This Disgusting Trend Got Worse

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this is going to be the last video i make on this topic i just feel obligated to give a little update a slight follow-up to yesterday's video since a lot has happened over the last 24 hours and a couple things have changed yesterday i posted a video talking about the most disgusting trend on youtube right now and over the last 24 hours it's gotten worse just like a porta potty at an edm music festival it just keeps getting shittier i'll quickly go ahead and slap you with the cliff notes on the trend that i'm talking about a beloved youtuber named technoblade recently passed away and some degenerate low-life douchebags have been trying to use that as a way of profiting whether it's subscribers or actual money so that's basically the meat of the situation here and over the last 24 hours it's gotten real wacky here this has taken some really unpredictable twists here that not even m night shyamalan could have written one of these accounts that posted like 10 techno blade videos faked a charity donation i'll get into that in a minute but it has been getting really [ __ ] awful but i want to start with the only piece of good news yesterday i mentioned a channel called it's owen which was the channel that actually got banned for clickbaiting technoblade's passing by making videos like mr beast's final message to technoblade and [ __ ] like that his account got banished to the shadow realm for it but he was trying to argue with them on twitter to get it reinstated and youtube came out today and wiped their ass with his face letting him know that he will not be getting his account back and he will not be able to make any further accounts which i think is huge because as i mentioned he had multiple other accounts that he was clickbaiting on and then turning around and selling on twitter so it seems like he's also lost access to all the other accounts too god that feels good to read this is a rare youtube w here just served him up a plate of spaghetti and meatballs hold the balls he's off the platform for good it seems and in response to this this cowardly weenie privated his twitter account the once proud owen who wasn't afraid to let the world and all the plebians know that he doesn't give a [ __ ] and that he's proud to be called the king of click bait is all of a sudden hiding and retreating into the shadows like a spooked little goblin going back to his cave i'm sure this won't be the end of owen on the platform i'm certain he'll some pop up somewhere again with more clickbait but this is still a great thing to see youtube stick to their guns on what is the right decision since his content actually was a violation of their policy now unfortunately that's the only sliver of good news in this awful situation so i wanted to start with the dessert so that way the vegetables will be more tolerable and let's get into that now the dream s p official channel but this is a channel i talked about yesterday it's run by a guy named run along who is not a dream smp member this account is not official despite the name saying it is so it's already misleading and tricking people into thinking that this is actually made in collaboration with dream s p when it's not it's run by one guy it is fully monetized and yesterday as of yesterday they had posted 25 videos all on the passing of technoblade all fully monetized now they've posted up to 27 and since i'm making this video at 5 30 pm i imagine by the time this video goes up he'll probably have posted one or two more on technoblade in that time but right now they have posted 27 videos all on technoblade and his passing in yesterday's video i pulled up the discord screenshots that someone had a conversation with runalong and asked him about the money he said that he's giving half of the money from the adsense to charity so naturally you can assume that he's keeping the other half which means he is directly profiting off milking this technoblade situation here now he does say a portion in the messages but i have to assume he meant like half because a portion doesn't even sound like that much but i'm guessing he meant half in the beginning of some of his technoblade videos he puts a message on screen that's like this where he says most of the money is going to charity so it's a lot of mixed messages here and then encourages viewers to not skip the ads which from what i've read is almost a violation of the youtube policy in and of itself that's such a [ __ ] weird thing to ask too don't skip the ads because then you're taking money away from charity why are you trying to guilt viewers like that if the point of the content is to celebrate technoblade's life why the [ __ ] are you going to try and make people people feel bad if they're running ad block or skipping ads that's already extremely douchey and it should raise a lot of red flags to viewers as well behind the actual motive of these videos what's the intent if it's supposed to be positive and celebrating technoblade why is there immediately an emphasis on money the purpose of the videos isn't fundraising because if it was he would have put the fundraiser on the video which he didn't which is also mentioned in the screenshots if it was all about raising money there would be a fundraiser on the side of the video just like every other video that tries to raise money for a good cause but that's clearly not here which means that can't be the reason for the videos so then what the [ __ ] is up with the emphasis on money and not skipping the ads in the beginning that's shady as