'm getting this that and that oh they're out of the cream [Music] now I'm gonna get some gift wrap I'm thinking this one and this one so we'll have to organize everything because uh yeah giving Valentine's Day but let's just say candy cane yeah candy cane Vibes I like that better anyways that's it thanks for watching yo what up I hope my mom doesn't see this but it's her birthday and I'm last minute again so that I have so far a makeup brush holder with a lid and some makeup just got back from Sephora one of my favorite shampoo and conditioners this hair mask mom's hair is blonde so I also go to the purple shampoo and conditioner this lip butter is so good scalp massager if your face came out with this recently so she's gonna try it's going on a trip so I want to find her a makeup bag let's try here if I hate going to that location they're always so rude what did I do anyways I found a makeup bag it's really cute I found this mini flower bouquet time for the pinch and Shake method I don't know it just always works okay not bad for last minute I think she'll like it hopefully decorating my room part three I need nightstand so I'm gonna try and make them hopefully I don't make a giant mess drawing that hope out the window this is gonna be so messy now I'm putting on primer not sure if you have to but just in case next I'm putting drywall tape all over time for the messy part I'm gonna mix everything in this bucket I'm gonna start with two parts plaster and a cup of water oh I already messed up it's very watery okay I figured it out I'm pouring the whole box in here then I'm adding watery mixing until it looks like frosting yeah I did it okay first layer I'm done I'm never doing that again gotta clean up the mess because it was that bad anyways I primed it with this now I'm gonna put them in my room oh my gosh I love them so much I think they're so cute still have a lot to do but I'm gonna take a break and start working on my kitchen LOL yeah here's another one of my 3am purchases but for my new house first Hazel's new bed it's a flower it's so cute I also got matching food bowls you can take them off the stand but I'm going to leave them with this gumball machine added a mini portal mirror I'm gonna put this on my entryway table balloon dog with a balloon poop checkered blanket it's really soft and it's going on my new couch even AKA Benson and plush for frog from Lonely Ghost if you're watching this by the way I love you also everything before this rug is on Amazon I'll link it on my storefront this candle from Target by Tabitha Brown it's so beautiful and it smells amazing Urban Outfitters cutting board getting a massive cutting board out just for one orange so this will be good more Cloud pillows from Amazon they're so soft this mushroom cup also from Urban a bubble maker and all of that everyone has already done this but we're gonna do it again with a slight twist grab some times you wash them I'm using nine key limbs because I didn't have any regular limes so yeah roll them on the countertop also do not remove the seeds because in seven days you'll actually start to poop out limes how do you think I got all these squeeze the lime into the cup add in eight teaspoons of stevia or sugar it's gonna look gooey like this if you want to remove the seeds you can I like them so I'm not doing that next grab some ice and pour it in now put a lid on your cup and shake the living now grab your blender and add in a handful of Frozen dragon fruit you'll need two teaspoons of honey and a splash of water and water give it a little one too grab a cute cup add your first mixture in a full bottle of water stir that all together now add in your dragon fruit mixture your favorite straw and that's it I've been making this for the longest time and I don't know what to call it okay here we go wow it needs more sugar this is one of my 3am purchases this is our I feel like it's gonna be a series it's such a problem but I'm gonna try and make a breakable heart I bought some colored chocolate I'm gonna start out with these black sprinkles and I need to figure out a way to make swirls I'm moving them around with this Popsicle stick and I think that's good enough I bumped it let me try this again I'm gonna melt the chocolate I'm doing pink white purple and blue I'm mixing them after every 30 seconds until they melt I'm so excited I hope this works so I'm gonna put some white over here and now the blue I don't really know what I'm doing I'm just putting it in random spots now we have pink I'm just gonna kind of throw it around now I'm just going to cover everything else in the purple like that okay but at this point all I can do is trust the process I'm gonna leave it in the fridge overnight to make sure it completely hardens I will see you in the morning for part two yo what up I'm gonna make a Disney gift basket and give it to someone random I'm gonna put everything in the backpack but I can't decide this one or though I'm trying to find the donut ears could be an hour but I found them now let's go to Starbucks yeah okay the lines way too long I'm gonna get this hat so cute lollipop each towel I'm gonna pick out some pins you know start someone's collection Little Mermaid also there's a duck Ricky Star Wars mystery princess favorite one of the castle mermaid hand sanitizers oh my gosh they're so cute I'm gonna get one for me too also I love how I'm just awesome at this lanyard now I'm Gonna Fill the back pass for you right here so aesthetic go give this to all right um so I'm filming a tick tock where I just made this gift basket I'm giving it to someone random so I'm just gonna give this to you it worked out perfect she was actually a fan so that was great I literally love you if you're watching this okay bye guys castles yes I'm going through this tunnel very narrow very claustrophobic building chairs that's the entrance I'm scared like those are gonna pop This is Everything during the day yeah this is at night it's so pretty they're dripping water look at that wall excuse me but yeah it's doing the things doing it it's really glowy let's touch it oh that's that was fun goodbye Ice Castles grab a bowl you'll need one cup of chocolate chips and about a fourth of a cup of peanut butter mix it I'm not trying to make anything Gourmet so we're gonna use the microwave mix every 15 seconds until it's melted I'll grab a pan and line it with parchment paper and pour the chocolate in this one is a 7 by 11. spread that evenly and freeze it for about 20 minutes grab another in one cup of powdered sugar one cup of marshmallow fluff and 1 4 cup of peanut butter mix it I just use my hands and it should feel like dough when you're done put it on top of the first layer and even it out now take some peanuts and layer that on top and gently press them in set that aside and grab about a cup of soft caramel melt it in your microwave mix every 15 seconds once it's melted spread it on top as fast as you can and then push it in the last layer is the same as the first one one cup of chocolate chips 1 4 cup peanut butter and melted put it in your freezer for 20 minutes cut them up and now you know how to make homemade Snickers let's try them okay here we go I'm still trying to become that girl I can't be that girl without a houseplant so I'm gonna try and play it first I have to make the pot look cute so I'm doing blue looks like a sky right now I'm gonna try it out of clouds what is that fake clouds are better so cute the little clouds okay so now I have to put in the potting mix I don't know what I'm doing can't decide on what seeds I want to plant do I do the mystery flowers from the Billy eilish concert or do I go pro and do veggies from Coachella JK not a mystery it says Wildflower I'm supposed to soak these overnight so I'll be like an hour is good enough I'm gonna put that on top I wish this came with instructions I'm gonna pour more potting soil on top just a little down this water bottle Urban Outfitter so now I'm just filling there's a hole at the bottom and I've just been figured that out because I'm now I'm watering it like actually Hazel's plant she's still trying to become that dog anyways now we wait I don't think I did this right but if you want an update Instagram okay part two I'm putting in all the lights now there's a lot because it's kind of creepy when that ceiling light on so hopefully these will help for somebody these rope lights along the edges first shelf is done it already looks so much better now I'm doing the middle Shelf it looks so dreamy let me show you the potential there's a random purse look how it glows now I'm gonna put in these Puck lights I think I got too many but we'll see so we're running so good on time it's almost 2 A.M you cry I put a closet like this on my vision board right there but here it is Vision board's work I'm gonna finish putting the lights up I'm doing two in the bigger section I was worried about all the controllers but they all sink to one just velcroed it to the light switch and yeah I'm gonna try