Fathers (2012) | Full Movie | Seth Adair | Mark Clem | Clay Evans | Chip Rossetti

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you [Music] they miss that easy exchange of seasons passed and I miss the times when I think about I used to play catch with my dad [Music] to do wet on the grass cicadas singing in the elm trees they say all of this to make a simple serious point this exchange your father's playing catch with sons gives us at least a little glimpse of Scripture means when it says loves you because the father himself loves you he loves you the way that a father loves to play catch with this side God as it were leans back and fires you his grace especially through Christ you reach out to catch it by faith maybe fumbling at times but but trying to catch it and eventually ending up with the ball when you take his brace firmly in hand you throw back worship and praise [Music] to your father in heaven this icky train goes back and forth the brings joy to the children of God [Music] this job let's try to [Music] [Music] [Music] this star is [Music] [Applause] [Music] squeeze [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought you quit [Music] folks we apologize for interrupting your programming but we were on the scene of breaking news right now on Logan Road a one-mile stretch of that road has been shut down between mile markers 16 and 17 due to a one car accident this evening details extremely sketchy at this point we're on the scene along with police and first responders they have urged us to stay away from the scene so that they can reconstruct exactly what has happened here tonight here's what we do know earlier this evening a minivan apparently veered off the side of the road struck a tree there were four people in that van the van was driven by Rick Torino he was traveling with his wife son and infant daughter now two people have died in this accident two others have been transported to Deaconess Hospital we don't know the extent of the injuries right now again a very tragic and horrific accident and Logan Road near mile marker 16 and 17 you are urged to stay away from that area so that police can do their jobs first responders can figure out exactly what have had what has happened here this evening really the scene is still being pieced together we got here a short while ago and we will bring you more information as it becomes available reporting from the scene of a one car accident on Logan Road Doug Kufner w CHP news will now join our regularly scheduled programming already in progress [Music] Rachel oh hey Gary what's up what what when were they now yeah as soon as rachel gets home we'll uh we'll be right there yeah she's working late again yeah yeah all right thanks for calling all right bye ray ray Raymond you need to get home right now son yeah something happened you just listen just tell me mr. Barrett to bring you home right now yeah hey you haven't talked to your mom have you what never mind never mind just just get home I'll tell you when you get home okay now go bye you Luke I don't even know what to say man I'm sorry I just why then what have to be them right my mom she was great she's always doing stuff for people Mira she's to make us cookies every time every time and in the summer and we play together she's always doing stuff for people always had a smile on her face always in church she never hurt a fly man see fair my fault with her all weekend the day before that happened I just didn't want to spend the weekend I'm a stupid great aunt's house yelled at her I told her I hated her ray why did I have to say that why'd she have to go if I could tell her I loved her one more time so fair my sister she was so young she never got to see anything why not me instead of her State Fair my old man he's been worthless I got him don't say Luke your mom would have wanted you and your dad to turn to each other right now I can't turn to him ray you look at him it's been worthless ever since it happened he probably wishes it had been me too all he wants to do is get stupid drunk and pass out on the couch what couldn't have been him that died not my mom my mom would have just hugged and cried with me my dad hates me and I hate him I hate him it looks like almost everybody's gone hey Rick I'm I'm I'm sorry about this I'm just really really sorry yeah thanks but it was a beautiful service I sure windy would have loved it yeah thanks so look uh I was meaning to call you before I just wanted to say I'm sorry about Rachel leaving and everything yeah thanks I should have seen it coming I mean she was working later and later every night like I was still you know just to take off like that all the sudden nevermind that Rick is there anything that I are you know we can do for you there's nothing anybody can do well what about Lucas I mean Ray said he hasn't seen him in school a week I don't know it just hadn't felt like going I guess and I'm not gonna try and make him go at this point it's just it's been tough on both of us you know I bet yeah what about you how are you holding up all right I guess I just really can't get used to the thought of her not being there you know it's been difficult well if there's anything that we can do for you don't hesitate to ask I mean that's what friends are for yeah I know I appreciate it Mike I gotta get going I'll uh see you later huh okay well we'll be praying for you guys what well is that you say you'll be praying for us so she said yeah ask you Mike you actually still believe there's a god out there somebody looking out for us all the time you actually believe that now there's a higher power controlling things and watching over us what kind of a God Mike is gonna take a man's wife from him when he needs you the most kind of all loving God's gonna take a baby girl away from her daddy before she even has a chance to grow up and live her life I think God has any control over all this or maybe you think he caused the accident you know yeah why wasn't he helping me out when I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer on the road you know why didn't he protect my family that night just save your breath Mike don't bother praying because there's no one up there listening on this earth it's just you and me at Lucas and Ray and up there there's just a whole lot of nothing you know in fact if there is a god I think all this proves that he hated me Mike there's no love up there it's just the Sun and the moon and the stars and down here it's just pain and misery it's just nothing which is by the way what I've been left with here nothing man just look at your own life all right the same night that half my family dies