The Law of Favor Pt. 3 | Believer's Walk of Faith

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the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers you favor determines the limits of everyone's destiny favor is like faith it demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor people can see it only one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor you're going to get confidence with favor all you've got to do it no God now I want you to get that Saints because that is one of the biggest difference between the world and the church I said God will open up your door that door can be locked and sealed for years but when you stand in front of it it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment no weapon no nothing because God has endorsed you you're going into a place now where God is about to raise you up but I don't want you to compromise going up the mountain come on I don't want you to bow to bail I want you to maintain your stand and the way you gonna do that is through favor divine favor works with a good attitude that if you think you're gonna come with a bad attitude and get favored to work you better watch it because a bad attitude could indicate your faith is not working because faith always sees the future for as much as God has shown you all this oh the oldest there is none so discreet and wise as you are thou shall be over my house and according to thy word shall all my people be ruled in other words you gonna tell Potiphar what to do only in the throne will I be greater than you and Pharaoh said to Joseph see I have set before the land of Egypt keep going and Pharaoh took off his ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph's hand and arrayed him investors and fine linen and put a gold chain about his neck Joseph had one hour with the king and big and he was running the whole country no no not you didn't get that favor opens up opportunity and in one hour with the King Jolin got favor with the king and in one hour he took over running the country if you have favor you cannot fail if you have favor you cannot fail now this is important folk because God is going to send you in among the wicked he's gonna send you in among people that are not saved he's gonna send you into places that are tight places but what you got to do is maintain your integrity of the Word of God you know that the God who sent you there is going to raise you up so as I win here I begin to look at all the people that had favor and it's in the Old Testament they had favor Daniel had favor in fact Daniel had such favor glower to God until everything contrary to his lifting was abandoned everything contrary to him rising was put aside I said everything it didn't make any difference what it was Joseph had favor it turned him from a slave into an heir they put him in prison but he became the commander and I'm telling you according to Psalm put it up there please Psalm chapter 30 and verse 5 look what it says here for his anger endureth but for a moment and his favour is what life weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning glory to God this favor is key for you to arrive at your destiny and people have not put value on favor because they didn't know what favor really now look what Paul said about fever look at first Corinthians chapter 15 and verse 10 but by the grace of God what does grace mean come on favorite I am what I am notice he's saying without that I'm nothing I couldn't have been raised up like I was raised up if I didn't have the grace of God all my life say amen to that how about David David knew about favor let's go to Psalm chapter 67 verses 1 & 2 place God be merciful unto us and bless us and cause his face to shine upon us Selah and if you look at that same scripture is over in numbers chapter 6 what we call the benediction God calls his faith his grace to shine upon us look at also and verse 2 of 6 Psalm 67 and verse 2 he said that thy way may be known upon earth thy saving health among all nations go to Psalm 1:19 please and verse 58 i entreated thy favor with my whole heart might be merciful unto me according to thy word in other words I ask for favor go to Hebrews please in Hebrews chapter 4 and verse 16 let's try that let us therefore come what boldly to the throne of grace that we might obtain mercy and find grace in time of need so you can pray for grace to be on your life now not only that how about Esther let's go to Esther please and essa' chapter 5 now as you know there was a law out to kill all the Jews but melt Mordecai Esther's uncle said s to go in and plead our case for the King as to send a kid going near could I do without being summoned I could get my head cut off he said si if you don't go God will deliver us some of the way the Bible says that's the fasted for three days and this is what happened he came to pass on the third day that has to put on her royal apparel somebody say royal and stood in the inner court of the king's house over against the king's house and the king set up on a royal throne somebody say royal in the royal house somebody say royal against the gate of the house and it was so when the King saw s to the Queen standing in the court that she obtained favor say favor in his sight and the King held out until Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand so as to drew near and touch the top of the scepter then said the King into her what will thou Queen Esther and what is thy request it shall be given thee to the half of thy kingdom so notice what happened with esta essa went in here unannounced but because of the favor of God she got half the kingdom and petitions granted I said petitions granted so when you're talking about favor you're talking about having laws changed to your benefit so favor will give you supernatural increase restoration increase assets great victories recognition prominence preferential treatment petitions granted palaces and rules and laws and regulations she and battles