The Life and Times of the Nintendo 3DS - AntDude

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He's videos are nicely done and well script, but the comedy part.. No, he's just not funny at all

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/samdiceque 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] with the release of persona cue to new cinema labyrinth outside of Japan in June 2019 the end of the 3ds is finally here I mean GameFAQs has nothing listed for upcoming releases if we can't trust them who can we trust limited run games is jumping on the 3ds bandwagon now which is cool you know better late than never I suppose but aside from them I just can't see anybody else pumping out high quality games for this thing and I may have said some things along the lines of wanting the 3ds to be dead and no one should release games on this console anymore what does a Nintendo thinking that may have led some people to assume that I think that 3ds is garbage all of a sudden I I don't know how you could have possibly misconstrued that but no when all actuality that couldn't be any further from the truth the fact of the matter is the switch is doing incredibly well and the switch light is looking to capitalize on the purely portable market that the 3ds had for years so to me it just doesn't make any sense anymore to release big titles on the 3ds every consoles time comes where it needs to ride off into the sunset and for this little bad boy that time is now it just makes sense every console goes through this that's why when they release just dance on the Wii and not the Wii U everyone is super confused now I know Nintendo said that the switch light isn't gonna replace the 3ds but you gotta remember this is the same company that said the DES wasn't gonna replace the Gameboy Advance oops it is sort of sad to see it all end but now that we can start looking at the console retro actively I can say with certainty that the 3ds is easily one of the top three consoles of all time at least from Nintendo listen having Garfield card on a console will do that to you the switch will finally have its time soon enough man remember when the 3ds launched and everybody thought that the console was doomed beyond saving ha nice admittedly considering the launch was as poor as it was the 3ds was the first Nintendo console that I actively chose to not get when it first released Nintendogs + Cats steel diver a poor version of Super Monkey Ball the millionth port of Rayman - apparently Super Street Fighter 4 and Ghost Recon Shadow Wars are pretty good and considered hidden gems but they're just not my thing I did eventually go back and pick up Pilotwings resort another one of the launch titles a few years after we released and yeah yeah no amount of squirrel suit would have made getting this at launch that much more exciting sure the whole glasses-free 3d thing is cool but if the games themselves aren't all that compelling being able to see things pop out at the screen at you is only gonna be interesting for so long that 3d test when you boot up the console for the first time was like the most exciting thing that it provided for months it also came with those AR cards that I'm pretty sure that we all used just once and then forgot about until this very moment things were so bad only a few months in Nintendo announced a massive price drop making the console a whopping eighty dollars cheaper that's a pretty big deal especially when you consider how poor the Wii U did and they only dropped the price of that buy 50 but if you were an early adopter or in Nintendo's Awards a 3ds ambassador and had won before the price drop well then no worries you now have access to ten free NES games and and attend free Game Boy Advance games alright now that's good I'm totally on board Metroid Fusion Wario Ware Inc Zelda minish cap fire emblem sacred stones holy cow what a lineup now don't get me wrong I'm dying to play NES open tournament golf as much as the next guy but I'm actually pretty upset that I never had an ambassador console to have those Game Boy Advance titles with me Nintendo did promise that these games were gonna be exclusive to early adopters and I'll be damned the console has one foot out the door and they've stuck to it man you guys got you guys got that cute little certificate to mandes it's it's so not cool but I want it anyway by the end of 2011 and heading into 2012 though that's when the console started picking up steam and that's when I finally got mine along with a Canadian version of Kid Icarus Uprising I really don't know how I ended up with the Canadian verse but it was because of this that I learned that there's an extra little French label on a bunch of the three DS games over there so you'll you learn some new every day the urge to play the brand new Kid Icarus game was just too strong for me man I could not believe that a game that looked like this was running on a portable system there's a reason why this was the game that Nintendo highlighted when they first unveiled the 3ds and it's not like that game was just a whole bunch of wow factor and that's it playing it nowadays yeah the game is still fantastic this is just a bit painful on the hands holding the entire system with one hand to keep the other hand free to use the touchscreen wasn't one of Nintendo's best ideas but if you're able to get through that the game soul comes highly recommended to silence potential criticism they did release the game with that stand thing that I'm pretty sure like nobody used everybody I know who played the game just prefer to deal with the actual pain Super Mario 3d Land Mario Kart 7 Star Fox 64 3 D ocarina of time 3d Nintendo was certainly bringing out some big guns here that helped make the system more enticing and having a large-scale Zelda game in the palm of your hands that is super cool those other Nintendo games are fun and if you did have the console they were basically must-have purchases but the reality was those games were coming out few and far between and third-party offerings were pretty slim Resident Evil Revelations that was the huge one and still looking back having a full Resident Evil experience on a handheld is incredibly impressive after a few years and many 3ds games later revelations is still one of the best looking games on the console I don't know how they made it look that good I'm surprised they never took the time to use that engine to port Resident Evil 4 over to it - they released that game on everything also remember when they screwed up the side of the box and it said Resident Evil Revelations for a while that was that was a pretty good time but even