FOOD MARATHON CHALLENGE | 26.2 Dishes in 24 Hours | EDINBURGH Ep.1

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- [Barry] We are Sorted, a group of mates from London, exploring the newest and best in the world of food, whilst trying to have a few laughs along the way. (group laughs) We've got chefs, we got normals, (beep) and a whole world of stuff for you to explore, but everything we do starts with you. (upbeat music) - Hello, I'm Barry, and this is Jamie. - Now you've been telling us for ages that Edinburgh is one of the most foodie cities in the whole of the UK, and we've done nothing about it, until now. - It is time for a marathon. Let's go eat everything. (train rumbles) - We are on our way back from Edinburgh where we spent 24 hours tackling 26.2 dishes the city has to offer. - [Barry] Here we go again. - I'm so full. - [Barry] Today, we're taking on the Edinburgh Food Marathon. That's 26.2 of the best dishes Edinburgh has to offer in only 24 hours. - Yeah, okay, it's quite nice. Whoa! I think they're out of cruffins. And we're doing it all with lost and hungry rules. - Panic seems to have set in. - Ben just had an admirer of over 30 minutes. - Now we're going to spoon. - This is how quickly a plan can fall apart during the marathon. (energetic percussion music) - We're splitting the 24 hours up and each taking charge of a third. I'm going first. Ben's going second. And we're gonna screw Mike over at last. And because of the rules, I need to find a locals recommendation on the street of where we should go for our first breakfast. And where better to come than the street that inspired JK Rolling for Diagon Alley. - We're starting in the Old Town Grass Market and it looks cool, cobble streets, medieval architecture. I like. - Ah, he's got headphones in. - Who are they mate? - Well, I'm just waiting. I'm trying to find the right person. - [Mike] We haven't even gone one place yet. - Do you know anywhere near by? - Edinburgh Ladar. - I've just clocked Ben's shoes. It's like he's gone oh, we're going to do a lot of walking today so he's got these ridiculous sort of hybrid walking hiking trainers on. - The recommendation from the street was that Edinburgh Larder, locally sourced, good food. They're not shy about their brunch. And we're gonna ask them what they recommend. - Usually the Full Breakfast is our sort of a typical thing. - Can we have one Full Breakfast? - [Waitress] Yeah. - Homemade beans, potato scone, locally sourced sausages, bacon, black pudding, poached egg. Yes! Potato scone this is amazing. - Cheers. - (laughs) Cheers. - (Ben) This is great, nice isn't it? - How does a full Scottish breakfast differ to a full English breakfast? - I've been where there's all sorts, it's very similar. But it's all sourced locally. - We googled it. You have to have a potato scone which is an excellent addition. - Dish one done. - Dish number two, I brought us to Brochan. Which is a recommendation from Laura Rose Wood on Twitter. This is an actual porridge cafe. - Oh nice (laughs). - Scottish oats. - Brochan in Gaelic is porridge. We had the dish picked for us. You're gonna love it. We're also going to hand roll our own oats. This is how I'm going to burn off the extra calories from everything we're eating today. - Here is comes, I'm excited. - One daffodil porridge here. - Oh, wow mate, look at that. It's Instagramable AF. - The oats were slow cooked in coconut milk which is a twist on the traditional method which would just be water. And the result, - Wow, that's beyond creamy. - Yeah. - It's almost a cross between porridge and mouse it's so fluffy, it's fluffy. - When you're walking around a city sometimes its easy to think it could be any city and then you look over there and you just see mountains. - This is good isn't it. - Jamie's navigating skills. - We nearly there or we're not. Dish number three, I brought you to Loudon. This is there second cafe restaurant. And the best thing about this place, they have a whole menu devoted to bennies. Obviously, we're going for a benny. - [Ben] Okay. - But we're going for the Fa' Benny. - Oh, god, what does that mean? - Haggis. - [Ben] Okay. - Caramelised onion, cheddar cheese topped with poached eggs and a tammy of chilli jam. - [Ben] Who requested this one? - TheMark2604. The