wand which you don't have to fight let's enter that that's it at Psalm chapter 43 of Tom forty-four please in Psalm 44 and let's start at verse 1 we have heard without ears of God our fathers have told us what work thou did us in their days and in the times of old keep going how thou did us drive out the heathen with our hand and planet them how thou did it's afflict the people and cast them out for they got not the land in possession by their own sword neither did their own arms save them but our right hand in the arm and the light of thy countenance because thou had a stay on to them so the favor was on Esther and not only was it on si the laws got eventually changed I believe there's some laws that need changing here is Luke chapter 1 starting at verse 26 and in the six month angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee named Nazareth to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph of the house of David and the Virgin's name was Mary and the angel came in to her and said hail thou art what highly favored say I'm highly favored of the Lord the Lord is with thee blessed art thou among women so here's Mary and she needed favour to be on her for her to be able to fulfill the destiny that God had for her how about the children of Israel coming out of Egypt look at Exodus chapter 3 please Exodus chapter 3 and look I'll start reading here at verse let's just say verse 21 all right and I will give this people what favor in the sight of the Egyptians and it shall come to pass when you go you will not go how empty now let me give you that what I wrote down one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labour they paid in one day for Israel's four hundred and thirty years of slavery one day one day one act of favor restored everything that they had lost say favorite say favorite is on my life now let me give you this how about Jesus do you know if Jesus had to have favor you have to have favor - well pastor I don't know about that all right first of all let's see if Jesus had favor let's go to Luke chapter two please verse 52 and Jesus increased in what wisdom and what else stature and in favor with God and me wow look at Hebrews chapter 2 and look at verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him to be made like unto his brethren that he might be of a what merciful and what faithful high priest in all things pertaining to God to make reconciliation for the sins of the people so notice Jesus was made like unto his one brethren how many you know Jesus was both human and divine notice he didn't operate like God he had to operate like a man so notice here I'm saying that he was made like unto his brethren let's go to another verse first Peter please in chapter 2 and look at chapter 2 and verse 21 for even hereunto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us a what an example that you should what follow his steps so we're going to follow the steps of G Jesus say amen to that let's go to John chapter 14 please so we are duplicating Jesus's ministry glory to God John 14 and look at verse 12 verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do what also and greater works than these shall he do why because I'm going to my father so God wants you to duplicate Jesus in his footsteps and do and understand the things that he did and that he did them for your example so Jesus had favor do you have to have favor why because favor is the way to the top or it's a God favor is the way to the top all right so let's just wrap this up now so what does that mean to you and me how do how does this how does this play out one is that one favor comes directly from God so I don't I don't have too big somebody else somebody to do something for me I don't have to bow down or compromise to get a door open only thing I need to know is that favor is on my life so favor determines the limits of everyone's destiny is not going to happen without some favor and God gives you favor he gives divine favor now Jesus had so much favor he had to tell people to keep quiet that'll register in just a minute he had so much favor here to tell folk don't tell him anything why because favor will give you prominence it will distinguish you and favor was raising it up so fast until he's trying to keep the crowds down so what am I saying favor favor took call from a murderer to a soul winner and wherever you go and you are down favor will bring you out so what I've done is I've put together here a confession on favor and this confession is for you today now before we confess this I want you to go to something with me because what I'm going to do with this that you're going to say today is you're going to bless yourself let's go to Isaiah and chapter 65 please he says in verse 16 that he who blessed himself in the earth shall bless himself in the God of truth I'll stop right there let's take that same verse in the amplified translation please so it shall be that he who invokes a blessing on himself in the land shall do so by saying so we're gonna bless house cells but we're gonna do so by saying to have to say something now go over to Deuteronomy chapter 30 please and in Deuteronomy chapter 30 he speaks a blessing he says in Deuteronomy 30 and look at verse glory to God 19 and he says I called heaven and earth to record this day against you that I've set before you life and death keep going blessing and cursing therefore choose what life that both you and your si shall in more than one or two people have testimonies I got a book at home with him right now of where their children were failing in school and they took this idea of favor which is upon them and for their household begin to speak blessing over their children and their children lord have mercy their children went from one level of grades failing to another level of grades the A's and B's now I had this happen when we were very small and still I don't know what where we were then I think we're in of on Madison Street I had the same