hell that's so [ __ ] sketchy but even aside from the actual dollars going into his pocket from adsense here the channel has gained thousands of new subscribers from posting all of this content 27 videos and most of them are just extremely short where it'll be like a minute and a half where run along took a screenshot of one person's community post and put text to speech over it and then he'll publish the video put ads on it and call it a day and then he'll do that multiple times a day he's posted 27 videos like that in five days he treats technoblade's death as if it's a coin block in super mario brothers for him where he'll just jump up and hit it but instead of getting a coin he gets views out of it it's so [ __ ] gross and like i said it's not even just about the money if none of his videos were monetized the fact that he still made 27 of them shows very clear intent to gain as much from this situation as possible so that way you can personally capitalize off it there is no excuse for 27 videos on a tragedy like this that's so [ __ ] up it's beyond scummy however dream s p official sees it differently yesterday runalong the owner of the account posted a response to my video as well as other people that called him out and it is so laughably awful that it only existed for 21 minutes on the channel before runalong realized how bad it was but luckily there's a few re-uploads so i'll go ahead and show you it has recently come to my attention by people harassing me that there seems to be a problem the technoblade videos i've posted gathered a lot of hate and youtubers made videos on me for them first these youtubers are getting millions of views commenting on the situation and making thousands of dollars by reacting to everything this is super hypocritical while trying to expose me for not donating the money to charity wrong just immediately wrong coming in here like phoenix right with the objection here i'm pretty sure he didn't even bother watching the videos he probably just like read a couple comments and thought he understood the gist i even made a point to say it's not about him donating the money to charity the irrefutable fact is you have made 27 videos on the passing of technoblade whether that's getting streamer reactions to the news or just looking at tweets about it or just going to different moments of the past to put a technoblade video out that's an excessive amount of content all focused on a tragedy and yeah the fact that they're fully monetized is a bit scummier and the fact that you openly admit that only half of the adsense is going to charity while i imagine you're keeping the other half is like mr krabs level of greed you know it's not like these videos cost you anything to make you took a screenshot and used free text to speech these were free videos so it's just it's not like you had any overhead that you're needing to cover or anything so yeah that does make it even scummier but it was never the crux of what i was talking about you are profiting more than money with subscribers your channel is growing because you have made 27 videos milking a tragedy you are profiting off the death of a beloved great person and i think it's shitty as do most people that's what you're getting all of the uh less than favorable reviews for because you keep making videos on this it's just disrespectful at this point and you can't argue that it's a positive thing you lost that right after your 20th upload on the subject you just treat this as a view farm a [ __ ] cheat code for views engagement and subscribers you also then draw a shitty comparison between what you're doing and the people that are calling you out it's not hypocritical the people that are calling you out myself included aren't profiting off technoblade's passing like you are we are i guess profiting off insulting the scumbags like you and calling you out for your dog [ __ ] behavior and this awful degenerate [ __ ] that you keep unapologetically posting most say that they highly doubt i'll donate anything while they don't even know me people seem to not understand that it takes a month before youtube pays you before jumping to conclusions i will update everyone about my donation on the community tab or video showing me donating all the revenue from the technoblade straight into charity have videos where it's either honoring his death or showing unrelated clips of his brother all these youtubers just hop on the hype train to profit for themselves again using charity as a shield here it's not about the money though you are singing a different tune publicly than you were privately apparently you're claiming to donate all the money to charity now so i guess that's a little bit better but that was never the [ __ ] point of the people calling you out or at least it wasn't for me it is you milking the situation and gaining so much on your channel for it subscribers are far more valuable than views and you've gained a ton of them so even if you donate all your adsense revenue to charity which is cool i suppose you have still profited so much off milking the situation with all the subscribers and popularity you've gained from this and you can't take that back regardless of how much you donate to charity and this and that you will forever be known as the insufferable [ __ ] who took advantage of the passing of a [ __ ] great person that's your legacy now whether you like it or not and no matter what you say is not going to change my mind nor the minds of many others because it is blatantly obvious with so many uploads on this subject what your intentions were but now since we're