them all at once now oh my God this is so cool I'm gonna cry lastly I'm gonna organize my clothes back this is the closet I'll see you in part three I'm so excited it's been about a month since Kelly has cleaned her room let's see what she's up to now eating freaking Cheetos and watching Love Island very productive oop she's on the way to her room let's see if we can get her to notice it's dirty on the count of three yell Kelly clean your room one two three Kelly clean your room it doesn't look like she heard us one two three Kelly clean your room hello will Kelly ever stop eating Cheetos and watching Love Island instead of cleaning her room I guess we'll have to find out in the next episode grab a bowl add in three packets of um do I even continue add in half a cup of cold water whisk until it looks like applesauce set that aside and grab a medium sized pan add in one and a half cups of sugar you can only get this right one time one cup of light corn syrup oh half cup of water and a three finger pinch of salt on medium heat stir until the sugar has dissolved once it's really smooth you'll stir every three minutes until the edges start to Bubble once it looks like it's boiling evenly lower the temperature and simmer for 10 minutes slowly add in your mixture it'll start to foam up and that's okay grab your hand mixer and start mixing once it starts to get foamy add in one tablespoon of vanilla extract it'll look like white caramel when you're done grab a 9x13 pan and dust it with powdered sugar now that the top is flat dust it with powdered sugar this is best to do overnight grab some parchment paper let it sit for 16 to 20 hours it's 1am I'll see you tomorrow I chose green and white this year I think my mom is gonna freaking love it here's her basket I'm gonna show you how I feel it basket is from home goods and then I tied ribbon around it first I'm filling it with air pockets and paper so I can position everything nicely putting green and white tissue paper in the back I'm going to start with the taller items I found this at Target for five dollars my plan is to put it in the back as a decoration this is what I have so far I got her a bottle and a cup with a gift card in it and her loofah set some more of these and I'm gonna put her onto my favorite micellar water she don't even know caffeine solution thumbnail a jade roller coconut lime sugar scrub this beauty pillowcase a really cute bracelet and some lotion my mom hates her tweezers and she always forgets to buy them when she's out so I just got hers up this really pretty palette and my mom's hair is dirty blonde Isn't She gonna look so cute in this hair Ty how cute is this card [Music] Target run it came out so cute I'm also doing rose petals around the gift hoping this helps with gift ideas in case you were looking for some and siblings if you're watching this stuff show this to Mom let's open some PR if you want to know why I was gone check my Ig stories later maybe I might post a story time you guys first we have morphe thank you we have the Cherry Coke collection look at that blush it actually smells like cherries and look at the palette it's so beautiful I'm definitely gonna be using these colors and we got a lip gloss you can use my code for money next OFA there's so much in here oh my God I'm crying thank you so so much I did not expect all of this um I've never used ofra Cosmetics before they're vegan and cruelty free so I'm super excited to try them they even sent me some skin hold up get some swatches the lippies are super buttery and they smell amazing and the pigment on the eyeshadows are unreal they're so beautiful DW home sent me some candles and this is how I know they pay attention I use this room spray everywhere it's in the back of my videos all the time and they sent me it in Candle form it all smells so good thank you so much I'm totally sharing this with my mom this one came out the perfect time my cart sent me their brand new polygel collection I can't wait to use it thank you I'm so grateful for everything let me know if you guys want a part two grab a bowl you'll need one cup of cornmeal I'm using bun one cup of mozzarella a little bit of salt I'm just eyeing it set that aside and grab a pot you can either do a cup of milk or a cup of water my mom's probably watching this like go well that's warming up let's open The Griddle I just bought for this recipe the milk is ready now pour it into your bowl um don't pour in the milk all at once like I just did while it's still warm add in some butter you don't even have to use a griddle I just bought one because that's what my mom uses and you just kind of go like this okay Mom I got this I have my stick of butter putting it in my hand like lotion take a little bit of this I don't have gloves I only have Ziploc bags what is it a ball like this you kind of go like this transfer it to flatten it out and then you hit the edges like that technique keep checking on them and flip them once the bottom goes Brown now you know how I attempted to make arepas for my Colombian family it's almost 1am I'm going to save my mom's wig to get a reaction I'll see you in part two shopping for one thing and came home with so much more haul this is the reason I left my house mouthwash really cool I gotta fix that got the 35g palette by morphe it's so pretty and the morphe 2 concealer also if you want to support me next time you shop at Morpheus cook Glam fam 1650 for five dollars off your next 10 or more purchase oh that's pretty I got a makeup sponge Kylie did a restock on her birthday lip balm so I had to get those I will be repurchasing this set just for these three they smell amazing my favorite is the watermelon and then these this one just smells like old like my grandma's house it's not a bad smell it just I don't know how to describe that and then this one imagine looking Peach on your counter and leaving for vacation for one month and coming back and taking a whiff that's mascara because I'm always running out the watermelon sugar scrub I'm addicted to these this necklace with a k on it for my name anti-frizz hair wipes shave cream and peel off mask I heard they were really good this lotion super thin that's why I like it and here's everything else because I'm out of time yo what up I'm gonna show you how to make your bed look and feel Exquisite this is my bed right now plain and boring just like oatmeal first thing I'm doing is removing everything off my bed where we're moving yes remove tip number one get a mattress cover this is going to help you with allergies I don't have time for a flat sheet so I only use a fitted sheet then I'll get a fabric spray and spray it all over the bed I like to use the down comforter system so here's my down comforter in the middle and I protect it with a down comforter protector then on top of that I'll use my decorative duvet and this one's super cute I got it from Amazon it comes with two pillowcases the easiest way to put this on is during the rolling method so flip your duvet Inside Out set your duvet on top and start rolling it towards the bottom of the bed Tucker duvet ends in like this and start unrolling to make your bed appear super fluffy fold down small and then big these are my pillows I make sure they all get lined with the protector I try to use jersey knit or satin Fabrics because they feel the best you can make any bed look comfy with faux fur literally yay two blankets on the end four fold them nicely don't forget the butt crack on your pillows and that's it one I'm seeing a whole bunch of videos of people showing how they make their coffee so I'm going to show you how to make mine thumb up with this put this in the Sun and make it more aesthetic reality grab a cup and fill it with ice I like a lot of ice oh my gosh I broke the cup okay grab another cup fill it with ice I use the Silk Almond creamer and pour like that much in I know it's a lot just trust then I get chameleon cold brew I like the mocha but this is all we had and pour about that much in now stir and now the best part cocoa pepper yeah so just get some in there let's top it off it's okay that's okay you can eat those later oh my God back to the sun grab your straw also everyone needs to know about the straw basically open up in the middle super easy to clean and then you close it back up and we do be saving the turtles though give it a little press press and there you have it couldn't figure out how to use a beauty filter so okay here we go what yo what up I used to work at Bed Bath Beyond and the one thing I loved doing was holding towels so I'm gonna show you how I fold my towels at Bed Bath and Beyond they have these tables with measurements on them since I don't have that I'm just gonna use my hand first I fold the bottom up about the size of my hand how to get hazel her own towel and a bone anyway so you take the bottom you bring it towards you and you fold It To The Top and then you do the same thing one more time like that now turn it towards the right and fold it in half like that