your wife up and leaves you in the middle of the night with no explanation because she found somebody better now you think God's looking out for you don't be stupid don't be a chump man there's nothing to look forward to in the next life except of course that we won't have to go through this hell we call a life anymore you know look I just put my wife of 18 years and my baby girl in the ground I had to watch them get lowered into a hole in the dirt and you're sitting here telling me that God's just suddenly poof got to make everything better no you're not gonna make it better with your God and your prayers and your who would you nothing not even this the bottling my jackets gonna make anything better because there's nobody up there listening Mike just just just save your breath don't even bother praying for me if you're gonna pray for anything pray that you take a step into reality because there's no God listening to you or me or anybody there's nothing up there nothing you're wrong Rick you know you're wrong [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on ray get moving you're gonna be late yeah I'm sorry I just don't want you to be late for your first day as a senior in high school it's just gonna be like any other year no not this year this year you guys are gonna win at all I mean you're being voted the best basketball team in the state and it was even on the news this morning yeah don't go getting your hopes up again dead yeah but I just know it my boy captain of a varsity basketball team my boy okay let me go hey I'm sorry I don't mean to get sappy on you Ray but I'm really proud of a man that you're turning into hey you know your mom would be proud thanks dad so have you talked to Lucas lately is he gonna get back into the basketball game this year I don't think so I haven't seen you much this summer you never even did come out to practice well you did work a lot I mean you did that thing at church maybe you just missed him no I don't think that's what it is he's spending a lot of time with a lot of other friends well I mean that's okay you ever the French - yeah but not like this these guys are tough and I'd like to give us some trouble well this year he might need you the most I mean you know what it is in three weeks right yeah I can't believe it's already done almost three years yeah for all of us you ever messer your mom yeah sure I do I mean we have a lot of great memories together I mean I don't know where she is I just wish I had the answers well you always told me to when God wants you to have the answers you will yeah but I just hope I don't screw you up too bad before I get out you're doing a great job mom could have done any better well what about you Ray I mean do you think about me sometimes I guess I mean it's kind of frustrating because I you know every day that goes by I think it was forgetting what she looks like yeah I'm sorry about that rain but I just couldn't have almost picture staring back at me after she left no it's not your fault I don't blame you for taking the pictures down that had to be tough why we still having a hard time letting go three years you're never really gonna be completely letting her go ray I mean she is your mom and she always will be look I don't understand why she did what she did but I mean despite all that to be honest with you there's a part of me that still loves her and probably always will I mean she gave me you she gave me the best thing a person could give somebody and for that I'll be forever indebted to her well I mean do you ever think about getting married again I mean what about Christine from church ray I don't know well you're still a man wait excuse me ray wait wait a minute now even though we're having kind of a heart to heart there's some things that we don't need to discuss and some things that are none of your business so you need to get going and get to school before you're late well fine I'll see you tonight all right bye I love you [Music] I just want to know why Rachel [Music] God when you're ready to give me those answers ready to hear [Music] Syrena it's me Raymond hey ray oh yeah boy I was looking for Luke I was gonna give him a ride to school back there I don't know I didn't see him I'm sure he's already left I don't got no idea boy I don't see too much in these days he's priority left I need to get going hey how does your old man doing he's okay been really busy with work yeah work working man yeah me too yeah it takes a whole lot of work to maintain a palace like this yeah well I need to get going you know first day of school and all yeah hey tell your old man hi and sorry I missed him at the Country Club [Laughter] hey it's all that boy mine get his butt home right after school he's got a lot of work to do around here yes [Music] my daddy said it's 57 show and part of painted white blue look like a brand new car Meadows look came by your house give you a ride this morning yes you'd already left yeah so how was your summer oh you know it's alright I just kind of hung out and did stuff well I mean we should have gotten together sometime and yeah yeah we should have got together I was real busy you gotta get going to be late I'll see it I'll give you a call sometime yeah you do that what was that this guy used to hang out with you used to hang out with him yeah years ago man I've seen that guy before isn't he one of those Bible bangers yeah he used to not be like that he actually used to be kind of cool that guy cool no I don't buy it i guy's never been cool I can't stand those guys always preaching I am holier than thou art I get sold I think he's even a counselor at his church or something man whose guy just keeps getting better it's not so bad I guess well I'm just glad you tuned it up that way yeah me too oh hey ray you know Christine hi ray it's nice to see you again yeah sorting expecting to see you well I ran into her at the grocery store and we started chatting so I invited her over for dinner that's okay that's okay with me I gotta warn you about this guy's cooking hey none of that concern now well maybe you'd like to go to the kitchen and cook I didn't say that well it's okay I got a roast in the oven I think we'll be all right so how was practice is okay my legs are a little sore though you need to get him back into shape yeah not only that I need to be faster down the lines you know you had that problem last season honey he's got the fastest legs on the court I mean nobody could catch up to him I don't really know anything about basketball but can you find like some really fast guy and prepare shorts on him let him go you really need to know the game and you know you need to