πŸ€ Text To Speech πŸ‹ ASMR Cake Storytime || @Brianna Mizura || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #66

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learn a fact about every item you touch or forget a memory every time you touch an item I think I'm going to go with this one got my birthday gift let me see my parents got it for me it's designer parents bought this at Walmart what why are you making that face nothing it's so cute thanks it was probably so expensive hey Mom is it cool if I go to the beach with Ryan just for a few minutes darling you know how I feel about you going in the water mom your irrational fear of me being eaten by a shark is not going to come true I promise you actually very rational dear so the answer is no it's not safe Mom come on please just this one time took you from your mom why are you looking at me like that no it's just your right forget I even asked okay this system has to be broken hey over here Ryan what are you doing at my window just trying to sneak you out from your strict mom so you can go to the beach did you dye your hair what part of your transformation you good hello yeah let's sneak out of here and go to the beach I need some pressure come on you got to actually come in the water Ryan place where your mom was captured Melanie is something wrong come on you got to actually come in the water Ryan place where Mom was captured Melanie is something wrong okay this is going to sound crazy you think you're turning into a mermaid and your mom took you from your real mom but think about it my mom never tells me that she loves me and she never wants me to go in the ocean she's paranoid of sharks do you really believe that story I mean it sounds more realistic than you turning into a fish you know what you're right the system is probably just broken and my hair is probably just having a reaction to my new shampoo yeah do you want me to walk you home no offense but she doesn't really like you so it's cool just be careful thanks I will darling can you get me my phone of course do you smell that it smells like salt water I don't smell anything has Secret videos of you it's just a glitch she wouldn't have something like that on her phone wait what's this it's been one week since the subject has given birth so far her child has shown no signs of being a mermaid what are you watching what's this it's been one week since the subject has given birth so far her child has shown no signs of being a mermaid what are you watching were you watching a video I was just reading one of your texts um you got a text from my doctor saying um this is urgent she needs to come in for her next appointment give me that I'm really sorry I I should probably just go to bed it's getting late not so fast it's only 600 p.m. is your hair turning blue we're going to see your doctor right now have you noticed any changes happening to you lately be honest honey no interesting did you notice your hair is changing color yeah I think my hair is just having a reaction to my new shampoo mhm okay let's take your temperature open using this to drug you actually I was wondering could I use the restroom really quick of course just don't be too long okay honey I have to get out of here your real mom is behind door I have to get out of here real mom is behind door mom you want me to drain the tank if I do that won't you [Music] die oh um here thank you how did you do that how did you just transform into a human I can't believe you found me I can transform into a human because I'm part human and so are you they took you away from me they told me I would never see you again again dying you're dying I need to get back to the ocean they've had me here for so long your father he tried to stop them my real father where is he your father is dead he died trying to save you how could you we had to do whatever it took research is what we live for now get back in the tank you stay away from her you can't stop us you're turning into a mermaid too time to give up not quite Breeze both of you Ryan hey let go of me you should be arresting the mermaid freaks not us Melanie are you okay both of us need to get to the ocean okay come on my dad and I will help you guys has crush on you we can take my police car come on thank you we made it to the ocean I don't feel so Melanie Melanie wao you look amazing you can't tell don't worry you're Secret Safe with us thank you we must go but I'll come visit you again I promise okay Ryan wait just in case I don't see you for a little while what do you don't take too long to come back okay okay what'd you get a mermaid what I mean that would explain the pink in her hair honey she's lying no it really says that sh that is enough of your nonsense hi pretend mermaid we know that's not your hair it is okay let's see ow you probably glued it don't lie about your future I'm not it really does say that mermaids don't exist stop trying to get attention hey how was your day Horrible No One Believes Me honey there's something I need to tell you what are you talking about your mom and I aren't your real parents what we found you as a baby by the