and then fold it in half one more time and that's it I normally do this on a table but it's full of stuff right now so I'm gonna have to wash these right after but I just love the way they look when they're folded like this they're super fluffy I love it this is my linen closet and see I like it yo what up I'm here with my bro what up John he's the uh he's the one who made the J queasy if you guys remember that if you're OG you remember that but anyway we got a hack okay we got a hack for you I've never seen this hack before so let's get it so first you're gonna open up one side of the box boxer case and this way you can figure out which side of the can is the top and which side is the bottom so blowing it up it's the top right there then what you're going to want to do is you're going to want to fold the bottom part of the case underneath and set it down inside your fridge like this then you open up the other side of the case completely it's your hand against the cans on the inside grab the box with the other hand and pull the bottom wait what that's it wait what we're gonna do it again he's gonna do it again we're doing it again I just can't believe it how did I not decorating my room part four laughing helps my voice a little bit anyways decorating my voice I'm just I bought a few things to burst these LED lights I'm gonna put them on this wall oh my gosh it looks so cute drink some tea my voice is feeling a little bit better I'm gonna build this chair I got on Amazon I'm screaming I didn't realize how small this was until it came in the mail basically just bought a chair for my dog this really cute side table look how cute this candle is it's my birthday month I have to celebrate my birthday all month long it's horrible adding a self-care jar because I'm six next just turned into a different video and water everything is really cute so far I love it especially the door so cute anyways but guys I'm going to sleep grab a bowl you'll need one cup of water and three eggs add in a few drops of vanilla extract oh whisk that together and we're whiskey whiskey yeah request biscuit add in a bag of cake mix I'm using Betty Crocker and we're still whiskey set that aside grab a donut pan greases it's easiest to put the mixture in a baggie and squeeze it in like this and don't fill them all the way put it in your oven at 350. almost put it on the top rack I don't know how long we're leaving that and forward we're just gonna wing it oh that's baking grab another Bowl add in one and a half cups of powdered sugar two tablespoons of milk one tablespoon of melted butter mix that together if it's still clumpy add more milk it'll look something like this when you're done I separated mine into two bowls and I'm adding food coloring 10 minutes it was 10 minutes Place one side into the icing and put it on your plate add some sprinkles now you know how to make cake Donuts let's try them let's try it I'm just gonna freaking do this I don't know if it's gonna work or not but if it does my mom's gonna be so disappointed kind of scared actually oh God okay what is this okay I'm gonna tell you this is where they put the needle I'm coming to my bottom now oh my God yikes oh my God come on hi actually what's up I have something to show you okay oh my goodness what the hell did you do I got lip injections no you didn't no I really did you're stupid what did you do no I really did I think they messed up she got lip injections yo what up I did a pickup order from Target so I'm gonna do a little haul oh my gosh I said that so fast so the first thing I got is this really cute gray throw blanket this 40 Target gift card watermelon sugar cubes cotton candy sugar scrub this is my favorite mask by Revolution a really cute self-care journal and some pens to match it a weekly monthly planner and this waiver I heard really good things about and I had to get my favorite lip oil also sorry about my dry scaly hands my skin is probably gonna be like this until the summer got everything else from Home Goods this mug set says you're my Avo half how cute oh my goodness this smells so good and some bath bombs you guys know I love organizing so I got this cute acrylic makeup organizer it's a jackpot when I found these baskets I love these so much because they have the metal handle so I got two small and two medium I almost forgot these two I'm just kidding this is actually a Valentine's Day giveaway enter all you have to do is follow me on Tick Tock Instagram and YouTube share this with one person and comment down on this video all the links are in my bio the winner will be announced one week from today good luck part two let's take it out of the mold I'm so excited I didn't realize that this is royal blue I thought it was dark purple what I was reading the comments and I guess I didn't read the bag but why does it still look purple to me okay I'm just starting here oh my God I'm gonna be so sad if this breaks oh the sprinkles didn't stick please please please please please okay it doesn't look like a Galaxy yet let me try putting on the edible glitter spray I hope this works let's see well I tried it's not horrible it's you know it's pretty bad I can't find the little Hammer so I'm gonna break it with this oh so cool [Music] okay let me tell you what I found I went to Walmart what oh yeah at Walmart um they're already on the counter I still want to eat so we're gonna pretend yay we're gonna make Galaxy stuffed cookies and I have all the stuff right here I'm just a little concerned I don't see any purple do not screw okay let's come back over here grab a bowl you'll need two tablespoons of softened butter and two tablespoons of water it says to add in the blue mix first whisk it until it looks like this and I just transferred it to another plate do the same thing with the purple now freeze the dough for 20 minutes so messy roll them into logs like this and then twist them together they're gonna end up looking like this okay I cleaned up it comes with chocolate cut the halves and the halves and then place them in the middle like that damn right it's better than yours no cover the chocolate with the rest of the dough put them in your oven for about 12 minutes I'll see you in part two because I don't have any more time left and it's already up so yeah Daniel and I are playing my favorite game called for the girls we got the spinner we got the cards let's do this okay let's spin there we go I literally hate pink but we're gonna do this anyway ah okay it says prank call the 15 contact in your phone ask if their refrigerator is running wait do I really want to do that literally my old boss just do it dude I have them as the old man hi is your refrigerator running oh yeah um and that is why I hit my head and that is why I love this game you want to go again no yo what up I'm gonna make a last minute gift basket Ernie's almost here also I lost it now I found this box and I'm filling it with this this is so cute matching pen my mask lip mask this stuff is so good it's like liquid chapstick this is our favorite sponges so I'm grabbing too oh my gosh that's cute like snacks look what I found birthday cake hey I'm back and I got a few extra it's the next day um I also got Starbucks so I had to figure out how to carry everything upstairs thank you thank you y'all I hope my mom doesn't see this but her birthday dinner is in an hour and I forgot to get her a gift let's go do that I did make this cup for her so I'm gonna base the gift off of this how do this gift card maybe I'll stick it in the cup she did say she needed more straws some snackies okay let's go to Target this one in this tissue paper or that one I think I'm gonna go with this one okay I think I found the one I'm back look how cute this is okay I have 20 minutes open that okay I'm gonna try to wrap the cup oh my God wait this is cute straws snackies bracelets card and gift card I don't even have a pen pinch and Shake method it's so cute okay let's go get part two the LED lights have arrived I was like why are you so obsessed with me putting all the cups on this table because I gotta flip that upside down just kidding I'm just gonna put them behind these two things okay I'm at the bottom of the other side oh okay oh my gosh it's so pretty now I have to figure out do I color code do I go by type yeah but where does this one go blue green or pink purple because of the red I'm gonna have its own section this one can go anywhere but I'm gonna put it here because that looks good now I'm switching up where they are I'm doing black on top then blue pink and purple as I get more cups I think the last two shelves will look a lot better oh my gosh guys I know what that was but oh my gosh Tada it looks so good with like casually in my living room this is off this is on you know what song is playing in my head right now yo what up you guys remember my workout stuff just to get motivated to work out well that's what I did so I'm gonna show you what I got lots of is that here oh and a lot of you guys want to know what I do