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[MUSIC PLAYING] Hello. I'm Jamie. This is Mike. Today, the biggest food challenge we've ever attempted. And if at any point this video makes you hungry, give it a like and help us spread the word. I had a big dinner last night, and I now regret it. I'm not very hungry. [MUSIC PLAYING] Today we embark on our biggest food challenge yet. You've heard of the London Marathon. Well, this is the London Food Marathon. You got fresh, succulent, crunchy fish. Tender beef. Juicy. Makes the plate almost soggy, but in a really, really good way. We've got to eat 26.2 dishes-- --and we only have 24 hours. And we're not talking just any old rubbish. These have to be London's top dishes. Ooh-ha! Ooh! Yes! Oh! [LAUGHING] Muah. We've got a plan, some amazing locations, some amazing food lined up, but do we have the endurance, patience, speed, luck, and most importantly, the stomach to make it? This is the worst idea I've ever had. I think if I run, mate, it's going to come out both ends. This has gone downhill so quickly. A good game, though, isn't it? No, it's not. [LAUGHTER] What? Time check, 8 o'clock. First stop, St. John Bread and Wine, for arguably the best bacon sandwich in London. St. John is a dining room, winery, and bakery. It's simple, but it's perfect. How are we starting the marathon? Like, are we all going big? I think a half bacon sandwich each is probably a good start. It is exactly 8:22. Are we ready? Three, two, one, eat. [BLOWHORN] No better way to kick this off. That is such a good bacon sandwich. Every bit of that is bang on. Not many places you can [INAUDIBLE] for bacon sandwich. Bacon, bread, butter. Pass [INAUDIBLE]. You're going to regret that. What, I'm hungry now. There's nothing left of it. You're insane. What, remember this. One down, 25.2 to go. I'm feeling quite sleepy. [LAUGHING] They say a great Spanish restaurant can be defined by its croquettes. José Pizarro is a critically acclaimed Spanish chef who nearly became a dentist instead. Thank goodness he didn't. So it's just past 9:00. And we're having some white wine. Dish two, crispy croquetas with an oozy bechamel and cod center. Oh, yes. They're so beautifully crisp on the outside and oozy in the middle. Yeah, that is unbelievable. I want another one, but I know I shouldn't. Well, you should have that one. No, don't do that. The fish almost just lends flavor to the bechamel. It's really clean. So what's next? Cinnamon buns. Jamie always banged on about these cinnamon buns being the best he'd ever had. So obviously, we had the dish three over to him to lead. Where's it gone? [LAUGHING] What's going on? Hey, [INAUDIBLE] What's even better is not either Jamie organize us for us to get some cinnamon buns. But there's also nice for some press to turn up. Oh, great. A reporter from the Metro newspaper has arrived to taste these cinnamon buns. [LAUGHING] Jamie has to find a back up. Find a back up. I'll find a back up. I'll find us a back up. It's fine. [BUZZING] Next is Borough Market, one of my favorite places in London. It's got loads of food to eat. And that's what we're going to do. We did a butchery class here. And it was amazing. And they also do great pies. All right, let's eat it. Get it in your face. Forget flavor. Size-wise, this is the smallest pork pie you should be looking for. Pork pies were made to be eaten on the back of a horse, while riding through battle and eating-- What are you talking about? What? [LAUGHING] Apparently, I need to redeem myself, because the place with the cinnamon buns was closed. I'm fairly sure we can find something to replace it. It could be a Scotch egg. But the thing is, I don't know if it's one of London's best Scotch eggs. So I'm going to have to ask them. And they might be biased. Would you say that these are one of London's best Scotch eggs? Yes. Well, in that case, let's get [INAUDIBLE].. This has got salad with it, mate. We'll get rid of that. It's fine. Saved the day. I have, [INAUDIBLE]. Forget Katie's mistake. Oh. Oh. We can forget all about that one. Oh, really. I have saved the day with what they claim to be London's best Scotch egg. Charlie, aren't we going somewhere later on specifically for a Scotch egg? Are we? Are we? Yeah, we're going to none other than The Wigmore for their signature Scotch egg. Are you saying that this [INAUDIBLE]?? So Jamie thinks he's being really smart. But we can't have a Scotch egg, because we're having that later at a really posh restaurant famous for its Scotch eggs. So he's going to have to polish that off. And that's not going to count towards the 26.2 things. [BUZZING] This is really good. Dish number four, the Bread Ahead Bakery for chocolate donuts. Well, don't kiss it. How is that kissing? How do you kiss? [LAUGHING] Let's