The Legend of Let Me Solo Her in Helldivers 2 (Community Legend)

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Elden ring hell divers 2 I know most of you are going to be sitting there scratching your heads when I say there's a link between the two what do you mean Evan is the strangest crossover in the history of gaming about to occur well yes but also no you'll see what I mean hell divers 2's rise has been Swift and rapid and that might just be the understatement of the year the game is a flourishing Community a dedicated development team and an Innovative way of handling live service all of which has come together to result in a game that most people just can't put down at the minute despite this there's trouble in Paradise AKA super Earth certain elements of the community have been resorting to an undemocratic tactic in their pursuit of fun you've all heard of gance the demon but that's not what I'm describing here there are a number of players who are committing a cardinal sin within hell divers 2 kicking their squadmates from the lobby for various reasons some do it because their fellow divers bring gear that doesn't match up to their ridiculous standards some do it because they take personal offense to the unavoidable Act of accidentally getting mowed down by your squadmates 380 mm orbital barrage some sick individuals do it because they enjoy being a nuisance to other people around them obviously these actions do not represent the values of any proper hell diver they do not represent the values of super Earth they go against everything that we stand for everything that we dive for the games developer Arrowhead is trying to work on Solutions yet it's not clear what the next best step is community members have made suggestions and there will inevitably be an update which will make it harder for these undemocratic players to abuse the kick function in the way that they're doing now in the meantime though there is chaos on the Battlefront and yet there is also hope newbies and Veterans alike may not have heard of him yet so today we are going to discuss a champion of the people emerging in Hell divers 2 this is where Elden ring comes in if you haven't heard of let me solo her well you're in for a treat my friend I've already made a video which explains everything about the most legendary Elden ring player alive and I have a whole second Channel mostly dedicated to Elden ring content this is the story of how let me solo her came to help divers [Music] 2o new orders from Super Earth just dropped and I think you'll be pretty happy to hear these time to spill oil in a new location you're going to have to ditch your uniforms and your graphics and head into stalcraft stalcraft was made by fans of Minecraft just like hell divers was made by fans of of Starship Troopers stalcraft combines Minecraft and the world of Stalker into a 10-year journey of a project PVP and PVE in the open world FPS setting with a live service of developments updates twice a month a nonlinear well-developed fascinating plot for at least 50 hours of your time there is an event currently taking place too for the divers Slavs versus lizards with new skins new weapons and new paints all you need to do is head to the link Down Below in the description and new players will receive a good starting amount of equipment for a comfortable passage of the plot and the beginning of Adventures in the zone so accept your new orders by using my link down below thank you to stalcraft for sponsoring this video and now back to the diving at hand it wouldn't be fair to say that hell divers 2 has many issues right about now if anything the game is absolutely flourishing it's got everything a healthy young live service game could ask for a strong player base which doesn't seem to be dropping at all fresh content to be added to the game almost every week talented and passionate developers who genuinely care about the game amongst many other elements that contribute to its success and it's independently owned so the people in charge are Gamers and not suits who just see red and green however there is a small fly in the ointment at the moment within the hell divers 2 Community the majority of the player base are Exemplar models of all that a true diver should be helpful friendly and only a little trigger happy when it comes to raiding down Hellfire and accidentally taking out their teammates with their strategems there is a small subset of the population though that have been making the experience of the game worse for everyone we've already covered gance the demon on this channel and it's certainly true that deliberately killing your teammates for no reason is at best incompetent and at worst traitorous that being said new evidence is come to light which suggests that gance is innocent and was merely retaliating against a teammate who had killed a friend of theirs but more on that in a future video regardless of whether gance is innocent or not we're not covering team killing today instead we got to focus on a crime which is just as heinous in my book kicking your squadmates whether it be at the beginning of a game or even worse right at the end just before you extract now this has been an issue in many multiplayer games over the years one of the more notable cases is with Destiny 2 not all of us have been there but for the ones who have you'll know what I'm talking about when I describe the crushing feeling that a company's being booted just before you get the rewards for a cleared raid encounter that same feeling can be felt in Hell divers too imagine you fought through hordes of bugs or Bots risking your life for those sweet sweet samples and at the end of a 45-minute long Mission you get kicked I think I can speak for most of us when I I say I wouldn't just be losing my samples I'd be losing my [ __ ] mind and yet again the federacy has reminded me that there is no cursing on this broadcast the reason for people kicking others differs I think if someone is kicking others at the end of the game it's just cuz they're immature or a weenie or both to be honest however there are other equally stupid reasons for why people are getting kicked one of them is the fact that players don't realize that all currencies that you pick up in game are shared especially samples when you see a teammate pick up a wealth of samples during a mission you'll be pleased to know that they're actually helping you some people just don't know about this fact even though the game makes it quite clear on multiple occasions but in all honesty it's okay if people don't know everything about the game and it's also okay if people don't know some basic details about the game it becomes an issue when people react by killing or Worse kicking players because they're angry that they stole their samples or other currency something else which is getting players kicked is the fact that they might not be using the meta Loadout you can't see it but I've put meta and inverted commas because the game is specifically built so that you can use multiple Avenues to achieve success yes at the higher levels there are tactics that work better than others but there are so many options if you want to annihilate your enemies and uphold managed democracy without breaking a sweat it's fine to suggest that people consider using the strategems and gear that you think are the most effective but it is just wrong when people kick others from their game when they're not using the best options available so as you can see this is quite a serious problem in Hell divers 2 at the moment