The TikTok Pink Sauce Conspiracy...

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hello guys and gals me mudahar and uh what if i talked about tick-tock today ladies and gentlemen you know tick-tock trends are uh wild indeed we've seen some pretty banger ones but when it comes to something food related any trend on the internet regardless of if it's on tick tock youtube facebook dailymotion i don't care what site you're on you know nico nico i don't care okay at the end of the day if it's food related please be careful because putting things in your body isn't always the end-all be-all okay ladies and gentlemen we went from people you know talking about tide pods on youtube which is something you should never consume because it's incredibly dangerous and injurious to your health but you didn't mean you didn't need me to tell you that today ladies and gentlemen we have something known as the tick tock pink sauce now there is a new tick talker on the block spearheading the trend of home chef cooking this one is chef pie now ladies and gentlemen i like pie the number and the dessert if you look close you can see this pepto-bismol looking sauce with the consistency of ranch dressing all the way over various amounts of food so any food you can imagine this pink sauce is absolutely slathered all over now of course from what i understand this pink sauce kind of is like ranch rancher whatever the hell actually better than that let's go right to the source and understand just what's at the heart of this delicious sauce so of course we've got the pink sauce now of course the pink sauce contains various products for instance you like sunflower seed oil you got some of that some dragon fruit which is i guess where the you know pink comes from honey chili and garlic okay so you know a couple of these work together but then the dragon fruits like a total you know hail mary into the mix i think that's where most of the uh you know essence is coming in at now this pink sauce is like 20 u.s so i don't know if the sauce is so good that it's worth 20 or if chef pie is pricing it so high because she knows she ain't getting any repeat customers might as well milk that cow dry while it's there now of course being a canadian i wanted to you know buy two pieces of it myself and of course for forty dollars all right i couldn't even spend the money if i wanted to because this product doesn't ship outside to canada unfortunately i cannot try the pink sauce now of course you might be like well moody this pink sauce looks dangerously close to things like pepto-bismol and you're right okay it has literally the same color i didn't even know until today but pepto-bismol comes in like a billion fashions chews little viagra looking tablet some pepto oh man you can't sell a product that's called pepto diarrhea come on now now of course for those of you man there are so many different versions of pepto like i i did not know that this was a big problem in the united states in the world jesus christ yeah if you ever got something bad stomach related or poo related well you've got pepto-bismol right here ladies and gentlemen god damn so anyways going back to the old pink sauce stuff over here let's read what's also in it let's look at the nutritional facts now you've got about 400 44 servings in a container what what are you only allowed to use like a microgram of this at once each tablespoon which is a serving is 14.4 grams hold on let's get the uh let's get the calculator out today what the wait this doesn't even make any sense hold on a minute hold on wait a minute 444 times 14.4 that's like 6393 grams ladies and gentlemen jesus christ we are we are looking at 225 almost if rounded up 226 ounces that's that's a lot of sauce for twenty dollars i'll be honest with you now of course if you look at just one bottle right that's 444 per container okay so the container is that bottle right there so this is a big bottle or that's severely misprinted if you look at the caloric intake of this too this is probably one of the most calorie dense foods i've ever seen 90 times 444 that's how much calories you're about to see in this bottle okay so it's got one gram of saturated fat wait one gram of saturated fat but in like what category i don't wait wait a minute wait where's the fat which one is it zero zero milligrams of cholesterol 60 milligrams of sodium and about uh you know four grams of dietary fiber and 11 grams of total sugars dude even the math doesn't add up with the carbohydrates how can you have 11 grams of sugar okay four but how do you end up to total three where's the subtraction forget the protein the math doesn't make sense and of course no protein now of course one thing to really note about this is i want to read the ingredients uh label in the situation so ingredients it's got some water some sunflower seed oil raw honey oh god baby wait wait raw honey is in this no no way raw honey can be defined in two ways you've got true raw honey which comes from the bee hive without any added heat oh no no no no no no no that's almost botulism right wait a minute commercial raw honey is still slightly processed but less so than honey not labeled raw there is no way dude do you understand that could cap botulism to it let's move distilled venger garlic pitaya pink himalayan sea salt less than two percent of dried spices lemon juice milk oh dude that better not be raw milk now of course for those of you don't understand okay when you have raw products like this especially raw honey there is something known as botulism it is in fact from what i understand a straight up neurotoxin now according to the old uh mayo clinic let me find here botulism is a rare but serious condition caused by a toxin that attacks the body's nerves botulism may cause life-threatening symptoms and of course uh the type of bacteria is called clostridium botulinum and of course it comes from foodborne botulism or infant botulism which is where the honey sort of gets played into and uh yeah so foodborne let me see over here foodborne typically begins 12 to 36 hours out of toxin gets into your body depending on how much toxin you have actually consumed startup symptoms may range from few hours to a few days and of course the typical source is homemade food that is improperly canned or preserved so again i'm really hoping this milk and honey is uh preserved properly otherwise this this is a hazard waiting to happen jesus jesus christ god damn now of course i pretty much diverted a lot from this entire situation so let's go back to chef pie's tick tock account okay now of course you can see chef pie putting like all this like oil into the hole like