The Live Streaming PLAN to go FULL TIME - Twitch Youtube Facebook, etc...

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live streamers it is time hey guys get level here and a couple months ago i made a video i'm starting to start a lot of my videos like that but me and truey an actual live streamer coach and content creator or twitch guru if you will made a three-part series was it three or four called the rope the road map to success and where basically we went and find all the major points that you need to hit in order to have a successful streaming or content creator career now it is a three or four part series so i understand that it's super long so i just wanted to come in here and uh go over those points and try to shorten it in a neat little package in other words hopefully this will be a short video on how to plan your whole streaming career or content creation career because i don't like the whole you can't just be a live streamer anyways a quick message from our sponsor and then we can start this portion of the video is sponsored by own pro owned pro is a complete service to help you jump start your streaming career by offering you every single thing that you need in order to become the streamer you've always wanted to be you'll get access to over 600 overlay packs and alerts you'll get widgets such as events list stream labels you need help managing your stream here's a custom chat bot ownpro even went as far as creating copyright free music just to make sure you stay on the safe side on pro has the biggest library of overlay packs on the internet and allows you to install them in one click look at that there's so many now i've been working with owned for a while now so they decided to throw in 50 off of their pro plan so if you want to upgrade simply use code guile g-a-e-l for 50 off but i'll let you find this out at own dot gg slash guy level pro that is o w n 3d dot gg slash guy level pro i better not see comments about my hair i washed it and i didn't want to touch it anymore so this is the thing that we made the thing the 10 points that we went across that we agreed on the reason why i had true is so that you know it wasn't only coming from me i really wanted to get that validation of another coach uh although i don't coach but another guru if you will to provide you with something that made sense so so the steps are pretty much what do you want find a name create accounts gear branding reflection and improvement targeted networking proper advertisement community management and diversify this to be fair this actually feels you know not totally complete but we were still trying to go fast even though you know we talked for like an hour the truth is every single part of this is like a 24-hour course really now we are talking about a professional career as a content creator so the what what do you want is not just i want to be famous i want to be rich what do you want is what type of content you want to be making how do you want to feel about your own content and also what kind of lifestyle do you wish to live it's kind of like where do you see yourself in five years we can call it end goals you're basically thinking about your life after you've accomplished whatever it is to be where you are what is the end goal how do you see your life if everything went well that will allow you to take decisions such as hey do i want to wake up every morning at 5 00 a.m is this gonna be part of my lifestyle do i wanna travel do i wanna have kids do i want to be able to buy a house you will not only be able to choose your path in regards to that but also every decision will be well thought out because you'll be thinking of what you have to sacrifice in order to reach something else does that make sense one of my end goals for example was as i mentioned not waking up early not having to wake up early every morning i'm not a morning person i cannot do it i also wanted to be able to travel and not have any contracts that would basically lock me down so i can't do anything if i want to fly to any country and stay there i don't know for a month i'm able to do that but also i haven't reached my end goal yet so second one find a name or find a niche or a niche down basically this is the part where you're going to in relation to the first step uh choose what you want to do and what you want to put out when it comes to content and you might think it's easy is it feasible with the end goals that you have in mind because you can start by saying well i love this thing so i want to make content about this thing but your end goal makes it so that you need to choose something that has a wider a bigger audience because you will be limited by the success of your niche because niching down is cool but if i only make content for like 10 people in the world that can relate to it the maximum amount of success that i'm gonna have is 10 viewers so think about that when it comes to twitch streamers a lot of people will tell you don't play two like two popular games because you know you'll blend in with the masses and there's too many it's oversaturated and all that you need to niche down and then people will find games that straight up no one else is streaming on twitch that literally has no viewers which means the maximum amount of success they're gonna have in order to be on top of the list is to have one viewer there's an audience for everyone but there isn't a big audience for everyone keep that in mind also there's the reflection about finding a name finding something that is short sweet pronounceable memorable and when i say pronounceable not just in your native language i have a friend his name is a play on words in his own language so it he has consonants no vowels numbers for vowels and it's supposed to create a phrase when you say it out loud in one language but in english it makes no sense so every time he shows up or or he's mentioned in any other context than his own language his name is not memorable it doesn't make any sense obviously things like underscores a bunch of numbers that makes it hard to remember so think about that when you're finding your name also check out social