I Busted 500 Myths In GTA 5!

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apparently you can hit yourself with a molotov in gta 5. so if i do it regularly with no mods there's no way i can run in time to hit myself but we have mods so i'm going to do is make everything slow-mo and then make me not slo-mo so let's throw the molotov e-oink and then look i can walk normally and oh god this is gonna take a while there's the molotov and it went right through me what i'm gonna try that one more time yeah no it doesn't work you can't hit yourself with the molotov guys that is one myth out of the 500 myths we're going to be busting in today's video this is not clickbait 500 are you ready this is gonna be a jesus this is gonna be a really long video so get a snack get a drink and let's go on to myth number two next myth apparently you can hold your breath longer than franklin so i'm gonna hold my breath you guys try to hold your breath longer than franklin as well and let's see [Music] okay that was freaking easy franklin has weak lungs anyways let me know in the comments if you beat franklin next fifth in gta 6 there will be a main character that is a female so i don't think it's 100 confirmed but there is this on a website grand theft auto 6 leaker hints at a female protagonist so i'm not gonna confirm or bust this myth but that would be sick right that'd be so cool it'd be such a change to the game so yeah i would love to see a female protagonist in gta 6. when it's raining in gta 5 cars will actually use windshield wipers so they have windshield wipers you can see them on the car are they ever going to use them i'm just going to follow them for a little bit and let's see cars don't use windshield wipers this is actually i feel like kind of an easy detail they could have added interesting i mean they have windshield wipers you can see them but they are never used in gta5 all right that's busted in gta 5 when it's raining and you're going fast you can actually hydroplane and lose control just like in real life so let's see we're just going to go real fast okay it is a little bit slippery than normal guys it is but i'm not like losing control really i don't think hydroplaning exists in gta 5. they better add that gta 6 though that's busted can you break glass by punching it so we have some glass here it's just a bus stop and yeah you can now real test is do i have a bloody hand no it doesn't look like it that would have been an insane detail though anyways it's confirmed if you drag a body up to a cop will they arrest you i just dragged this body over here i don't think this cop cares wait there is a cop no it's just an ambulance for the dead body that i just killed the cop doesn't even care bro are you kidding me all right that's your problem now that's busted they they won't arrest you next myth is gta 6 out according to rockstar's internal reports the release date of gta 6 isn't until 2026. i can't think of that many ideas no gta 6 is not out it's almost been 10 years from the release of gta 5. i'm going to cry frick in a recent busting miss video that i did i said that none of the characters pee or poop in the game they just hold their pee and poo forever but i was wrong actually there is a cutscene where trevor actually pees look he was just peeing it is confirmed trevor it is also confirmed that trevor poops just found this video there's another cutscene of trevor so i guess only trevor poops and peas michael and franklin do not poop or pee sorry that is a that was a weird myth but it's confirmed trevor poops and peace the more you know if you pee on a cop they will arrest you so we have a cop right down there let's just uh piano definitely went on the cob oh my god there's p all over the wall right there okay i'm gonna i'm gonna try it one more time and pee okay all over his back he doesn't even care is busted the cop will not arrest you if you be on it next myth if you like this video you'll get good luck for the rest of the week it's confirmed no way no yeah it's actually confirmed you get good luck so just try it out leave a like there's a new animation also next myth can zombies get to you if you're on top of a building oh my god there is so many zombies oh they're jumping at me oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god okay yep they can they definitely can that's terrifying i'm dead i'm freaking dead oh that's busted they could definitely get to you geez that was terrible they're like can you walk across the freeway without getting hit let's try it we've done this with running and it is possible but how about walking i'm not even gonna be looking frick all right let's just try it like five times and let's see the outcome oh my god i'm so close you can you can you can okay it only took me two tries that's crazy you can do it that's awesome just casual don't try this at home there is a stairway that leads to absolutely nothing in gta 5. it's confirmed it's this stairway you also cannot walk on this stairway but let's just follow it up and see where it takes you so you go up you keep going up and and this is the end of the stairway right it's just a circle what's above the circle let's just see let's just keep going up it's just this it's just the parking lot there's literally a stairway that leads to nothing pretty weird right why'd they put this hmm they didn't think i'd check anyways yeah confirmed weird in gta 5 can you go from a penny to a million dollars in less than a day uh confirmed i did it me yeah that's right look at this series right here it's confirmed if you've watched the videos you would know can you drown in one inch high water so there's water here i'm just gonna like play dead and let's see am i under water i think i'm floating oh i'm not wait that's actually an insane detail no way your character floats so that he can breathe just like in real life well busted you can't drown in one inch water because your character floats what that is crazy as you can see at the bottom right i have a speedometer apparently you cannot go 100 miles per hour for 10 seconds without crashing so we're gonna try it okay i cannot crash um i'm going 100 miles per hour start the timer one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i did it let's go that's busted i can do it next myth apparently you can run right past the train just like in the movie so i'm gonna go at the last second and go go go go that was the closest you could possibly get don't mind the thomas the train curse mod but wow i actually thought i was gonna get hit you could do it that's crazy apparently in gta 5 when it's nighttime and you take out your phone your phone will actually like flash light on your face like like it would in real life so let's see whoa it actually does wait that's actually crazy dude what dude the details in this gate they didn't have to add that wow if you burn money in gta 5 the cops will come after you it is illegal to burn money or like destroy money in real life so let's see if it's uh you know if it's illegal in the game hey thomas you doing good the cops ain't coming it's busted can you tightrope walk in gta 5. so we have a rope all the way up to the other little smoke thing i'm going to try it just by walking without a gun it's easier all right let's try it [Music] no way yo no way franklin got mad balance can i do the whole thing oh first try no way oh god no okay well you can it's confirmed next myth can your phone die in gta 5 as you can see at the top left of the phone there is a battery so will this battery go down if i hold it and keep it on for a long time let's see i'll i'll be i'll be back um did it die no it did not die it's 3am wow franklin how where can i get your phone apparently this fire right here will never go out we have a fire extinguisher please go out it looks like it went out right but it didn't it's clearly raining very hard the fire is still going you know what i'm going to move this underwater let's see if it's still lit yup it's still lit under water this fire never goes out that's confirmed that's crazy apparently i have busted the most gta 5 myths out of anyone that's a fact 500 are you kidding me it's confirmed apparently traffic will go crazy if the power in the city goes out power is out what happens okay that did that car run the wait no these cars are stopped i think they have a gr whoa they're going a little fast i'm not gonna lie are they maybe not wait no this is just normal yeah all the car the car's obeying traffic okay very interesting it's busted okay what happened there that bus just ran into that light i don't know busted i don't what is going on with this bus sassy bus i'm gonna say confirmed i think i think it's just normal do cats have nine lives what okay that was one life two lives three lot no way three lives four lives five lives they only have five lives [Music] i was actually so shocked when the cat got back up for the first time that's crazy it's busted they only have five but still that's kind of cool i thought for sure that would have been like an easter egg or something the fact that cats take five bullets that's crazy just to test real quick how many bullets does it take to kill like a person there's one died from what white cats are stronger than humans what apparently this spot is the best spot in a zombie apocalypse in gta 5. so we're going to stand here and yeah there's zombies everywhere let's just see what happens oh maybe not the reason why i thought that would be a good space is because cops actually cannot shoot you through this this little spot right here it's like an invincible barrier so but it doesn't work in a zombie podcast that's awesome next myth does mr beast give you money in gta 5. so here we have mr beast why does he have a baguette um anyways mr beast can i have some money oh hey what was that for oh he has a machete now okay what his bread turned into a machete he does not give you money guys he don't attempt this freak you da okay i'm leaving busted next myth apparently the only way to kill a zombie is by shooting it in the head so as you can see boom dead instantly right he's dead he's not getting back up let's try shooting it elsewhere not dead that's two that's three that's four that's five stronger than a cat that's six that's seven eight nine ten he's still alive there's no way 33 okay you can kill them so it is busted but shooting in the head is much quicker i'd say as you can see they're just dead instantly freak you so shooting in the head is not the only way but it's literally pointless up any other way wasting 33 bullets by the way 100 000 likes and i'll do 200 days in a zombie apocalypse next myth apparently your watch actually tells the correct time in game so what time is it 10 36 a.m and let's see let's go right up to that what does that say that says 3 36 336 right that's not correct i mean the 36 is pretty accurate though weirdly enough okay we are changing the time as you can see and nothing is happening with the watch i guess that was just lucky that it was 36 okay it's busted that would be really cool detail though if you fall while holding scissors in gta 5 you will get damaged there are no scissors but we have a knife all right so we're running we're running we're running and oh no okay it didn't even stab me hold on i'm gonna try to make it so like stabs me don't try this at home obviously wait i actually got hurt i actually took damage was that just from falling or i don't know i think i might have actually see i didn't get hurt that time wait i think i actually did take damage from the knife [Music] i don't know i'm gonna say confirmed i don't know though okay that time it definitely stabbed me and i didn't take damage you saw that i don't know i don't know half confirmed i don't know can you kill a zombie with a snowball i have a mod that makes snowballs into bricks so this is a snowball though so let's see can we kill him i'm gonna throw it right into his head boom let's try to hit the head okay we're just gonna keep doing this and see if he dies i don't this might take a long freaking time i just did all that work and i just freaking died are you kidding me i was trying to kill the other zombies so they okay we're gonna try one more time okay i'm gonna get the zombie weak with a pistol first okay we got a week now let's try attempting to kill it with a snowball [Music] he's dead you can confirmed it only fricking took forever god wow that's crazy all right you can kill a zombie with just snowballs apparently building reflections actually reflect accurately so let's see so we have a building there is there a building yes hold on is that yeah maze bank maze bank wait a second i think it's actually working if i stand up look there's all that you can see and then if i turn around it'll be exactly that yeah the brick oh yeah i mean it's like three pixels but i mean it kind of works bro that's actually kind of sick can you pour gasoline while unconscious uh so we're just gonna drop dead like that and let's see if we can pour gasoline we got our gasoline canister out [Applause] you can why can you do that what i just poured it dude just constantly boring it how does this make sense i can stop pouring it and i can start pouring it okay confirmed weird apparently if you shoot the widow maker into the water dead fish will start popping up dead fish are not popping up um everyone shut up stop screaming if you're standing in waist-high water and shoot an rpg at your feet you actually won't take damage or explode or anything no way oh my god for a second i thought no that's crazy okay so it just takes a second for the rpg to actually hit the ground as you can see look that's crazy all right it is busted but that's kind of cool if you pull the pin on tear gas but don't throw it you'll just drop dead after a few seconds so let's pull the pin there we go pulled it [Music] oh i automatically dropped it and now i'm starting to take damage okay let's try that one more time i'm gonna i'm holding the button i'm not doing anything else yeah it automatically drops it so that is busted fire will pop inflatable so we have a nice little tube right here you know it will pop if i shoot it with a gun or will it pop from fire no way come on rockstar come on that would totally burst like so quickly is it fireproof fireproof inflatables yeah that's busted they do not pop as you can see pops instantly when i shoot it though weird can the flame from a molotov that i'm holding actually burns something as you can see there is a flame on the cloth already burning so if i like say i fall onto this beach towel i missed will it start to burn so i'm on the beach towel and nothing's happening okay let's put the molotov up against some like wood so this is wood right so i'm gonna put the molotov up against the wood that should be burning it but nothing's happening that's busted we have mostly all of the balls in gta 5 lined up right here and apparently none of them actually pop when shot so let's try it we have a football nope soccer ball nope volleyball nope another volleyball nope beach ball beach ball pops basically just another beach ball other beach ball does not pop what bowling ball yeah that would be weird if that one popped basketball nope gumball machine oh okay he does pop tennis ball and fitness ball oh yeah that one that one pops okay none of the rest popped but yeah a couple of the balls actually did pop so that is busted some balls popped funny sentence i'm 12 years old do glasses protect you from bullets we know that coffee protects you from bullets you're holding your phone out protects you from bullets in gta 5. how about wearing glasses so let's shoot this guy he's just chilling he's vibing he's got glasses on they do not protect you unfortunately let's loot you thanks for the resources and on to the next apparently only shooting the tires of a car will make it explode so it obviously pops the tires but will it explode the vehicle eventually [Music] it's busted you cannot explode a car by just shooting at the tires as you can see right as i started shooting the actual car it is on fire and explodes busted in the spider-man movie spider-man can actually fully stop the train just by himself so we're going to try it in gta 5. here's the train and no no you can't you can't bust you can't no nope doesn't look like spider-man could stop the tree was that thomas the train by the way what the heck was that anyways busted nope spider-man kissed nothing that's just one movie myth out of the 30 we're busting let's get straight into the next one in basically every movie when you jump in a dumpster it basically gets rid of fall damage let's just jump off this building and see how much damage we take yoink and oh you see the blue bar went down quite a bit all right we're fully healed let's try to jump in a dumpster now [Music] i took even more damage what busted what was that yeah i did now in movies all the cool guys never look at explosions will franklin turn around and look at the explosion died dude in a movie they would definitely be alive still come on it's busted it's busted you just die in all of these scream films no one can beat ghostface in a knife fight so let's do it right now in gta 5. oh my god that freaking okay yeah so you can it's okay yep confirmed no one can beat him jesus he's op in the movie up balloons can lift a whole house so we're trying it in gta 5 um all right let's enter the house will this work here we go [Music] no way it fricking works freaking confirmed let's go up up and away let's freaking oh i just oh didn't mean to do that all right well there goes my house in indiana jones he survives like a nuke by getting inside of a fridge let's see if we can do that in gta 5. so i have a fridge here i put c4s all around me basically a nuke and let's get inside of this fridge all right let's close the door okay we're fully inside the fridge let's set off the nuke instantly dead bro busted how did indiana jones do it in this specific scene in this movie they are literally fighting underwater as you can see he's getting punched underwater okay so we have this guy right here he's underwater let's see if we can fight him oh wait we actually can we okay we're punching frick you free okay we can kind of do it right oh why am i just dying in all of these okay i'm gonna say confirmed though because we can punch underwater we are able to fight underwater according to youtube most people watching this video right now aren't subscribed so bust that myth i want everyone watching subscribed according to youtube for the analytics bust that myth and make everyone watching subscribe just subscribe try to hit 10 mil by the end of the year can we do it yes we can in a lot of movies guns actually work underwater and can fully kill someone underwater so i have someone right there as you can see he's underwater so can we kill him oh yep he he's dead okay so that's confirmed but another myth if you shoot a gun when it's under water the gun will also work will i be able to shoot this gun underwater all right i am underwater and can i shoot it yes i can okay you can shoot guns under water confirmed let's freaking go in a ton of cartoons and a ton of movies bananas are really slippery are they slippery in gta 5 though we have a big banana right here are they slippery oh okay they they actually are wait no way let's try that again they're slippery they're free no okay that is insane confirmed bananas are slippery in star wars darth vader throws his lightsaber trying to kill luke so we have our lightsaber right here let's see if we can throw it and kill someone in gta 5. you can't what the what is that yo this is sick yoink yoink e-link bro i'm insane this is opie bro lightsabers are crazy myth confirmed what about from really far away yoink oh yo let's go next myth in harry poppins umbrellas can make you just float basically basically just fly down very slowly will that work in gta 5 here we go no didn't work at all okay got it in squid game all the contestants had to go across this glass you guys know all the contestants had to go across this crazy glass bridge and a few of them actually made it now is it possible to do it in gta 5. i think i'm gonna pick left here we go okay nice nice let's go okay i'm feeling back to back left let's do it oh no way it can't be three left in a row we're going to write please please that's a far freaking jump bro go oh my god no way okay ah left again i don't know come on come on come on no wait oh okay well i freaking did it confirmed i don't care what you say i got so lucky though do spells from harry potter actually work in gta 5. we have our wand right here in game let's see if it works expecto patronum yeah freaking worked i'm so sorry myth confirmed in the spider-man movie spider-man can actually climb and walk on walls can he do that in gta 5 let's see oh no oh wait yep yeah he can all right cool oh i can run on them too yo that's sick confirmed now in a bunch of action movies there'll be people jumping across buildings can you do that in gta 