They Followed The Quetz To Find Us.. WE'RE DOOMED! - The Isle - Every Type-H Released! - Gameplay

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Azura is there a dev on we need to get out of here I'm gonna need water soon we can't unforeseen an anomaly detected I don't know if want to get down anymore we what are we gonna do what is this done this like what's going on what are you there what are you being abnormally quiet sorry I got Freddie up yeah okay all right I get your plot with Donny right now trying to kind of do some shenanigans are you oh let's bark at it hey that's getting really close guys oh can you hear it why fight that well I don't think we're supposed to fight the quits it's it's just flying around having a good time with us oh that's sick it has an idle animation for hovering now old look city's gonna land on top of the thing and perch down is it no way dude that's so sick oh wait I know hunt a bird Oh Donna that's so cool I don't like that it's making some noise Oh oh it's flying around Oh Oh guys yo there's a hypo up there wait it's just a hypo rex it's not gonna be a big deal it's kind of fast but we're faster it's like catching up yo we gotta hide we need to like try and hide crazy stuff it might not try and go after us because we're so small yeah yeah there's another one where was that was that in the forest my goodness the water Oh there's a high post final in the water wait wait it's swimming over we need to be higher I'm gonna get this crate screw this I hear the quest freaking out up there too I don't blame it yo we can get on top of these crates let's get up here try not to make okay oh it just got up it's getting up on the dock yo you're gonna Duke it out what's going on why is this happening right now let's get on the other side get on the other side over here I don't want to I don't want to be close to these things all the Rex is pushing it down into the water again let's let's cheer them on it'll be we gonna broadcast at these guys I think this finals go well the spine was broken like now I think oh yeah it's going back into the ocean you know watch out watch out guys you guys watch out for that happening just hide just hide there's a gig I hear it in the first just just hide at the kraits don't let it see you I don't want these things a fight that carnal might track us down and go after us because we're on actual meal I see the game I don't know where the spinal win just just stay up somewhere high hypo panel can't ya know right yeah right the hypercar don't wait enough Gilda reaches with hands oh god this is such a problem the weights in that hypo right just look at all and to get the hypo hey yeah they're gonna fade now is the Giga and the Rex gonna fade I know the spinal ran away yeah I don't think they could get in there moaning I'm getting in there with you and the Wrexham together is so plating over there I think we should just get out of here I feel like we should just get out of here oh good give me give me an invite I totally didn't die to a hypo I swear uh-huh I don't know I you guys you guys are full of it okay I didn't I think the hypo karna wants me okay he's now look at all God the hypo Rex is Oh though damn it I think guys I think the question is telling him where we are I think quences being used as a this beautiful thing it attract us know how about we don't say we did no but we don't see I'm not doing this I'm running to you guys I'm running over to these guys over here oh god guys the quest is coming oh god the questions here we need to lose this quest because that's giving out our location to those high posts yo if that quest lands we need to try and kill it it's gonna give us it's gonna give us a lot of trouble if it's alerting those hypos I mean do they have stamina like I'm not even sure I don't think it needs the land it's it's still like in development so I don't know if it has any of them mechanic acquire Joe there's things getting closer they're coming up through the forest run run run get into the woods [Music] targeted I'm running through dense forests they'll never be able to track me hey Dibble we gotta work together here man what's the snack for us we're faster the main thing is we don't see the quest right now which is that's not good the other hypose I have no idea oh that is so here's a hypo spine on it's like that yeah that's pretty sick it's not it's gonna find out how to be a kite real fast so it's gonna use that sail for a bit of hover action I must be let's just run down here oh no the place I heard it you can hear them communicating the quests will make a sound and then the hypose will all make sounds yeah guys the high post finals coming there's a spinal behind us - like a normal just for calling it's running away now - it might it might be good yeah it's just I think it's just a dominance display I don't think it's gonna kill it did you break your leg I did you like you're like wow I don't oh god yeah that was really close that thing's getting too close for comfort it's just running out oh there's a Sukho here this supers trying to run his ass out of town yo hide inside the oh there's a shan't body ood nice of you to join us [Music] you look like you've seen some [ __ ] I think they lost us yeah I'm pretty sure they lost us we're just gonna camp out in this tree friend hill my leg guys yeah I think you're chasing that juvie [ __ ] who is let's go let's go let's let's go oh let's get out of here while we can I think it I think they might be taken up by the [ __ ] right now I don't see the quasi there oh you're gonna get killed all right I weakened the suco so he can't ride guys Oh basically right behind me oh god it's right there okay it went down the opposite way I don't think it knows we're here oh my god it's eating the hacky where's the clench oh the clutch is just right up there I see it hovering right now it's like watching this we need a rifle can we get tribals back or something so we can bow hunt this this bird this is let's let's try and run to the oh boy let's run to the radio tower failsafe oh this is this is interesting excuse us again alright we're gonna try and get to the I don't know I'm kind of scared to find out to be on