The Prophet's Son (2012) | Full Movie | Josiah David Warren | Alexandra Harris | Paul Anthony McLean

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the [Music] [Music] wait [Music] good [Music] no y'all [Music] hey-ey oh my goodness you should see out there it is incredible about ready for me yet in a minute hey Abel can I ask you something sure why don't you date I mean you have everything a woman is looking for in Genesis God brought out of his wife I'm just following Scripture house God brought you bride yet [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] in Matthew 24 verse 7 it says that in the last days we will see these signs nation will rise against nation Kingdom against Kingdom we will see famine earthquakes disaster now if we do not turn to God then judgment is surely on his way [Music] one thing freedom [Applause] they don't realize what they're about to do forgive them Lord [Music] is that all that was lovely I have to write it just now actually a little something going through my head I can't wait to hear what you have written for the concert you'll know in a few days I love to hear you play but time for dinner actually I'm not really hungry tonight Abel Benjamin you have never turned down a meal what's bothering you it's the selection oh I know but all we can do is pray such a beautiful sunset it is it reminds me of someone do you know her name I'm sorry Abel I know that look he's loved she must be very special you might be right but to be honest I don't know who she is but she's in that glow somewhere [Music] quite down okay then help me that he's trying to pin me to the ground no no I did pain you see I always pin him cuz he never fights back guess what I'm not gonna fight back because all this wrestling is stupid anyway oh really into you we have stuffing I'm just bored you're always bored well yeah all we do is go to church and pray read the Bible and go to more church and plus he's always Hawking judgment coming to America what's that well this is true if America doesn't turn to God hmm so you agree with Pastor Daniel then yeah yeah see I can't get into all that yeah to me everything looks like it's gonna be alright so hey at least the concert will be fun right I've been able we'll sing so that smile guys get out I work to do [Music] I'm done I gotta go where're you going recording studio but Rachel's waiting for you she's never late I better be there on time hey last night a scripture came to me what was it isaiah 43:2 though i walk through the water should not be drowned and though I walk through the fire I should not be burned who's that for because for you [Music] you [Music] Juliet finally is everything okay yes just working tonight you know I got what's tonight we are talking about the able Benjamin concert yeah I can probably pull away for a little bit so we could go yeah that sounds good Lydia are you kidding me this is this is ridiculous [Music] I'm able this this makes it seem crowded no the place is packed I've never seen anything like this let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] destroyed by the little kid went to the park experiments yeah somewhere long way lost what it seemed to all hope was lost the stranger came out of nowhere they helped me he led home you were lost no matter what age you are no matter who you are God before I was Jesus [Music] [Applause] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] still going at it I left to play oh my goodness you were so wonderful tonight just amazing Thank You Rachel you did pretty good yourself I'm an easy act to follow did I thank you nonetheless mom's cooking something for you guys so you should probably get going it may be you have to know this I don't know about you but I am starving then another sound for another day let's go what you're not coming yeah maybe I'll just grab some coffee of the evening Christiana should be with us no I just see in the morning you sure yeah alright see ya it's been a long time man how are you you really it's been a long time um I'm I'm doing good yeah well come inside let's catch up yeah if I could ever find a parking spot all right well I'll see you in there okay you [Music] over here Juliet here hey is it just you yeah I know you your Pastor Dan this is uh nice to meet you sure I have no idea how long have you guys known each other yeah we've worked together a couple times at the church Juliette you never told me any English brother you never asked hey guys I'll be taking care of you this evening do we need menus yeah I eat here all the time I don't need one Thanks I'd like iced tea please I'll have a slice of apple pie and iced tea as well cheesecake all right guys I'll be right back with your order the concert tonight with magnificent I I don't even have words to describe it it's so good well that's quite a compliment coming from such an accomplished writer well if you'll excuse me for a moment ladies please from here up close and personal we've come to suppose I'd be this close to him I mean you know they don't date what yeah both able and obadiah do not date why do you look so surprised you don't date either