for a living I literally work at a call center hi thank you for calling blah blah blah my name is Kelly who had the pleasure of speaking with today oh we're yelling oh we're attacking me personally I'm actually really grateful to have this job it's how I'm able to pay my bills you gotta do what you gotta do anyway I got a yoga mat it's pink that's what it looks like laid out then I got this apple I'm actually really excited to use it I just like throwing the box then I got some ankle weights and hand weights next I got a thigh toner look at this it's genius I get cramps in my feet all the time I don't know why but I got a foot roller and listen it has water in it so you can stick it in the freezer next I got this cute jump rope this mini workout ball these bands that go from extra light to extra heavy a yoga knee matte waist trimmer and some new workout clothes and this water bottle I just took my before pictures and I'm just really looking forward to being able to walk to the stairs without feeling winded I'm going into a Five Below for the first time they have makeup clothes so much candy oh my gosh I have a party section look at this disco ball this is so awkward I was being followed majority of the time I was shopping which was kind of fun but awkward because that's never happened to me before usually they say hi and leave I literally didn't know what to do but if you're watching this sorry for being awkward I had the mini washing machine and I just had to get it how cute is that I got the disco ball for my Ig story concerts if you don't know about those go to my highlights this is what I'm most excited for I got a yoga dice cup noodles and Oreo lip balm why are these so cute makeup removing cloths squishmallows I was really bored okay oh are you serious a back scratcher keychain and the sport game yeah I don't know hi do you guys have the pink Drink can I get a grande pink drink and then can I get a venti very very hibiscus with extra scoops of berries please yes please absolutely sorry I'm still getting familiar with this layout Oh no you're totally fine thank you they asked me if I wanted this I don't even know what it is I said yes because it's free yeah never had the pink drink before here we are I'm gonna try it on camera oh my God this is definitely one of those like you got to keep drinking it to like it I'll probably never order this again I'm gonna probably just eat the strawberries but yeah this is why I go to Starbucks very very hibiscus extra scoops of berries you just can't go wrong look how beautiful this is I want to be this drink right now let's try the pp drink that's pretty good this is your sign to do your laundry I'll go first okay I have piles now sorry if you see any Toadies I have darks whites bedding towels and color clothes and clothes that are still clean that I still need to put them let me show you why I like mesh laundry bins dude I do half a cup I do have a cup of this detergent let me just pour that and then I get down with Downy oops I forgot these I just made some space we made a donation pile and I'm on the last load I just have to put it away hey I'm done and my entire Place smells like clean laundry yo what up I just bought my dream couch and it's on its way right now it's white time to build it should be pretty easy just screw in the legs I'm gonna set up the pieces not sure what I want to do I think I'll do a u-shape actual so I found this cup today it's really pretty anyway moving on should I keep this on probably is this real just pinch myself it's 3am and I'm decorating a couch blanket and these round pillows that's all I have so far I think I'm gonna cry right now oh goodnight guys it's like 4am fall cleaning my closet part two okay well let's continue taking everything out of here starting from up there got my stools I'm short what lotion you guys use because I'm always asking no matter what I do eat oh a unicorn [Music] making so much progress just kidding I'm literally moving the mess to a different room this was my prom dress I use it as a scarf now this closet is never ending I didn't know where to put the hanger so I'm just putting them in this bucket how do I even approach this let's see this is what I have so far I put all the shoes in this box I'm gonna try and separate the Linens in one spot one wow now I just have to vacuum to store everything I'm gonna make a donate trash and keep pile but yeah I'll see you tomorrow fall cleaning part I don't even know anymore the closet pure discretion advice hey yeah yeah first I'm going to start by taking everything out of the closet I cleared my office space so everything is temporarily going here on the floor I'm starting with the floor first sorry if you see anything embarrassing everybody has chonies okay this will be load number five Four's done now I have to take out all of this stuff but first i'm gonna do a load of laundry I use a fourth of a cup of detergent and put it into this little compartment next I use the blue Downy and put it into here cheers I don't even know why I said that you actually use these scent booster beads and I sprinkle them all over laundry booster I know it's a lot but this is how I get my clothes to smell so good and lastly some laundry sanitizer I wish I had one of those fancy washing jars the ones with like the touch screen but this will do this is great this does the job back to the closet I'm gonna start with the top section I am over it period this shelf is now cleared I knew this was going to take a while I'll be back wall cleaning part six the sink come over here guys let me just show you how dirty it is but first I've washed all of the okay okay Daniel washed the dishes now I'm just throwing away these nasty sponges now I'm taking everything out and off of the sink these are the last two things and there we go I'm giving the sink a good rinse with hot water I cleaned my sink using baking soda I'm just gonna pour that all over I like to add dish soap and now I'm going to show you a satisfying rinse wow okay not that satisfying I don't know where I learned this from grab half of a lemon squeeze it all over your sink take what's left scrub your sink after you rinse it it's gonna be smelling good for days now that I've cleaned the top of the sink it's time to decorate first I'm taking these sponge holders I'm putting one on each side one side will hold this sponge and a copper score I'm also hanging the straw and bottle brush set on the handle on this side for bigger cleaning brushes don't know what this is called but I'm going to show you what it's used for pour soap on top and it makes washing utensils so much easier now I'm just adding in a cute basket strainer got some hand soap and a lotion dispenser I added some leaves and this moonshine decoration and that's it you can get everything off of Amazon or Home Goods I went to the Dollar Store and I found a whole bunch of cute stuff so I'm gonna do a short little haul first thing are these really pretty tweezers I can't believe the quality then we have an eyelash curler kind of crooked but it was a dollar cuticle trimmer I've been really needing one of these charcoal spa treatment mask and no strips facial scrubbers they feel so weird Beauty sponge I don't know how well that's gonna work makeup brushes these are wet and wild brushes but that's them up close then I got this bottle to where you put whatever you want in here and then when you press the top it sprays the liquid out did that make sense probably not then there's this thing which I get this all the time and this is Bible and uh yeah that's it after three hours of looking for this glitter I found more and hopefully it works this time Universe hear me I need this glow in the dark cup now I'm just putting the tape on I'm not sure if liquid is the way to go I'm just gonna wing it and fill the whole thing pushing in the cabinet bumper yeah I'm cleaning with an alcohol pad before the resin I'm using UV resin this time and my nail lamp I don't know if that's okay to do I guess we'll find out here in a second that smells so bad look it up and it's normal thank goodness I'm gonna open a window I'm also sealing this one oh my gosh I did it okay let's test it this is what it looks like normally this is the other one I made it's like a snow globe hold on let me shake it I'll do it guys just do it Mike welcome to the fam I want to scream but I won't I'm gonna turn my hot chocolate bar into a Smoothie Bar first I gotta get everything off the counter now I'm just spraying and wiping everything down and we're cleaning yeah cleaning this is the new tiered shelf I got it's so cute got these cute candy jars you can find them on Amazon let's fill them I'm filling the first jar with taro powder this one with Boba vanilla ice cream protein powder this one is getting filled with oats and chia seeds I'm putting the jars on the top shelf I'm using another jar for dried mangoes and dried strawberries these smell so good these are going on the bottom shelf this jar that I found for honey is so