The Life and Death of a Trike!!! - Life of a Triceratops | The isle

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oh my good god okay run the other way run two trees render trees for industries run two trees for industries for industries so hello everyone and welcome back to another glorious day in the aisle will were a tiny little Triceratops caught dippers he might be a little tittle and hell but just wait till he gets big and strong I've learned my lesson from playing as a t-rex never don't underestimate the power and sheer ferocity and force that it is backing behind a Triceratops something I'm not gonna make a mistake again you know why because I am the Triceratops know what I am yeah I'm probably not even that hungry am i I don't know why I bother now you may be asking why vibha why are you green Triceratops well it's not because you know the toy for the lost world is like really cool and I like that color scheme oh it's so I can actually blend into the grass really what I should have done is had my underbelly darker and have my top lighter that way I would actually fit more in now I'm kind of like a reverse shadow dammit I didn't think about that anyway I've got stamina for days and all we need to do is find some water what there it is there it is Wow I can also fly as well oh no oh no what made that sound oh whatever it is it's by the water I think it's in the direction of the water anyway it's all about confidence James that's what it's all about you've just got a stroll in there and say love me okay I can see at least two tacos on the horizon okay it's all about confidence I got this we're just stroll out just pretend like we already know is that we know he's there he's not gonna do anything to us we're just gonna widen all the way over to him Abbey is cute it's damn possible hello be my parents please are you friendly yeah no how are you yeah I got a crocodile friend Oh indeed good sir it is I I could live just gonna get a drink of water ah this is the randomness that I love what I guessed already I chose a server that it was tad basically no rules I'll go get your food watch I'll do it I'll go get your food I'll be the hunter that taco won't even know what hit him give me a second I'll be right over it no no I got him no I got him oh I could become a baby power oh look at me go how do I even float I don't know I'm doing it look at me Mom I have a periodic stew oh he recognizes me as a swimmer boy now I'm gonna go play with the lights oh this is nice got my own night light and everything oh it's so clean oh no it's back again oh that look really pretty oh wow you know this game can look glorious it's like a t-rex on a trike and I'm fiery raising with that's great I am but only one man I cannot make all the videos Oh No choco baby's hungry don't eat me the way for me guys you can't kill the food of me wait for me let me do it Oh No Oh No [Music] [Music] you know what sorry I'm just gonna cut keep barking at things like Ganahl I want something sparking over the horizon like hello if I get a chance to play on a server with no rules I'll do it oh no no no no I will go to sniff the water No oh my god it's a dresser top of everything are you an adult you don't look like an animal I'd love anything please groobie oh that's a lovely picture I'll take ya all this is great I guess we're going down to Zozo or we know Sarah big fluff oh you're sat on a nest oh I can manage it kick them all out crush the eggs eggs I know I know you don't want me to call I know but I really need food can I come with you because I can't see oh there's a Thera oh it's basically Dave oh okay we're coming because it's the food all the way at the top of this hill oh he's an adult now right oh yeah yeah he's not now Oh awesome don't worry I'm still coming oh that's another trike Diablo run out a stamp just gonna rest for a second Oh oh god it's tiny okay I'll take it oh I'll take it it's a little mini push just for me well how's my other vitals doing okay actually I've got Popeye looking after me oh yeah there we go that's more like it yes big Bush keep with the parents oh wait that was it oh my god you ate all of it oh oh the other one one yeah Papa is satisfied I hide behind hide behind hide behind God there's a lot of carnivores around here whoo those are weird noises you don't hear all the time Oh God what is going on why is going on down there also gotta keep an eye on my six just in case look I want to get better at this game okay I want to be Bluebird no rebo's now I want to get better at fighting and I know if I was really serious about it I've gone a server way everyone just killed each other probably should have done that before doing this one boy he's warning someone off oh that's another but the aloes running oh my good god okay run the other way Linda trees for inter trees for industries render trees burn trees render trees [Music] oh hi friends I like away my home I panicked just took I was like tree hidin tree oh oh no is lucky green bean boy oh I was worried should I have stayed with the parent well I can't take much more I feel like he would go on to try and kill of it out I'm the bush how is still got a ways to go no don't run don't leave me totally me hey look it's my interrupter from a previous series Papa Papa bad you tore up this oh it's all chaos Oh help whoa no Little Dipper oh he's a cool color no Papa Papa boring that one's a nice gonna I like that one oh so cute this Apache just like head putting him you crouching oh he's crouching oh god we got a fight going on gigas vs Triceratops --is or were you doing its gonna try and run around though difficult just everything head bird the air utah not too much longer and I'll be able to become a sub-adult so everybody help in some kind of way oh god oh god oh god he's behind it's behind behind he's behind is behind ways friendly oh my god oh wait oh God are they not happy with him no did they even see him god you're terrible parents who's the baby t-rex over there oh oh they won't have a fight what's with all these kind of us charging straight at me god damn it oh wait what oh god oh no that t-rex just bit him I'd even see that oh that's no good Oh to the tree Oh little kickers grow grow Go Go I need