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so today's video is going to be part three the final part of the Mars murder series on Ian Brady and Myra Hindley if you haven't caught part 1 & 2 yet I'll leave them up in the little I card make sure you caught up with those two in order before you watch this one because this one won't make sense otherwise just for a little recap on parts 1 & 2 if you did see those Myra Hindley met Ian Brady and they decided that they would commit the perfect crime together the perfect crime would be to abduct and murder a child so well leaving no evidence and no links to themselves that they would never get caught and they're believed that they had done this successfully and when it seemed as though they'd gotten away with that first murder they decided to go out and commit three more and these were on 12 year-old John killbride 12 year old Keith Bennett and 10 year old Leslie and downing all the while they were keeping souvenirs of these murders they were taking pictures and audio recordings and after every single murder they would bury the bodies on Saddleworth Moor in part two we were also introduced to David Smith which is Mira's brother-in-law her sister Maureen's husband and David Smith seems to have a lot in common with Ian Brady they had very similar childhoods and David Smith is considerably younger than Brady and he really looks up to him and Brittany likes that he can easily manipulate David Smith and that is where the last video left off Ian Brady and Myra Hindley had just committed their fourth murder a couple of days after the murder of Leslie and Downey Hindley and Brady's next-door neighbor patty the little 10 year old girl came round and noticed a newspaper on the side and this newspaper must have had a picture of Leslie and outing in it and Patty just mentioned to Hindley and Brady that that was her friend not her friend but she played with her before she knew of Leslie and Downey and so Hindley and Brady decided to play dumb they pretended that they hadn't ever heard of this disappearance and they're asked patty to read this article out to them so patty stop and read this whole article about a missing friend to Hindley and Brady not knowing that she was reading it too people that had murdered her Leslie's mother put out a 100 pound reward for her safe return which is about two thousand pounds in today's money and she never touched Leslie's bedroom again after that and the bedroom stayed preserved for as long as they had that house they never touched or moved anything it was all as Leslie left around a month later Brady and Hindley planned a trip to Scotland something that they often did because of course Brady was originally from Glasgow in Scotland and he just loved the kind of landscapes there there was a lot of mountain II hilly Moors kind of areas and this particular time they asked their next-door neighbor ten-year-old patty if she wanted to come with them before the trip however Patty's mother decided that she didn't really want her daughter to go and so Hindley and Brady just went alone I personally don't think that Hindley and Brady would have done anything to patty at any point in this case it was weird Hindley and Brady had some children that they liked and that they're you know were nice too but then they had the complete other end of the spectrum they had children that they would abuse and torture and murder like the neighborhood kids they never hurt any of the children in their neighborhood or patty patty was like the best friend I just found it really baffling what the kind of deciding factor between a child that they like is a what child that they don't like is but before long Brady and Hindley's friendship with patty was cut short because Brady actually caught patty climbing over their fence once and he believed that she was trying to steal things from her garden and he said if he caught her doing that again he would break her neck and from that point on she never spoke with them again she never went around to the house she avoided them at all costs then in April of 1965 Maureen and David Smith's baby Angela actually passed away at the age of six months it was very sudden they found out that she had bronchitis that morning and she died later that afternoon David Smith was at work when he found out well not when he found others she'd passed away he was at work and Maureen called him to come to the hospital he came to the hospital and he was informed that his daughter had passed away and David flew into a bridge he was angry not anything in specific he was just angry at the world that the universe could give him a daughter and that he could love her so dearly and then they could just rip her from him he was furious he completely trashed the whole hospital room that he was in he was throwing things he was punching walls he was slamming doors and then once that kind of subsided he was full of sorrow he didn't stop crying he was a mess he was hyperventilate and he was so emotionally moved by the death of his child of course as most people will be but that's an unusual thing to hear of in this case and then one day when he was back at home in the days following his daughter's death he saw one of her belongings on the side and again he flew into this bridge all he could think about were the good times he could think about her smiling and her laughing and how he was never gonna see that again and so he grabbed all of the things that were once hers all of her clothes all of her toys everything that reminded him of her and he put it all in a suitcase he then drove the suitcase out to a bridge and threw the suitcase off of it so that he never had to be reminded of what he lost ever again Brady and Hindley on the other hand of course it wasn't their baby but it was their niece and they seemed unmoved by the whole situation they were they didn't care they showed some fake sympathy really quickly got really annoyed of people still talking about this baby like it had been dears it and people are still talking about this Beibei he obviously didn't have any kind of connection to this child or understand a parental connection to a child the funeral took place shortly after her death and Brady was the sim at the funeral he showed some fake sympathy and then for the rest of it he was completely emotionless and Hindley was the same at first but I think she was caught off guard she wasn't expecting it to be an open coffin and when she got up to the coffin and she saw her baby niece laying there lifeless eyes started to well up but she didn't shut it to you but it did start to smudge her makeup a little bit under her eyes and she quickly tried to like fix it and you know pretend like she wasn't affected by it but David Smith and Maureen did notice that Mayra started almost crying and she told them Don't Tell Brady she went to the bathroom she fixed her makeup and then went back out to the car to see Brady she didn't want him to know that she had emotions especially to watch children and then that night after the funeral Brady and Hindley invited Maureen and David on a trip to saddle with MA which their thought was a nice gesture they were taking them out there to clear their head to get them aware to distract them from the whole situation but that is even more sick and twisted from Hindley and Brady to check a couple that are mourning their recently passed away a child to the gravesites of father of the children while they were up on the moors myra suggested to her sister Maureen that she just got a dog rather than another child as usual Brady and David separated from the girls and they went and they sapped on this particular piece of grass that Brady chose and they looked up at the stars and Brady just said look up at the stars just be silent for a bit clear your head and they did and they sat there for a good few minutes and then we went back to the van but what David Smith didn't know at the time was that Ian Brady had taken him