Why Purple Blasters Are So Rare In Star Wars

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why are purple blasters so rare in Star Wars I always thought it was so cool that mace Wu was the only Jedi to have a purple lightsaber and he literally had to ask George Lucas for it himself there no purple L you might get purple but what about purple blasters I've wondered this ever since I was a little kid watching attack of the Clones and saw those little gean Ocean Star Fighters zip on screen and start blasting Our Heroes they shoot these beautiful purple Blaster bolts and I think they look so cool and so unique the Hailfire droids their purple missiles look awesome too and most recently in the book of Boba Fett we finally see our first Blaster pistol ever that shoots purple and for me this was personally one of my favorite details in the entire show but why is there just these two instances in all of Star Wars we have red which is the most common and then we have the entire Imperial Navy using green which looks awesome blue was used during the Clone Wars we even have yellow which the mandalorians use as well as the Imperials for training purposes and we even see some snipers that shoot it but then we just have one purple blaster in all of Star Wars why is there not more I actually reached out and asked the actor that plays this character just because I wondered if he simply asked the director for it like Samuel Jackson did and the answer he gave me I was not expecting we're going to talk about that in literally every single Source I could find in the last 30 days that could give us a clue to why purple blasters are so rare to see if you'd like to know the Canon reason of why blasters shoot different colors in the the world of Star Wars then this is the video for you my goal was that this would be the definitive video for that using every tidbit of information they'd given us going all the way back to 1984 with the very first Star Wars reference book I could find I'll probably put a little footer at the bottom of the screen during the video for my sources with the title and publication date just because there will be so many throughout the entire video so please bear with me hello there and as much as I'd like to just say purple blasters consist of argon or something and that's why they emit the purple glow there is just so much more to it than that and I feel like we need to just start by getting the obvious answer out of the way yes at face value the different colors are mainly intended to color code opposing forces in the original trilogy the rebels shot all red while the entirety of the Imperial Navy all shot green the Tie fighters the turbo lasers even the Death Star itself and while this does make it easier to interpret Space Battles and see who shooting who isn't it backwards shouldn't red be for the bad guys and good guys are Green Well normally yes but for the original trilogy Lucas took heavy inspiration from World War II where the Allies used red tracers and the axis mainly used green that's why the colors seem to be flipped but then when you get to the Clone Wars all the Clones use blue shots while all of the separatists shoot red this is more along the lines of what you'd expect the good and bad guys to be colorcoded as this is used so extremely in Clone Wars that sometimes factions using one color will change colors of blaster fire in the same episode whether they are fighting with the good guys versus the bad guys which is a little comical and the only reason Good Guys using blue doesn't make sense is when Disney decided to continue this pattern and use it in the sequels the resistance chose to use blue while the first order uses red and I'll explain that in a minute it just doesn't make sense but basically that's the real world answer of why blasters are different colors hopefully that eliminates a ton of good guys bad guys comments now let's start exploring why blasters are actually different colors and to start getting into the lore of we need a brief explanation of how a blaster actually works and this is actually not one solid answer as I'm sure you can imagine a lot of changes happen in the 47 years since the first movie came out and Blaster explanations have slightly fluctuated over the years the bread circus did a great video on this if you want to know more about all the differences and the technicality of how a blaster functions but for this video we're going to go back and look at the oldest information I could find so there's two main components of a blaster the gas chamber and the power pack the gas chamber can be filled up with any number of energy-rich gases most use the more commonly found tabana gas this is what Lando was mining in Cloud City what have we here power packs could easily be replaced but replacing the gas was a little harder power packs could last 100 shots in an E11 but the gas chamber needs to be refilled every 500 shots and to do that you would have to put a small gas canister to the back of the Blaster to the refill valve and manually put gas in it when you fire a blaster a small amount of the gas goes into a converter where energy from the power pack excites the gas then it goes through the actuating module that converts it into a particle beam which is then sent through the focusing Crystal and out the barrel where it is a glowing bolt of energy now this is the main process that's echoed throughout a lot of the books but all of the extra details are where it gets a little bit fuzzy in 1987 the Star Wars Source book said that blasters usually output their power in the visual light spectrum so that the Gunner can see where his shots are going like the real world tracers we talked about earlier but this also said that some laser can be altered to change their beam color to any wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum this allows such vessels to attack invisibly by firing in the non-visible Spectrum to gain initial surprise but because such attacks can be detected by sophisticated electronic defense systems this tactic is only of limited Effectiveness and in 1997 the First Essential guide to weapons and Technology backed this up by saying that the bolt of visible light is a harmless byproduct of the reaction almost saying the visible bolt of light we see is like the muzzle flash on a gun it's not the bullet just a byproduct but in this case