cute I'm filling this one with super greens powder I love this in my smoothies putting my magic bullet on the side here I use it all the freaking time it's sold this is the last cup I have I might as well put it here okay wow oh my gosh am I on a Pinterest ad almost forgot the Scoops also I wanted to say hi to all my new friends we're almost at 4 million thank you so much for following me part two add a little over two tablespoons to each liner and if you do that you'll have less to clean preheat your oven to 350. bake them for 15 minutes once you take them out let them sit until room temperature once the room temperature I did not eat one put it in your fridge for four to six hours and they're done yay have some mini Oreos and stick them on the top just like that now you know how to make Oreo cheesecake they look Exquisite let's try it you mean we don't have milk so apparently we don't have milk so I'm gonna have to drink this with the ranch do this okay here we go oh my God oh my God yo what up I made a DIY nail cart so I'm going to show you what's on it because I'm bored over here is where I keep my tools like nail clippers cuticle pushers and a file up here I keep my acetone that's empty slip solution and a buffer and underneath my tool tray I keep little strawberries which are so cute some butterflies and extra nail files in the middle I have my polygel brushes which need to be cleaned but they're so cute they have little rhinestones on them then I have this little container that keeps I don't even know if they're called nail wipes and my favorite cuticle oil I love it it's like holding a bubble and on the right is where I keep all my gel polishes I keep my dehydrator and primer here as well on the second tier I have a tray full of nail tips dual forms are on the bottom the next tray has sanding bands and drill bits this ring samples all the colors I have I store that with my polygel in the back I have barbicide alcohol and Soca and on the bottom I have a nail drill it's perfect for beginners like me a nail white and a really cute dust collector not a pro at all I got everything you see here from Amazon except the containers and I watch a lot of YouTube I'm done with the Smoothie Bar I'm gonna make a lemonade box 11 11 make a wish making this into a lemonade slash Refresher I feel like there's a popcorn kernel stuck in my gum I can't get it get it on the first jar with monk fruit this one's gonna have freeze-dried strawberries oops can't forget the mangoes blueberries this is for a thumbnail raspberries for the last one life hack I put a Ziploc bag in here to make this jar look more full wow wow cycling wait this is so cute okay I got this from home goods and I'm gonna put the lemons in it now I'm just topping off the honey I got these mini reusable straws from Target and I'm just putting them in this jar stirring sticks and my favorite team whoa this is the best one we're almost at 5 million I'll get a tattoo if we can hit five mil in the next 10 seconds grab a bowl pour some chocolate into the bowl melt the chocolate in your microwave mix every 15 seconds your chocolate should look like this when you're done and I got different colors from Amazon grab your chocolate and place it into the mold you're gonna spread it around the walls also you can use whatever molds I'm using pumpkins acorns and cubes once the molds are filled stick them in your fridge for 15 to 20 minutes in the meantime grab a baking pan and fill it with liners they're done once you've taken them out of the molds put them in your pan that is just so cute fill in the bottom half with hot chocolate powder and top them off with marshmallows grab the other half and place it on a warm pan to melt the edges once the edges are melted place them on top just like that put them back into the fridge for about five more minutes take them out and that's it now you know how to make hot chocolate bombs there's the acorn the red pumpkin okay let's just try them here's my warm cup of milk I've decided we're going with blue Acorn I hope this opens in time here we go oh oh it's bubbling oh that is so big and it's blue it's Hazel's birthday and she's one years old now [Music] he's growing up let's make her some treats grab about a cup of watermelon put it in a blender and then add two scoops of plain yogurt blending once it looks like this grab some molds imported I'm just using a measuring spoon aren't these molds so cute for the next treat all you need is one or two strawberries smash them with a fork and then put them in the mold but don't fill it all the way fill the rest of it up with plain yogurt now put them in the freezer for a few hours I also got out of this gift and I put a little bow on it one more gift I have to pick up but her reaction to everything deserves a video on its own so I'll see you later today yo what up I'm gonna try to make a coffee candle don't know what I'm doing but I've been winging it my whole life and it's gotten me this far so that's what I'm gonna do first I'm making the caramel drizzle so I'm melting some wax for that I'm heating up the jar and Hazel's going crazy now I'm just adding in a few drops of this candle wax die and a few drops of this caramel latte scent I'm waiting for this to cool down a little bit and my plan is to put it in this Piping Bag it worked it actually worked I'm using clear gel wax as my ice now I'm making the coffee here goes nothing I'm trying to make a creamy brown color I'm so excited my place is gonna smell like coffee all the time so I'm so scared I don't want to mess this up here we go oh my gosh there we go that's so cute now let's make the whipped cream broke up a whole bunch of tea light candles and I'm gonna melt them in the microwave now I'm just whisking it and then I'm gonna put it in this Piping Bag okay it kind of looks like whipped cream wow it looks so real smells so good it's so cute part two I gotta finish putting these on that took forever they're on now let's put them up a lot of you said I should store these horizontally which makes sense so I'll just fix them later and then I'll update you on my Instagram or something this is the last one I'm so excited wow it's not perfect but I'm just happy it came out decent starting to draw on it and I've already messed up these markers are not the best but this is my fifth time doing this so it is what it is I'm also making a calendar which is the main reason why I wanted a chalkboard and I think it looks really cute so far yay I'm done I went a little overboard with all the colors because I was really excited about them but I love this thing so much and I think I'm gonna redo it but for now this looks great and I can't wait to fill it out I've been wanting to buy this for so long it's basically chalk wallpaper and I'm gonna make a chalk wall first I'm cleaning the wall so that it sticks better my walls are textured so I'm using command strips to stick poster board to the wall so that it's smooth just like that and I'm leaving a little gap on the side so the wallpaper has something else to stick to I'll try my best to film me putting this on but with my look I'm probably gonna mess it up the start of the first side is up past all the mess you can see my clock it's 905. let's see how long this takes me it's 12 40. but I finished and now I'm gonna take some Magnetic Tape I cut nine strips now I'm sticking them to the wall I'm taking the same tape the scenery is divine by the way and I'm cutting squares like this oh my gosh these are rectangles and I'm dabbing a little bit of crazy glue on it then you just lay the marker right on top I wanted to make sure these were secure okay that way I can do this can you imagine what it's going to look like with all of them there a school of the day it is now three in the morning I talk too much and get distracted so I'll see you in part two more because I'm going to bed yo what up I'm gonna try to be that girl at Disneyland I decided to get a bubble maker because yeah next keep drinks and snacks is the confetti cake shake it's so fruit this is a lollipop and a piece of cake it's really good cookie cotton candy on the blue milk also it has glitter in it it's called a cute space soda carne asada fries not cute but really good popcorn next shopping I need to find the Starbucks cup oh my gosh so good this is cute decide I think I'm gonna go with Snow White yes or these are all gifts by the way I forgot to mention I'm trying to convince myself not to get mint Jules wrote a bunch of rice but I forgot to film wash your hands grab a bowl add in about a half a cup of frosting a cup of powdered sugar mix that together I'm just using a spoon about halfway through you can start using your hands to mix I'm going to do the same thing with another color in your hand and that's it now you know how to make DIY Play-Doh I'm gonna mix the two colors I'm making purple oh my gosh this is fun now you want a taquito no problem what am I doing here we go oh you want something to drink with that no problem this is our specialty