What Katy Did (1999) | Full Movie | Alison Pill | Megan Follows | Martha Barns | Michael Cera

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Casey car how many times have I told you to stay off that swing must be a hundred or more it didn't mean any harm entity he's only a hand coming away oh so it's my fault I suppose no no I didn't mean that but you always have some dandy reason for everything that goes wrong Katie well this time I've got one too it's you [Music] please now who's next oh this car can't wait laughter surgeries done is he know it kind of dr. Connor come in excuse me this won't take a moment good luck lady now what seems to be the problem you made me like this I tell you I've had enough distracting me I will have my say this time she has to go away to school but it won't happen again that's for sure what was it this time Katie I was just swinging on the rope she destroyed the whole backyard is he please let's just have the facts well I did pretty much but I never meant to well then I guess you should put it back to rights and maybe that swing should be out of bones it was out of bounds the child is running wild she doesn't listen and no more do you if you just give her her head a little then maybe she'd come round her head anymore it will come right off no Phillip you must send her to school no please daddy don't we don't want to rush this you never know what's gonna happen next nothing will happen if you have your way I agree I think it's time something changed around here Phillip doesn't help him she's coming home to a hospital cousin Helen that's always sick uh-huh she asked to see the children what do you say bring her back here are you crazy Helen is one of the family where else should she go after all that's happened here this is the last well if cousin Helen wants to see the children she certainly doesn't need any more trouble Katie will have to go I I don't think she'd like it here besides how can she possibly stay here well over nurse sleep no nurse she's had her fill of nurses and doctors she only agreed to come if I promise not to be a doctor anywhere around her you mean you've asked already Oh Philip you haven't [Applause] [Music] hurry up lawn Johnny can you lead all the picnic thumper doesn't want to go to the lake she's too tired why didn't you leave our home then truck carrier you're too small I'm not I didn't even push Robbie Taylor over can you yes and I did too [Music] it just doesn't make any sense cousin Helen is coming here to see me and then Izzy it's fixing to send me away I wish I could go too mother says it would put notions in my head and easy thinks it'll take the notions out of mine it's not fair cousin Helen can't do a thing for herself she's not gonna like it here one bit and I mean I'm the eldest supposed to take care of the tiddlers how can I do that while I'm away at school Katie this is my home I don't want to have to leave Katie what is it Elsie he's spying again night OC eavesdropping you'll catch up Katie car Oh Elsie come back I was only joking drat her did she mean anyway Tim but as I guess Oh John Dory get out of there the lease will suck your blood until you drop down dead see they need minding all the time and is he only notices of bad things she'd really missed me if rent was gone I'd miss you too she says it's cool to make me act like a proper lady that's just getting older like putting your hair up but it's different people change when they leave brunette look at Ned I really even recognize him well maybe but he's nicer isn't he more more of a gentleman [ __ ] are you going soft on Ned Clark no it's not a person can't help noticing that's all anyhow it's you he's sweet on I've known since we were babies known who nobody only you must you la uniform all the time most of the fellas do you want to hear something scary what you promised not to tell promise no it's not for girls you don't tell me right now I'll throw that fancy hat of yours into the lake gonna have to catch me first [Music] tell me now alright alright it's in the barn back to Frazier's place what is dead body you're kidding aren't you Joe Taylor told me what a corpse and Frazier's barn my word dead person let's go see it no we can't we should tell somebody I might take a look though so as I can tell the sheriff you coming Katy yeah you don't mind do you ceci no of course not I'll take the tiddlers you go on [Music] you ever see a dead body nope you still want to go in well we might as well now that we're here [Music] oh my I told you wonder how long he's been here smells pretty bad it must be new dead rats we need the body here well dead bodies ghost if you know rigor mortis we should probably check look Zayn's inside I wonder how he died you better not touch it why not Katie Shh [Music] Katie you're right I lost my head there for a moment Ned I think it's really sick I think we should get help right come on then no I think I'd better stay here with him I don't reckon I should leave you alone that's my father quick [Music] don't worry my father's a doctor silly silly girl put those filthy clothes and the bonfire Debbie yes miss car not the Hat please aunt Suzie Oh weren't you scared no it was too exciting did you undead him like Jesus for heaven's sake child how do you get such notions was like Jesus well I'm sure our Lord had the good sense not to bring his miracles home with him covered in bugs and lice and whatnot I'm scared half to death Ned said you were cool as a cucumber did he heat [ __ ] in here like a hurricane aunt Izzy reckoned it was you hurt for sure time to cut on home [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh nonsense she