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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] goodness what a glorious day to be alive again you are welcome to the kingdom life special broadcast what an exciting opportunity that god has given unto us in this time to be fed with the word of his grace that even though the word of god has been cast in the past right now the word of disgrace is flooding the earth because of the love of god through his mission upon the earth by what christ has done is blanketing the entire blue marble planet i want to say a big thank you to our partner and mama doctors abel and rachel damina for this opportunity again to be here to bring you information and to fellowship together so that the word of god can find expression even as you have desired also and god have desired that your life will make meaning and be fulfilled as far as the lives of others are also we are so excited because of the things and information will be bringing you this moment again and again concerning the one gay bible school and it's so wonderful an opportunity and with me as always is pastor prince orlando man of god is so awesome an opportunity i want to gain the word of god clarity yes and also bringing the information that's right required to be able to stay off the scenes because it's a one wonderful opportunity that they need to catch into to make a difference in their life and in their work with god so many god just in a second before we pray yes one single opportunity can turn things around for your entire life that's why and that opportunity is what i believe that is coming your way through the information that will be dispensed through these very chinese at this time so get ready follow through so that you can grab this opportunity a lifetime opportunity that will bring illumination clarity and also a new dimension of ministry to you out there even to those of you that have desired even to become ministers of god so stay tuned and let us go through the word of god is a crystal-centric that will bring you a new life hallelujah amen let us pray father in the name of jesus we thank you for that which you have done in us by christ jesus and we thank you for these realities that we lead them out and at the same time fulfilling the high calling that you are placed upon our lives and we thank you because as we receive your word we have been built up we have been strengthened and we have been edified in jesus precious name and amen glory to god forever marlin we're excited to be here because god has mandated his son dr abel damina and has given him a very wonderful monday the monday to introduce jesus to his generation equipping the believer to know who he is in christ what he has in christ and what christ can do through him and that's why it's important for you to know that you are also covered in that mandate in that mandate for the monday to find full expression that means men have to be trained men have to be equipped men have to be given skill through training and there must be a kind of discipline that will come into the raising of these men is the reason for the one-month intensive bible school that god has placed upon his heart and over the years it has been running and so many have been raised mighty sons and daughters soldiers food soldiers and lighthouses are being raised all over the world and the mandate is providing full expression and to the teaching ministry and material of our papa so much is happening all around the world that the impact is being felt right now globally in the body of christ and in the world at large and that's why it's important for you to know that this is another opportunity because that monday is finding a more expressive way to bring home to you that impact and that is to the one bible school this one-year bible school is a program it's an encounter it's an orchestration of the holy ghost to bring you into a place of fulfillment a place of exactness a place of precision a place of full comprehension of what ministry is all about so that you can function in the best that god has for you you see you have been saved you have been called into the ministry automatically salvation confess on you the call of god that's why a papa has written a book every man a minister and that book makes you know you don't need a special call from heaven you don't need to hear a voice you don't need to be engaged in any kind of vision no you don't need that to authenticate that you have been called of god when he said go ye into all the world that which is said to the twelve and today that are with him he said unto all because he had commanded them that they should go into the world because that mandate is for all so any man who is born into this family has receiving the call of god is automatically confed upon his life and that call becomes his mission and for him to carry out that call and be effective as a servant and be faithful because you need to know what the call is and what the message is for you to be stand or to be called faithful to the message that's the reason why it's important for you man of god to know and have them to have that understanding that there is a need for training there is a need for skill there is a need for you to be to sit down and actually look at what you have been calling ministry and really take a very broad overview of the saying and begin to see what it entails and what actually you have been doing and how you can do better and make impact upon your generation and that's why we are here today to bring you the information concerning the one year bible school now man of god want you to listen because it's important a time comes in a month's life when he is he always face to face with the reality of life and the things that has to do with his calling and at that point a man two things happen is either he's teared up for something better or else or he tells himself the truth that there is more to what i am doing that i don't know and i will need help for me to do more efficiently and that's the reason why you could be in that crossroad right now or you could be doing ministry and all you have been taught and all you knew as ministry actually has actually been tampered with or it has been challenged because there is a new narrative it is not new it's just that the times have come that god is bringing his body back to himself and what used to be called ministry is no more celebrated as ministry it could be in your corner that is what is being celebrated but the reality is beginning to dawn on people that the word of god and the call