This Gives Me The Worst Anxiety I've Ever Had...

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Kinda happy that Muta talked about the eas community

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/PixiePixie1 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Lol fuckin harvester got a shout out, that’s awesome.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/rokororp 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
hello guys and gals me moodahar now to understand there's been a lot of scary stuff on the internet that I've looked at recently okay a lot of args in fact the back rooms video we just made a few days ago over a week ago has actually left me in sleepless nights but if it's something that really raises anxiety in me it's the emergency broadcast system or the emergency alert system so we're gonna get some low Rumble up real quickly also for anybody watching this video one thing I will be modifying are the EAS tones you may hear throughout this video so anytime you ever hear like distorted audio it's literally because I'm editing it for two reasons one of them is to avoid any form of fines from the FCC because it is actually illegal to broadcast EAS tones in their entirety or their original method in fact there are literally shows that have been fined for doing that and now there's an entire community on YouTube that does this I'm going to cover myself legally the other thing is I also don't want to trigger actual EAS equipment because from what I understand if es equipment picks up on valid EAS tones they could actually start a daisy chain and pick things up I could be wrong on that but I ain't risking a fine okay I ain't risking my cheeks being spread by the U.S federal government okay I'm just putting it out there let's get back to the video to understand the inspiration for this video has basically been around a recent crisis that's been happening in the world now I don't want to make this super political but if you don't know there's something going on in the Ukraine there's a bit of invasionary stuff going on there's a bit of tussles with some serious big world powers most notably the Russian Federation and the United States of America look at how cracked out the mod team is on G fuel right now code stock by the way literally editing the article every other hour for Ukraine right now things think things can be a lot better let me tell you now for some of you people who Maybe be living under a rock these are the two largest countries in the world and combined well just alone each of these countries has an Armament so strong so large so massive that they could choose to destroy the world not once not twice but multiple times over if they wanted to why somebody needs to have that many fireworks is beyond me but something that really leaves me in anxiety is wondering about end of the world scenarios now to understand I just want to start this video off by if you have some severe anxiety triggers maybe this is the video to skip okay maybe you might want to wait until I'm making fun of Mark Zuckerberg in his crappy metaverse okay because that's way more light-hearted but for those of you who constantly think of the end of the world like I do well let me get this started now there's a website that I looked at a long time ago by the name of exit Mundi now if you never knew this website basically they cover a lot of end of the world scenarios or a lot of ways that Humanity can come to a definitive halt for instance my favorite one is if nothing happens basically in 100 trillion years when the universe starts cooling basically we are going to event if we survive that long that is we will eventually have to go to sleep to conserve energy because congratulations energy is not infinite basically when the universe completely cools down because the universe is cooling after the big bang we're gonna have to go to sleep and the only way to last that long is to turn ourselves into cyborg technology in order to conserve our energy so hard that of course we sleep until we can't wake up until there is no more energy left but one thing that always makes me wonder is what happens if the event of a war kicks off what happens when the big icbms go into the sky and start flying towards each other's countries well this is where the emergency broadcast system kicks in now showed you an example at the beginning of the video but for those of you who want a quick dirty example every time you get an Amber Alert on your phone you know the big loud noise with the big notification on it sometimes it can be something as simple as a weather warning so for instance when we have bad storms sometimes an amber alert kicks up on our cell phones and uh yeah it's a weather warning sometimes it could be unfortunate kidnappings or some criminal activities that are happening and basically what will happen is the emergency system will gauge the radius of all the people that could potentially help help a situation and alerts every single one of them through the emergency broadcasting Amber Alert System yes I know some people are going to sit down and say it's annoying I turn it off I really don't because I have severe anxiety about these things and if something bad is about to happen like a zombie attack like a super volcano going off like nuclear Armageddon then uh I would like to know about it as soon as I can so I can start making those adjustments maybe I can pour myself a nice glass of bourbon before things come to a screeching halt okay that's pretty much how I choose to live my life if the end of the world is coming I at least want to know the last few minutes so I can live and uh you know