certainly meant well if intentions were all that counted Katie would be an angel you have to admit she showed some courage out there she should never have been there in the first place alone in the woods of the raiding drunkard honest enough thanks B no Philip this won't do she doesn't listen to me without a mother god rest her soul at each artist what do you think I know that every day that goes by well I will speak to her in the one I beg your pardon miss car doctor car that fellow is at the back door asking to see Miss Katie certainly not she's already gone to bed you see ah there you are good evening Missy evening you look very smart oh yeah regular swell ain't I I'm glad you kept your hat I just got a little singed and I wouldn't know myself without it sorry I got you a scrubbing kind folks is just regular fiends for Washington punches he says cleanliness is next to godliness amen but it wears off soon I put a mark on your post there it's a thank-you from a gentleman of the road to a proper young lady thank you you mind yourself now I will good night Missy good night [Music] [Music] why don't we cut through the wood but auntie's he said to go straight home well we'd be home quicker than anyone Katie did you forget about cousin Helen who could I hello kitty Ned where's your folks back there was such as MA she can talk no wonder says she's got nothing to say Jessie's got plenty to say not like you though but we can talk to you that's cuz she's more like a boy than a girl Oh mind your own business Elsie how can I you're yelling down my ear then walk ahead she's just a kid sorry you looked like you were praying pretty hard in there my cousin arrives today she just has to like me why wouldn't you I don't know things always seem to go wrong Tomi there was some way I could impress her right off like a 21-gun salute that's right couldn't could you you bet [Music] you sure this is gonna work sure I just did the artillery of course Chum what are you doing gunpowder something up no it's a spectacular Elsie Harrison rat tails again [Music] and jizzy what's a spectacular [Music] [Music] I don't want to be a girl I'm a boy you look sweet Johnny hmm all right now where is Kate II suppose you haven't washed it all right everyone put with a muscle perfect now just stay there [Music] didn't you hear me : dad you cut along home now Haiti has to meet her cousin hurry up Katie cousin Helen think coming in to Z changed my mind well here we are at last welcome back to my next one you know we look down enough that I hope you'll enjoy the peace and quiet this is LC Rory Joanna [Music] [Music] Bravo I'm cousin Helen and you must be so dangerous whatever got into you please don't send me away daddy I'll be so good you won't even know I'm here I can take care of the tiddlers as far as I can see you too the main hazard in their lives I'll change you'll see I I shan't in red dresses anymore get into scrapes kitty you just blew up your last chance now that kind of racket is all very well for cadets but it just won't do for young ladies I don't want to be a young lady I can't things just go on as they are and what about your cousin straight out of hospital and you launched a full-scale war on her was exciting though isn't it I hope it'll blow up like that Katy I'm serious this time you've gone too far well mrs. Hall has told your aunt of a fine school in the city I'll be writing to the principal in the morning and that is final well I hope you've listened to your father more than you do to me heaven knows I'm sick of the sound of my own voice is going we've settled things how is Helen she's very tired and she has an announced of flesh on her bones she needs the proper food but she's comfortable for the time being tidy yourself up child your cousin wants to see you and you're no ornament as you are cousin Helen well of course cousin Hill and how many cousins do we have in this house the wife she wants to see a troublesome creature like you I can't imagine [Music] [Applause] there we go thank you you are kind well Katie that was the most memorable welcome I've ever had next time some music what do you think you know Katie I was a little afraid of your hand when I was a girl excuse me and she hasn't changed a bit I feel like I've never left yeah look at you you're as tall as a sunflower she looks so like Ruth doesn't she does she no I don't see it your mother had the most beautiful eyes when yours are just the same color yes so tell me what do you like doing best me I like climbing trees reading and I love to skate during the wouldn't me too I used to love skating do you remember that time Philip out on the lake when we had the dance and the band the band froze and we had to sing Oh Katie you're not to tie a cousin uh-oh that means I'm talking too much never mind we'll talk again tomorrow and the next day and the next oh yes please but I shouldn't be able to I have to go away away to boarding school because of the fireworks and everything oh but they were so wonderful od here Katie you'd think it was a jail sentence tell her Alan don't be an adventure well it will and Katie will be a great success yeah you see your cousin agrees but Burnett's a hard place to leave I know and I'd hate to be the cause of Katie's going no it's not you okay Diaz had her chances well then for my sake please Philip I want so much to know Ruth's children father well I'm not sure thank you I only said it [Music] ah there you are you do brush your hair this morning not yet dizzy scarecrow that's you don't those two laces you'll break something else nice and easy good morning cousin Hallett how are you I hope I'm not too early but I've