of god and the work of the ministry must be done god's own way to attract god's own reward ministry as it is today must be done god's own way to attract god's own reward because there is a reward for ministry for many can we miss out on the reward for ministry because of they have not known and have not come to terms with the real desire of god concerning what ministry is is what men have taught as ministry that is exactly what they have and what they have been practicing as the call of god and that's why these are all important things for you to know now in 2nd timothy chapter 3 verse 13 ii timothy chapter 3 verse 13 glory to god forevermore oh my goodness second timothy chapter 3 verse 13 brought evil men and seducers shall wax watch and was deceiving and being deceived talking about doctrine false doctrine get back to the legends verse 14 while that is going on look at what the father said to the son as fast ministries concerned but continue down in the things that means he has been handed something and what he has been handed is what he is told now to continue in in the thing so there are things to learn in ministry there are things to know things which thou has learned in other words he knows them he has been taught those things and they are not new things there are things that father has taught the song therefore the song has been told to continue in them he said and has been assured of in the place of learning timothy came to the place of assurance assurance past full persuasion confidence he came to the place of assurance he now said knowing of whom knowing of whom there is a womb that nativity got his doctrinal persuasion from paul as a father in other words the connection between timothy and paul as a father is doctrinal is on the basis of their faith in christ is on the basis of a persuasion and that's the reason why there is so much you will learn about fatherhood about ministry that will change the narrative that you have right now because you see what you call fatherhood and that supernatural relationship is based on how you service a particular man of god so that you can maintain these titles of a son and is not based on doctrine yes you submit to him but at the same time you do your own thing you only honor him on the radium and bring him honor based on how much you give to start this relationship it is a wrong narrative to ministry because your life and ministry is not under the supervision of this person doctrinally and that's why your life and family and marriage and ministry is endangered because the connection is not things the connection should be doctrine and that's how timothy became a son to paul but mind you sir you see before that could happen there is a connection that took place in acts chapter 16 verse one begin to trace how timothy and paul made acts 16 verse one when you put it up on the screen act 16 was one then came here to derb and lystra and behold a certain disciple was there named timothy's the son of a certain woman which was a jewish jewish and believed but his father was a greek that's tibet which was well reported by the brethren that were at lystra and iconium he is well reported now him would paul have to go forth with him you see based on recommendation paul took in timothy timothy had been saved before he met paul but this young man there is more to this man there is more for him to learn and paul saw him as a willing and a ready student and took and circumcised him because of the jews which were in those quarters for they knew all that his father was a greek you see he took him and took and zeroed into his life and began to affect his life in a practical way and as they went through the cities they delivered them the decrees for to keep that were ordained of the apostles and elders which were at jerusalem now look at it now the i the main content here is that paul met timothy as a man already seen and when he sought timothy and timothy became part of his campaign what transpired there was that he saw in timothy a man eager to learn a man desiring to serve a white man found in spirit and he shows because the brethren also could see and they recommended timothy to paul and paul received this criteria took timothy as a student and began to teach him now timothy had been saved before he met paul but how depaul became the father to timothy is on the basis of doctrine first timothy chapter 1 verse 3 first timothy 1 3 first timothy 1 3 glory to god forevermore and as besot d now go back to verse 2 verse 2 back up to verse 2 unto timothy my own now to motivate possessiveness unto timothy my own son my autopod here costimity is unsung why is on the basis of something what is his son he said in the faith in the faith that is the main the core of the supernatural relationship that means the faith that timothy is actually preaching the doctrinal persuasion of timothy was informed was taught was injected and timothy had that baptism through the indoctrination that comes from paul the polite revelation and timothy became a son based on doctrine man of god listen to me the moment you sit down as a man of god and you look at yourself why am i really submitting to this man why what is the basis of my submission the basis of your submission is not things first no the disease is first doctrinal what doctrine is that man feeding you with how sound is he in doctrine you have looked at the scripture do you really understand it what does readers in the scripture which you are teaching the church that you passed on under a so-called spiritual father that it is your father what is he teaching you what is the body of truth that is delivering to you what are you feeding on now that is where the question comes in because you need to have a level of skill and dexterity in dispensing the truth of god's word and that is that skill we are calling you for as an answer to your prayer and to the longings of your heart concerning knowing more so that you can do more in the kingdom of god and that answer is january to december one year bible school your life will be turned around your life will never never be the same again we keep saying all the time that god has placed a mandate upon our father i want to thank god because he was obedient to the heavenly vision he was obedient to the voice and to that mandate that god has placed upon him when we said the voice that means by the leadings of god he submitted himself to that mandate by the inward witness he submitted to that mandate and he has come to that place of making the same available to you because there are so many young people out