Luigi's Mansion 3 | Spooky And Gooey - AntDude

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[Music] Luigi's Mansion is a pretty fascinating franchise every time a new one gets revealed it comes out of nowhere the original was hyped up to be the latest in the Mario series before showing off something entirely new Dark Moon was revealed amidst a handful of already existing 3ds games at e3 the remake of the first game was thrown into a Nintendo Direct like it was no big deal and then during the hype cycle for said remake just when we were expecting new details we got a new game instead Luigi's Mansion 3 no subtitle for this one huh yeah that's gonna be weird for Americans to be fair we should Assad coming Luigi's shooting a plunger in the Simon Belmont Smash trailer what why'd that that doesn't make any sense oh okay now I know dark moon wasn't everybody's cup of tea but a new Luigi's Mansion game that's still really excited me maybe the developers were gonna listen to all the complaints that a lot of people had and give us the sequel that we all wanted the sequel that we've been asking for for years we may be well into November at this point I couldn't play the entire game and get a video out on the day this game released on Halloween thanks for that Nintendo but here we are anyway it's time to take a look at green Mario's third spooky house ah this looks very peaceful what could possibly go wrong the story begins with a toad attempting to drive a large bus I'm onboard with this game already Mario peach and a few other toads are going on vacation and this time they didn't forget to invite Luigi and he even brought his dog palter pup so cute easily the best thing to come out of dark moon everyone's been invited to a special hotel called the the last resort oh something's gonna go terribly wrong things of course don't seem to be quite right everyone has these weird faces none of them have feet that's a big red flag right there and the name of the owner is Helen gravely that's practically an Ace Attorney without blatantly evil it is but we do have this damn this is gonna be a good game and of course things do go horribly wrong it turns out that Helen is a big fan of King Boo and she's freed him from his portrait prison seeking revenge once more he manages to seal everybody in their own portraits again and before he manages to take one final victim Luigi makes his escape jumping down the laundry chute down to the basement of the hotel make it to the top of the hotel and save everybody I like this premise a lot it gets to the point and doesn't really pretend to be any more mysterious than it is Dark Moon slipping in these King Boo teases acting as if his appearance as some sort of surprise and saving the Mario being kidnapped twist until the near end of the game it made any sort of tension feel pretty forced in my opinion as minor as it sounds here our goal is laid out to us immediately now go and do some ghost busting I know it's not technically a mansion we're exploring it's a hotel but hey check this out Luigi is canonically allergic to dust I'm pretty sure this is character development soon after with our flashlights in hand we find an upgraded Poltergust we get to play with Poulter pub for a little bit I love this dog to death ha you get it depth because it's dead deal with a few bad ghosties regain access to the dark light and free egad from his portrait prison and do you remember how the professor was so annoying in the last game he would just call you endlessly and it was one of the game's biggest problems well to make up for that they gave him a run cycle this is the greatest thing I have ever seen Oh Oh No grant grandpa stuck again he also gives you a virtual boy never trust anybody that gives you a virtual boy and it's as good a time as any to mention just how much animation we got here it is arguably the best part of the entire package in the past egad has always said this really charming gibberish but now his mouth moves to said gibberish and it's really weird oh man that's so weird whether or not you like dark moon it is a safe assumption to say that the cutscenes were the best part of that game and the attention solely given to the animation in this sequel it's incredible every cutscene is just so filled with life and energy and when we get to GUI G who lacks both of those things it makes for some of the game's strongest - laughs hey look at this here's poster pup rubbing its butt across the floor have I mentioned how much I love it yet you know Mario plus rabbit's kingdom battle also had a ton of really in-depth animation with its cutscenes and just like here in Luigi's Mansion that was some of the best parts about that game I am so excited to see this much charm and more in future Mario games but how about the actual act of exploring the hotel well I'm happy to report by God they damn near fixed everything there's only one building to explore once again and there's no longer any instances of regularly being pulled back to egads lab to stop the adventure that's all gone I mean okay it happens like once or twice really early on but after that it's gone yeah just explore until your thumbs fall off no worries and what's great is despite being an only one building each floor is essentially a different stage all having unique themes that go above and beyond anything the last game did with its multiple mansions it does sort of stray further away from the creepy atmosphere the first game head but I was so entertained from start to finish I really didn't mind if anything I'm just kind of confused as to why some areas are as Brailey lit as they are dark lighting within the rooms where the whole reason Luigi had a flashlight in the first place here though I mean come on man you're just wasting batteries between this and leaving his TV on in dark moon we can very clearly tell that he has no problem wasting