and no so why don't you I made a choice saving myself for someone special someone I'm gonna marry hey how can I can I help you today all right I'd like you to put the money in the bag and not say a word I'm sorry what I said put the money in the bag please don't hurt me and I suggest you do what I say or I swear I'll blow your brains out funny it's all right brother no one gets up no one leaves anyone goes near those doors I will blow your brains out and the rest of you purses wallets jewelry on the tables now [Music] stop what did you say you don't want to do this oh yeah you are sure you should stop telling me what to do will you settle for truth yeah you don't want to do this you don't want to hurt anyone I can feel your pain okay you're talking big talk but deep down you're scared you're doing this because you feel you have no other alternative but there is another way and there is someone that can help you just who might that be his name is Jesus say that name again he is your Savior and he loves you he really loves you maybe your here isn't quite so good one more and you're one [Music] you think I'm kidding you think I won't do it hey just calm down okay everything's gonna be fine my name is Juliette nobody here wants to hurt you this doesn't have to go any further give me the gun please I promise everything's gonna be fine please [Music] okay yeah [Music] I was at the time it's gonna be alright they're about ready to take him to the hospital I should go with them I'm Jennifer Harris for Channel five News do you mind if I ask you a few questions actually that's okay I'll go with them I'll call his family on the way you sure yeah huh you're the hero here tonight not me I'll call you later okay so I heard tonight was really successful 9 was incredible I really wish I could have been there well I was very proud of every single one of you Rachel Rachel you were outstanding tonight wasn't she she was thank you sir it's ok well there's nothing compared to Abel Thank You Rachel you're pretty well yourself [Music] mother the food is just incredible thank you so much so where's Obadiah he's at the Eden he loves to go there does he always hang out there this long he does he's closed the place down before why it's just I'm I get it is something wrong dad is something wrong honey it's for you hello mrs. pastor Daniel uh-huh [Music] for what what happened can't what you wanna hold please hi how can I help I'm looking for Obadiah Benjamin looks like room 1138 you'll need to hurry visiting hours are just about over yeah [Music] Hey hi I'm here to see her but I asked me come in I'm not interrupting anything no not at all please come in Juliet this is my brother Abel Abel this is Julian my hero um how are you feeling doing okay okay I guess I owe you my thanks didn't do anything so um let's hear your side still lose your brother you saved the day yeah somehow I turned out to be sitting there with a bullet hole in my leg uh got you this extra then I'm really glad you're doing okay guess I'll see you tomorrow sure sounds good um it was really nice to meet you um goodbye okay let me walk you out okay you have an incredible brother you're a really brave oh thank you oh um my mom she's um I'm sorry I've got I've got to go bye our top story this morning is one of heroism and bravery police have now confirmed one in custody after an attempted robbery at the Eden cafe Obadiah Benjamin brother of renowned music star Abel Benjamin and local author Juliet Oscar were reported by witnesses as confronting the would-be thief as police arrived on the scene I have no regrets for what I did did you have any time fear for your life past that point no why is that because my Savior Jesus was washing over me and here's what the young author had to say mom she's on there are some people here tonight calling you a hero oh no I'm I'm no hero I was I was just trying to do the right thing as we reported earlier the man is now in custody and being held without bits enough time to pray how often do get to see Jules on TV like that hopefully never again but you know I was just doing what Jesus would have had me do nothing no seriously what are you guys staring at me for cuz really you're like a star dude dude no seriously you you were able to get into his head and actually make him bent you will whoa I just love to die everything fine good good father we thank you so much for your food that you give us tonight we thank you for your blessing our family and protection we love you Jesus name [Music] hello hi welcome to the restaurant at the Oxford do you have a reservation actually I don't but I'm meeting friend here not a problem just let me know if you need any help okay hey you made it they're waiting for you before we ordered we who is we the man you refuse to date thank you hi my name is Melissa and I'll be taking care of you today can I bring you something to drink iced tea with lemon please Oh water for me would be great Thanks just a beer please you extremely difficult to get a hold of um yeah I've just been really busy lately I'm sorry that's for sure well if you're that concerned about me do you