know how to shoot the ball and and so forth I mean there's a little bit more to it there's no one out there that's fast I can throw the ball up the hoop well there is one guy but I don't think we're gonna see much of him this year again didn't you try to talk to him about it not really he's just not being really too receptive over anything right now see Christine Ray's friend Lucas is one of the fastest kids on the team and they played junior high basketball together a long time ago I mean they're great together they broke every record in the book what he just doesn't want to play anymore well I don't know he's just not the same kid he was I mean he's just a little different now he was that kid that I was telling you about where his mom and his sister died a few years ago yeah well yeah he just really just hasn't been the same you know he's just been different but I'll tell you what look guys I'm gonna get up out of here I'm gonna go freshen up get the shower cleaned up oh all right you sure you don't want to stay for dinner no I'll probably just probably pick up something with Gary and Alan later okay well have fun and be careful and be home by 11:30 it was nice seeing Christine etu right you have a good night and be careful what's for dessert though did you really make apple pie yeah hey you know what since you're good the dishes I like the call [Music] Lucas I think we need to call your dad and get you to the hospital Oh mr. camel I'm all right just please don't call my dad you gotta tell us what happened to you like us nothing really it's just kind of game these guys I know you're goofing around maybe went a little too far a little too far little Lucas I mean look what they did to you they beat you half to death mr. Kim what really okay I'm still gonna call your father and let him know that you're all right all right I promise I'll call him here in a little bit not that you would care though you probably won't answer anyways probably passed out these kids what they did to you it's not a game they could have killed you it's not like that we're just goofing around honest actually got a few good shots in as well Lucas you think this is a joke I mean you think this is funny I mean you call these guys friends I mean really seriously next time they're gonna they're gonna kill you look I really appreciate you helping me out but I need to get going it's how is it hi and sorry about the other day Lucas please ray I'll be home soon can you at least stay until it gets back no thanks I need to be going you're probably right worried about me well be careful I mean and stay away from those guys I mean they're nothing but trouble why I mean why would you hang out with guys like that what kind of friends would do that to you well I've got to do something about it yeah but he said it was no big deal maybe you need to just let it go I can't let it go Christine I mean he's been like my son for years and listen I don't know what's going on with his dad but I've got to do something to help yeah but you don't know all the details yet detail what details I mean a group of guys find a younger guy they take advantage of him and then he ends up getting hurt I'm not gonna sit around let that happen something worse might happen you know what you need to do you need to wait until ray gets home we need to talk to him about it you know you're right and then I can find out who Lucas is hanging out with listen I'm sorry I'm sorry about all this [Music] [Music] Lauren ray how's the movie last night it was okay last night you get to do anything for the game start huh yeah but I like it better during the season this work you guys are gonna have a good year hey listen uh I need to talk to you about something okay no not really Lucas came by last night he did yeah who's he been hanging out with lately Duane Bennie a couple of other guys what Lucas was hurt and he was hurt really bad apparently he was hanging out with some friends and they got a little carried away and it messed him up ray I mean really bad he wouldn't let me take him to the hospital I mean wouldn't even let me call his dad well his dad's pretty screwed up right now and he'd probably come down on her pretty hard for it I mean you should have seen him right he looked really scared I mean we need to do something about it before he gets hurt what do you want me to do I think we should turn them into the police I mean what are these guys like they're tough guys you know skip class you know that sort of stuff look after we turn them in I think you should convince Lucas to talk to the police and tell him what happened he's gonna need you as a friend right now I'll do whatever I need to do dad I know I told you I'd talk to Lucas but don't you think it's time to go talk to Lucas is dead you know I think you're right I mean they I think they're gonna need us right now I think they're gonna need God's help as well I think you just need to keep them in your prayers and we'll figure it out hey let's get dressed we'll get some yard work to do okay I swear to god guys I didn't tell him you guys did anything you want me to get holed into jail last night what am i dad can snot out of me we got us home I don't know seriously I don't know who did this to you why did the cops think it was us what did you tell them I don't know man I seriously don't know that if it wasn't you then who was it I don't know ray well that little rats out jealousy he was mad because I was hanging out with you guys it's not him maybe he saw us way to get you guys out of the picture that little punk yeah that makes sense he's gonna pay for this he's gonna pay us for sure look guys let's just forget about it it's no big deal let's just forget it like that a real number on me last night ooh ain't gonna let that little wimp get away with it [Music] you [Music] hey Rick hey Rick hey hey Mike how's it going everybody it's alright how are you hey you're looking at it you want something you want to get you a beer no I'm good man thanks sure yeah no I'm good Rick thank you so what brings you down to my little shack in the woods well Rick I just wanted to come by and see how things were going for you yeah yeah you know me man living the dream living life to the fullest matter of fact I just found last week a pair of socks that matched oh man look around you look at this place it's uh things haven't been going too well Rick I didn't mean anything by it I mean I just I just wanted to come by and check on you oh you wanted to check in with why yeah why now of all times cuz it's been three years next week is that why I think I didn't remember is that it I may be a drunk but I'm not stupid Mike you're