Discover How To Pray Effectively - Petitioning God For Prosperity, Part 1

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[Music] so [Music] hello everyone thank you for joining me again today we are thrilled that you are part of this television broadcast and partners let me tell you how much i appreciate you you are such a blessing to us we thank you for your belief in this ministry we thank you for catching the vision of the ministry and your financial support is a great blessing a great help to us in being able to reach people all over the world with a message of hope a message of encouragement and teaching people how to become the winner that god has called them to be thank you audience for being with us today appreciate you being here you're such a blessing to us as well you helped pull the word out of me and i appreciate that very very much today we're going to continue talking about the prayer of petition we've been talking about this for several weeks now and if you have your bibles with you i'd like you to open them to luke chapter 18. i want to do a little bit of review today before we get into some new material and once again we're talking about the prayer of petition but i want us to do a little bit of review and take a look at at prayer in general from luke chapter 18 and verse 1. this is jesus speaking it says he spoke a parable unto them to this end that men ought always to pray and not to faint men ought always to pray and not to faint not to give up how many of you have noticed sometimes after you pray you tend to want to give up particularly if you don't see results before dark amen well it'd be wonderful if all of our prayers manifested before dark in fact it'd be great if they manifested sooner than that and even though i've had some prayers manifest almost before i could get the amen out that's not the norm so you have to learn to stand the apostle paul said having done all to stand stand so you have to learn to stand you have to learn to be diligent to persevere just because you don't see anything happen in the natural you know in the next five minutes doesn't mean nothing's happening something happened in the spirit realm the moment you prayed the moment you said amen so it's important that we sh we look at prayer as our privilege of communicating with the creator of the universe it should never be viewed as some religious obligation prayer is a privilege say that with me prayer is a privilege think about it you get to speak and talk to god the creator of the universe he's offering you the opportunity to communicate with him in its simplest form prayer is not only talking to god but it's listening to god as well you know in prayer it should be a two-way street not you doing all the talking you know it's foolish for someone who doesn't know what to do to ask someone who knows how to do it and you do all the talking amen well somebody said well god doesn't talk to me now wait a minute don't add lying to this sin because the bible says that his sheep know his voice amen are you one of his sheep yes sir so you need to change your attitude when you go into prayer expect him to talk be in a listening mode all the time so once again prayer in its simplest form is talking to god and at the same time listening to god he's your father and it pleases him when you desire to spend time with him through prayer we can know his heart through prayer we can know his mind it gives us the opportunity to hear from him prayer should actually become a lifestyle to the believer that's what jesus is saying here men ought always to pray so in the end jesus attitude is this it's not if you pray but it's when you pray amen so he expects you to pray you can actually live in an attitude of prayer where you're listening all the time that's the way i live my life even though i may not be actually talking to god all the time but i'm listening all the time even when i'm driving down the highway in fact that's the reason my wife prefers to drive many times because i'm not paying attention i noticed a husband nudge his wife there in the audience most of the time i let her do it the driving because she knows you know i get real quiet a lot of times and i'm listening i'm always listening i never know when god might say something to me so i just stay in a listening mode all the time so prayer should become a lifestyle it should you should live in an attitude of prayer jesus said once again men ought always to pray and this is the way he lived his life on the earth often you'll find in the gospels where it says that jesus withdrew to pray so notice even jesus the son of god felt it necessary to communicate with his father on a continual basis prayer was important to him in fact it's how he received instruction from his father listen what jesus said in john 8 28 he said i do nothing of myself but as the father hath taught me so this tells me that that jesus expected the father to talk to him he expected the father to show him what to do and he said i don't do anything on my own i wait until i hear what my father has to say that's a good way to live wait until you hear what your father has to say so prayer should be as important to us as it was to jesus the apostle paul tells us in first thessalonians chapter 5 verses 16 through 18 and i'm reading a portion of that from the new international version he says be joyful always pray continually for this is god's will for you in christ jesus pray continually the new international version of colossians 4 3 makes this statement devote yourselves to prayer devote yourselves to prayer one of the famous preachers of days past john wesley once said it seems god is only limited by our prayer life he can do nothing for humanity unless someone asks him isn't that amazing he's only limited to our prayer life he does nothing for humanity unless someone asked him james said in james chapter 4 you have not because you ask not john 15 16 jesus said whatsoever you ask the father in my name he will give it you what a great promise whatever you ask the father in my name