money on energy the movie set was probably my favorite of all the floors you stumble onto a handful of blue-screen sets and looking through the camera at them totally transforms the scene it's brilliant as a result of the floor setup the game takes an almost formulaic approach the point is to constantly collect elevator buttons move higher and higher up the hotel and aside from these two instances where you're stopped by this dumb cat which just feels like a whole lot of padding in my opinion it feels like you're constantly making progress oh man I love him so much each button is also held by a boss ghost yes they did it they finally did the portrait ghosts again I love this so much man they all match their themed floor perfectly and each encounter leads to a pretty interesting boss fight that requires a bit of puzzle solving honestly the only thing I really miss is a bit of flavor textu like we got in the first game it didn't really add a ton but it would have given these characters that much more personality the only time we really got a lot of that was with Morty a starving film director who makes a movie out of the battle that you have and once you finish that he flies off to edit the movie you can stop him from fulfilling his dreams but I just don't really have the heart to do so well until the near end of the game at least you know he has to finish the movie at some point give it a few hours and then we'll go ahead and check in on our good pal Morty it's gonna be a friendly encounter I assure you oh yeah at that point all bets are off I got to get my achievements of Lee you naturally we have to go for smaller ghosts as well combat has been totally changed here and I'm really I'm really not sure if I like it or not you fill up a meter similar to dark moon but here in three you're then able to slam them onto the floor a handful of times taking off a good chunk of their health you take off the same amount every time so there is a bit of strategy and dropping the health just enough to make one slam session take it out completely and honestly that is super satisfying especially when you slam them into other ghosts oh that's really nice however this also makes the encounters easier than ever half of the fun before was overcoming the struggle of the ghosts pulling away from you and any struggle feels nearly non-existent here and when you're in crowds surrounded by them sometimes they just watch you during the capturing process what are you guys enjoying the show at the very least they do look better than the ones from Dark Moon they're still occasionally a bit wacky and goofy but it's a lot more downplayed than it was before which is nice we just see the standard ones in a ton of different outfits instead I still prefer the blank stares and cackling laughs from the first game but since we have bigger threats of the bosses now it ends up feeling like less of an issue and actually if anything it matters even less because combat takes a huge backseat to just pure exploration and thank goodness to any form of combat means it's possible to go into low health mode and then the music basically mutes itself in this loud annoying beeping starts happening and it's the worst thing I've ever heard in my life it's 2019 how do they think this was okay capturing ghosts is still a major components of course but this game is all about taking in your surroundings and mainly just getting a ton of money Luigi has his priorities straight I can appreciate that doing basically anything here rewards you with a bunch of cash and it's really satisfying gaining it all into your vacuum the physics in this game are pretty wild I think that developers are just trying to show off at times there is a shop that you can use your money in but the options are pretty limited so you're probably better off just hoarding all of it instead using a rope attached to plungers that you can shoot justifies the entire pulling and slamming mechanic there's a brand new jumping mechanic to help you get past some obstacles that are in your way or clear out a bunch of stuff around you the dark light is no longer time limited which is awesome you can also once again yell for Mario's name whenever you want it's not as intense as it was in the first game but it's still nice to see and yes apparently this was in Dark Moon as well but only after you see Mario for the first time thank you for the dozens of people who taught me that awesome and of course GUI G a shoehorn co-op mode in mansion 3ds is now a full-fledged feature of this entire adventure with a click of the right stick you spawn it from its vacuum cleaner jail cell and Luigi suddenly goes unconscious but now you have the means to get through plenty of barriers that Luigi himself isn't able to get through when this mechanic was initially revealed I was actually really worried that this game was going to become a forced co-op adventure that wouldn't be all that fun in single-player but that's really not the case GUI G is just a sort of lesser Luigi it's sort of like how nitro red is to me just a lesser equivalent and that's fine since it's so easy to get GUI G in and out of action it never ends up feeling like a bother it's actually pretty entertaining getting GUI G to slip through grates help Luigi get to places that he can't reach otherwise or sacrifice him for the greater good it's okay GUI G is immortal we're now stuck with it for the rest of our lives there are even a few times where Luigi is held captive and is slowly killed with GUI G being the only means to rescue him that is the true hero here and it tastes of coffee apparently so that's something and GUI G is usually the key to finding the floors hand full of shiny gems six on each one Dark Moon had gems as well but they were spread across all of the missions for a single mansion and you wouldn't really know which mission you could or couldn't get one in