not stupid man I know that I'm just saying it's it's been a while since we've talked you know our kids they haven't talked to either yeah well I've been busy and that's for the kid I don't even know what's going on with him anymore he's uh he's just a loser and uh you know I don't even keep track of him I don't know what he's doing is it well why don't you ask him what why don't you ask him what's going on in his life I mean the boy needs you I mean you're just you're just sitting around here boozing it up I mean you're sitting or calling him a loser excuse me you try to tell me how to be a father now no Rick I'm not saying that at all I'm just saying maybe he's reaching out to you I mean for God's sake he lost his mom and his sister maybe he lost his foot maybe I died in that accident - Mike you ever think about that look how can you sit here all high-and-mighty and talk about my life after my wife and my daughter died yeah okay yeah your wife left you and that's I'm real sorry about that but she wasn't just ripped out of your life mine was my god Rick who do you think you are I haven't turned my back on Lucas I haven't blamed him for anything I've never once held him responsible for the accident I mean haven't you really I mean you've deserted him I mean look at yourself you sitting around here you boozing it up all day long I mean God Rick I mean come on the kids lost you're lost I mean you really need to find him you need to find yourself I mean geez man let go the bruise stop drinking find him grab him give him a hug let him know how much you love him I mean he needs you now more than ever would you feel like you gave him everything if he died today I mean come on how how Mike what I'm supposed to do listen man you just do it I mean you just you just tell yourself that you're gonna do it I mean listen I'm here to help you I'm your friend and listen there's a lot of other people who want to help too Rick I want you to come to church with me look this church garbage again all right Wendy was on an endless loop of that all day every day with the church stuff and she would never shut up about it and look where it got her look man it worked for her I mean look where she's at she's in heaven Rick no Michael she is not in heaven she is in a box under six feet of dirt all right that's where your God put her no that's where the accident put her Rick God put her next to him her faith put her next to God listen man I know this is a lot to take in but I mean humor me humor me buddy I mean you got to ask yourself a couple questions I mean seriously I mean look at your life man look where you're at look at the way things have gone do you think Wendy would have wanted you and Lucas to have that is this the life that she would have wanted you to live I mean answer those questions but then ask yourself one more would it be too much for you to believe that there's a higher power out there that can help you I mean really I mean there is someone that is really looking out for you Rick what why should I believe Michael I mean you take a look around what do you see here failure that's what I see lost every job I've ever had and lost all my friends and failed as a father and that's that's all I am is one big failure my son is a mess and it's all my fault but listen Rick it's not too late to do something about it I mean listen you've opened your eyes today I mean now you can you can see what's going on in your life I mean you can see you've been blaming God all this time for the things and and I think you're starting to realize that it's not his fault and it's not yours either but it is your responsibility to do something about it I mean listen man when Rachel left me I thought it was the end of the world Rick I thought the church thing was stupid too until she left me I mean listen man I looked at my world did she had left for me and it was way too much to handle and I didn't know what to do but you know what those people in that church they help me god help me God slowly help me rebuild my life to be a stronger man and I will always be grateful for that I mean and everybody that I laughed at and closed my door on all those years they were the first ones there to help me and they could help you too just like I'm here today to help you I mean you need it man you really need Church you really need God in your life I don't know what to do anymore man I just feel so empty inside and I feel like I'm dying booze used to help but it doesn't anymore I want you to help I want you to help Mike please help me what's the man you can lose that feeling right now I mean you can get rid of that feeling I mean seriously here and now Rick all you have to do is just ask God for help just just ask for acceptance of Jesus right now ask him to be in your life [Music] father we thank you for welcoming Rick into your family protect him and give him strength Jesus continue to show yourself to him and through him as your servant give him the strength to fight the devil away when he approaches continue to give him peace through his troubled times and clear his heart in his mind at these troubles so he could see more clearly and I know that is done now in the name of Jesus all right ladies line it up all right give me 10 laps hit the showers right hang with me for a second yeah coach now I know I don't have to tell you how important the season is this year we're this close to the state championship last year I could almost taste it yeah we had a pretty good year good good it was a great year last year no one even expected us to make it out of the district playoffs but you know what it's cuz you we made as far as we did last year I don't know I think we had a pretty good team - we did have a good team but you know what it's because of you we made it as far as we did these guys will follow you anywhere you want to take him you want to lead him to state these guys are with you all the way now you're a natural-born leader son that's why I gotta ask you a question I guarantee Minh he was our all district forward last year but he graduated now these young guys they can fill his shoes some time down the line but this year we need something that's gonna send us over the top now your friend the real quick kid what's his name Lucas yeah that's it he was a heck of a Ford in the City League a couple years ago wasn't he best in the city he to play JV with me - but he broke his leg I remember that I remember that you know what if we could get him out here that may be just what we need I don't know I've been trying to get him out here and stuff but you know we're just really not the best of friends anymore so yeah well let me tell you