there apostle who are there who are father they thought they have fathers but their fatherless wake up no doctrinal persuasion they think they struggle the fault they rise they they do whatsoever their mind tells them or what they copy around as they norm but ministry has a way it should be done there is a way to do ministry there is what to teach there is a systematic theology there is what to peddle there is a body of truth these persuasions will come to you and become seated in your inside as you are exposed in the classroom and for one year to the ministry of our father dr eva damina and that's why we want you to come that's why i want you to be part of the one year bible school and your life will never be the same again the same thing to timothy the same thing will happen to you you've been born again and you have been in ministry and you're going to see ministry after the apostolic order because an apostle is going to be engaging you right in the class of the class and in the field and you're going to do ministry after the set order apostolically man of god shoot this thing you know in the book of john chapter 5 verse 39 jesus says something can you put that on the screen let's read it together with the old as well john chapter 5 verse 39 john chapter 5 verse 39 search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me now this is jesus that show such description there actually shows up that there is a process of learning he said you search the scripture you do well by searching but you think that the scripture gives you internal life what is jesus saying here that behind the scripture is a person and that person is me because he said the scriptures are they that testify of me now listen that means jesus took time to teach the people teaching them what the scripture is all about you may be a minister out there you are the actually carrying the bible and you'll be preaching and be you know doing the work of the ministry out there but you've not really understand what the scripture is all about and this is where training comes in this is where you need training because in searching the scripture he told them you think you have eternal life but the scripture revealed me the scripture they about me so it is only training that gives you this opportunity this insight that the scripture are not about you know other people scripture is not about something goliath and all the rest but those stories are the testimony of christ is death barrier and reservation all i'm saying is that jesus showed the import of training in luke chapter 22 verse 25 luke 22 25 let's read together with the audience luke 24 25 luke 24 25 then he said unto them whole fools and slow of heart to believe all that the prophet has spoken this is jesus revealing the import of training ought not christ to have suffered these things and to enter a soccer man that's right to enter into his glory the greek word so come on to enter into his glory that's right the next verse 27 now and beginning at moses that's right and all the prophets he expanded unto them he expanded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself he expanded glory to god hallelujah the things concerning himself now what did jesus did here or this was upon his resurrection yet he was teaching why was he teaching so that the people can come to the place of understanding showing to us that lenny not be overemphasized that is a daily thing that lenny is a deity upon his resurrection he was still teaching why he knows the importance of it knowing that it is only a man who is well taught that can do the work of the ministry effectively so jesus was still teaching them and why did he call them more fools because that was still the state of their mind as of that time that they have not come to the full comprehension of the truth of the gospel and that's why i told them oh not christ to have so far and die and to enter his glory that my dead is a fulfillment of the things that i have been saying to you yes that's what i'm saying then when he saw that they didn't catch it they didn't understood it he then began to expand to them in all the scripture beginning at moses and to all the prophets the thing is concerning himself showing to us the import of training now man of god woman of god you are there you need to betray because the bible is not an english book the bible is not an english book it's a piece of literature quite true but currently spiritual truth that's right and that is why you as a man of god if you come with the mentality of english and reading the bible you can't understand it that's why because it's not an english book the bible was major on three languages you know the greek the hebrew the arabic this was the three major and none of these languages were english that's right so if you if you miss the grammar of the bible you miss the message and this is why it's important all this is what you get in a classroom 101 without papa because it begin to bring light to you on what and what the scripture is all about the entire bible carry one message i used to think it is messages oh this is the message i got from the lord this week another week it just gave me this other message no there are no messages it is a message and all through jesus was here he revealed only just that message why he need to die and the glory that we follow not listen we are the trophy the glory of his death that's why so which means it's all about salvation no wonder when he was talking to timothy paul he said that you may know that these things is all about salvation that the will of god is that men be seen and come to the knowledge of the truth that is the will of god men be see and come to the knowledge of the truth so salvation becomes the predominating of the scripture salvation become the predominating of the scripture so anyone who want to be son and to communicate the words of the scripture effectively must understand what the scripture is saying and how can you understand as someone except some man interpret that's why that was the story of the utopia union until philly came on his way and begin to bring understanding light to him it was that understanding that made the topia you know to know what the scripture was saying even though there was a story but inside the story there was a communication of a person and that person is christ man of god you need to come to the bible school where the scripture will be open to you [Music] the secret thing that you talked a secret has been revealed in a person that is crying and the revelation of jesus is the revelation of the scripture