thing about Haggis is people have probably heard about it but maybe not eaten it. It's basically made up of all the parts of a sheep that you wouldn't think to eat. Heart, lung, liver, and then it's put in with like mixed onion and some other flavorings. And all encased in sheep stomach. - [Ben] Sounds awful. It has that texture of liver which is I find delicious. Every alley you walk past another view. This city is beautiful. - If I have to give you a halfway review. - Yep. - I'd say food excellent but that's pretty much down to the suggestions we've been given. Food choices at this stage of the marathon questionable. Where are we going J? - Gourmet Mash Bar. - We're three down, I'm gonna die. - And don't worry Robert Davis has been here with his wife and has told us exactly what to have. This was like sweet shop pica mix but for roast potatoes and cheese. Oh, I'm excited for this. I've got a report. That's something I didn't know I needed in my life. It's so good. Did you get this one? - [Ben] Let's try this. The blue cheese in it is really creamy, it's melted into it. I mean really extraordinary flavor, creamy. And that is unreal. - Wow, that pork sausage is insanely good. As meat how does wild boar differ from other pig based animals? - In eating the wild herds grow up in eat all kinds of stuff so it has a more diverse diet so it just has a more rounded amazingness to it. - There may not be a dish six at the next place. I've gone out on a limb. - Yeah, he's told us to stand and wait around the corner from wherever he's gone into because he wants to go in and make sure everything's arranged. - We're all good, everything's great. It is perfect. - [Mike] Oh, no. Oh. (meow) - Welcome to Maison de Moggy, this is Edinburgh's only cat cafe and as well as being able to spend an hour being surrounded by feline friends you can also have tea and cake. I thought cake might be a perfect dish for dish number six. I did cancel our restaurant to come here instead. We were gonna get steak nachos and for me to give up steak I think it shows you how impressed I was by this place. Mike and Ben are devoted animal lovers and I didn't realize or did I was that they love dogs not cats. So cute. So this is the special cup cake of the day. It's a chocolate and biscoff cupcake. - [Ben] Okay, what have you done? There's three of us. - What, I have got no idea what's been going on for the last half an hour. That's nice, that is good isn't it. - The spicy of biscoff works so well with chocolate. I feel like if your in Edinburgh and you like cats this is a great stop off. I am only the former. (laughs) - What's next? - Oh! (yells). - Dish number seven and Mike I'm sorry for us. - [Ben] Let's play name the green thing. - [Mike] No, play on your own mate. - So this is a cottage that's been transformed into a restaurant. It's very foodie, very chefy, we're very lucky to have gotten a table here. - [Mike] So instantly this looks like were gonna get some unbelievable food. - Boys the thing about a restaurant like this is it's so dependent seasonally, because everything that they serve is grown in the garden surrounding the restaurant. - Just to address, who recommended this one because I'm not sure we can give you that last one because it didn't come as a recommendation from the community. - Are you saying that dish six doesn't count as dish six? - Well if you knock this off the list then we've got to pick this up. - This can count as dish six. I will make it up to you. - Okay, fine cool. Good. - The Gardener's Cottage has actually been recommended because the food was spectacular. - [Ben] Lovage is one of those herbs that I think is so underrated. A medieval herb that is rarely known. - [Jamie] That is exactly why I picked this. (laughs) - [Ben] Very good. - [Jamie] The thought of putting rhubarb with fish, that's great. - [Mike] What does lovage even taste like? It just tastes like parsley to me. - [Ben] It's like intense parsley. It's like woodier more celery like parsley. Do you know what J? After such a substantial morning, that is a really light nice touch. - So that's my stretch of time, done. We're a third of the way through time-wise. - Only six dishes so far. - It could be seven if you two didn't get off your high horses. - There you go take