The Miracle of the Cards (2001) | Full Movie | Kirk Cameron | Karin Konoval | Catherine Oxenberg

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you [Music] what do you know about Craig Shergold he's that English kid with a brain tumor yeah he's one who's getting all those cards I got a chain letter a couple months ago something unusual happened during the operation people are saying it's a miracle of course they are you know a guy goes to medical school for ten years spends an obscene amount of money getting his diploma the operations of success they call it a miracle word is leaking out that it's a genuine miracle the kind where God intervenes listen I don't believe in God you know that God is just a crutch for people who can't manage their own lives that's why I'm sending you I'm one a skeptic I only do hard news this is hard I want you to find out what happened if there's a hole in this story I want you to find it families back in Carshalton [Music] mr. bolt you must be Josh come on in Craig's a good-looking boy well it's Steve my oldest he's almost 20 now there Steve his wife Sharon and their baby Kylie now this one I know is Craig yeah that's the photo of a god things started [Music] mrs. Charles Marian when Craig was little did he seem to be healthy oh yes Craig was a bundle of energy as soon as he could walk he was kicking a football around the house I was working for the Chelsea Football Club and Craig wanted to grow up to play on the team he's a fanatic about Chelsea and what was your first indication that he wasn't well I kept having this dream [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the same dream yeah just a dream mr. Shergold Ernie Ernie Ernie at that time did you consider yourself to be a religious person no I mean we went to church on Sundays but you know everybody did - holy you sound pretty good to be a singer now I'm gonna be a comment I thought you want to be a football player do I be a comic when I'm old around 30 so you were Craig soccer coach we call it football Yeah right before Craig went to the hospital did you notice anything unusual didn't notice he was running at an angle all right yeah they were very busy that Christmas Steve was studying for his firefighters exam only did a lot of overtime I was baking from the minute I got home from work no peeking no peeking you ready Oh your eyes smile everybody [Music] I ride your new bike maybe later he's always tired these days too many parties [Music] I kept an eye on him for the next few days I do see a slight infection I'll give him an antibiotic would you take Craig into the next room and see how tall he's grown I know this may seem a strange question but didn't you lose your mother recently yes it was Craig close to her very well it's possible that this is Craig's reaction to losing her his last two visits there was nothing in his ears and this time the infection is so slight I'm surprised he even feels it he may just need time to recover Craig isn't a whiner it's very hard to lose someone that you love hello this is for you no it's for my son Oh [Music] I don't like what I see what do you mean you don't like I think you should take him at the hospital [Music] thank you we'll go right away yes [Music] I'll give you a stronger antibiotic you keep saying this watering as in as well sometimes an infection feels like that I've been to hospital oh good good what did they tell you we gave me this no no they didn't see your son belongs in hospital [Music] [Music] what if he saw something the doctors missed two different doctors in two different places that both said the same thing the chemists seemed so sure when he doesn't have half the training the doctors have what about my dream Marion please let's just give the medicine a chance to work hey Ernie I know something's wrong they know it you know what the doctor said about Craig missing your mama that's been even harder on you especially these last couple of months just give yourself a bit of time right howdy partner feeling better and I'm incredibly hungry great how about some complex yeah that's you here ik God now if you peckish you're gonna gotta buy a new bike yeah I was good [Music] my son needs to see a doctor you have an appointment no if you just vomited like an explosion your name please sure Golf Greg [Music] what to lay down [Music] nurse please you've got to get him in I'm sure [Music] she's gory that's all right I can clean it [Music] I'll get a doctor right away and you're right pr'ythee Craig was trying to get my same thing full finger to the nose sorry wait just one more thing best you can okay you see this line on the floor I want you to walk along the line and place one foot in front of the other okay [Music] so I see what I wanted to see I'm gonna order a brain scan at st. Helens [Music] [Music] you came in just for Craig didn't you oh no no they called you in from a dinner dance no not to worry you'll take good care of him you have to stay here it's just x-rays like the dentist I think I know what it is it's meningitis I've been reading about it in the papers why didn't I see it he's caught all the symptoms headache sickness tired why aren't the doctors see it kids all the time Marian please let's wait for the results it's meningitis isn't it your doctor will give you the results please just tell me if it's meningitis no it's not meningitis [Applause] so combs will get you some extra blankies when we get back to Queen Mary's I can we say at this hospital I don't know you just have to do what the doctors say [Music] there's no easy way of saying this scans every field until son has a brain - that's impossible you see it in the pictures right in here it's the size of an orange you're wrong so what are you gonna do I haven't seen a tumor quite like this one there isn't anyone here can read the scans in greater depth so we're going to send him to Great Ormond Street a hospital to see a neurologist there's one thing I want to know and I want to know it straight is great going to die that is a possibility [Music] [Music] it's bad as well no more and leary the scans Brendon a movie no story why didn't they read the last night oh well because that's the way they do things hey there shorty hey brought you something how'd you feel Oh Jerry yes Marion might you freshen up Stephen I can take over for now [Music] Jamie Marion house Craig Craig not so well could you send him a card yes he'd really like that Missy [Music] [Music] [Music] only this man is gonna save Craig's life [Music] you know we can't choose our and dr. I know but he's the one oh man good morning I'm dr. Middleton so you were surprised yeah very I mean there were a lot of doctors on that wall and what about the reflection on the picture the light did you see anything no is it possible that that Marion could have known who the doctor was going to be maybe she overheard something and this was just some sort of a joke no when the nurse and I came to get Mary and she was barely hanging on any time she met the doctor she was different you're gonna save our son's life well I'm certainly going to try it please I believe dr. billing told you that your son's condition is very serious it's a brain tumor is it cancer we don't know yet the most immediate problem is the fluid building up around the tumor if it remains unchecked it could burst the cavity walls is that what feels like water in his his yes it also causes the ear eggs so we have to drain this fluid before we can operate this afternoon I'll be inserting a shunt into Craig's brain and when would you operate on the tumor no if he survives the next few days and he gains strength quickly we could operate next week and then he'd be cured the tumor is in a difficult position it's in the midbrain now this area controls a lot of different functions vision speech hearing appetite control any or all of these functions could be affected by the surgery it is possible to crankily paralyzed my assuming of course that he survives the operation at all he will survive because God will be guiding your hands missus sure girl is good to have faith but please you must be realistic shut please no wonder he rakes hmm another 24 hours he would have had no chance let's hope this boy is strong [Music] [Music] [Music] all right now I'd like you to grab hold of my finger please that's all right now squeeze as hard as you can really hard good the post this keeps up you have to get your own postman Chelsea are you a football fan no cricket actually I played for University I still play believe it or not can I help you crate yeah I can do it he likes to do it all by himself they signed it Chelsea's the best my Devon I see every home game I think I've been asleep before I open the next one we're going to have to postpone the operation on a trade what about the Chima right you said he was still growing yes it is but this is a long operation and at this point a crate couldn't survive must be something you can do some medication you're doing everything we can everything medically possible now the rest has to come from Crais determination inspiration whatever you want to call it that has to come from him I don't know why I went into the chapel that day I never been in before but as I was praying I realized that I had to do something with the cards okay hold on tight [Music] [Music] then let's do it we have 83 cards and everyone is a prayer for you to get well [Music] hey why don't we go somewhere else to eat you've another decent meal in weeks I have to get back to Craig you can't go on like this you you sleeping in chairs you living up sandwiches and chips you need a proper meal and a good night's sleep I have to stay with Craig the doctors can take care of crane like they did my mom I love you mom I can smell through her body there was nothing you could have done there must have been something there was nothing sometimes there's just nothing you can do you don't know that and I don't know that dr. Middleton said that Craig needs inspiration you should have seen his face when he looked at those cards what if that's the inspiration he needs what if it makes a difference Ernie was a saint I couldn't have done it without him he was working all day for London electric then he'd go home get the post sometimes he'd even cook dinner and bring it to those with you then he'd play with Craig for a few hours and give me time to freshen up he really was a saint [Music] so quietly likes to be coddled it's mine anytime you feel I see just clear little air [Music] why look at all this so many cards for one little board I have 212 it's very impressive you must have a lot of friends I do my friends at school friends at church friends at soccer my mom knows everyone at the Chelsea Football Club