5. we have a big gap right here can i jump from this to this without dying here we go oh i actually did it no way confirmed and you can continue fricking just running away from the villain in titanic after the boat synced both of them tried to get on a door to stay afloat but only one of them could do it will the door sink in gta 5 if we try to get on it oh oh but it doesn't look like it looks like it's freaking floating let's go but what about two people oh it does look like it stays afloat with two people jack could have stayed alive what the heck get the f frick yeah get in the water get in the fricking water freak that's how the movie should have ended in indiana jones he could outrun a boulder can you do that in gta 5 oh god go go oh that was easy hold on let's try that again all right here it goes come on come on okay well this is this is not going as planned where's the boulder where's the boulder oh god okay um myth busted no i could not outrun that that was fast and basically every zombie movie if you get bit you turn into a zombie will they turn into a zombie or will i die here we go here's a zombie oh my god okay um am i good am i good oh i got bit by twos i'm i'm a zombie i'm a zombie no no way okay confirmed you get turned into a zombie just like in the movies let's bite this guy yeah kind of looks like i'm making out with him i should stop that okay jesus oh my god sorry about that chief in the movie hot rod he couldn't clear the entire pool on a motorcycle so let's see if we can do that in gta 5. we have a nice looking pool here and uh yoink easy oh my god it cleared the freaking house as well busted we can do it in gta 5. easy in a ton of action movies there's always usually a scene where the character goes over the hood of the car kind of like that but is it actually faster let's test it no i don't know the exact time it'll be on the screen for you but definitely just running is much faster even probably just going around the car like that is much faster why don't they just do that in the movies in the new batman movie batman somehow survives this crazy like explosion of these giga trucks as you can see he clearly survives it jumps out of the flames and uh is a hero obviously okay we have the truck with the ramp we have a bunch of c4 and explosions on it let's see if the batmobile can survive it all right here we go here we go oh i survived it i actually survived it no way yo this thing's insane confirmed let's go just like the movies in the movie forrest gump forest never gets tired of running and can basically just run forever is that the same for gta 5 okay i've been running for a really long time um no you don't get tired in gta 5 apparently sweet it's confirmed in a ton of zombie movies if you shoot a zombie in the head they will die instantly so let's test that out uh oh dead instantly okay it worked confirmed wait let's just try it a couple more times dead dead dead dead dead yep it works confirmed shoot him in the head when thanos snaps half of the population disappears does that happen in gta 5 so let's do snap fingers there we go oh that was a meteor sorry about that here we go and snap did it work oh look at that did you see that people are disappearing no way there's no one driving the bus half these cars don't have anyone in them it works in the movie et they can fly around with the bike wherever they want i want to be able to do that so uh we're on a bike in gta 5. here we go can we fly if we go off a ramp no way you can you actually can can i do a backflip oh you can they should have done that in et that would have been sick 360 and land it okay well you can you can fly so confirmed in this scene iron man survives like an insane fall straight to the ground as you can see just gets up like nothing happens all right so i'm just flying my flying doesn't work anymore oh oh jesus i don't know what happened there but hey i'm i still survived let's try that one more time oh no no oh no my suit's broken oh no what am i gonna do i'm good i'm actually good okay wow confirmed iron man can survive literally anything sweet sorry about that in the movie get out the grandpa runs at the main character super fast and then turns at the last second and can still keep running can you do that in gta 5. so we have the guy over there let's try to run at him really fast and then turn oh okay didn't work hold on let's try that one more time all right and oh my god okay it actually isn't working no okay yeah it's you can't do it false smith busted in diary of a wimpy kid if anyone touches the cheese they get the cheese touch can you do that in gta 5 um no there's actually no cheese that exists in gta 5. there's not even cheese on any of the burgers in game no one eats cheese in gta 5. so busted there's no cheese touch in spider-man no way home spider-man swings perfectly up on top of this bridge just like that just a teeny little platform with mj as well you gotta have accuracy to do that so we're gonna try it in gta 5. all right we found a bridge with basically the same look as spider-man oh that was almost first try i'm swinging i'm spider-man all right i'm spider-man i'm swinging and land on the thing okay that's really hard and we land on it and and we land on it and land on it land on it land come on land oh that was so close and oh they should have made the movie just like that oh i did it i did it okay that took a long freaking time for me to do it but uh it took tom holland one try so i'm gonna say confirmed since i did it but it takes a long freaking time guys apparently if you put c4 on an atm and exploded money will come pouring out so let's just put a couple of c4s all around and back up a little bit don't want to get exploded and boom please work no it doesn't freaking work what the heck myth busted guys that's one myth out of the 30 myths we're gonna be busting today i'm hyped i love busting mints so yeah bust that like button sounds weird apparently if you shoot a vending machine food or water will come pouring out so let's try it oh okay that one just bursted but nothing fell out keep shooting no nothing how about the food one oh there's definitely less food now that it's broken but no food on the ground here's another type of vending machine and nothing's falling out freaking busted guys apparently the gta 6 map is right on the ground in venice beach wait a second hold on let me get a better view guys oh wait is that the gta 5 map that's not the gta 5 map is it i don't think it is i can't find this anywhere on the map could this be a gta 6 leak no way well i guess we won't really know i can't really confirm or bust this myth until gta 6 comes out but what if this is part of the gta 6 map could be sick okay we have some glass right here what i wanted to test is will glass stop me from getting damaged so i'm gonna put c4 on this side and i'm gonna go around on this side and blow up the c4 let's see if i get damaged okay stupid all right busted next myth apparently if you litter in front of the cops they will arrest you so i have a coffee cup right here here's two cops let's drop the coffee do they care i'm just gonna walk away now i don't think they care all right well busted they don't arrest you they don't freaking care at all i just littered idiots okay i gotta go if i shoot a person but it hits the weapon it won't kill the person so i'm gonna shoot the weapon okay that was weird it saves the person from dying that is crazy what if i shoot the end of the gun yeah okay and then he fires does he die from that why would he die i didn't like shoot him at all okay weird anyways confirmed michael has a secret room inside of his house i don't know if you guys know but it's this room right here now apparently there's a dead body in this room so i'm gonna use a mod where i can look into this room okay so i should be able to just move through this door and there should be a dead body all right let's go through the door guys look okay so there is a room but there's nothing in it as you can see there is no dead body but there is a room at least i guess wait there's no door though interesting all right well busted i'm currently in space and i have a basketball now apparently you can make a basketball shot from space if i just shoot from here now there is a basketball court way down there and here's the basketball court it's not loading in because i'm in space currently but uh yeah the basketball courts right here if i shoot i should make it let's try it it's not letting me shoot from here let me put this a little bit farther down okay i put the platform a lot farther down let's shoot okay i can't make a shot from space but can i make it from here it doesn't even let me shoot from here bro well that's busted you can't leave the court lame can you shoot a pipe bomb out of midair oh you can confirm that's awesome apparently if you go to the side of a car and rev your engine they'll try to race you oh oh they went on a red they're actually trying to race me wait what that is insane okay i'm gonna smoke them clearly they're so slow wait that's crazy though are you kidding me freak you anyways confirm that's really cool okay if i put a fire truck on fire another fire truck will come and put out the fire truck that's on fire it's kind of confusing but let's try it all right so let's put this fire truck on fire this is mayhem jesus let's see uh we got an ambulance coming all of the firemen just left as soon as i put the fire truck on fire they left but let's see if another fire truck will come and put out the fire there's another one no way this is the thing so are these firemen gonna be putting out the fire truck that's on fire no way they actually do okay let's just try one more time and see if it happens again infinite fire truck glitch yep another fire truck is coming no freaking way smith confirmed we got infinite fire trucks apparently you can shoot through trees in gta 5. so we have a human right behind this tree let's shoot and see if they die no what okay snipers don't work how about other guns no minigun railgun okay i think that was just the explosion of the railgun that didn't okay i'm gonna say busted that's crazy trees are strong guys this next myth will blow your mind if you press the subscribe button it turns it turns gray ah sick try it out no but seriously we're trying to get to 10 mil by the end of the year can we do it i think we can subscribe apparently in this location on the gta 5 map there is a really cool secret underground cave oh my god no freaking way that is so cool you could hide your freaking boats here your super cars and kinda very cool confirmed apparently there's a glitch where you can rapid fire with the grenade launcher this is how fast the grenade launcher normally shoots pretty freaking slow but apparently if you just go up next to a building like this press q oh it does work look at that you just have to keep clicking really fast wow that's sick confirmed you can literally destroy anyone apparently right here is the best spot to hide from cops it's also a glitch but apparently if you put your car right here and then press climb again you'll climb into the bridge yo no way and then if you hop down here you can't be seen under here at all cops won't be able to get to you the cool thing is you can shoot out of it so watch i can shoot cars oh well i missed but see yoink dude this is op confirm this is a great spot to hide from cops wow and it's pretty easy to get into okay next myth you're on your phone right you're scrolling through things you open the messages app will it actually show on the phone that franklin is holding in-game it does it actually shows exactly what you go to that is very cool oh he even turns his phone sideways whoa very cool detail i like that confirm apparently if you shoot a car door into the water and then stand on it you'll be able to shoot underwater and fully stand under water i'm fully underwater and i can shoot wait this is actually sick i'm just standing on the corridor and it just allows you to be underwater yo fishies where you at yo megalodon where you whack can i shoot an rpg underwater what would happen wait what oh god am i gonna explode yo that is sick it slowly dropped confirmed that's crazy this is a quick little myth i want you guys to try if you're watching on mobile hit the like button and there's a new animation for it let's just test it out real quick oh there is yo try it out myth confirmed that's sick apparently if you go to this campground you'll hear a scream whoa whoa whoa wait did you guys hear that it wasn't a scream but okay why are these guys trying to fight me bro i will literally delete you get deleted idiots i swear i heard something it was like a weird whispery sound hold on listen closely that was it right there there was a scream that's the ghost up there by the way this only works at midnight [Music] yep there's the scream no freaking way that is so creepy this is a cursed campground freak you ghost confirmed next myth you can't shoot through cigarettes so this girl is smoking a cigarette let's try to line it up perfectly where we would shoot her if the cigarette wasn't there all right cigarette come on stop moving ladies stop freaking moving all right here we go here we go no no stop oh are you kidding me the teeny little cigarette saved her life no freaking way let me try that one more time what it actually does look like i can kill her that's crazy teeny little cigarette wow next myth apparently if you hold a c4 and go through a fire hydrant water thingy he'll explode no way what the water explodes the c4 interesting that is crazy let's just try that one more time holding c4 and yep you do explode all right confirm very weird this is very weird but michael's house has a one-way window there's a window right here that you can look outside you can even see buildings in the background and everything here are the buildings that we just saw but there are no windows on the top of the building there's no windows at all on the entire house so very weird how did they do that little sauce michael it's confirmed next myth you can pick up a rock with a cargobob i doubt this works all right so we got a bunch of rocks down there let's try to pick one up oh you actually can what why can you do that wait that's crazy so that means i can drop this rock on anyone let's try to drop it on this guy watch out buddy yoink oh let's go confirmed that's actually pretty cool can you hit a trick shot off of the world's tallest building in gta 5. we have our target right there um so yeah let's just jump off and try to hit this first try yoink all right we're going to do 360 we're going to shoot just for fun way all right and do another 360 do another one slow-mo and land it no okay well yeah we did it so that's confirmed i'm epic let's go can you hit a trick shot on five people with one bullet i have five people right there let's do this no i hit four people oh dang it all busted i guess you can only do four people that was so sick though guys i have zero dollars can i call a taxi still with zero dollars let's do it we're calling a cab okay so the taxi is coming will i be able to get in it with zero dollars all right the taxi arrived as you guys can see i'm gonna hop in and he's actually taking me don't mind the uh the taxi let's skip for an extra cost will it work i don't have any money it does work he is mad and i have one star no way that's actually crazy he calls the cops on me bro get fricked i don't care i can hide in a bush that's confirmed next myth apparently you can pour gasoline into franklin's house so we can definitely pour it in the driveway and everything but if we go inside will i keep pouring no it stops but there is some in the house technically it does auto stop but let's try to shoot this and see what happens let's quickly go inside and oh yeah it doesn't really work it stops you but at least i got some inside i'm gonna say busted though next myth if you rob a store give me your freaking money bud give it now but but you don't take any of the money that he drops the cops won't actually come all right so i'm not gonna take that and oh it looks like i still get the cops called on me i didn't take anything though bro i didn't even take the bag it's still there frick you well that's busted give me my freaking money 450 bucks next myth if you shoot a paint bucket and then step in the paint that leaks out you'll leave paint footprints everywhere so let's see it is the game insanely realistic that would be crazy all right i'm clearly in the paint and uh no no footprints anywhere come on gta 6 you better have this that would be such a sick detail anyways busting and for the last myth this is the world's best hiding spot apparently right by this waterfall there's like a little secret area right behind it if you just go right here and nope i messed up all right let's try that one more time here we go and oh i think i did it i did it yep here it is this is the secret hiding spot behind the waterfall there's like this little area you can stand on and everything you could probably even hide a supercar here so sick confirmed apparently if you throw a snowball when you're right next to someone it will hurt them more than if you're far away so let's just try it we're right next to this guy yeah oh i thought it killed him instantly his health is at 182. now i'm on top of this building let's throw it from afar don't mind the brick um it's a mod i changed snowball into a brick anyways let's try to hit this guy yoink i missed okay little down e-oink and i missed again e-link this one's hitting for sure oh it took 18 health before now it took oh it took the same all right it's freaking busted does the same damage guys that is one myth out of the 31 myths that we're gonna be busting today i'm so excited we've busted almost 500 myths in total i'm trying to get to a thousand apparently you can shoot an rpg bullet out of midair um we've tested this before but we like really didn't know if we hit the rpg rocket so what i'm gonna do is pause the game and shoot it with my gun like this oh dang it i gotta be faster okay so we shoot and then pause it and then switch to a gun and watch it's right there okay yeah no shooting rpg rocket does not explode at 100 confirmed or busted or whatever moving on if you run fast enough you will splat up against the wall so let's try it no all right i added a little bit more speed oh wait it kind of worked it's like the cartoons let's try it one more time it actually works confirmed that's awesome does your character slip when on snow so we're just gonna run down this hill so far so good i don't see any slipping so no wait wait did that actually happen hold up does it is this actually true guys he actually slips every once in a while that's crazy confirmed apparently if you throw a snowball at a cop car they will arrest you so let's try it they actually do no way what why am i michael apparently molotov's don't work on ice so let's see it hey oink okay well that was a lot yeah busted they do work on ice i just put a bunch of sticky bombs right down there apparently if you fall on sticky bombs from like a high enough height they'll explode so let's try it oh god and i missed completely we gotta get a running jump e-oink there we go and i missed completely again no oh okay wow it's busted that took it took me quite a while there actually at the c4s but yeah busted wow i actually thought that would work frick you apparently in this building there is actually flowing lava confirmed literally right there i see it that's crazy there's actually lava in gta 5 and it's not a mod this is actually in game next myth um the lava will actually burn you so let's try to jump on it wow that is scary all right let's uh let's see let's try to jump on it i missed all right let's just place franklin on top of the lava and see what happens um all right here we go wait what i could just stand in it uh did i die okay that was weird but okay what happens if i like oh okay it doesn't burn you at least the flowing lava doesn't it just like electrocutes you that is so freaking weird what okay i just found there's another bin right here let's try to jump inside of this and see if it will burn you all right i am inside and no it does not burn you that is really weird all right i can just walk on lava nice franklin great all right well busted there's actually another lava bucket right above it it's hanging and you can actually move this one around let's flip it upside down and see if lava will pour out all right here we go and uh yeah it does not look like it does that is so weird though what the heck the lava does not have gravity very interesting just for fun i do want to put franklin in this bucket and see what happens nothing franklin is lava proof that is awesome anyways that myth is busted next myth apparently if you drive over sticky bombs in a tank they'll explode i'm gonna guess that this one's definitely confirmed like they should definitely explode but let's find out are you kidding what right over them