Sonic on Nintendo 3DS | Three Dimensions, Still Too Fast

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[Music] i am gonna really hate saying this okay um hey did you know that sonic's had a rough history since his jump to 3d s why do people still watch me the nintendo ds when it came to the blue blurs adventures on the original two screen console it was a pretty interesting set of forays that's for sure the rush trilogy was obviously the star of the show there all being pretty good for different reasons still a massive fan of rush adventure all these years later i have no problem admitting that this game is fantastic but once we move beyond that and take a look at the tennis and racing ports and chronicles oh god the entire lineup definitely leaves much to be desired trying to fit the speed and energy of the sonic universe on the ds was clearly more challenging for some developers than others but hey we're finally moving up in the world now we have more powerful hardware the potential to actually make 3d games is a lot easier now as well the 3ds is surely going to blow us away with sonic goodness they ported sonic 2 to it yeah of course they did yeah you were asking for new versions of sonic 1 and 2 that weren't the mobile versions right of course you were sega heard our cries loud and clear being honest this does make a little bit more sense than i'm giving it credit for you gotta remember nintendo did that whole line of 3d classics for some nes games including urban champion for some reason well sega did the same thing as i like to say sega does what ninten also does they may not be the mobile versions but they're also not in mirror ports you push up that 3d slider and the zones get extra layers of depth it's pretty cool it's like i'm really playing sonic 2. not being in widescreen is a shame since once again the mobile version but i mean this is fine it does kind of make it tough to go back to the original sonic 2 special stages though to be honest they are totally trippy in 3d but they're not as smooth as the mobile version which i'm more accustomed to now it's hard to go back to this the thing is though a lot more sega games got this treatment than nintendo did for their games and a bunch of them including sonic 1 got thrown into a physical edition with the sega 3d classics collection featuring just gorgeous art by the big pokemon artist ken sugimori it is so good sonic 2 did show up physically as well but only in the third installment of this collection which never left japan so that kind of stinks but hey more cool art to look at that collection also has gun star heroes dude that's dope and yeah there's no sonic 3 in sight either point to the original ds i guess like the sonic on ds video that i did before we are going to acknowledge that the olympics games exist but i did give them their own dedicated video you can go ahead and check that out at a different time but on a similar topic we do have the racing game on 3ds with transformed now i have very high hopes because the ds's all-star racing was really really good this should be fantastic as well but it isn't sonic and all-stars racing transformed is one of those games that released on nearly every single console back at the time and since the 3ds was still the weakest of the bunch it was obviously not going to hold a candle to the console versions and yep that's what we got it was never going to compete with the quote main version but even still i feel like they could have done better transformed 3ds is still a good kart racer but everything in this port just feels so choppy and rough doing a side-by-side comparison with the original all-stars racing on the older ds that somehow ran at 60 fps it's a lot harder to justify this game when it's not as smooth as i feel like it should be all of you playstation vita fans rejoice though the game looks and runs fantastic there point to the vita it's probably far too late to give points to the vita but i'm gonna give him one anyway but if somehow the 3ds is all you have well it it's fine and i know you're asking about it yes danica patrick is still here in all of her glory thank goodness hey maybe at least there's some people playing online wow a big old nothing on that one i know i'm just as shocked as you are but much like how the ds era was defined by the rush trilogy the 3ds era was defined by four games two with standard sonic and two with boom sonic oh no let's start with the normal sonic here these games did release first after all we have two games based on console games here one based on generations a game that i love and one based on lost world a game that i don't getting it right out of the way i can't help but think that generations 3ds is a beacon of missed potential the concept of the main game is here as you would expect in all of its glory locations through sonic's different eras playable in a classic and modern style though due to the console's early limitations we ultimately just have two different styles of the same 2d sonic one is just slower than the other one a few stages in classic sonic even gets the homing attack further blurring that line of the entire idea of tackling levels in a classic or modern way and them feeling kinda different classic does get the homing attack in the console version but as an unlockable after beating the game not a core element of the character's abilities relying on the homing attack for classic sonic just i i don't know man it just it just feels wrong and it starts to remind me of sonic 4 and yeah that's not a good thing for modern sonic though i get it in the portable scene