to that very specific spot because they were sitting on the shallow grave of John killbride as they were looking up at the stars in the months following the baby's passing the group only grew closer however this meant that the girls grew closer and the men grew closer it was never really a four kind of thing whenever they met hope they would always split off into their pairs and this meant that Mira's jealousy for David Smith just grew Brady began doing even more things with David that only he and Henley ever did they would start planning crimes together only little ones like petty theft and vandalism and stuff like that but that was something that was Hindley and Bradys David Smith was relatively poor and planning all of these thefts and burglaries with Ian Brady give him not only a distraction from his sorrow that he was feeling about his baby and you know some excitement and adrenaline in his life but he also really needed that money he was desperate for the money eventually Ian Brady asked David Smith how he would feel about robbing a bank it was like Ian Brady had groomed him to this point he obviously if you enter into a friendship with someone and you said would you rob a bank with me of course I'm gonna say no because that's insane but Ian had brought up the topic of crimes and you know general dark stuff so many times with David Smith that he was used to it and he was confident talking about it and he knew that Ian Brady wasn't messing about it he knew that Ian Brady was serious about robbing a bank Brady even got David Smith to do extensive research on this one particular Bank that they were planning to rob he got him to make a list of all the employees and all their hours and when they would get particular deliveries and one day David presented in Brady with all of this information that he had been collecting from his research of this Bank and Ian Brady looked at it he goes but we're not gonna rub it I don't think Ian Brady ever really intended on robbing a bank Ian didn't really care for money that was more of an initiation for David Smith so that Ian Brady could tell that he was serious and that he was willing to do the work and that he was willing to commit huge crimes with him he now knew that he could introduce David Smith to that world and after this point every time Brady saw David Smith he would increase the intensity of their conversations about crime and stuff eventually moving on to rape and murder and this increase in intensity didn't seem too fierce David Smith at all he seemed as though he would go along with anything at this point and so the next time he thought David Brady decided to confess to having murdered someone however David didn't believe him and this really angered Ian Brady Brady was offended it was like David didn't think he was capable of committing murder it was like he didn't think he was capable of getting away with it he wasn't intelligent enough he wasn't powerful enough and so Brady began proving are trying to prove that he had murdered someone he was yelling saying he had photographic proof he had audio proof he was saying he took David to the grave sites without him even knowing he was sat on top of one of his murder victims really had previously said to Hindley after they murdered Leslie under me that that was it that was the last one he wasn't interested in doing anymore he'd already proved to himself that he could and so now he just wasn't interested he proved to himself that he could get away with it and that was the only reason he was killing he didn't kill because he enjoyed killing well I'm sure that was a factor in it of course but that wasn't his sole motive and so he wasn't really interested in killing anymore that was until he needed to prove himself David didn't believe that he was capable of murder and Brady knew that he was and he knew that he had to prove this and so he had to commit another murder on October 6 1965 Ian Brady and Myra Hindley would commit their fifth and final murder although something I have kept out with this story the whole time is that they had way more attempts than just five they attempted to murder a couple of children but we'll talk about that at the end they're survivors of the mass murders so anyway on this particular day Ian Brady and Myra Hindley drove to the local railway station because AM Brady liked to keep a suitcase full of incriminating evidence in the lockers at the railway station stuff like the audio recordings and the photographs and stuff like that notebooks that had certain things in like he didn't want to keep that stuff around the house just in case police came round and searched it he wanted that stuff out of the house at all times so they went to the railway station either to get something out or to put something in and when he was there Ian Brady tried to go to the shop to buy some wine but when he tried to open the door it was locked wasn't moving and that was when a guy standing close by shouted to him saying oh it's closed he and Brady turned to this boy and he struck up a conversation and he found out that this was 17 year old Edward Evans now it's rumoured that Ian Brady and Edward Evans had actually met before at a gay bar although some people don't believe that some people do Edward Evans like I said was a 17 year old boy born and raised in Manchester he had two siblings and he had a very normal life that evening he was actually supposed to be meeting a friend to go to a football game but the friend never showed up so he went to the football game alone and that was why he was in the railway station he'd just come back from that football game alone Brady began speaking with Edward and flirting with him little bit and then he invited him back to his house and Edward said okay they went out to the car where Mayra was in the driver seat she was the only one that could drive and Ian Brady opened the car door to let Edward Evans in and said oh this is my sister Mayra so they got back to the house that Ian and Mayra shared with Mira's grandmother who I will serve right now is in the house the whole time so bear that in mind they all get out of the car and Brady and Edward Evans began walking towards the house and Brady turned to Myra and said go get David Smith it was now like 11 p.m. and Mayra walked all the way to Maureen and David's house and knocked on the door the two of them were actually in bed at the time so Mayra woke them up and they came to the door and Mayra she basically just needed a reason to knock on the door she told Maureen something about how her grandmother couldn't see her for the next couple of days but she could see her any time next week honestly not something that Maureen needed to know at 11 p.m. and Maureen said that she was like couldn't that have waited why did you have to come and wake me up at 11:00 p.m. to tell me that and Mayra just came up with something on the spot and then she said can David walk me back home because it's late it's dark and I don't feel safe walking home learn and so that was how she got David out of the house without bringing Maureen now from this point on not only do we have two different version of events like we always do Hindley's and Brandi's but now we have David Smith's three versions now Hindley and Brady said that David Smith knew exactly what was going on that night he knew that Myra Hindley would be coming to knock on the door to come and get him to walk her home because he was about to be involved in the murders and they say that he knew that and he was willing although David Smith on the other hand claims he knew absolutely nothing and that he was asleep and that he woke up and thought that Hindley just needed someone to walk her home anywhere on the walk home Hindley offered David Smith a bottle of wine that they and at their house and she said that she would get it as soon as he walked her home so this is David Smith's version of events by the way so as soon as they got to the house David says that he and