mm-hmm you should be in a Guinness Book of World Records Guinness records a thousand maybe two thousand Oh probably good now squeeze as hard as you can oh that's very good no catch there ain't good I've upset all these cards of prayers do you think that's true well I think that every single person who sent you a card once you very much to get well great and I'll bet there are a lot of people praying for you who didn't send you cause oh I'm sure of it he's definitely stronger I wish we had more time but we don't so I'll share do all the operation for Wednesday now anything you can do to get his spirits up you know giving the world to live it could make a difference well me it was good everyone's scared the corn operation [Music] there's a waiting area that's impossible I'd only be in the way calling I can't have the doctor tripping over me can we you've got your teddy he's all ready to go dad can you come in and talk to us relating the operating theatre the doctor's waiting we got to go my son will go when he is ready and dr. Middleton would be the first one to tell you that dr. Middleton is just through that door you like doctor your dad and I gonna be right here every minute if anyone needs us we're wrong here all right I love you sweetheart I love you too she the baby [Music] can you the chair get us a cup of tea [Music] dear God you brought me to this dog now qaeda's hands they're almost there what on earth is that it's a teratoma is it invasive I see no plane of separation between the tumor and the brain Oh suction please it's good this bloody thing out how is he he's alive that's the most important thing what does that mean is he blind paralyzed is he gonna be all right he'll know a lot more tomorrow tonight is still touch-and-go thank you doctor you must be absolutely not good hmm excuse me listen I'm gonna go and stretch out on the way to it when you get tired waiting you know mrs. shake old he won't wake up till morning why don't you go home and get some sleep yeah I'll be all right he's gonna need you when he wakes up I know do you know why we called you Craig because it means strong and enduring like a rock people do live up to their names look at your dad his name means honest and sincere when I was a little girl we only had two rooms one for eating and one for sleeping every Friday night my dad would bring the tin bath in from the laundry room and we'd all take baths in front of the fire and in summer he'd bring home a big chunk of ice and he'd put it in the laundry room and all the families would cut a piece off to keep the milk cold no matter what happened you could always count on my dad to remember how excited you were when Kylie was born the minute you saw her you loved her so much that's the way your dad and Steven I felt when you were born we loved you so much [Music] and I have you too waterworks yeah I had a funny dream I dreamt I floated out my party and there was up at the end looking down at I could see all the doctors walking then I went through a tunnel the end it was bright and then he was there it was pretty they heard you calling me so I came back [Music] tell me dream yeah please have a seat it's bad news isn't it the tour is very unusual a teratoma a teratoma yes it's actually a living thing it has hair nails and teeth wait a minute this thing is inside my son's brain yes how did it get there the tumors are usually congenital we've never seen one in the brain before they usually grow in the abdomen then you've made a mistake no you've got a very good look at it I've managed to remove about 75% but I was afraid to go deeper it's in an area that controls important functions and it would have been too dangerous this is crazy why didn't you tell us this last night it would have seemed even crazier last night and if Craig hadn't pulled through you wouldn't have needed to know the specifics this thing will it grow back yes is it cancer yes so what are you gonna do about it I've contacted the Royal Marsden about chemotherapy know it's where Marian lost her mother so well then you know that chemotherapy can be very hard and the Craig will be very sick quite frankly such a long shot you might prefer not to put him through it you mean just let him die doctor I'm not gonna let that happen I waited for 10 years for Craig and I'm not giving up now [Music] dr. Milton my understanding is that teratomas are relatively rare extremely rare you had never seen one in the brain before no none of us had is it possible that this wasn't actually a teratoma then it was something similar you know textbook teratoma all of us saw it was there a biopsy I thought you'd ask that you know we don't usually give out information of this kind but Marian asked me to give you anything you wanted to concerning Craigs it's a biopsy report who decided to start the chemotherapy I did well I made the suggestion and the showgirls agreed how's my boy you're sick again well we knew that would happen then we mean you've been sick for a few days then you'd feel better he'll be up and down for a while mom what if his sister said that most of children in this world of cancer is that true yes I was not catching I've enough with this brain tumor no not she and sometimes Juma's are cold cancer huh all right what was it Steve used to save her kungfu I am the master right and he went from the bottom of his class to the top