modern is more tied to rush so the gameplay style definitely fits but the main issue then comes down to that level design it's all just so unremarkable in my opinion it rarely feels like you ever have to use any sort of platforming or reflexing muscle here you just kind of brute force your way to the end every time there's definitely speed run potential there like any other sonic game but in comparison to the main game yeah yeah this is nowhere near as fun in my opinion it also doesn't help that the adventure starts off with a pretty poor impression the classic versions of the classic era stages are legit copy and pasted from their genesis counterparts and since classic doesn't control exactly like he did back in the day which would be fine if the levels were built around him like in the console version when i was playing these i was just wishing i was playing those genesis counterparts there is the occasional flashy gimmick in these stages to give it some extra flair like this grinding section in mushroom hill that's all automated but these moments really don't amount to a whole lot in its own bubble generations 3ds is fine i guess but it misses the mark in so many areas the soundtrack is pretty good i mean that much is kind of a given but it is just not a game i could recommend while i could recommend the main generations all day any day and yeah okay i'm gonna fanboy out for a little bit i also really really wish they actually took advantage of sonic's portable history for his portable anniversary game it seemed so obvious you could have put in sunset park from triple trouble music plant from advance 2 plant kingdom from rush adventure you bring back fang and merle as many bosses eggman nega as a main boss reference tales adventure somehow there is so much they could have pulled from with sonic's portable history don't even act like they wouldn't be hyped by the way sonic mania gave us bark the polar bear and we all lost our minds at the sight of him so don't lie but instead we race metal sonic and casino night and silver in tropical resort what what history are we pulling from here radical highway from adventure 2 okay that was a really good stage but if we're going to be technical here that was not sonic stage it was shadows and even still in this game it has some of the worst level design in the entire package and also musical farts yeah sega thanks for that although the fight with the bio lizard is pretty cool again it was originally a shadow thing but once i stopped complaining about the incredibly deep and intricate sonic lore i will say i did enjoy this fight we got tropical resort here too ok fine you know colors is also on the ds and we also have water palace from sonic rush that shows up as well and it is actually my favorite stage in the entire game but once again i really wish they went further with this idea the game would still probably have rough edges out the wazoo but hey we would at least get a really dope soundtrack out of it and speaking of the biggest disappointment here is the big arms boss fight i mean it is pretty underwhelming but it is the first boss fight so that's not really the problem it's the fact that the remix of the big arms theme by cash cash is fantastic but the really good part of the song doesn't come in until well after this incredibly short battle ends sega you're killing me here maybe i am just a bit too bitter here because i've played so many generations and mania mods at this point but i still really love everything about the vanilla generations the 3ds one though yeah no no not for me oh man i can't fathom how i'm gonna stomach lost world 3ds now hell at least i like the console generations console lost worlds drove me nuts and the verdict yeah the game is actually all right sonic on 3ds is quite the anomaly immediately lost world 3ds gets the upper hand simply because it's actually fully 3d 3d platformers are few and far between on the system there's barely any of them and for the most part this actually controls pretty well for the most part so very similarly to the console version starting lost world is pretty thrilling the controls are solid despite needing to hold down the run button to move quickly something not super comfortable on the 3ds as opposed to an actual controller the art style is somewhat interesting the music is really catchy the parkour mechanics start to show a lot of potential it does follow a lot of the same beats as the console version but the level designs are totally new but we are still talking about lost world here at the end of the day thematically this is basically the new super mario bros of sonic games here grass desert lava snow it's all here and we don't even have the dessert stage in the desert level from the console game which was like the best part about it most of the 3d levels feel very similar to each other most of the 2d levels feel very similar to each other but things are solid enough to make it work and then you keep playing it's really the lost world curse man the further and you get the more the cracks start to show why is the homing attack almost too reliant sometimes focusing on things you really didn't want to that are off screen and speaking of why is the homing attack nerfed at all some enemies the homing attack isn't effective until you do this weird energy wave attack thing and then you can attack them and it is just one of the many things this game does to drag the speed to a crawl being chased by a huge sentient snowball pushing fruit into specific holes all of these dumb wisp power ups that force you to use the motion controls with