that's right so this is why we are hitting it daily here inviting you because we know the importance of it and we know what it will do in your life if only you will submit yourself from training look at it jesus himself submitted himself for training and that was why the bible said even at jerusalem which was a yearly routine of the jews he was there he didn't go because when it comes to training he takes time that's right you don't rush jesus stay put behind the mother the father so to say let and they went but jesus said what was he doing asking questions because there were things he needed them to say and he also asked an answer and the bible said when the parents came back they said we've been looking for you say don't you know i must be about my father business why were you looking for me you should have known that mary you of all people should not know that i will be here that is what a man of god need to know when you understand this and let me tell you the bible school does not just only inform you if you discipline inside you the discipline of staying one place and make note and stubby the discipline of doing practical ministry this is what the bible school put infused in you in concept in you that is why when you come into this bible school you don't go the same way you come you find out that you will be indoctrinated with the message and at the same time the discipline and the culture of reading and study become a normal norm with you and you begin to enjoy the practical and the gifts of the spirit flow espressly in your insides the bible school cannot be overemphasized it's a place where knowledge where the rebel nation of jesus is unveiled furthermore the bible tells us very clearly in the book of romans chapter 15 verse 4 put it on the screen romans 15 verse 4 hallelujah he said for whatsoever things we are written at four times we are written for our learning i love this scripture he said these things were written ahead of time even before you came so you must understand what is the apostolic don't forget we always say that christianity is apostolic and historical so the apostolic and the historic is what you need to know so that you can carry out the train and carry out you don't change the narrative you must stay that is what was delivered and that was why paul said in the book of corinthians chapter 15 he said i delete that to you because it's apostolic that's right and history i deliver to you first of all that which i received that's right how that christ died and he was buried and he rose on the topic according to the scripture according to the scripture not according to when i was going through um you know one river and i saw something and that happened that's our story we can't trust that but you see when you follow the scripture you arrive at the place of no one sees where you become so equipped and that is what scriptures say rightly dividing the word of truth the compound word in the greek lexicon that speaks of autotomy rightly dividing the word of truth ministry is taxing ministry is demanding ministry is a high quality and it requires learning it requires key to effectively communicate and we have to say that skill is a function of training it's high time for you to call in now call the number they are rolling so that you can be told on what to do and be part of this wonderful bible school a free opportunity coming from the belovedness of our father to you hallelujah amen praise god it was so exciting wonderful one bringing clarity and staring god's people to make us understand the place of training because it's something that is ongoing throughout life because it's a reason for refreshers course is the reason for knowing it adds value to what you are doing and adds value to you as a person and you you do better yes where you have come to place of better comprehension and it's important and they've been a lot of questions because this is the information right now the bible school is january to december 2022 admission is on already admission is not close it's on already when is admission closing we don't know it's left to papa and mama is left to papa and mama when they will be shutting down the portal for admission whatever is going to be that we don't know that's why we are pushing it to make sure that it gets to people that you know that must have spoken to you or that you have desired need this exposure they need this training it could be your pastor it could be your brother could be your sister it could be somebody you have seen zealously serving the lord and his father and spirit and you know that their only limitation is that they only need training so that they can do better and they'll be effective more effective if they are trained and they know better you can take this and get this information to them so that they can make preparations for the bible school now it's january to december and admission is on right now so you can go to power bible school at gmail.com and just go in there and register and what the moment you register there is this there is this there is this benefit there is this a wonderful gift that papa and mama has put in place in for the bible school that is the scholarship that is a scholarship so it's on the basis of first confession that's why we're pushing it in such a way that we want people to get involved because so many people have been asking how much because if the one-month bible school cost this and even with it baba i still waved a lot of things and gave people scholarship all right papa and mama did that all the time they keep doing that every year the one-month intensive now the one-year bible school here again and here they are again giving a scholarship because of the hunger they want to see men trained that's right because this mandate is a mandate that will take the entire group that will blanket the boom of the planet and you need soldiers you need men to get it done what a big sacrifice to wave off all of that and give to men freely scholarship accommodation your accommodation is covered in the scholarship that's right but listen to us now your feeding your upkeep is not covered in it your upkeep will be your responsibility your upkeep will be irresponsibility your responsibility how you eat how you feed how you clothe yourself is your responsibility and as somebody who is responsible and honorable we know you will do the right thing and calm and not be important to anybody you are going to come prepared and listen to me pastor you may be wondering where am i going to get the resources from no say not in your heart where am