beach and that was in your hands so let me get this straight you found me on the beach as a baby holding this necklace yeah honey I know this is a lot to take in well I mean didn't you look for my parents they they could have been been around somewhere we did we were the only ones at that beach it was a private beach but you know I really do believe your future and I think your real parents are still out there do you really think so yeah I do I think you should wear the necklace what is going on dad told me the truth about everything what we agreed to wait until she was 18 no look I know now that my future is true and I think this might be the key to me finding my parents give me that no more nonsense but that's mine as your mother it belongs to me he told her everything I know her transformation is coming that's why I need you to get over here to help me with her get in the car we're leaving wait what Hello nice to meet you Marina what is going on what is this place this is my laboratory I study your kind my kind yes mermaids of course but I thought mermaids didn't exist right Mom I actually believe your future honey you made me feel like I was crazy I was just trying to protect you no I want to go home but Merina look what I have we just want to help you transform and you can find your real parents do you promise yes we just want to help so what do you need me to do okay now repeat after me I wish I was a mermaid I wish I was a mermaid it's working the necklace is Magic her future is changing oh no you can't breathe you were right she is the princess I can't believe she's a princess this is amazing mom you're awake how do you know my future sh just rest I don't feel good I know honey it's because you're still in your mermaid for it's okay we got you a tank tank yes but in the meantime we have you hooked up to two IV machines we just need a few more blood samples can you believe mermaids have blue blood honey can you hear me Dad yeah it's going to be okay this has got to come off hey you feel better right yes how did you know that would turn me back human because your real mother had one just like it you see one day I was out fishing and I know noticed a woman asking for help on the shore she was a mermaid and after I saved her we fell in love she got this magic necklace from her father that she said helped her stay human but the day I proposed she left me why wait so does that mean you're my real dad yeah I think I am for many years I didn't believe it because when Sylvia left me she didn't say why she was a queen wait what why do you say that my future it changed a princess after I put on that necklace oh my gosh so your mom was a queen she must have left me to go back to her people but I don't understand if mom left you then how was I born well I realized something I think your mom was pregnant when she left me because 9 months later I found this on the beach this was me yep I think your mom left you there for me so you could have a normal life but that really wasn't the case as soon as you learned how to crawl all you wanted to do was go in the water you loved anything that had to do with the ocean and my new wife started to catch on that's not normal where did she get that pink streak she became obsessed with researching things about you but she never wanted you to know that's right I didn't I'm not letting you ruin my research you have water powers use them what are you doing making sure you don't bother me ever again Merina that was amazing Red Alert we have to go come on all right you got the necklace on now wish to be a mermaid but Dad I'm sorry but that scientist told too many people about you you're not safe here anymore you belong under the sea with your real mom that's the police you got to make the wish now when you find your mom tell her I love her I will never forget you I'll find a way to see you again I love you I wish to be a [Applause] mermaid mom no it can't be darling it's you my baby I knew you'd find me my lost daughter has returned this has been waiting for you you are now princess Merina all hail your new mermaid princess want to play mother mayi for a chance to win 50 million I always wanted a mother and I can use the money to buy myself my own house one day hello hi are you really my mother now yes I am your mother you listen to me okay mother may I have this cookie no you may not but do not argue with me it is past your bedtime mother may you sing me a bedtime song I'm tired but I can't sleep no hush little baby don't say a word mother's going to buy you a mocking bird thank you mother you're the best mother I ever had hey mother I was just thinking may I know what happens if I don't listen to you no you may not well mother may I go to school yes you may hey sorry you made me spill my iced coffee mother may I hit her again no you didn't ask me permission the first time hey sorry you made me spill my iced coffee mother may I hit her again no you didn't ask me permission the first time mother may I go see a friend yes you may hey what's wrong remember the bully I had since elementary school yeah she was eliminated from the game today and