by now come on mister quits I'm fine I'm fine I'm in the freezer I'm fighting the hypo you bite it don't let it mess with us I can't do anything I'm perfectly fine I don't know what you're talking about yeah someone get back here and help me god oh god oh god no go after Oni instead okay I got stuck in the trees I'm good I'm fine I'm not fine there's a hypercar no oh it's good stuck on the trees I'm just gonna hide in here we're fine I don't doesn't see me you know you guys look like you were weakened so you know it's [Music] my god I totally just sold you out dude I totally just sold you out I bet it I Paul the Union his ass I pulled you in my ass he'd rather just keep running 50 products that's right you're gonna suck on these now you're gonna guys you have the quits coming after you - I think I lost it in the in the trees into the trees into the trees into the trees into the trees into the trees act like this didn't happen No is it over I'm not bringing anything toward you I have nothing near me right now I just lost ed you hear me you hear me I see the hypo Aries you stay right there shouldn't see you I really overseas you oh I think you guys made noise I might be going after you now oh I see them yeah we're hiding behind the tree should be able to see me well I see you guys up there yeah we need a rescue mission over here what the hell am I gonna do to rescue you again okay I was like it was throwing a kitten in the fight a water buffalo oh god there's a hypo spinal washing up by me I'm behind a tree KISSING can't see anything me oh god my testicles help Oh God turn around it's gonna fall and die if nothing walks on you it kills you guys what yeah we should be able to get away at night granted the sequence doesn't have any more error oh my god it's getting closer that's what I thought Oh God oh my finals over on our side guys run the Rex is still on my side I just might my thing reset weird yeah it's like I got a lag spikes DC's ODI just like rubber-banded all the way back up here oh my god dude that hypo Colonel is good Oh God is it up here I'm out I'm out no I don't think you can get us here I don't think you can get us there goes OD watch out look out the car oh Jesus holy crap watch our chaos on the safe place tano can't get us we're good colonel can't get us for now Oh God but that's finals like right there what really corner this is a really bad position to be in [Laughter] I'm not gonna survive another bite you guys go over there and keep those those monsters over there while we stay over here knives oh god there's the high post final let's let's ditch them that will leave these guys with it with the high post we would you know like a tactical air strike or something okay yes I get stuck in the trees Ares we need to go oh Jesus Christ yeah I got my neighbors you're not I can't see anything look straight ahead and run that's what I'm doing right now we just got to keep hitting it stuck in these trees let's hope the trees don't run out Oh God nope nope nope nope Elliot I just duped it we're good I'm fine I'm I'm perfectly fine I don't know what you're talking about Manuel you drama queen I'm running past the water - oh god yes trees I'm gonna lose them in the trees that's kind of the obvious of what you want to happen if I don't die in this game I just get reborn keep your eyes open in case those hi I don't think we we lost them entirely we should be good though we're almost at the radio tower anyways so we should all got it so dark we're almost there just be really careful oh there's a bunch of Karnas over here there's the radio tower I think we're good oh hang on hang on what's going on okay stability is still 50% guys look around make sure you can't see the high post oh there's the quits there's the question there oh god they're coming for us they're coming for us hey run that's a way better meal than me you got to get out of here Oh God by understanding how did it find us that's okay the car is a little bit smaller I can get through the trees bug that Rex can't we lost the Rex the people keep us safe hell yeah he's literally just right here [Music] everyone get over here everyone get over here to the Pew honey honey Oh God she realizes the spine on there I'm so lucky I had my ambush this is like Star Wars with the walkers tylo you'll run for the radio tower run for the radio tower oh god the rush is running it's you guys Oh God the quest is right god I'm gonna bite it if it comes man you guys ran up that mountain guys oh oh god okay there's big things now it's time to go spot server can't get down here yeah like we're good fine fine don't worry about it a case doesn't concern you yeah I'm bleeding I've been running and bleeding the whole time I think we have the only safe spot right now there's the question Kaz I think the quest is trying to find a way down for them do it you're worse oh that's terrifying do Thanks that's kind of majestic don't three-column what's wrong with you we're gonna get ready to run our asses out of town again oh yeah look at your big little fingers nice I know that really did not make sense where's the hypo Rex I don't see the hippo legs yeah I don't see the hippo Rex at all [Music] how it is we're just hanging out back there and so majestic like just look at the quits power surge detected they'll say the point okay all right what just happened he just like he got a nose a nose someone snapped well the Bible is for calling oh man Wow did that really what happened that quits they like disappeared they like delete itself like source struck that with lightning or something yeah they're for calling and running away we beat them up we beat those punks ups hell yeah don't get them I don't get them yeah okay you talk to yourself
Channel: Anthomnia
Views: 1,584,482
Rating: 4.9049277 out of 5
Keywords: tHE iSLE, THEISLE, THE ISLE GAME, THE ISLE GAMEPLAY, HE ISLE HYPO, THE ISLE HYPO REX, THE ISLE HYPO GIGA, THE ISLE HYPO SPINO, THE ISLE HYPO CARNO, THE ISLE TYPE-H, The isle type-h carno, anthomnia, anthomnia the isle, the isle anthomnia, dinosaur, dinosaur game, dinosaurs
Id: 5iMfitfaefA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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