i going to get the resources off because all that you need is already supplied all you need is to agree and make up your mind and decide that i'm coming then the moment you say that as you begin to tell people i'm going god begin to raise your partners people can partner with you even while in the bible school they will send you money send you resources to keep you in trading because they also are going to be beneficiaries and going to be honored by jesus and rewarded by jesus for being part of your life in getting in touch with this revelation knowledge of christ and and touching the lives of men out there and that's why you can believe god for that then secondly there's a lot of pastors who have been wondering how do i leave my church and come for such a training you see if you have seen the deficiency and you have seen the trend you have seen the incapacitation of your person how things around you have become weakened and and decapitated all of a sudden you just know that that should not be the question you should be asking because you will need to get to know so you can get back and do the work better so it's not how am i going to leave because the work already needs to be done god's own way and right now you are hitting the brick wall and right now you know something needs to happen in my life to push this walk to the next level and training is it so what do you do you begin to set up structures in your ministry structures thank god for the days of social media that you can monitor right now you start doing that so that by december you know you have monitored and you have crossed your teeth and dumped your eyes and you have been able to see and place people well and let the system begin to run itself while you look at the system and check it out with that you can be off to the bible school and you still be instructing and know what to do and that will keep you sane and keep you safe and keep you undisturbed and unperturbed about what's going on in the church because you have what set the necessary machinery in place and it takes a heart of sacrifice and a heart that is dogged for you to do that you can't keep giving excuse i can't leave my child well hey listen it's not your church it's his church i said i will build my church and the gate of the hell so i don't know when you became the owner of the church the owner said is his church and he lives and abides forever and he can't die anymore because he died was and he has risen and he lives forever more so it's not your choice so stop claiming the property of christ there are his people he portrays them with his blood they are not your property they are not your own they belong to him and therefore when you make decisions to go get better so that you can bless and improve and impact on the church of jesus you are doing jesus a good honor you are doing your people that decides not to come for training because you are not going to bless them in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel but when you come you will return to that ministry in the fullness of the blessing of the gospel so january to december is the date and a lot of people keep asking online and said pastor is that mission close no it's not close then secondly can we hook up online no sir the main trust and the main idea and the call of this one-year bible school which is different from the one month intensive is that you papa wants to practically engage you in the field and teach you practical ministry on point on ground he wants to assess you as he's teaching you he's assessing you look at the man of god now right now you are assessing kingdom life network you can access paper materials on youtube and in all forms of media you can assess whatever material paper has and you have been doing that now there's that there's nothing different from what you'll be teaching in the class the difference is that you'll be teaching specific certain truths that has to do with the pastor and the ministry that he's given that he may not have to teach on the outside he's going to be personal and practical with you that is one of the important thing for you to know he's going to be practical and personal with you and also you are going to be assessed on a one-on-one basis you are going to be assessed so that when you leave power bible school with doctors abel and richard damien and you get to your nation or you get to your community you don't need to think of want to wonder what to do you know what to do you will just hit the ground running with impact and exploit therefore fulfilling the mandate that god has placed upon his life so that practical aspect and we cannot access you practically online we need you on ground that's why you need to make that sacrifice that's what distinguished men sacrifice you make it after your mind and it will inconvenience you you will leave your comfort zone you will lead your nation you will leave your country to a land like abraham that you have not been for some of you and you get in here and study the world and get yourself trained and effective so that is the teacher now the numbers is scrolling on the screen you can call that number plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine plus two three four eight zero six zero you can call that number and we will respond to you with every question that you may be asking and secondly somebody's saying again that the training isn't going to be online in nigeria no it's not going to be online if you're around you need to be physically on ground so that we can be trained and you can have the best of moment glory to god forever as for languages it doesn't matter the language you speak under the sun make the major languages of french english and spanish whatever the language arabic whatever the language is we want to put together we are putting together interpretation so that you'll be able to get the import of what will be taught in the classroom and it's so wonderful and what are the electoral days the electoral days is thursday evening friday evening saturday evening sometime sunday evening these are the electoral days then the practical ministry your days for practical ministry whereby you'll be assessed and given assignment in the community and be able to like disciple people evangelize and train and raise people and you'll be assessed and told what to do and how to train and disciple people it will be mondays tuesdays wednesdays these three days are for practical ministry where you will be involved in training men in getting ministering to the sick getting people filled with the holy ghost you also