those. Now you're all of Jamie's (beep). (laughs) Oh hang on there weren't any. - On Twitter, three recommendations William, Nolan, Susan, they all said Mary's Milk Bar. - Ah, it's ice cream, it's ice cream. - [Ben] Mary makes ice cream with gelato fresh every single day. A collection of classic and unusual flavors. Ever changing menu but this Whisky Marmalade. - Okay. - I was about to have a go for you picking. - If you picked out. If you picked vanilla I was about to slap it out of your hand. J cheers. - [Jamie] It's a really tangy and it has that bitterness that marmalade has, it's so good. - Throw up a good ice cream isn't it? - It's just incredible. I'm just gonna put it out there, Mary makes it fresh every single day. - And is it Mary's milk? - It's not Mary's milk. - It's worth checking isn't it. - It's a bit late. - Is it Mary's milk bar? Or is it Mary's milk bar? - Yep, the later. (laughs) - Gelato done now we're going to spoon. This next recommendation is from Fin. And he has suggested this place an awesome cross between cozy, casual cafe but with great food. This wonderful bowl of soup is absolutely, look at that, that is filling and wholesome, and nutritious and delicious. - [Mike] It's odd in that it's delicious but its like a big heavy chicken broth stewy type thing but that ginger gives it a sort of Southeast Asian feel, doesn't it? - I know what you mean yeah. - I almost think it's a take on minestrone in the sense of there's so many vegetables and instead of pasta you've got the pale barley in there. (laughs) You're an animal. I'm excited for this. - Good calamari is minty it's got a bite. Not necessarily chewy or rubbery. - No. - And potatoes breves gotta have a kick to it. - Yep. It's really really delicious. - Ransacked black Oven is know for it's wood fired oven so pizza right? No! The restaurant was inspired by world-wide travels and a love of Persian street food. Which may explain the seating situation. - I'm not very flexible. - I'm going to take a different approach. Oh yeah. - [Waitress] There you go. - [Ben] Oh, thank you very much. - Okay, yes to all of it. (exciting upbeat music) - Right. Wow, those potatoes are amazing. - And the Aubergine Steak is just perfect, you cut it apart it falls apart. You dip it in there, boom. - Oh and tahini, oh, on the potato, oh. - It's really nice. - The honey makes it so sweet. - [Mike] That's it. - And then the dukkah makes it really herby. And together it's like garlic bread that you've never experienced before. - I use dukkah all the time when I'm off the carbs it's a really great way to add texture to chicken breast. So it's like a substitution for pinko bread crumbs or you know dried bread crumbs or whatever. - [Mike] Ben's section was going well which was annoying. - Oh wait, can't come to Scotland, Edinburgh in particular, without celebrating shortbread. Alex suggested we come to this place, Pinnies & Poppy Seeds. Unfortunately, somewhat sad news. Closed at the moment due to a family bereavement. We need to pick up the pace. - Ben just had a mare of over 30 minutes not he's just clutching at Fudge. - Once we got all your favorites, you've got the Rocky Road, Lemon Meringue, right yeah. And I went for Highland Cream, I thought since we were Edinburgh. - [Mike] Oh, classic fudge yeah. - Cheers! - Johan's suggestion. - That is so smooth. - The smoothness of the fudge with a little bit of nut crunch in the pecan. - Nice. What on earth does that taste like? Lemon Merengue fudge, it's almost sherbety. It's really really sweet in a good way. And yet, like a almost usury, I'm gonna say it but less lemon citrus more usury. - We can save these for later because I have somewhere very special to take you to next. - We are ten hours into our 24 hour challenge. - So I can get to my time and have half of the dishes to get. - Yeah, sorry about that. - So we need beers. - I brought you a little bit further out of town to Leith. And this is Aurora. It's an amazing really foodie place in a less foodie area. This is Braised Pigs Cheeks. Langoustine broth, potato glass, burnt apple and micro grass. Wow! This is foodie, what now. - I had no idea you could get potato glass. But my wingos at my house going to change. - You would beat my own down. If you were going to describe meat