know where to find me Church I don't think so you're Jesus you doesn't want to see me there well I mean like it or not Jesus is the savior of this world he's looking out for all of us you don't believe in him no I'm an atheist I don't want anything to do with that stuff about heaven and hell someday you're gonna come to Jesus for help that will never happen all I need is a cold beer and a burger it's as simple as that look at you you're just movement Scotty back there yeah but you're doing good you're doing good you feeling better and I'm all right guys think Jose yeah yeah no listen I gotta go see John here for a minute okay it's okay Carol right yeah hey John can I see you for a minute yeah just looked a little lost thing Hey they let you out of the hospital pretty quickly yeah I can't spend my days sitting in that bed let's just say I was very persuasive mm-hmm and we're just gonna leave it at that are we leaving soon come on we need to go what's your deal just relax okay okay I got friends to meet soon okay places to go listen I'm almost 18 years old okay I don't have to tell you and Mom everything just go to respect for your elders Jason try it please not you too oh yes me too Jason I have something to tell you what God has a plan in your life okay he wants to you of land yes his plan is better than yours you just tell me when I'm 18 right I'm so sorry we need to pray for him what do you mean I don't know how to describe it little bit I see a black storm coming hmm well what can I do I don't know exactly [Music] oh thank you hello hello I'm gonna go get some water you want some yeah hey I'll be well hi Miss Mary I I believe you know my son I was just answering for my brother Obadiah do you want to go get him for you yeah can I help you she really liked her you liked her last movie what's his name Lawrence he's in jail I'm sorry to see if you would come visit him he wants for what for shooting him are you there yeah I'm here can I ask a favor yeah he would it would be nice if if you could go and see my son yeah where is he [Music] [Music] [Music] your people Benjamin hey Laurence how are you what are you doing here I came to see you me yes yeah some believable I almost killed your brother it's okay your sins are forgiven place with the bottle says it's just hard to accept sometimes God's love is real do you think that I could still be saved yes I know you can you got ten I've worried cuz every time I look at you I have that voice that man screaming at me to break through this class and strangle you that voice is Satan you have a choice to listen to him or to God seems too strong for me [Music] [Music] Jesus set this boy [Music] [Music] [Music] what happened Jesus set you free I felt like this and so long God can give you everlasting peace would you like that would you like to ask Jesus into your heart yes [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Rachel hey Abel can I ask you a question sure what is it what is worship well where should John chapter 4 verse 24 says that got his spirit and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth so when you worship God you can meet him you can meet him anywhere so you ready to practice oh yeah hey is everything all right no your brother's not home and it's almost midnight please [Music] Jason what happened nothing fine Jason you were not okay mom I'm gonna get your keys we gotta take him to the husband no no doctors are you crazy you're hurt we need to call the police no okay no doctors no police well don't tell you everything Jason what if you're hurt worse than we know not mom okay all right then tell us yep I've been drinking a lot lately I've I've been hanging out with my friends every day I'm just cool what are you thinking okay they're no good I know Isaac I know okay she said first at first I wanted to help them they just dragged me down you good morning are you feeling any better no I just want everyone to leave me alone well I'm not gonna leave you alone you need to listen to what I have to say you listen okay do you know why people like me always have problems it's because people like you are always trying to tell me how to live my life or telling me to listen I'm sick of listening I'm tired of it Jason just just leave just leave Juliet [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] I love the cabin snails tell you what I'm gonna go unpack and then I'm gonna go and make Gibson sandwiches okay okay sounds good [Music] so to solve this equation you're going to need to graph the vertex over the y-axis what's going on not everything is okay don't worry about it it sounds like someone is shooting out there Debbi everything is fine stay in your seat everyone back in your seats cops aren't here yet man get in there hurry up YouTube plug the chair yeah start tying up the teacher [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] where's your brother please stop are you telling us what to do now did you forget what happened to you last time guys can actually think any of this is right let Jesus in let him take the anger out still running your stupid little mouth huh I'm sick of you I'm sick