in three months I bet it can work for you come on I am the master I am going to win ah I am the master of my body bad guys get out I am the master my body bag guys get out Oh mrs. show girl I'm Ryan Phillips the appeals director for their own last night well nice to meet you and you must be Craig mm-hmm I was wondering if I could get a photograph of your cards for the hospital newsletter Wow you do have a lot of cards don't you well alright then [Music] on the count of three one two three [Music] thank you it's not like an effective but it's pretty good this one help you right back [Music] do you know what the Guinness record is forget Walcott's actually I do it's 1 million two hundred and sixty-five a million cars that's impossible we can never get that many I think you could you see the Martins about to begin its annual fundraising drive but if we were to combine forces cards for Craig money for the Marston I think that you could do it but why would you want to do this well because I think it would be good for the master I heard a lot about Craig and I saw how he lit up for the camera the press would love him sure angel I want to make sure that you know exactly what you're getting self into it's going to be a staggering amount of web both for you and for public appearances radio television interviews he'll love it all the people need people to count a place to count you get the cards coming in I'll do the rest you do realize that you don't have any proofs you talk everywhere you and Craig go people will know who you are mr. Phillips you're not gonna put me off my son needs a dream and this is it we're gonna break that record [Music] this year we have a double appeal cards for Craig and money for the Mazda or remember every card you send will help Craig to achieve his dream and every pound every penny will help Craig and thousands of children like him to get well thank you so you know Chelsea fan yep my mom used to work there and I got this brain tumor when it's cured she'll go back you know I've known Bobby camel for years really that's great we hold it right there do you really think we can do this I think we can do anything we set our minds to good afternoon hello [Music] thank you all for coming as you know we're all here to help Craig break the Guinness records so a late night to study for my firefighters example there's so much I don't think you'll ever catch up we were just getting started now the boxes are color coded blue for cards green for money yellow for stamps any questions all right then let's get started [Music] hey Reggie hey I got a new one what's that knock who's that I danced I did who and they once but now move you see him now it's hard to believe that tomorrow he'll need help setting up you know stuff thank God he has the cards [Music] [Music] Oh gentlemen I have an announcement we have now opened five hundred thousand cards Vegas halfway there there's no [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what a night how could you do that what you know how hard Steve worked for his exams you acted like it was nothing I told them I was proud of him and then you made an announcement about crane what do you think I should have made an announcement about Steve those people were there to open cards to break the Guinness Record they're not interested in Steve sometimes I wonder if you are I wonder if you're interested in anything except those bloody cards mom it's Craig alright yeah I came to see you I know the past few months have been very hard but Craig is a little boy and he needs me if this had happened to you when you were little I would have done exactly the same thing you can't blame me I'm not blaming you man I love Greg don't we hold off Greg I have a toddler good now a new job I was counting on you now and you can't I can understand that it's just hard it's very very hard hello dr. Middleton he's better isn't he I'd like to talk to you the my log review shows that the cancer has traveled to Craig's spine that can't be right he's so much better he's only sick after the chemo would you like to see there's one definite tumor and three probable tumors all in the lower lumbar region so the chemotherapy is not working no it hasn't accomplished what we'd hoped what are you going to do we can try radiotherapy although I can't guarantee any results and the side effects are quite severe Craig would lose his coordination his speech would slur and he'd lose his appetite he'd have no rest in recovery periods the way it does with chemotherapy he'd have radiation treatment every day so what's the alternative you'd be taken home and if you could afford it you could take him to the seaside make sure his last few I don't want to hear that no tell me about the radiation so that I can explained it to Craig there though [Music] Mary oh I see you've heard about Guinness what about Guinness well they called this afternoon they won't accept a new card records apparently the last people have tried this I don't overs breakdown well I'm not them am i I'm not gonna have a nervous breakdown I'm gonna break their bloody record Marian please well even if we do they won't recognize it maybe it's for the best Craig should be in bed not traipsing all over town let me see if I can get an advance on my salary we'll take him down to little him Marian Marian [Music] guinness has just informed us that they won't