as melting in your mouth. - That is great. - That pigs cheek is flakey. Why is it clever to you as a chef? - Two fairly familiar combinations and put them together you would expect pork apple, pigs cheek, and burnt apple and fish and chips, or in this case scampi and chips. But it's not just chips, it's potato glass. It's not just scampi it's also langoustine bisque which has got the shells that have been reused to give the real kind of depth and the ana seed and the pernio. And you've got the micros as well. - Every single one of those components a different texture. Clever, I'm starting to learn how they do it. I'm starting to work you out. I'm starting to figure you out. - Yeah, but now try and recreate it. - No, I'm buying a double cheddar. - This is my top three dishes from all day. - And he so regularly does, Jamie manages to get his hands on some more food and more whiskey. - So whiskey ice cream is one thing. But Laphroaig is famously one of the peatiest whiskeys you can get your hands on because it's so smokey. And that is delicious. - Oh sorry, is he talking about whiskey? Yeah, okay it's quite nice. Wow! Right at the end, it tastes of pure whiskey. - I bring you to the best places (laughs). (upbeat music) - [Jamie] This is a barber shop are we getting haircuts? We're all getting haircuts. - Through to the barber shop. So this is Panda and Sons, it's a cool speakeasy hidden behind the facade of a barber shop. When you get down here it's busy, it's bustling, awesome cocktails, simple nibbles but tasty nibbles. Tabasco popcorn to start and we also order a cheese board. - This is great. - Oh, wow, that is the most epic drink I've ever seen since a pink paleni. Is there a rabbit at the bottom of that hat slowly drowning? (laughs) - This is their cocktail share. It's the High Society with the rum punch. - [Mike] Good place mate. I really like it here. (upbeat electronic music) [Mike] So just to summarize, Ben and Jamie between them managed half the allocated dishes. Which left me with 13.1 plates in six hours. So yeah. I'm so full. - Panic seems to have set in. - I think they're out of cruffets. - I think we should do tartan hunters. - Bacon steak, bacon steak! - Hello. - What are we gonna do. - This is how quickly a plan can fall apart during the marathon. Barry's little tummy can't handle lots of food. So he doesn't come on the marathons anymore. - I want to go to the places though. - Yeah, well ya can. - What a seque! (laughs) - Since filming that we've been chatting more to some of our favorite restaurants in Edinburgh and they're gonna give club members extra special treatment when they visit. - If you want to go and experience these restaurants then join the club and download the app. - [Jamie] All right, now Barry, when we've launched apps in the past it's been a lot of questions asking when it's gonna come out on Android. - They're out now on both IOS and Android so it's open to everybody. - What about the Huawei? - They're, they're screwed. (laughs) - Anyway, join us on Sunday for part two to see if we actually do the marathon. Because you don't know if we've done it or not. - I don't, I have no idea. - Because of your, because of your little tummy. - Shut up! Shut up! - You're dingy tummy (laughs). - [Barry] As we mentioned, we don't just make top quality YouTube videos, we've built the sorted club where we use the best things we've learned to create stuff that's hopefully interesting and useful to other fool lovers. Check it out if you're interested. Thank you for watching and we'll see you in a few days. (beep) - Blah. Bleh. (background crowd noise)
Channel: SORTEDfood
Views: 667,880
Rating: 4.9579811 out of 5
Keywords: food marathon, 24 hour food marathon, edinburgh, food in edinburgh, best food in edinburgh, where to eat in edinburgh, were to eat in scotland, edinburgh pizza, soup, peruvian food edinburgh, edinburgh cat cafe, eggs benedict, full english breakfast, roast potatoes, mash potato, mash potato bar, edinburgh mash bar, edinburgh bar, edinburgh restaurants, gardeners cottage, food challenge, street food, lost and hungry, british food, food marathon sorted, edinburgh scotland
Id: QRsK2r09s0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2019
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