it was pretty annoying here though it is much more enjoyable to go for since there's usually unique environments or puzzles tied to them they ended up actually being a major joy to collect you don't really get anything great for doing it but at least getting them is a good time similarly the boos return as well acting sort of how they did in dark moon though it really feels like they were just kind of thrown in just because the previous games had them they're not really all that satisfying to find or capture [Music] okay maybe capturing them it's kind of fun getting both booze and gems are really the only reason to backtrack two floors that you've already completed but since the gems are the only thing that feel well spaced out throughout an entire floor no matter how crammed said floor is the booze just feel unnecessary honestly and going on this conversation of comparing things to Dark Moon the toads return as well once again acting like an escort mission the few times that you do get to play with them but you're able to shoot them into glass and they really like it so it's okay in my book oh man there's a high-five button too ten out of ten game mechanic and now it's about that time where we discuss the end of the game but since the game is newer I don't want to spoil anything so go ahead and jump to this time right here and yeah well we'll go right past it alright good yeah King Boo is at the top of the hotel surprise there's a pretty simplistic battle on the roof with an easy to figure out attack pattern and then it's kind of done in no time it's honestly pretty underwhelming I guess the whole idea of shooting bombs into his mouth is like a weird throwback to that King Boo fight in Mario Sunshine but that's that's probably a major stretch this is fine at best I just hope that if we get another game kingboo trapping people in portraits it doesn't happen again we get it the King has a weird thing for framed pictures but it's time to move on as a result of the battle the hotel crumbles to the ground Luigi accepts his fate since again he's immortal and just like last time thanks to the dark light everybody is saved but all of the ghosts are upset to have lost their home so we GAD takes it upon himself to set up a task force to build a brand new one and this is where all of them money that you've been collecting comes in yeah just like the first game the new building that you get is dependent on how much money you have pretty cool it's also another reason why you shouldn't really buy anything in the shop it ruins your rank that's that that's no good the game doesn't really warn you ahead of time that they're gonna do the whole ranking thing again so just take take my advice it's a pretty cute ending not as charming as dark moons but like that game the last thing we see is Poulter pup sleeping in Luigi's lap I have no complaints and that wraps up Luigi's Mansion 3 there are also some multiplayer modes on top of the main adventure making its return is the scare scraper we're now up to eight people rummage through randomly designed floors to complete a specific task and then you keep moving up and up and up the tower until you make it to the roof for a boss fight against the returning boule ocess pretty cool and this is so much better than it was in the last game partially due to the better controls but also because each floor has a random objective rather than a set number of pre-established ones and there's also plenty more opportunities for legitimate cooperation this is a whole lot of fun you know I didn't really expect too much after dark moons mode but this is a really good time and then there's the brand new scream Park a handful of proper minigames using some mechanics that are found in the main adventure it's pretty entertaining you know it's neat to have an extra reason to pop this game in every now and then even though minigames like this are probably the last thing I thought Luigi's Mansion needed but fun is fun so I'm cool with it so yeah Luigi's Mansion 3 damn fine game way better than I thought it was gonna be as for whether or not it's better than the first game that's really hard to say simply speaking purely on atmosphere Mansion 1 has still yet to be topped in my opinion and since it's so short I will still return to this game constantly for years to come but man I still loved nearly everything here in Luigi's Mansion 3 based on variety charm how much fun it is to simply explore how amazing it is to just see Luigi do to anything this game is a fantastic achievement and I am really excited to see what comes next from next level games Dark Moon was a fun game don't get me wrong but that first adventure that was something special and then we have Luigi's Mansion 3 which is really special as well just in a different way now if we continue down the razzed it an evil timeline here over their shoulder Luigi's Mansion next the best part about this franchise is not only do we get a handful of really great games but one of these strongest personalities in the entire Mario universe luigi is so lovable and in my opinion it's because of these games and that's awesome but we also did get a lot of clips of Luigi petting a dog and I can appreciate that as well best game Nintendo's ever made [Music]
Channel: AntDude
Views: 1,002,304
Rating: 4.9164953 out of 5
Keywords: AntDude, Review, Video Review, Luigi's Mansion, Luigi's Mansion 3DS, Luigi's Mansion remake, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, 3DS, Nintendo 3DS, Luigis Mansion, Luigi's Mansion 3, Luigi's Mansion 3 Review, Luigi's Mansion 3ds review, Luigi's Mansion review, Luigi's Mansion Switch, Gooigi, Mario is Missing, Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon review, Luigi's Mansion 2, Luigi's Mansion 2 Review
Id: _rONQ6EH9iM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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