make a baby. [LAUGHING] I'd pay 3 quid for that any day of the week. I've already lost count. But the next one is Roast. Oh my god, I'd usually be looking forward to a Roast sandwich so much. Now, Roast have a restaurant in Borough Market, which serves one of the best roast dinners you could ever bless your mouth with. But because we had limited time, we put that roast dinner in a sandwich. Dish number five. Tender beef, juicy, it makes the bread almost soggy but in a really, really good way. This still classifies as brunch. Now, bearing in mind we'd just eaten a roast dinner sandwich, this is how Jamie's brain works. Don't worry, guys. I'll save the day, yet again. Bratwurst. Oh, you went light? You went light there? We went for the works, ketchup, mustard, sauerkraut. 3 and 1/2 hours in, six dishes down, we were flying and actually feeling pretty good. I think everybody's doing really well. And I'm not feeling it too much, yeah. I was worried about the sausage, but the sauerkraut kind of cut through it. I'm having a great time. Like, do you know, one of the things I love to do is eat? And all we're doing so far is eating. If anything, there's a little bit too much walking going on for my liking. [SPANISH MUSIC] Place number seven, Al Pastor, famous for amazing Mexican food. We've got carnitas. To mix it up, we're going to make them for each other. That is a slow cooked, 24-hour, pork carnita. Possibly, one of the best things we've eaten so far. It's up there with the croquetas. Next, a 20-minute drive over the River Thames to The Mayfair Chippy. The original restaurant is in Mayfair. But we were headed to their brand new branch in East London for the UK classic, fish and chips. And the portions were generous. You've got fresh, succulent, crunchy fish with beautiful chips and a selection of traditional sauces. Ah. Well, their tartar sauce is the best tartar sauce I have ever had. And I'm literally doing that, because it is superb. Five hours in and Jamie was still struggling with the concept of the challenge. Just realized I'm winning, because I've had one more dish than all of the rest of you. It's not about winning. We're a team. In an hour's time, we'll be a quarter of the way. Oh, is that true? We are in Spitalfields, where one of my favorite places in London just opened a store. It's Monty's Deli. We're going to get a Reuben special. It's bloody massive. The eagle has landed. I'm going to go in so hard for this. Pastrami and salt beef. Are we sure we can handle this? That is smoky. And I didn't expect that to be smoky. I can't work out if I'm in love with that sandwich, or I'm scared of it. That's the best kind of relationship. Because of Cinnabon-gate, we were running about 15 minutes behind schedule. But whatever, we could claw that time back easy, right? Really cute glasses. Oh, yeah. I mean, I've taken my glasses off. Oh, nice. So I really hope that you've kept mine and not put them in amongst there, because I would never find them. Katie is freaking out right now. Are we done? Let's go. More scheduled fun. You love that, Ben. Actually, I do like scheduled fun. That's true. Androuet is the Aladdin's cave of cheese. And the cool thing is, you can literally go in there, and give the guys 20 quid, and they'll give you a selection of amazing stuff. But only a proper bell would do that on a food marathon. Guys, a whole bag of cheese. We stupidly decided to leave that, and eat it later. What do you mean? It's got to count as a meal. Where are we going next? Bird in Old Street do unbelievable fried chicken. But we needed ice cream. To be specific, ice cream donut sandwiches. Different whole, isn't it? That was divine. Next up, we're going to split into two teams to divide and conquer. But obviously, we need to make sure that we all eat everything. So we're going to bring little bits back, so that everyone can taste everything. Jamie, Ben, and I headed to Shoreditch. And James and Baz went to Convent Garden. So we're at Box Park, come to The Athenian to get one of their souvlaki wraps. But I just looked at my watch and realized that it's beer o'clock. It's the kind of kebab that you can confidently and comfortably eat sober. It's absolutely delicious. But then if you've seen what they've done there, but rather when you put the chips with the wrap, they put the chips in the wrap. This smells exactly like the best kebab I ever had in my life, from Mustafa's in Berlin. James and Barry will be upset if they don't get to try a section of our 26.2, so we're taking this with us. There's enough-- [INAUDIBLE] It's too small. It's too small. [LAUGHING] Come out for the day and the night, eat 26.2 dishes. At what point did you think, I could do with a doggie bag, actually? It was getting quite tough for some of us. All