nothing happened freak you busted wow i have michael trevor and franklin apparently all three characters have different rates at which they will fall meaning that they have different weights so let's see who's fatter and who will fall faster so basically what i'm gonna do is just like run into them in slow-mo and just knock them off all right here we go are you serious there's no way trevor's staying on so far it definitely looks like michael is like falling very quickly and we were falling at the same rate that's actually kind of interesting i think michael's the fattest trevor is falling very slowly obviously he didn't fall at the same rate but he is definitely falling very slowly and that is interesting i mean i could have done a better experiment but i do think it is confirmed they fall at different rates that's cool confirmed you know this inflatable guy right here we know that he's fully interactable and you can move him around with your weapons and such but if you cut it with an axe apparently it'll pop so let's see i mean it should pop that would be realistic yeah whoa it did not pop are you freaking kidding me it's not popping hello rockstar your game is so unrealistic bro that's busted that's lame that we gotta go if it actually friggin pop next myth apparently if you like this video you will get good luck for the rest of the week that's crazy it's actually confirmed no way wow try it out leave a like yeah i mean i wouldn't risk it why not good luck why wouldn't you want that like the video okay i just deleted absolutely everybody in the world apparently you can still hear traffic from the distance so yeah i just heard someone honk and there's construction yeah i still hear cars honking even though i deleted literally everyone that is very interesting confirmed apparently you can call the cops in-game and they will come to you so let's try it 9-1-1 and call hello this is 911 what emergency service do you require police police officers [Music] i hear sire it's confirmed i mean i probably should have known that i've just i don't think i've ever done that in game it's kind of cool that you can do that though what happens if i'm holding like an ar will they arrest me there they are so it is confirmed that they do come to you but will they arrest you if you're holding a gun okay they're just slowly driving away what's going on they just ran into two cars are the cops okay in gta 5 they just left hello that was weird but confirmed okay so we have these barrels right and if you shoot them gas will leak out of them and they will eventually explode well that's weird it's like floating but what happens if you shoot it when it's under water oh i hear leaking sounds does it still explode it does but there's no fire that is kind of cool very interesting confirmed my freaking camera died no confirm that's cool i like it okay we stacked a bunch of them on top of each other what happens if you shoot one will it cause a domino effect exploding downward let's see it all right so that one's leaking oh look at all that that's kind of beautiful let's keep shooting it and no i definitely for sure thought it would explode all of them interesting wait let's try to shoot all of them one two three four look at all that gas eye that's that's kind of cool it's time to get the mini gun out oh that was satisfying that was actually really satisfying what it is busted but that was really satisfying anyways in gta 5 apparently there's some sassy buildings and it's in this location yes pen wrist pretty sus let's just check the other uh names and see if there's any more sus ones um ace hole i mean the ace hole i mean it's not too sassy a little just a little bit look for my nuts that's a bit sus what's going on there double p airtight apparel i mean if you know you know that's a little sus ground and pound cafe these are some saucy buildings for sure and apparently one of the sussy buildings this one the first one penris right it has an eye on the top and apparently if you go right here and line up this triangle building with the eye and then make it nighttime there's like a little red dot that appears above this the pyramid building and it lines up perfectly with the eye the sassy building is a part of the illuminati confirm this is actually really interesting you see that light that appears when i when i go far back it lines up perfectly with the eye dude that's freaking cool apparently if you play dead by a cop they will call an ambulance so we're just gonna die he's looking at me as you can see he's just like what's wrong with the guy is he gonna call an ambulance for me or arrest me or anything will he do anything she's gonna hold his coffee buddy i'm dead you know what i'm even gonna add blood to the grip where'd he go he freaking just walked away he doesn't care it's busted frick imagine this much blood came out of you holy frick look i'm floating i'm walking on blood apparently you can hit yourself with a snowball i'm gonna mess around with like time and such so if i throw this right and then i pause time don't mind the brick it is a snowball it's just a mod um and now we're gonna stand right under it and it should hit me and damage me so watch my health as well but let's see will this work if this works this is so cool and unfreeze dang it let's try it again oh yes dude look at that look at how perfect this is holy this is crazy all right so if i stand here it should definitely hit me right all right and unfreezing did i get damaged i don't think i did i wasn't looking frick all right and unfreeze my game just crashed why i'm gonna say confirmed it definitely hit me like michael did like nudge a little bit in the previous one so i'm gonna say confirm you can hit yourself it doesn't damage you but that's pretty cool apparently you can ride upside down on a bmx if you uh place a ramp in like a tunnel so we're gonna try that where did the oh the ramp's still there okay it's just glitchy i don't know what's happening all right let's try it okay i built another ramp that other one was not working oh frick it's gonna be hard oh okay you can almost do it but it is busted doesn't fully work apparently you can't jump over 10 clowns in gta 5. so we have 10 clowns set up let's see if we can jump them eoink that was so incredibly easy okay how about 50 clowns let's just see can you jump over 50 clowns oh oh my god okay not quite actually you know what i think you can let's try a little bit faster though yeah oh badly yes you definitely can i bet you you could do 100 dude anyways confirmed that's freaking crazy i just backflipped 50 clowns next myth apparently if you skydive onto people you won't actually take damage or you'll take less damage let's just see all right we got a bunch of clowns that i jumped over i kind of missed you oink okay yeah you definitely still just die makes sense people don't really do what they come back to life for a second anyways busted do cool guys look at explosions eoin oh well i looked at it frick it's confirmed i'm not that cool so um yeah i don't sorry about that i better run we're gonna redo that myth do cool guys look at explosions confirmed they do not look at explosions i didn't look at it if you shoot a fire extinguisher it will burst so let's try it this guy's got a fire extinguisher boink no it did not burst why is he like fall i mean i guess if you're holding something that someone shoots it's gonna freaking knock you over but drop it already this is how much damage you take when falling off of a normal building and yoink i lost like half of my shield now let's see if snow prevents fall damage or makes you take less fall damage alright so it's very snowy and cold let's jump do the same jump and nope exact same snow does nothing snow is useless apparently if you have your diamond play button while you're playing gta 5 everyone will come up to you and guys you freaking you only want me for my diamond play button you only want me for my subscribers you guys don't like me for me i hate all of you i'm just punching him it's confirmed thank you guys uh so much and we're trying to get to 10 million subscribers on this channel so subscribe i promise i will not do this to you in okay well that's karma jesus i won't rpg you don't worry they're still coming after me apparently rabbits are faster than dogs so we have a rabbit and a dog they're gonna race so let's just go to the finish line and see who wins all right and they're off no way the rabbit's gonna win what is the dog doing bro the dog what is he freaking suck dog i set them both to run so i don't know what okay well that's confirmed rabbits are faster than dogs you suck i'm not gonna kick the dog don't worry there is a face on the rocks of mount chilead so i think it's supposed to be right around wait yeah it's supposed to be right around here wait what guys they changed it into like a chicken or whatever you want to call it family friendly but yeah this used to be a face here i'll pop up that picture now this face used to be here but i guess they changed it into this which is much better weird i guess busted it's no longer there there's a weird little chicken the hairy chicken bald thing yeah anyways that is one myth out of the 32 minutes that we're going to be busting today let's get straight into it okay guys next myth apparently there's a massive snowman in one of these rooms we are currently right here on the map and apparently one of these doors is slightly open and there is a no way it's actually there yo what that is so freaking weird dude why is it there whoa it's massive anyways yeah confirmed very cool and now we are inside the snowman apparently each different character has a different son in their game so this is franklin's son this is michael's son and this is trevor's son i actually don't think they were different but i've seen a video where it shows them all being different i'm pretty sure they're all different so yeah confirmed next myth apparently there's an eight marked on these rocks or like multiple eights so we're gonna go over here oh there is oh you could also say it's an infinite logo so yeah subscribe even though we're not on the infinite channel but hey yeah there are eights written apparently this is like a serial killer type thingy message i don't know creepy confirmed next myth apparently all characters in game like trevor michael franklin all look exactly like the characters in real life so let's put the actor who plays trevor right by his face yep look they look exact they look pretty identical that's crazy here we have michael and here is his actor pretty freaking identical and then the same for franklin and here is his actor boom literally almost identical that is confirmed that is actually super cool i wonder who's gonna be in gta 6 though next myth apparently on these rocks yep okay it's already confirmed um there's a bunch of eights as well and there's even a message saying they want me they can have but they'll never get my people even though i shall leave them sign enough where they put me i thought it was gonna rhyme it doesn't rhyme but um it says eight won't eights are everywhere so this has to do with the serial killer story i don't freaking know but there's serial killer stuff all over sandy shores all around here so yeah that's confirmed that's freaking creepy dude what the next myth apparently there is a sassy sign in north yankton and it's right here uh welcome to ludendorff this is the sussy sign apparently on the back there's some weird thing yup yup yup it's confirmed there yep there it is we got um yep what does that say this town sucks as well cool yeah pretty sauce all right confirmed next myth apparently there is a dead lady underwater here that is cemented to a cinder block and it's just under water chilling um so i'm gonna look for that it's apparently in this location right here so let's go ahead and find it whoa why did the water get extremely orange in this area that's weird okay i don't know if i'm doing it wrong i have found absolutely nothing except this like boat thing so it might be in your game but it's not in mine i don't know this is what it looks like apparently just a creepy like dead lady i can't find it anywhere i'm gonna say busted for me but it's i mean it's definitely confirmed it's in this guy's game unless he did a mod but yeah busted for me apparently you can actually call the numbers listed around los santos so let's bring out my phone and call someone all right so we got five five five zero one one seven all right so what happens if i call this number let's see it's apparently a fashion boutique gloria come on gloria we're not here call back later okay i mean you can call them they're not gonna answer though let's try one more phone number all right so this is alfonso's appliances let's see [Music] that's a nice music so yeah i think each different phone number is probably a different response that's kind of cool confirmed next myth apparently if you call this number on this wall they'll be creepy music so let's just test it out why don't we this one's much longer than the other numbers so it's a little bit different all right here we go we're calling it creepy music okay it's the exact same music it's busted it's not creepy it's music but i wouldn't say it's gravy okay next myth there is a very creepy house over here in this location um oh it's this house wait there's blood there's blood on the windows everywhere look at that that is really weird wait let's turn it to daytime see if you can see the blood it disappears in the day time it's only at night that is really weird all right confirmed creepy house it exists apparently there is sea coral on the hill by the observatory so we are currently on this hill and is that it no freaking way there is there's a piece of sea coral why usually this is at the bottom of the ocean but nope it's here we even got a freaking starfish bro that is very weird all right confirmed why is this here on the same hill there is also a ton of litter like literally everywhere look at all this litter guys there's tires there's freaking cups there's bags why is there so much litter it's kind of weird but uh yeah it's just everywhere on the side of this mountain if you guys know why let me know in the comments i have no clue but yeah confirmed there's a ton of litter right by the sea coral okay next myth apparently only this location there's apparently people that will die if you just touch them if i run into this person he should die instantly i don't know why but let's just see all right so he's smoking um come on no way what why was he crawling for a second he didn't die wait what hold on let's try that one more time why was he crawling oh he did die he did die what the heck dude he why okay first of all he didn't die straight away he was crawling and okay just very weird activity but he did die after the second push which is strange but all right cool i guess confirmed weird okay pretty cute next myth apparently there is a graveyard on the top of this hill yes there holy frick it's being guarded oh my god i just i didn't mean to bring out the grenade launcher but hey it was effective oh yeah there is a graveyard interesting and it's made a little wood apparently this grave is from the owner of the lighthouse down there in the house or something i don't know interesting all right confirmed next myth apparently plungers don't exist in gta 5 so how are they cleaning their poop if they you know if they went too much or something do plungers wait no here's a plunger that's a plunger right or no is that a toilet brush oh it's a toilet brush wait a second i don't think that's a plunger i don't think plungers exist i don't know um okay well that's confirmed plungers don't exist let's just hope they don't have diarrhea and clog the toilet if you do 100 push-ups will you puke blood all right there's five and yeah we're just gonna keep going until i hit 100 there's 10. 99 100. there we go do i puke blood oh i'm puking i'm puking blood i'm actually ew oh my god that's a lot wait that's that's actually like a oh my god that's disgusting i can aim it too look wherever i'm looking this is nasty i think i'm done okay don't do a hundred push-ups you will puke blood that's just that's that's nasty okay i'm leaving will pedestrians run away from sharks so i have a tiger shark here i'm just gonna place this shark like literally right by him and see what he does uh boom wait he's actually walking away quicker wait look guys wherever i go with the shark he'll turn around oh he disappeared let's try that over here watch watch i'm gonna place the shark by them do they care oh that guy's walking away fast and she starts walking away fast as well oh she's running he's actually running okay they do they're afraid of sharks even if it's dead that is a cool detail confirmed can spider-man survive any fall from any height so i'm literally falling from like airplane height and let's see if he survives this is a long fall and yep literally not damaged at all all right confirmed spider-man is insane apparently if you throw a ball next to a dog they will actually go fetch it so we have a dog right here i'm guessing it's that guy's owner or maybe not i don't know but anyways let's throw this ball okay it's not letting me throw there's like something going wrong on with the game right now it literally will not let me throw just lets me drop but the dog does not care hello doggy doggy here's the ball do you want a bottle do you want a bottle mini bottle for you no you don't want ball all right cool well i got them if you want them anyways busted why is this dog so sad does he not have an owner next myth can you fill an electric car with gas so we have an electric car it's a coil which is electric in gta 5. let's go up to the gas station oh e to refuel yep i'm refilling it's taking all my money three dollars oh my god way more than three dollars look at how many freaking dollars a whole gas is a tad bit expensive in los santos but don't worry i'm ruining my freaking electric car as we speak yes to confirm you can fill an electric car with gas why would i want that next myth apparently there is a brand new like animation it is only for mobile and i want you guys to try it so i'm going to try right now let's like the video and boom oh look that's sick it's confirmed try it guys like the video alright guys there is a cop right up there trying to catch people for speeding will cops pull you over if you're speeding all right we're gonna go real fast you can see my miles per hour and room we are going 100 miles per hour is the cop gonna pull me over oh my god i'm even destroying people's cars no the cop did absolutely nothing i'm fine cops don't care unless you kill people on gta 5 that's busted can you hit a first person trick shot in gta 5. so we have our person right over there and uh yeah let's just do this go to first person and i don't know why my sniper doesn't have a scope on it but it looks really weird let's just hit the trick shot okay i moved it a little bit closer because as you can see when i jump there is no crosshair so it's really hard i did it you can actually hit a first version jigsaw that's actually sick you can't really spin because it's super glitchy but we did it let's go confirm apparently every single time you walk by a ledge very slightly like if i press forward right now just a tiny bit i will fall oh you see that i caught myself but i did do the falling animation let's try it one more time so i'm right by the edge i'm just going to press forward oh i didn't fall that time didn't fall that time okay so it's not every time it's just sometimes franklin decides yeah like right there okay it's not every time it's just sometimes that's busted next myth apparently you can rocket ride in gta 5 so let's try it oh okay oh okay yeah there's literally no way you can rock a ride i highly doubt you can no yeah this is not it's not happening busted i have a golf ball that's about to hit this supercar from above will it break the windshield let's see nope not at all golf balls have no weight in gta 5. that's hilarious it didn't even make a sound what next myth can we beat ricegum in youtube subscribers hit that subscribe button let's make this myth confirmed i think he only has like 10.5 or something so yeah subscribe we can beat him next myth will water bottles float in the ocean kind of like in real life we have a water bottle right here i'm gonna put gravity on it and let's see will it float all right is it floating oh it kinda is but it has gravity like whoa that is a really cool detail it's slowly floating down okay i'm just gonna say confirm that is really cool it is kind of floating but it's slowly going down if you run into a pedestrian and they drop something they will pick it up afterwards so we have this guy on his phone is he really just gonna leave his phone on the ground let's see let's run into him all right did he drop his phone he didn't drop a phone okay never mind this girl has a coffee let's see if she drops it okay yes she