a little something about friendship real friends are never going thing is it may just be you pushing a little bit farther just to pull him back into the fold this year you know basketball this team may really be able to put them around I'm in look at you kid you know what do you say you have another shot ask them again yeah I'll try it again all right Thatta boy hit the showers [Applause] break scared me are you doing here thought we could walk home together man my car's in the shop I don't think that's such a good idea come on Luke just like for old times sake let's just walk for a while we're gonna see mr. Afton real quick meet me I'll back by the field we'll go from there go Hey and I heard about what happened with your friends the other day yeah yeah sure no problem hey coach said something out you coming up and playing again you know I know our first game is on Friday but I think you could be ready by next week think about it Torino and Campbell out there on the court again even one for the record books man no basketball ain't my game anymore ray come on Luke used to love playing this time we get to do it in front of thousands of people may even give you something to do what's that supposed to mean oh I get it you mean something to get me away from my friends Luke you can hang out with whoever you want I was just hoping that we could be friends again kind of like we used to be like we used to be you keep saying stuff like that we need those same kids anymore ray things are different those times are long gone long gone you went on to become this smart jock that a whole town loves cuz you're gonna take us to state that ain't me man I'm a loser I got nothing going for me my grades are terrible I drink I smoke I am my dad man I turned out to be everything he was you don't have to be you think basketballs my future you think I have a future yeah you could if you tried it isn't about basketball Luke it's about you and me and the kind of friends that we used to be yeah we're a little older and a little different but not as much as you think we are look because the friends is what we used to be I gotta tell you something what just just be careful out there man on the court yeah just in general just be careful you so how many kids the app yeah I have one his name's ray yeah he's good yeah good good you're finally home yeah sorry I'm late I kind of got hung up talking to Lucas that's alright that's alright hey listen I want you to meet mr. Gary Morris he's with the athletic department of Boston College he's here to talk to you hey it's great to finally get to meet you right Richard we sit down from yeah sure Oh ray there's there's something that I have to say to you we've been looking to you well since last year by the way that was a terrific season that you had well thank you Sarah but I mean if you don't mind me asking what's all this about well all of us at Boston College feel like you could have a very bright future with us yeah mr. Morris thinks that he can get you a full basketball scholarship at BC that's right ray and I can tell you this much if you come to Boston College you're going to play you know I can't guarantee anything okay here's the fact we're losing three starters to graduation and you know with your grades and your god-given ability I mean I can't help but feel that you would be walking into a perfect situation with us I don't know mr. Morris I mean Boston I mean it's an awful long way away and I don't know if I can be that far away from my dad don't be ridiculous ray this is a great opportunity for you I mean you could be starting in a national program and it's not only that but Boston College is one of the top academic institutions in the country I mean I mean you would be expected to keep up on your studies and hopefully eventually graduate and your dad tells me that you're interested in medicine okay Boston colleges want to top medical programs in the country and Ray I think this is a perfect fit really mr. Morris this is an amazing opportunity and I'm and I definitely will give it some serious thought but please understand I just can't give you an answer right now I'm gonna have to discuss it with my dad hey that's absolutely not a problem I've got to get going anyway I will see you at your game on Friday hey please give this some thought I mean I just felt like this is a special situation for all of us well we definitely will mr. Morrison thank you for coming by and we will see you on Friday thank you hey it's my pleasure ray so what do you think man Boston College yeah my boy now starting point guard for the Boston Eagles ray Campbell knock it off dad that's a long way away from here oh come on ray I mean you don't get an opportunity like this I mean and to be honest with you I I can't afford to put you in a college like this I mean it's time for you to get out and do something with your life I mean don't be stuck here like me dad it's it's just been the two of us that's mom left and I don't want to leave you too I appreciate that I really do but it's time for you to live your life I mean listen when your mom left I held you close to me because you were all that I had and I'm just proud of watching you become the man that you are and I mean it's it's time for you to do things on your own don't be scared to do things and listen don't worry about me I'll be fine okay listen you deserve this you did this for yourself and you need to get out and take it well you know what let's just get through south first and then we can talk about my future agreed love you dad I love you too how about some dinner takeout [Music] [Applause] the final score Eastridge 72 South High School 54 Andrade clutched Campbell another stellar performance this evening the big guy at 36 points 11 rebounds 8 assists this guy is the real deal that's gonna do it for our game of the week reporting for WC HB I've got a coupler signing off [Applause] you remember mr. Morse from Boston College right mr. Morse how you doing oh my god he was here for the whole game he saw everything you did that was a great game ray I mean you really showed me what you're capable of doing tonight yeah well I mean wasn't just maybe I mean my team did really well you know my defense was outstanding behind so hey it's not the time for modesty rates a time for honesty I mean you were amazing and I've got a confession to make I've taken the opportunity to just look over your grades and records and if you're willing to sign a letter of intent and Boston College is willing to offer you a full scholarship how's that sound full scholarship really really ray I mean I think you're gonna fit in great up there I mean you've