"The Power of Favor" Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr.

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I want to talk about the power of favor look at your neighbor say there's power in favor but on the other side say you need some favor in your life amen you can be seated the power of faith now today lose your name is a today is a Bible study which people to say after that since you don't come to Bible study I'm bringing a Bible study to you okay there's the Bible study we're going through looking at favor I want to teach you about favor we'll look at let me give you a bunch of verses I'm not going to turn to the verses normally in Bible study I would but I'm not going to turn to the verses I got a multiplicity of them but here's what I want to challenge you to do I want to challenge you to write the verses down and in your own devotional time or your own study time I plead with you I plead with you go through and read these passages of scriptures and allow the power of these scriptures to minister to your spirit into your heart they're powerful principles and truths about favor now last week I talked to you all about dreams we shall see what will become of your dream and we conclude that message last week with the video of me flying with the Blue Angels amen I got texts phone calls emails from all over the country from people who saw the video saw the message or heard about it and here's what they all asked how do you get to fly with the blue engine faith you ain't fair I say it was fair I didn't say I deserved it I didn't I didn't deserve it I don't know how I got I know I got chose favor and the favor that God is extended to me he wants it to drip on you I want to want I want to run through these scriptures today and talk to you about favor and and and I believe is profound let me define favor for you first of all favor means delight pleasure goodwill it means God finds pleasure in his children delight and because he finds the light of pleasure he extends to you what he calls favor now a lot of y'all are chasing after money houses land careers spouses but I'm trying to tell you favor is much better than all of that we've talked about pastor when you have favor here's what proverbs jot down this road is proverbs 22 and 1 proverbs 22 and 1 says that loving favor is better than silver and gold the loving favor of God is better than silver and gold what do you mean by that here's what I mean you might not have a new car but if you have favor your hooptie will keep on driving I got a witness on that point right that's how it works when you have favor when you have favor you might not have a house but your apartment will be like a mansion to you when you have favor you may not have the most expensive clothes but when you are gripped in favor you look good no matter where you got your clothes from you look sharp so what I want above anything is favor god gives me favor if God extends to you favor in life if God gives you faith it puts you in a positive posture and a positive mode regardless of what you drive where you live where you work favor is that kind of a thing so peppered throughout all the Scriptures so many scriptures I just took a slither of them our situation where we see favor in action and I believe it's the same thing that God did with these people with failure he'll give it to you now let's start off by looking at Genesis chapter 18 verse 3 jot it down we're not going to turn there might tell you what it talks about but just jot it down about it matter of fact here's what Genesis Genesis 18 3 and here's to me slow down past somebody say slow down oh this is the 12 o'clock service I'm trying to hurry up for the next service we ain't got to hurry up we can take our time favor includes when God moves on a person's heart to bless another person that's peppered throughout the scripture Genesis 18 3 Abraham found favor with an angel that visited him and that favor made the angel promised him and prophesied that he would have a son a promise was made because of a visiting angel that Abraham found favor with in Genesis chapter 19 jot that down read the whole chapter a whole city was about to be destroyed but because one man found favor with God that whole city was not destroyed now why is that important because some of y'all are walking around worried about the fact that there's somebody in your family that ain't doing right your husband ain't doing right your wife ain't doing right your true and you worried that some kind of judgments gonna come upon you here's what you need to know when one person in that household finds favor God protects the whole household because it at one person I should have got a few more amens than that cuz some of y'all not here today cuz some not because of you but somebody in your house and faith that's just us that's a lot found favor and the whole city of Zoar was saved and spared from destruction because lot found favor that's what Genesis 19 says in Exodus 3 when the Jews were slaves in Egypt and when they got released the Bible says that the Jews found favor with the Egyptians with their former slave masters who gave them silver and gold and clothes what does that mean that means God will give you favor when you get favored God will give you resources