Mayra went into the kitchen to get these bottles of wine and then in a matter of minutes David claims he heard banging and shouting and swearing outside in the living room and so Hindley shouted to him saying you should go help him so he burst into the living room and there he sees Ian Brady struggling Edward Evans with an axe in his hand repeatedly hitting him he claims he just stood there frozen he didn't know what to do he didn't say anything he didn't move he didn't he didn't do anything and he watched as Brady repeatedly hipped Edward Evans with this axe and then eventually strangled him to death after the murder took place David remembers thinking to himself that he has now got to go along with anything that Brady and Hindley want him to go along with because he now knew that an Brady was capable of murder and he could easily meet the same fear that Edward Evans just heart David said the Brady ordered Hindley to go into the kitchen and get some cleaning products and start cleaning the blood off the walls and off the carpet Brady then asked David Smith to help him with the body at first they picked him up and took him up to the bedroom and then kind of like wrapped him in some plastic David recalls Myra Hindley being rather excited about the whole thing she kept talking about how his eyes looked like they had fear in them and the noises from when his head hit the floor and stuff David Smith said that it was mainly him and Myra that were doing the cleanup efforts cleaning the carpets and stuff while Ian Brady just kind of paraded around the house with the ax in his hand talking about how heavy the ax was and how brutal of a murder he'd just committed David recalls looking at Myra and not being able to understand how or why she was so calm about all this she was just picking up pieces of hair pieces of flesh and pieces of born from the carpet putting him in the bed she wasn't disgusted by it she wasn't you know it was like it was just like a wrapper off the floor that she was just thrown in the bin and bear in mind like I said earlier Hindley's grandmother was asleep upstairs the whole time in the early hours of the morning David Smith went back home to Maureen he set off walking and then halfway through he began running home because he just he was so overwhelmed and he didn't know what to do and he was scared and he just wanted to get home and he just wanted to tell Maureen or call the police or anything as soon as he got in though you couldn't even go in and tell Maureen he immediately ran to the bathroom and threw up because of what he'd just witnessed so Maureen went into the bathroom and asked him if he was all right like what was going on and everything and David Smith just breaks down and tells her everything that just happened and Maureen kind of found it a bit hard to believe at first of course it was her sister and she didn't think that her sister would be capable of that but he had to sit there and said no your sister was complicit and the whole thing she wanted to do it so they both decided that they needed to call the police but they didn't want to do it right then and there because David Smith was actually scared that maybe Hindley and Brady had followed him home and they didn't have a lung line at the house at this point a lot of families didn't and so they would have to go out and go and call the police from a payphone and they didn't want to go outside they lock the doors and they stared in for the rest of the night but obviously they couldn't sleep they couldn't really talk about anything other than the murder because it's all they could think about eventually morning came round the Sun came out people started going to work and so the two of them grabbed weapons and went to a local pay phone and called the police on their own sister and brother-in-law so now before I get into like the police stuff and everything I just want to tell Brady's version of events because like I said there's three different versions of events in the whole thing so Brady says that Hindley and David arrived at the door they knocked on the door and he pointed them in the direct the kitchen and shouted loud enough so that Edward Evans could hear upstairs he shouted to them all the wines in the kitchen he then brought Edward Evans downstairs and killed him on the living room floor and the noise was so loud that it actually woke up Myra Hindley grandmother and Myra actually shouted up to her at one point don't worry go back to bed it's nothing after the murder took place Brady Hindley and David Smith all sat down and devised a plan on how they were going to dispose of this body and continue on afterwards Brady had actually injured his ankle in this attack and so he knew that he wouldn't be able to transport the body to and from the car and up to the MA as he normally would and so Brady claims that David Smith suggested that they use his baby's old pram he said that he would go home and then the next morning he would bring his now deceased baby's pram back to the house with him they would tie the body up in a fetal position and pack it into this pram put a blanket over it and then take it up onto the mall and so that's exactly what they did David Smith and Ian Brady both tied up this body into the fetal position you did ropes and everything so that it would be ready for the next morning now Hindley's version of events is but she just stood in the kitchen the whole time she didn't witness any of the murders she didn't see anything she heard it all from the next room but she didn't go in she didn't see anything and what's interesting about this is that Brady actually backs her up on that which he that's the first and only time he does it in this whole case they were questioned separately and they both gave the same version of events of that night I don't know I find it hard to believe that Brady would lie at this point because he has no reason to he's implicated in every single other murder when she was trying to say that she wasn't there so why wouldn't he do it in this one I don't know I find it very confusing but also why would David lie because in David's version of events Myra was talking about the look in Devon's eyes and the Sounders head man when it hit the floor sir one of them flying either David Smith is lying about the things that Mayra said afterwards or Brady and Hindley abbath lying about where she was at the time of the murder so anywhere the next morning David Smith tells police everything about the night before but not only that he also says that he believes Ian Brady is responsible for more than just the one murder when Ian got really mad at David for not believing that he committed more murders David told police that Ian told him that he had buried bodies on Mars does that make sense David told police that Brady took him up to the grave sites of some murdered children so a lot of police were sent to Hindley and Brady's home there were a lot of police cars although only one of them was parked in front of the house the other ones kind of stayed out of the view of like the house and the windows that Hindley and Brady could see out of they wanted to be there just in case Hindley and Bradley tried to run and they needed backup but they also didn't want to scare Hindley and Brady imagine you are a serial killer couple of imaginary Samuel Khaleda and you sitting in your living room and immediately 15 police cars all pull up in front of the house you know what they're there for you know they've caught you and you're gonna try and run well I presume a lot of people would but if it's just one police car it could be anything anywhere all the other police car stood at the end of the road anywhere and one police officer went and knocked on the back door and Myra Hindley answered he said to Hindley Oh is your husband in and Myra Hindley said I don't have a husband so this officer says look I'm a police officer and I have reason to believe that there is a man in this house and Myra Hindley