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[Music] if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i am what god says [Music] i can do [Music] come on [Music] [Music] i would never [Music] jesus is my righteousness is [Music] i believe [Music] of the spirit [Music] god [Music] never ever [Music] it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend dr [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] sickness he came from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost is your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor [Music] [Applause] i will never [Music] i will never never be the same [Music] [Music] thank god for the world that builds us up thank god for the world that gives us inheritance [Music] the word of god [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that [Music] [Music] church the word of god that our paper preaches in this church is having free course and being glorified all over the world even as it is with us [Music] is [Music] [Music] that according to god's word that the world that our purpose is preaching is filling the whole earth [Music] that the knowledge of the glory of the lord fills the whole earth as the waters cover the sea a couple nights that every part of this globe is [Music] everywhere in the world this world is penetrating a couple shots that all over the world act upon the shattered in all the campuses of power city international the same understanding revelation which we enjoy in this house is being a joy everywhere a platoon [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god will shine unto all men wherever they are listening to wherever they're watching this ministry [Music] the light [Music] [Music] in foreign and all over the world the light of the glorious gospel of christ we've been preached out of this house by our paper that life science the bible says and the lie shine in darkness under darkness comprehensive nausea and apostolia a prosody a prosody a prosody a prosody a prosocial embroidered embroidered we declared this morning the bible said as the word of god it preached that the number of disciples multiplied zicopo satire as the word is increasing in this house out of this house the number of disciples all over the world multiplies exactly together disciples multiply more composition and careers more composites are raised satire campuses are expanding all over the globe nations of the world will have this gospel perfectly preacher indicative a producer a brother [Music] raise your hands above your head and wave those unto jesus thanking him for the grace mankind shall try out thanking him for the light of his word mr bush thanking him for the blood flood of revelation [Music] hey thanking him because the explosion the world is having free courses thank you father we give you praise in the name of jesus i say in the name of jesus somebody shall glory lord hallelujah our prophet is in the house this morning let's celebrate his presence celebrate with a club celebrate with a child somebody shall glory [Music] those heads lifted above your head and put them together with a joyful shot let's receive our father [Music] glory amen father we rejoice that we are found in you not having our own righteousness which is of the law but the righteousness which is of christ jesus and we thank you that we are complete in you the head of all principalities and powers and we have access by the spirit into the deep things of god so revelation knowledge has gifted every one of us in the building and all over the world but inside yorks are destroyed your people built up equipped edified and jesus glorified thank you father that nobody lives here the same way they came we give you praise glory and honor for answered prayer in jesus christ's name and every believer sees it powerful amen lift your right hand above your heads let's release our faith together to say these words i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer sees a powerful amen we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram all of the social media community we're so glad to welcome all of you brothers and sisters online to the service this morning we also want to welcome the acquire bomb state community connected to this service by way of comfort fm xlfm radio aqua bomb those of you connected by way of passion fm inspiration fm and heritage fm wherever you're hearing the sound of my voice in acquiring i'd like you to call a friend a family member to connect to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves we also want to welcome social media community like you've always done let's get on let's get busy this morning share the broadcast put them on as many groups as possible let's float the entire blue marble planet with the fragrance of jesus's grace we want to welcome all of our campuses around the world connected to the service this morning hey we're so glad to see all of you in the service brothers and sisters around the world what a joy to share fellowship in the light of this world everybody in the building this morning are you excited to be in church can we celebrate the word of god with a shout some great celebration this morning glory amen grab your pen your notebook your bible you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the word of his grace this morning amen so glad to have pastor kinsley all the way from indiana police yeah christ rehobot i was with them in june we had a blast pastor kingsley glad to have you here this morning we love you man so glad to have you here thank you for what you do for the kingdom of god right there in the u.s and he is also the coordinator of icma usa you know we're so glad to really have you here this morning pastor philemon is also here today what what what what a difference today you're in uyo i'm sure kalabha people are hearing but so glad to have you and everybody that is in church this morning all right so we're looking at following the inward witness following the inward witness and just before we get in there i hear that today our rostenberg campus in south africa launches today rostenberg in south africa and for those online who are in that area you can begin to rush now to the services at number 176 light street restaurant rustenberg and if you want to call the the coordinator so they can help that give you directions quickly to catch up with service is plus two seven seven four three six zero forty one sixty four i go over the number plus two seven seven four three six zero four one six four for those in rostenberg south africa let me also mention that last sunday our abba camp was launched so this power city about for those of you in abia state you can quickly identify with the brethren and guardian feed and fellowship in the light of this world all right let's get in the world following the inward witness now you know we just finished looking at leadings and perceptions and this is following the inward witness i have discovered that there's nothing you can know enough of in god's word you can never know enough of anything in god's word anything salvation [Music] eschatology soteriology pneumatology the study of the holy spirit you can really never know enough of anything in the word of god so these are things we will keep teaching you till we see jesus face to face you keep learning the same things over and over again in doctrinal teaching we don't have new things we teach the same things we don't bring new we're not looking for how to review we bring you you know the same things brother paul says it's not grievous for me to say the same things to you over and over again he said in fact for you it is safe that there is