that you did not earn Wow somebody say praise the Lord you got to give you God to give you resources that you didn't earn in 1st Samuel 16 am I going too fast for y'all by the CD or dvd whatever first Samuel 16 verse 22 says David found favor with Saul when David was a little boy when he was young he played the harp he found favor with King Saul and anytime King Saul got in distress he called for David to come and play his heart he found favor with Saul and here's with his with this teacher this favor will bring you before great people here's what God's doing you you might not be extraordinary and anything that you do here's here's what God does you might not be extraordinary might not be that gifted or talented but when you have favored favored supersedes giftedness favored supersedes that and brings you before great and mighty people that's what favor does some of y'all are not - you're not this you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer you're not you're not you're elevated doesn't always make it to the top floor sometimes you in the boat rowing but you don't have no oars in your hand but when you have favor somehow God will supersede the fact that your elevator stop that your knife is dull that you in the rope in the boat just doing this ain't got none in your hands God will override all of that and say I choose you because I found you found favor with me that's that's first same verse 16 22 in Deuteronomy 33 and verse 23 Deuteronomy 33 23 read this the people of I want y'all to read this we get a chance the people of the tribe of that tool I was satisfied with God's favor and full of the blessings of the Lord they got the blessings God and they had God's favor and because of God's favor they were satisfied his with favor will do favor will satisfy you some of y'all are living life unsatisfied no matter what anybody does anybody says what you're doing like you're unsatisfied the scripture says in Deuteronomy favor will bring you satisfaction let me go to Ruth chapter 2 can I talk about Ruth chapter 2 verses 2 through 17 this is for the single ladies we're the single ladies all the single ladies all the single ladies wave your hands at me single ladies we're all the single ladies let me talk to y'all for just a second because in Deuteronomy chapter 2 Ruth 2 verses 2 through 17 Ruth who was a single woman at the time found favor with Boaz and Boaz married her now what does that tell us sisters what you need to do is wear favor and that daisy dukes can I get an amen like they're from somebody you need to take off the spandex the tight jeans because if you dress like a hoochie mama you attract dogs and a dog will hump on anything don't tell no that's true you got through curtains couches people's legs y'all ain't never had no doll but when you wear favor when you wear favor you get a man you are he took all the money out of his pocket hey hey hey come in real quick come here you found favor with the past I saw you somebody safe a Raver now don't nobody else come down here think I'm a dude out of here I was trying to make a point that women need to be wearing favor and there's a mentality among a lot of ladies that think they have to show it off to get a man you're not gonna get a man like that you want a man who can see the favor that's on First Samuel chapter 27 jot this down verse five First Samuel 20 75 David found favor with the enemy's camp David went to the enemy's camp and got favored and they gave him a city when you give favor God will cause your enemies to give you stuff do things for you when you have favored jot down Nehemiah chapter 2 does somebody need this right here near my chapter 2 verse 5 man you read the whole book of Nehemiah Nehemiah Nehemiah found favor in the Kings eyes the king happened to be his boss and Nehemiah found favor with the king his boss and the king gave him time off to do ministry paid him and gave him resources to do the ministry favor will cause your boss to do stuff for you that he won't do for others oh I wish I could get somebody to say I received that somebody say I received that say I accept that I believe that I believe God's gonna give me favor with my boss and he's gonna do stuff for me that he wouldn't do for anybody else somebody say I take that I take and I take it Esther chapter 2 verse 17 Esther chapter 2 verse 17 Esther found favor with the king who happened to be her husband by the way she found favor with the king and saved her people gotta use favor to help save somebody being deliverance to somebody here's here's Luke chapter 1 in verse 30 Luke 1 verse 30 Mary found favor with God and was chosen to birth Jesus because she found favor with God when you have favor God can use you to give birth to ministry give birth to something that's alive and fresh now the question is how do you get faith you're all supposed to say right pastor how do you give favor but some of y'all want favor you need favor you want to know how to get it now here's the thing that the Bible says in multiple occasions it says favor can be found and favor can be obtained you can find it and you can obtain it I like these verses that talks about obtaining favor proverbs here's three verses in Proverbs proverbs 12 and 2 says a good man obtains favor proverbs 12 and 2 jot