said there's no man in this house he tried asking a few more questions to Myra but she was very dismissive she was very blunt and so eventually this officer just pushed pasta pusher into the house and as he did Myra said to him he's in the other room and so this officer walks into the living room and there he sees Ian Brady sitting on the server like reclined like he's relaxing he's writing a letter and he doesn't even look up from this letter that he's writing and police start pouring into this house police had a look around the house they looked in Mira's grandmother's bedroom they found her grandmother and then they tried to get into Myra's been dream but then they noticed the door was locked they asked Myra where the key was and she said she left it work and sir the officers were like well let's go get it then and she was she was making up all these different excuses about like how she can't remember where she put it at work and stuff and then Ian berating the irritable mum that he was looked up from his letter he was getting really annoyed about all this back and forth about this bloody key and so he looks up and just says to Myra you'd better go unlock it he then turned to one of the police officers and said a fight got out of hand last night it's upstairs it'd been the body of Edward Evans and that was basically him setting up the cover story that he and Hindley would go on about that night that was him saying to Hindley if they ask so it was a fight that got out of hand so they go upstairs Myra unlocks the door and lets police in and immediately they find the body of Edward Evans tied up in the fetal position police immediately arrested Ian Brady but not Myra Hindley for some reason they just took Hindley and her grandmother to a different place while they searched the house Ian told police that he got into an argument with Edward Evans and this argument turned into a fight and this fight just got out of hand and he ended up killing him but Edwards body was taken for an autopsy and it was found that he had 14 different axe wounds on his body plus his cause of death was strangulation now that is not a fight that got out of hand you don't got that insane on another human being in a fight gone wrong Myra Hindley was later questioned and she was asked what happened and what went on and you simply said I don't know and I'm not saying anything Ian's story is my story she did however implicate David Smith in this murder a lot repeatedly and she wouldn't stop everything was David's fault to Myra Hindley of course she never liked the man and as soon as she saw her opportunity she was trying to get this man put away and sent away from her sister meanwhile police were searching Brady and Hindley's home all their possessions their car things at work and they found some insane evidence in Mira's car they found a brown wallet and when they opened that they found a few scraps of paper written in Ian Brody's handwriting and the things on these pieces of paper seemed to be instructions on how to get away with murder there were things like how to clean a gun and how to dispose of a body how to dig a deep enough hole how to clean an axe in the house they found and seized a photo album they seized the letter that Ian was writing that morning when police broken it was actually a letter to his boss telling him that Ian wouldn't be in that day obviously because he planned on disposing of body they also found Ian Brady's notebook that had a lot of interest in little things in it had a lot of drawings of like fields which presumably the Mohr's had strange little phrases in it like stone by the brook which was led to theorized to mean the resting place of John Cal bride because it was by a little river and there was a stone nearby like a big kind of Boulder thing but something that really alarmed police about this notebook was that Ian Brady had straight-up written John killbride in this notebook multiple times and why was Ian Brady and almost 30 year-old man writing this 12 year old boys name in his new book it's not like they knew each other before killbride went missing and at this point police were put in two and two together they had David Smith saying that he thinks that Ian Brady is sponsible for multiple murders they have a connection between brady and john killbride they don't know what the connection is but why would this 30 year old man be writing this 12 year old boys name all over his notebook if it didn't mean something so police went to speak with David Smith again because it was clear that he was on the right track and they decided to talk to him a little bit more about that Edward Evans murder because that's the one that he witnessed and at one point German there's David Smith makes a passing comment about how he believed Ian Brady picked up Edward Evans from the railway station now this was something that he hadn't mentioned before because he didn't think it to be important but police really latched on to that so police decided it might be worth going to the railway station and speaking with staff or anyone that was there regularly that might have seen Ian Brady so police went up to this one particular staff member and they mentioned the name Ian Brady and immediately this staff member recognized the name they went to the logbook and realized that an Ian Brady had rented a locker in the railway station and was still currently using it and so they went and used the master key to unlock it and in this locker they found two big suitcases so they took these suitcases back to the police station and opened them and in them they found a lot of incriminating evidence there were more photo books some photos of children some photos of Brady and Hindley on the moors there were knives that was Myra's black wig that was the tape recorder and the tips from Leslie and Downey's murder and immediately as soon as police played that tape recorded in the office they knew that they were listening to in Brady commit murder at this point police have theorized that Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were potentially responsible for or connected to eight different disappearances now spoiler alert three of them were wrong and they could never find any evidence far and no one's ever found any evidence for so they do think that Myra and Ian were connected to those four the other five where the five murders that they did commit and of course one of those was Leslie I'm Tommy a little tiny rock girl and as soon as they heard this tape they knew it was a little girl and so they went and played it for Leslie and Downey's mother and she confirmed that the voice on that to it was her daughter and a few pictures in those photo albums were also confirmed to have been pictures of Leslie the ones that they were taken as they were recording that audio meanwhile as all of this was going on as police were looking for evidence for the other murders Ian Brady was charged with the murder of Edward Evans other Myra was still free as ever and when she heard that Brady was charged with Edward Evans's murder she took it upon herself to burn any evidence that she could get her hands off she burned a full notebook some photos some undeveloped photos and a list Brady said I don't know what this list was all she of course didn't manage to get to the locker in time before police found it so she didn't manage to burn the tape recorded or anything like that but she did manage to burn a lot of things to do with Keith Bennett's murder so pretty much all the pictures that they'd taken on top of his grave they were gone literally all the notes that they'd taken everything to do with Keith Bennett's murder was gone so now police were piecing this whole thing together they had a connection to Leslie AG Downey they had a connection to John killbride they had a connection to Edward Evans but they couldn't find a connection to Pauline Reade Oh Keith and so they called back in David Smith because they remembered what he said