media see if the name that you chose already have some accounts the idea of oh i chose the name and then there was no availability for it or should have chosen that before you should have looked that up which brings us to create your accounts now really really think about which accounts will actually help you reach your end goal what is really really necessary and what is known to boost people that are in your niche it's it can be very easy if you're taking inspiration from stuff that is already established and that is clearly working you can do competitive research and look at people who are in your niche pretty much doing what you're what you want to do and see what what is working for them and what is not working for them we're gonna call this one create your presence this is where you create all of your accounts of course there are if every time there's like a new thing that might blow up you don't know about it uh you're a content creator this is your job you can't be like oh well we don't need this thing you need to still create your account just in case so no one takes your name but also you never know maybe you're gonna try this thing and this thing is gonna be the changing factor and you're gonna blow up overnight so yes when there's a new social media platform a new content platform make an account with that name okay now we talk about gear in this particular instance i want you if you're starting out if this is like you're starting out you're thinking about it i want you to come up with a budget i want you to come up with a budget but whatever you do even if you're filthy rich i don't want that budget to be high okay i want you to look around see what you have and what can be utilized in order to create content when you're starting and then you can buy some accessories to make the image make the content actually the quality look a little bit better but don't go out and buy like a dslr if you're just starting not because it would be bad for you to have dslr quality but because you need practice you need practice in creating content with what you already have you might buy a dslr and then realize wow i actually get more views on tech talk for example when i film with my phone rather than my dslr we are living in a period where people with their phone can make a living right and sometimes seeing the phone quality feels more bonding feels more intimate feels more real than a highly produced video for example but we're talking about live streaming here something like the logitech c920 will do just fine the elgato facecam will look even better invest in lighting but before you even think about anything really the most important thing will be audio pick your microphone and then learn about how you can make whatever microphone you picked sound as good as possible that doesn't mean spend a lot of money on microphones that means make sure you understand what everyone else is doing with filters in order for their mic to sound good there isn't a single mic out there that i would recommend that will make you sound perfect as as soon as you plug it in i'm currently talking in a 99 mic for example it has two paths of filters what you're hearing right now is two separate passes of filters i have filters in obs and i have filters going from adobe premiere so audio lighting and in camera which is perfect because it's going to slide into branding the thing here with the gear that you have especially the lighting the color and stuff like that this is where you're going to establish what your image will start by looking at you can always improve but for example let's say that i want to show you purple all the time right that's why i'm going to have some purple lights this is purple i have the back light here that's going to be purple this is on purpose because it's part of my branding so my gear also reflects my branding all right i decided to change the colors because uh it will probably look more interesting i guess so now is the branding part the branding part is where you pick a color scheme and a style okay the style part is not as important as the as the color scheme but it's still very very important so when it comes to your artwork and everything that you will create that has to do with graphic design and your your branding your your image online they need to represent those colors but also the style that you pick meaning that if you're going for something cute for example and you let's go pastel colors that is the color but you can have flat design very sharp pastel colors right and that's your design you can have handwritten or hand drawn with you know drawing lines and stuff like that that could be your style meaning that every time you need to create anything like banners profile pictures uh panels offline images and stuff like that you need to remember okay my colors are pastel blue pastel pink pastel purple and whatever i'm gonna write it needs to be handwritten uh fonts and any graphics that i want to show needs to look like it was drawn on paper for example right very different than super futuristic sharp lines diagonal lines um with a lot of highlights and shadows and bevels that make it look kind of 3d black background red highlights white text you stick with that you really really try to stick with that so you can't have a banner that has a bunch of you know let's say teal and purple and then when someone goes to your panels on your twitch channel for example uh it's black and red flat design it doesn't make sense and it makes you less memorable because there's so much things all around that people cannot assimilate people cannot correlate a specific style to you think squarely font white font and then red background right so white and red and then this style is swirly fonts so if one day you see a coca-cola can with a different font it will stand out it will be like okay that's weird but also if you see a blue coca-cola can it will also stand out a lot so it goes beyond what is nice to have as a content creator there is a whole psychology effect that brands and television have been mastering for years this is not new stuff live streaming might be new but none of this