accept a new card record they said that if we continue on like this we're all gonna have nervous breakdowns what's wrong and I intend to prove it you tell him um this is a public book about the public responsible to the public and I am the public we are the purpose I will not let them tell me what I can and cannot do I am NOT giving up when I'm halfway there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was no point of this if Craig can't get the record he needs this what this circus it's not even about Craig in what it's about you did you hear yourself I am the public I am halfway there what do you think that if you make yourself really busy you won't see what's happening - Craig what what we are doing to him a deal of the the spotlight so much that you don't care what happens to Craig anymore you know you've got to face the fact that Craig is dying and he needs rest not publicity he needs a dream dr. Middleton said dr. Middleton is given up he doesn't know Krait like I do Craig is a fighter he can beat this thing but not if you put him in a bed and tell him he's dying creig believes what we tell him and thousands of people are telling him to get better he knows those cards of prayers and I know that they're keeping him alive while God makes him better I'm not gonna let Guinness or anyone else take that away and how did Ernie feel about the radiation we both wanted what was best for Craig and you still believe the doctors could cure Craig I believed in dr. Middleton how still Craig no take this off what are you gonna do with this well now we make a plastic mask from this and we put little marks on it to make sure the radiation goes in exactly the right place bloody well fender after all this work sure God all of us on the guiness committee agree it isn't as if Craig actually did anything he only received cards you think that television interviews and personal appearances and hours and hours and hours of opening cars is nothing well my son works a lot harder than you and he's got a brain tumor the ruling has been made but it's wrong with your reasoning politicians shouldn't get credit for votes because he only receives them are you telling me that you won't give my son credit for this but if he went into a car park and sat on a pole for three days then he could be in your book that's certainly the type of record we'd have to consider well mr. Guinness record you've got your priorities all wrong how dare they suggest my son has done nothing you've seen our hardy works and you know how much money is raised for this hospital when we break that record and we will Guinness might not print it but I hope swear lend of a member of parliament yeah just a mom right what was it about Craig that captured the hearts of so many people well he was outgoing 50 genic but isn't that the definition of a poster child you do these Appeals every year I'm sure the children are always cute so what was it about Craig that was different well he he seemed almost prescient what do you mean the doctors always talked about remission trying to prolong his life the Craig always talked about a cure well you got the feeling it it was almost like he'd already seen the future that he was just waiting for this to play out until he could get back to his wife and yet he was only eight years old Gregg these pills are just relax you I don't need them oh we always use them for the children he says he doesn't need them respect masks let's say on his fence could he just a minute I am washed my body bad guys get out I'm ready now [Music] well it looks like they've made the right decision about the radiology the tumors on the spine of clear let's not get too excited that you were on the brain is unchanged unchanged growing [Music] Sean Connery [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] soon with deadlines in 30 minutes [Music] here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] this is the moment we've been waiting for Craig shergold has smashed the Guinness record of 1 million 265 cards [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the new record is 1 million sixteen thousand two hundred and forty cards and there's no end in sight [Applause] to celebrate this record-setting moment we have a surprise for Craig [Music] on behalf the Guinness Book of World Records present the certificate Craig [Music] [Applause] [Music] they call this afternoon I wanted to be surprised [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you thank you everybody everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no easy way to say this he's not no no well the tumors on the move again it's just a matter of time how long two or three weeks possibly four couldn't you operate again no he's far too weak but you have to remember that it's the quality of life that counts and you've given Chris sod the quality of life I want my son alive we've done everything we can now he will seem to get better when we stop the radiation his speech will clear and his coordination will improve that rarely is it's just a matter of time why don't you take him home will he be in pain when the time comes we'll give him morphine I'm sorry I'm really sorry I never work with these things you just throw them away that's my boy [Music] now the radiation stunt you have to work [Music] open the moon we have timeline right [Music] [Music] [Music] it's okay it's