so that's just straight up oil and then it becomes the pink sauce at what point is it just what point is at what point is a dragon fruit and all the other coming in this is like mostly oil from what i saw jesus christ so again you can see her just slapping that on there and and having a good time that's pretty much what it is man they got the whole ferraris and the smoke and everything out for the sauce jesus i guess they're at some function where she's like you know pimping it out i guess you could say to all these people miami's a vibe let me tell you now of course one thing to understand is when we actually look at add the ingredients label to this i've worked with caleb who's one of my you know brothers and podcast co-hosts at this point and you know like he has this group called the sour boys this company where he like does like like uh you know sour strips and even when it comes to anything food related the amount of lawyers you gotta have that watch just the ingredient labels and everything and even the misspellings is insane i it's kind of wild to me how like food and everything is like both really regulated in the united states and at the same time you have wild stuff like this where i guess anybody can join the sauce train and and rush them out i always thought they were like crazy lawyers and legal teams behind it but it seems like anybody can run a business like a kid so here's like the nightly look at what's going on and if you look at the pink sauce there's a lot of packing going on but for the astute looking into it i don't know if it's the lighting but like it goes from like actual pepto-bismol pink to like whitish but of course there are people who bought the sauce too and they wanted to look into what it actually was so of course in this case you saw somebody paid 24.90 for a delivery they got one bottle what one bottle and of course two and a half weeks delivery for products that contain foods come on now that doesn't even you know it's just gonna go bad right let's actually look at what's in the food here okay so it smelled rotten kind of looks rancid and then of course it literally has nothing in it apparently bottle had no more than two ounces of sauce so not only did you pay 20 bucks you paid 10 bucks an ounce dude what is this a fine grade whiskey get out of here now of course ladies and gentlemen there's not much more to say about the pink sauce other than you should probably not buy this unless of course it truly gets certified by an actual government agency right because it really does seem like this person chef pai who assume has really good intentions you know she seems like a fine businesswoman who wants to jump into the world of you know culinary desserts culinary foods and she definitely wants to make this sauce sort of a big brand but there's a way to go about running a food business and then there's this okay do not do this this is a bad way to run it i don't know how her process goes because of all the controversy and backlash she ended up getting she did post how she was in a like actual like uh fda like a proof place like watch this one real quick so we are inside of our facility and this is where we make the pizza so i never posted a video here but we were good so again apparently that's like a facility that she has so um let's go over a few things okay now when she says facility i'm starting to look at the top left of this all right like a little a little astute part of me notices like these arches it really does look like a garage or some storage unit um and you know moving on forward some people would be like well muda maybe that's just where all the big deliveries get sent well if that's the case why do they have like all this stuff shelved up next to it where like you know the entrance would be i don't know seems kind of sassy wassy to me i'll be completely honest with you it really seems like this might have got put in last minute but i mean there is like usual equipment like it seems like she's got like some commercial grade fridges like fridges just over there like a deep freezer and everything so i don't know i i don't know but ladies and gentlemen what i do know is that uh this is definitely not like i don't know if this is fda approved whatsoever i have no idea who's looked into this but what i can tell you is based on how the ingredients are presented in the sauce and how i just saw it being transferred to one person i would not recommend this on my life okay ladies and gents i would not risk my life for this kind of stuff and risk your life indeed botulism can be pretty scary now i'm not saying that this is going to make you sick for legal reasons because i don't know i haven't tried it i haven't tested the product in a laboratory but we just saw clips of people receiving it you know in a little less than you know stellar fashion the literal nutritional facts were mislabeled 444 servings and the fact that the ingredients are misspelled is a dead giveaway it doesn't seem like there's any form of expiration date written anywhere on this bottle though i could just be mistaken at the end of the day it doesn't even seem like there's a proper amount of quality control let alone fda approval which is very important for stuff like this now of course to understand even when it comes to products that contain milk and honey just milk in general okay let's just stick to that one there's literally not even a preservative in this product so i have no idea how we can have these two week plus long ship times and the milk not having a single preservative in it whatsoever so again i'm not a food expert i'm not a lawyer but i would highly recommend with some common sense if you're gonna do this try sticking some like you know food cut like some you know food grade food coloring like healthy stuff like stuff that wouldn't kill you into like mayonnaise or something and i'm pretty sure that's kind of like pink sauce in a way too at least from what it appears to be would i recommend you buy the pink sauce absolutely not ladies and gentlemen do i even have to say that i unfortunately i do because we live in a world with a lack of common sense so ladies and gentlemen sit back right here relax that was the pink sauce conspiracy on tick tock wild wild day indeed ladies and gentlemen if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it i am out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 871,304
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ml2oiWsXCCM
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Length: 12min 27sec (747 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 25 2022
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