of everybody trying to tell me what to do even just this morning my dad was trying to boss me yeah yeah I know you have issues with your dad don't talk about my dad like oh Jesus Jesus can take the pain away wastin why would you guys do this on your knees you know there's a God now he's here wants you to know they said Jesus on the cross so you could have a new life Michael Jesus loves you bro I hate you hello yeah yes Jason so how's Rachel doing what Rachel now is she I don't know I haven't talked to her recently had you liked her she's a good friend well I just know mom and dad hoping that you two will Wow no not hoping more like expecting you to - well you know what become a couple like I said she's a good friend that's about it hell I know so she's got a huge crush on you how many forgot to send me the right one what he does oh no sure you haven't missed it yet I'm sure she gets a new brother goes at school at this time we do not have any details regarding injuries or deaths but as the information becomes available we promise to bring it to you live Oh No [Music] 6:17 your overnight third shot wound to the left upper chest we got a pulse check the x-rays ORS ready let's get him ready for transport let's go excuse me miss I'm looking for a patient name please boss skirt-chasing Oscar I came as soon as I heard thank you for coming I just I don't know if something like this could happen I can't evil runs rampant took the poor souls that did this and left them beyond salvation hello I'm dr. Williams I'm sorry to keep you waiting is my son gonna be okay at this point in time I honestly don't know the bullet went deep into his chest nearly piercing his heart another engine he would not have made it he's a very lucky young man he's blessed God was watching out for him I certainly hope so nonetheless he's in need of another transfusion he lost a considerable amount of blood give you whatever you need I'm his twin so please just say my brother thank you come with me [Music] hello I'm chaplain constant if there's anything I can do for you please let me know please pray well Jesus please heal Jason cut please don't take him away from me just went to check on you make sure everything's all right I'm holding up that I have no doubt in a short time I've known you quickly learned how strong you were I certainly don't feel like a right now you are whether you know it or not Thanks should go inside it's gonna rain soon good smell it in the air [Applause] [Music] [Music] just hurts that's how you throw so much remember I remember everything jeezum we don't need to hear better and okay wait no no I can't they put me on my knees they has me thanks for not judging me that made a lot of mistakes this whole month I've been living a lie drugs alcohol and pornography it affects my soul Jason that's all over with now you were forgiven please let's pray us break that serenade seat [Music] you will have a new life Jason a new life Oh Jules Isaac I see I see Jesus [Music] [Music] it has been said that it's a dark day when parents have to lay their child to rest instead of them [Music] it doesn't seem fair not even right [Music] why did God do this why not me instead it also makes us think about our own faith and trust in God's work and in his plan Jesus said in John chapter 14 verses 1 & 2 do not let your hearts be troubled trust in God and Trust also in me [Music] today we are here to celebrate surely a very cherished life in a very blessed life but we're also here to mourn and how this life ended brothers and sisters this is a sign of the times indeed when children take the lives of other children Jason's lost reminds us of the suffering that we most of all endure yet we should know that our brother Jason Oscar is not truly dead he walks now with our Lord Jesus Christ and he dances through the fields of heaven and while we say goodbye on earth today it's it's only for now but the day will come when each and every one of us will see him once again but until that day comes we must continue [Music] how could this happen it's a real tragedy Sunday we must pray for his family just doesn't seem real to me I know I understand Psalm 90 says the days of our lives are numbered 70 to 80 years what happened to him Jesus probably wanted a human heaven for a great reason [Music] you maybe it's only on sorry I'm late no problem how you doing I'm good how are you excellent excellent excellent I have amazing news for you yeah what is it yeah the producer that I was working with has an offer that you cannot refuse it's a leap role in his new movie yeah you know it's based on Adams prints bestseller yeah the newest one no I don't want to do that all of his movies are the same a fantastic love story the ansan tragedy and revenge I told you I only want to do movies that are hopeful and inspiring you haven't even heared the offer it's a lot of money a lot of mana you know I don't care about that God has always provided for me did you get hurt in your career for real if those are the kind of roles I have to take to further my career I'm fine with it being at a standstill how can we eat I stuffed the pack oh yeah