sort of reflect on life before it all goes boom done now believe it or not on YouTube there's a few channels that actually cover EAS alarms and EAS stuff think of it as sort of a niche product on the entire YouTubes for instance there's one channel with like 300 subscribers called literally EAS alarms I don't know the full validity to it but they got a few videos on their Channel all the way from nine months ago to seven months ago it's a month active Channel okay just stopped working at that point and they covered various uh EAS alarms I don't know the validity of some of them but for instance some of them actually have real broadcast so for instance this is EAS in Japan so this is what it sounds like when Japan is going into an emergency broadcast on TV of course it's an Earthquake warning and do you hear that bring bring in the beginning that might be the most calming yet scary EAS I've heard that might be the most common yet actually like super freaky alarm they're talking about an earthquake but they got that like cute little Nokia ping going on in the background of course that's Japan right there and things only escalate as we go through for instance Israel sounds downright horrifying if you hear it real quick foreign [Applause] alarm by the way it almost sounds like a siren head [ __ ] came to your village and started raiding [ __ ] up that's Israel ladies and gentlemen and then you've also got Saudi Arabia so they actually got some dates for instance right over here if you look around this is during the Gulf War uh when a scud missile was just detected so 1991 is when they actually heard this and this is from Saudi Arabia civil defense in the Eastern province has sounded the danger alarm siren please proceed as follows put on your gas mask stay in a safe place stay tuned to channel 3 Television or to 91.4 or 101.4 FM on the radio of course I always have to have the English in amongst the Arabic that you're listening to just because some people are during the Gulf War there were a lot of Americans as well too so you know English of course is the sort of default language all around the world that everyone sort of can kind of understand and you got to have everything available especially for an EAS especially for this kind of [ __ ] and of course that's where it kind of ends now EAS kind of alarms are sort of caught out in the wild and you really kind of have to catch these things as they sort of happen you know it's not like we have an example available emergency broadcasts will typically start in the event of an emergency or usually during a test usually during tests now of course there's an entire history that I was reading up for a lot of this stuff and sort of the first thing that we ever had was Canal rad which was a control of an electromagnetic radiation which is actually designed during the Truman period during 1951. then after Canal rad they ended up moving into the emergency broadcast system in 1963 then the emergency alert system in 1997 which are the examples that we just heard of the emergency alert system is different to the emergency broadcast system but boy do I have a funnest [ __ ] story for you guys what happens when there's a big false positive that kicks in in this case a false positive was literally one of the actual veterans who was working the emergency system at the time their job during a test which happens every Saturday is to send one message through teletype basically stick a tape in and send a test message so every broadcaster would figure it out effectively what happened is this person by mistake put in the wrong tape this tape in particular actually sent the code word that confirmed that yes this was not a trail this was actually an emergency broadcast I think it took somewhere like 40 minutes for them to say oh no no no no let's cancel that it was actually a test we promise there's actually audio of this entire mishap that you can hear right now this station has interrupted its regular program at the request of the United States government to participate in the emergency broadcast system serving the Fort Wayne area during this period many radio stations will remain on the air broadcasting news and official information for areas assigned to them now to understand this is the moment where they're like oh cute little test well we'll play along so basically at 7 33 a.m local time on that fateful Saturday Mr Eberhart a 15-year vet of their job fed the wrong tape into the transmitter that set off a panic that is remembered to this day he's later quoted by the New York Times saying I can't imagine how the hell I did it but you did so if you want to actually read the message real quick we're going to look into it real quick message authenticator hatefulness hatefulness this is an emergency action notification Ean directed by the president normal broadcasting will cease immediately all stations will broadcast a and message one proceeded by the attention signal per FCC rules only stations holding NDA may stay on the air in accordance with their state EBS plan so again this was the wrong message that was fed now to be real with you every time you watch an arc like for instance back rooms or really any Arc series on YouTube especially when it comes to like things like local 58 or we were looking at the Mandela catalog a lot of those will use these emergency action scenarios to add that extra fear and tension to really add that extra flavor of the government communicating to the people in times of severe crisis especially for like Creepypastas and ARG channels that typically deal with analog horror which is some of my favorite horror out there when you deal with