it continues to travel along the path of the high energy particles and usually hits the target around the same time I can't help but think that this was just an excuse for some of the on-screen minor frame errors where you see someone get hit a frame or two before the bolt looks like it actually hits them now back to the Source book from 1987 it said that blasters usually come with an intensity setting providing the user with everything from stun mode to full power and on its highest setting a blaster is capable of vaporizing almost any material it hits and the new essential guide to weapons in Tech from 2004 established that the non-lethal stun feature normally renders the victim unconscious for up to 10 minutes and the cr2s that we see the nabo royal guard using at theed in episode one had a secondary fire mode that shot concentrated electricity to stun their targets which sounds like an actual stun bolt rather than lowering the intensity to stun this book says that the low powerered stun setting on blasters overloads a target's nervous system and renders them temporarily paralyzed this was a short range setting no matter what the blaster's normal range was in fact Hans d44 had a really neat feature of its own built into it in 1991 krin's Rebel Field Guide was published which is an awesome book if you get the chance to check it out but it says that originally you could half squeeze a blaster's trigger specifically the d44 and an even smaller amount of gas than normal would be released into the chamber and excited but there was only enough energy release to produce a small amount of Light which was focused by the barrel you were able to use the light com out of your Barrel to pinpoint where your shots would hit it was like a laser pointer but it was aimed directly from the center of your Barrel this is a really cool feature I never knew about also if you're enjoying the video go down and blast the Subscribe button I've got more fun Star Wars videos I'm working on that you're not going to want to miss now in the way of changing color this goes all the way back to 1984 one year after Return of the Jedi came out Del Rey published a guide to the Star Wars Universe this was the earliest Star Wars informational book I could find and it says that depending on the blaster's design the energy bolts will vary in color in that the intensity of the Blaster may be adjusted to stun an individual the color explanation was very vague here it could be the actual company that manufactured it was the one determining the color it could be about anything and it established that setting the Blaster to stun was literally just lowering the intensity of it in 87 back to the Source book it said that not only depending on the blaster's design but also its power output and the blaster's current setting will determine the color of the energy bolt saying that it was also a power output factor in what setting you used here I'm sure referencing the blue stun Blast From A New Hope the next mention of color variation was in the Rebels field guide from 91 where it was the first source to establish that different gases provide not only different power levels but also different colored bolts and then it goes on to list a bunch of different kinds of gases that we still see around today which we'll get to in a second we're not done with color though to add to the blaster's design power output setting and gas used the Star Wars technical journal from 994 adds that it also had to do with the internal lens Arrangement which I want to say I think refers to the focusing Crystal because I have no idea what the internal lens is in a blaster most diagrams just show the crystal to focus it so I feel like it's referring to the crystal acting as a lens focusing the particle beam it also said the weapon manufacturer played a role in the color of the bolt but I think that just fits into the blaster's design now in Star Wars fact file number 7 from O2 it says for the first time that the tie Fighter's distinct green beams were caused by the frequency of the Laser's modulating Crystal now this is interesting for multiple reasons one it completely contradicts the recent explanation for green laser bolts in Star Wars and two it feeds into an entirely different Theory not mentioned anywhere else as we all know all light itself is energy and it travels in waves light with a longer wavelength like red at the far side of the spectrum has less energy than light with a shorter wavelength like yellow and then green and blue and then last purple red light wavelengths are almost twice as long as purple light wavelengths and while this is just a theory a game theory in Star Wars that the Blaster color on the Spectrum relates to how powerful the bolts are I do have data behind some purple blasters to actually back this up with how effective they are that we're going to talk about deeper in the video now in the Star Wars factfile 45 from later in 2002 it said that less refined or impure tanagas will yield different color bolts ranging anywhere from red to blue to green which means that the color also had to do with how refined a gas was in the book weapon of a Jedi from 2015 Luke posing as a hyperspace Scout tells the Stormtrooper he's off to refuel a tbon gas deposit of the good stuff called Interstellar gas which is a more pure form of tabana in 2004 the new essential guide to weapons and Tech said that as well as the gas used it also was determined by the crystal in the blaster which I think is what they were trying to say with the internal lens Arrangement and then in 2012 this book backed it up by saying the exact same thing color is determined by the gas and the Crystal and I do wonder if they meant the frequency of the crystal or the origin or shape or some other Factor as well so honestly at this point in time color of the Blaster bolt is determined by its design its power output and what setting it's using and then what gas you're using and how refined it is and then the crystal so many more things affect color than I original thought when the Blaster was first developed they tested a variety of different gases to see which of them would produce the most intense packets of light researchers found that six of the more common gases including orth Sig and prothom would work equally as good this is from Galaxy guide 2 yavan bestman from 1989 most Munitions companies