no options to disable them that's not fun zavok exists this may be slightly different than the version that i'm familiar with but it is still the same lost world at the end of the day though this game does have an exclusive hard mode but i really don't want to play through the game again with more frustrations i'll be honest so i'll just say neat and move on when you are just controlling sonic doing your platforming thing it is actually really enjoyable and i still think there is a bit of novelty to a fully 3d game on the 3ds that alone is really cool but man all of these gimmicks that they couldn't help but throw in here it really stops this game from being any better than it is it's not as all over the place as the console version but it's still not great the lows don't necessarily get as low but the highs also don't get as high this is mostly a decent companion piece all things considered oh dear god i forgot about the special stages these are the worst you're like flying through space and there are these colored orbs all around you and you have to actually rotate your entire body to get them because you can't disable the motion controls these are the worst special stages of all time i don't know man is this a hot take i can't tell i'm too busy kinking my neck this whole getting dimps to do a portable version of a console game instead of doing their own thing concept started way back with sonic colors on the ds which took the mechanics of the successful original games sonic rush and merged it with the core ideas of sonic colors which i thought was great generations and lost world on the 3ds on the other hand don't share that same vibe it just feels like they were desperately struggling to squeeze as much of the main game's identity into the handheld without taking advantage of the opportunity they had to step out of the console version's shadows you're actively playing just weaker versions either because you lack the hardware to play the proper versions you're really nostalgic for these versions or you have a dumb morbid curiosity like me divisive is the easiest way i can describe both of these games so while i am sure plenty of people do enjoy these i am on the other side of that conversation if they truly wanted to allow more fans to experience these games we should have gotten a bit more quality control or just let dimps do their own thing again man or what we're going to have more people nostalgic over original games like sonic rush can't have that that being said if you really want to find quality for sonic on 3ds you don't have to look at the original sonic here you have to look towards the side series sonic boom 3ds sonic is not real sonic boom rise of lyric was a bad game all these years later i still admire the ambition of creating an entirely new side series with sonic boom at the time they really seemed like they wanted to make this a thing because releasing alongside that dentist appointment of a wii u game sansaru games the company responsible for the sly cooper ps3 games and the mystery case files the malgrave incident you know everyone's favorite did exactly the thing i was just complaining about with generations and lost world with sonic boom shattered crystal and years later fire and ice we have adventures here that do not try to mimic rise of lyric they tell their own stories combine familiar mechanics along with ones that are exclusive to these games they take advantage of the hardware they're on by simply having a map on the touchscreen this this is all i wanted perhaps i am just far too impressed with the fact that a sonic boom game isn't a complete dumpster fire but i will be damned the sonic boom 3ds duology it ain't bad first and foremost knuckles looks like he ate bees that's pretty weird second off when it comes to the gameplay speed is no longer the forefront here i get it it's sonic gotta go fast and all that i understand but considering the weaker hardware here it is more important to make sonic feel like he's fast while also ensuring that i can you know see what i'm running into instead of the focus is actually exploration keep your eyes on the map at all times these levels are linear but they're also pretty big and there are plenty of things to find within them this little dash move you can do swinging from these energy things the homing attack actually works that's nice you can change between different characters on the fly to take advantage of unique abilities shattered crystal by god it's actually kind of fun to control the cut scenes are pretty entertaining as well surprisingly enough the tv show was always sonic boom's highlight i understand that but rise of lyric oh boy that was not good at all there's no time like the present wait there are presents no ah they managed to somehow encompass the tv show's energy with the story here and i'll be honest it actually got some chuckles out of me bad news you mean like world peace and an end to hunger and universal healthcare oh boy okay it's not all great though levels do tend to overstay their welcome and instead of boss encounters there's like this weird linear auto running thing not a fan all of this would be fine and cement this game as good enough but because we are not allowed to have nice things there is one very very critical flaw it takes practically no time whatsoever before you are locked out of progression you see each level has a number of objectives usually revolving around finding collectibles and there is barely any flexibility with what you can choose to do you will 100 have to go back to previous levels and comb through every nook and