though there weren't a ton of options in terms of retail games the eShop oh-hoh the eShop I have been wanting to talk about this for years I absolutely adored the 3ds eShop yeah the DSi had an online shop as well and of course I was always super hyped to re-experience Mario o'clock but the amount of quality smaller toy that released on 3ds was a source of consistent excitement there are just so many great games and hidden gems for cheap on the service I got to talk about a few of them Pushmo was an excellent puzzle game about pushing and pulling blocks and it spurred a whole series of games Dylan's rolling Western is a super fun action tower defense game where you play as this sick looking armadillo trying to protect the town from evil rock monsters this also started a new series mighty switch force 1 and 2 are great running gun platformers with amazing soundtracks Mutant Mudds made great use of the system's 3d functionality and the sequel Super Challenge made me want to snap my 3ds and a half that was fun you got awesome ports of existing indie games like vvvvvv and iike chan a game by the guy who made Cave Story gunman clive literally appeared like out of nowhere one day and then just said hey i'm a fun megaman clone for like only $2 and then it outsold the mobile versions of the game which was a great slap in the face of the journalists that were saying that mobile games are gonna kill the 3ds oh how the tables have turned kersploosh happened alright now listen here the rock falling down a well john ray is going to be the greatest thing ever that's gonna take the world by storm I promise you this a lot of my time in the 3ds early years were spent exclusively with content from the eShop and not just for the original games which again there were plenty of but for the Virtual Console as well even though the service was losing some appeal on the we now Nintendo started reira leasing some gameboy games for the first time ever and it was so refreshing any console that has donkey kong 94 on it gets an okay in my book with this new exposure to gameboy games I got to experience some hidden gems that I probably wouldn't have played otherwise avenging spirit was pretty cool balloon kid was neat I remember when Shantae got re-released on it that was a pretty big deal it definitely beats spending yeah no they did release Game Gear and NES games on top of that which was kind of cool this means that they got to re-release Sonic blast again that that shouldn't have happened but I was all-in on the gameboy games I always loved the little border that you can throw on them to mid the games look a whole lot sharper and they even had a 3d effect that pushes the screen into the Game Boy itself and makes the battery light pop up a bit that's pretty damn neat eventually Super Nintendo joined the fray as well that sucked to that Nintendo didn't have the foresight to make the original 3ds model powerful enough to play them but hey with a new model I can play the original version of Donkey Kong Country - one of the best games of all time on the go and that is awesome I enjoyed when companies three deified some of their classic games - we got the best version of Kirby's Adventure and the worst version of urban champion truly the yin and yang of gaming I'm also genuinely stunned that they never ported Virtual Boy games to the service as well with the whole multi-layer setup that the entire console provided they would have been perfect here more people need to play Virtual Boy wirel and this would have been the chance to finally bring that back on street pass that was another awesome feature keeping the 3ds in sleep mode and being able to interact with fellow 3ds consoles to unlock small bonuses in some of your games as well as a bunch of content in the street past me Plaza da man it was so cool filling out those little puzzle pieces over the weeks months and years was so satisfying and they also released a bunch of games for it with these you're able to use the data from the people you street past and play a multitude of titles I put a ridiculous amount of time in to find me all of this to just get little hats for my mieze I can't believe how addicting that was I really dug the slot car rivals game where each new Street Pass gives your car some extra features and market Crashers that was another big one for me buying and selling virtual stocks with the advice of the people that you've only walked past and probably never spoken a word to surely this is something I'm gonna do in real life as well I brought my 3ds with me everywhere knowing that my plaza was gonna be filled with a bunch of new people that was half the fun of going outside it actually kind of sucks that Street pass doesn't exist in any capacity on the switch I know a lot of people choose to leave the switch docked at all times but it would be a neat benefit for those who did take it with them when going out and about especially with the switch light it would work perfectly on that also how is the activity log not a thing on the switch either all of these games have spent hours upon hours on and the switch just kind of gives me a vague idea of how much time I've played meanwhile the 3ds has listed every single thing I've ever done it's fine I know I'm like the only person actually upset about this but I'll be the one to voice my opinions anyway oh and when you blew into the microphone or tapped the underside of the console to make the little splash screens move man there were so many cool things about the 3ds that were built right into the console that you can experience without even needing a game card inserted this video so far has just been a bunch of fluff to get to the main point I want to talk about the 3ds had a ton of games the launch lineup may have been weak but in the years following home man 2013 has got to go down as one of Nintendo's strongest years for a single console Fire Emblem awakening Animal Crossing new leaf Pokemon X&Y The Legend of Zelda a link between worlds Luigi's Mansion dark moon holy cow Nintendo killed it this year all of these games were really fun and there were definite big deals when they first released and on top of that we got sequels to entry in Odyssey Ace Attorney Mario and Luigi the better version of Donkey Kong Country Returns the fun puzzle game pick cross started showing up and wouldn't wouldn't stop showing up I even picked up Brain Age concentration training that year I was just happy to be buying more 3ds games this was the turnaround of the century in just one year's time the 3ds went from potential flop to top-selling system in America amazing and then the hits just kept on