definitely dropped the coffee will she pick it up now pick up your coffee it's spilling no okay she doesn't she freaking litters that is absolutely disgusting of you tina what the heck frick you it's busted does franklin ever go to the bathroom um he doesn't unless you have a mod like this um then he does but other than that no franklin michael trevor none of them go to the bathroom i don't know how they do it it's insane how do they freaking do it have you ever seen them go to the bathroom it's busted they never go to the bathroom next myth apparently if you put objects on the roller coaster like this i'm gonna put a wall here i'm gonna put a wall literally blocking the roller coaster entirely like this apparently the roller coaster will not be able to and it will stop and break down the roller coaster let's see what happens what's gonna happen oh there's my walls oh you just go straight through them are you freaking kidding me what how does that make any sense hello rockstar games hello all right well that's lame apparently you can ride the hood of a car like a skateboard all right we're gonna hop on the hood no come back here come back here oh i'm doing it i'm doing it yo this is sick oh down the mountain okay into the bush you can't let's freaking go myth confirmed guys today we're busting 40 myths that was just one let's go on to the next one if it's a hot day your character will actually sweat so as you can see i took franklin's shirt off but you see how his back is like a little darker in the middle that's sweat you see how his skin is kind of like glistening a bit at that sweat guys it's confirmed your character does sweat disgusting in gta 5 you can get a hot dog from a hot dog stand so let's go up to this guy he's selling hot dogs i see hot dogs i see the hot dog cellar but there's nothing i'm just going to press e let's just let's just try to press some things nothing's working i don't think you can in gta 4 you can but not five interesting hopefully in six you'll be able to give me a freaking hot dog anyways busted you can take a bath in gta 5. so we have our bathtub right here there actually is water in it so uh yeah let's just uh see if we can take a little bath let's uh hop in and um there we go i'm taking a bath what is this all right confirmed myth converted you could actually take a bath um and yeah i'm just sleeping am i gonna drown next myth apparently other npcs do not blink so let's just go real close to one of these fellas okay oh wait was that a blink that's definitely a blink okay they do blank all right busted they blink next myth apparently if you subscribe to the channel you get good luck for a week it's confirmed no way guys subscribe we're trying to get to 10 mil by the end of the year can we do it yes we can subscribe for good luck and uh yeah on to the next myth next myth apparently you can put c4 on the ghost so the ghost is right over there let's go up to it all right how you doing ghost what's popping you get you get oh i guess it disappears right when i go up to it but let's see if c4 sticks to it all right here we go yoink why did i throw it so freaking high stop it okay wait i can't even throw it oh there we go it won't let me throw it on whoa it actually won't let me throw it on her interesting yeah the game actually won't let you okay interesting um busty you can't next myth apparently you can shoot a donut and it'll stay intact it won't let go into pieces it'll just stay like a donut so let's shoot a donut with a pistol here we go three two one it does move um but yeah no it's just it doesn't do anything so yeah confirmed it stays intact how about a burger no burger stays intact you can definitely still eat this burger after the bullets are in it looks delicious so yeah i mean confirmed both food stays intact next myth we have lava right here and apparently if you throw a c4 into the lava and then press explode it won't explode so let's see it and all right it's in there let's press explode it still explodes busted next myth you can crack the alien egg so here is the alien egg let's just try to shoot it with the pistol see what happens oh okay it does roll um all right let's go to a different gun we got an ak no how about a sticky bomb come on sticky bomb will definitely work oh it sticks onto it all right let's just put a bunch of sticky bombs on it and explode it will it crack no oh my god all right one last thing rpg here we go no it's it's not cracking bro all right busted next myth apparently if you throw a molotov into the lava there'll be an explosion usually if you throw a molotov into water nothing happens but if it's lava let's see if it's different so let's throw three over here no no no way confirmed you know okay that's actually sick in real life cats can survive a really far fall so can they survive a fall fall in gta 5. i'm a cat let's just fall off this building and see all right here we go eoink oh okay i'm alive still i got half my health but hey we did survive let's go a little bit higher all right we're on top of a freaking windmill if i survive this that would be insane let's do it e-oink oh frick what the heck did i just turn into franklin no okay i'm dead i'm at the hospital a glitch but hey that's busted you can survive a little bit but not from any height and i guess that also busts our myth cats won't land on all fours in uh gta 5 but in real life they do usually so it's busted though in this game if you don't look both ways before crossing the freeway you will get hit so let's just try to run across without looking oh yep confirmed look both ways next myth apparently you can cross the street while traffic is kind of insane so let's just try it i'm gonna try the same thing um all right i'm gonna look though here we go can i do it okay oh no no no no no oh my god i did it okay confirmed all right we turn it up a little bit let's just test it for the fun of it can i make it i'll cross the freeway with insane traffic oh my god no way i did it in some movies if you go like this you can curve a bullet like this clip so we're going to try that in gta 5. so if i hit the guy behind him uh without killing him then yeah we're we're successful i don't think again but that'd be cool though it's busted next myth apparently you can fly with an umbrella so we have an umbrella right here let's jump off this building and see if it helps us survive i don't know yeah no it doesn't bust it that was so funny next myth apparently characters don't have tongues so let's open franklin's mouth real quick alright so he's opening his mouth he definitely has teeth does he have a tongue though oh my god i can see through his head wait that's a tongue that is a dog they have a tongue it doesn't look like it really moves but that is a tongue so characters do in fact have tongues neck smith can you drive a boat in water um let's see so far so good it probably doesn't help that this is a wooden boat but let's just keep driving and see what happens uh guys okay i actually am burning um so no you cannot drive a boat in lava this is a bad idea i'm now stuck oh frick well uh boss dude next myth apparently you can't kill someone that's under water with like a bullet just like how in real life like bullets can't really work underwater too well so let's just see there's a guy down there he's kind of glitching but yeah let's see if i can kill him you can still kill underwater if you run fast enough you can run on lava i'm going real fast and let's run oh no okay i'm dying i'm burning all right i turned up my speed a little bit more let's see if i can do it come on oh okay i thought for a second i was good all right well that's busted next myth apparently you can grapple onto a plane so let's try to have the grapple gun no it's not working see this is what would happen if it did work oh god maybe it's a little bit too far let's try again with a closer one can i do it oh oh my god wait you can actually do it yo that's actually sick come on no okay you can't do it though i did grab a lot to it that's confirmed can snowballs put out a fire so let's make a quick fire and then let's get snowballs come on come on sorry i have a mod that makes them into bricks but uh yeah uh it doesn't look this isn't looking too good guys this isn't looking too good okay well the fire just eventually went out i don't think that was from the snowballs but yeah i'm just gonna say busted next myth apparently you can jump the pure off of this ramp right here with a jet ski so let's try it please let this work all right and we gotta get the right angle and oh please please please no okay we gotta try that again that was so close play oh oh my god okay um yeah you can but with mods only i'm just gonna say confirm if you run over a c4 with a car it'll explode so let's put some c4s down right here and let's get in this car and run them over all right we're right next to the c4 and no nothing happens busted how about the roller coaster so i'm gonna put c4 on the track right here and right here and just everywhere on this track and then i'm gonna ride the roller coaster and see if these if the roller coaster driving over them will blow it up so let's hop in all right and it just got rid of my c4 the c4 just disappeared that's freaking lame busted how about a train if a car can't work and a roller coaster can't work how about a freaking train all right putting c4 down all over i'm not going to explode it myself i want to see if the train will explode here it comes all right will it explode hands off it doesn't oh that's busted i've always kind of wanted to try this but what happens if i lay down like this on the train tracks will i be able to go under the train or will the train just destroy me and move me out of the way so yeah let's wait for the train again come on train come on the freaking train only ogs will remember freaking train are you kidding me are you freaking i just started my video like it's been will the train go over me we'll find out right after this break make sure to leave a like on the video guys this video is sponsored by leaving a like so leave a like yeah 100k likes oh my god here we go back to the show come on oh no okay i thought maybe i could go under but i guess not but next myth apparently if you take a picture of someone they will get really mad and start fighting you or something so let's try it what's papatina you smoking a cigarette that's absolutely disgusting i'm exposing you get exposed looks like they don't care like they don't care at all oh oh wait a second oh wait a second she got upset she actually got upset with confirmed at first it was busted yo next myth apparently if you dial this specific number apparently an explosion will just happen around you so let's press all right we're calling it myth confirmed what did not think that was gonna work that's crazy interesting dude that almost killed me that was right by me next myth apparently this house bleeds like when you shoot it there'll be blood spots and it'll it'll it i don't know let's just test it out apparently it's right here that you shoot let's try it not working for me as you can see this person did it and there's like blood on the building but when i do it it doesn't work so i'm gonna have to say bust i wanted my house to be alive next myth apparently you can shoot out all of the gas in a car and it actually won't work anymore it won't drive so i think you shoot right here a few times and that is where oh yep you can see the gap look the gas is leaking out okay let's go inside of the car and check the fuel so it turns on right now let's check the fuel gauge oh guys no way okay look closely the fuel gauge is actually going down rockstar games you're insane for adding this what guys no wait they added a low fuel freaking light oh my god guys we're at empty i think i think it's stopped yep there's all the fuels down there let's try to drive see if it'll drive it doesn't drive now dude that is so sick mitt confirmed wow the freaking details in this game the next myth is apparently you can sneak into the movies with candy or with food i have a donut as you can see there's my donut let's sneak into it okay i guess someone will kick you out if you have food so let's try it we're in we're freaking in bro i got my food in the movie theater let's go bro easy dubs myth confirmed next myth you can kill someone through glass so we have this person there is glass right here as you can see so let's try to kill her with one bullet and oh it freaking works okay good to know that's pretty sick next myth apparently my new plushie actually talks let's try this is freaking amazing i talk let's go oh confirmed guys first link down below new plushie just came out it talks it also glows in the dark it's sick it has a new backpack as well on it go check it out first link down below and you can actually buy the hoodie that the plushie's wearing and the joggers that the plushies wearing in real life for you so you can match with your plushie look brand new hoodie brand new joggers as well go cop the set guys first link down below next myth apparently bigfoot roams this area so i'm just gonna look around for a little bit and see if we can find him no way is that bigfoot wait what is that is that a freaking yeti no that's big that's bigfoot that's bigfoot yo confirmed big foot is a thing freak you i'm sorry i probably shouldn't have killed him that was okay well ggs next myth apparently cats are afraid of dogs in gta 5. so i i am a dog right now there's a cat right here oh they're actually running away from me wait guys this is insane the detail bro the cats are actually running away from me no way confirmed and guys the final myth we have the cardboard car here apparently it just doesn't explode because well it is cardboard so let's see so far so good let's actually bring out the mini gun because this just demolishes cars [Music] oh it was doing so good i actually thought for a second it okay wow all right well that's busted it does indeed explode guys thank you so much for watching this video subscribe if you're new i post every single day epic gta videos subscribe you know 10 mil let's do it anyways i'm going to go goodbye next myth today we're busting 40 myths i'm gonna have to say bust you here's a random guy playing the guitar and i want to see if guitars will stop bullets so let's shoot the guitar no freaking way dude guitars are bulletproof in gta 5. and yep so he does die if i just shoot him so that's wow good to know anyways that's one myth out of the 45 myths we're gonna be busting that's a lot of myths let's go into the next one apparently if you're just in any vehicle and land on all fours you won't take fall damage no matter what there we go the car got a little damaged oh my god the car got bent but uh yeah i'm completely fine let's try it with a few more vehicles and we're falling will i oh i'm gonna land right on mace bank yep i'm totally fine car's a little busted but i'm fine but what happens if i flip the vehicle upside down will i die now because i mean i'm guessing it's probably gonna explode yep died instantly got it okay can't survive that all right my freaking game crashed cuz i died next myth can you shoot a snowball out of midair so let's do it oink i'm gonna use the slow-mo because it's just much easier missed okay that hit i thought maybe it would like explode or something that would be really insane okay next myth in real life if you go to the internet there should be something on your browser called honey there's actually an online shopping tool that helps you save gives you promo codes and is on a bunch of your favorite websites it's confirmed honey thank you so much for sponsoring today's video i use honey literally every single day is so helpful if you click on the little icon on the top right and look it gives you codes to use on this website so that you can save money it's literally genius but yeah say you're just online shopping and you're about to check out honey will pop up a little notification and it will search and try to find a code to save you money you don't have to go searching for the codes it'll do it for you honey has saved people millions of dollars over the past few years the things you're purchasing right now online you could probably be saving a bunch of money if you use honey so guys download 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freaking lame busted dang it if it did work we would have literally gone straight through into the ground can you hit a golf ball out into the street while playing golf so uh we're just gonna aim right over here and let's hit the max boom there we go [Music] you can let's go oh please hit the car i wonder if it would break a windshield oh cool you can that's confirmed that's so funny next myth apparently if you stand on top of maze bank the tallest point in the map you'll get struck by lightning when there's bad weather so let's try it we're just gonna stand here for a little bit and see what happens will we get struck okay i've been standing here for a while i don't think you can get striked by lightning in this game but that would be insane uh busted there is a toaster above this pool if i shoot the toaster it'll drop into the pool will i get electrocuted will i die i don't know let's see nope you don't you don't die it's busted i mean maybe you would if it was plugged in but you can't do that in gta i have another thing to test if i shoot this monitor sparks will fly into the water will that electrocute me how like i just want to see if i can get electrocuted somehow let's try it no no nothing happens okay that would be that would be literally an insane detail but no that's busted as well are you able to pull infinite amount of parachutes so we're gonna jump off we're gonna pull a parachute and then cut it there we go and then pull another parachute and then cut that one and then fold another you can i think oh this one's a different color you i think you can i mean yeah they're all different colors too how does this work where are the polishes where are the parachutes coming from i don't know my pocket i guess that's kind of cool just saving myself over and over again that's kind of terrifying right into the freaking dumpster anyways that's confirmed next myth will fire go out in rain so we have molotov it's raining pretty heavily let's just throw it in this puddle and let's see if it goes out i mean no i don't think it's going out any faster than it usually would really i thought for sure this would work there's no way all right just went out that was probably like 10 seconds okay now i'm gonna try it without the rain and just see if it lasts longer i don't think it will but yeah no exact same time rain does not stop the fire or make it go out any sooner but can you paint the like button with snowballs and boom you can't well i mean it kind of looks like something else but hey leave a like in the video let's go let's confirm for some reason glass will ricochet rpg bullets for i have no clue why but watch this do you see how it went to the left when i shot like right there let's try it again i'm gonna shoot up should go straight into that building what it went over there it's so freaking weird why does that happen okay i lined up some glass right here let's try it out okay that actually went pretty straight i would say i mean it curved a little bit but uh yeah it's confirmed it's really weird apparently franklin has a secret girlfriend if you call this number six one one five five five zero one two six so do you wanna get together or what sure i like the sound of that come pick me up who is this meet liz at the college to cancel the booty call call liz back what i could actually meet up with her she's right here liz who's liz so yeah this is liz i guess franklin's secret girlfriend how you doing what's bobbing um can i kill liz this is just a [Music] okay you can't kill liz you can scare her though i guess what happens if i literally just rpg okay you can kill this bye bye okay the whole thing is confirmed that's that's weird can you forklift a monster truck um all right here we go let's put that under and [Music] you can't okay well you kind of can let me try it from the other side monster trucks are very freaking heavy so i'm actually surprised that kind of worked all right let's put that underneath there we go and lift it you definitely can wow all right convert can you forklift a person oh he died how are you gonna die from a forklift bro apparently if you dive out of a plane when you're near the water like i'm gonna press f right when i hit that sand you actually jump out and survive the my game just crashed again bro what is happening okay we're back let's try it um yeah so you apparently you will survive if you uh time it correctly you should jump out and dive and then it'll just make you land on the ground and and [Music] well that didn't work okay let's try that one more time i think i did it wrong all right and jump eoink oh yep see look i'm diving okay well it's confirmed that you do dive but i didn't land it so