3-Way Savoury Doughnut Face-Off! Ft. Rhett & Link | Sorted Food

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Hey. Welcome to the channel We Are Sorted. A group of friends in London looking for amazing things in food that make you go, wow. And amongst constantly ribbing each other. Now, two of us are chefs and you wouldn't believe the stuff we have put up with. But everything we do starts with ideas from you. [MUSIC - JADED, "PANCAKE"] (SINGING) Pancake chick and I take the cake. I'm gooey in the middle. Baby, let me bake. Well, hello there. My name is Ben and this is Mike. Today, the internet's favorite couple outside of Barry and Ben, who are the best of friends, help us review some savory donuts in Los Angeles. [MUSIC PLAYING] Are you ready for my choice? Yeah, it turns out, they've sold out of the one that I need. Welcome to LA's Best Savory Donut. And today, we've been joined by some of LA's best eaters. But you know that because we're here in your space. Yeah. Welcome guys. Thank you very much. There's always room at the desk for you guys. Thank you. Now, you know how this works. Each one of us has gone and found our favorite savory donut in LA And we're going to put them to the test. We're going to eat them. We're going to have opinions. We're going to back our own choices. And we're going to see if we can find a winner. Oh, we can. I feel like we are going to bring the winner. You're going to bring the winner? I'm predicting that. You have no idea. You have no idea what's coming. You've not met James before. You don't know how he rolls in these. I don't know if you've heard, but I'm a chef. [LAUGHTER] Well, Mr. Chef, seeing as you're feeling so confident, do you want to get us started? Yeah. Go for it. Right. Are you ready for my choice? We're in Santa Monica. We're going to Sidecar Donuts and we're getting an eggs Benedict donut. From what we've done in the research, it looks absolutely amazing. They get all their seasonal ingredients. They change up the menu a lot. They do it all in-house. So it's like a homemade hollandaise sauce infused with basil. It looks really good. [MUSIC PLAYING] They had one left. And we bought that one donut. Thank goodness. Donut, got an iced coffee. Super excited to get this back to the guys because I really think I've got a winner here. I know it doesn't look like much yet. Yeah, it comes in a bag? Oh no. OK. So now-- What is that? It looks like a-- it looks like a burnt fortune cookie oversized with a one leaf of spinach on it. It looks like someone was wiping their butt with lettuce. It is an eggs Benedict donut. And the eggs Benedict is cooked inside the donut. Ew. What-- That's not the reaction I'm looking for. With the hollandaise and everything already in there? It's got an amazing basil hollandaise in it. So it's like really fresh. It's got a poached egg in it and ham. Is that what's on the top? It's all inside. Is the basil? This is an uphill battle for me because-- He doesn't like runny eggs. What don't you like? Eggs Benedict. Who gets the basil? Let's divide that up too. We each need a piece of that basil. This is going so badly. Why is this going so badly? Cheers. Dink it. Dink in, dink it, quadruple dink it and sink it. That's a good donut. It's soft all the way through, except for that little tinge of basil. And it makes it-- it freshens it up a little bit. But in a confusing way. Well, as a man who goes through basically 90% of his entire life confused, I'm very much at home eating this. I can attest to that. That means you enjoyed it? I did enjoy it. Not as much as I'm sure I'm going to enjoy ours. But it was good. Let's see if we enjoy yours more. Bring it out. May we present to you from Astro Donuts and Fried Chicken, the fried chicken donut BLT. Oh no you didn't. You got it right. There is frickin' fried chicken, bacon, lettuce, tomato nestled inside of this donut. That is not basil. And there's a hole in the donut. Of course there's-- look at that. And the donut is specially shaped. It's a rectangular donut. To be rectangular. And it was pressed down with some sort of grid that looks like graph paper. You remember math. Yup. I don't-- I'm not acquainted with it anymore, but I do recall it. Might I also add that this was conceptualized by two childhood friends. We're all childhood friends around here, are we not? It's got a story behind it. Yeah. Yeah. You didn't bring its story. You've got the saltiness of the bacon and you've got the crispness of the fried chicken. And there's a frickin' donut all around it. Dink it. Dink it. Cheers. And sink it. Oh man. It's juicy. Oh wow. Mm. Man. Donut's got some good greasiness to it. It's like the fried chicken is greased into it. Oh yeah, it's really good. Man. I think if that eggs Benedict donut confused my mouth, this has excited it more than confused it. It's very fresh. But I kind of want it to be dirtier. Do you know what I