got the brains and you've got the talent on the court I think it's gonna work out great and by the way I'm still waiting for the answer so what do you say yeah of course yeah thank you for the opportunity I won't let you down I know he won't rain we're all excited that you'd be coming up to Boston to help us win a few basketball games this is great tell you what let me take everybody out for a big steak dinner my treat Gary you in hey I will never turn down an invitation like that I'm in of course we own two Tony's absolutely all right well I need to go get changed up and cleaned up and I'll meet you guys there okay well hey hurry up kid because we've got a lot of celebrating to do tonight plus I know you want to get done so you can go hang out with your friends hey and I'm gonna call Kristina have her meet us there okay read my mind hey I see you over there all right later guys so family oh come on all right who are you and your dad talking to out there it's just some guy my dad knows come on Campbell we'll be on the look going on is that the guy from Boston College what guy knock it off where is it yeah and what did he say I got you got it I got it man full ride scholarship the whole enchilada are you kidding nah man I'm going out to dinner with my dad tonight to sign a letter of intent oh man that's awesome Congrats buddy so yeah there's no one out there what it was just there and that's taking tough now are you good on such a day to go the cops with you you should have known better you sure know better than us [Music] no good reason give me the puppy I got my children for my dad when I got sober the tale now it's your turn wait wait how do you mean you saw him he moved let's get outta here [Music] [Applause] [Music] please somebody help me please please help yes I'm looking for my son he was just brought in an ambulance little bit ago good name's ray Campbell okay yes mr. Campbell he was taken straight up to surgery Oh is he all right I mean what's going on what happened well let me go try to find out and see if I can get some more information for us okay yes thank you find my son please yes he is still in the surgery they don't know how much longer he'll be in surgery the doctor will come down as soon as possible to give you some more information try and have a seat try to relax and as soon as we know something know what you know okay I just want to know what's going on I just want to know what happened I know and I'm sure we're gonna find out real soon what's going on I'm sure of it Christina I can't lose him not him too I mean he's all I've got I don't want to lose him you're not gonna lose anything Michael he's gonna get through this whatever it is mr. kind of it yes doctor how is he mr. Campbell Hadden dr. Gately I was the attending when I saw your son in the ER you know he sustained a lot of bleeding and we had to control him and stabilize him he went to the surgery right away he was unconscious when he came to our er I mean do you know what happened I mean but what's going on well we don't know quite yet as far as we know there may have been an assault he sustained multiple fractures to his legs aside from that he also has multiple fractures to his vertebrae lower back ribs now what's concerning me is that there was massive trauma to his head and there was a lead-pipe that they found at the scenes and this may have been what they used to hit him with him and you know like I said he was unconscious there was a lot of blood you know he's gonna be in surgery for quite a while are you not my son I mean doctor you you've got to do it you can he's just a little boy I mean he's my son you've got to do something to help him I want to rest assure you that he's in good hands okay the surgeons are gonna do the best that they can he's in good hands as soon as they get more information on that you know why would somebody do this to him I mean he's a good kid he doesn't have any enemies it just doesn't make sense I wish I had all the right words to say to make everything better Christine we just we just need to pray just to pray like we've never prayed Lord we can sit here all night and we can ask why that would do us no good everything that happens is part of your plan and we know that please Lord put a hedge of protection around Ray watch over him heal him and bring him back to us so that he can continue to be a witness for you he is your servant and we know that you can protect him and that you will hold him by your side until you see fit for him to come back to us we beg for your mercy on us and on Ray we beg for your compassionate hand to fall on him and to heal him we ask this of you Lord and your precious name we pray amen but doctor no hey it's me Oh Rick what are you what are you doing here what how's he doing that I don't know anything he's been in surgery all night I mean the doctors been down a couple times but they don't tell you anything we I don't know anything Rick it's driving me crazy look we need to talk all right what's going on just some coffee no let's get out of here away from these just wait so what's going on Rick well look Mike I don't know quite how to tell you this in fact I debated all morning whether or not I should come down here and say anything but ultimately I figured it was the right thing to do I know what happened last night I know whatever what what do you mean I Rea was the last one out of the locker room and he was in the parking lot by himself and he never even saw it coming they they caught him completely by surprise what he he was hit by a car it was you know they must have really laid into him because he never saw coming and he couldn't get up and defend himself who was they they got out of the car they beat him kicked him hit him with a lead pipe I don't think they meant to kill him Mike I think they just wait a minute Rick howdy how do you know all this how do you know Luke told me about it he was in the car with those boys that beat up right he didn't he was a part of the plan he didn't even know they were gonna beat him they thought that he was gonna scare him who's they those kids that you reported for beating up Luke they he only said they told him that Ray must have been the one that reported them to the cops so they went after red those kids did that to my son why didn't Luke express charges against them when they did it to him Luke it wasn't okay it wasn't them that beat up Luke I did I was the one I hit Luke I didn't even know that he had told you about that but I was drunk and angry and out of control and it was before you came and helped me so just I didn't you were right about everything I didn't know my own son I didn't