i don't know it's like half confirmed that was so funny i love that apparently this balloon man is completely interactive which is very crazy and he's the only like super interactive thing in the game so let's see like if i jump into him will it go will it actually work like it should in real life and okay wait did you see that it moved and wait a second okay i'm gonna see if i can do something real quick look at that it actually goes with my gun what wait i can move it i can literally move it with my gun no way oh look bro it's stuck on my head no freaking way get out of my freaking face pal wow that's actually really cool uh confirmed that's so realistic i love that apparently you can't pop balloon man all right let's see yeah it does not look like it's popping how about if i just yoink it real quick no wow okay confirmed you cannot pop balloon man next myth apparently you can rob a store with sticky bombs so here we go clean out your register no really i'm not gonna do it okay what if i throw a sticky bomb dude that's actually so funny you could rob a star with stinky bombs what happens if i just yeet him now i don't get the money right he survived okay that was insane how did he survive that do i get the money oh you can take the money yourself okay got it got it okay well that's confirmed i did not know that and the guy survived somehow he's not even calling the cops either is he just crying in a corner buddy you good next myth can you rob a store with the jrecan i don't know if this would make sense but i'm gonna see he's saying i must leave because i'm holding a jerry can wait what interesting okay will he call the i mean he's not calling the cops yet but if i pour the jerry can will he start calling the cops uh oh okay so yeah he does call the cops he just said he would interesting that's weird to me though because i wasn't even pouring or doing anything and he started freaking out while i was just holding it okay i have five stars right and people are shooting at me but if i look through this telescope no one will hurt me or do anything there we go looking through the telescope and uh yeah now i'm i'm good no one's gonna shoot me i'm perfectly fine as you can see um the only person shooting me is the helicopter but there's like actual cops behind me i wonder if i can see that oh yeah look look you can see him he's right there he's just aiming his weapon he's waiting for me to get off the telescope how nice so let's hop off the telescope and they now they start shooting instantly isn't that weird it's confirmed apparently there's a really weird glitch if you stand right here right by the pier and shoot down look at that what what is happening i have no clue what i didn't expect this to work it actually does work rockets just go whatever direction they want to go they don't they don't listen to you oh that one actually hit the water okay that was weird what i don't know what it is about this um but yeah the water just ricochets the rpgs it's very strange but what if i do it on in the shore like right by the beach let's see it did the same thing but like the rocket just slowly went down it didn't like ricochet into the air though i don't know i guess it only really works over there that's interesting anyways confirmed apparently stun guns can't kill people so uh my stun gun's kind of modded don't don't mind me it's a laughing emoji for certain like i just haven't changed it back but yeah can stun guns kill people let's see so i'm just gonna stun this girl like a hundred times and see if she dies she died instantly after one stun bro okay confirmed freaking weakling get stunned in the butt apparently with the sniper rifle if you zoom in on someone you can hear their conversation um you should not be able to do this in real life this is very unrealistic but let's see we'll be able to hear their conversation okay you can't hear the conversation but the weird thing about it is if you zoom in to like a plane it'll get really loud and quieter as you zoom out like zooming in on a sniper will up the audio of the thing that you're zooming in it doesn't make any sense but uh confirmed for vehicles but uh busted for humans apparently right here in this location on the map there is actually a body that is under water oh yep it's right here there's actually a body oh my god that's crazy there's another body right here as well what there's another body bro here's another one there's actually in total eight bodies found underwater in the gta 5 map this has to do with the infinity killer pretty freaking creepy uh confirmed at this area on the map there is this huge underwater tank that you can actually go inside of look at this it is massive you can swim in it look at how big this is dude i really wish you could close this off and then like hide under here without you know obviously you would drown but this is still kind of a good hiding spot if you had scuba gear like if you're playing hide and seek hide here this is insane confirmed there is a secret underground tunnel underwater right here on the map and you can actually go all the way through it look at this now i'm pretty sure this is part of a story mission but it is still really cool that you can just swim all the way through this and then you pop out right here and if you swim up you actually pop up into the humane labs which is uh really cool and you can actually go inside of this whole building as well it's very cool and it's uh it's really fun to explore confirm if you go to this spot on the map there will sometimes be a crashed train as you can see it's completely just destroyed and if you look down below in the water there's actually part of the train that fell into the water as well this is very unfortunate for the train but uh frick the train anyways confirmed now there is a ufo above the military base right it makes some freaking weird noises there's like this freaking thing that twists underneath it what happens if you touch it apparently you get electrocuted let's touch it you do it's like a stun gun that's so weird confirmed apparently this is the best hiding spot and you're probably thinking what how is this good but watch this if you lay down and then go all the way to the bottom look at this all you can see is michael's legs underwater and you don't die you don't drown like this you can stay here forever no one will be able to find it you can do this in other hot tubs as well best driving spot ever confirmed here we have a piece of glass as you can see can you dive through glass kind of like movies you know it looks super cool when the character dives through glass here we go let's try it and well let's try that one more time and yeah no you cannot dive through glass that is very lame what happens if i just run into it no okay well anyways busted we tested a myth in a different video where you can actually jump and land on the other side of this building just like a movie and that was confirmed but can you dive across just like a movie let's see oh you can't no way that was even cooler no freaking way so far confirm let's go can you crawl down a water slide here's a water slide usually you just slip and fall and it'll you know take it on the water slide but can you crawl down it oh god my legs oh no um yeah i mean it definitely looks like you can this is very weird imagine seeing someone do this in real life just crawling down a water slide you know just an average day all right confirmed i'm not gonna do the whole freaking waterslide convert that's crazy can you crawl underwater um so we have a pool right here let's just see if you can crawl right under water or will it just pop you up oh i'm underwater currently i'm fully submerged look at this i'm fully submerged i can even shoot my gun why can i do this what all right can i go all the way like fully underwater wait you can look i'm still crawling let's go first person you can i'm fully underwater i have it won't let me shoot down here but i i can crawl which is very strange i bet you i could do this at the bottom of the ocean as well that's so cool confirmed look at this i pop up but if i like i can continue to crawl that's freaking so weird okay there is a guy on the roller coaster if i ride the roller coaster will he get crushed by the roller coaster please let this work dude oh my god okay what's gonna happen what happened is he still there he's not there wait what i think he actually got crushed oh no he's still okay it just went straight through him that's freaking lame dang it apparently you can stick tear gas to a wall so let's try it apparently you just have to pull it hold it and then [Music] after that sound to throw it oh i messed up frick okay let me retry it real quick [Music] oh it works it does stick to the wall why that's so weird wait i also cannot switch my weapons right now okay it's freaking glitch it glitched the game alright confirmed if you add a concoction of explosions all on top of each other like proximity mines sticky bombs and then put a pie bomb on it you will go flying so let's see [Music] oh my god i went on top of a building no way now look i'm gonna do the same thing with like just a few sticky bombs and it will not it won't take me as high at all so that's weird you just have to get you have to get certain things and it'll blow you to the moon can you trick shot a zombie there's a zombie right over there as you can see he's freaking stumbling around we're gonna go slow-mo and uh dive yoink 360 watch this oh you can i hit him yeah no way well confirmed you can trick shot a zombie apparently weeds are interactable uh so we have a bunch of weeds right here so if i walk into it it should like move with me oh wait they actually okay wait wait is it or is it just the wind no it actually is moving when i step on it like they move that's crazy all right weeds are interactable very like they just such cool details apparently if you go up to someone and start a fight so i'm starting the fight right he's gonna try to fight me watch this so let's just bring him over here next to a cop but cops will actually protect you from being attacked even if you started the fight come on keep keep going keep coming hey cops this guy's hurting me now we okay now we have to act innocent will this cop help me cops this guy's being mean ow no way they shoot him he's still after that's a little unnecessary cops jesus wow they actually protect me okay that's really cool even though i started the fight thanks buddy dang what are you holding a piece of poop what is that ew well confirmed um the last myth can we beat ricegum in subscribers we're actually nearing 10 million subscribers he has 10.1 million so can we beat him subscribe let's bust that myth let's confirm that myth can you shoot c4 out of midair let's see and oh confirm let's go now that's only one myth out of 50 that we are going to be busting so let's just get right into it next one i want to know is uh can you shoot a grenade out of the air yoink okay come on that hit it i've been trying it for 10 minutes i feel like i've hit it like multiple times i don't think you can myth busted next myth is apparently you can punch the ghost on this mountain this ghost only shows up for one hour out of the day every night at this exact point and there's even blood by it pretty creepy yeah let's try to punch the ghost let's see what happens yeah yeah oh no you just go right through it and it disappears on the other side okay myth freaking busted dang it i really wanted to punch her can you go a thousand miles per hour in gta 5 let's see right we're at 300 come on just a little faster okay let's just try a track hold up all right here we go we're also going to use franklin's ability oh my god look how fast we're going oh my god six hundred eight hundred thousand we're at a thousand easy with confirmed you can go 1000 miles per hour can you go a hundred thousand miles per hour in gta 5. uh you can in fact i think i'm the only one who's ever done this i can't recreate it i have no clue what happened but in this video i go 111 i don't know i did it though proof right there 111 000 miles per hour you can go this fast didn't you did but myth confirmed next myth is you can shoot a phone out of someone's hand so this guy's on his phone let's just get our sniper out he's texting someone no more texting for you you can't okay invincible got it next myth is apparently you can shoot through a phone and kill someone no way okay bone stop bullets next myth you can punch jesus apparently so let's try it okay you can confirmed next myth is can you slash tires in gta 5 let's see i don't want to kick the franklin that would have done it i don't think you can it busted next myth is can you free the alien in north yankton he's right here who else popping let's just put like 12 sticky bombs on his head see what happens all right three two get one can you kill two players with one bullet three two one confirmed can you kill five players with one bullet three two one that is crazy next up can you kill 10 players with one bullet oh uh i guess the max is six cops relax you know what that brings me to my next myth can you tow a cop car come here chief come here no wait you can confirmed you can cool next myth is you run faster with less clothes on let's test it busted got the exact same time apparently you can make a rollable bomb with this yoga ball all you have to do is put sticky bombs on it and it'll stick on it no way that's so sick all right well it's rolling down the hill let's blow up uh who oh you're lucky you're lucky i didn't feel like hurting you today but you're not so what the ball popped and then those sticky bombs fell onto the car that was awesome all right well confirmed next myth apparently you can lift a porta potty with a cargobob oh you can if you're on fire with the jerry can apparently you'll blow up so let's try that out all right so let's shoot that should ignite that let's hold our jerry can let's see what happens all right confirmed oh jesus oh my god next myth is you can survive helicopter blades so let's see it no yeah didn't think so all right well that's busted apparently if you snipe someone in the head and they have a helmet on they will not get hurt so let's try it got a biker chick right here a oink oh my god no way next myth is apparently you can enter the blimp and drive it just by being on top of it so let's just press f key you can't bro the the person driving it just fell out no way i literally had no clue that would work okay next myth is can you go inside of the blimp like the blimp part what's inside here anyways this is what is inside of the blimp apparently okay the blimp when i tried to move franklin it just deleted itself so um busted you can't go inside of the blimp okay next myth if you pour gasoline on the ground you can light it with the car exhaust so let's try this out no way dude and the car's on fire now okay am i gonna explode i'm gonna run yeah oh jesus oh no that's not this is going terrible oh my god well confirmed apparently if you go into the military base with a tank you will not get five stars so let's jump up i put some speed mods on just so i can make this ramp there we go so far so good no way uh okay it looks like it's uh confirmed you can do that next myth uh you can chop down a tree in gta 5 with the hatchet okay yeah i've been doing this for like five minutes it's not moving they don't go anywhere busted apparently you can mine diamonds in gta 5. um that's our next myth let's see it we have a diamond block right here we have our diamond pickaxe let's see if we can mine it here we go wow confirmed apparently you can detach the cable car uh with c4 so let's try it wink and you can you actually can definitely did not think you could do that next myth is apparently chopped will fetch a grenade so we got shop hopefully i mean he's so cute but uh i gotta test this myth buddy all right here we go go go fetch no way franklin killed chop chop will soon to return confirmed next myth apparently if you land in a pool you will not die it removes fall damage so let's do it busted next myth you can play golf with a gun if i shoot this it'll move and go towards the hole hopefully make a hole in one here we go three two one okay you can actually play golf for god no way hey confirmed though that's pretty sick shooting a person's weapon actually hurts them so let's try it on this guy he's got an ak oh i missed oh wait did i shoot his hand dang it well let me retry that okay let's just do it from here we have uh we have this guy he's not aiming let's just try to shoot his weapon be careful not to shoot his hand what it made his gun go off and he weird hold up i don't think it's hurting him but it's like stunning him let me check his health yeah his health is still at a hundred so uh yeah myth busted it doesn't hurt them it just okay right as i said that he died okay miss confirmed next myth you can shoot a grenade and it will move so let's uh let's try it um busted apparently if an electric car gets on fire it will not explode so let's test this one out all right it is it is definitely on fire let's see if it explodes it does not a confirmed it just pops the tires sweet next myth is you can shoot through walls we do have the fmj rounds on so should work here we go you cannot let's try a little bit thinner of a wall okay there she is and okay surely this like wooden fence come on no way okay well busted next myth is apparently you can shoot the rpg with a pistol bullet and that will explode at midair it's busted apparently boats are immune to fall damage i won't even get hurt from this so let's see if that is true okay i did get hurt but i didn't die that was like really high i'm gonna say confirm that was pretty legit if you're above water at any height you'll be able to dive straight into the water so let's test that okay i built stairs right up by the pier let's jump off will i dive i will okay let's go higher okay we are very high up now will i still dive no way okay we are extremely high up now let's see if i still dive no i do hold that's so funny bro oh million feet up let's go for the dive oh confirmed that's awesome next myth is apparently if you land on a pedestrian it'll stop all fall damage so let's try it here we go nope busted took fall damage next myth is an rpg will go through any amount of glass let's try it we have a lot of glass here three two one um okay that was weird how much did it go through one two three four five six seven eight and then it veered off to the right huh okay well busted apparently you can kill someone by pooping on them as a bird so we have a bunch of people right here let's poop they're my ground poop poop uh yeah myth busted doesn't kill people if you subscribe to the channel you have a chance to win a thousand dollars it's confirmed i'm legit giving subscribers money right now so subscribe and you could win a thousand bucks pretty simple next myth can hulk stop the train that was sick next myth uh can iron man stop the train yep wow okay good job iron man this isn't a myth but i made a like button out of bullet holes so leave a like it looks more like something else but we're not gonna okay let's just move on next myth you won't light on fire if you stand on a campfire so let's try it out okay busted okay next myth apparently the fuel gauge doesn't go down as you drive it's just infinite fuel so let's try that just gonna drive around for a bit okay i've been driving around for a long time and nothing's happened so infinite fuel i guess apparently if you drown really far away from los santos you'll respawn in north yangton it's loading oh no okay next myth is you can blow up a gas pump just by throwing balls at it so let's try it yeah i don't think this works okay busted next myth is if you throw a snowball at a hair salon they'll call the cops onto you here we go i didn't even throw it no way let's see if it's the same for a gun store let's throw a snowball at the guy inside all right here we go how you doing buddy in the gun shop um i have a gift for you yeah oh okay well he doesn't close the cop he doesn't call the cops but he just instantly closes the store and runs out it's just a snowball buddy what are you doing sell me guns idiot he died all right and finally guys the last myth is can you trick shot someone in gta 5. let's try it all right we got our sniper we're on top of a building let's just dive off like that do a nice 720 and and he's dead he's gone no way we did it we hit a trick shot in gta 5. apparently there is a secret hole to the void by this house so let's check it out um is that it no way hold on let's try to throw a ball inside of the void oh so close oh it fell through that is that is a hole to the void guys i'll prove it grenade grenade to the void look it just falls through no way dude why is that there i just i just threw i just did an explosion out of the map well myth confirmed guys that is one out of the 35 myths we will be busting in today's video you don't want to miss out on these myths let's go on to the next one