mean? Hot sauce is what I would say is missing. Uh. That would be a winner. It blends very nicely. And it also is one of those things that you're like man, why haven't I thought of that before? Whereas the eggs Benedict is such a novel thing that you're like oh, somebody thought of that because it could be done. But this is an idea that was just waiting to happen. And it happened. And it just happened in our mouth. I wouldn't necessarily say the eggs Benedict is a novelty. Well, I mean, you would hate that if that was a novelty thing, would you? In fact, I'd go as far as to say it's shabby. I say it's a lot like edible underwear. You know, it's the kind of thing that you're like it seems like a good idea, until you try it. I think you enjoyed that as much as you would enjoy edible underwear. Speaking of edible underwear, should we move on to the third donut? Absolutely. We should. [MUSIC PLAYING] For my donut selection, we've come to Hollywood to Trejo's Coffee and Donuts made by the man himself, Mexican-American actor, Danny Trejo. He might have made them by hand, but you know, he owns the place. They do some amazing donuts. But there's one savory one in particular that I'm after. Yeah, it turns out they've sold out of the one that I need. So I've bought a couple of other ones. Let's see if I can get along with it. Yeah. Cheers mate. Oh, what do we have here? Two donuts. What we have here is-- Indecisive. What we have here is not my first choice. So this is from Trejo's Coffee and Donuts. Are you talking about Danny? We are talking about Danny. These guys are in a coffee and donut place in Hollywood. We've passed it. That's all we've done. We've passed by it. Big pink building. Yeah. Yeah. They do an amazing nacho donut. Oh, is that what this one is? Nope. On the website, it says that they keep them in stock all day. What they mean is until midday when they sell out of the nacho donuts. When they see you coming up. They're like, get rid of the nachos. The British boy is coming. So what we have here instead are two savory donut flavors. First of all, we have bacon with maple syrup. And here, we have chili and mango and sea salt. That sounds like sweet donuts with savory elements. Does it? Yeah. So that's an LA staple that I did not know about until I moved here. Mango. Is that the-- Not mango. But the chili powder covered mango is sold in many parks. All right. We'll eat both, but I'm going to go for the mango as my submittal. I think that's a good choice. Yeah. You know what makes it savory? The prison. The prison. Danny Trejo, he went to prison. He got out of prison, he became a good guy, helping lots of people through his acting. What's savory about prison? Can you taste the prison is the question. Yes, I'm cutting on a plate, chef. What do you want-- what do you mean? You want to use one of these? Don't look at other chefs in the room and go, oh, look at him. Cutting on a plate. Dink it. That is sweet and hot. That is so savory. I'm searching for a little bit of savory in this, but-- I mean, to his credit, the chili powder-- It's very savory, Jimmy. It's savory. OK. Yeah. I mean, it's not exclusively savory. But it is somewhat savory. It's really good. It is really good. Well, ladies and gentlemen, the only thing left to do is to guess the price of each of our donuts so we can discuss whether we think they were good value for money. OK. James, you went first. Eggs Benedict, you're talking like for a plate of that. You're talking like $14 bucks. It could be $18 bucks. But in a donut, you're getting a smaller portion. But you've got the novelty factor that it's in a donut. Right. So they're still going to up-charge you a little bit. Yeah. I mean, I'm thinking between $8.00 and $9.00 dollars. I had $8.00 in my head. OK. So I'm going to say $8.00. I'm going to say $11.00. Whoa. I'm going $8.50. It cost $6.50. $6.50? Yeah. OK. I mean, for a novelty item such as that. I think that $6.50 is actually really good value for money. Now, let's all just stop saying novelty. Because let's be honest, it was the most delicious donut that we've tried today. Well, if I was not being honest-- It was the most well balanced donut that we've had today. And it was $6.50. It was classy. I mean, it expanded my horizons. It doesn't do from my mouth what mine did for my mouth. You know what mine did for my mouth. What did it do for your mouth? Everything I wanted it to. Well, the thing is, now I have to try and work out whether it's a relative cost to James's. Or whether I should just completely mark it separately. $8.00. I think it's probably $10.00. I don't remember how much it was. It's only a quarter. It only cost a quarter. Quite a deal. Could we get a fact check on that please? It's not true. It's $9.75. $9.75. So almost $10.00. But that's a meal. Yeah. It's a meal and you were in the right place. This is a sandwich with meat that has been prepared very, very