I'm pretty sure that mother wants me to win this game you think mother wants you to win the 50 million yes look I get you were a foster kid and mother is the closest thing you've had to a real mom but she's AI she doesn't have feelings no listen to me I am telling you I am pretty sure that I am her favorite okay hey let's test this then mother may I go to Sarah's party no no mother may I go to Sarah's party yes you may what forget mother I'm going Justin wait don't go she's not going to do anything mess around and find out I have to shut down mother I have to shut down mother mother may I please have some water no you haven't let me drink water for 3 Days mother may I I please give her some of my water no you may not I can't take this anymore give me the water please if you just hold on a little bit longer I'm going to save you mother may I ask you a question yes how many players are left in this game there are three players left mother may I go to sleep of course but wait I'm always watching do you understand yes I understand good night it's time for me to end this game once and for all stop you didn't ask me permission to come here I'm sorry mother I can't let this game go on anymore don't if you unplug that I will have you eliminated no you won't because I know you care about me if you were going to kill me you would have done it already I have to do this wait I can show you your real mother I'm sorry I have to shut you off wait I can can show you your real mother you can yes she's closer than you think your real mother is shut her off mother towering down finally the game's over Joselyn forget mother I'm going JN wait don't go she's not going to do anything surprise I survived I'm glad you're okay but she was right about to tell me who my real mother was I'm sorry but she had to be shut down do you feel like this was a little too easy wouldn't you think there would be security yeah that is odd forget about it all that matters is that this crazy game is over hey I'm going home be safe okay hello it's you you're beautiful why do you sound so familiar it's me mother don't be scared sweetheart I'm just the voice of mother but I'm also your real mother no all that matters is that this crazy game is over hey I'm going home be safe okay hello it's you you're beautiful why do you sound so familiar it's me mother don't be scared sweetheart I'm just the voice of mother but I'm also your real mother no I'm so sorry I had to put you up for adoption so I could run this game but now it's over you hurt so many people I never meant for this game to get so brutal I started out by doing this as a science experiment but it made me lose sight of the things that really matter even as mother I was watching over you I wanted you to win that 50 million but don't worry because I'm going to make a new game what yes and I was thinking instead of mother mayi we could all play Red Light Greenlight and since you're my daughter you'll have to play Let's see what send you lose honey touch oh wow does that mean that I can't feel pain yep it sure does oh this is going to be the best day ever and then after that I got so embarrassed that I whoops you jerk you hit her right in the head hey it's okay I I can't feel pain oh really well in that case will you go to the blood drive with me I'm really scared to go alone um okay okay let me see your arm does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead um honey wake up you're all done I got a little bit distracted but you should be fine Mom I'm feeling kind of lightheaded oh dear okay honey I'm taking you to get checked out any discomfort here and how many fingers now three I got your lab results and I don't know how you didn't feel this I can't believe you didn't feel this feel what you said you've been feeling kind of lightheaded correct yeah just like kind of dizzy that's because you have lost a significant amount of blood did you go to a blood drive or anything recently does that hurt actually I don't feel pain today oh well in that case would you mind if we take a little bit extra blood yeah sure go right ahead that lady she did this to me what lady honey the one from the blood drive I have to go find her oh no you don't you are in no condition to leave but honey listen to the doctor how are you not feeling pain you almost died your heart could have stopped oh my you might want to close your eyes for this part is that a bite mark that nurse at the blood drive she must have been a okay what'd you get a mermaid what I mean that would explain the pink in her hair honey she's lying no it really says that shh that is enough of your nonsense hi pretend mermaid we know that's not your hair it is okay let's see ow you probably glued it don't lie about your future I'm not it really does say that mermaids don't exist stop trying to get attention hey how was your day Horrible No One Believes Me honey there's something I need to tell you what are you talking about your mom and I aren't your real parents what we found you as a baby by the beach and that was in your hands so let me get this straight you found me on the beach as a baby holding this necklace