like these args and especially when they want a world build nothing is more scarier than a government transmission that is completely done in a very inhuman sort of very unemotional manner where they're basically detailing an end of the world scenario or something really really bad in again a very emotionless scenario literally by just detailing what you can do how you can possibly survive and God putting Mercy on all of you again like I showed you earlier like I told you when it comes to a lot of these eases and when it comes to a lot of these broadcast systems you really have to catch these things in the act and this is from the broadcast system as well too if you look at it real quick this for example is an actual broadcast that was captured and resurfaced from Chicago in 1983 where they're literally just testing this scenario for people to watch again test tones and everything have been completely changed up and this everyone knows is a test they literally have to give you this giant disclaimer to remind you you are not actually under attack pretty cool if you want a close scenario of like what this would sound like in reality there's a few channels that make fictional versions of eas's which are like sort of their own Creepypastas or scary stories or args honestly these guys can make a killing on YouTube shorts or Tick Tock if they actually made this kind of content but some of these channels are like alert world for instance that creates a lot of this kind of stuff and also there's other channels too out there like the atlas Fallout Foundation that basically recreate a lot of these EAS scenarios or make sort of fictional ones one of them I found really good that absolutely left me kind of like stopped for a minute was this Yellowstone super volcano drop listen to this one real quick also before we begin a few other mentions I want to do is give to a harvester and a few other channels uh just because this is a small community and actually want all them to flourish because they do in fact make a unique take on the whole Creepypasta angle that said though I will be censoring and modifying some of the EAS tones because like I said in the beginning I ain't looking to get fined by the FCC also I don't understand exactly what the real real law for broadcast may be I don't know if a YouTube video would count also the thing with EAS tones is it's kind of like dial-up audio or it's kind of like you know machine speaking to other machines through sound um this EAS tone from what I understand from what I believe could in fact actually trigger real EAS equipment that's constantly listening and I don't want to be responsible for triggering any kind of EAS or Amber Alert or whatever you want to call it just because the video is playing so I'm gonna be modifying as much as I can basically distorting the audio so even if you can hear a computer should not technically be able to process anything of that nature that said don't play this video near any actual EAS equipment just putting it out there about 15 minutes ago the super volcano in Yellowstone National Park became active and started to erupt an earthquake of about 7.8 magnitude is expected with the first impact of the eruption if you live in the area indicated by the circle you should proceed immediately to an open area you should stay away from elevators and balconies you should not stand on the sides of the building yeah for those of you don't know Yellowstone National Park basically sits on top of a giant super volcano that if one day erupts if one day erupts in spectacular fashion could basically almost bring about the end of like the United States as we know it it's it's literally a giant ticking time bomb in the entire world waiting to go off all right now of course luckily hopefully it'll never actually go off in our lifetime hopefully it won't really go off in anybody's lifetime I really don't want to see that ever happen to anybody but yeah this is one of those National emergencies centered around it now one of the things that makes this stuff really chilling is again the very simplistic style of having an emergency alert response and sort of seeing the crisis and breakdown of society happen right in front of you you can actually see a lot of the inspiration for the stuff comes from scps so they'll actually make like situations regarding SCP stuff over here but for instance here's World War III Russia versus Nato scenarios now this is a little too clean and nice for a VHS recording but basically they're starting up they're straight up telling you that like bombs are about to drop in like 15 minutes and you better get the [ __ ] up out of Florida if you want to live again that's just America's penis right there you want to stay far away from that [ __ ] this is now considered World War III if you want to be a part of History join the Army and fulfill your duty hey we're straight comical this is now considered world war three if you want to be a part yeah they just went straight patriotism right there but yeah you can you can sort of see why I have an affinity for this kind of content because like I'll usually spend like entire nights just like basically going through these EAS channels and going through all their fictional scenarios usually the good ones kind of leave a lot of room for the imagination and they just basically come across as bone chilling deadpan government as they can anytime you get into the point where they like like really cover scps and really start introducing like visual effects and like glitchy audio that's when things start to kill it if it just literally look if it if it feels like something that could be broadcasted