next myth do cars scratch realistically we're gonna we're gonna hit this little pole with our car let's see if it scratches the car realistically it does look scratch on the car right where it hit no way i'm just gonna try it one more time on this side yup wow that's crazy it confirmed the scratches are super realistic and in the right place apparently if a player goes near a door they'll put their hands up so let's see do players recognize that there is a door in front of him i'm not gonna open the door but let's see what franklin does he dies he puts his hand on the door yo that is great that's such a cool detail smith confirmed next myth apparently you can go to facebook from your phone like actual facebook so let's test it out www.spacebook.com search www.facebook.com no okay you can't myth busted that's lame next myth apparently cactuses break off when you shoot them so i'm gonna i'm gonna shoot this little side piece oh okay they actually do you can break certain parts of the cactus that's really cool yo no way confirmed next myth apparently gumball machines if you shoot them will just shoot gumballs everywhere that would be a really cool detail let's see it obviously the gumballs aren't very detailed inside of it but let's see if it actually breaks open and sprays them everywhere no way and they bounce okay they disappear very shortly after but hey comfort that's sick apparently if you knife someone there'll be blood on the knife right after so there's no blood on the knife right now let's just uh okay this guy's trying to push me he'll freak you is there blood there is blood that's kind of cool uh and i have one star frick apparently if you drive by a wall where there's mud mud will actually spray onto the wall oh there is mud on the wall no freaking way do you see that i barely okay wait that's crazy anyways yeah confirmed next myth apparently if you empty a jerry can and then try to shoot it it will not explode so let's empty this jar again all the way to zero this is gonna take a while while i wait um i wrote sub in gasoline so you should subscribe instantly how much freaking gasoline is in this dude jesus [Music] all right four three two one all right it should drop on the floor it should drop on the floor and then if i shoot it it will not explode usually they would explode okay are you serious why trying to bust a myth here chief it disappeared no you gotta be kidding me okay got another one i'll be right back jesus all right there we go dropped on the ground i'm not getting distracted let's shoot it yeah it doesn't explode it usually would have if there was gasoline it would explode that's actually sick confirmed this is an interesting one i just thought of this but will the player's feet curve depending on the surface they're standing on i might need a steeper sidewalk but franklin does stand on two different levels as we as you can see okay i'm standing on a tiny sidewalk does my foot actually curve look the shoe is curving it actually curved dude that's such an insane tiny detail myth confirmed jesus next myth apparently if it starts raining convertibles will put their top back on so let's make it rain all right it's raining will they put their conversation slow down are they gonna put their top on in the rain oh he does yo that's sick confirmed now give me your freaking convertible now next myth apparently there is beer inside of the beer statue thing so let's shoot it there actually is are you kidding me why bro are you oh my god confirmed delicious just kidding i hate beer next myth is if you subscribe in the next week you can win a thousand dollars yup it's confirmed no way i'm giving away subscribers a thousand dollars like a bunch of people multiple thousands of dollars so yeah subscribe and make sure you check you might not know that you're not subscribed so check subscribe epic if confirmed apparently a dropped gun magazine has physics and you can shoot it and move it so let's just shoot out all the ammo let's reload the magazine should drop yep there it is and now you can shoot it and that'll actually move what that is they coded physics on that oh and it just disappeared but still confirmed that's crazy next myth apparently there's poles in stab city that you can just walk through so we're gonna test it on this one i just walked straight through it nice how about this one yep walked throughing walking through the poles how about this one nope can't walk through that one but i bet you i can walk through this one yep you can walk straight through that one how about this one yep confirmed that's weird apparently you can also walk through this as well this boat yeah what the heck why don't what there's no collision on these boats or the poles apparently this building on top of it has a weird texture glitch so let's climb it oh it is look why is there a bunch of numbers on it well it's confirmed dude this is so it's kind of creepy why is there a bunch of numbers on this freaking whoa that was sick there's just a bunch of weird numbers on this building no clue why confirmed myth confirmed what it's everywhere creepy next myth apparently the pointer finger on a website in gta 5 is the middle finger it looks like the mouse is just a normal mouse but if you hover over something it turns into the middle figure that is so funny dude gta gotta love it myth confirmed next myth apparently you can shoot out the lights in franklin's house so okay here we have little side lights let's see if you can shoot them out oh okay so it actually like looked like it got shot out but there's still light emitting from it look at that electricity and everything interesting okay is that confirmed or not because like it looks like it's no i don't think it's a thing let's just try one more only those two lights did the electricity thing but that's weird okay i'm just gonna stay busted next myth apparently you can shoot items in franklin's house like the laptop or the fruit or just all the items have physics so let's just see if i shoot this will it move it does move okay the fruit doesn't move magazines don't move cup breaks bottle yeah okay things have physics okay cool confirmed interesting but i can't break any of these individual glasses interesting next myth all glass on the outside of houses are indestructible so let's just test it this is franklin's house yup bulletproof let's test a few more houses yep bulletproof bulletproof yep bulletproof i mean it like cracks but it doesn't break so bulletproof yeah okay all houses all glasses bulletproof interesting confirmed apparently if you lay down in water you will drown so let's see it i mean you should drown that would make sense but will it sense that i'm under water it doesn't look like i'm drowning interesting i could just chill underwater all day okay that's busted i'm aquaman apparently you can kill someone if you throw a snowball at their hand let's see it this would be so stupid okay so i'm going to aim this at this person's hand no way it killed you bro it killed him confirmed hey shut up idiot dead why do you snowballs snowballs are open that is so funny confirmed next myth apparently you can walk on power lines so let's test it out um all right here's a power line can i walk on it no you cannot you just clip right through them got it lame myth busted next myth throwing a flare at someone will kill them a snowball kills them so why wouldn't a flare all right let's see it nope does absolutely nothing what that is crazy why are snowballs so powerful busted next myth apparently the clocks in the game tell the actual time in game so let's open up my phone the clock says what is that 11 30 like three or something oh wow okay very cool i'm just gonna change the time let's see if it oh it does change on the clock yeah that's sick very cool myth confirmed take a look at my health apparently if you dive in shallow water you will take damage so the water here is very shallow let's just see if i take damage oh no i don't think i did i mean i definitely hit my head you saw that i was gonna try one more time let's test it out why am i diving in these waters no yeah you don't take damage all right next myth apparently the glasses stands will spin just like in real life you know you know when you go up to these you can spin them around let's see if they actually spin in real life yeah come on no does it not it might not let's try to shoot it spin spin no it doesn't busted wow not realistic apparently water fountains will make you fly into the air kind of like fire hydrants do if you shoot them so let's test it out so this should just kind of like make me fall over or like kind of fly fly me up a little bit if i stand on it let's see oh oh no it doesn't it doesn't at all it just kind of goes through me yeah look there's literally yeah just it just goes through me okay next myth apparently in the graveyard there's a bunch of graves that say rest in pieces not just rest in p oh yep this one literally rest in pieces all right that's confirmed is there more yep there's this one this one that one says rest in pieces that one does as well yeah there's a bunch okay that's that's funny confirmed next myth apparently being an attractor will stop all fall damage let's see yeah yeah i didn't take any fall damage are you kidding me if confirmed tractors are the best next myth apparently if you shoot a cement truck cement will actually pour out of where you shot it so let's see busted but how about an mpc cement truck let's see it no yeah nothing nothing happens so yeah next myth apparently there'll be people crying at the graveyard so there's people over here let's see what they're doing are they crying they're just smoking cigarettes they're literally just staring at a grave smoking cigarettes bro get out of you cry jesus it is kind of a cool detail that there's flowers at some of the graves though that's cool but it's a it's a busting i don't think people are actually crying what is this is this guy crying no he's he's also smoking a cigarette what's wrong with people stop smoking in the graveyard next myth if you shoot a propane tank thingy it'll blow out fire and then eventually explode so let's see oh okay the fire's blowing oh everything's capturing fire oh that's not good all right will it oh jesus why did that actually scare me okay confirmed that's pretty cool next myth apparently there's a secret little cave up here so let's see i think it's actually right here wait can i go and i can go oh yep yep this is sick dude this is so cool we could make this like your little hideout bro very cool myth confirmed we have an epic cave and for the last myth there's apparently this house right here where peds act very weird so we have chickens running and it looks like they get stuck in this position yeah that's so weird and then also if i go back here there's like a weird person just sitting in the ground like what are you doing stop right there criminal scum his legs are literally halfway through the ground i'm actually just gonna go back to it again and let's just see what else happens okay i'm back at the house it looks like there's a yep there's different people here there's a dog what's the dog gonna do what the dog doing the dog just falls in ties oh okay didn't die good that's so weird why such suspicious activity okay okay i'm gonna go back one more time let's see what yep now there's there's also more chickens another guy and another person just sitting in the ground just some weird activity going on all right confirm that is so strange apparently coffee can stop bullets so we have this guy holding a cup of coffee let's try to shoot at the cup of coffee no way dude confirmed coffee stops bullets that's insane guys that is one myth out of the 50 myths we are going to be busting in gta 5. i'm excited i love these videos show you support if you love them too next myth is landing on an umbrella will stop fall damage if it works in movies it works in real life come on i'm i freaking missed okay shouldn't miss it this time come on please okay yeah that's what i thought it doesn't you still die busted apparently being on a bike stops all fall damage so let's try it out and land oh confirmed wait why didn't you fall off that's insane next myth is apparently you can throw a grenade into the tank launcher thing so let's try it and yeah no no okay yeah it busted i don't know why you'd want to do that anyways maybe it'd be kind of cool you could throw one into the tank and then it'll like go up the chute and destroy the tank from the inside but now busted apparently if you break these the water will cause you to fly up into the air so let's destroy did i just get ran over by a bus so we're just gonna throw a grenade right there and it should bust it open e-oink oh okay and then now we just walk over it it does okay it's not that high but it does launch you that's pretty cool confirm apparently you can snipe someone from like insanely far away so we have cletus he's right up there i'm gonna go like on the bridge or like farther maybe on one of the buildings we're gonna see if we can snipe him okay guys we're all the way on this bridge can we still see him that's him right there you guys can barely see that but wait let's i'm just gonna see if we can snipe him from here no way guys he freaking died that's insane what about a little bit farther okay guys we are past the bridge we're on this building i'm gonna just try to see if we can kill the guy should be right here okay i'm not getting any kills so i think the farthest is from that bridge maybe that's still incredibly far all right confirmed next myth okay i'm basically in space will franklin still do the diving animation i am right above water let's just see here we go now bro you just went for it okay confirmed wow that's insane next myth is that campfires will heal you kind of like fortnight so we're kind of hurt we're like half health let's just see let's head right by campfire uh nope it doesn't it does not heal you next myth is that if you shoot an atm money will fall out so let's try it nope busted next myth is that you can win free money confirmed it's legit yes guys i'm giving away my subscribers a thousand dollars this week all you have to do subscribe and i'm gonna pick some of you to win a thousand dollars so you might as well do it just hit the subscribe button you can win money simple real simple and i post epic videos it's a win-win apparently the ferris wheel will close down if you rpg it how did i miss that are you kidding me there we go oh it looks like it's stopped no i'm still riding it okay that's busted next myth apparently there's a secret pathway under the pier and i think this is what they're talking about yep guys look i'm here there's like a little walkway this is so weird what the heck okay i'm gonna try to see if this just goes all the way around [Music] why is this here this is so weird it's really cool actually oh god dang it it's not connected frick well confirmed next myth is that you can put c4 on a volleyball or a beach ball or whatever so here we go here's a beach ball you can put c4 on it does it still move it does so it's like a movable bomb this is sick okay we also have a volleyball right here let's try it with the volvo yep it works with the volleyball as well would you guys want to play volleyball huh here's some volleyball for you guys that's awesome confirmed apparently put c4 on a sand castle like this and like this and then step on the sand castle the c4 will float let's see nope it doesn't float okay cool that is interesting next myth is apparently this tree right here is golden at night so i'm just gonna make it nighttime real quick what why is it golden that's so weird ow that is sick it must be like a texture glitch this is really cool there's a golden freaking tree in gta confirmed next myth is apparently you cannot run across the freeway without getting a hit let's try it so far so good no way no oh okay i'm gonna try it a couple more times oh okay i just did it it's busted i'm a legend apparently the open atomizer cannot break glass so let's see okay well it broke it so busted next myth apparently the up in atomizer this gun can go through any amount of glass so let's test it we have 25 pieces of glass right here let's see if it'll go through all of them three two one only three broke wait what trash wait a second let's try it from the other side it reflected off the first one wait what interesting okay well busted next myth pouring gasoline into a pool will actually change the color of the pool so let's try it let's just pour gas oh wait a second okay yeah guys it's not doing anything busted next myth apparently can rob a store with a snowball so we're gonna enter this storm no one's in here okay we found a different gas station uh there is someone in here let's see if you can rob it no way okay does he actually give me the money i'm just holding a snowball don't try this in real life he's actually giving me money how rich am i gonna get from a snowball guys 316 bucks that is hilarious confirmed oh my god backpacks can stop bullets so we have a backpack right here this guy's just vibing three two one no he'll still die apparently if you lay down in the freeway cars will not see you and they'll just run you over so let's test it i'm gonna crawl out in the middle of the freeway i'm gonna lay right here will they run me over confirmed freaking right over my head what the hell oh well this person saw me okay i'm gonna say confirm i don't know apparently you'll take no fall damage if you land in a dumpster truck got a dumpster truck and wait i didn't take any damage hold on i'm gonna try that one more time oh no i did take damage okay apparently sparks from a broken monitor will cause a fire if it's by gasoline so let's try this is so random let's see no okay i actually thought for a second it was going to but uh no that's busted that would be an insane detail guys apparently in the sewer there is a creepy drumming sound playing at all times oh guys i hear it listen [Music] okay confirmed that is creepy apparently if you throw a snowball into the strip club everyone will go crazy and run out so you can't throw anything while you're in there but let's just open the door grab a snowball and throw it why are you shooting me it's just a snowball is it working oh people are running out that is so fun everyone's running out no way what is this guy doing okay well confirmed next myth is apparently you can put a fire out with snowballs so we have a campfire just chilling here nope busted okay what about molotov we're gonna throw a molotov and then we're gonna throw snowballs on the fire no you can't all right so snowballs don't work how about a fire extinguisher this should work right what you can't put out a fire with a fire extinguisher at least a campfire you can't okay you can't put out a campfire with fire extinguisher so we learned in a previous episode that if you're on fire while holding a jerry can you explode but what if you just shoot a jerry can from someone's hand will they explode let's see no okay he falls over but he's not exploding let's just keep trying okay we're just gonna kill him so he's dead now now there's a jerry can on the ground so that will explode okay well hmm busted i guess interesting next myth is apparently you can pour gasoline while falling so we're gonna hold gasoline and we're just gonna fall off of here i'm pouring a pointy mid-air no way that's so funny okay confirmed another myth is that the molotov in your hand will not go out if you're in water so i'm just gonna hold it in my hand let's see if it goes out under water oh did you see that it was still lit okay we're gonna try it again but actually just walking into water so there's the molotov in my hand um it has gone underwater at this point it's fully submerged and still lit look at that confirmed fire does not go out next myth you can draw a like button with the widowmaker sweet drop a like that was pretty stupid but confirmed apparently at only 7 00 p.m there's a car that spawns up here and launches off this cliff so i'm going to turn it to 7 p.m and let's see all right guys it is 7 p.m it are those cops there's a car there is a car right there guys no way they're ah they actually launch off there are cops up here what the heck what is this confirmed next myth apparently you can rob a gas station outside of the store so we're gonna go right here you can see the guy through the window can you rob again no you can't he doesn't notice frick busting next myth apparently if the cashier hears that you have no ammo they will not give you the money in the register let's see all right so he thinks i have ammo i'm going to shoot and the click should trigger him oh okay doesn't matter i guess he hears the click i mean all right sure i don't even have a gun i don't have any ammo buddy yeah okay whatever cool busted i guess we still get the money easy next myth baseballs can break car windows oh confirmed that's actually kind of sick and it leaves like a little hole very cool next myth