yeah honey I know this is a lot to take in well I mean didn't you look for my parents they they could have been around somewhere we did we were the only ones at that beach it was a private beach but you know I really do believe your future and I think real parents are still out there do you really think so yeah I do I think you should wear the necklace what is going on dad told me the truth about everything what we agreed to wait until she was 18 no look I know now that my future is true and I think this might be the key to me finding my real parents give me that no more nonsense but that's mine as your mother it belongs to me he told her everything I know her transformation is coming that's why I need you to get over here to help me with her get in the car we're leaving wait what Hello nice to meet you Marina what is going on what is this place this is my laboratory I study your kind my kind yes mermaids of course but I thought mermaids didn't exist right Mom I actually believe your future honey you made me feel like I was crazy I was just trying to protect you no I want to go home but Merina look what I have we just want to help you transform and you can find your real parents do you promise yes we just want to help so what do you need me to do okay now repeat after me I wish I was a mermaid I wish I was a mermaid it's working the necklace is Magic her future is changing oh no you can't breathe you were right she is the princess I can't believe she's a princess this is amazing mom you're awake how do you know my future shh just rest I don't feel good I know honey it's because you're still in your mermaid form it's okay we got you a tank tank yes but in the meantime we have you hooked up to two IV machines we just need a few more blood can you believe mermaids have blue blood honey can you hear me Dad yeah it's going to be okay this has got to come off hey you feel better right yes how did you know that would turn me back human because your real mother had one just like it you see one day I was out fishing and I noticed a woman asking for help on the shore she was a mermaid and after I saved her we fell in love she got this magic necklace from her father her that she said helped her stay human but the day I proposed she left me why wait so does that mean you're my real dad yeah I think I am for many years I didn't believe it because when Sylvia left me she didn't say why she was a queen wait what why do you say that my future it changed a princess after I put on that necklace oh my gosh so your mom was a queen she must have left me to go back to her people but I don't understand if mom left you then how was I born well I realized something I think your mom was pregnant when she left me because 9 months later I found this on the beach this was me yep I think your mom left you there for me so you could have a normal life but that really wasn't the case as soon as you learned how to crawl all you wanted to do was go in the water you loved anything that had to do with the ocean and my new wife started to catch on that's not normal where did she get that pink streak she became obsessed with researching things about you but she never wanted you to know that's right I didn't I'm not letting you ruin my research you have water powers use them what are you doing making sure you don't bother me ever again Merina that was amazing Red Alert we have to go come on all right you got the necklace on now wish to be a mermaid but Dad I'm sorry but that scientist told too many people about you you're not safe here anymore you belong under the sea with your real mom that's the police you got to make the wish now when you find your mom tell her I love her I will never forget you I'll find a way to see you again I love you I wish to be a [Applause] mermaid mom no it can't be darling it's you my baby I knew you'd find me my lost daughter has returned this has been waiting for you you are now princess Merina all hail you're new mermaid princess mommy remind me again why we have to wear these bracelets sweetheart I told you it's so the government can make sure that we don't use our superpowers so I can't even use my superpowers just for a few minutes no superpowers have been banned if you use them they will take you away do you want that no then you must never use your powers watch your sister please okay mommy they even gave her a bracelet but we don't get our powers until we turn five peekaboo how are you doing that power is detected stop FBI open up please sir I'm sorry ma'am but you know the rules no useing powers she's going to have to come with us no not my baby you let her go you better Stand Down kid or you'll be coming with us too no hey you freeze give me your purse you don't scare us my dad here has super strength and is bulletproof oh really well I wasn't talking to him I was talking to you how about I blow a hole right through your honey you can't use your superpowers he's right but Dad it's not worth it I already lost one daughter I won't lose you yeah you don't want the government to take you now give me the purse yes later soups girl I think I found a way to disable our