giving man New Super Mario Bros 2 was a fun time Majora's Mask you got the remake treatment World Tour is one of the best entries in the mario golf series yet puzzle & Dragons was a nifty little puzzle game Rhythm Heaven megamix brought in minigames from the rest of the series and put it all in one package hit cross 3d one of the best puzzle games the DS had to offer got a really solid sequel we got an excellent remake of Fire Emblem Gaiden with echoes Metroid Samus Returns war where gold the Professor Layton games a fully fledged Super Smash Brothers so many good games and of course Kirby the little pink puffball just got so much love on this console triple deluxe planet robobot battle royale extra Epic Yarn like a half a dozen a shop games plenty of classics on the Virtual Console service listen all right I like Kirby a whole lot this console was perfect for me and there were so many hidden gems it would take a while to go over every a game that's gone under the radar but I do want to talk about ever Oasis in particular this is a full-scale action RPG with really large world exploration dungeons to conquer a town to rebuild this game is genuinely fantastic and it did not get the appreciation that it should have yeah not every Nintendo game was great Metroid Prime Federation Force Zelda Triforce heroes Paper Mario sticker star Animal Crossing happy home designer the mario party games remember when they said that the future of chibi-robo was riding on the next game and then zip lash happened well we did bring Fire Emblem back to life I guess at the cost of a cute little robot recipes little dude didn't even stand a chance Nintendo definitely did not bat 100 with this console but what they did well they did great and if you loved RPGs well oh baby do you have a ton of choices I never really had the time to play a lot of these though I do have access to a lot of the more notable ones the main RPG that I got into was a bravely default and I adore this game it's a modern RPG based on the mechanics and tropes from all the classics all with a great art style and a fantastic soundtrack it's honestly one of the better RPGs I've ever played I never got around to fully completing it because the end of the game is but hey I'm still excited to eventually play the sequel which is something I will probably be saying until the end of time aside from RPGs though third-party support was pretty weak I mainly stuck to the first party titles throughout the entirety of the 3d essence life so I really didn't know what options were available so I conducted an experiment by asking my Twitter audience what some of their favorite or just the overall best third party 3ds games work that weren't RPGs and hautboy the whole no RPG thing really threw people for a loop most of the worthwhile third party games on the console seemed to garner a a pretty good reaction as the highest praise for my rhythm game fix I played a ton of project Mirai a Hatsune Miku game with incredibly catchy and pretty challenging j-pop music zero escape virtues last reward easily one of my favorite visual novels of all time that game is amazing if you want a good old dozen plus hours of mind-bending plot with some escape room puzzles this game is perfect for you Professor Layton vs Phoenix right this is base a fanfiction come to life and while it's not amazing in the context of the two original series found within this was still a super entertaining ride and speaking of Professor Layton Rhythm Thief is more or less a clone of the famous professor except instead of puzzles you do rhythm games instead I would be so down for more of this in the future look at this this is amazing there were also a bunch of River City games too I was really surprised to find out just how active this franchise was on the 3ds and Monster Hunter of course that was a big deal as well probably some of the biggest third-party games on the system they were just never really my thing the same goes for yokai watch actually I can't vouch for this one either but I've seen many a hardcore fan give these games high praise so that's still pretty awesome to see it is undeniable that the 3ds has plenty of good third-party releases but if you're on the lookout for more guaranteed great or fantastic games you're probably sticking to first party and RPGs throughout the final couple of years the game releases were getting really slow but there were still some great stuff however games eventually stopped utilizing 3d the consoles main selling point and some couldn't even bother doing anything interesting with the bottom screen the writing was on the wall it's time to wrap up the 3ds story a game lineup that legends speak of but as good as the library is I still think the original DS has the edge when it comes to a wide variety of quality third-party titles it's just the shame that that's the DES and not the 3ds oh yeah the 3ds can play DS games too like I said one of the best consoles of all time the multiple models can make picking one up for yourself a bit confusing but any one that you choose the 3ds is sure to provide a fantastic time or you could just be a maniac and buy multiple consoles just for the sake of it my god they made so many of these things it is time to lay the 3ds to rest but that doesn't mean a Bennis not playing it anytime soon the amount of awesome games they have accessible on this console is staggering the first party 3ds library the third party Deus library the RPGs on both consoles the Virtual Console the eShop there are so many good games that you can play on this the 3ds is a damn good achievement for a Nintendo damn I love this thing now personally and I know the switch doing super well but that console has a huge mountain to climb if it wants to come anywhere near as close to the goodness of the 3ds Nintendo I know you're listening I got one word of advice for you that's gonna send the success of the switch to the stratosphere to numbers that you've never seen before you ready folders the 3ds has had folders for years it's nearing the end of 2019 in the switch doesn't have folders you remember when Nintendo used to be good [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 705,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Dude Reviews, Review, Video Review, Nintendo 3DS, 3DS, 3DS Is Dead, 3DS Goodbye, 3DS Best Games, 3DS Worst Games, 3DS Retrospective, Nintendo Switch, Nintendo Switch Lite, Best 3DS Games, Worst 3DS Games, Top 10 3DS Games, 3DS RPGs, 3DS Kirby, Mario 3DS, Zelda 3DS, Animal Crossing New Leaf, 3DS Review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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