it down 12 and 2 proverbs 18 35 proverbs 8:35 says find wisdom and you will obtain favor so the key word is is obtaining it finding it proverbs 18:22 says if you find a wife you get favor I thought the ladies were shot on that point right there now in 1st Samuel - I think I gave this to you already verse 26 that I give you our first Sam you - 26 I didn't okay I'm giving it to you now first ham you - 26 Samuel grew in favor so so that tells me not only can you obtain and find favor favor can grow it can be increased in your life you want favor increase in your life Samuel grew in favor in 1st Samuel - 26 and Luke 2 verse 52 says Jesus grew and increased in favor so it gives us the idea that the favor on your life can be increased I don't know about you I want more favor in my life I want God to give me more favor i'ma teach you in a minute how to get it now now now first Samuel - talks about Samuel and Luke - talks about Jesus and here's what it also says and it says that they not only grew in favor and increased in favor listen to this it says they did they grew and increased in favor here listen with God and man somebody says and man now this is where a lot of y'all are missing out because you don't understand some people don't quite comprehend and understand how important it is not only to get favor with God but also to get favor with men now the reason is it important because there's a whole desert culture today there's a there's a mentality among people that you don't need nobody all you need my favor you see the song said I don't need nobody nobody being Jesus I've been lied on cheated talked about miss cheated I've been buked score talked about shoe as you going to be up down level to the ground here's a long cuz I got King Jesus just long live King Jesus no long like I don't need nobody else I don't need don't need no but nobody else don't need nobody I don't need nobody nobody else only Nova I don't need my mother mother father sister or my brother doctor lawyer teacher or the preacher now you know they're gone too far when they say to me the reality is that's that's not a true song we sung that song hooked in the booked on that song is the whole song we just grew up singing that song but that's not true if you want to get where God has destined for you to get in life somebody's going to have to help you somebody's going to have to help you now hear me when I say this because I'm telling you there's a mentality among people that you don't have to listen nobody and I've talked to nobody you don't have to serve nobody want to help nobody you don't have to be respectful of nobody and there's a mentality especially on jobs and I learned this on jobs and careers with people that there's a mentality that came to body tell them nothing I'm not gonna do nothing matter of fact there's a mindset that you ain't gonna let nobody just walk over you matter of fact the world has coined a term that has taking a taken a biblical principle and they've twisted it to make it negative when in reality it's a very godly thing and here's what they say I ain't anger be no brown-noser so and so's a brown-noser y'all know what that means I don't look the twelve O'Clock crowd knows what that I'm not kissing up to nobody when the Bible calls it serving and assisting and making somebody else successful that's how you increase mean favor on your job do more than what's asked for do more than what's in your job assignment that's how you get increased favor that's how you get increased favor do more don't don't just stick to what's in your job description I ain't doing that daddy in my job description you're not gonna get favored that way Amen you might get to get picked to be fired that's you make it that but you got to increase somebody say increase with God and with man it's being respectful with God and man that's what God has called us to do be respectful to God and man and so Jesus and Jesus is the model for us he increased in favor with God and man God is calling you and I to be increased with God favor with God and man now now now let me close with this cuz I know y'all Thai guy was up here worship and I downstairs my office where she been to with y'all I want to go and close this with Psalm 5 that's what I started off with verse 12 you can get a favor you obtain it you serve all of these benefits to with favor that God gives you but I love song for her Psalm 5 verse 12 says for you O Lord will bless the righteous with favor somebody say praise the Lord for that I love that he said he will bless you with the righteous with favor this is an important point who does God give favor to God gives favor to the righteous is that in your Bible right gear solid 5 verse 12 for you O Lord will bless the righteous with favor the righteous who are the righteous somebody ought to say who are say who is the righteous who are the righteous now I want to talk about this for a moment because there are two levels of righteousness I want to talk about that for a quick minute then i'ma let you go there's the there is the righteousness that is positional righteousness and then there's a righteousness that is relational righteousness positional righteousness comes from the fact when a person recognizes that they are a sinner and that Jesus Christ died