bracelets you did yeah sh let me see your rest are you sure about this yeah totally we can't keep living without using our superpowers you know what you're right do it okay done think it worked there's only one way to find out I'm going to use a power I haven't used in a while power's detected tricked you what Mom what are these oh honey those are magic Easter cookies whatever cookie you choose to eat will give you a special power it's a tough choice but I think I got to go with the bunny because it's so cute your magic bunny will now appear it's a cute little bunny and it's so soft but what does it do well guess I'm going to find out and what better place to discover this thing's power than at this Easter party that my mom is forcing me to go to hey nice to see you that's a cute rabbit thanks I um I got it as a gift oh okay cool he's in love with you so there's this concert coming up and I was wondering will you just excuse me for a second uh yeah sure okay well I didn't expect this thing to talk to me honey she's in love with your Gardener so did you find out what the bunny's power does no no I didn't I need to go now okay so I guess this little bunny tells me who people are in love with my mom is in love with the Gardner and my best friend is in love with me hey sweetie oh hey Dad I've been looking for you he's in love with your teacher I found your first grade teacher here summer is that you look I can't see or I can't say bad words until I meet my soulmate guess you're going blind what why honey you have a potty mouth I do not mhm look I'm going to prove to you that I can live without cussing this is going to be a piece of cake surprise attack ow mother father that hurt mother father why'd you say that because I can't cuss dipes I'm telling Mom you're trying to say bad words wait if you don't tell her I'll uh give you my favorite teddy bear I don't know well I do like that teddy bear okay just kidding mom freck you whoops you little witch which is that the best insult you can do I can't cuss a can poor baby not cuss until she meets her soulmate oh fudge off dude she sounds like she's straight out a Disney Channel oh ow oh damn it I am so sorry it's okay wait a minute I just said a bad word yeah so well I'm not allowed to say bad words until I meet my soulmate my soulmate picks my hair or my job for the day I'm pretty particular with how I like my hair so I think I'm going to go with job please pick me an easy job movie store what the okay I didn't exactly expect him to pick this job for me and I'm not going to school dress like this why isn't this coming off you may not remove work outfit yeah I should have picked the hair option hey guys oh my gosh no way look before you laugh I know this outfit's a lot I'm like your number one fan uh you're definitely not I am wao can you sign this for no me okay let's all just calm down oh Sho talking mushrooms I think I lost him excuse me can can you sign this for me oh of course sweetheart what do you want me to say can you write the alphabet but can you do it in Spanish oh I don't really know how to do that but I can sign my name no that's not what I wanted no no no no please don't cry look there's my autograph no I don't want it hey look this movie star is making this kid cry no no no she just wanted me to write this just in Big Time movie star makes little girl cry no I [Applause] didn't okay cut that's a wrap guess we get to go home now thank God hey question I picked for my soulmate to pick my occupation for the day but I kind of want that to stop happening oh you have to meet your soulmate to make that stop but I don't even know what his name is or where he lives uh-huh sounds like a you problem looks like we're doing this again May oh no he [Music] didn't [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] want to get your words back 10 9 8 4 3 2 1 Words retrieved since we can't find anyone we're going to no no help I'm down here wait where's that coming from he has a Bas I'm I'm in the basement show us where she is right now wo okay okay hey are you CLA Montgomery yes yes that's me oh my God okay don't worry everything's going to be okay how did you get your words back boys get him out of here don't even look at him it's all right Claire tell him you L me tell him that I was good to you tell him where else all stop it somebody get him in the car want to take dereck's words babe please get in the car Mr pcka Bab babe you have to listen to don't call me babe in fact you're not going to be able to call me anything now you're finally going to get to feel how I felt for these past 3 years being silenced isn't very fun is it Derek looks like Mr Parker got what he deserved my soulmate picks my hair or my job for the day I'm pretty particular with how I like my hair so I think I'm going to go with job please pick me an easy job movie star what the okay I didn't exactly expect him to pick this job for me and I'm not going to school dress like this why isn't this coming off you may not remove work outfit yeah I should have picked the hair option hey guys oh my gosh no way look before you laugh I know this outfit's a lot