thing that happened and what you got to do is you got to believe this so now we're going to bless ourselves by saying because we know proverbs chapter 1821 says this death and life come on are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall what eat the fruit thereof so you and your sea are gonna live by speaking something and wiegel's be favored over their lives [Applause] you ready now we're going to declare this now get ready because when you say it is go start happening the moment you declare this is going to start happening for you and then I'd like you to make sure you say it now continuously every day because I get up and confessed a favor of God surrounds me today like a shield say amen to that and I expect doors open I expect folks to call me on the phone and I get a blessing I expect come on out you ready say this with me in the name of Jesus I decree from this moment forward I see myself the way God sees me I am highly favored of the Lord I am crowned with glory and honor I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I am reigning as a king in life through the one man Jesus Christ the Messiah now in Jesus name I declare my faith that I walk in divine favor I have preferential treatment [Applause] supernatural increase I have restoration I have prominence I have petitions granted laws change policies and rules change and battles ones which I do not have to fight why oh because of fever the blessing and favor of God is on my life in Jesus name every morning when I arrive I will speak and expect divine favor to go before me and surround me as with a shield with goodwill and pleasures forevermore doors are now open for me that men have said are impossible to open no obstacle can stop me no hindrances can delay me in Jesus name I am honored by my father as I receive genuine favor that comes directly from God I am special to him I am the object of his affection I am the apple of his eye I am blessed and highly favored of the Lord in Jesus name Amen impossible situations are about to come to fruitfulness in your life where people have signed you off gods don't step you up because it's time for favor in your life [Music] favor determines the limits of everyone's destiny favor is like faith it demands that God be your source and your only source you can wear favor people can see it only one encounter with favor was worth a lifetime of labor with favor you're gonna get confidence with favor all you got to do is know God now I want you to get that Saints because that is one of the biggest difference between the world and the church I said God will open up your door that door can be locked and sealed for years but when you stand in front of it it will open up the favor of God is so powerful until no harassment no weapon no nothing because God has endorsed you you're going into a place now where God is about to raise you up but I don't want you to compromise going up the mountain come on I don't want you to bow to bail I want you to maintain your stand and the way you gonna do that is through Sabre understand God's favor expect his favor and wear divine favor on your life in pastor Winston's dynamic teaching entitled the law of favor to order on CD or mp3 DVD or mp4 contact us online at you can also reach us at one eight hundred seven one one nine three to seven walk into your destiny and rise to the top when you experience favor positioning you well beyond the limits of your past in the law of favor order the law weber today just one encounter with favors worth a lifetime of labor and what do i mean by that for example the favor of god that was on s just like remember when she got the favor of god on her life before the king he offered her half the kingdom uh-huh that means your petitions are going to be granted with favor and the favor of god that was on Ruth's life remember Ruth married Boaz remember that Boaz he one of the richest men in the county well Ruth ending up marrying Boaz why because of God's favor remember when the children of Israel came out of Egypt they came out loaded with silver and gold why because of God's favor one encounter of favor is worth a lifetime of labor praise God Elizabeth Winton until next time we love you and keep walking by faith [Music] don't miss the 2017 prayer conference two days of powerful strategic prayer hosted by doctors bill then Veronica Winston connected with God that you are not pulled into the devil's territory where he can rip you around because he can't this year we're focusing on the impact of an intercessor to pursue overtake and recover all learn to transform your prayer life and lean on the strength of the Lord here how to manifest the favor and the power of God with guest speaker apostle Cynthia Brazelton from Victory Christian International this event is free and open to the public but registration is required to register go to prayer dot L IV ing WD org get ready because prayer changes everything every day ordinary people are given the opportunity to do extraordinary things a chance to come together share the love of God heed the Great Commission give our faith in action and change the world a bill Winston ministries we've been called to the nation's and are committed daily to praying for you Isaiah chapter 56 verse 7 reads for my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations and here at our new bill Winston ministries prayer call center even the power of prayer and our partnership the new bill Winston ministries prayer call center one body of believers with a heart for God and a passion for people ready to stand in faith and pray with you the believers walk of faith is paid for by bill Winston ministries partners and viewers
Channel: Bill Winston Ministries
Views: 361,951
Rating: 4.8274231 out of 5
Keywords: 10873b, bill winston faith, The law of favor, bill winston ministries
Id: sdqUfhXRwpk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Sat May 06 2017
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