across the Galaxy used one of these six gases in the production of blasters one test led to the discovery that if certain gases are isolated spin sealed and compressed on the atomic level they transmit four times the energy of the same gas not in a spin sealed State when gas is spin sealed the light is altered so that it reacts more violently with certain types of armor Coatings causing more damage but the research to spin seal the gas was extremely expensive so no one could afford to do it it requires such extreme temperatures and pressures that only a few labs in the entire galaxy were able to make this besin was able to do this and that was their secret to their wealth everyone only thought they M the tabanag gas to use this hyperdrive engine coolant but on the down low they were selling it to secret groups of arms manufacturers they were keeping it quiet to avoid any Imperial interest now I know this book only mentioned three of the six common gases in the rebel Field Guide it said that as well as the three mentioned in Galaxy guide there was also elaton which is actually what we see Cassi and Andor carrying in Rogue one as well as toam andev and it was said that the spin sealed tanagas was equally as powerful but way harder to find since the Empire was super strict on regulating who can purchase which gases for weapons usage they offered certain corporations monopolies over gas Mining and distribution which made it even harder for the alliance to get their gases for their weapons there were encounters where Rebel fleets were merely a distraction because of lack of blaster gases now here it established tabanag gas to be as equally powerful as all the other standard gases but a couple years later in a guide to the Star Wars Universe from 94 it says that the spin seal tobon gas's energy output is four times more powerful than when it's not in that personal weapons could not withstand the extra yield so ship mounted blasters benefited from the use of tabanag gas it was saying that this spin seal tabana was so powerful that personal weapons weren't able to handle all that power and this was backed up in ' 08 with the Star Wars encyclopedia saying that it was rare and personal weapons couldn't tolerate the extra power so it was mainly used for ship mounted blasters and that most of the non-spin sealed tanagas was used for the standard hyperdrive coolant there was actually a specifically engineered isotope of tabanag gas called tabana X made by X TI Corp for incom Industries to use in their stealth star fighters to minimize their ion Trails these were the Jedi exclusive stealth X Fighters used by Luke Skywalker's New Jedi Order this gas made the ship's ion emissions cool in milliseconds making the ships extremely hard to track and here it says that raw tabana absorbs Photon energy at 52.5% efficiency which is extremely high but more refine tabana that has been naturally forged and irradiated in pressure currents found in middle layers of gas giant absorb photons at 79.6% efficiency making it even more powerful there was an actual organization established to regulate overpowered blaster gas in Rise of the separatist published in 2019 we learned about the Bureau of Sig spice and slavery or S3 for short it was an intelligence collection and Analysis agency whose job was literally to examine weapons spice and slaves recovered from arrests and Trace them back to the bad guys and create a map of all of these criminal networks they discovered it said that criminals used to favor Sig blaster gas because it had armor-piercing qualities but unfortunately was so inaccurate and was almost banned so on top of the five different base things that determine your blaster's color there's also so many different Blaster gases and different variations you could use that did different things and cause different reactions the very first Blaster bolt we ever saw was the common red Blaster bolt and we quickly see how effective it is not only against the Rebellion but also against the armor plated Stormtroopers and then we're introduced to the stun setting this blue ring fired out of the Stormtrooper z11 this low power setting shuts down Leia's nervous system for 10 minutes and while not lethal it is still very effective and here's a question for all the people that think they know Star Wars besides this blue stun blast when do you think the next time we saw a blue Blaster was attack of the Clones when the gunship showed up and we saw our first clones well if you said this you are partially right to the 1% who knows the correct answer and no it's not the gungin blue balls so no have a I'm talking about the Empire Strikes Back Tie fighters yep usually Tie fighters shoot green all the way from Rogan through the Original Trilogy all the way through the sequels and into the Mandalorian but there is one instance where the Tie fighters are literally shooting blue I'm sure many of you know that there's been countless re-releases of these movies ever since 1982 the complete Star Wars Trilogy is now in our galaxy that was the very first home video release of a New Hope on VHS in ' 884 Empire was released and in ' 86 Return of the Jedi came out in 1992 all three original movies re-released in the letter boox collectors edition May the trilogy be with you for the best price ever yes and then in 1995 they re-released with the original versions of the films One Last Time digitally mastered in THX and then from there 2 years later we got the special editions with all the stuff George added and then they repacked and re-released them in 2000 with proper four five and six numbers to match the look of The Phantom Menace VHS then they got released as DVDs in 2004 the unaltered editions got another release in '06 and then in 2011 got a Blu-ray release and then four years after that a steelbook Blu-ray release and then they changed the art and got another re-release in 2019 including all the Disney films what I'm trying to say is there's been a lot of versions of Star Wars and only one of them has blue Tie fighters this version actually this was the THX release from 1995 right after Han leaves Hoth and they're being chased by Tie fighters something weird happens as you can see they start out shooting green and then this next shot they are shooting extremely blue I have no idea why but yeah these Tie fighters are shooting blue it happens in this next