on the cross for their sins and they come and they accept the death and burial and resurrection of Jesus on the cross for their sins and they come in relationship with God God covers them in the blood of the Lamb their sins get washed away and they are positionally righteous with God you have a relationship with him and when God sees you he no longer sees your sins he no longer sees your wrong you are covered in the blood you are positionally righteous if you now say you need to be positionally made righteous but then there is a relational righteousness that has to do with the day-to-day relationship fellowship with God I've got six kids and those six kids are positionally my children they will always be my children my blood is in them I am their father least my wife told me I was their father they will always positionally be my children but our relationships sometimes go through strange seasons like when they when they don't do what I tell them to do there's a strain in our relationship when I tell them to clean that room they don't clean the room and lead a house I don't know what it is about cleaning up the room that children think it's a sin to clean up your room I said to my son I said to John jr. the other day I won't call his name I said to my son the other day why don't you make up your bed here's his philosophy I'm just going to get back in it again so when I say to him I want you to clean up your room and make up your bed before you leave the house and you leave the house and your room is unclean and the bed is not made positionally you are still my son but relationship we got an issue Psalm 5 is talking about relational see some of you don't have favored because relationally you're not making moral choices that are acceptable to God see we live in a culture and a day where people have compartmentalized their life they put Church over here the club life over here their immorality over here how they manage their money over here and somehow someway they have the mentality of thinking that is not connected together but my assignment is to tell you if you want the favor of God in your life you got to understand that they all relate to each other we got people shacking together living together sleeping together then I'm not married but they woke it up in the church together holding hands and you want to know why you don't have favour always getting quiet in here now I must have hit something right there do y'all understand what I'm saying to you the righteous God will give I love this verse for the new Lord will bless the righteous you'll bless those who have who have who have who are in right standing now don't get me wrong I'm not saying you have to be perfect ain't nobody in here perfect look at your neighbor say you ain't perfect I said look at your neighbor tell her you ain't perfect tell them tell them you ain't perfect we've all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God did but there's a difference between tripping up and falling and getting up and say man I wish I hadn't done that that's one thing it's another thing to fall in the mud make a bed in the mud move into the mud put both names on a checking account in the mud making provisions for the mud the Bible says the righteous man may fall seven times but he gets back up and he makes a change in his life this passage is for the people who are saying I'm seeking to make right choices before God and do the right thing I might lose some friends but I'll have favor people might talk about me but I'll have say 'la they might call me names but I will have matter of fact he says I'm almost finished for you Oh Lord I'm almost finished and I have two more minutes how about three can I take three looking for four how about five five over seven five you will bless the righteous with favor you will surround him as with a shield oh my god when you get the favor of God it surrounds you like a shield you got favor in front favor in the back saver on the Left favor on the right favor over your head favor underneath when you are righteous with God he puts favor no weapon formed against you can prosper when you have favor they might try to hurt you but they can't harm you when you have favor they try to fire you but you get promoted happening here without their favor somebody HiFi your neighbors say I need some fail highfive them on the other side say I need faith matter of fact Psalm 30 and verse 5 says favor is for the life hallelujah that means I need favor when I'm young I need favor when I'm old you need favor when you're single and you need favor when you're getting married you need favor when you're wail and favor when you're sick you need favor no matter where you live if you live in Maryland or whether you live in Virginia whether you live in DC whether you move across the country favor is for life and that's what I think it God for no matter what dimension of my life I'm in God's got favor surrounding me it's a shield for me it's a protect only priests Master it's a I'm trying to help somebody understand that this is my prophecy to this church this is your season in your time for favor who am i preaching to today this is the week of favor reigning in your life favor hallelujah thank God for his favor you can have the money you can have the