cranny just in order to scrounge up enough metals to progress the story and this really killed my drive to see what else shattered crystal had in store replayability is a staple of sonic games but requiring it for progression yeah that's a big no-no for me especially when it's behind some boring minigames too come on man you were so close and you tripped up right at the finish line if i were younger and had all the time in the worlds to kill and this was the game i got for christmas that year then i could easily see myself going for as many medals as i needed to because i would just play this game ad nauseum anyway but now these constant progress killers really ruin a game for me i want to see what the rest of the game has in store but evidently the game doesn't want me to which is a shame because apparently getting 100 completion nets you a sweet dance video i swear man none of the sonic on 3ds stuff seems real but in a shocking turn of events while the main team at sega would continue on with their lives pretending like sonic boom ryza lyric never happened sansaru wanted to right the ship they went to work immediately on a sequel with the intent of fixing all of the issues people had with the first one we have sonic boom fire and ice to show for it why does that seem like such a big deal fixing games with the sequel should be a normal thing sonic should have been doing this all along hell when this game was being developed they even delayed it in order to put in some extra work that is pretty unheard of for a sonic game it's almost a shame this game never got a pc release something about releasing fire and ice on steam is just really funny to me but i'm also an idiot so ignore that surface level this is just more of the same but with a brand new fire and ice mechanic you're constantly letting off one of those two elements as an aura of which you can swap between on the fly and this is typically done to assist with some platforming water platforms freeze when you're icy and ice blocks melt when you're fiery that sort of stuff it is a pretty nonsensical video gamey gimmick though it's not even like the story gives you a good reason as to why you guys have it now sonic and crew just sort of do whatever show up and play the game now let's just go down the list here the levels are shorter the action is more fluid we get these little challenge areas hidden throughout the stages there's actual boss fights now that did crash my game once but only once and also he like shifts the screen down when you get to the fight that's really really cool so i'll forgive it the collectibles are strictly for collecting purposes now and not tied to progression the in-game cutscenes are now actually animated and not just these visual novel spots oh my god they they they did it there's a sonic boom game that actually has a lot of effort put into it to make it good i mean it's still not remarkable the rewards for the collectibles are kind of just whatever but that is why i'm happy i don't need to collect them in the first place and the fire and ice mechanic while interesting on paper never really reaches its full potential for as random as this idea is i would have liked to see them go further with it and similar to shattered crystal there is a severe lack of anything memorable when it comes to the level themes and music some of the things the sonic franchise is most known for i know boom is trying to be different than the main sonic stuff but i don't think that's enough reason to not have good music i do really respect the developers for definitely trying to make the best out of the situation that they were put in but at the end of the day we are still talking about an average to below average 2d platformer on a console littered with them this was never going to be able to compete it kind of goes without saying but sonic's outings on the 3ds definitely pale in comparison to his adventures on the ds in my opinion at the time and all these years later i think the thing that i valued the most is when sega took the opportunity to do something original for the portable gaming audience while they were also doing their thing on the main consoles even with chronicles man god awful game but makes for a hell of a funny story sure we'll never get to see marine the raccoon ever again may she rest in peace but i will always cherish my time with her the 3ds games on the other hand either piggyback off of what the console games were doing or do try to do something original but they fall flat and even when they do succeed unfortunately i don't think anybody cared whether they were good or bad and as gaming shifts further away from the dedicated portable gaming landscape it is a shame that we will never really get that original vibe with sonic again there are obviously sonic games on the switch but let's be honest with ourselves here it's not quite the same i hope none of my divisive comments upset any of you greatly but if they did i can say one final thing with certainty that we can all agree on sonic the hedgehog 2. [Music] thank you i'm glad we can agree [Music] you
Channel: AntDude
Views: 685,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Sonic DS, Sonic on DS, Sonic 3DS, Sonic on 3DS, Sonic the Hedgehog 3DS, Sonic Generations 3DS, Sonic Lost World 3DS, Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric, Sonic Boom Shattered Crystal, Sonic Boom Fire & Ice, Sonic Boom 3DS, Sonic 3DS games, Sonic Rush DS, Sonic Rush Trilogy, Sonic Rush, Sonic Rush Adventure
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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