I mean ela that's right I think he's gonna be a great show waitress waitress can I have a drink a real one not water one drink drink [Music] Julie asked we must open our borders to other nations to welcome other people and encourage free trade [Applause] [Music] [Music] all of you [Music] [Music] here let me help you clean up you should leave you know this happens so often in this town that nowhere is safe I promise murderers and monsters run free in the streets I don't see how God will bring change to your cities and nobody peace on your streets once again all you have to do is pray that's all pray yes praying God will put love into their heart I'm not pray I'm sorry this is lovely you can have it my gift to you [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] dad used to bring us here a lot when we were little you were really young but he used to carry you and Jason and either arm he was he was so proud of you boys both of you see the Jason it hurts you know sometimes sometimes I just feel like giving up [Music] no no not at all are you ready I was trying to ended up daydreaming just WonderCon checking on you yeah I'm I'm hurting but I probably will be for a while I understand I know it well it's really sweet of you to call and make sure that I'm okay you do you shouldn't have yeah well okay then uh I'll be right down all right [Music] - I'm so happy that you're here I hope you same because we have great plans for tonight hey mom hey sweetie how are you hey hey Paul you're back Abel Oh Rachel well you can't say hello to me anymore sorry is that for me this no I'm sorry so no present for me and you didn't even invite me along listen I was pressed for time but maybe next time you can come with me okay [Music] you weren't kidding about coming here no I'm a woman of my word indeed you are well I hope you like what I brought you back I'm sure it will [Music] April so you like it then I didn't know if you would it's gorgeous I love it you really didn't have to do this no I did you needed a reason to smile you hello Juliet I'm sorry cube I was wrong to judge you and honestly really what are you being serious absolutely I read your book it touched me in a way that I never thought possible thank God through everything that she was going through it really touched my heart Wow I don't know what to say Juliet I I want to tell you I love you um that's really sweet Caleb I look somebody else [Music] Oh God Juliet you're all I have left what are you I think it's gone [Music] I won't find it I will find him poor Juliet I just got a phone call that her brother just run away oh I got a have to look for her but where are you gonna find him I know a few places I can look oh jesus have mercy on Isaac [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] evil look we just Park here we gotta take this must be that's the easiest shot you still gonna make it right watch this yeah seems like you have a staring problem yeah yeah I'm sorry it just looked like you guys could help me maybe just gonna cost you how much how much you got I give you guys a hundred bucks will that work all right what school are you looking for this guy right here I haven't seen him is he new let me see that and who should I ask for when I call its Juliet Rickey Victor it's nice nice to meet you [Music] [Music] [Music] hey Isaac Isaac sorry tell you what somebody else [Music] [Music] [Music] you you you [Music] [Music] did you oh forget about practice I'm sorry I forgot we need to talk about what never mind let's get right to practice can we start with my favorite song yeah that isn't hot my favorite song evil I've told you in a thousand times I'll never let you go oh yeah my mistake I come to worship [Music] Rachel what are you doing I love you Abel I always have I need to know if you love me Rachel you're like a little sister to me I'm not your sister I need you I love somebody else it's Juliet isn't it what did you do to her nothing just a misunderstanding yeah I've heard that before what's wrong you want to talk about it well if I tell you you have to promise you can't tell anyone yeah promise well I'm pregnant what that's why I left home I had to come here because my parents would never let me get an abortion an abortion are you crazy don't you have any fear of God I can't do this fear of God I don't care I can't have this baby [Music] I thought that he loved me and that he was the one and that he was gonna marry me but he had another girl so so much for love it's all have an abortion God will help you I will help you you know Abel sorry we're late bro so you guys said you had news for me you know we do I want to ask you something sure what is it do you love Juliet I bet you do lucky man I don't call that luck I call her blessed what's your news he's been hanging out over by 5280 he's pretty much been there be other night he looks beautiful what time is it time to eat all right let's go get some food looks like they're gonna be closing soon maybe he switched places beside you the end it's nice we should probably just go home [Music] [Applause] hey stop you don't want to do this you wanna die instead