houses you can have the cars you can have the name just give me favor somebody go ahead and thank God like you believe he's going to give you something save a found faith I got faith I love God saying there's power in favor for those who make righteous choices here's my here's my first clothes right here some of you need to make some decisions because you know you have some things in your life some practices and behaviors that you know are the opposite of what God wants if y'all say Amen together nobody know I'm talking about you and my challenge today is simply to tell you I'm trying to get y'all to experience I like living this kind of life I'm getting a blessed life I like living this kind of life I'm just trying to get you to that place to our God blesses you and your coming and your going your uprising and your down city I want you to have the kind of favor that opens up the door before you even get there and you know what I discovered I'm finished you know how to discover it I discovered I'm done I'm finished I'm coming to a close I bring my plane in fall and you know I discovered God will give you favor in the smallest things in life and the biggest things in life God the day last week I was taking my daughter to college she goes to college in Philadelphia and we had to go through these tolls had to go through an $8 toll $8 toll the good Lord and mercy when I got to the toll window the lady said somebody has already paid you know what I said to my wife you know what I said to my wife look at God and no $1 ain't a whole lot to y'all but I'm thankful for every dollar that God puts in my way I'm appreciative that somebody paid for me they didn't even know me they said the person in front of you but I don't know who was and that's the kind of thing I'm saying God will get you favored with a whole lot of things and a whole lot of people in the whole pull my pushing to the back pull your hands up if this is for you let me pray for you hold your hands up now you don't need favor you don't want it and you're not interested keep your hands down I want to pray for people who hold it put your hands down for a minute cuz I need you to examine your life cuz this is only for the righteous maybe I should say the righteous need to raise their hands I want to pray for you I want God to drip in your life what he's pouring in mind amen if you got something that ain't right you need to make a decision that they say I'm getting rid of that I'm gonna stop that I'm gonna change that I wanted I'm going to do something different here than I had that I know and I know I'm supposed to making this decision that I have now if you're ready now hold up your hands now just think that through and I want to pray for your father in Jesus name around this building and even over the internet of people with their arms and hands raised for saying they want your favor they want to be righteous and you Lord in your word declares that you will surround like a shield with favor those who are righteous I pray father to somebody today needs to be made positionally righteous draw somebody to get saved today in Jesus name father I want to pray and ask right now for somebody who needs to be relationally righteous that we were repented of things in our lives that are not right and God I pray that you smear favor surround your people with favor make this week a week that they see the potential of the kind of life they can live with your favor I thank you for what you've already done what you're already ordering I'm thinking you're already for what you're doing in Jesus name go ahead and give him some praise like you believed today's dynamic message from pastor Jenkins is one that has the power to change your life but it can only do so if you have a heart and soul that belong to Jesus Christ perhaps you want to be able to make such a claim but you don't know how it's simple you just have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins and rose again with all power your sins and now forgiven and you're part of the family of God welcome maybe you're already saved and in need of a church home one that will nurture your growth and development as a Christian or perhaps you were once in fellowship with God but have since drifted away and are ready to return to your first love whatever the case we'd love to have you become a part of the first baptist family simply contact us a 301 773 3600 or visit our website at WWDC Glenarden org for more information on any one of our four convenient services or our one hundred-plus ministries designed to meet your most intimate needs First Baptist Church of glenorchy where God is developing dynamic disciples you
Channel: Inside FBCG
Views: 142,202
Rating: 4.8049216 out of 5
Keywords: FBCG, Pastor, John K. Jenkins Sr., First Baptist Church of Glenarden, Lord, God, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Holy, Grace, Sermon, Word, Bible Study, Baptist, Church, Gospel, Preaching, Ministries, Ministry, Praise, Spirit, Religion, Blessed, Blessing, Salvation, Revival, Holy Spirit, Agnus Dei, Fellowship, Choir, Favor, Power
Id: SDMqysM3NFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 44sec (2144 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 18 2015
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