be taught how to function in the gift of the spirit is he say concerning to spirituals are not going to ignorance in first corinthians chapter 12. that means ignorance is the hindrance to why people can function in the things of the spirit and purpose with the wealth of experience and abundance of revelation given unto him by jesus i don't know you know we're taught these things and with ease we're just operating the gift of the spirit the least present i will say we do respect with the word list in power city under our father we just walk up to you and minister to you the things of the spirit that's right after he talked about the things with ease he don't tell you what god is saying right now i mean clean prophecy not not not the one of unclean spirits clean one look at a clean prophecy that's on clean prophecy and they talk about clean things that's right but the clean one you know the one that you just clean the word of god just they just bring the will of god concerning you and make me and make it there bring it to bear god's will willing every meeting never made god's will every meeting is there just tell you that is what god is saying and everything just conclude agree there will be confirmations and you'll be you rejoice you'll be edified i mean clean when women clean we make clean by the scriptures some of those things these guys are looking for they keep trying to you see they have not been taught they have not been trained they have been trained and we feel so sorry for them and that's how we're telling you to come around just be here you'll be you'll be relaxed you'll stop struggling see you're trying to make a point no a point has been made a point has already been made when jesus died and rules he made the point and he's finally made don't try to do something no relax what you should do is try to receive the tea that has been offered then you just function in the things of the spirit you don't make the spiritual happen you see we have been taught how to work it there is how to walk the things of the spirit it comes to knowledge revelation knowledge brings you to that place where you walk the things of the spirit and your life will never be the same again man of god who can let you know healing miracles casting out of devils the supernatural you see some of the things you have observed we are not into show manship we have miracles all around empire sitting in the course in the bible school we don't we don't show miracles we don't do that because the narrative will change when you start showing miracles they're not yet if we're doing healing meetings where we have such things happening and we don't even share them not even in church we don't share testimonies testimony time it doesn't exist where we teach the world the testimonies among the brethren and those who know you see the testimony and you begin your testimony we bring the truth of the scripture and people live in the reality and in the victory that they have received in christ and that is the christian life and when you know that your narrative from ministry changes automatically you stop being under pressure you see those things you call ministry that you are placed on yourself as body that is crushing down on you that you are becoming hypertensive and you can't sleep and you are trying to think of the next thing to do to bring about a new vibe so that people can come to your meetings and all these setups and manipulation it's not ministry you have procured this unto thyself in that you are you have healed for yourself broken sisters that could not hold water save god's word so get out of there get out of there man of god we're talking to you stop delivering your mind and you're not well you're not well your health is failing because of too much pressure too much pressure your life is under pressure your marriage your family everything is running and falling apart calm down calm down take out time come let it be for you a vacation and also a moment of restoration come and sit down stay away from ministry there is such a moment as that leave ministry and come and sit down and be taught ministry by the time you return you're a different man already and ministry will be much more sweeter and enjoyable that's what we're telling you we want you to live long and want you to enjoy your life to be a pastor is not a curse it's not an affliction it's a blessing the greatest honor god can place on a man is that the man is a cool laborer with god in the vineyard the man is a man that is laboring to bring the social that's why it's called the high calling of god in christ jesus so it's better than the president of your nation it's a demotion to think presidency politically it's anything to to grasp you to to no it is the call of god on your life is superior to anything but you don't know that because you have been you have been taught differently you will enjoy ministry and diminish more differently glory to god man of god a man of god in ministry but yet he's having a bad time that would be bad time don't have the challenging times that comes from ministers of the gospel but because of what was handed to him and now the reality is right on his face now that man what can we say to that man yeah before then listen it also boils down to lack of training lack of dream training time it's never a sweet time that's right it's not the time when you dance when you have some good time no training time is always a time of sacrifice so don't say hi can i cope one year listen if you put that first you will never betray because training is always a sacrifice even jesus the bible say it has to go to the wilderness what do you think he was looking for what did he think he was praying for so that he can have time to actually build capacity because of the tax that was ahead of him a lot of minister get into ministry without building enough capacity for a lifetime work that they want to do and that is why many are being disappointed many are sick many are worried many are devastated a lot of things happen why what they want to do a job of a lifetime you are handling it casually you are not reading you will not train no preparation the bible said in the book of prophet that the preparation is in mind and the answer is of the lord so when there is no adequate preparation what do you expect outbreak it will always result to you know a point where you are not fulfilled when you are not happy you discover that instead of enjoying ministry you will be enduring and complaining but let me tell you this is the answer ministry is a sweetie the high calling listen to what