on National Television it's scary enough but let me tell you now what really honestly Freaks and adds extra further anxiety is like for me I don't really have TV service anymore I only ever have internet so when I look at TV services you know nowadays I have to imagine hey people are switching to things like Netflix Hulu Disney plus you know Paramount plus whatever subscription services that exist and it's because of this cord cutting that you know agencies like the FCC are actually implementing new rules because back in the day if you actually look at their guidelines they actually test EAS stuff weekly you know it's not required but uh you know they're testing it weekly monthly as much as they can but because people are switching like internet-based Services they're trying to implement new legislation to actually get people to switch basically Implement these uh these like emergency action systems in streaming services through geolocation which is quite smart because hey in the event of the world ending I at least like to know in between episodes of narcos uh you know just how much time I have on God's green earth now this is where I definitely am put onto a giant registry for sure when I look into this kind of [ __ ] is that what happens when you do get the emergency alert system what happens when the TV starts freaking what happens if on the TV back there it's like all right muda the world's about to end Toronto is getting litty tonight well it takes about 30 minutes for an entire missile to fly across the entire world and I really didn't know this because I don't really Google ICBM stuff all the time it's not really on my forte because uh you know I'm I'm pigmentally challenged and uh if the feds were to raid me and that's what's on my computer search history without a valid reason it's actually one of the reasons why I'm making a video just purely for research purposes yeah I'd be getting my ass beaten and waterboarded okay not surprisingly the interesting things about these like missiles and again this is like an old one this is the Minuteman 3 Merv basically from point one it launches into the air it actually goes beyond the atmosphere and once it reaches over here it separates the Merv actually detaches and all these payloads spread across and Reign [ __ ] hell in Annihilation on number eight right here so it's actually downright goddamn scary now again it takes around 30 minutes for this thing to actually travel from one point to the other and that's listen when it takes 30 minutes to Traverse and that's from like one point to the other right there's also the fact that these are hidden in submarines all over the world owned by the Russian Federation and the United States and don't get me started on countries like China India Pakistan whatever that are also nuclear Powers again people use this and and the reality is we are safe right now because of a theory known as mutually assured destruction basically the idea is the United States will not blow up Russia and Russia will not blow up the United States if Russia sends one missile the United States sends all their missiles and then Russia sends all of theirs and the world has effectively come to a complete halt if that actually ever happens okay basically if we survive if I live in Toronto the entire world's economy and systems have gone basically tits up we're all basically done at that point once these people are once these two countries are gone everyone will slowly be gone so basically through mutually assured destruction we human beings have not killed ourselves to understand the only thing that could bring countries together in unison is if like some Rogue power ever got their hands on these Technologies every country would launch an investigation to stop whatever Rogue party existed if anything could bring the states Russia India Pakistan all these countries together Israel and all the Arab countries is to stop Bad actors from having these you know destructive pieces of technology to themselves okay now I've been on nuclear nuke map I think if you're as old as me you've probably went to this website in a school library just as sort of like out of pure morbid curiosity and one of the things is this is obviously you know in a way through to get like evocative numbers this is not definitive because uh actually modeling casualties and anything is very difficult scientifically because there's so many variables and extraneous situations that kick in and also societal situations variables that can't even be controlled through technology and science so of course this is a Viewpoint of New York right and basically they got a bunch of like cities in this world of course cities that are um definitely like Target number Uno okay so places like Chicago Beijing China islamabot Pakistan Tokyo Japan okay now if we go to Japan real quick all right just just Tokyo right now let's click on that and if we use the Davey Crockett actually that's a little insensitive let's not go to [ __ ] Tokyo let's stick to let's stick to New York right here let's go to Davey Crockett this is the smallest bomb ever made if you play Metal Gear Solid 3 Colonel volgan blew this [ __ ] up and launched an international crisis enough in that video game now of course that causes 3270 people to be to be hurt okay now again we're gonna use this air burst all right which again from what I understand is like the even deadlier version but uh yeah if you look around real quick you can actually see that as the Davy Crockett drops you know as the bass drops the yellow over here is the fireball radius okay at this point if you're in this radius like if you're sitting in