apparently snowballs do more damage than baseballs so let's just hit this guy in the head with a baseball okay he does nothing let's uh change to a snowball and he dies instantly what how does that make it okay let's just test it a couple times just to make sure so let's go let's go snowball first it kills her okay let's go back to baseball all right let's hit this girl in the face nothing you can throw multiple baseballs at people they do not how does that make sense baseballs would hurt ready i'm gonna throw a baseball at this guy's head nothing snowball though dead that is cool okay confirmed that is crazy apparently you can't shoot through binoculars either we got coffee binoculars phones let's see it uh this guy's looking binoculars his name's cletus three two one bro oh my god why that is so like i don't get it okay confirmed weird apparently you take no fall damage in a golf cart is this true it is true wow that's awesome confirmed next myth apparently you could fill a cup with liquid so we have a bunch of cups here i'm just going to shoot this because it pours out gasoline and yeah let's just see if any of these cups will be filled by the time it's done are they filling up wait did they have liquid in before them wait there's liquid in there hold on i'm gonna try again with these cups there's definitely no liquid in these cups so let's do it all right this would be sick this would be a crazy detail if it were a thing wait why does it look like it's filled up no way guys there's liquid in there now there's freaking liquid confirmed apparently you can shoot out the windows of a car and then throw a molotov through it or throw like a snowball through it let's just see all right that should be should be able to throw this through it what hold on let's try it let's try like a baseball you can't that's lame lame busted next myth apparently if you fall right by someone they'll call the ambulance for you so we got a guy right down there i should literally fall right next to him so let's just fall does he not even know well i'm gonna try one more time next to people that aren't on their phone and let's just see what happens okay he called me a sucker and walked away and that guy's just staring at a wall wow no faith in gta pens busted next myth apparently these will electrocute you if you touch them so let's just jump on one oh yeah it's confirmed that's sick next myth apparently you can pick up a cop car with a cargo bob we're gonna try to pick up a cop card that has cops in it so there's one down there's a bunch down there actually come on come on let me pick your book no way okay oh the cops fell out hold on hold on we gotta get one with cops in it oh no way no way i think i did it are the cops inside the cops are inside okay confirm that's sick okay let's just take them really far up and drop them and yoink later idiots oh my god oh it exploded oh that's it confirmed next myth apparently if you take a selfie with a cop they will arrest you so let's try it okay here we go selfie there's the cop in the background and is he gonna arrest us wait wait wait did he i'm confused i'm confused did he arrest me because of the selfie or just because i was standing there um okay i don't know that is confusing and weird hold on i'm gonna try it one more time and see if that was just him okay we've got a cough on his phone let's do this and then this let's take the selfie boom is he guys is it i think okay i don't know i'm just gonna say confirmed it happened twice okay guys i have one star this is the next myth apparently if you go on a ladder the cops will knock you down and it'll make you have two stars i don't know why just because you're on a ladder so let's test it all right we're going up on a ladder i have one star now i have two stars and they're shooting me what why freak you okay confirmed that's weird we're gonna actually test another myth real quick so we're gonna climb the ladder apparently you can knock off the cops with a snowball so let's just try it let's get up here let's get out of snowball all right we have a snowball if the cops climbed the ladder all right he's climbing he's climbing okay here we go can we knock off the cop with the snowball it kills them too yes confirmed next myth apparently you can break the windshield by kicking it so let's see if that's true i know it that would be really cool if you could very realistic oh it cracks no way okay that's actually sick very good detail okay i'm gonna run away now confirmed next myth apparently you cannot snipe the person driving the blimp so let's just see yep there is the person driving right there i believe yep let's try it oh you can okay that is sick and it's going down i am so sorry i'm just testing myths all right you'll forgive me yeah maybe oh god where's it gonna land confetti it's a party all right cool confirmed if you break the window of a car the glass will fall on the ground and if you step on the glass it'll actually sound like you're stepping on glass so let's test it there we go glass all over the ground it does i'm gonna wait until the car alarm goes off and we'll try it on the other side listen carefully here we go glass on the ground it does wow they thought of everything that's insane guys confirmed apparently if you shoot right next to a cat the cat will freak out that's a cat right there so let's just shoot right by it oh no wait it runs off no oh my god confirmed guys today we're busting 40 myths that was just one of them let's get right into it that's actually crazy that's so realistic that's awesome apparently if you ram into a fruit tree fruit will actually fall off of it from the impact let's see it all right there's fruits everywhere i think these are oranges and let's just oh no wrecking way yo that's actually crazy it's confirmed fruit actually falls off of trees next myth is apparently npcs will hold on to the car when you drive look at that he did it how did he die from that i'm just going to try it again really quickly we really didn't get to see it in its full capacity so let's see so if i look he's holding on he's fully holding on that's actually crazy confirmed i have the cops dang it next myth is apparently if you shoot the sirens on a cop car they'll sound different so let's shoot the lights shoot all these off boom boom perfect goodbye so let's shoot all this off let's make sure it's all broken there we go and let's see what it sounds like now will it sound different it doesn't sound different is that busted oh it does sound different hold up it does confirm wow it actually changes the sound of the sirens guys apparently if a cop is injured a different cop will come and drag them to safety [Music] oh he was dragging him he was dragging him to safety frick i shot the guy but you saw that right he was freaking do it slow my replay he was dragging him official it's confirmed holy freak that's actually crazy all right next myth apparently there's actually mail in the mailboxes if you break them open so let's see it let's get a bat i don't have a bat but i have a diamond pickaxe this should work the same yeah there actually is mail that's sick confirmed by the way guys before we go to the next myth i'm giving thousands of dollars away to subscribers all you have to do is subscribe literally seriously check to see if you're subscribed you might not be and uh yeah you might get picked to win a thousand bucks easy as that anyways next myth next myth if you shoot a paint can it'll spray paint everywhere i think this is a paint can let's shoot it and see what happens oh no way bro it actually works bro what is this episode of myth busting confirmed yet again that's awesome next myth apparently in this lumber yard there is movable wood there is movable logs that you can actually push around let's see i think it's these ones yep it actually moves wait that's sick look guys even franklin can push them that is so cool look guys that is so sick confirmed if you go through tunnels the gps will shut off because of bad signal let's see it no way bro it actually does what is this game bro the details confirmed myth confirmed next myth is if you switch to trevor his phone will be cracked so franklin's phone is not cracked as you can see it's totally fine but let's switch to trevor oh god trevor's getting chased by cops fun well let's check his phone it is in fact cracked makes sense it's trevor so very cool anyways oh my god what the anyways next myth next myth apparently when you're wearing glasses it'll affect the first person view so we're wearing these weird orange purpley glasses let's uh go in first person it actually does yo that is sick what if confirmed apparently if you go pretty fast in a dump truck garbage will actually fall out of the back oh stuff is falling out of the back you guys see that oh my god dude the details in this game are ridiculous just imagine gta 6 though anyway smith confirmed next myth there's these barriers that actually protect you if you run into them so let's just see if it actually oh my god it does work you can push them in and it'll protect you from a crash that's crazy let's just go flying into one and see what happens will i die all right here we go going really fast right into one oh okay and not even that much damage to the car okay so it actually does work that's actually really cool bro myth confirmed that's sick apparently amanda michael's wife if she gets drunk her makeup will be messed up so this is her sober this is her drunk um i don't see messed up makeup is this busted she's just staring at me with a really creepy smile okay um busted i think okay interesting apparently enemies will actually flinch if you shoot a bullet near them so let's see it on this guy so he's you know shooting me and stuff wait why did he just die wait what okay let's test it on this guy so this guy doesn't like me right let's see if he flinches he flinched are you kidding me he's flinching if i shoot a bullet near his head look at that he goes bro confirmed that is insane are you kidding apparently soldiers will not get scared if you aim a gun at them so let's do it there's some soldiers over here usually other peds will just run away in fear but what will soldiers do not today oh okay well they start shooting you i mean got it yep they're not scared they'll just immediately kill you got it confirmed i guess next myth apparently if you have a tire on the back of your car and if you back up into a barrier the car will actually bounce off the barrier because of the tire let's test it out we got some barriers here uh okay it didn't bounce off but another myth was that if you hit a barrier it bends and it definitely bent slow-mo replay of that let's just do it again real quick yeah it definitely bent that's a nice detail i'm kind of let down that it didn't bounce off but wait whatever yeah bouncing busted but barrier bending confirmed apparently in thermal vision if you kill someone there will be no more heat in the body just like in real life so let's do it no way bro the heat slowly goes away confirmed this is insane smash light guys next myth apparently firefighters are fire proof so let's see it here's a firefighter okay let's try that again i don't know what happened but uh yeah okay they're not fireproof got it good to know next myth there are some signs that actually react to a person hitting it so like they'll spin around like this ice cream sign oh it actually does what that is so like unnecessary but it's amazing confirmed next myth shooting the missiles at a military base just the ones that are stored will explode so let's see it okay so far busted how many bullets wait is it actually busted no way oh jesus christ never mind confirmed that's actually sick and it breaks whatever the thing was that was holding the missiles that's crazy next myth apparently if you knock down all of these stoplights traffic will just not know what to do and they'll go crazy let's do that okay all traffic lights are broken let's see if traffic behaves any differently okay traffic is stopping as you can see traffic is behaving like normal so that is busted next myth apparently you will get kicked out of the store if you go in the employees only section so there is a gas station worker let's try to go back here into the employees only as you can see no entry staff only let's head in there you can't come back here okay he's getting angry let's just in here and see what he does will he kick me out go away there's no problem here i get cops called on me wow okay confirm i mean technically he didn't kick me out or throw me out but still i'm gonna say that's confirmed that's crazy just because i came into the freaking employee section take money thank you if you attack someone with a pet their pet will actually attack you back so let's see it we're gonna we're gonna punch this guy he's got a cute little doggy was popping um here we go um busted you're my dog now the dog doesn't even care oh okay wait he was attacked he did attack me i accidentally kicked it um it did start attacking me it started barking at me confirmed at first it was busted but then it started that was weird like late reaction i didn't mean to kick the dog i'm sorry i'm so sorry it's just taking a nap i'll take it to the hospital apparently michael holds the micro smg a little bit different than everyone else so franklin holds it like this trevor holds it like this so same as franklin and michael holds it like this yeah he holds it closer to his eyes interesting that is very weird confirmed next myth apparently helicopter blades can cut trees in half so let's see it we're gonna go right by this tree will it cut the tree in half okay leaves actually fly off of the tree which is actually a pretty sick detail but i don't think it cuts the tree in half but i'm gonna keep trying so just give me a second speed this up [Music] okay yeah it's it's busted it doesn't work that will be sick though next myth apparently there are some cars that aren't parked perfectly so that car is parked perfectly oh this one's not look it's a little bit over slightly this one's not in the middle look at how badly this one's parked bro it's actually on the yellow line so yeah wow confirm they're actually parked like normal real-life cars dude that's crazy especially in la really bad drivers next myth apparently peds crossing the street will run if they're too slow so this girl's crossing the street will she be too slow and start running oh that girl's running over there it's coming dude they actually start running like in real life this game surprises me every day i swear that's crazy next myth apparently you can only climb ladders from one side so i shouldn't be able to climb from this side let's see okay i did not know that animation existed that sick busted that's so cool it's the little things you know next myth if you spin your tires on dirt leaves will fly out oh my god why are there so many leaves in that specific spot that's actually sick dude confirmed apparently in the tennis area tennis players actually flip their racket because they're bored just standing waiting for their opponent will he flip it will he flip it oh he flipped it he's flipping it and catching it bro good freaking okay i actually feel bad he just wanted to play tennis anyways confirmed if a player is parked at an edge like this they'll just open the door and fall out let's see confirmed well i'm gonna try it again like actually on a road and let's see what happens so okay at least i had a parachute that time weird okay confirmed yep you just fall to your death you're not smart enough to go to the other seat apparently some parked cars aren't locked just like in real life some people don't lock their cars oh there we go an unlocked car freaking idiot who left their car unlocked was it you don't be stupid next time anyways confirm apparently pedestrians can hear you if you sneak up behind them so there's a girl right here we're gonna sneak up behind her and just stare at the back of her neck see if she notices oh she's kind of looking she's kind of looking at me she's side-eyeing me let's get a little bit closer okay she said something in spanish and walked away interesting though she did realize i was there very cool confirmed this is a confirmed episode what the heck we have so many confirms apparently if you shoot the buckets at the construction building liquid will pour out of it so let's see i think it's paint i don't know but let's see oh okay it's either black paint or gasoline but yeah it that definitely definitely is a thing what if it's rolling multiple liquid wow that's cool that's really detailed confirmed next myth mirrors don't work in gta 5. the only mirror i know besides car mirrors is the franklin bedroom mirror which does work it actually works okay very very well too quick detail i want to know is if i break the bottle on franklin's desk will it also break the bottle in the mirror yes okay it is in fact a real mirror good so that mirror works so the myth is busted but what about car mirrors i don't think car mirrors work let's just see yeah rear view mirror okay it kind of works i mean it's like really blurry but i think it actually is working i'm gonna say the myth is busted mirrors actually work apparently the water from a fire truck can wash away fuel from the ground so we're gonna pour a bunch of fuel okay that's supposed to say sub which you should do uh subscribe all right let's just pull up next to it and see if it washes away it actually does no way it actually washes it away that's crazy dude next myth is apparently you can fill a trash can with water so let's test it out let's just spray water uh all on this trash can let's go see if it's filled up with water uh no just a trash can just a trash bag no it doesn't fill up all right busted and the last myth is that around some lighting in los santos there will be butterflies and moths floating around just like in real life and well as you can see confirmed guys this has been insane we busted so many freaking myths into this video a lot of confirms dude this game's insanely detailed apparently if you throw a molotov at a tree it will not burn i know for a fact it'll burn all right wait what wait what ah i guess that's confirmed i thought they would for sure burn what is this next myth is if you throw a grenade into franklin's house and then run inside it won't hurt you so let's test it out if i just prop this door open right here and then quickly throw a grenade inside and then run in it won't hurt me okay you busted i still died okay got it next myth is that you can survive a grenade explosion if the grenade is under water so we're gonna throw a grenade underwater we're gonna jump in eoink and see if we survive this no still kills you busted next myth is that you can kill someone with one hit from a snowball so let's do it on this lady smoking cigarettes is bad for you you are dead she's dead and i got 11 bucks from it it's a win-win okay next myth is if you aim a snowball at a cop they will arrest you so let's try it out on these cops um let's just aim this snowball at them will they arrest me i'm just aiming a snowball at them not doing anything else okay he's getting angry he's not arresting me though so that's good okay they won't arrest you i guess busted okay next myth is that you can jump the gap between two buildings just like spider-man so let's do it we have this massive gap right here will i be able to make it okay let's try it yeah come on okay you can actually do that wow that's a big jump look how big of a freaking gap that is franklin good job confirmed next myth is that if you subscribe right now you have a chance to win a thousand dollars yep it's confirmed guys it's true i'm giving away a thousand dollars to a bunch of you guys and all you have to do is subscribe so definitely check to see if you're subscribed you don't want to miss out on free money why wouldn't you next myth is that the construction workers will always have each other's back there's a bunch of construction workers right there i'm gonna throw a snowball at one of them the other one that should have his boys back and uh should hurt me i think so let's test it oh no he doesn't have his boys but he's just gonna leave okay got it it's busted next myth is that you can play golf with a shotgun i'm gonna guess it's just gonna explode when i shoot it but let's try it's three two one oh it didn't explode it actually moves from the shotgun bullet no way what oh my god okay yeah confirmed you can play golf with the shotgun apparently at this graveyard there's like a gun somewhere laying in an empty grave so let's let's look okay so far i have not found anything so just look a little bit longer if not then it's busted is there an open grip oh here's an oh there is a gun no way okay can we pick it up too i think you are able to pick it up i just already have this gun equipped okay i just removed all weapons let's see if we can pick it up yep you can actually pick it up and use it that is sick and my game just crashed what what okay