know who he was hanging out with well look where my son is now Rick look where he's at no you were right and if it means anything Luke went to the police and reported everything and they will be going to jail this time you were right you were right about everything I've got to go check on my son Rick [Music] [Music] you [Music] I can't believe he says this thing gave this to him when he came home from the hospital I thought he'd been long gone right now I bet he's been hiding it all these years I'm just getting some things together for the hospital the doctor said that bring some things over to comfort him for when he wakes up about something be sure that was the cops on the phone and they're gonna prosecute those guys as adults with Lucas statement and the testimony they're gonna be locked away for a long time Lucas I mean in a way I kind of blame myself for the way he turned out he was kind of like a son to me I mean you know ever since his mom and sister died I wanted to be there for him but I knew that he needed to be with his father but if I knew what was going on with Ric you know maybe I could have done something more maybe extend a hand war you couldn't have known that Michael it wasn't your responsibility you know his actions its if anything I mean maybe Lucas can learn something from this and he can go away and turn his life around for the better yeah but why does this have to happen I mean we were doing so well I mean you know he was just getting over his mom leaving I mean he got a scholarship to BC College I mean he was supposed to get out and live his life I mean why why him everything he is is because of you you made him the kid that everybody loves you made him the kid that's smart enough and dedicated enough to get that scholarship it's because of you that he has the confidence and the love that he needs to allow him to get over his mother leaving that's you that was because of you and God just remember that God lets everything happen for a reason like Christine I love you [Music] and pull it up it took me twelve years ago [Music] lying there on his back looking down ah and life fast [Music] that is going to do it for our game of the week w CH P TV and I tell you what East Ridge has now lost eight straight games they continue to struggle without their star Ray Campbell he is still recovering after that terrible assault still in the hospital we hope he gets better soon because they can definitely use him for WC HB I've done a Phoenix mr. Campbell thank you for coming today no this has been very rough for you well dr. K there I'm I really appreciate everything that you've done for Ray and everyone else mr. Campbell oh please call me Michael Michael Michael you know I've been up front with you from the beginning and I'm not gonna beat around the bush Ray's condition has deteriorated and his brain waves have decreased considerably as the days goes on and you know he's not coming back why are you telling me this Mike yep he's brain dead I mean his organs are terrific I mean the rest of his organs are okay I know he can touch a lot of people's lives you know if if you're willing to sign a waiver for us to do donate organ donations so there's no chance he can come out of this at all Michael it's gonna take a miracle well doctor gather do you believe in miracles I beg your pardon do you believe in miracles I haven't really thought of it I mean I've been in practice for quite a long while and I must say I have seen some cases where I couldn't explain things couldn't explain why things happen you know I believe in miracles I believe I really do I believe that what is happening to ray is gonna help other people in their miracles you know other people that have given up hope and looking for a liver or a heart transplant some sort you know maybe maybe that this will give them their miracle and they will survive you know and then maybe they'll be able to find a cure for cancer world hunger I don't know I mean this this world needs things like that so you know things like this doesn't happen anybody else I mean and and I know my Rea he would want to help as many people as he could and you know if dying is gonna help other people in their miracles then that's what we have to do and I'll sign the waiver god bless you Ray god bless you well these guys can be expected considering well can we talk outside for a minute first Christine I just want to thank you for being here through all of this I don't know what I would have done without you here oh my god I love you this is breaking my heart Christine I've done a lot of thinking about this and I know it's the right thing to do I knew what dr. Gaither was gonna tell me before he asked to see me I knew what was gonna happen last night when I was praying I heard Ray's voice in my prayer it was so clear it was like he was there I mean I even had to look around just to see if he was and amazingly enough he was there okay Christina I really wish you would have known him better I mean really knew him he's such an amazing kid so strong so confident he was my world he had so many friends you know after Rachel left I didn't know how it was gonna go on you know but God saw me through it he saw me through it all you know he he made me realize how important Dre was to me you know after she left I knew I had to be more than just this his father had to be his friend had to be his mother had to be a spiritual guy you know a father shouldn't have to bury his son but you know in a big way I envy him because he gets to go home that's what he told me he told me to stop holding on so tight and just let him go you know he would just stand there smiling at me so happy Christine he was so happy you know I mean he looks so amazing so incredible I mean he looked like he looked like the son that I had maybe was born the God had given me not like that pork beat-up child it's in the bed right now I mean he looks so amazing no he he looked at me he knelt down he looked at me and he smiled he said thank you thank you for loving me thank you for praying for me thank you for showing me God and he knelt down next to me even bigger smile his time and he asked me to let him go and I look David and I told him I I would promise I'd promise to let him go that's all I did I let him go he gets to go home Christine and as much as I don't want to do this I know it's the right thing to do you know but I know God's gonna help me do this he's gonna help me get out of bed every day God's gonna help me through my life I know he will and I know that raised me standing there next to him smiling down at me and I know that when my time is up down here I'll get to see him again and I