like uh if you're sitting on Crosby Street in this area you're vaporized you're gone you're like you limited you're basically turned your Thanos snapped all right no joke now of course as you go outside the area you're still going to be hurt but this is where the radiation kicks in so again this is actually surprisingly more agonizing than had you died in this section because here you're already at God's grace okay you're already done your Thanos snapped here you're turning into a ghoul from Fallout 3 and it ain't pretty at that point and again this is light blast damage uh this is where like it's you definitely don't want to be here okay you want to be like probably right around here in this park completely out of the radius because if you're in any situation here it's gonna suck now of course if you go up you can actually use the SAR Bamba which is the largest bomb ever detonated now this actually doesn't exist anymore the USSR you know Soviets they tested this and it was the only whatever only whatever made and that's it now of course if you if you if you drop that one you can actually start to see that the casualties like right off the bat are estimated you know evocatively 7.6 million people thanosnapped 4.1 million injuries right there it's not a pretty sight of course you can see that um the compared to the Davy Crockett this one's definitely way more deadlier again I want you to remember this is the fireball radius once this thing drops everyone in this section immediately Thanos snapped okay the heavy blast area again not pretty heavy damage and again you can see that it goes all the way out from New York all the way down to like New Brunswick and basically until you hit Rocky Hill you you're not having a good time with the Tsar Bomba now what really freaks me out and adds further anxiety is this caused me to look at how fast or basically how fast somebody would need in a position of power to respond to something like this okay so basically when the emergency alert system is kicked in effectively when that happens is when a response has actually been given or when the threat has been identified now if you want to look at some real scary scenarios in life way back in the day way back during the Soviet era in 1983 the Soviet Union got a nuclear false alarm okay so basically one operative stanislav Petrov was working you know in basically the Soviet version of NORAD as far as I know their Missile Command they're basically their their assessment their missile like a Defense Force and at this point you know he had received a Viewpoint of one missile flying towards Russia then it became two and eventually ended become five icbms headed to Russia now from what happened over here from what it came down to this man had the option of reporting it to the Soviet military which would have absolutely brought upon a nuclear response from the Soviets back to the United States what had happened was uh this man decided not to report that and it turned out that his gut feeling was right because it turned out to be a complete false alarm apparently the missiles that were flying over to the Soviet side were from what I understand from what I've read it turns out that that was basically a malfunction in the system because of the way Sun Reflections were happening it was just a malfunction in the system this man saved the world from nuclear Armageddon literally by not reporting a potential Nuclear Strike towards their country that my friends is a true human being right there congratulations but then [Music] thank you oh my God oh my God look at that dude Mike Jesus Christ this place looks like hell no Amber Alerts yet nope none of that [ __ ] so far but uh yeah let's get back to the whole topic where were we yeah when you look at the actual response time for the president when it comes time basically the 30-minute scenario of like a bomb flying near you and the EAS going off basically all hinges on the actual response time from the president as far as I've been able to read so basically they've been given these gold codes or they or it's known as a biscuit basically it's the codes that's assigned to the president every day by the NSA these are like the nuclear launch codes and basically what happens is the president is given minutes literally minutes to respond to an actual threatened attack basically the president has no choice but to say yes and basically by the president saying yes or really any world leader saying yes you have effectively signed the death warrant of the human race at that point which absolutely might be the hardest most anxiety dripping decision any human ever has to make basically they then contact they say yep strike back they give their codes and everyone in the chain of command basically is like yeah all right we're doing this boom end of the world right there but yeah that's one of the things that's been absolutely greater my anxiety for the last few days it's literally all my Reddit like searches for the last several weeks and it probably will be for the next few weeks too until all this crisis dies over but hey I wanted to make a little video covering an interesting topic that's been gripping me all over tonight so ladies and gentlemen let me know what you think in the comment section below if you like what you saw please like comment subscribe dislike if you dislike it uh I need to make sure this blizzard dies down take care I'm out
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 1,317,703
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 59sec (1559 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 20 2022
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