is new being an entertainer being a personality or or establishing branding your presence online your image online none of that is new it's just good for you to know all the tips and tricks so basically you pick two or three colors and then you run with them everything that you will post from now on will incorporate those three colors forever with the same style you pick oh bubbly font bubbling your foot basically rounded um edges and very and very 2d looking with some fake highlights and some fake shadows very sharp that's your style now call this one lock down your image this represents you from my example is teal and purple uh as a gradient for this style so it's very it's gonna be clean but we'll mostly find some gradients between teal and purple that being said i do need to work a little bit more on mine okay so number six is reflection and improvement this is the part where you have the accounts you found your niche you have your end goals in mind with every decision that you take you have the gear you figured out your image and you started making content okay you started making content now it's time for you to polish this content because people will tell you okay you have the gear you have everything just start advertising if you want to grow no no no you just started your content is not polished yet of course you need to practice if you're twitch streamer stream stream stream stream stream until you find the things that you like about streaming the thing that you despise about streaming the type of people you want to grow in your community let me rephrase that the type of the type of community you want to grow with the type of people that you want basically and then you need to be watching your vods and really really trying to polish if there are things that you watch you see in your vods and you're like oh this is boring right now or ah this is kind of cringe how can i do better take notes you need to watch every single content that you create in order to take notes and try to do better every single time and once you feel comfortable with the content that you create there's no stress of wow this is the part where it gets boring you're completely comfortable and you know that you can put on a show that people will sit down and watch only then should you start actually advertising it because you will be advertising something that people want to see and now we go to targeted networking depending on what you're doing targeted networking is also competitive research well competitive research is something you're supposed to do throughout the whole thing but basically find out as i was saying earlier find out who is in that niche because you niched down right remember who is in there and how are they doing look at the people who are doing amazing and look at the people who are doing poorly and and compare what are they doing that's working what are they doing that's not working now targeted networking is basically infiltrating that niche that sounds like you're like you're a spy that sounds like that sounds bad for some reason but you're infiltrating the niche you need to become the next person that anyone within that niche should know about for example as a live streamer you mostly want to network with other live streamers you don't necessarily you know networking will bring you viewers you can find viewers through networking but it's not like the best way to grow you can't form a relationship with every single viewer because you know you can hand you can handle so many relationships you know so finding similar streamers and it's not just streamers that are doing well it's streamers that you genuinely feel a connection with streamers that you genuinely enjoy their content to the point where you feel like your content might be similar or even if it's not if you enjoy the content it will be easier for you to approach them and actually support them the best way of networking is actually through support it's not oh hey we do the same thing let's network if someone sends me a dm that has the word network in it i usually ignore them or block them straight up i'm joking i don't black people for that i just i just ignore them because those are people who don't know what they're doing if you really wanted to network if you want me to know who you are i need to see you i need to see you in my streams i need to see you on twitter i need to see you in my youtube comment section this is how i get to know you networking is just a fancy word of we became friends in this professional space straight up meaning that if it's someone that you wouldn't be friends with don't be friends with them you know don't try to network with everyone and try to please everyone it's it's not going to work like that and definitely do not torture yourself by trying to befriend people that you hate so instead of typing networking i'm going to call this one uh make friends make friends you'll find people to play with if you're like if you're a live streamer for example who plays game you you will find people to play with you will find other people's chat that are very welcoming that are super cool maybe um if you're like still using facebook you can join facebook groups one thing is for sure is that every single game has a discord community somewhere or multiple discord communities with a ton of people if you get active in those discord guess what you're gonna make friends people are gonna become acquainted with you to the point where they might be actually curious one day to check out your content and maybe they'd love it and that's maybe like the next big follower big supporter that's gonna stay stay with you you know okay number eight let's let's really talk about this okay proper advertisement it says so proper advertisement i mentioned discord when talking about networking i don't count discord when it comes to advertising it is advertising but it's advertising through networking i don't advise you put you know i'm going live on a discord where you never said hello to anyone this is not gonna work because straight up no one cares about you they don't know who you are i have a discord where there's people