it there we go if he was gonna kill me oh okay nevermind oh dear what's going on over here hey buddy look I'm a lot bigger than you now so though I'm coming after you we're what's happening why is there a bunch of Serratos and you it's the rich that attacked us yesterday and luck [Music] baby Raptor baby rough day kill it kill it kill it yeah oh wait what you're reading something oh there's a carcass there oh I didn't even see it very yester house why is going on thirsty thirsty thirsty thirsty it is why how we've grown what is that oh my god it's tiny I'm gonna go dibbles after food I am really low on food I just realize this brother wait for me wha Jesus was freezing here or something oh my god and expect that to be what was on the other side of this cliff trying to sniff but I think there's this water now I can run yeah there we go he's found a big Bush let's go see no you will sniff the but snip the but no oh my god it's actually faster than me where is this can we climb up for this oh no God I could feel myself falling off the side of the planet this is good you see because now I can get to be an adult and then go off on my own adventure and then kill things shut up oh wait the juices log oh I think he did do you find a site knowing oh yeah little buggy you oh my god oh he's dead he's gonna die I'm completely took me Oh God oh my god no instant death what a lovely name for Triceratops oh wise two-headed Spinosaurus will I become an adult yes I will now retreat into the mountains bye bye oh god guys have been gone for two and a half hours and like nothing is happening Triceratops log day 4321 still living in bog water swamp baby death died killed by some because they just wanted to kill the t-rex is new here t-rex is friendly pretty much everything is still the same I'm on 80% as a sub-adult and just know you should change your name the real gaming beaver would be offended [Music] would you mean by this do you not think the real gaming beaver wouldn't sit here for about four freaking hours to get a trike just for a video oh you'd be mistaken and I've Oh oh my god you're kidding me this rap is already oh okay hello everyone welcome I've just pulled a keen oh I'm Dredd miss Oh miss we're 93% which i think means we need about another hour and a bit until we reach an adult and even then we need an hour and a half on top of that in order to reach a fully grown adult from what I've heard being a fully grown adult is best of course when you're when you just become an adult you're pretty rubbish the Raptor calls are coming from down there now would I be able to take on a utahraptor I'm an almost fully grown so bird alright if I was if I was a trike like a fully grown trike maybe I wouldn't even hesitate but I've had too many bad times in this game to even bloody risk it at the moment I have full food full health I'm just gonna stay here I'm just gonna stay here and wait to one of those runs out thing is I've spent about four hours already trying to get this trike grown so yeah everything's riding on this this recording session [Music] you know some games can be categorized as walking simulators the aisle is a unique breed of game it's called sitting simulator friend I was like wait a minute there's a huge back black lump behind the tree Oh your baby pudgy oh that's what I saw down by the river oh you're adorable amazed I am okay we're gonna go find trees I'm gonna go eat some stuff come we guys now I am I think bigger than this guy so if any presence it takes us all nuts I'll take on him I mean she'll found okay there's a hundred and nineteen people on so it's still quite a heavy server actually hmm and I am on what 94 still god damn it oh I feel like I'm gonna act as sentry here just in case oh there's buds appear awesome oh there's water down there too oh ok so there's gonna be any other life it's gonna be over there oh they're just popped in so what are the same what is last time probably it looks like it's in the same spot you know food isn't the best place to be I'm definitely sticking out like a sore thumb right it's just like a trikes head poke oh no at a res of you distance okay he's running he's running might as well just eat all the little things while I'm up here to ever lose that oh no does a t-rex write and know what t-rex cold okay what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna eat this Bush and then I'm gonna go I'm just gonna run down the hill keep the bush go yep no letting greed got the better of me I'm just gonna go just gonna go you know run up the other side of that clip does where I'm going oh the bear is still up there though oh there he is oh great there's two of them death this two of them that's it I'm gone I'm gone how did you oh lord Nellie no no no no no yeah he's big in this person oh god I'm going with a girl named Amanda yeah come on let's go let's go let's go let's go I can't take on water I can't take on - lets not up just gotta pay get this is got a peg it we got stamina side we're like tanks we just keep rolling learn a way to go - I'm just burnin up I go I just go hi Macey okay fair enough I'm not gonna stop can go medium I don't care I've played this game for far too long - no that bar is not enough push you over there solder let's go over there then feel like I can hear them chasing me but it's I think it's the rumble of me okay is there water down here they're like drinkable water because that is all the ocean okay there really isn't but you know what I'm gonna go down there anyway just because there's a lot of forest down there I don't want to die yep every ten minutes I got a percent half an hour more and I got this Oh yep they're still alive yep thought so I'm glad I run all the way down here all right it's morning and we are on 98% there is a bush over there and I guess I'm gonna go to it but I'll get stuck in trees I have not heard the T Rexes since that last time in the middle of the night and really there'd be no reason for them to come down here if they were on the horizon I'd easily be able to see them so let's go over here keep following this way around shall we I wonder whatever happened to a Keever wolf they either didn't get my invite all right all the dead man that would suck I've learned