from a doctor in America he wants to see you I knew something would happen I knew it Marian hello house cray not so well there's a dr. Virginia who wants to see him but dr. Neil Cassell oh yes he's a fine doctor I need creaks records to take with us Marian I hate to see your drag drag halfway around the world there's nothing they can do for him in Virginia a week out of here believe me if anything could be done we'd do it they have new treatments something called a gamma knife is large cumbersome instrument dr. Middleton I'm not giving up I still believe Greg could be cured well another operation will be very risky you know very but that's what you want if you're sure then I'm willing to do it you've done your part you already saved his life once now it's time for the Americans Lisa would you prepare copies of Kraig showgirls records please mrs. sugar will be n to pick them up immediately thank you I wish you all the luck in the world please give my love to Craig oh and give him that I will thank you [Music] Ernie we're going to America are you out of your mind we can't afford to go to America we don't have to pay for anything an American billionaires paying for everything look you're in one of him doing I told you God would find a way Marion this morning you tossed a letter into the rubbish one letter when I picked it up I saw that light the same light I saw on dr. Middleton's picture well he didn't kill crate did he it's from a doctor in America dr. Neil Cassell we don't know anything about this doctor a dr. Middleton does listen to what happened mr. Kluge the billionaire was reading about Craig's appeal and he decided to send him a card then he felt God tap him on the shoulder and tell him you should do more so he called his friend talked to Neil Cassell I love it it sounds like a wild goose chase it's not fair to Craig how much proof do you need can't you see that God is helping us [Music] I'm telling you wait to America America [Music] everything so clean you had a good trip yes thanks I'm ascared on the plane Oh what about you dad they built a flower tree indeed they are well as I told you on the telephone we have a new treatment for brain tumors it's an instrument called the gamma knife what exactly does that do it fires high-energy radiation beams directly into the brain but some tumors the gamma knife can hit the tumor today and the patient can walk out tomorrow but no need for further radiation treatments and you think you can do this for Craig I certainly hope so first we'll have to run a series of tests you'll be familiar with most of them I and coordination tests brain scans and I need to run an arteriogram because I want to find out if the tumor is feeding off of a blood vessel if it is we can cut off the blood supply reduce the size of the tumor so we can use the gamma knife and if it isn't we'll worry about that when we get the results of the tests do you have any questions do you know you're not wearing socks I never wear socks [Music] prick I want you to tell me what you see it's gonna be an e it's always an e okay s s isn't sneaky s isn't smart smart enough to know you'd have the e memorized I got it right anyway didn't I yes you did [Music] alright Craig we need you to be very still [Music] good boy how you doing in there it's bloody cold colder than London please it's not raining or snowing [Music] how far along were you the catheters approaching the neck and I'm about to inject the dye I just hope this thing is feeding off an artery [Music] the tumor is not feeding off of a blood vessel and it's far too large to use the gamma knife it's about five centimeters in diameter and the gamma knife is only really effective for tumors up to three centimeters I wish I'd seen him sooner there must be something you can do you can't just let him die I suppose I could operate it if we can reduce the size of the tumor then perhaps we'd be able to use the gamma knife later on but the risks so what well I'd say there's about a 20% chance that he died on the operating table and if he didn't die the operation could leave him blind or deaf or in a coma if it's a success then he'd be good I wish I could offer you that hope but I'm afraid I can't realistically I think the most we can give him is another six to nine months is there any alternative no we have to do it I mean what do you want to do it well if you decide that you want this procedure we should do it immediately tomorrow morning but I want you to think about it very carefully read the consent forms think about it talk about it is this a risk you really want to take I can't let another doctor hack into our son bodies for the tubes we've let doctors cut into him burn his insides with chemicals anything want for nothing his operation can save you that's what you said about the last one dr. Middleton was gonna save him and he did great would have died without that operation chemotherapy and the radiation and that gamma knife yeah and what dr. Cassell said the most he could offer Craig is nine more months of pain what about the light and mr. Kluge he felt God to have him on the shoulder when I first had that dream I knew there was something wrong and you said it was nothing and then when Craig had his ear aches I knew there was something wrong and you said listen to the doctors well I'm not listening to the doctors I'm listening to me and I know