posting they're going live and if i've never seen them in any other chat talking about overlays or talking about live streaming or saying hi or saying good morning everyone i will not click on their link because i straight up don't know who they are so why we say proper advertisement it's basically posting a form of content that will advertise your main platform if your main platform is twitch using your twitch clips for example can be great if you use them as tick tocks as instagram reels as youtube shorts for example and the cool thing with like the short form content for example youtube shorts is that a single clip is all you need now is that gonna drive a bunch of traffic to you maybe not but if you also have a good twitter presence where you're tweeting things that you think about or things that have to do with your niche and you're bringing people in like that you're you're interacting with other people in that said niche again people will know who you are people will follow you and if you keep um posting relevant content people will really keep following you basically and you will bring more people anyone that likes your tweets sometimes uh twitter will show their followers that they like that tweet so they will other people will see your tweet because uh someone's liked it and that is how you establish your presence on social media but for example a platform like tick tock is a platform that will show your content to people by by waves basically it will start showing it to 10 people and depending on how they interact with the clip uh they will then show it to 50 and then 100 and 500 in 1 000 and you go viral the more people interact with your clips if you post a clip that starts very boring people will skip it so the first 10 people skip your tick tock the algorithm is not going to push it anymore so basically if you're a content creator that makes long form content live streams for example cut the advertisement for your live stream as short as possible 5 to 15 seconds is usually you know viral videos it's easy to direct it's digest it's easy to digest it gets straight to the point and it's highly shareable it's easier for me to share a video of i don't know a dog sneezing for five seconds to a friend rather than saying hey i watched a live stream for six hours it was great here go watch it no no one has time to watch your six hour live stream and some people have the people who are in your chat i think another big advice would be to remember that you are the most important thing in your content your content is cool maybe i guess you play apex sometimes you know there there's going to be a a weird glitch and that's going to go viral the thing is i don't subscribe to people who show me that a weird glitch happened once on their streams i subscribe to people that have a big big presence remember like this is the yellow one this great presence so showing your face uh being very very present having a personality being loud and clear when you speak you don't have to be loud but you do have to be clear it's gonna make people fall in love with the personality on the spot and that's what's gonna get you followers that's gonna bring people from that short form content to your main content so sell yourself that's how you advertise your stream properly you sell you because a ton of other people are playing apex valorman warzone and all that everyone else is doing it what makes your stream unique is you so that's what you need to show in order to bring people in number nine is community management and i'm not gonna lie this is kind of like the hardest for me for example this youtube i this youtube channel is pretty successful you know um i think where i failed was at this point for example i i grew the youtube channel without thinking about that part too much i didn't grow a successful community i wouldn't say that i have a you know a majority of my followers or like die hard followers or all i i based everything out of information so people come in they get the information and then most of them did just leave after that you know they don't get attached necessarily to the personality i do have a community you know don't get me wrong i am very close to my community on twitch for example but community management is something that i should have considered way more as i was growing this channel i'm doing it right now but i'm doing it on twitter i'm doing it on uh tick tock i'm doing it on twitch but the goal here is to basically bond enough with the community that you're growing that you have a tight relationship pretty much instead of just providing the content like blindly you also need to take the humanist aspect of of growing the community that doesn't mean that you need to remember everyone's birthday and and what they do and all that well that would be great if you could do that do that i i can't do that but making sure that there are spaces where everyone who is part of your community can sit and talk to each other keep updates on each other discord is a great place for that doing activities off stream out of your normal content with your discord peeps if you will uh is great some streamers do movie nights some streamers do game nights some streamers just talk with the community this creates a direct link that is not necessarily public but also allows you to you know you're like a chicken and then you have all those eggs and you have to sit on all those eggs and they're gonna stay there right because they love the heat you need to provide the heat for your community to stay because if it's not hot anymore they're gonna leave and they're gonna find another chicken wow i'm good at this now once again depending on the content that you're creating uh maybe different platforms might be better for example i have a tight little community on instagram where i keep them updated on what i'm doing the thing is with the content that i make my main content there's not a lot of instagram users so i don't get a majority of them on my instagram i would much rather have them on discord the thing is with my content for example i make a lot of tutorials i'd give information so of course i have a