right, next up, Katie has given us the schedule. And we are going to By Chloe. Yeah, we are that trendy. It's a fully vegan place with [INAUDIBLE] So we've got the black bean burger, but everything else is providing freshness. So you've got the guac. You've got sweet corn in the guac. You've got, like, spicy mayo-y thing. It's actually really delicious. When we realized the next place we were coming to was a burger place, I was really worried. I was so worried. But that's clean. Delicious. Next, it was time to make up the 0.2 of our 26.2 dishes, 0.1 of which, cocktails that don't look like cocktails. For our drink, we've come to The Cocktail Trading Company. And we have ordered a "Welcome to Tennessee, Have a Nice Day." And no, I don't know what it contains either. Have we gotten Chinese takeout? Chopstick straws. I got dual purpose, uses or not. I'll tell you in a minute. [LAUGHING] So three parts Jack Daniels, two parts spiced matcha plum wine, two parts cardamom ginger brew, and one part yuzu juice. Bloody delicious. Ebbers, you're going to bring a date, aren't you, mate? This is going in the worth-remembering collection. You've picked Ben's perfect date. I know. How does that feel? I don't know. So we've just been to Paul A Young. It's one of my favorite chocolate shops in London. One of the best things to get there is hot chocolate. Oh, ho, ho! I don't know what that noise is but-- I have never heard you do that before. It's got kick. You can taste that cardamom. It's kind of slightly salted. You can taste every spice that goes into that. Because a hot chocolate doesn't stay hot for very long, that we've bought them some tailored treats-- Barry tailored treats. Can't wait to actually get this to James and Barry. I can't wait to see their reaction. No. What is it? What is that? Do I snuff it in? Do I drink it? I'm scared. It's delicious. That is unbelievable. That is beautiful. Now, enjoy your burger, guys. Those are the best vegetables we've had all day. Vegan. Vegan. One [INAUDIBLE] for yourself. It's very close to my heart. Oh god, it's his lung. Haggis. Tobacco. Yes. Oh my god, [INAUDIBLE] I'm so proud of you. I'm so proud of you. You brought Tupperware? I didn't know what we were bringing. I thought we might need to transport it. The last thing I'm going to eat right now is a cold chip kebab thing. [LAUGHING] You insisted on this. I know I did. I like [INAUDIBLE] That's why I'm not going mental right now. Every time I eat something, I get my energy back straight away. Drinks? [CHIMING] East London, Trapeze Bar, a circus themed bar and eatery where we thought we'd have a few bar snacks and burn off some calories playing sports. So here's the thing, I don't need to eat anymore food. So we're getting yet more food and then beer pong. Oh, no. I just got hungry again. Alcohol makes me hungry. Barry, can I just say that I'm really proud of you for still being here. With another 12 hours left of the challenge, Katie thought she would help keep spirits up. So a common theme in marathons, they normally try and raise money by dressing up. 12 hours and 13.2 dishes down easy. We're a bit full, but no big problem. If only we knew just how incomparably different the next 12 hours would be. We need to go now. We were expecting you at 10:35. Yeah. Our last orders are at 10:45. I think we need to go to the next place now. So otherwise, we miss that, as well. Two then-- Who the hell would want to turn up and film at 11:30 PM today? I think if I run, mate, it's going to come out both ends. This might be the central bakery you can't buy from. You all probably going to want to watch part two of that. It's going to come out next Sunday, 4:00 PM. Subscribe, hit the bell. You don't want to miss it. Speaking of bells-- That is a horrible introduction to Dad Joke of the Week. Dad Joke of the Week has become one of the best parts of Sorted. So lots of tweets I get, say. [LAUGHING] What type of vegetable tries to play it cool but doesn't really succeed? I have no idea. A rad-ish. That is-- Yeah? I can't even believe I exhaled. That was coming off as if it was an exhale. Come on. Come on. That was bad, mate. [LAUGHING]
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 826,962
Rating: 4.9716783 out of 5
Keywords: food marathon, 24 hour food marathon, 24 restaurants in 24 hours, cinnamon rolls, croquetas, souvlaki, sortedfood, sorted food, food challenge, sortedfood challenge, london hacks, best food in london, londons best pasta, londons best, londons best pizza, londons best sushi, londons best fish and chips, londons best full english, pizza, pasta, bacon sandwich, where to eat in london, london life
Id: JOCxEgfea9g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Sun May 20 2018
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