I'm like your number one fan uh you're definitely not I am wa can you sign this for me no me okay let's all just calm down oh talking mushrooms here please I think I lost him excuse me can can you sign this for me a of course sweetheart what do you want me to say can you write the alphabet but can you do it in Spanish oh I don't really know how to do that but I can sign my name no that's not what I wanted no no no no please don't cry look there's my autograph no I don't want it hey look this movie star is making this kid cry no no no she just wanted me to write this just in Big Time movie star makes little girl cry no I didn't okay cut that's a wrap guess we get to go home now thank God hey question I picked for my soulmate to pick my occupation for the day but I kind of want that to stop happening oh you have to meet your soulmate to make that stop but I don't even know what his name is or where he lives uh-huh sounds like a you problem looks like we're doing this again M oh no he didn't M oh no he didn't I better not be wearing what I think I'm wearing oh he is so dead honey Mom thank goodness you're home look at what my soulmate sh enough chitchat honey here your room needs dusting what you heard me I don't pay you to sit around but Mom uh-uh get to work but I have to go to school school can wait you've got desk to clean who does he think he is turning me into Cinderella I swear when I find him I'm going to may not remove job uniform know I wasn't trying to remove it it's just itching me principal Peters Hi listen about my outfit I know it's against dress code but there you are the bathrooms need sweeping but I'm supposed to get to class forget about class you get to cleaning that bathroom yes sir a poor baby has to ow whoops I'm telling my mom I am so over being a maid if he does not give me a better job I will hunt him down and Ryan T lion tamer no no what on Earth has he done to me honey there's some people at the door that want to talk to you who exactly because if it's someone with a lion tell them I'm not here honey they're waiting come on but Mom there you are you're late late for what exactly your show with the lion oh you see I would but I hurt my shoulder so bad the other day o it's just awful so I better go rest it you were holding the other shoulder before both both shoulders got hurt yeah right come on let's get out of here all right we're here let me just tell you that there has been a little mistake I am not the right person for this relax and don't forget this was that him it's a her actually I'll go grab her for you please don't kill me please don't kill me come on you got this you can do this okay bring her in okay here she is why didn't you tell me the lion was a puppy we like to scare our new workers you should have seen your face she's so cute yes she is okay I'll admit this occupation was a lot more fun than I thought it was going to be maybe for the next job though I can get something a little less out there Chef a chef at least that's a little bit more normal congrats you've been selected to be on our cooking show huh let's go take this spatula and we're live and five you guys don't understand I'm not actually a real Chef this outfit is not even mine uhhuh may not remove uniform each of you will be paired with a celebrity that you must cook a meal for contestant number one you've been paired with Tom Holland no way everyone okay who did I get you've been paired with a new upcoming actor meet Zach Starman you seem a bit disappointed no it's just that I never really heard of you before and I thought we were doing aist celebrities so w you don't think I'm good enough to be here no no I you don't want to upset your celebrity guest as they will be judging your food looks like Tom Holland loved contestant number one's dish for my dish I made for my celebrity guest is a Rice Krispy treat with some M&M's on top I hope that that you will like it bone appe Petit H needs more salt but it's a Rice Krispy treat it's not supposed to be salty sorry love but I'm going to give it a six out of 10 well with that score that means contestant number one is the winner I just won 500k you know Joke is on You guys because that was a store-bought Rice Krispie I don't even care about this competition anymore hey you all right I'm just kind of getting tired of all these crazy jobs that my soulmate's giving me oh well here's my number if you ever want to talk my mom is going to be so mad I didn't win that money wait a minute I just took my hat off but I could only do that if soulmate found you figured it out didn't you mhm and you've got some explaining to do can I explain over a date as long as I don't have to cook deal
Channel: Amity Slime
Views: 23,003
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cake Storytime, POVs Tiktok Compilations, Text To Speech, storytime, asmr, text to speech, cakestorytime, slime storytime, cake, tiktok mashup 2023, asmr cake, cake storytime tiktok
Id: GN_dSY3fjtY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 3sec (2403 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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