pretty much the vast majority of people show up on the discord wanting to get more information so they come in to get something and then they leave or and then they shut up but if that wasn't my type of content if i was just a live streamer who plays games then there's more things to talk about there's more people who are here uh because they are genuinely part of the community and they want to hang out so uh using instagram stories to keep your eggs warm is great uh using tick-tock there's a you can respond you can do video response to comments that's another way to keep your eggs warm and to bring in new people too there's the youtube community tab where you can keep keep your eggs warm but the most important i would say like when it comes to social media and stuff like that is it's twitter the thing is twitter is mostly public so things that you say to your community anyone can see it but also that's the big advantage with twitter when you post something pretty much everyone that follows you is guaranteed to see it almost it's better than any other platform like if you make a post on instagram like like one percent of people who follow you are gonna see it it's it's ridiculous and the last step diversify diversify means that okay you found a little bit of success in your main content your main content is thriving in a way you're not necessarily rich yet if which is your goal basically you're not you haven't hit your goal yet but it's it's working you know the machine is working and now basically what you need to do is try to put your your hand in another basket can't stop thinking about eggs for some reason but basically you want to also be not only be known for your main content but you might grow a little audience somewhere else on on another platform for example on another niche right because you don't want to be known as the person who does just one thing because if that one thing goes out of style for example let's say you play one single game and that game dies as in no one plays it anymore or you know they stop support for the game there's no more uh multiplayer servers on the game and it has less lesson inevitably your content is also gonna take a hit same thing for whole platforms like viners you know if they didn't if if the most popular ones didn't make the switch to youtube where would they be there's a lot of viners you used to watch and you've never heard of them as soon as vine died so think about that this is why it's good for you to start putting your hands in different baskets because you never know you never know kante if there's one thing with content creation of course it's an amazing job it's the best job people have described it as but it's there's no certainty there's no certainty for success there's no certainty for for longevity there's no certainty for anything every every day you wake up and you have to guess stuff and if you don't guess right um there's consequences and i know that's hard i think for the streaming community for like for me it's not hard i think like duh that's normal but the streaming community seems to have a hard time when it comes to doing other stuff than streaming the goal is to i want to sit down play my favorite video game for six to eight hours every day and get paid like a living for it and unfortunately uh this happens rarely like only a couple of people managed to do that and in the history of streaming only a couple of people managed to grow to the point where they can make a living by doing by just doing that you can take the most popular the most popular streamer that you know you'll realize that they have content elsewhere or they are popular enough for their fans to make content of them elsewhere anyways i don't want to blah blah blah too much i think this is very clear i hope you guys like the little colors ooh colors even though the blue outer glow isn't matching anymore i know i said i wanted it to be um maybe shorter than the other video i made with truey i don't know if i manage to do that i don't think i managed to do that hopefully the information is at least clear anyways would love your feedback on this let me know what you thought about it what you think about it and uh yeah leave a like if you enjoyed it if you enjoyed that kind of talk because i want to make more videos like that about the planning aspect the the business plan of becoming a content creator i don't like just saying becoming a live streamer because it's never just that because i'm gonna ask you to do more basically if you really want to make it work but yeah and if you are within you know you started your career already and there are some parts that you are lost uh let me know what i can tell you to help you uh anyways quick plug if you're looking for some dope overlays to make your twitch channel look good you can go to get level get level i have a bunch of free overlays there's some holiday themed overlays there some of them are free the rest is very affordable all right if you are looking for templates in order to create your own basically with a couple of clicks with no knowledge no software you can go to and with my link in the description you will get 15 off so check that out and as i mentioned a bunch of times in the video i do stream onto it so if you want to talk to me directly uh i'm over there at level and uh yeah i will see you guys next time thank you so so much for sticking with me and watching the video go out there make me proud get a level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 2,610
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch streaming plan, twitch business model, twitch career, full time twitch streamer, how to grow on twitch, twitch, how to grow from 0 on twitch, live streaming, live streaming full time, pro live streamer, live streaming plan, Twitch streamer, how to go full time on youtube, how to go full time on twitch, twitch advice, twitch advanced guide, content creator, content creator planning
Id: LFaov93zEEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 16sec (1696 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 16 2021
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