scene too the weird thing is these shots in the releases before and after the thx1 are all normal they're all normal TIE fighter green it's only this release which is so weird here it happens as Han flies into the asteroid field in these next two shots too there's very little information on this and while I know it was an unintentional error since it was Green in the editions before and after this it still presents a fun theory of the Tie fighters being able to switch to an ionized or stun setting to short out their targets disabling them but leaving them intact so they can be captured alive plus I don't know why but it looks so cool seeing the Tie Fighter shoot blue here right after this they go back to shooting green though but it actually happens with a different color later in the movie too too at the very end Luke's hanging out waiting for a ride on Cloud City and after they grab him and take off the ties chasing them start shooting white like pure white no idea why it's most likely just another random FX error since it's fixed in all the other versions and even in this next shot it goes back to green but in Universe it kind of be cool if the gaseous atmosphere of cloud city is what was interacting with the plasma bolts and causing a chemical action making them turn white and then when they leave the atmosphere it goes back to normal but that's just a fun theory if you have any behind the- scenes info on why ties shoot blue comment Down Below in the Star Wars Trilogy scrapbook that came out in '97 there's actually a picture of a stormtrooper here on best bin shooting a blue Blaster Bol but I mean grain of salt because there's also a picture of Obi-Wan and Darth Vader both with blue lightsabers I mean people had no idea that this was the ultimate teaser of their previous fight coming summer of 2005 I have The High Ground all right now let's get back on track besides these technically the first time we see intentional blue bolts was in this glorious scene the Clones are the ones that started the entire Clone Wars era of the blue and red fire exchange these true blue bolts were created using tabanag gas and were hyper ionized the perks of shooting ionized Blaster bolts are that theoretically they'll be more effective against Machinery or in this case the Droids that they're fighting although they do use them extensively against the droids it seems that they are absolutely just as effective shooting standard targets that are not electrical and are just as deadly Fs in chat boys and we also need to mention the orange Blaster bolt which we saw briefly in A New Hope with the training Droid according to the Star Wars Trilogy scrapbook from 97 these bolts are stingy non-lethal blasts we later see more of these in Clone Wars as the Clones are running through simulations and just the same they shoot a more canyan Blaster bolt closer to the color of how Luke's lightsaber used to originally look look this is their version of a low power training round now the first time we see purple Blaster bolts are in this movie as well we actually first see the purple flak explosions on Geonosis which I cannot figure out for the life of me where they're coming from we then see the Hailfire droids with their purple missiles which look sick and then we see the gean ocean star Fighters these are escorting Dooku when Anakin noi1 start chasing him down only for the star fighters to just rip into them with these beautiful purple blasters and that's it that's all the purple blasters we got was those 2 minutes at the end of attack of the Clones 18 years pass before we got more purple blasters and last but not least we have yellow we first saw this in Clone Wars the death watch shoots yellow Blaster bolts out of their Wester 35s which looks so cool and I can't help but wonder if they use local gas from Concord Dawn or Mandalore or something that gives these bolts penetrating qualities that makes them effective against their bestar armor now as cool as yellow is I think purple looks way cooler and we see it way less yellow is also used in some sniper rifles it's seen in Rebels a couple of times we see mandalorians use it some more we actually get to see it in live action for the first time in the Mandalorian which was really cool and then we also see that the Empire uses yellow bolts for training purposes which also explains why it's more than the color that means something if mandalorians are using it to be effective against bestcar armor it's extremely likely it's more powerful or can penetrate more than the standard red or blue Blaster bolts but at the same time we see Imperials using it as a practice round we ended up seeing yellow a lot more than we ever see of purple which is why purple is way more rare than any of the other colors we've ever seen up until 2021 we had never seen anything on screen that wasn't a vehicle shoot a purple blast the first purple energy thing was actually the Pod Racer's energy binders which is just electromagnetic energy between two generators to hold the engines together this was made from an unknown energy and if you remember contact with them would stun the nerves and make that part of your body go numb for hours [Music] the podracer engines themselves ran off of traum Power fluid which was a specialized pod racing fuel designed for maximum power along with ionized injectant which is what activated the power fluid the energy binders have their own generator that they run off of so they're not taking any power from the engines using the pod racing fuel but nothing specifies what these generators are powered by and very similarly we have the magnaguards these were first seen in Revenge of the Sith as grievous' personal bodyguard they carry these purple Electro staffs which look absolutely awesome and we see them a lot in Clone Wars as well the purple energy on their electr staffs is an electromagnetic pulse mainly used to fight against Jedi with lightsabers it runs off of two energy cells one in each end of the staff that power and EMP field generator used to create the purple end of electricity there's no information on what type of Power Cell was in the electro staffs but they had multiple power settings including stun standard and full power that could tear an opponent in half this was from the force and Destiny roleplaying game from 2015 the first time Grievous's magnaguards were used was on the