maybe don't pick that gun up or it'll crash your game hey anyways myth confirmed that's pretty sick i did not know there was a gun there apparently if you rpg the roller coaster you can't ride it anymore which would make sense so let's try it there's the worker okay um so it's on fire it looks like i can still write it let's press e e to ride the leviathan yep it's literally on fire so yep you can so now i have this uh this mod on can we eat jesus oh okay okay and let's test it [Music] oh my god oh frick okay confirmed okay next myth just aiming a ball at an ammunitions worker will close down the store so let's see it okay here we go get hold the ball and aim it at him it closed it no way bro it's just a ball what's your deal what's your freaking deal guy fury oh he's gonna shoot me okay i'm just gonna leave all right well that's confirmed next myth is if you apparently just drop a ball on the ground people will not like that and they will run away and be scared so we have some people here let's just drop a ball okay they didn't run but uh they walked away okay let's try it again okay we have this lady on her phone hello okay it's a little scared so i would say kind of confirmed yeah okay next myth apparently if you make a hoop with a baseball you'll actually get the item the basketball so let's try it let's try to make a hoop that didn't go in dang it hold on [Music] okay that definitely went in do i have a different item no i don't think i do okay that's busted so chop has a poop right here apparently if you just crawl through it you'll get poop on your clothes so let's try it let's just crawl through this poop real quick oh yes what am i doing this is great all right let's see do i have poop on my clothes i do not okay that would have been cool though that's busted another chopped myth is that chop can't drown so what i'm gonna do is i'm going to place him in the pool and let's just see what happens will he drown will he not drown where is he oh oh my god wait what he just bounces up what this is really weird okay so he just goes up and down all right i'm just gonna wait here for like a few minutes let's just see if he drowns wait did he just escape the pool where did he go okay he just respawns so yeah i guess technically he cannot drown apparently there is a secret bush that you can hide in at this house and this is the bush so all you have to do is go up to this tree and then just walk into the bush oh yep dude that's okay this is cool this is very cool if you're ever playing hide and seek this is where you should go guys it is in this bush this is freaking awesome dude how far does this go okay it goes all the way back here very cool wow confirmed i like this i'm gonna use this for a hiding spot one video all right oh wait i already did okay next myth is apparently if you fall on top of a car you will not die from fall damage it'll actually save you kind of like you see in the movies so i have a bunch of cars down here let's just fall and okay you still die oh my god all right busted next myth is you can drive a plane into another plane so we have the smallest plane and the biggest plane let's try to drive this inside of there i don't think it's gonna fit will it come on come on no way okay you can actually do that all right cool confirmed okay next myth is that you can actually fly the cargo plane while the plane is still in the plane a lot of planes today all right we're just gonna close up the back there we go closed it the plane's still running in there as well all right let's hop in the cargo plane and let's see so the plane is inside let's see if i can take off basically transfer a plane inside of a plane it is working i have uh yep you can do it oh it's smoking though i think that's the other plane inside but yeah looks like you can do it all right cool next myth is that you cannot kill impotent rage he's right here he's like a superhero type of dude so let's just punch him [Music] instantly dies okay busted next myth is that this window right here is one way glass i guess so i can't see through it from the outside but apparently you can see outside from inside if that makes sense okay so i put michael right here he's right outside the window i'm inside the house let's see yep that's weird okay interesting michael can't see me next myth is uh you can kill your family with an rpg so let's see it i got a bunch of them right here let's just aim it they don't seem to care are they dead they're dead they're dead yep i died confirmed nice apparently if you throw a snowball at michael's daughter they will just die instantly so let's try it shut it [Applause] prank goes wrong confirmed i guess that's so funny next myth apparently you can shoot a proximity mine out of midair and explode it let's see it how's my accuracy that was sick i'm gonna try it one more time here we go yeah oh okay definitely definitely confirm that oh my god jesus okay apparently at the strip club there is a specific spot right here where you cannot get hurt so i have four stars let's see if i can get hurt i just have to stand right here i guess look the bullets aren't hurting me no way okay i'm just gonna have a bunch of cops come see what happens look at all these cops guys all of them trying to shoot me there's like an invisible barrier i guess that's so funny they're not even shooting me what okay now they're trying now they're shooting but they i'm just i'm just not getting here look look at the invisible barrier that's amazing yes i cannot get hurt and watch the second i walk out i actually get hurt oh no oh well anyways confirmed next myth apparently at the pure if you jump at a certain point on the stairs you'll you'll dive just into the wood so let's try it i think it's right here all right let's try it that's awesome confirmed apparently if you throw a snowball at a cop you'll get two stars instantly so let's see it this guy's just walking up why is he walking like that all right you oink three stars are you serious and it killed him okay that makes sense i think if you kill him you get three stars if you don't you get two stars okay confirmed anyways and that cop just got right over yo apparently cops will talk you down from jumping off the bridge so let's just see um let's just you know get up on the bridge there's a cop right here let's hop up will he do anything [Music] i don't think so okay busted that would be cool though next myth is if a fire truck is on fire the firemen will put out the fire on the truck so let's just see it let's start a fire there's the fire truck all right so they're gonna run away let's just burn down their fire truck now and see if they put out the fire on the fire truck what do they do can you even catch these on fire yes you can what do they do they just run around in circles guys your truck's on fire put it out nope they don't next myth is that you cannot catch a fireman on fire if they're running weird myth but yeah let's try it so i have a fireman running right in front of me let's just try to throw a molotov at him yoink he dodged it let me try that again come on you really can't they will not get they will not catch on fire confirmed i guess you can't catch them on fire next myth if you have an object blocking the water the character will still dive head first into the whatever object it is so we have glass down there let's try to dive eoink oh okay i guess not it's busted apparently the helicopters will fly straight into the windmills and the windmills will kill the helicopter cops so let's see if that works let's try to lure them into the windmills come on helicopter go right into it yes you can you can go straight through it don't oh did they just dodge that is it busted come over here helicopter you can do it i believe in you go right through that windmill guys come on come on no not above it oh oh it worked the windmill hit the cop look they're falling okay apparently at 3am there is a sewer monster in the sewers so what time is it it's 3am let's just see i'm just gonna explore for a little bit okay i think it's supposed to be in this area um there's supposed to be like a sewer monster back here i don't think there's any sewer monster okay guys i've pretty much looked everywhere on the sewer i don't know i don't think there is one i'm gonna say busted apparently you can blow up a c4 by meleeing it so i'm going to put the c4 right here and i'm going to use my hatchet and let's see if it blows up if i hit it oh i uh that was an accident oh myth confirmed yo that's crazy next myth apparently cops will not arrest you if you are holding a gun so i have a gun out there's two cops over here let's just walk on by them and see what they do you know what i'm gonna even go crazy i'm gonna hold an assault rifle right next to them oh okay they're getting angry will they arrest me they don't care they're only mad because i stood next to them and kind of stared at them but they do not care that i'm holding an assault rifle let's just test it how about like an rpg all right that's a little crazy do they care that i'm holding an rpg guys i'm literally holding an rpg they don't care unless i aim it at them they do not care myth confirmed wow next myth if you walk in blood it'll leave a blood trail from your shoes so let's just uh eat this guy yeah oh didn't mean it i was that was an accident all right there's blood on the floor let's walk in it real quick get it all over our shoes okay we even moved the guy the dead guy and let's just walk in it all right we're definitely standing in it now let's walk away there is no blood trail what come on rockstar pretty sure that was in gta 3. but uh yeah there's literally no blood trail at all okay myth busted that's lame next myth apparently you can melee a fire extinguisher to burst so let's just try it might take a while but i'm willing to wait don't mind me just uh laying in a fire extinguisher or is that what it's called fire extinguisher i can't remember what these things are called but editor just put it on the screen but you know that sometimes it happens anyways it's not working myth busted that's lame apparently if you shoot the window of a parked car it'll always make the door unlocked let's do it oh wait what there's no windows okay here we go actual windows all right there we go is the door unlocked yes it is unlocked let's try a few more cars unlocked unlocked unlocked yep it's it confirmed that it makes it much faster as well breaking into a car next myth apparently you can parachute all the way from maze bank to the pier so let's try it okay this is gonna take a long time oh no a tree dang it okay into the pool that was sick this is not a pool um busted next myth apparently you can ride a log so let's try it oh come on idiots what are you doing [Music] okay it's it's not working i don't think you can mythbuster next myth apparently if you shoot a water tank water will pour out of the holes doesn't look like it i just want to try it real quick uh nope wow strong water tank you can write sub equals money though um so that's cool now for real if you subscribe you can win money i'm giving away thousands of dollars to subscribers in the next week so yeah if you're subscribed you're good check to see if you're subs you might as well you can win money pretty sick anyways on to the next myth that one's busted next myth you can mow the grass with the lawn mower so let's see there's some grass right here just go over it uh it is not being mowed it's just being moved a little bit that is kind of frustrating i really thought it would work that's so lame question next myth apparently if you play dead while someone's punching you they'll stop punching you and leave okay so this guy's punching me i am just going to play dead will he stop punching me and kicking me okay he does run away but i think that's only because the cops are here so it's busted that's lame apparently it's impossible to shoot two c4s out of midair myth busted you can do it let's go okay that took me a long time but it's possible that's sick dude apparently you can knock off this orange ball and it would like run people over and stuff so let's just kick it oh i punched it it like bounced a little wait what oh yes yes yes myth confirmed it does all right sick next myth you can put sticky bombs on it and it will roll down and wait no come back oh the sticky bomb stuck to it i'm gonna explode it look it exploded yo that's sick we can create like a rolling bomb this is awesome now we wait for our next victim i'm just putting so many sticky bombs on this oh we have our victim we have our victim come on come on drive drive you can totally drive buddy don't worry yeah keep going that way keep going let's go myth confirmed that's sick next myth you can kill a cockroach uh so there should be cockroaches around this car oh yep there's one let's try to kill it oh they just disappeared okay hold on okay i definitely shot that no you cannot kill a cockroach dang it next myth apparently players will actually use the rear view mirror while you're looking behind so let's see it so franklin this is how he normally looks while he's driving and now let's press this button oh he's looking at the mirror he's actually looking at that's crazy what an insane detail myth confirmed that's that's insane next myth if you shoot a power plant it will cause like smoke and sparks i guess so let's try it oh it does it actually does dude what all right confirmed next myth if you shoot a coffee cup coffee will pour out of it so this guy's holding a coffee cup let's just okay so he's dead right but the coffee's on the ground let's see if coffee will actually pour out of it no it does not look like it does that is busted next myth you can land a water bottle flip in gta 5. so we got some water bottles here let's land one you could do it that was sick it like bounced confirmed let's go two in a row two in a row two in a row dang it next myth you can win a thousand dollars for free it's confirmed i'm giving away thousands of dollars to subscribers all you have to do is subscribe super easy super simple so check to see if you're subscribed you might not be next myth apparently blood doesn't show up in water so is there blood water physics let's uh let's find out that's a mod i added sorry all right let's see is there blood in the water no wait hold up let me try that again i'm not seeing any blood oh wait there is that's blood okay there is confirmed i thought for a second i was like there's no way there is blood water physics next myth apparently there is a giant carrier ship at the bottom right of the map oh is this it boat let's go there guys there is what there's jets on here and everything what this is sick dude bro there's like a whole interior and everything this is really cool confirmed next myth apparently there's still a hundred thousand people playing gta 5 in 2022 every single day so 100k every day playing gta 5. let's see grand theft auto 5 peak today 137 dude this game's almost 10 years old that is insane confirmed wow that is crazy there's literally 60 000 people playing it right now next myth apparently there is a pooping mod um yeah confirmed there is in fact a pooping mod i can poop anytime i want are you done there you go don't even have to wipe confirm sorry about that stop smoking it's bad for you let me just poop on him real quick there we go no smoke he disappeared what next myth apparently you can ride a unicycle underwater so we have a unicycle you know just vibing on my cycle let's see will it be able to ride it under water no dang it he jumps off dude i wish he'd try longer i mean whatever that's busted next myth apparently down this little like creepy path written on the ground says turn back so let's see if that is true oh it does whoa why though what's over here there's nothing over here interesting all right well confirmed that's creepy next myth apparently there are bloody footprints around this pool table inside of this building oh there is interesting oh sorry guys sorry i think this has to do with one of the murder mysteries in the game there's blood right here as well clean up the freaking floor dude what's under there there's blood under the pool table even creepy confirmed apparently there is a truck in stabbed city with an actual california license plate so we're going to just look at all the trucks and see it's right here confirmed an actual california license plate and that's actually really sick it was the first truck i looked at bro what looks like there's just like a broken bmx and like a washer on this truck too so that's pretty cool next myth if you sneak or fire rpgs at michael's house they will call you or text you saying to stop oh let's test it out yeah okay he calls me fire rockets at my house yeah okay so yep confirmed epic next myth apparently if you're going fast enough you can bike on water all right here we go we're going really fast and no it is not true wait i'm biking underwater wait what oh nevermind okay they busted now how about a car all right here we go yeah no that doesn't i'm glad that doesn't work because i would not be realistic all right busted next myth when it's really cold you can actually see the character's breath so let's uh let's just watch here for a second um okay yeah no it you can't you can okay next myth if you sit on a burning bike like this you'll fall off like you'll burn and die so let's try it no i guess not um okay interesting i'm ghostwriter that's mythbustered next myth you can walk down a water slide so we got water slides right here let's just see if i can walk down oh i'm tripping no you can wait i'm getting up no yeah you can't you just always trip which is realistic that's cool sploosh next myth you can make a shot with a basketball so we have a bunch of basketballs here let's get our shotgun out try to make a hoop that made it confirm i did in fact make a basketball shot that's sick next myth apparently franklin cannot smile in gta 5. so let's try to make him smile um he's definitely smiling right yeah okay so we're just changing his mood with a mod but yeah here's normal he kind of looks you know kind of mad a little bit here is happy he's smiling confirmed next myth apparently franklin doesn't blink so let's just see if he blinks he blinked right yeah yeah he blinks okay confirmed he's changing his facial expressions too this game's crazy freaking the details dude next myth apparently if you run for long enough you will fall over and die so we're just gonna keep on running for a long time and see what happens i think my franklin stats are really high so i'm gonna do it with michael okay it's not working for me i know it's true because i've seen footage of it editor put footage of it happening so yeah confirmed shut it all right if you knock over a stop sign people will just go through the stop sign without stopping oh they literally just went through it without stopping and still it's still up what all right there we go we knocked over that and let's get out and see if people stop still all right we have our first driver they didn't stop okay they they kind of stop like okay this one did stop got it all right myth busted next myth gta 6 is out uh no gta 6 is not out that's busted if it was out i wouldn't be playing gta 5. but leave a like in gta 6 will come out this year next myth you can shoot your own foot in gta 5. so can i oh it's actually really close i can almost do it like look how close my foot is right there maybe a different gun let's try all the guns oh wait look i'm definitely shooting my foot there you guys see that right okay it doesn't hurt me though but i can do it i'm gonna say busted because if it hurt me then that would be confirmed but yeah busted next myth apparently if you fall onto c4 it will explode so we're just gonna put a bunch of c4 here and then i'm just gonna run and trip on the c4 okay we're gonna try that one more time no okay busted guys we just busted 500 myths holy freak did you watch the whole thing that's insane that was very long you're the best make sure to subscribe we're getting close to 10 million and that's absolutely nuts cop the new plushie and the merch that's out now first link down below we have a brand new glow-in-the-dark plushie with even a backpack new actual backpack releasing soon so stay tuned and yeah guys i'll see y'all in tomorrow's video oh wait no that doesn't make sense for the end uh okay bye
Channel: Caylus
Views: 37,096,082
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Keywords: infinite lists, infinite, gta 5, caylus, gta 5 caylus, gta 5 mods, I Busted 500 Myths In GTA 5!, busting 500 myths in gta 5, caylus busting myths, I busted 500 myths, I busted 1000 myths, caylus myths, myths gta 5, busting myths in gta 5, busting myths in gta 5 shorts, shorts, gta 5 shorts, gta 6, busting myths in gta 6, busting, myths, busted, 1000 myths, movie myths
Id: bKKOBbWy2sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 181min 39sec (10899 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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