he will give it you so he's inviting us to ask and the question on my part is what are you going to take him up on this amen he's asking us to ask so why why wouldn't we ask whatever we need in prayer whatever we need in life he says that prayer is our way of receiving it now in the prayer petition it's important that you understand that the only way this prayer works is you have to know the will of god up front the prayer petition is based on the known will of god which means you're going to have to spend some time in the word of god because that is a revelation of the will of god the only way you can possibly know god's will is become familiar with his word now the apostle paul tells us in ephesians 6 18 that we should pray always with all manner of prayer the new international version says all kinds of prayer now there are three basic kinds of prayer that the new testament teaches us and we're going to talk about that in just a few moments but first all of you that are watching by way of television i want you to listen to my announcer as he shares with you a very important announcement about some special offers we want to make to you then we're going to come right back and we're going to talk about the different kinds of prayer and the prayer petition in particular watch this are you ready for revelation on petitioning god for prosperity in prayer of petition jerry savelle guides you to discover the prayer that gets results with poverty and bondage running rampant through the world we need to pray learn the biblical definitions of prayer and supplication and discover how to pray effectively and powerfully if you're tired of living below your privileges as a child of god then get ready to receive some marvelous revelation in the three cd teaching how to go from a base to abounding jerry savelle teaches from god's word and brings revelation that will bring you out of being a base to abounding live a life that's plentiful and overflows don't wait learn to petition god for prosperity call now or visit to request this powerful combo prayer of petition and how to go from a base to abounding learn the biblical way to petition the lord and see increase in your life today welcome back before the break we were talking about the apostle paul saying that we should pray with all manner of prayer another translation says all kinds of prayer the new testament reveals to us that there are three basic kinds of prayer number one the prayer of thanksgiving and praise the prayer of thanksgiving and praise is where you're not actually asking god for anything but it's demonstrating to him that you have an attitude of gratitude sometimes you just need to spend time with your heavenly father and don't ask him for anything how many of you have children in the audience here don't you enjoy sometimes when they just want to talk to you and not ask you for anything you know mama do this mama can you do this daddy can you do this any wonderful sometimes when they say hey i just want to carry on a conversation don't want anything just want to talk to you a little bit tell you how much i love you hey that's nice isn't it dad you're the best dad in the world i tell you that'll get you a trip to the mall every time amen so sometimes just praise will produce uh results too you know just just going to god and saying father i just want to spend some time with you today not ask you for anything he might say don't you have any needs well i have needs but i don't want to talk to you about my needs i just want to tell you what i think about you you're an awesome god it's a privilege to serve you and i want to thank you for all you've done and i'm thanking you advanced for what i believe you're about to do in my life amen that's called the prayer of thanksgiving and praise the second kind of prayer is the prayer of dedication and worship the prayer of dedication and worship and in this kind of prayer you're committing yourself to whatever god may want you to do or wherever he may want you to go in fact it's the only kind of prayer now we've talked about this in some of our previous sessions but it's the only kind of prayer where it is correct to pray if it be thy will now in the prayer petition you can never make that statement because the prayer petition requires you to know the will of god up front the prayer of dedication and worship you can say in that prayer it's the only kind of prayer where it is appropriate to say if it be thy will why because you're dedicating yourself to something that you may not know at that time whether it's his will or not you know for instance you may live in california and you come to him one day and say father if it's your will for me to move to texas then i just want you to know i'm willing to go wherever you want me to go i'm willing to do whatever you want me to do amen i will move to texas if it be thy will amen now for you to pray that regarding financial prosperity god if it be your will to prosper me that's not correct because you can find out in the word of god that it is his will to prosper you so to add to that prayer for prosperity or when you're petitioning god for prosperity and at the end of the prayer you say if it be your will to bless me financially thank you in advance no he's going to reveal in his word that it is his will for you to prosper third john verse 2 if that was the only verse in the bible that would reveal to you that it is his will for you to prosper i wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health oh there's another one so it would not be correct for me to pray for healing and then add if it be your will because he says in third john verse 2 that that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers so there's the will of god amen so once again the only time that you can pray and add the statement if it be thy will is in the prayer of dedication and worship now the third category of prayer is called the prayer that changes things now there under that category there's the prayer of binding and loosing there's the prayer of agreement and