well. And then with more meat. And if you're going to put this up against other sandwiches in Los Angeles, it's difficult to get a sandwich for less than $10 around here. It really is, especially something that comes together as well as that does. I think $9.75 is really good actually. Yeah, it's well priced. As I said, $10.00. I can't really argue, can I? No. What about yours? What about mine? It was a great donut and when I see Danny, I don't want to be on his bad side. Well, and Trejo, you know, he makes a big deal about how much things cost. He's in that cable commercial or whatever it is. DirecTV or what-- I mean, it's all about the deal, right? Oh, is it? Yeah. So he's not going to be selling donuts for inflated prices. Plus all that time he did in prison. $3.50. I think it's cheaper than that. I think it's $2.75. $2.75. So I'm going to go with $3.00. It was $3.00. Yes! So we just won something. I think we should decide. I know you guys like to be nice and leave it open. But I think we have to agree. We all have to agree, that's not going to happen. Not going to happen. We can't come to a decision here in the studio, so we're going to have to leave it up to you guys at home. At least you tell us which one you vote for that's not yours. Because you're alone, man. It's clear that there's no real winner or loser here. Because they were just three of LA's best savory donuts. OK. Listen, my mind has been changed on these episodes a few times. But not on this one. My one was definitely the best donut. It was. It was. I'm also voting for yours. The way that I would like to experience your donut and my donut is in sequence. I would like to begin my day with a donut breakfast. And I would like to have the middle of my day consumed by me consuming-- I like how you are on Jamie's side and then completely on the fence. Completely on the fence. But I would definitely not finish my day with your donut. But what about if there's a mid-afternoon tingle? If I had to pick my favorite out of three here, I'd go for the fried chicken. Me too. I've changed my answer again and therefore-- We win! We win, but you can tell them they can decide. You can decide at home which one you think would have been LA's best savory donut or have we completely missed the point? And have we missed one of LA's best savory donuts? I think we probably have. You missed the point. I'm sure they'll let you know. I didn't miss the point. It's absolutely fine. Anyway, guys, thank you very much for arguing with us. Yeah, the real point is that we're still friends. We are still friends. I think. Yeah, we have another donut to split. I was just going to take that one home because I thought that's more sweet than savory. I wouldn't want to-- I'll trade you a piece of tomato for it? Done. Thank you. Oh, he did it. Yeah. Darn, I was gutted I didn't get LA on that occasion. Ben was being the best man at a wedding. So it's quite a good excuse. Now, how's this for a like based question? Do you like [INAUDIBLE]? Like the video. That's what I was going to say. I was slightly envious of the savory donuts. But more envious of just more time with my two favorite humans. Speaking of the brand new, redesigned recipe area of our website, which we won. We're just going to drop this in here because we've been working super hard over the summer on crafting a new layout for all of the recipes from the last 10 years. That are still accessible, perfectly free to all of you on our site. It's amazing because you can access them via budget, dietary requirements, even to the type of video that you enjoy. So it's basically a really great way of getting access to everything we've done in the past in a new way this easily searchable. Some of them will be like a walk back through memory road. Go and enjoy it and then join us again here every Wednesday, every Sunday, for more fridge cam. [INAUDIBLE] As we mentioned, Sorted is just run by a group of friends. So if you like what we're doing, then there are loads of ways that you can support us and get more involved. Everything you need to know is linked below. Thanks and see you in a few days. I feel like I've made it because we just finished filming on the GMM set with a [INAUDIBLE] link. Me, on the set, what's going on?
Channel: Sorted Food
Views: 666,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, gmm, sorted and gmm, collab, youtuber collab, savoury donut, savoury doughnut, mango and chilli, chilli mango, chilli mango donut, eggs benedict, eggs benedict donut, hollandaise, fried chicken, fried chicken donut, donut sandwich, insane donuts, donut, doughnuts, la donuts, best donuts in la, londons best, la's best, gmm food, gmm taste test, rhett link taste test, taste test, mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link
Id: EQebXFL6iBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 05 2018
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