my lesson last time when I saw those two t-rexes when I was a t-rex I died right here as well there's a lot of green oh Jesus don't do that don't do that don't scare me don't scare me like this I'm so emotionally invested well this is gonna be day wouldn't we be coming at all that's good Detroit is that the same one I don't think it is it's an adult I don't think this is this is it the same no he had a red crest right who's this kid I'm a 99% okay okay he's scaring me away all right turn up this t-rex is there as well are you kidding me don't do this get in fellowship working with the T Rexes you serious you can't do that Bieber you chose the server quick no rules now who's laughing back I'll get my bag it's me I'm laughing oh no oh come on babe how can I die is it betrayed by my own flippin species no I'm not falling for it look T Rexes they can't keep walking and keep their stamina they have to stop oh i don't trust it i don't trust it i mean the Triceratops walked towards me and battered its head so like that that's that's a threat display 110 percent I'm not falling for that oh come on just just grow already just grow already since this is any rules goes kind of server I can't I can't take that risk there could be a trike and a t-rex and it could be budding up all I can hope is that they think I've went into that into those woods when I wouldn't I know I'm not going those woods I gotta go get myself some water I'm doing the long way around whoa okay to the top of the hill that'll do that'll do 99 come on just a little bit I guess I got a scale that way so the people that are watching this whole series I'm not letting you guys down is easy it's not happening as soon as I saw that t-rex come around the corner I was like yeah nope nope nope I guess what I could do is try and just cross the the mountain there and get to that other water think maybe that might be the best idea cuz that's where I was looking and that's where the Thera was that there is still alive maybe the t-rex is friendly there it is that's the water though they were up before I think I'm gonna need to just cut by those trees to get it back cliff I can't really get up this way there is something down there I think I think I can see something oh I see some sort of carnivore down there I don't know what that is oh oh the Thera there chasing him off screeching at him and then standing right next to him what he's drinking but he's not taking that as a Oh God he now the throws right on top of him is he gonna slash him oh yeah I think you just killed him yep you killed him there you have it you didn't take the hint of the back off Andy's died what hit from the Thera look at that there you go i growth era or gross one point one okay okay that's good god just anybody around here it's freaking crazy oh you yeah krome yes yes Tiddles become me boys okay oh I think I move a lot quicker now whoa awesome oh and I can walk quickly into trees apparently oh god is scaling cliffs not a thing I can do anymore well guys it's been fun but I'm not gonna stay around here any longer that looks like it could be a t-rex a yellow t-rex I mean I couldn't tell what color they were in the dark yeah they got two baby chicks as a spy no they're two and they're eating whatever the Thera killed so they're all working together right I have to if I make a break for it they're definitely gonna see me up the mountain oh yeah there's the trike there's the trike with the spine Oh uh-huh so they're all together now how much longer do I have an 80% yeah so I've got probably another hour and a bit I just need to see if I can get over this way I don't know what my walking altitude incline is with a trike there's two adult t-rexes on a trike and two spy nose oh god my incline step is not very good yeah that t-rex is charging towards me yeah by making a break for it that going to make yeah 100% they go yeah okay so this is it this is the final road to me yep they're threatening uh-huh yeah I know oh really come on it was at this moment that Nathan knew don't do this come on man [Music] well there it is guys in conclusion do I prefer an isle server with no rules or some rules in the end some rules are actually kind of needed there was literally no reason why I died pair that group was just basically killing anybody who were who went near them I spent now like six hours to get that trike maxed and yeah so I'm not gonna play the isle for a long time now it's just like it's not worth my time just how I feel right now Hey after doing all of that and even at the very end I was like right okay I'm going to try and talk to them saying guys stop please and that t-rex was just not having any of it I don't know who those guys were but inevitably I'm assuming you will watch this episode and I just want to say go for me I tried everything there's Louise no getting away that we I mean I could go back round the mountain and try to go that way but they were pretty much just scouring there for anybody who wasn't part of their group and they just killed them oh and you know what I'm gonna do something else I'm gonna do something that's a lot more fun than this this is so if you enjoyed this video I think I might as well just put in one it just really isn't worth it it's not worth my time in and make stretching out with two episodes for one just because it's a lot work for me and two I don't think that it's necessary to drag it out to do episode for you guys because you'd probably rather just see the end of it because it's not eat me what better way to end it then you know I'll tell you what I'll run around I'll Road around something boot out for you at least then I can I can give this guy some food I suppose there you go that's nice basically to say to an Eevee all right guys Jonny's video leave a like until next time I'll see you later oh boy [Music] you
Channel: TheGamingBeaver
Views: 890,646
Rating: 4.9494081 out of 5
Keywords: TheGamingBeaver YouTube, TheGamingBeaver YouTube channel, TheGamingBeaver Channel, YouTube TheGamingBeaver, YouTube channel TheGamingBeaver, Channel TheGamingBeaver, Jurassic World, Jurassic Park, The
Id: XjzJYXe4HQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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