there's also the prayer of petition and that's the one that we want to deal with in particular the prayer petition let me give you uh some definitions petition means an earnest request it also means a formal written request and it also means a specific request now the noah webster 1828 edition dictionary gives these definitions for petition number one a request a supplication a prayer addressed by a person to a supreme being for something needed or desired well we know that supreme being is our heavenly father number two the noah webster dictionary gives as a definition a formal request or supplication verbal or written and then number three it says that a petition is a paper containing a solicitation and then number four it says to petition is to make a request or to make supplication to a superior for some favor or right amen now you'll notice a couple of times in these definitions it mentioned written and personally that's the way i pray the prayer petition i have discovered that if i write it out it seems to me to carry more authority it carries more weight so to speak not only that but it gives me something to hold on to that i can look at later while i'm waiting for the manifestation because while you're waiting you know that's that period i call between amen and there it is okay so while you're waiting for the manifestation you know as well as i do satan's going to come and say you know well nothing's happening apparently god didn't hear your prayer you can always take out that written petition and say satan it is written i prayed on february the 11th 1968 you know and and some of my prayers go back that far 1969 actually and in this little book right here are prayers of petition that i prayed from 1969 to 1973 and i wrote them all out and i carried this around with me and anytime the devil would say well no jerry you just don't really think that financial need is going to be met i just go back to the date that i prayed that the time when my wife and i signed it as our point of contact to release our faith and to add our agreement in this and i just say satan let me read to you what i prayed january the 19th 1971 since he's dealing with that particular prayer you know he's telling him it's not going to come to pass here's what i prayed satan and when i signed my name to it i believed i received so go tell this trash to somebody else i believe i received. amen i believe i receive so having it written out is is a way of staying single-minded a way of staying focused okay and for me personally it just it carries more authority i've also noticed that while i'm searching the scripture endeavoring to find what god has to say about my specific need now remember a petition deals with something specific it's never a general prayer like lord bless them you know lord do all you can you know no it's specific it it pertains to something very specific in your life whether it's uh direction whether it's finances whether it's healing whether it's a family member for their salvation it's something very specific and god is going to have scripture that deals with that situation specifically so that's why you're researching now i compare it to a lawyer building a case before he ever goes to court okay he is going to petition the court for something so what does he do he goes to all of his law books that's the reason he has that library with all those law books if he's not sure what the law says about this particular case then he goes to those books or he has interns or people that work with him and he says go find out what the law says do some research bring it back to me and let me know what it says and then when he sees that when he goes before the court he is petitioning the court based on it is written now your honor he might say based on uh the ruling that was passed in 1963 jones versus the state you know and he'll he'll refer to the the law book that that's written in the section the amendment or whatever so what does he do he's going to the court basing his petition on something that is written that has been passed by law so he goes in there with confidence he goes in there with assurance he goes in there knowing the law well i go before the the supreme court of the universe the throne of god and i know the law amen i know what the word says and the bible says in isaiah that that god's word does not return unto him void amen well how do you return god's word to him by speaking it so many times i'll hold up my bible and my petition and i'll say father in the name of jesus this is what your word says about my situation it is written your your word is final authority yes amen and then i present my petition before the lord and when i say amen and i walk away i know according to first john chapter 5 verses 14 and 15 this is the confidence we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will we know he hears us and if we know he hears us we know we have the petitions we've desired of him what a way to pray i walk away with confidence i walk away with assurance i walk away knowing it's not if it comes to pass it's when it comes to pass give the lord a shout praise god amen so that's why i love writing it out and once again you don't have to but once again one of the definitions of petition is a formal request in written form so that's why i encourage people to write it out now in the prayer petition when you have researched the scriptures and you found out what the word says about your specific need and you've written it out in the form of a petition then there comes this boldness and this confidence that the judge of all the earth our heavenly father will grant your request let me let me just read one of these in here just pick out one and uh i haven't you know necessarily selected it in advance just to pick out one and show you what i'm talking about here's one that i wrote out in january or january the 1st 1972 7 55 pm come on see i'm very specific with this why why do you write all that out because i want the devil to know that's when i believe i receive it if he ever comes back and says