he can get well please are you so sure that God won't save him are you so sure that you won't even give him a chance [Music] great your turn I need to talk to you we have a very important decision to make the doctor say right now your tumor is too big for the gamma knife if dr. Cassell operates he might be able to cut it down and use the gamma knife later but he can't promise anything doctors never promise the operation is very dangerous there's a possibility you could die I promise you could end up in a coma do you know what that is yeah I've seen them on telly if that happened would you blame us I play with cancer remember the last operation how much pain you were in did you want to go through all that again no pain no gain it's up to you Greg do you want the operation yeah I like the doctor is it soon but the doctor wants to do it tomorrow morning cadets they would be tonight oh my love you very much but you worry you'll be touching me all night asking me if I'm okay and I need to sleep [Music] I'll tell dr. Cassell [Music] [Music] [Music] mrs. sure go you have a package for menthol I'll have only bring it in good morning darling had a long talk with the doctor he said he's gonna cut through the top of my head and sit in the back it's more difficult but it gives him a better angle I'm sure he'll do it now is best the orderlies are on their way up already are you scared a little bit but obviously I won't know about it don't worry ma'am I won't die [Music] are you ready to go mr. show gold I will need you to sign this [Music] good morning everybody and we're ready let's turn on the cameras the patient is prepped as dr. Neil Cassell the University of Virginia the patient is an 8 year old male his name is Craig Shergold Craig has a malignant tumor in the pineal region he's undergone previous surgery chemotherapy and radiation our goal is to debulk the tumor so that we can use the gamma knife and prolong his life okay let's go I can't just wait here let's put up some cards as we approach the tumor we're seeing a great deal of scar tissue the result of previous surgery and radiation that's interesting hmm I'm retracting the tissue would you hold it right there please thank you we're seeing something quite shiny about five centimeters in diameter may I please have the scalpel and the forceps thank you hmm doesn't cut look at the plane of separation hmm looks like we're gonna have to chip it away so many people are praying for him God has to listen we got enough I can get more it's too dangerous retract the tissue please little further thank you and further count all suction we have to find the site of hemorrhage losing a lot of blood bipolar cautery losing funding please how is he I don't know [Music] [Music] before [Music] Greg can you hit me we thought can you can you squeeze my hand I told you [Music] I need a promise no matter how good he feels for the next six months keep him off the football field you saying his cute yes we chipped away over 90% of the tumor and I don't believe the rest will be a problem it's not malignant no we suspected that when we discovered that it was made of a pearl-like substance and the biopsy confirmed it I'm sorry I don't understand how can a teratoma become a pearl that is a very good question I can't tell you why we found what we found but I can tell you that Craig is an exceptional patient I knew that the day I met him doctor yes something strange happened to the videotapes at the moment of the first incision about three minutes into the tapes they all go black oh that's not possible they're all on separate circuits we checked them twice would you excuse me please I'm so proud of you [Music] I'm gonna think about football [Music] I could become a pearl and what's happened to the tapes and I can they all go black if they're on separate circuits only when God performs miracle you don't ask how you just give thanks [Music] [Applause] I'm gonna grow my hair back what do you think of those like yourself Reggie what are you doing would you believe me right now and knock-knock jokes say we gotta come with SPF oh not to worry what I'm safely [Music] kill oh no we're gonna miss the plane [Music] I'm gonna enjoy watching that boy grow up [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] each winter dachshund take it easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] girl do you believe God saved your son yes I do mr. sugar why do you think God saved them I believe that God wanted to show the world that if we all work together we can still create miracles [Music] so Craig what do you think about all this well it all happened the way it's supposed to [Music] then there did it I think it [Music] well thank you so much [Music] I've got my story and I know what I'm gonna call it miracle in Virginia oh you missed the point it wasn't Virginia yours the entire world [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 318,484
Rating: 4.8010178 out of 5
Keywords: God, christian, Jesus, movies, trailers, bridgestone multimedia BMG, EncourageTV, Movie, Kirk Cameron, Karin Konoval, Catherine Oxenberg, Lee Wilson, Mark Griffiths, The Miracle of the Cards Full Movie, The Miracle of the Cards Movie
Id: eKw58hN6Wvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 33sec (5373 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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