fourth Moon of perine 2 Jedi General sannon was leading the Republic forces while Grievous was leading his droids into battle obliterating the Republic forces sannon tried to tackle Grievous but didn't get to him in time and was stabbed through the throat by a magn guard's Electro staff these could very well be using similar power sources to the pod racers energy binders but on a much more Compact and violent scale these two could shut down a nervous system but their intensity could also be turned up to tearing through organic tissue now there was also a bow rifle we see zeev use in Rebels that is both a blaster rifle and a staff while it does shoot red Blaster bolts the staff itself glows a purple electromagnetic pulse the rebels epic battles visual guide establishes that the tips of the staff can carry a maximum charge of 11,000 volts I would assume the build is similar to a standard Electro staff where the EMP tips has their own power cells separate from the Blaster power pack there was also a a yellow version that agent callus used this was a later model while zebs was one of the earlier ones we also got a version in EA's Battlefront that only had one singular tip on the end of the rifle and the electricity on the end was yellow as well it didn't seem that the yellow or purple bow rifle performed any different from one another maybe the lat switched to a different energy source or ran out of what they used for the original purple models we actually see a couple of magnaguards throughout Clone Wars wielding yellow electricity on their electrost staffs first in season 4 as Dooku's personal magnet guards and in season five as king rash's executioners nothing has ever differentiated them from the standard ones wielding purple though I have no idea why the color changed you would think they'd be better in some way but four of them zapping Anakin at once still doesn't work and Dooku has to take over and use Force lightning next in the Jedi Games The Purge Troopers carry Electro staffs which seem a little larger but do the same thing they seem to use the same Energy across all other Electro weapons as well as including these dual batons and this Electro Hammer the Dougs also used Electro staffs and used blue Lightning but as far as I could tell there's no Effectiveness difference due to color and then the last type of energy weapon like this was the weapons the Imperial petorian guards wielded in Mando there's no info on them besides this so while some of their weapons look similar to the petoran guards weapons we see in Last Jedi these are purple it looks like they operate very similarly with individual power cells fueling these electromagnetic features each of them has we also see moff Gideon's expandable Electro staff which looked absolutely sick now besides all these variations of Electro weapons we also see a purple energy bow first with the damir nightsisters in Clone Wars and then with Omega in bad batch these were actually similar to the Pod racer energy binders these were operated by a plasma coupler string in the grip of the Bose it's a plasma energy Reservoir and when pulled back creates a plasma Arrow too it can store dozens of arrows and in close quarters combat you could use the bow string like the arrows so when you're shooting it don't touch it this was all from the gadgets and gear book now this wraps up the personal purple energy weapons we've seen and moves us to the massive Heavy Cruiser weapon yes you know the one that I'm talking about the iconic malevolence this Cruiser had a special weapon on its sides that was essentially a long range Mega ion cannon this thing could literally take out entire Capital ships with one shot like a giant EMP all systems shut down immediately these super heavy ion cannons were Pulse weapons powered by the ship's reactor like we see in Ultimate Star Wars here and uses plasma rotors energize plasma rotors to charge a massive amount of plasma energy into an ionized state that they could shoot out at their targets the malevolence would use this weapon to disable enemy ships and just obliterate them with their standard turbo lasers now so far we have five purple energy weapons plus the Pod risers energy binders and five of those weapons will stun you the energy bow is more lethal and the closest thing to a blaster shooting PL plasma just the same but these are lethal now the Hailfire droids we see shooting the purple missiles aren't exactly the same as a purple Blaster but they might not be as different as you'd expect typically missiles are powered by either a solid or liquid fuel which gets burned producing the thrust needed to shoot it down the battlefield I wouldn't be surprised if these homing missiles use something similar to the tabana gas typically used in blasters what if these Hailfire missiles use a blaster gas that's more volatile or is specialized for a particular effect electrical penetrating disrup combustion and what if it's similar to what's used in the Geon Ocean Star Fighters the payload in these missiles are so explosive that one of these things is taking down brand spanking new atte that is crazy now for the actual purple blasters the Geon oceans have always kept to themselves that's the one thing they wanted most was just for the rest of the Galaxy to leave them alone and their star Fighters were designed with that one thing in mind they never invaded they never carried the fight to their enemies they just defended their home world but they defended it with as much aggression as they possibly could these starf Fighters were actually a defensive ship with their biggest feet being the propulsion system this engine orb as well as their weapon system this single Laser cannon was separated from the rest of the craft each rotated in its own socket independently from the rest of the ship with strong superconducting magnets which resulted in lightning fast and frictionless movements which gave the ship true Vector thrust this allowed the fighters to move and change changed Direction extremely quickly with immediate response it resembled a small predatory fish striking at its targets and since the vehicle barely produced any glow it was able to move and attack without giving away its position and it was considered a stealth vehicle and the Geon Notions would use this to their advantage and Ambush their opponents in the asteroid field surrounding their