been up for hours it's nice to find every day to sleep you've you've brought the sunshine please open the blinds Katy you still have to do on them Katy open my trunk and we'll find a boss then I've to see the box look at look inside it was given me by your mother seventh year have a rummage around see if there's anything else you can find like a treasure Jenna well hardly treasure I've become a magpie hoarding bits of glitter in my nest did you wear these to the dance the same they might fit you the lake doesn't freeze over until Christmas most years will you stay that long I don't know exactly I hope so come so tell me how is Burnett these days well Seymour flowers I'm spoiled come bring the meal with we'll mix them in together thank you and as he was calling you Katie I didn't hear her that reminds me Katie I need your help means you with Izzie she's after me to eat more and I can't so if you could fetch my breakfast and keep it small don't worry I'll be right back [Music] Oh steady fair is it Derby Day sorry I've got to get heaven Helen's breakfast of course Katy your laces ready Katy what you thought so when I asked you to tie your shoelaces cousin Helen wants me to take over Trey hmm better not use the best China then what little there is left of it Debbie we know how to treat our guests in this house some of that bread it's not too heavy again nice and light this morning miss Carr master Dorie you didn't I was near starving Debbie so and so I declare the child must have worms where's the powder no wait Izzie I don't have worms I just groaned in the night cousin Helen can't eat this yes she can just cut off the cross Debbie only you will go upstairs and stop all this growing nonsense they're not so thick Debbie yes miss Carr [Music] no it's fine well I guess that takes care of the breakfast [Laughter] oh no if I eat any more Gibby I'll have that oh that's enough for you young man what do you play with this now get along and don't bother your cousin I'd love to Hank my chair is home you start from over there and Kati me stand up there not too much for you oh no it's what I dreamt up no she's a perfect tonic to be taken with care I am usually the donkey on these occasions okay thank you we don't take the outside course then and easy you must be starved come on it'll only end in tears [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] plane is dangerous cousin Helen looks better already she is pretty I've loved the lace on her dress at church she has all her clothes made in Paris she says they understand it funny shape I don't think she has a funny shape I think she looks just fine do you think she had young men in love with her before she got sick dozens they drowned themselves in despair when she wouldn't have them today awful little Italian books well mother says it's vain and frivolous to care about things like clothes when you're sick that can't be so cousin Helen isn't a bit thing I'm sure you're right well my mother says she doesn't behave the way a sick person should of course I'm right she's my cousin after all [Music] I was far away should I should I go no I'm glad for company did you see these that you yes and your mother oh what a bear she her best friend no yes she was like a big sister to full of plans and adventures you remember her a little yeah those don't not really it's hard isn't it she was so full of life now she's only here in our heads I can't see her face anymore only out of the corner of my eye she was like you and not just to look at she father doesn't doesn't really like to talk about her she was so quick she was full of ideas and energy and yet she had a kind of peacefulness that doesn't sound like me there's the opposite I'm always in a tangle that's there though give it time not at all like I imagined aren't I why not I thought you'd be sad and serious all the time and instead I'm foolish and frivolous some people think that what people are sick is wrong to care about clothes and such I've heard that I think sickness is ugly enough as it is it doesn't need my help well I don't think a bit of ribbons gonna turn our heads now do you no good because I was hoping you'd take me shopping tomorrow and going into town sincerely [Music] [Applause] [Music] this this is for LC oh and this for John don't you think Katie John doesn't really like dresses that much that's the truth wriggles like a fish when I try to measure oh well she'll wake up one day soon and change her mind especially when she sees the dresses that mrs. Pettifer makes [Music] well how about this one did you pack a picnic oh I see you wearing it straight ahead I'm ready for a cup of tea and something to eat aren't you and stay out oh it's you hello there miss Katie are you alright well it seems I can't get enough of this year Washington you're supposed to do your clothes separately you know oh really huh well I tried that next I'll be seeing you miss Katie bye a friend of yours Oh he was poorly and I lent him the soap do you have to talent is he that we met a friend of Burnett no surprise in that the coffee shop is just right here [Music] good day could you help us in please no room well perhaps if we put the wheelchair in the corner out of everyone's way I said we're full but I can see plenty of spare tables if you could just there for the regular patients I'm sorry I'm a little hard of hearing did you say rat poison in the coffee well thank you for telling us we certainly will go elsewhere good day oh well that was a lucky escape look you're not a big dad oh it's a well-known fact that people in wheelchairs are deaf and dumb and quite frequently mad so wish we have our tea then there is