about the Moores and how Brady had once told him that he was sat on the grave of a child and so they brought him back in to try and you know think about that a little bit more as police were searching these photo albums they also noticed that a lot of them were taken in big grassy areas potentially subtle with Marv and so connecting these two things together they felt that subtle with Marv was a good place to look most of the photos seemed to have been taken in in places so it wasn't like there were all just random parts of the Mars like there would be one particular like rock that was in every single picture and they'd be wearing different outfits in the pictures so there were on different days they seemed to me go into particular spots to take pictures on different days and so police sent out a search party on to settle with MA to go and try and find these specific spots the one that David Smith could describe as the one that Brody took him to and sat him on that day they were also looking for the ones in the pictures but also they took out the neighborhood children including Patti to see if they're remembered anything in particular because Brady and Hindley would take all the neighborhood kids to Mars so they thought maybe they sat the kids on top of one of the grounds the search of the Mars was to be a long and tedious process but in the mean time five days after the murder of Edward Evans Myra Hindley was finally arrested as an accessory to murder and this was later changed to just murder and she was charged with his murder as well at one point before the trials Ian somehow managed to get a hundred and letter to Myra Hindley and in this letter he was weirdly affectionate something that he never really was and people think this was to keep her sweet so that she didn't like turn against him and you know say things that incriminate him even more as if he wasn't incriminated enough but in this letter he was comparing him and Myra to a famous Nazi couple that stuck together even when they were both being like turned against each other they stuck together they never ratted each other out he wrote in this letter that he knew that he was going to be going to for a long long time but he thought that she would get out and he hoped that she would stay in touch and write him letters and love him forever and in the end he finished off this letter signing it saying I love you in German finally ten days into the search of subtle with MA the first body was found it was ten year old Leslie and Downey her body was strangely well-preserved in the mud I don't know what it is about the mud on the Mars but it perfectly preserved almost perfectly preserved her fierce and so her mother was able to identify her body visually this was something that couldn't be done with the other bodies that were found they all had to be identified by their clothes Leslie I'm Tony was also found with her clothes still at her feet including a white beaded necklace that her brother had gifted to her the morning before she died on Christmas Day I am Brady and Myra Hindley were both confronted with this information that ten-year-old Leslie I'm Tommy's body had been found and they found the suitcase that had the tape recording and pictures of Leslie and Donny in Ian Brady suitcase that had in Brady's near mom and so they couldn't really deny that they took the pictures but they tried its Brady said that he did take those pictures but he didn't kill Leslie I'm Tommy his story was that two men came to his house with Leslie this ten-year-old little girl brought her up to the bedroom and demanded that he took photographs of Ed they commissioned Ian Brady to photograph child porn of this child he says that he did it he took the money and then these two men took Leslie back out to their vehicle and drove away with her and he never saw her again but she did leave his premises alive Myra on the other hand when she was confronted with the same information that they'd found her body and pictures and a tape recording she just didn't say anything she just said she wasn't involved and she didn't know anything about that five days after the body of Leslie I'm [ __ ] was found a second body was found and this time it was 12 year old John kilbride and this was the body that was by the river you know the note in the book but said the stone by the brook this time John Hill bride's mother was able to identify him based on the clothes that he was found wearing she had actually sewn on little buttons on his t-shirt that looked like footballs it was very custom and she knew exactly that that was her son and on the same day that John Hill bride's body was found Ian Brady and Myra Hindley were both charged with the murder of Leslie and Downey it was confirmed that the voice on the tip was embroideries and that the bedroom in the pictures was Myra Hindley's which put them both in that room at the time of her death so now they had Myra and Ian charged with two separate murders that they wanted to try and charge them with every single one that they thought they were guilty of obviously and so they moved on to John Kilbride because now they had a body on subtle with MA it looked likely that it was Ian Brady and Myra Hindley so they found one particular picture where Myra Hindley is posing on top of John kill bride's grave and they now know it was John kill bridegroom because they can compare the background of the photo to where they actually found him and in this picture she's like holding her dog puppet and she's looking at the floor first of all police after who took this photo and she said it was David Smith and they said be sure it's not Ian Brady and she said no Ian did sometimes take photos upon the Moors but that one was definitely David Smith but David Smith never took any photos on the moors especially not on Myra Myra was unrelenting trying to get David Smith done for something anything that she could get him go far in this case she was constantly trying to implicate in these crimes even the most people believe that he was not involved especially in the ones of the children possibly in Edwards that one's up tinu but he's not believed to have been in the first far so Myra said that David Smith took the picture and so police asked her if she was stood on top of John kill bride's grave in that picture and she said no and so police said well why are you looking down at the ground and Myra said that she was looking at poppy which I mean no she's not she's looking straight at the floor police didn't believe this for one second and they charged Ian Brady and Myra Hindley with the murder of John Hill bride as well so that's three murder charges on both of them so before Brady and Hindley's trial they had a lot of pre trials and even then before the proper trial and they were going to be tried for murder people were turning up to the courthouses in their hundreds and people were obviously outraged at these two people and they turned up and they would shout things every time Brady or Hindley would be transported between the car in the courthouse at the courthouse and the car people would be screaming child murder a child killer monster multiple people including Leslie and Annie's own uncle all tried to rush the two killers they tried to fight them all jump them or in some cases kill them Leslie I'm Tony's uncle said that he if he would have got his hands on one of them he would have killed them and this happened so often that they actually had to start using decoys because it was getting well obviously dangerous but also it was getting hard to transport Hindley and Brody anywhere so first it would bring out a random woman or around a man with a blanket over their head and just put them in a car and send them off somewhere and the majority of the crowd would disappear and follow that car thinking it was Brady or Hindley when Hindley and Brady would be still waiting inside the courthouse for another hour after that way for the crowd to disappear meanwhile