cup it's gonna be 59.99 but it's fine you pay for gas right there you go tomorrow I'm going to show you how to make the coolest thing I think I'll see you tomorrow wow Starbucks congratulations on 50 years and cheers to many more they also gave me this really cute gift box that I will be keeping for the rest of my life um let's open it it did come with this cup a note with a gift card in it medium roast coffee beans and a hot cup it's so cute thank you Starbucks and happy 50 years I was told very very hibiscus is back so I'm at Starbucks hibiscus refresher with extra berries please and can you make that aventi size please I'm so excited I haven't had one of these in a couple of months so yay here we go wow wow it's really good yes I feel like I can do anything trick-or-treater here's another one of my three and purchases but for my new house it took me 17 times to say versus cutting board from Nordstrom it's wavy I've never seen a wavy cutting board once I clean my dump site it's gonna go over here somewhere this is from Etsy it's a cloud and a cube that's all it makes me very happy you can't stop looking at it it's really cool that's an oil diffuser from Seasons it's giving very much alive in the troop house figure out how to use that later everything else is from Amazon so I'll just put it on my storefront but next I got these disco ball drinksters Hazel stop looking at me next I found this tray it's also wavy I'm gonna use it for my kitchen sink to hold my soap and lotion this face is so cute and I'm putting two lips in them which are also from Amazon but anyways they feel real they smell like chemical really bad hopefully that goes away I saw this in pink but I really like the green you're running out of time I'll see you in part two of decorating my room or unpacking my filming room I can't decide yo what up I never thought I'd be making this series products that change the freaking game this shower head is all over Tick Tock I'm going to show you how it works and why I'm so crazy about this where I live my water is contaminated with heavy metals bacteria and chemicals that are super harsh and bad for your skin the stones on the shower head filter all of that out I can jam out in the shower like me now you have a maraca oh on a serious note there are three settings Bam Bam and Bam do you do that no we I've never been so excited about a shower head but it just makes me want to shower like 50 times a day anyways I'm gonna shower now yo what up I love the way I organize my makeup and skincare it's so convenient until I have to do my everyday makeup I basically use the same products every day so I have to go through every single drawer just to find them so I got these bathroom trays to put the prod this is the next day guys I can't I'm gonna put the products I'm currently using on them so I only have to go to one spot vanity drawer vanity I don't know what to do I'm gonna try the drawer first starting with makeup my favorite primer right now is this one colourpop Tinted Moisturizer I'm always using these I'm gonna chill in the back but I'm gonna put my beauty blenders into fancy Contour Stick It Cosmetics blush more blush by colourpop benefit and Nyx for my brows I use clear mascara on my brows too Better Than Sex mascara I'm actually gonna put the smaller items in here so it looks less cluttered baking and translucent powder Too Faced lip injection and Nars lip tint together yes an eyelash curler and some setting sprays I forgot to change it to three minutes so really quick this is skincare finally now everything is all in one spot and I can switch out products when I want I'm going apple picking with my family so let's get ready for it first Starbucks instead of my usual refresher I'm gonna try the apple crisp macchiato full basket I'm gonna bring a picnic blanket some water snacks and some hand wipes I just put in this almost forgot a portable charger we're gonna be taking lots of pictures and videos okay I think I'm ready I'm so excited we are out here and it is beautiful it's so cold and I lost a nail Rip but I got apples so it's all good grab some limes wash them you're gonna need about eight of them cut the lime into pieces that look like this to do that cut a line cut in half again cut in half again cut it in half again put the limes into a blender change a recipe we're only gonna be using five limes because I just realized it's just me and Daniel here okay okay add in three quarters of a cup of sugar half a cup of condensed milk and you'll need about four cups of water and we're blending we are hey we are blessing oh snap grab a bowl with a strainer on top and pour your mixture in see we don't need all that we don't need none of that put the mixture back into the blender and add three more cups of water blend that one more time grab a pitcher and pour it in oh yeah stir grab your cute cups out now you know how to make Brazilian limeade let's try it okay here we go wow I'm still trying to become that girl and I can't be that girl without an aesthetic mirror so I'm gonna paint mine first I'm taping it it's supposed to look like a portal so I'm doing three sections first section will be pale blue it's not going back now okay that's cute that's actually cute yeah next dark blue I'm gonna try to aesthetically paint this for you guys it's not working out I give up no now I'm peeling the tape off um I don't think I did this right it's peeling off because I didn't prep it right what about a nice Ombre I'm gonna peel all the paint off and try this again maybe not the same design can't wait to see you in part two and yes it is three a.m Yoda still trying to become that girl but I can't be backer without a cute entryway just fell on me anyways first I'm gonna hang up the mirror this is my favorite 3am purchase I've ever made I have to clean it though it's very dirty got this acrylic table from Home Goods that's gonna go in the middle now I'm gonna decorate I found these books on Amazon I thought they were so cute I'm gonna use the orange and yellow look how cute this chunky mug is I'm gonna put it on top of the books right behind me not sure what to do with the other side so I'm going with this plant a bubble candle that smells so bad but it's really cute lastly a tray clear a checkered though yep that's pretty much it I love it so much next I'm finishing part two my Starbucks cups I think it looks better without the rug anyways okay I'm still trying to become that girl my style is next but first i'm gonna make an aesthetic Clothing Rack I can't talk today okay I'm almost done I just need this side but what are those extra screws for these are so cute I found them on Walmart's website at 3am they're LED signs but I'm gonna use them as hangers I'm also going to use normal ones in white well I love it so much now I'm gonna add some of my favorite clothes just kidding I don't have any favorite clothes just these shoes and the sweatshirt I got two days ago it's so cute yeah I want to dress cute but I don't know how to so if you guys want to help me comment your favorite clothing brand next up I'm gonna be doing some clothing try on hauls once I get some stuff in so yeah wish me luck just in case the rack is on my Amazon storefront these are from pretty little thing that's from White Fox those hangers are from Target and those are from Walmart yo what up I got a package in the mail today from Miles this is a swap so I have no idea what's inside here so I'm excited all I know is that the theme is self-care can I just say this box smells like blueberries it smells so good oh my God all of this kind people are my kind of people I love anything watermelon is this hariboo or Haribo how do you pronounce that this is so cute it's a makeup brush cleaning mat and it oh it sticks onto your wall oh mirror counter is what I was trying to say this is a lychee sleeping mask some chocolate I've never had these before this is so fun you guys should tag a Creator you want me to swap with neck I'm trying to figure out what smells so good we got some eye masks I love strawberry Pocky oh my gosh next we have this it's like wrapped up let me unwrap it real quick no you freaking did in my there's still so much in the Box I'm gonna have to do a part two but it should be up right now no excuses but what am I to do now I bought a mini fridge at 3am before I stalk it I'm gonna decorate the outside I couldn't find a white fridge so I'm wrapping it in this vinyl now I'm cutting out these shapes and sticking them out I don't think this is gonna look good it's kind of cute I guess last one it's so ugly I had a totally different image in my head skipping very much Yoshi is on the way to my house to retrieve some eggs and not my intention Next Step stocking the fridge here's another one of my 3am purchases I literally suck at camping because I bring things like this but it's fine how is it almost 4 am I have to hurry and stalk this next graham crackers please enjoy this ASMR I didn't know how to organize the marshmallows so I'm putting them in