nowhere else we'll just have to go home oh no not until we've eaten I don't know about you but I'm just hungry as a wolf is that that hotel out by the springs is it still there Spa it's very grand it's got carpet on the steps it's perfect for two grand ladies then [Music] do you know Nina may I help you like somebody eat my cousin ah subpoena this is a town resident along Lee at accurate we cannot be a service perhaps if you throw in the towel Senora momento Katie we have come to the right place this is Senor Rinaldo and he is quite the best majordomo in the world and he used to work at the gran Palazzo at Combe oh I'm so happy to see you again you come for the waters we just come to some tea can can you do it [Music] boys help the young lady a senior [Music] Senora permit me I must show you this place it is my pride and joy deed for the ladies alpharatz [Music] I come here because of you and then one day in Como you tell me to make you remember a place to dance on the ice remember o que Bella dance with me [Music] [Music] a senior it has been waiting for you this place it is more [Music] pitchuka me mamama I'm quarterman Mandela for today la ragazza con la cual a otro very sorry hey my man dong kappa get a basta Alaura you take the senior dinner soon to visit my country I said when she goes she will carry both of us in her thoughts ah signora an angel got you down here to make me glad you take care with this lady see when this thing around you heart you never let go Senor Renaldo I believe you've been taking too much of your own spa water she's horrible I leave you signora signore ena he's right though you must go to Italy and feast and taste touch smell fill up your senses Venice Florence Verona Ronaldo's Lake Como there are magnificent there's so much to look forward to you'll grow wings and fly away I don't want to fly away unless you come to I'm home at last I shan't be leaving in fact we should be getting back antes you will be wondering what's become of us wish you won't worry when I'm with you you always make things go wonderfully more cake no I don't think I could I am a little tired [Music] oh I'm so sorry I didn't realize do let's go snow Ronaldo please help us [Music] [Music] Katie is that you mother get her in the house fast [Music] your aunt thinks I was wrong to bring Helen here that's not fair she's part of the family yeah she is family and that's what Ruth that's what your mother would have wanted but is he is right I hadn't thought it through I'm glad she came she's not at all like a sick person no she isn't is she we went to the spa hotel we were dancing in the bar room it was like something out of a story but then she got so tired all at once I know I know [Music] she's very sick you know what's wrong with her no one quite knows disease of the blood I'm gonna began she went in search of an answer that cure hmm an understanding at least it's hard to fight an unknown enemy she said I would alone trains and ships hotels and hospitals every day in new place strange faces she made it sound like an adventure sometimes the company of strangers is easier to bear she will be all right won't she she's come home kitty we must make the most of her [Music] you're going to the lake you know thanks ru gated forever cousin Helens really sick and I want to help her Katie Collett taking grow up please I need to see her aunt Izzy just for a moment Elsie can I trust you to be careful yes aunt is it go down to the dispensary and get Helens medicine from your father yes aunt Izzy excuse me I have to go and get cousin Helens medicine let me do it please aunt is yes me I need to see cousin Helen it's very important no you get everything it's my turn [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] no change we must rest I'll sit with her now dear God if only I'd taken your advices he send her away none of this would happen no sense taking blame on your shoulders when you've enough to bear already she's so young that's a punishment stop it Philip it was an accident everyone I love is struck down around easy you're not being punished come on your job is to care for her I can't you must I don't know what to do spinal injuries so dangerous it easy to do more damage someone must know all we know is how little we know that's what Professor Reinhardt used to say he knew more about banks than anyone what about him then Reinhard why you wouldn't come out here ask him what is there to lose please come soon stop here broken back stop daughter stop car stop that correct sir it was real sorry to hear about the accident such a character here Katie always getting into scrapes that'll be 60 cents sir my wife said to say if you were miss car need anything just send that please [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I wish to see dr. Carr look dude or you hurt a gray deal it is a good sign pain means there is feeling so what do you think well there is no fracture of the spine and the course of the fever I suspect his inflammation of the spinal fluid she walk again we'll talk downstairs will you have another enough you also you don't have to worry about me to neglect your own health is not going to help your child position Eli selfie I don't seem to be much use to anyone else your family needs you since my wife died night I heard of your loss I am sorry but we cannot go back what is the point of it once I care for most I fail Ruth is dead the cousins sick you know Katy's I'm a doctor yet I can do nothing you had only a doctor not God every one of our patients will die at the end we are all failures is there it you have an odd notion of reassurance professor I tell you I can do very