the bible tells us he said god is not on righteous to forget the labor of love the labor of law the labor of law in that which that has ministered to the saints so the medication to the saints god does not forgot he said listen there's so much privilege that comes with it but now how did you get out of those stress how did you get out of those you know you know confusion and this potency had you come out of them the answer is this leave out your zone your comfort zone get out of that place you don't solve a problem in the platform in which they were created you get out of it it is called retreat that's right you retreat and watch out and have an overview of what you are doing from outside then you will be able to strategize and see how you can attack it where that is wisdom so you can get out of it if you choose but it has to be a decision that you need to make somebody is hearing us now that you are the one we are talking to because you have come to the point where you are almost giving up everything you are just planning i will drop this thing and go but don't quit yet don't quit yet not until you have you have come to this bible school that's right when you come to this bible school and still still remain the same then please you can quit but i promise you when you come here you'll change your mind because this is a place of orientation center where your mind will be readjusted where everything about your life will be restructured and you'll find out that the real you the real you that was so happy to do the ministry before we come alive why knowledge is power the more you know the stronger you become the bible say through it a house is beautiful true knowledge a house is built so for you to be able to build that work that is in your head you need knowledge and this knowledge comes through training one-on-one in a classroom without purpose and that knowledge you got you know what peter said he's a grace is multiplied to the knowledge through the knowledge so that grace you have been looking for who to tap who to sow into and check and what that you don't need to tap just come and be fed with this knowledge you see the multiplied grace of god at work in your life hallelujah and you know the man of god he said of tapping why don't you come and stay inside when you're like exactly just come and leave this just live [Music] that's right because the grace in the person of the gift of god to the body of christ globally our papa and mama doctors abel and rachel damina just come and connect with that through doctrine because the basis of connection is documented nothing more from there the other things follow and you'll be grateful to god you came and you'll be so excited because that's your life forever will never be the same we are also testimony we are a testimony to these things we are saying and you don't just quit ministry you just hang on there take out a retreat get to you and tell yourself this is it when you are done you will find find out eventually what had been missing why you see through knowledge indeed your eyes of understanding will be flooded with light and you come to that place of exact precise and accurate knowledge of what needs to be done that you have not been told because they didn't know these things and these men actually are sincere they always taught you all that they know all they knew is what they taught you now god is saying come up here there is more there's more there is more there is a better way there is a more excellent way come up here that is what god is calling you into right now you don't abandon sheep no you don't no you don't the pressure all of these other calamities that came with ministry into your life were uncalled for they were uncalled for and you can make up your mind right now one thing you can force and you can't break except that would be manipulation or witchcraft is the will of a man so we're only appealing to your mind and to your will so that you can make that choice and be present the rest is said jesus takes over from there after you make that choice and he will give you the greatest gift as a minister of the gospel revelation knowledge when your eyes flooded with light the rest will be history because your life will never be the same again very importantly so these are the things we're talking about and people keep asking online and saying we want to online online there's no online with one year there's no online it's practical you need to be on ground so your relatives your friends your ministers friends you can support them support them give them resources and and the support they need to be here so that they can be blessed and be trained and you are going to be part of the blessing of the gospel in their lives and make sure they are on ground and that is the best you can do for them all right so no online you have to be here live on the ground and your life will indeed will be transformed forever forever now we want you to understand something the courses that will be taught in the bible school you see everything that pepper has been given the revelation in abundance for the years he has been serving with experience he's bringing all to be here in impacting he's pouring himself and his life and his grace into us and that is something that you should cherish because this mandate and this ministry that god has put in him is affecting the world and the entire globe shaking and turning things around all over the world apostolically you are going to be privileged to be seated with the same grace and be with him for one year how could you be the same you can never be the same your life will never be the same disgrace staying within for one year the experience the revelation knowledge the sitting in the classroom the assessing assessing you one-on-one getting to know you in person that is where the supernatural relationship becomes fermented that's how there is a kind of union emerging together he sees you almost every week sees you talking he teaches in the class you are interacting you are learning also the manner of life you are learning all about you are knowing the man and the grace of god impartation will be hundred percent that's true because that is a privilege that is the privilege many never had and that is what we're talking about and your life will be transformed eternally and you'll be grateful to god education very importantly so these are so practical ministry is very very essential is the reason why we don't go online because we can assess you on practical ministry you will preach you will bring forms we will assess we look at your