talking about charity here let's talk about another commentator who tried to use charity as a shield it's the channel i mentioned yesterday i'm going to keep them anonymous because again i'm not trying to lead a brigade against any of these channels dream smp included but i do want to bring up what they did this commentary channel posted 9 or 10 videos on technoblade's passing when he was called out for it he then made a big hoopla about how all of it's actually going to charity and this was actually a noble thing he was doing and then last night he posted a video titled i donated three thousand dollars to charity the the techno blade tribute and i even mentioned it in last night's video but it turns out that was entirely fake they faked the donation as if this situation couldn't get any more shameless an actual fake charity donation video now i saw this right before going to bed last night it was posted by a youtuber named kat mudahar recently posted a video today on the situation where he goes into even more detail on how exactly the donation was faked but i'm just going to give you like the brief summary here from kat's video yeah we're going to donate 3 000 let's click i'm not a robot yeah let's just let's just get it let's just get it over with three thousand dollars let's click i'm not a robot yeah let's just let's just get it let's just get it over with okay so basically what he did was type in three thousand and then it shows donate three thousand dollars with a comma and then he actually cuts the video before he donates and what he actually cuts out is basically he changes the amount to something lower and then he used inspect element and then changed the amount to 3000 but he forgot to add the comma caught red-handed with his pants down in the cookie jar this was an exposed in 4k moment for the cringe compilation so now let's boot scoot and boogie into a more thorough explanation of what happened this youtube commentary channel made nine or ten videos on technoblade's passing and then in their donation video showed the revenue some of the videos had earned and it was up to like 2.6 k then said he was adding 300 of his own money to the pot to bring it up to a nice even 3000 and then donated it in video but this youtuber cat noticed that there was something wrong and figured out that what actually happened here is the commentary youtuber faked it by using inspect element so he initially typed in 3000 to get a legitimate 3 000 donation on screen he then cut the video changed it to a lower amount and then inspect elemented it to bring it back to 3000 but forgot the comma so a big whoops a daisy there and it turns out he was absolutely right that's exactly what the commentary channel did in a follow-up video the youtuber posted the truth about my donation where he openly admitted that he faked it he said he was under so much pressure from the community to donate the money that he wanted to do it right away but didn't have three thousand dollars so he donated 300 of his own money and faked the rest and was planning on donating it once the money came in from youtube of course i don't know who the [ __ ] would ever believe him you'd have to be like actually clinically insane to trust this man to take his word on anything faking a charity donation is about as low as it gets but that was his explanation he deleted the video where he openly admits to it he now has another video where he just talks about how he's the most hated minecraft youtuber now which makes sense because faking a donation to charity after you've been milking a tragedy is just the ultimate insult and beyond despicable i actually can't understand how anyone could possibly support this person going forward but to my surprise there still are in his video where he talks about being the most hated minecraft youtuber there's so many comments that are like it takes so much courage to admit when you're wrong i'm so thankful that you admitted that you faked it and i forgive you can't wait for your next upload but why you know i mean you're totally within your right to do that if you want all power to you but why the content he makes is this [ __ ] when technoblade was first diagnosed this same commentary channel made like [ __ ] 20 videos on that the exact same thing he just did on his passing he also did for his diagnosis why watch that what the [ __ ] is the point you can't trust him he's faked a donation and if he was never caught for faking it i don't think he would have actually bothered donating the 2.6k he would have just kept it you know there's no way of knowing but i don't think he would have he just got exposed for it and then again tried to take the high road and play the victim it's so [ __ ] gross how low some of these channels will go for the sake of views and subscribers because like i mentioned yesterday this channel has gained 16 000 subs in the last five days that he's been milking this content which is 16 times the normal rate of subscribers that he gains in a [ __ ] month so he's profiting off this massively and then still faking donations on top of it it just blows my mind i wanted to do a little follow-up on the situation since it's getting even crazier and i really do hope that this will be the last of it and people finally just stop with all of this absolute garbage and yeah that's that's really about it so yeah
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,736,113
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 45sec (945 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 07 2022
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