little for your daughter you're giving up honor no I'll give what's in my power set the body straight but you are father the rest is for you [Music] well how are you this morning did you do your exercises like the doctor said never mind you have some visitors come along you too come come on and you go yeah well Katie here they are Oh Katie we've been so worried for you the pastor says special prayers you just Hyundai and everyone's been asking after you that's nice everyone's been thinking of you well I'm sure you have lots to talk about you look real bad Katie Ned sorry you look fine Katie only a bit pale like a princess it's a shame II miss Santa Clarke's tea party it was a proper grown-up effect with boys and doll everybody wants to know how you're doing how are you doing Katie don't seem right to see you of all people stuck here it doesn't Ned nope I'm going off to college in a week can't I write to you right I will then well I promised Ana so we wouldn't stay long [Music] how are you can't sleep you too I'd forgotten the sound of these hot summer nights it was my fault Katie falling promise truth I would take care of them you do you can't wrap them in cotton wool least of all Katie I wasn't paying attention you are now and that's what counts such a pity I know it's hard she's only a child the whole life to come do you remember are you afraid she'll be crippled oh no I didn't mean that Katie always running jumping so carefree full of life I love energy to see a line they're white and broken that is terrible she'll never be the same you mustn't expect that whatever happens would you go to her I think it would do her good to see you [Music] [Music] it's my heart to think of Miss Katie laid up her is bright it's a sunbeam she's so grumpy now she be sick forever no your daddy's gonna make her better well he didn't make mother better did he what a thing to say miss Elsie no when a person's time is up they're called to God and that's that so he might call Katie to know he's not going to call Katie why isn't she good enough no just stop it please all of you Oh Katie doesn't get better Jory I only know Dan says he doesn't bother with us anymore can I have another pancake any certainly not if you can go upstairs and make your bed at once young man not father indeed fine chance of that does breakfast trays ready yet Debbie I have to do every little thing around here and is he could I take up cousin Helens tray no your cousin is having breakfast with Katie this morning I don't want any disasters of course I'm under strict instructions to make sure you eat how are you I can't move hurts all the time pains a monster that swallows you up it stops you from thinking or caring for anything else but it doesn't have to win you will get better we whole life is going by and I'm stuck in here knowing you're here other people will come to you I wouldn't do things for myself I don't want to have to live through other people well you can't live without them have you thought what that would be like but this isn't any kind of life well it's what you make of it it's easy for you to say you don't mind don't I when I first found out I was ill I was really angry what had I done to deserve this I was jealous and bitter and I wanted everyone to feel sorry for me but I was terrified of pity so I ran away I'm here from everything that reminded me of what I couldn't have then a year later your mother took ill and she begged me to come back but I refused I hurt her I was so wrapped up in my own misery I couldn't hear anything else and by the time I understood that it was too late why are you telling me this it has nothing to do with me I'm sorry Katie I just don't want you to make the same mistakes that I did I don't want to be like you don't want to be a [ __ ] nobody wants it I hate your life then take hold of your own brother die no that's easy to say isn't it just give up on life it's not worth the trouble I thought you were brave like your mother I thought she had some fight in you I'm not like her you don't know me at all no I don't this girl was happy to give in and give up I don't know her at all not listening Mireille [Music] [Music] Oh Missy what do you want is she still poorly mm-hmm would you take her these flowers for me please I won't bite different slice of the pie you're from a bit more vinegar in the mix she's changed you wouldn't recognize her that's too bad such a bright spark it doesn't seem fair it should have been me then no one would have minded so much well I don't know about that seems to me got a fair bit a spark in yourself as well now will you take these flowers for me please or do I stand here all day yarning I didn't mean to wake you arisen asleep shy thank you it's better shall I sit with you for a while if you like that may be event in the bar he brought them lovely and you tried the soup [Music] mmm this is good what does it squash and ginger not too spicy no fine nice and warm did you make it yourself so you can cook what else can you do tables up to ten eat jackson abouts flags of the world click my fingers like this i can't do it as good as that not yet [Music] I'm sorry I push you down the stairs that day you didn't I mean you didn't mean to I just felt sorry quits what soup was good so more sure Debbie who wants to fatten you up but Helen said not to pasty Kady what else did she say well that you were sore all over not just your body but your heart as well and if that you couldn't play or carry home like before cuz that stuff takes a long time to mend see John and Dory couldn't figure out why you were so crabby all the time I'm not crabby now are you no I think I've had about