these Ziploc bags look how perfect these fit in here ready I also got this it's supposed to help you make the perfect s'more so that's gonna go on the side yep that's basically it my camping trip also just got canceled good thing I got a s'mores roast here's another one of my 3am purchases I don't even know what Stony Clover Lane is but I saw it on for it before it dropped and I had to go get it because I mean first is cooler yeah and that's why I bought it that's why leash and bandana for hazel okay hold on I think she likes it this cute paddle set my phone these patches and duffel bag I'm gonna put them on right now oh my gosh just stick them on oh my gosh we're not doing cherries for the fifth time I can't get it centered I feel like inside I think I got it I don't know but anyways I got this bag too it's so Nexus clear backpack and a beach bag sandals and a beach towel lastly these cups the straws are heart-shaped and I got a charm suit I feel like I need a new routine I can't keep doing that understand how the time changes so fast like I feel like I've only been standing here for a minute that's probably my sign to go usually I can explain this time I can't here's another one of my 3am purchases look how cute this is I can't I can't it comes apart just like the real cat I got two of the icy White sets because I'm planning a giveaway I found this dark green gridded cup it reminds me of grass okay I'm just gonna go quick how to get two just in case one broke everyone's calling this one the jeweled cup I got it in peaked and dark green pink and black and green water bottle dark green stainless steel this is a color changing cup I'm not sure what color it changes into but both of them couldn't find this one in a venti so I went with Grande stainless steel one as you turn it it changes colors same with this one and the straw try not to get Grande's but this one reminded me of candy cane never seen one like this before this one is a mixture of those two put together running at a time those looks bad in a mess but it's assorted mess so this is my pile which is probably really bad but this is for gifts and some giveaways I'm planning here's another one of my 3am purchases literally just wearing them on my feet these flower things but I don't think you understand they go in your vents and now my car is cute and stuff pal print pillow covers these bins for like skincare they're so small and I thought they were cute you know I finally got a sunset lamp expect this to be in every single video I do for the rest of my life thank you everything I just showed you is on my Amazon page under 3am purchases also update on the mirror there is no update I bought clay though just I'll see you in part I'm still trying to become that girl and I can't be that girl if I keep buying things at 3am ice cream Band-Aids um the Box alone is so cute but then look at the Band-Aids a printed fruit rinsing thingies I don't know I just put cherries in them this Pisces candle because I'm a Pisces what a day and I dropped it but my bestie yeah flower sponge in airpods case this is my favorite one it's a fluffy Journal but it's like checkered it's so cute a self-care book because milk frother and it comes with the stand ready a bubble base for a flower a tulip I don't know but I ordered what I got I thought it was gonna be the same size as a normal um a cloud pillowcase and that candle I'm gonna go clean them why just why here's another one of my 3am purchases also I just got my nails done I love that basically a giant Cube that lights up and you can use it as a chair that I'm going to use as a nightstand just kidding a chair just kidding it's 4am and I can't decide whoa what oh my gosh can you imagine the pictures that's why I shop at 3am okay do I use it as a nightstand or a vanity chair also if you want one search glow keep chair on Amazon it'll pop right up or if you want a link I'll put it on my Amazon page in my buy here's another one of my 3am purchases well if you only have one bag this time and that's because all the other cups were not it but this one look how cute it is oh my gosh it's my new favorite I know I say that a lot okay this one it looks normal right bam portal I was craving Peeps and then I don't know what happened after that inflating I love peeps I'm gonna cry mostly because it's almost 4 am but still it's pretty sure it goes outside but I'm Gonna Keep it in my living room anyways I got a desk and a few things for it so I'm going to be setting that up next so I will see you tomorrow here's another one of my 3am purchases honey pot plush now I have honey Bubba Bears I'm just kidding um there's stuff though like oh I'm spraying sour spray on my face and then this really wait I should have made a three minute video water bottle drawing rack and it holds strong okay so like you have a cutie right and then you just go like this with the little ring thing and it's just easier to I get really motivated at 3am so I bought a shelf basically when I buy something for a video or a company sends me product for a video instead of throwing it around my room on the floor or just random places I will organize it on here I'm actually pretty proud of myself for this one here's another one of my 3am purchases it's actually 3 A.M anyways I'm gonna make 3 A.M Ring Pops well I'm doing one cup of strawberries fourth of a cup of honey and half a lemon or the other side I'm doing blueberries and blackberries imagine these dipped in Tahiti now I'm gonna freeze them or I painted my thumbnail by the way good night good morning so excited let me try to pop one out oh wow I love the glow filter I want to know how to act okay let's try these imagine banana here's another one of my 3am purchases waited outside for three hours in the dark for cups oh this is the first one this is kind of ugly but I didn't want to have fomo so I got her anyway I think I'm gonna trade it for something I do like this was my favorite one oh hi you guys must have got here pretty early huh I just pulled up like five minutes ago oh look they're opening the doors yeah someone did that and they got a whole bunch of these I got this blue stainless steel one the straw though it's so cute like everything matches I usually don't get water bottles but this one was so cute I'm gonna run like they all go together foreign was so hard to find so I hope I don't break it because it's glass I also found this one these remind me of jello so I've been calling them the jello cup I don't know what I feel about this one I might do a trade and this one also a trade now I get to organize them I'm so excited here's another one of my 3am purchases and maybe doing a giveaway soon just saying my soul left this earth when I saw this shout out to the person in front of me who gave me this cup it's so beautiful Las Vegas water bottle in Tumblr I'm from there I had to and it's so cute one more thing this box beautiful you don't know how to feel about the purple Dome cup but it's there this one is so cute for Halloween this one this one it's giving a decorative pillow like let's go to Barbara's house this is what you'd see it's not a bad thing I love the peach strong and this one's super pretty I love them all I can't wait to display them yo what up I'm gonna decorate my living room for Christmas I'm so excited first I'm gonna use these govindion lights and white lights DIY candy cane and a snowflake on my wall wish me luck starting with a snowflake I'm putting it on this wall almost done just need one more this is so cute time for the candy cane I'm putting it right there ready for my masterpiece I tried doing swirls in the middle and I think it looks so good I'm gonna add Gobi Christmas string lights to my tree to give it more color lastly I'm adding these Gobi LED strip lights to my couch and my TV stand foreign look at the candy cane in a DIY that's where it's white and red on the inside I think it's so cute and the snowflake I'm obsessed even did white and red under the couch and the TV stand you can even see the Christmas tree this room is definitely giving Christmas I love this so much well goodnight guys I'm gonna be here for the next month hi Hazel yeah come come you have too many toys it's partly my fault but still we need to declutter ballerina okay girl I got a smaller Toy Bin from Home Goods whatever I can't fit in there is gonna get donated we're definitely keeping this elephant put it in there yeah what about the skateboard are we keeping it I'm just gonna slowly put it in there you're literally you have to it's not Easter anymore okay can I at least have the bunny we're getting nowhere for sure keeping your Capri Sun she's distracted she loves this pool party toy oh walked out like okay the baron raccoon keeping Craig oh welcome back I guess she's not really into Borough toys anymore this one has crabs in it it's so cute but she doesn't play with them oh my gosh she's cute I'm just gonna take everything out which ice cream cone do you want to keep okay we'll keep that one also her favorite so