planet and the tech in these star Fighters was some of the most alien even for Star Wars the pilots were actually raised from birth and were bonded to a specific starf Fighters flight computer that would increase reaction time during combat the pilots wore a mask that flight controllers could send different feromon smells through to change the Pilot's objectives that's also how they received vitals information from the ship there was 100 small tractor beam projectors inside the long nose of these starf fighters to guide laser fire to be incredibly accurate now on top of all of this I can only wonder about the tech Behind These purple laser cannons they used and since they were extremely resourceful from the planet itself I wonder if there's some part of Geonosis they harvested or mined to create this signature purple because you know who else was like this the gungans oh miss they were extremely resourceful with the planet of nibo they used naturally occurring plasma energy deposits from the planet itself as the basis for powering all of their technology the local bubble Sport and low cap plants partially digest raw plasma which the gungans then further process and it becomes a renewable energy source that barely produces any inert gas in its final stage and this is the plasma in their blue balls it also is the energy that powers their massive Shields and all of their bubble technology and not only that but it's also what they use to power their personal energy Shields which are also purple and while we're on the topic do you know who else uses nibo's naturally occurring plasma that's right the nibo royal guard in fact file 44 it mentions that this weapon the CR2 uses highly charged plasma usually more expensive to produce and was a little unstable for modern standards that's why everyone else stopped using the weapon but it says the special ammunition needed to shoot the gun was created cheaply using the naturally occurring and more stable plasma found on nabo how interesting one type of plasma could create green bolts blue plasma and purple energy interesting also the umbaran ended up using plasma weapon technology similar to the gungin they were also one of the only people using green Blaster bolts during this time umar's main resource for mining was dunum though a heavy metal used to build Starships I wouldn't be surprised if they also had local resources that they took advantage of to develop a higher quality Blaster bolt Wookies also used green bolts during this time but kashik mainly only ever got mined by the empire for its tree and Lumber in the aftermath book I have no idea how they got their green Blaster bolts it kind of makes you wonder if all the yellow Blaster bolts we see the mandalorians use came from the minds of Mandalore I mean that's where they mined all the bescar ore from even their Moon of Concordia had ore deposits that they would mine I wouldn't be surprised if these were derived from Besar ore to give them some bescar penetrating qualities or something now just like the gungans who mastered plasm Tech long ago the geonosians had to do the same and developed their own Tech that became their sonic Weaponry that we see them use their sonic Blaster was originally developed by geonosian gunsmiths from mining technology the original Sonic hammers were used to help break rocks to dig the foundations for their hives factories and their underground caves and tunnels and Geonosis itself surprisingly does have resources that could possibly lead to the unique purple blasters the planet is ridden with harsh winds and occasional down pores that lead to flash flooding and the Badlands are baked by radiation thick high altitude fog and frequent meteoroids that have been so big that when they hit the planet the dust cloud is so massive it covers the planet making it extremely cold and has multiple times caused mass extinctions there's also cosmic ray storms and some of the creatures have bioluminescent markings to attract mates in the darkness from the heavy fog Geonosis has a weak magnetic field so the sunlight is unfiltered and extremely harmful harmful charged High energy particles batter the surface and during turbulent solar activity the radiation storms engulf the planet sterilizing the surface life can only survive underground except for Red Rock algae they're tiny organisms that have colonized the entire surface and give the planet its red Hue now Geonosis has two asteroid belts set Sur it that were from the planet's largest moon a comet hit it and turned it into the debris field that we see it as today but these asteroids are rich in metals and provide a valuable source of raw materials for manufacturing op operations on the planet they actually provided all the raw materials they needed for the War Industry that's where the battle droids came from and they were dangerous and costly to mine but using them led to lower production costs and allowed them to maintain a super low profile around their entire operation they would bring the asteroids down to the surface grind them up and then smelt them in order to separate the different minerals any waste was siphoned off for disposal while the remaining molten metal was poured into large Vats they were then poured into different molds pounded into shapes by these maches and then trimmed and shaped by laser cutting tools the different components were then combined putting brains in the droids heads and Welding them onto the torsos the planet's chief export was battle droids after the battle of nabo the Senate banned the use of droid forces but Pogo the Lesser secretly continued manufacturing their droid army for new gunray in the Trade Federation it is totally possible that the asteroids around Geonosis had a special mineral or something that led to the discovery of their signature purple Blaster bolts but I actually found something interesting about another purple energy on the Battle of Geonosis we're going to put a pin in it for like 2 minutes to talk about the next purple blasters we see in Star Wars the next time we see purple Blaster bolts is actually in the Battlefront games which actually might be the most informative differentiator of all the sources we have these special purple Blaster bolts were only available for use after you unlock them yeah that's right there were special award weapons for the Blaster rifle pistol sniper and