give me the next man stay out of this it's touched on my rocks you're gonna kill him over drugs do me this ain't over yet thank you Jesus for saving my life gave you a second chance stop the drugs man get right with God we must intercede for our nation what a thank God he is given our nation a second chance the past year has been one of great change but he will send a battery gentlemen brothers let's pray we are here to pray for our country our nation is about ready to go through a tremendous change we must pray [Music] [Music] what you think I'm just concerned yeah me too feels like something Bad's gonna happen so you believe your father have you ever known me to be wrong Mishu back inside [Music] [Music] saspa saspa saspa saspa turn to God the judgment is surely on his ah mom we've gotta go [Music] [Music] [Music] dad ladies and gentlemen this just in this time we are now confirming a detonation in the Greater Los Angeles area roughly one hour ago [Music] I don't want water I want to know why this has happened to this country I want to know why this has happened to us in America where's the president President of the United States the person who has the power to stop this why is God doing this to this nation God didn't do this to this nation we did how what did we do we have forsaken God we turned away from God [Music] hey I've been looking for you I've been worried why have you been worried because I care [Music] you should really go inside it's not safe out Rachel could you take her downstairs to get this looked at what's your name Daisy what juni name is Rachel do you like bubblegum yes the detonation followed by a sweeping attack across the United States including Boston New York Chicago Houston and right here in Denver at this time we do not know who the attackers are or who they are affiliated with but the National Guard has been activated the Federal Emergency Management Agency is advising everyone to stay in their homes or find a private residence or shelter that is well stocked I'm sorry we don't have more for you at this time but I promise we will bring in the news as it comes [Music] hey make sure you want to do this alone I have to go find my brother I have to I understand just call me the instant you need anything and I'll be there I know we will find your brother I promise thank you [Music] my fellow Americans I come to you tonight to bring positive news into your homes those who have chosen to attack the United States of America are being dealt with swift justice as we speak our armies are pushing back the enemy who chose to step on our soil while this war moves towards victory a state of emergency still exists [Music] thank you thank you Isaac I've been looking all over the city for you please just go I think no you have to come home with me mom has been waiting up every night for you I'm not going back okay I can't go home yet okay I need time to clean up besides okay when I'm ready ready for what whatever you're looking for it isn't here look around you nothing's gonna change it's only gonna get worse I can't go home this is God's fault this is his fault that Jason and Dan are gone [Music] yeah God didn't do this the devil did he steals and kills God has a wonderful life for you but why does he let me suffer so much Isak it's you the brought on the suffering I mean ever since you've turned your back on God you have been starving and hurting could you forgive me [Music] you're a think of it he is given our nation a second chance last year has been one of great change that he will send the latter rain oh are you still - stop that was lovely so are you singing - son nobody oh is that a ring alright let's share so who is it for somebody special really well I would very much like to meet that someone special you will sing dad promise [Music] [Music] [Music] you did so good the show was great thank you Joe we need to talk about what is something it's come on it's place especially why is it so special basura my Jesus Juliet three years ago I saw a girl in the sensor and for three years that girl's not left my mind yeah close your eyes [Music] Julia you are lacquer will you marry me a decent semantics are you [Music] hello yourself [Music] this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] one last chance under last rainy night I hear the moonlight singing her sweet goodbye all you know is when more chance for one more dance that'll never last [Music] was to me so why aren't you here with won't shot to shut I want some more I'll give it all I got to lie [Music] [Laughter] December [Music] [Music] walk away [Music] Oh [Music] you [Music]
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 345,213
Rating: 4.7292337 out of 5
Keywords: bridgestone multimedia BMG, Jesus, movies, EncourageTV, trailers, God, christian, Movie, Josiah David Warren, Alexandra Harris, Paul Anthony McLean, Sun Hui East, Maurice Sparks, The Prophet's Son Full Movie, The Prophet's Son Movie
Id: SmrOm9RObMw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 18sec (6018 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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