it's not going to come to pass i said no you're mistaken january 1st 1972 at 7 55 pm that's when i went before the judge of all the earth amen now this had to do with i put up at the top of my petition a heavenly grant for my january expenses and i said this day january the 1st 1972 at 7 55 pm i confess before god and all the angels and satan and all of his demons that i receive a heavenly grant from my heavenly father for expenses during the month of january the above grant is in the amount of and i put the total amount and you can see here i listed all of them and put the total of what i needed during the month of january and then i wrote i believe i receive it now according to mark 11 24 which states what things soever you desire when you pray believe you receive them and ye shall have them the above grant is for the expenses listed below and i listed them out what they were how much they were and then i wrote philippians 4 19 says but my god shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by christ jesus i believe i receive in the name of jesus and i declare according to the word of god my need is met now i exercise my authority as a believer i bind satan and all of his forces according to matthew 18 18 and i loose the ministering spirits to work in my behalf jesus said in matthew 18 18 that if any two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask it shall be done of them of my father which is in heaven therefore heavenly father my wife carolyn and i set ourselves in agreement believing we received now and there's our signatures right there and i edit thank you father amen now that was my grant that was my petition for a heavenly grant for my january expenses way back there what was the date again 1970 amen and it came to pass just the way i wrote it not only that but i remember i can't remember a time when god just met the need there was always above and beyond you know there was all sometimes it may not be but a couple of dollars more but he's still the god who does above all that i can ask or think amen now when you've done that and it keeps working for you why would you ever quit that's right that's right that's right amen that's the reason i like to write it i still write them to this day praise god and uh the wonderful thing is god has never wavered in this god has been faithful all the way through so what is it that you need today what is it that you need you that are viewing by way of television what is your need today i encourage you to go to the word of god and find out every scripture you can find now you don't have to write every scripture in there but the more scriptures you find the more highly developed your faith will become faith comes by hearing hearing by the word of god every time you find another scripture there's an excitement that goes oh wow praise god there's another one that promises me you know what i'm believing for and then you take the time to write it out write it in the form of a petition if it's husband and wife come together and pray that prayer together sign your names to it date it and as far as you're concerned at that moment that's when you believed you received it praise god isn't that exciting amen watch this and i'll be back in just a few moments [Music] are you ready for revelation on petitioning god for prosperity in prayer of petition jerry savelle guides you to discover the prayer that gets results with poverty and bondage running rampant through the world we need to pray learn the biblical definitions of prayer and supplication and discover how to pray effectively and powerfully if you're tired of living below your privileges as a child of god then get ready to receive some marvelous revelation in the three cd teaching how to go from a based to abounding jerry savelle teaches from god's word and brings revelation that will bring you out of being a base to abounding live a life that's plentiful and overflows don't wait learn to petition god for prosperity call now or visit to request this powerful combo prayer of petition and how to go from a base to abounding learn the biblical way to petition the lord and see increase in your life today praise the lord thank you so much for joining me today and before we leave the air let me remind you of our special offer i'm offering my book on the prayer petition once again this week but in addition three cds entitled how to go from a based to abounding the apostle paul says in philippians chapter four i know how to be obese and i know how to abound the reason i'm making this offer is because before we end this study on the prayer petition we're going to spend a couple of sessions on learning how to petition god for prosperity if you're in need if you're living a beast where you're always in want you're always in need we're going to show you how to change that lifestyle we're going to show you how you can go from a base always being in need always being in want to abounding where there's more than enough now you can get a head start if you place your order right away you can get into this we'll send these materials to you and you can get into it and study it and learn how to appropriate these principles from the word of god and i'm telling you it's life-changing and be sure to ask about our magazine and about partnership when you call i'm telling you there's some exciting things going on in this ministry that i think you'd like to be a part of we'll see you again next week and remember this your faith will overcome the world [Music] you
Channel: Jerry Savelle
Views: 11,234
Rating: 4.9595962 out of 5
Keywords: Jerry Savelle, Jerry, Savelle, Favor, Faith, Blessed, Blessing, Gospel, Prayer, Heritage, Overcoming, Peace, Hope, Joy, Prosperity, Winning, Breakthrough, Glory, Christ, Christian, Christianity, Healing, Health, Word of Faith, How to have Faith, Winning in Life, Favor of God, Don't Quit, Increase, Trust God, Word of God, Bible Teaching, Biblical Truths, Restored
Id: 3vHnVFLfyiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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