I'm keeping all of them keeping the sunscreen because it's cute yeah you did it high five grab a bowl add in one cup of heavy whipping cream and one cup of milk half a cup of sugar and about a tablespoon of vanilla extract whisk it all together it might be stiff at first next add in about a half a cup of condensed milk and we're whisking for about two to three minutes we're whisking once that's done grab whatever topping you want I'm using dragon fruit crunch I mean chunks I'm putting in about a handful now grab a container with a lid and pour your mixture in it's like ah I'll try it I'm just kidding you're in the fridge I meant freezer I really did now we just have to wait about two hours I wish it were that time it's actually 12 o'clock I'll see you guys at two in the morning grab a bowl add in one cup of sugar set that aside grab some freeze-dried strawberries you can get this at Target grab about half a cup and put it into a Ziploc bag next correction this is a hefty bag but what you can also do is grab a cup and just roll it around like this next add in two tablespoons of the powder whisk it it'll look something like this add in a half cup of coconut oil now you're gonna mix it I prefer to use my hands it's just a lot easier you'll know when you're done mixing it when it feels like wet sand and it should look like this now grab a jar and pour your mixture in slap a lid on and now you know how to make a strawberry sugar scrub let's try it hi welcome to my bathroom okay let's try it so you only need a little bit if you're doing just your hands and you can use this all over your body just need a little bit of water oh this feels so good okay wait why does this feel really detailed like that doesn't make sense okay let me rinse it off before the video ends so I can tell you what it feels like oh wait what is going on it feels like lotion oh my gosh mother G is coming up you guys need to try this seriously pull Noodle and the jump rope kind of pieces of the jump rope off and tie it around the pool noodle like this take a sharpie and draw a c shape on both sides I'll stick a gift bow on the top like cut out some ears and add googly eyes and now you know how to make it up I'm doing a giveaway the first prize is vacation theme the second one is self-care for the vacation when I got you this Starbucks cup and water bottle pineapple tree hut scrub it smells so good this travel set into this one I really want one now my favorite palette my favorite candle hey new colada sunscreen cleanser vacation to me smells like this lotion so I had to put it in lip injection liquid bronzer lip balm more lip balm waterproof mascara a cute makeup bag were twins because I bought myself some pineapple squishmallow lastly a Starbucks gift card now I'm doing self-care I got you this Starbucks cup and water bottle lavender scrub this one's my favorite it's hotter cleansing and hydrating kit my favorite eye patches and eye cream when I like this candle I feel so motivated it's actually scary but that's why I love it face roller lineage lip mask a hair mask lotion cleanser and moisturizer glow recipe Mist lip balm with all of this sorry I'm running out of time this giveaway is being held on my Instagram the rules to enter will be in the caption of my most recent post good luck grab six bowls place a handful of cheese in each Bowl add food coloring to each one and mix yes hot pan lay down the cheese and put another tortilla on top now you know how to make rainbow quesadillas let's try it okay here we go wow part two I'm gonna try to make spackler for the wall above my bed should I do this in the garage yes no yes cover the couch so it's fine I hope you wrote my design so I don't mess up now I'm supposed to mix this a bit of messes up okay it's flat it's actually really fun now I'm gonna use this to make the wave I just fell on this corner I'm gonna hurry and do the top now I feel like I'm decorating a cake okay this will turn white when it dries I'm gonna work on the second one now let's look past the dump site I just made and look how cute these are now I'm gonna let them dry before I paint them so yeah I'll be right back yo what up I'm scrolling through Tick Tock and this cute girl did something so amazing that blew my mind so I'm going to show you guys exactly what she did so you're gonna need some baby oil she's a coconut one but I'm sure this one's fine so it's gonna look like this you're gonna take out the little dispenser thing on the top oh boo just eating my plants can have a kiss I mean I love you but you still want to get messy [Music] okay now take a brand new highlighter I got this one at like Target I think and crush it I'm gonna use a clean makeup brush so here I keep timing it wrong so I get cut off but this is what it looks like so far so pretty once that's done grab a little paper and make a funnel so that it fits in the bottle like this now pour the highlighter into the bottle let's see if I can do this oh now you're gonna shake it but I'm just removing the stickers off the bottom okay it's all mixed together let's try it we in the dark oh snap got some on my bed oh look at that so pretty yo what up I'm gonna try and make Valentine's Day themed mystery gift bags for my sister and he's so cute back has a theme so I'm starting with self-care I got them both strawberry sugar scrub it's my new favorite it smells so good face mask this lip care set and bath bombs next bag is DIY themed got them cake pop kids they're so cute this is random but I got my mommy grow your own Strawberry Patch Kid I'm excited next bag is candy please enjoy this ASMR just kidding that was very bad it is 2 A.M though the next bag is something cute so I found a teddy bear holding a marshmallow on a stick forget the S'mores Kit that's and then this donut and milk I think that's milk I'm not sure but it's really cute I'm gonna put heart-shaped candy boxes in the big bag another donut plush and a chocolate bar it's really soft lastly for my niece I got a color changing salt lamp watermelon body glaze and a daisy grow kit for my sister I got a journal and some Sharpies flower grow kit and a fruit loops body glaze now I'm adding tissue paper read for my sister in pink for Minis so good I can't wait to see their reactions also I did one through five and they'll open up one per day till Valentine's Day you guys really wanted to see me use my DIY hot chocolate station so here we go let's grab a coaster put that back grab a cup people pouring in some two percent let's do mint truffle into the microwave wow you've been practicing your whole life okay hi dishes we are ready for the powder we'll do one scoop in there the energy is not here today grabbing a stirring stick and stirring I'm adding one of these cookie thingies marshmallows four marshmallows a truffle these ones are the best and lastly Halloween Oreos and that's it well I'm gonna go watch some scary movies good night don't let the cookie bite I'm gonna try to become that girl but I need an aesthetic night routine so let's plan one first hydrate I don't have any more lemons I'm gonna make a cute snack to post to my Instagram first add yogurt and flatten it out clean the edges now just add some fruit and make it look cute and granola I like this one getting ready for my Batgirl shower so I'm laying my PJs out on my best stuff so good I always start with my hair I use olaplex once a week and Moroccan oil every day this is my favorite hair mask right now now I'm gonna grab a clean washcloth body wash it's hard to fill in the shower at the same time I'm literally not even doing it I'm gonna do it yep now I'm gonna exfoliate this stuff is so good I feel like it works better when you use the glove time to shave this is the best for getting dead skin off your feet body conditioner now I'm actually going to shower I'll be right back lotion more lotion double cleanse if it's not Image Skincare I'll still like it but not as much the scrub it's giving Mike Wazowski but we like that mask oh my goodness this is a lot of work I forgot toner we'll try again next time serums so aesthetic finally eye cream and moisturizer let's see if I can do this with the weather always tap your toothbrush for good luck my hair is basically dry I'm gonna put it up with this towel scrunchie now I'm just getting more water okay you didn't make it she does this every night here's your ice cube I don't have a humidifier but I do have a book and I'm gonna watch Love Island I'm probably not going to sleep until three or four o'clock in the morning but I did it anyway
Channel: Laugh Daily
Views: 3,263,954
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tik tok, tiktok, tik tok funny, try not to laugh, try not to laugh kids, funny videos, tik tok compilation, HoneyBobaBear, That Girl Tiktoks, HoneyBobaBear Tik Tok, cleaning, organizing tik tok
Id: Ft1ivce1K78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 219min 26sec (13166 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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