police are still trying to get a little bit more information on Myra Hindley they had quite a slam-dunk on Ian Brady but they still needed a little bit more Amira because if she was smart enough she probably would have been able to worm her way out of charges based on the evidence so they just wanted to make sure they hadn't cemented it so police decided to take puppet which was the dog that Ian and Myra adopted together when they first started to kill in obviously in some of the pictures puppet is still a baby it's still a puppy and so they thought that if they could figure out how old exactly puppet is right now they'd be able to tell how long these murders had been going on for because he was pretty much new born in these pictures and he was now however old they were gonna find out so to do this they put puppet under general anaesthetic they put him to sleep and then they were gonna x-ray his teeth and try and figure out how old he was from that however once he went under this general anaesthetic puppet suffered some heart conditions and he passed away of course Hindley didn't believe this for one second she thought that the police had just straight-up killed her dog because she wasn't confessing and a lot of other people believe that as well a lot of people believe that the police were trying to exercise their power and just show Mario how powerful they were and that they weren't messing around people think they were trying to scare my rat into confessing because if they could kill a dog they could kill her and they could get away with it by saying it was a heart problem but of course this didn't work and Myra Hindley stood true to her sorry till the day she died that woman never changed her story once in April of 1966 Ian Brady and Myra Hindley went on trial for the murders of Leslie and Donny Edward Evans and Jon killbride the media surprisingly focused mostly on Myra they seem to forget that this was a juror you know like a killing pad and a lot of the articles focused mainly on Myra they didn't forget that ian was there but there was a lot less on the Ian than there was on Myra the media focused on her appearance she had this bright blonde hair but her roots will coming in they were focusing on the fact that she was 20 years old but she looked much older like very superficial things like this woman just murdered children and you care about her half like you should be talking about her crimes and showing what an evil person she is not one ugly person she is but I think a lot of the media coverage of Myra Hindley stemmed from the fact that she was a woman and you don't expect women to commit crimes like this especially not against children we may not meant to be innately maternal and nurturing and care for children it's in our hormones like that's science science and to see a woman that can do such things to a child it's one thing for a man to do them it's disgusting both ways but for a woman who is supposed to have that maternal instinct in her I think the media was just very surprised this was one of the first female serial killers they'd heard of and so they you know reported about a lot the newspapers also loved the kind of Bonnie and Clyde aspect of this couple like the romance and the danger and the fact that they weren't turning on each other in the fact that they still had each other back and they were both defending each other still in court it was like a sick twisted love story and people were interested in it anywhere after two hours of deliberation the jury came back and found Ian Brady guilty of three counts of murder however they found Myra Hindley guilty of only two counts of murder Leslie I'm Donnie and Edward Evans whereas with John killbride they didn't want to find her guilty of murder because they weren't too sure so instead they found her guilty of being an accessory to murder in that case the two of them were both sentenced to life in prison and it just so happened that the death penalty was abolished literally months before they were sentenced so had they been caught just a few months earlier and sentence just a few months earlier they probably would have been sentenced to death however this is not how I am ready and Myra Hindley one this - girl that plan was that Ian Brady was gonna take most of the fall for this and he was gonna get the mega long prison sentence they knew that he was gonna be behind bars for the rest of his life but they were gonna try and get Myra Hindley the lowest possible sentence that they could because Ian Brady thought well there's not like both of us being locked up for life you might as well go out and live your life and just make sure you send me letters so that I can live vicariously through you and so to be fair I think that's why Hindley always said that she was at the ban because she was trying to get a lesser sentence makes sense but of course now it was looking like the two of them we're gonna just be locked up for the rest of their lives as they should be so their prison sentences began and they were put into normal prisons which you can already tell this gonna be drama you've probably heard that there's like a hierarchy in prisons and right at the bottom of that hierarchy are people that commit crimes against children breakfasts you know child rapists child murderers those are the worst of the worst and everyone above you when that pyramid is gonna attack you and that's exactly what they did - Myra Hindley and Ian Brady Ian Brady was attacked so viciously that he was put into solitary confinement for the rest of his life as for Myra Hindley she was also attacked a lot and she begged and pleaded for them to put her in solitary confinement for the rest of her life but they said no I don't actually know why they said no but instead she was given a personal bodyguard which we probably paid a lot for the two of them requested to meet with each other multiple times while they were in prison of course every single request was denied but Ian Brady was prepared to put himself through hell to see Myra Hindley again he would go on hunger strike he would make himself ill he would do all sorts of things to show them that he was serious that he wanted to see my he had to be tube fed at pines he was hospitalized because he was really making himself ill meanwhile Myra Hindley pretty much forgot about Ian Brady but I mean we'll get back to that in a second meanwhile David Smith you're probably wondering what happened to him he was actually granted immunity from any prison sentence yes he cleaned up Edward Evans as murder some people think he had a part in it but yeah he was an accessory to murder in that case whether you believe he had a part in the murder or not he helped to clean up and he admits that and police said you won't get any prison time for that you will get immunity if you give a full witness testimony against Ian Brady and Myra Hindley but the public didn't like this one bit this man wasn't gonna get a single day a single hour in prison but to everyone else he was like the third Marrs murderer everyone believed that he was responsible for something like I said Myra tried to implicate him in every single one of the murders all the children's murders Edward Evans is murder and the public believed her and the public had to David Smith for it they would shout things at him in the street through our things that underlies his house he couldn't get a job because no I wanted to employ the third Moore's murderer and what made this so much worse for David Smith was when it came out that he had a deal with a newspaper 420 pounds a week to give them details of his experiences with Ian Brady and Myra Hindley he actually used some of that money to go on holiday to France and people were disgusted at that and like I said David Smith found it very hard to find a job after that he fell into poverty the whole family did he and Maureen actually had a second child which obviously the first one passed away and because he wasn't getting