so much so that the CEO of Arrowhead took to Twitter to ask Gamers what they thought the solution to this issue should be this became such an issue that we needed a hero and arguably a legend from even a different game a faceless hero and the people's Champion when they needed him most from the depths of Elden ring its greatest Legend emerged let me solo her many of you have played Elden ring or maybe you haven't it was Game of the Year in 2022 for a reason from software's Masterpiece is getting a DLC in late June and I got to tell you I'm so hyped for that Elden ring is one of my favorite games ever not least because of the incredible feeling of finally prevailing against an insanely difficult boss after hours of working out the strategy if it's hard bosses you like well Elden ring is some pretty damn hard bosses the bosses in this game are unforgiving brutal and nightmarish at times but just like hell divers 2 you can have freedom to use whatever you want to bringing in the right equipment to strategize against a boss can actually do you a lot of favors none are more difficult to beat than melenia and I've made an entire video on melenia on my second Channel but for those who haven't gone up against her just know that the fight is frustrating to say the least and people fail a lot yet the person we're about to discuss is no mere mortal in April of 2022 let me solo her became a spirit summon which is basically co-op in Elden ring and helped out players against melenia they sat in the background while all he wore was a jar on his head and two katas in hand didn't take a single hit from melenia and beat her in an arguably harder fight bosses get additional Health the more players you summon in to help you in a fight and there's usually DN too so the fact that let me solo her taunted melenia and the fact that let me solo her has beaten her over thousands of times is a gesture of recognition and celebration that even Bandai Namco couldn't help but get in on they gifted let me solo her an entire sword and it's no surprise to this day that let me solo her story stands as a Beacon of Courage for all Gamers who face difficulty in whatever games they decide to play it serves as a reminder that anyone can face the most punishing of enemies and yet still Triumph Against All Odds so now we come back to Hell divers 2 because someone special is making their name in this glorious game someone who stands out amidst the undemocratic traitorous worms and team Killers with no remorse a hero in our time of need our very own let me solo her we've discussed the issues that are currently present in Hell divers 2 and make no mistake though the player base is tough strong and only a little bit traumatized by the fall of Malon Creek that being said the community is trying to deal with a genuine issue traitorous activities and we could really use a symbol of Hope right now we could really use a let me solo her to boost morale enter skull Admiral atasu atasu who is Mountain leader to 722 on Reddit made a post on the 11th of March describing how he's that level 50 guy who likes answering distress calls this absolute Chad having achieved all that there is to achieve in the game didn't decide to hang up his cape and wait for a new content to drop he's made of stronger more democratic stuff than that instead he deliberately tries to help struggling players by making use of the SOS mechanic in the game atasu caught the attention of the hell divers 2 community and was interviewed by by IGN in the interview he explains the ways in which he carries out his Crusade offering a helping hand to all who need it he stated that quote if I'm doing an SOS session I start with difficulty level three and four until Level 9 if there are no more SOS signals I will launch my own level 5 through 7 operation so that anyone looking for a group can join us and we can then move on to higher difficulties very rewarding he calls in higher higher quality weapons and equipment for the people that he plays with he moves through the map completing objectives like a wholesome angel of death and then he calls in the extraction shuttle so he can wait while the people he's playing with finish up anything they feel like doing he has said that playing the game like this is as he remembers being a Cadet and trying to figure out how to kill a charger today if I see someone struggling with something I try and reach out and help him this absolute Legend has already responded to over a 100 SOS signals and that number is sure to increase as the game continues to move on to its second month after launch of course this is very reminiscent of the tale of let me solo her and Klein suboy a Godly player who is incredibly skilled at the game joins on people who are struggling just so that they can help achieve Victory with no expectation of reward or gratitude nonetheless atasu has been receiving gratitude and fame alike now when players see him in game they respond by congratulating him in the text chat or emoting to show their support this is a shining example of what all hell divers should strive to achieve this man is a beacon of Liberty in a world darkened by those who would team kill or kick he may just be one man but he can serve as an emblem of everything we fight for people like otasu are those who make hell divers Community what it is and if his Noble Deeds get more attention I think the developers should honor the hero of Hell divers 2o the hell divers 2 let me solo her remember when I jokingly suggested that there should be a collab between Elden ring and Hell divers 2 at the start of the video well I don't think that'll ever happen properly these two games are so distinct that it wouldn't make much sense that being said I think we've witnessed an unofficial collaboration because of the events I've explained in this video I laid out the problem that hell divers 2 is facing at the moment a plague of traitorous divers who are kicking people out of their lobbies due to Rage or just sheer cruelty we know about the story of let me solo her the legendary figure of Elden ring well skull Admiral atasu might not have achieved the same Heights as the revered let me solo herd yet but he has been aiding his fellow hell divers when they needed him most whether it's dropping in high level gear or tirelessly completing objectives atasu is the kind of person to casually wait for his squadmates by the extraction shuttle after having obliterated most of the enemies on the map he is a shining example of a true held diver and managed democracy is much much stronger with him on our side who knows where the future will take US divers but one thing is for sure we got some good people on our side keep up the good fight and I'll see you next time Evan 2 signing [Music] [Music] off bamboo it's three symbols three houses
Channel: evanf1997
Views: 184,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: helldivers 2, let me solo her, evanf1997, evanf1997 editor, evanf1997 let me solo her, let me solo her helldivers, helldivers let me solo her, helldivers 2 ps5, helldivers 2 review, helldivers 2 gameplay, helldivers hardest level, helldivers new enemy, helldivers new hero, helldivers community, helldivers community story, helldivers 2 community toxic, gantz the demon helldivers 2, The Legend of Let Me Solo Her in Helldivers 2 (Community Legend), community helldivers, illuminate
Id: PwIeNKvk76Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 15sec (915 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 23 2024
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