shotguns so once you get x amount of kills or head shot in one life it gave you access to the same weapons but they fired purple Blaster bolts and did increased damage there's no official stats for health and weapon damage in the game except for this one mention of it in the official game guide here it says the health pickups drop by Engineers increase your health by 50 ticks which for most of the classes is half of your health bar meaning most have 100 ticks of Health So based on that and using an ammunition droid's target practice we can see just how much damage these upgraded purple Blaster bolts do if you get 12 kills with a blaster rifle that usually does 18 damage per blast you you unlock the elite assault rifle that has burst fire and does 36 damage per blast it literally doubles your damage do you remember we were talking about the light spectrum how purple light has twice as much energy as red light red light has the longest wavelength at around 700 nanometers and purple is 380 nanom which is just over twice as much energy so in my head Cannon you're just swapping out the blaster gas and switching the setting on your weapon to burst if you get six pistol kills you unlock the Precision pistol that goes from 10 ticks per shot to 36 ticks per shot this is three and a half times more powerful the sniper rifle upgrade is a particle beam rifle that shoots this steady beam of purple and goes from 72 damage to 157 so just more than double as powerful and sadly the shotgun turns into the flette shotgun and does just 10% more damage it goes from 125 to 143 most of these are all insane bump UPS in power minus the shotgun Jen go f is also in the game wielding the new Wester 33 not to be confused with the sick Wester 34s that we we see an attack of the Clones his Wester 33 actually shoots purple Blaster Bolts from it and it does do 36 damage per shot which is just as much as the Elite Blaster rifle but by far the biggest and baddest purple weapon in this game is the magn guard's Bulldog rocket launching rifle yep you heard me this is technically not shooting actual Blaster bolts that are purple but anti-infantry homing Rockets but the Rockets still need fuel to burn once they're fired and it's totally possible the fuel and explosives in the rocket are the same this quickfire launcher holds six explosive rockets in a clip before needing to be reloaded and does a whopping 477 damage it completely destroyed our little ammunition Droid and can almost take out Med droids in one shot this is insane I did notice that sometimes enemies will brush off a hit from this without flinching and so I did a little testing and learned that the distance between you and your targets affects the damage in the opposite way that you would expect technically it should instakill almost every Trooper in the game with this damage output if you're far away it can one-hot a med Droid which is around 484 damage per shot but if you walk right up to it and shoot it Point Blank the med Droid will eat the rocket and keep giving you health it does 25% less damage if you're standing next to your Target and it seems to scale down with actual enemies it'll take 50 to 75% of their health away and kill you in the process super weird but at long range its power is impressive next we see one of the most recent purple Blaster additions to the universe in in Clone War season 7 on skako minor watt Tambour deploys a new variant of the octop par trid droids we see on christophsis but this time they fly now they fly now and not only do they fly now but they also shoot this cool purple beam out instead of the standard laser cannons we normally see them fire these are concentrated beams that almost seem to have an explosive effect when they hit something and if you look closely it also looks like they have some sort of electrical element to them as well this actually looks similar to the magn guard's purple electricity on their staffs not that they would need to stun their enemies when they're exploding them but maybe there's different settings where they can disable a vehicle from escaping without blowing it to smithin or maybe it's ionized to do more damage to vehicles and large weapons and funny enough this variation is called the Magna Tri Droid it's crazy to think that this is the only time we've ever seen these and it was to wipe out some Primitives I feel like these would be extremely useful in battles like christophsis where the CIS was getting obliterated from longrange cannons they could have secretly sent a couple of the around the battlefield to outflank them and destroy the Republic's cannons from behind but either way these look extremely powerful in the same episode watt Tambour introduces a new weapon called the decimator that shoots lethal purple electrical tentacles out that search for organic matter we never actually get to see the effects of this weapon in the episode because it was too gruesome and they had to cut it but luckily they released it as a deleted scene still in previous and holy cow was it brutal the purple energy tentacles would search out until they found living matter and then Focus all the other tentacles onto it until it vaporized the target this is pretty brutal and I can see why they cut it from the episode because it's a kids TV show but it still would have been cool to see it happen in the show I wonder if Tambour used the same energy source to power the decimator as he used in the trid droids beam weapons I wonder if they had incinerating effects on top of the explosive and electrical now do you remember the other purple energy on Geonosis we put a pin in 2 minutes ago well I noticed that the Techno Union Starships also have purple emissions from their rocket engines these starships were the opposite of efficient they used an insane amount of fuel but this wasn't a concern because the skakoan the founders of the Techno Union had three moons in their system that provided the fuel for all of their needs and what a coincidence these are the same people who also used the decimator and the magnet Tri Droids that shot purple I think is more than safe to assume that they were using the fuel from their moons to not just power their Starships but all of their weap weapons sko's methane atmosphere was deadly to most of the Galaxy's life forms and the skakoan harnessed the power of their atmosphere to improve their technology