paid he couldn't afford to support his wife or his child and like I said people would attack him in the street and one day this guy came up to him and at this point David Smith had started carrying a weapon because it was a regular occur that people would attack him on the street and this man came up and attacked him and david smith tyrone and stabbed him so david smith was jailed for three years for that and while he was in jail Maureen divorced him because she was sick of this life she felt like he was making it worse for himself and you know she just didn't want their child to grow up around this and at this point they actually had two children when he went into prison and so she left and she took these two children however they still grew up really affected by their father's reputation they fell into drugs they fell into crime and they never really had a fair chance at life because they were never given a fair reputation they were not a reflection of their father but the public saw them as that Maureen eventually passed away at age 34 due to a brain hemorrhage which is so young and ledgering life David Smith actually was arrested for attempted murder of his own father but it's not how it sounds his father actually had terminal cancer and he wanted David Smith to poison him and it was an attempted murder it was successful but I think the courts kind of took into consideration the contacts that he was helping his terminally ill father just to pass on peacefully and so he didn't get too long in prison for that way he did get some prison time and around this same time like I said Myra Hindley completely forgot about the embroidery in prison and she begins an affair with a prison guard this woman was named Patricia cans and Patricia claims that she didn't have a clue who Myra Hindley was everyone knows who Myra Hindley is especially at the time because her face was all of them used but anyway Patricia fell in love with Myra Hindley and Myra Hindley fell in love with Patricia cans and together there came up with a plan to brick Myra Hindley out of prison however this plan was foiled when one of patricia cans colleagues noticed her acting weirdly they reported it and the plan was somehow found out whether she liked written something down or whatever the plan was found out anyway Patricia cans serving six years in prison for even you know attempting this plan and this whole time but Myra Hindley had been with another woman Ian Brady had been making himself sick to see Myra Hindley hunger strikes he was on feeding tubes he was making himself ill he was like making himself throw up and all this and then he found out that she was cheating on him from a letter that she wrote him him herself herself she told him in a letter that she was cheating on him and he went insane he no longer wanted to protect this woman up until now he had said that Hindley didn't have a part in any of the murders and that it was just all him but now he was ready to tell the truth for the past few years a journalist had been coming to visit Ian Brady in prison this journalist was the only visitor that Ian Brady ever had in prison and this guy kept drilling him for information and Ian Brady just was not given anything up but after he read this letter and found out that Myra Hindley had cheated on him the next time this journalist came round he told him a completely different story Ian Brady confessed to the remaining two murders of Pauline Reade and Keith Bennett and in turn he implicated Myra Hindley in those he also told this journalist that Myra Hindley was involved in every single one of the murders and at this point my road didn't really have anything to lose by just confessing to the murders she was already gonna be in prison for life she might not have been in prison for life if she didn't try to escape but that added a few years on to her sentence so now it was looking like she was in prison for life if she tried to deny being involved in these murders it would be more hassle than it's worth because it's not going to take any time off her sentence and it's only just gonna mean that she has to go to court every week or whatever so she just admitted to the murders of Polly Reed and Keith Bennett Myra even went so far as to help police find the body of 16 year old Pauline Reed it took about a hundred days to search the whole up settle with MA but eventually they found it unfortunately the same we said for Keith Bennett because Myra Hindley and Ian Brady have loved kept very tight-lipped about where they buried Keith Bennett on the Mars and they took that secret to their graves and I don't think we'll ever find out where his body is look at it Winnie Bennett Keith Bennett's mother passed away in 2012 and she said that it was her dying wish to know where her son was just to have recovered her son's body however of course Ian Brady and Myra Hindley did not care but that wasn't the end of the Mars murders reign of terror they actually had a few survivors which we'll talk about in a second Myra Hindley passed away at age 60 in prison on November 15th 2002 from pneumonia as a result of her smoking habit Ian Brady stood around a lot longer and eventually passed away at age 79 in hospital from lung disease Brady was ill for a long long time before he eventually passed away he was on feeding tubes and oxygen tubes and all sorts and he said that he wanted to die he kept trying to go on hunger strike and then they put the feed entry back in and he just kept trying to end his life prematurely and one of his dying wishes was that those suitcases that contained all that evidence all the pictures notebooks the tape recording everything he said that he wanted all of that stuff locked away forever and he didn't want anyone else to ever touch that stuff and he actually got his wish I really cannot believe that the court would honor such a dying wish from a child murderer but here we are no one's ever allowed to go in those suitcases again Keith Bennett's brother has appealed so many times to just look through these suitcases and then they can lock them back up but no the cops won't let him he really wants to because he feels like there might possibly be a clue in those suitcases in those scrapbooks in those No Pants that might lead to finding Keith Bennet's body the only remain in Mars murders victim whose body has not been recovered and potentially never will be now for those survivors that I keep mentioning the first one that we're going to talk about is Tommy Ratigan and he was seven years old at the time that he met Myra Hindley and Ian Brady one day he was alone in the park on the swing and it was already dark at this point when a woman approached him Myra Hindley approached him and Tommy remembered Myra smelling very nice he recognized the smell it was like perfume mixed with hairspray it reminded him of his older sisters he also remembered she had very kind eyes she approached him and just said like a worker he obviously looked pretty poor he was from a poor family and his clubs in the way that he looked sure that and Myra played really sympathetic she was saying like all you poor things you want to come back to my house and I'll make you some bread and jam and Tommy Ratigan took the chance with open arms he was like yes let's go home and so he went to the van with Myra and as they were walking out of the park he noticed a man standing further away from them and he began walking alongside him and Myra and Myra introduced this man as her boyfriend so they get to the house and Myra lets Tommy Ratigan sit in the living room at the kind of dining table that they've got an Ian Brady and Myra Hindley go into the kitchen now Brady stared in there the whole time that Tommy is in the house but Myra Hindley keeps popping in and popping out Tommy recalls here in kind of an argument in the kitchen but no one was raising their voice it just seemed a little bit heated like they were kind of snapping at each of that and then Hindley