person so that we can also make reference to your presence because we have met you and we know you yeah a lot of you that want to have a lot of close touch with papa this is the opportunity this opportunity you don't tap from afar you come in here and stay with what people are trying to tap while others are tapas you are the one who stays home you come stop being the tapper just stay home and be inside the well spring of what is happening and you're going to have a very wonderful time of god in a few minutes one year bible school in the life of a pastor in the life of a young man who also needs ministry what of a pastor that is advanced he has been in ministry too for quite some time and he feels and he has seen that hey this thing that is being said the fact is that it is the scriptures i need to know what the bible is all about i need to go to a place where i will be trained because i have not been trained and those who have gone to some organized or some setup called bible school and the things that is being taught by our father dr evil damina the is new to them because they didn't even teach them that in their bible school what would be your advice to such people advancing age had been to bible school before but how do i do that because it takes a great deal of convincing for some people but it's easy if the heart is right yes what will be the position of such now listen is the best decision you can ever make that's right if you take that step you know why because it will bring you to a place of transition it will bring you to a place of knowing not just the will of god but knowing what you have learned that you can be ash off that's right because over time many have gone through a lot of bible school and they come back yet not still very they are not sure of what they are still saying there are some questions that opting now has not been able to be answered why because there is no details however the bible school you might have attend may have been what they know that is what they have taught you but you see the scriptures say that in these days the knowledge of god's word will cover the earth as the water covers over the sea so there is a higher dimension of knowledge and the reason is because since the millennium was born the world has changed because it's a time when we people including those who are outside the church are so crazy to know the things about god to know who is jesus and now what we have preached before now has just been g different faces of messages but it will be a great privilege for you to take this decision to come and know i don't understand what you have been saying that there are no messages and also what this bible school will do to you who have been in bible school before is that it will bring what you have known an assumption to reality that's why some of those things you have be assuming that's why some of those things that you couldn't comprehend some of those things that still look like mystery will be unfolded that's what that's what it will do and for those who have not actually the young one who have not been to any bible school oh it means that you are starting on a good ground that's right it means that you have a better advantage to start away when you don't have mixture when you don't have error you will struggle with transition you won't struggle to actually fix things that you might have said before yes sir because by your mouth thou shalt be condemned by your mouth that shall be justified so west does not die they live forever so you will struggle with all those ones but you see you just discovered that you just be flowing well why because you have a good foundation not saying that those who actually have those uh erotic way they cannot be changed no we are all coming from there that's why i was told or something before that's why until i came to the bible squad discovered that that was not correct i discovered most of the things that were being said were out of context that's why i discovered that some of the things that were being said in parable were not i discovered that the entire story which they cornered into different things were a message about jesus that's right moses in online of the serpent will see jesus you know joseph run away from the potiphar's wife jesus everything was being communicated that jesus i mean him at the pit of where jesus so everything would change when you accept to come and take this training because it was shaping your ministry oh my goodness that is that is there is nothing that makes it exciting and fulfilling for a minister of the gospel like coming into the revelation knowledge of jesus that's right when you get in there you are at rest you are home no struggle no competition you are not trying to outdo somebody there is no benchmark set for you that's right the only benchmark is the call of god set for you in christ jesus and that call of duty which is heavier for your older minister healthier for every minister so you just sit down and you just you just enjoy god and enjoy the work of god man of god your season of rest in christ has gone so just get yourself involved with the work of ministry and you can humble yourself and be around just as the word is retreat take out time leave the ministry i was told the man of god i said if you don't leave the ministry to retreat you are planning for the ministry to leave you that's because because you you are going you are headed for a nervous breakdown because everything is just falling apart about his life and all he has to he has to take out time so take at that time and we're here the causes to do a christology pneumatology eschatology all the logics you know the biology yes studying world religions knowing things about oh my goodness we'll be we'll be bringing all that to be in the next broadcast we see the courses to take and it's so awesome so wonderful you are going to be effective in interpreting in understanding the scripture and rightly dividing the word of god and that is what the bible school will do to you in jesus name hallelujah we are so excited to be here i want to say a big thank you to our papara mama doctors abel and rachel gamina for this opportunity to be on set again to bring you the word of life and until we come your way again this is apostle prince orlando gabriel or pecan is my name saying unto you that the kingdom of god [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 380
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: QCZGvXcOzow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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