and cover their planet with industry methane was a plentiful and a powerful fuel source metallic resources are abundant and oxygen was a controllable and useful waste product although it was a flamable toxin and it also says that with Rich resources especially of methane and metals the skakoan had plenty to build and experiment with also due to solar radiation striking the dense at atmosphere the upper layers became an alkaline hazee it remains highly probable that the purple energy came from the methane or Special Metals on skako or one of its moons and I absolutely love this Theory it's completely pieced together but slowly I just kept finding more and more to back it up and now finally for the one and only onscreen handheld Blaster we see shoot purple Blaster bolts is from the book of Boba Fett like a banther yes this member of the mods has a very unique pistol not only does it shoot this beautiful purple blast but it also has this tiny little detail that I absolutely love a couple frames before the weapon is fired this coil on the top of it heats up and glows purple for a couple frames and then after you shoot it purple sparks fly out the back like a flint lock pistol the attention to detail that went into this one gun is amazing props to whoever did this I love it and at first I could not figure out for the life of me why this one seemingly small side character in the show got the only Blaster pistol that we've ever seen that shoots purple well I mean there was that one bounty hunter in the rebels comic eyes on the prize this aoran has this cool Blaster rifle that shoots purple blast but this was literally the one panel that we ever get to see of it this mod is the only onscreen purple Blaster but why originally I wondered if it was a similar scenario or at very least a head nod to Samuel Jackson getting his purple saber you might get get purple he literally just asked George Lucas for it so he could see himself stand out in the big fight and look where it got him I wondered if the actor Jordan buer just asked Robert Rodriguez if he could have a purple Blaster so I asked him and honestly his answer kind of surprised me he said that he had no idea it's honestly kind of funny because I guess that clears that up there's no Canon explanation but I can't help but feel it was a head nod to M Wu getting a purple Blaster and I can't complain because it's the coolest looking blaster in the Entre ire show I wonder if this character scad bought some illegal blaster gas off the black market to stand out since we know that they like to do that or maybe he bought a special color Crystal that changes his blaster's color from the mod parlor the only actual explanation we ever get for these more rare Blaster colors is from this book called Star Wars super graphic from 2017 here it lists all the colors and says red is the most common color because it's made from cheaper gas which honestly we just spent a half hour talking about spin sealed tabana gas and why it's so expensive so I don't know about that it says that green Blaster bolts came from a higher quality gas which makes it more expensive no more context just higher quality apparently I mean in fact file 45 it says that turbo lasers use tabanag gas so grain of salt with this book it says the blue is ion-based energy charges more effective against droids and machines orange is non-fatal low power training bolts and then yellow and purple it actually has nothing to say about it just says who uses them so while we don't know everything about Star Wars in in its technology from what we do know is that blasters can change color based on x amount of things purple is the most rare color we've seen with the fewest instances of it ever being used and the least amount of knowledge on its Origins but putting pieces together we can kind of come to conclusions on what it actually does the magn guard's Electro staffs the petorian guard weapons the bow rifle the malevolence the decimator and the Pod rers energy binders will all shock you they will either make your hand go numb for hours or send so much electricity through your body it will tear a hole in you or vaporize you and the magnet Tri droids look like they have some kind of electrical charge but they also seem to be quite explosive as well as the shots from the Geon ocean starf Fighters even scad's pistol seems to be a little more violent than it should be I feel like there's a pretty good chance that purple blasts would indicate high-powered bolts with an explosive or electrical punch to them most times doing twice as much damage as red bolts I'm sure they could most likely penetrate armor and still be explosive I want it to be some secret Black Market blaster gas like Sig that S3 has to monitor that you can get rewarded to use in Battlefront when you do well but it could very well also just be crystals they're using in Star Wars the Old Republic that's all it was the Blaster bolt color was purely aesthetic lightsabers and blasters alike used color crystals to change the look but not the effectiveness of the weapon you could take crystals out of modded guns or craft them and use them in your guns to change the Blaster color if you have a blue color Crystal you put it in your gun and make make it you blue Blaster bolts purely cosmetic here you actually use the same color crystals to change lightsaber color as you do Blaster color and there is so many different variations but honestly I kind of like that the purple Blaster bolts are so rare in Star Wars in a world as big as this it feels nice that some things are still so special I really hope that you enjoyed the video subscribe and send this to your Star Wars friends and Remember the force will be with you always
Channel: Michael Jae
Views: 323,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jae, Star Wars, Why Purple Blasters Are So Rare In Star Wars, Star Wars Blasters, Star Wars Blaster Colors, Blasters, Purple Blasters, How Blasters Work, Different Blaster Colors, Mandalorian, Book of Boba Fett, Star Wars Prequels, Star Wars Blasters Explained, Clone Wars, Han Solo, Evolution of Star Wars Blasters, History of Star Wars Blasters, Star Wars Explained, How Does The Blaster Work
Id: 50qQb3N6fhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 24sec (2724 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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