enough of that [Music] [Music] have you taken leave of your wits to pee no Miss Carr it's miss Katy she's eaten three biscuits already and she's asking for more she that is good still no call to go Plum Crazy she'll be sick if she eats too much very good miss Carr do you like my dress hasn't Helen gave it to me and nobody else ever waited before oh it's lovely alright give your sister some air it's time for her wash brush your own hair then I thought I'd try my mess you've made of it to be sure I can't rush things Katy no it's cousin Helen some days better did her good to know you were mending draw it on that smile of hers so take care of yourself her sake [Music] thumper thumper hello I'll set the dog on you half to death set the dog on me poor old thumper talking about like that you doing here snow was coming been in the air all day [Music] I'm just trying to get my head clear it's time you told her what if it sets her back she needs the truth she's only a child not anymore [Music] and honestly how do you feel what's so bad you look better mother you have to see cousin Han they said some dreadful things to her and I have to say that I mean you can't see all right now then in the morning don't waste any time it's important Katie it doesn't what is it Ellen's gone very far down this time she's dying yes she's dying that's why she's come here to die at home with us her family but she can't die she mustn't I need her why I don't understand why do all the people we love have to die I don't know maybe they're just lent to us for a while Dorrie [Music] [Music] I'll get help no no you've gotta help me just help me up please No No if the crutches please I don't know ezel see it come in [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I knew you could do it Katie thank you he'll see I thought you'd hate me I never meant any of the things I said I know I I wanted to come to you Father we have so much to talk about do you need something Helen I'll see what are you doing Katie car you get you're sitting up you're sitting up Philip he was crying you see miracles do happen I'll see ya [Music] [Music] Katie car what mischief are you up to you don't follow me with your eyes tight closed Elsie clean up this mess this instant tooth Debbie or has it been enough mischief in this house since Katie got sick I never thought to hear you say that it's car [Music] punch everybody Haiti to your guests who are you Ned I haven't seen you in so long here almost a stranger sorry I had to study for my exams and that's doing great at college huh and our uniform I see only freshmen do that you've changed Katie you think so I guess you're taller that's it yes I am sorry I never wrote real busy you know I know ceci told me she did will you stay for supper net I promised the fellows that she said well Merry Christmas anyhow come and see us again won't you so long Katie I don't know why he's being so stupid he can be so sweet when he wants to [Music] [Music] [Music] does everybody know what we have to do we read a wish on the paper and throw it into the fire and if it goes up the chimney father Christmas will bring us what we wish for it but it has to be secret you can't tell everyone or else it doesn't count or it I shan't tell it only one thing kitty only one thing else how could father Christmas give presents to all the children all right I'll see your turn nevermind you can read it on the back of mine Thanks [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is that I'll say what Katie isn't it lovely I'm glad you like it chocolate don't eat them all in one day though just have one I suppose but make sure aunt is he doesn't catch you what did you wish for Katie it's a secret Katie will you believe with this please not right now Katie she wants to see you if I wished it how hard you would be better father christmas is a friend of mine he had to listen to my wish oh it did use him to know Disick leave me I don't know you what to let go here [Music] [Applause] appreciate it Michael [Music] I'm so sorry Katie this isn't what she would have wanted it all poor Miss Carr it's so distressing for you after all your troubles when a life full of promise is cut short you must all be very shocked we had known for some time yes yes a tragic shadow over the family though she didn't always quite behave as one might have expected from a person in her condition hmm I hear she left quite a sum to Katie now one would never have thought she wanted Katie to have some prospects Oh My Sassy told me college now ain't it well that's all very nice but a man doesn't like a girl to have too much education I'm sure we appreciate your kind thoughts mrs. Hall waving nothing of it dr. Carr why I was just saying to ceci yesterday wasn't idea [Music] was about leave that do itself you know you did right to bring her here you think so you know you carried most of the weight perhaps it came right in the end more than that she's ready to go I wish booth could see her she'd be so proud we are I'll miss her so will I [Music] [Music] you
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 469,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, bridgestone multimedia BMG, christian, trailers, movies, Movie, God, EncourageTV, Alison Pill, Megan Follows, Martha Barns, Susan Coolidge, Stacey Stewart Curtis, What Katy Did Full Movie, What Katy Did Movie, based on a book, Michael Cera, What Katy Did 1999 Movie, What Katy Did 1999 Full movie, encouragetv movies, encouragetv films
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 17sec (5297 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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