will get to tell him how proud I am of him and that's gonna be a great day Dahlia comes the doctor I guess it's time mr. camel Mike Lukas didn't want to be here until today he could bring himself to be here until today I mean I'll let you to know I didn't force him to come here it's his decision I appreciate you coming I just I'm glad you're here because that just shows what kind of man that you're becoming and I there's something that I don't want to say to you Lucas I forgive you and not only that God forgives you too okay and I mean you you need to find in yourself to forgive yourself as well I can't forget him I can't forget what I was about Lucas you don't have to forget you and Ray were best friends and you had so many great memories together memories that will live on for a long time and but now there's just one thing one thing else that you need to do you need to say goodbye you mean to say goodbye to Ray I don't think I can sir you can't buddy I believe in you when your mom and sister died I didn't want to say goodbye because I thought that would make it real and I didn't want it to be real I made so many mistakes turned away from everything and everybody that was important to me family and friends and the church and most of all I turned away from you bunch and I'm sorry but I promise you I'm never gonna leave you a little like that again but you have to do this Luke you have to say goodbye because you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't I know you can do it Pat I love you oh we're starving you're my best friend for a long time you're my older friend I didn't mean for any of this to happen Rhea none of it I Love You Man you're my brother not just my best friend but my brother and I know I know where you're going ray I know you're going to heaven I want to go there too right where you're going I want what you had in your heart that's what I want you tried so hard over the years to give it to me I just didn't listen I'm listening no you listening now I know what I want I want Jesus I want the peace that you've always had I want to know that you forgive me for all of this I want you to know how sorry I am for everything now I would give anything for it to be me in this bed I know I can't change any of that ray no but I also know that I'm never gonna let your memory die the things that you stood for and then that you are I'm gonna make sure that people see those things in me until the day I die I will see you again ray I'm gonna go where you're going whatever it takes to get there I'll do it just show me what to do right now all you have to do is pray Lucas just pray just pray with me just say with me Jesus I ask you to forgive me of my sins I ask you into my heart Jesus please forgive me for my sins please come into my heart I accept you as my Lord Saviour I believe you Jesus believed in you that you suffered and died on the cross for me I accept you as my Lord and Savior I believe in you Jesus I believe that you suffered and died on the cross for me I ask you for your love and compassion I ask you for your forgiveness and I ask you to live inside me and use me as your vessel so that others may see your love in me I ask you for your love and compassion I ask you for forgiveness and I ask you to live inside of me and use me as your vessel so that others may see you're loving me with all this in Jesus name we pray amen [Music] he hung on long enough Lucas to see everything and I know he saw it and I know he heard it it was just enough for him let go I just [Music] I just [Music] first of all I'd like to thank all of you for coming out this morning it's a real testimony to the amount of people that Ray had touched and affected in his short life Ray was my son my family my best friend but now he's gone he will always be my son my family and my best friend you know and we asked ourselves how do we go on with our lives and the answer is simple I mean we just have to keep breathing we just have to keep breathing and knowing that our lives have to go on in the example that he set the way he made us laugh and the way that he touched every one of our lives each one of us differently I mean those things will live forever and each one of us are better for having Rey affect and touch our lives I love you son I love you very much [Music] [Music] hey ray I say we might get snow tonight might be the last one which is fine with me I'm ready for spring works picking up a little bit putting in a lot of hours which I don't mind cuz you know I like to stay busy house has been pretty empty and quiet I don't know just hasn't been the same the past four months but I mean you already know that [Music] and the team's not doing so well either they lost the first round of the finals but I guess they couldn't bounce back you know after you know what happened [Music] Lucas and Rick are doing a lot better they're not out of the woods yet but they're making progress as a matter of fact they just got to baptize last weekend and they join a church Lucas is even talking about college be a Community College of course to stay in town but I mean that's the start you really made a difference in their lives listen ray I there's something that I want to tell you I was with Christine the other night and well I asked her to marry me and she said yes she said yes and Ray I don't want you to think that I asked her because I'm lonely and you're not around anymore it's not that at all I mean I remember what you said in it and it got me thinking and you know I will never forget your mother I never will but I love Christine I mean what she went through with me she is amazing and I love her rheya I miss you ray and I love you so much I'm an issue every day I don't want you to worry about me I'll be okay you know I know you're happy where you're at and I cannot wait to see you I cannot wait I mean don't worry about me ray I'll be fine my life has to go on I love you I'll see you soon [Music] [Music] [Music] it's jealousy who's creeping up sick of feeling this way like I am in-between I have fought off all the notions wrestled with my pride the part of me surviving starting to die [Music] we'll go would you say Serge [Music] still baby [Music] you you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 108,479
Rating: 4.6933484 out of 5
Keywords: Movie, Jesus, christian, bridgestone multimedia BMG, trailers, movies, EncourageTV, God, Seth Adair, Mark Clem, Clay Evans, Chip Rossetti, Fathers Full Movie, Fathers Movie
Id: 5Tm_prszi38
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 38sec (5318 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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