comes out of the kitchen with the bread and jam in her hand and Tommy Ratigan recalls this be in the moment that he knew something was wrong Myra Hindley slams this plate of bread and jam down on the table in front of him and he recalls looking up at her and her eyes were no longer kind they were very sinister so my regards back into the kitchen continues talking to Ian Brady and Tommy recalls hearing Brady shout wet so my room was probably trying to rush the killing Tommy I remembered looking down at this bread and jam and noticing that there was no margarine on it it was literally just jam on bread which is not really how you do it it's not proper that's does rushed jam on bread and Tommy just remembered thinking like if she was doing this to be kind if she was making me bread and jam to be kind she would have done it properly but this seemed as though she'd rushed it like she was only making it because she had to but why did she have to and Tommy says it was at that point that his fight or flight response kicked in and he noticed a window on the other wall and he saw that as his getaway he ran to the window and he undid the latch and tried to like lift the window so it was like one of those slide EOP windows I don't know if I'll be able to post a picture cuz I don't know what's typing on Google Images for that but it was like one of those windows that you slide up and he recalls it getting stuck about four inches so there's about that much of a gap and four inches not big enough for him to fit through anywhere and he remembers panicking he felt like he was gonna faint but he just kept trying to push this window up and eventually it's one all the way up and slammed right on the top and it was then that Myra and Ian heard the noise in the living room and they burst through the dark myra said he's getting away and they ran to the window to go and grab him and Tommy died straight out of the window and Myra manages to grab ahold of his ankles luckily he had enough momentum and enough wet outside of the window at that point that he just kind of fell and her hands just kind of slipped he slipped out of her grasp and he was able to run away Tommy Ratigan says that he has survivor's guilt from this experience because this took players just a week before John Kilbride was abducted and murdered and he always feels like if he'd have just died that night maybe John Kilbride wouldn't have been killed it's suicide imagine thinking if I'd have just died then that little I would still be alive the second person that claims to be a survivor of the Moors Murders was a man named David gray and of course he wasn't a man at the time he was a little boy and he was in a sweet shop when he belives Ian Brady approached him and pretended to be a police officer Ian Brady said come with me I need to ask you a few questions and this boy was clever he asked to see some kind of identification like proof that he was a police officer now most young kids would just be scared up their skin and just go with it just go with this police officer but not David Gray he asked for identification and when Ian Brady didn't have any to give him he just laughed and then David gray kind of assessed the situation and realized that maybe this was dangerous and so he stepped back and when he did he stepped back into the shop dah now when certain shop doors open they've got like a little bell to let the shop on and know that someone's come in and he set off that little bell there David Gray and immediately Myra Hindley came out from the other side of the shop and just said come on Ian let's go obviously at this point they'd drawn too much attention to themselves there was noise and it was clear that there were two adults talking to a child if they were to abduct him now they would have easily been traced back to it and that ladies gents others has been the Mars murders case I am going insane I have been filming this video for over 12 hours now over 12 as for today's charity shout out today I want to talk about Great Ormond Street Hospital Great Ormond Street Hospital is a charity here in the UK for children with serious and often life-threatening illnesses they help fund research into more effective treatments for multiple different illnesses and they also just make the children's general experience being a patient in hospital a lot more enjoyable because when your child is such a daunting thing being in hospital and I can't imagine how much worse that is when you know suffering with a serious even life-threatening illness they provide toys and him and even just down to like colorful walls and paintings and you know posters and just anything to make the experience a little bit more enjoyable they fund parents accommodation so that parents can stay with their children while they're in hospital because I can't imagine anything worse as a child having a serious illness and then having to say goodbye to mom every night and then fall asleep on your own you know sometimes you need your mommy the main hospital itself so Great Ormond Street is actually a hospital and that is located in London and that is where most child heart surgeries and heart transplants happen in the UK and people travel from all over to get to Great Ormond Street so yeah if you want to donate to Great Ormond Street Hospital the link will be down below in the description as always please consider it such a lovely charity and that completes this series on the Mars murderers thank you so much for watching I have it sounds weird but I've loved making these videos I loved making all my videos but this series has just been so exciting like interacting with you guys on Twitter and Instagram and stuff in between the uploads it was so much fun so if you enjoyed this and if you found it easy to like keep up with all the different parts I might do this again sometime like a three part or maybe even a two part series but yeah thank you so so much for watching if you enjoyed these videos make sure you leave a big thumbs up if you did that really helps me out subscribe if you want to see some more from me because I have learnt normal one video kisses all the time this one's been a bit different so if this is the first time you catching me on the Moors Murders cast this is my best one so far you're ready.good again disappointed but yeah thank you so so much for watching the full thing that means so much to me you don't even understand comment down below any other cases that you think I could do like a multi-part series on like cases that have a lot of information on them I would be so willing to do this again a huge thank you to all my channel members all of their names are on screen right now if you want to become remember you can click the link in the description I'll click the join button if you're on a desktop there's two tiers to choose from everyone on tiers one and two will get access to a community page where you can suggest cases and get your requests fast-tracked and exclusive to tier two members they will get their name on this end screen at the end of every single video yeah thank you so much for watching subscribe to my second channel if you haven't already and I'll see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: Eleanor Neale
Views: 1,341,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eleanor, neale, eleanor neale, eleanor neale makeup, 2019, mystery, unsolved, unsolved mystery, true crime, solved, documentary, moors murders, england, uk, podcast, true crime podcast, bbc, itv, ian brady, myra hindley, john kilbride, survivor, loose women, interview, lesley ann downey, keith bennett, crime watch daily, creepypasta, case, serial killer, storytime, see no evil, scary, missing, disappearance, kendall rae, buzzfeed, buzzfeed unsolved, story, paranormal, hindley, brady, crime
Id: hkT232XDuDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 34sec (3934 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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