consistency in what i keep saying to you it is safe that there is consistency and to the end that you are established in this truth so we're looking at following the inward witness brother paul makes a prayer you we must pay attention to in ephesians chapter 1 verse 16 ephesians chapter 1 verse number 16 since not to give thanks for you making mention of you in my prayers next verse we're going to read to verse 23 that the god of our lord jesus christ the father of glory may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him the eyes of your understanding being enlightened that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the sins and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us what who believe according to the working of his mighty power which he wrought in christ when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenlies far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and have put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church which is his body the fullness of him that feel it all in all now observe something he says the eyes of your understanding which is your mind the eyes of your mind should be opened by the spirit of wisdom that is revelation that you may know what is the hope of his calling when he goes on to tell us that the christian requires revelation to know what god has done you didn't hear that the christian requires revelation to know what god has done notice the prayer there is what god has done for us in christ that's a prayer there what god has done for us in christ firstly he tells you what is the hope of his calling then what is the riches of the glory of his inheritance in you the riches of the glory of his inheritance in you then number three says what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word that belief which he wrote in christ all of these are present past tenses present past tenses when he raised him up past tense and set him at his right and in the heavenlies far above all principality and power and he lets you see the importance of revelation what your mind should be open to is what god has done please take care of that word revelation or take note of that word revelation in john chapter 16 verse number 13 john chapter 16 verse number 13 jesus said how be it when he the spirit of truth is calm he will guide you into all the truth for he shall not speak of himself but whatsoever he shall hear that shall he speak and he will show you things to come jesus talking about the holy spirit gives us a title function a title function he calls him another comforter the greek word allos para cletus allos [Music] that is a title function you know look look when you see pastor when you call me pastor that's a title function one who is a shepherd like when you call the holy spirit another comforter that's a title function the word another is the word alos the word comforter is the word parakletos it is the same word same the same okay another comforter the same same helper a lose same guide same strengthener that's a title function okay now one of the things he says about this title function of the spirit you know is that when you use a title function it is to explain who or what the person is when you call me pastor you're explaining who i am you're explaining what i do so just like when we say jesus christ when we call him savior we are giving him a title function that title is not just a title it's what he has done or what he is doing jesus christ savior so in john chapter 16 verse 13 notice the word he will show you things to come if you observe in ephesians chapter 1 the work of the holy spirit or the work of the spirit of revelation is number one to reveal to us what god has given to us in us to reveal to us what god has given to us in us number two to reveal to us the power he wrote in christ to reveal to us the power he wrote in christ number three to reveal to us the authority given to the church i go over it again number one to reveal to us what god has done or has given to us in us what god has given to us in us okay number two to reveal to us the power that is wrought in christ number three to reveal to us the authority given to the church the authority now you're talking about different things of the same event different things of the same event now just like jesus said he will reveal to you things plural things plural things to come if you had mentioned just one thing he would have said he would reveal to you this thing this thing but he said he would reveal to you things to come of course in context he was referring to the finished work of redemption a finnish work of redemption the things he was going to accomplish for us which will be categorically his death his burial his resurrection his ascension the things in the event the things in the event that burial resurrection ascension the things he was going to accomplish for us which will be categorically his death his burial is resurrectionary ascension now in these four events or in this form this particular event has so many concepts in this particular event are so many concepts dead burial resurrection ascension glorification in this event of the redemptive work in this event of the redemptive work are so many functions or so many concepts death burial resurrection ascension glorification now in first corinthians chapter 2 verse number 9 first corinthians chapter 2 verse number 9 but as it is written i had not seen nor ear heard neither entered into the heart of many things which god had prepared for them that love him that shows you three ways information comes to us three ways information comes to us okay number one what we see number two what we hear number three what we conceive in our hearts i repeat again three gates of information your eye gate your ear gate and your heart gate your eyes your ears and the strongest of them is your heart because your heart will process what your eyes and ears have received your heart will process what your eyes and ears have received please pay attention this is very important now [Music] but there are three information gates your eyes your ears and your hearts first you know um so in first corinthians chapter one verse two i mean chapter two verse nine and ten first corinthians chapter two verse nine and ten please pay attention but as it is written i had not seen nor ear heard neither they entered into the heart of man the things plural which god had prepared for them that love him next verse but god hath revealed them unto us by his spirit for the spirit such at all things yea the deep things of god but god has revealed past things revealed past things revealed them to us by his spirit notice again in verse 9 he uses the word things things the things that god has prepared for them that love him that's a pluralistic terminology not just one thing but things in verse 10 he says he has revealed them the things he has revealed them unto us by his spirit all things yey the deep things of god always observe the things the things in plural the things which god has prepared for them that love him but god has revealed them unto us by his spirit so revelation is a work of the spirit revelation is a work of the spirit god has revealed them to us by the spirit by the spirit so the word things showing you a plural of things please pay attention now those things can be events events and one of the things he will reveal to us if you read is in verse eight and nine of first corinthians chapter two put it up for me first corinthians chapter two verse eight and nine which none of the princes of this world knew for her they don't eat they would not have crucified the lord of glory they would not have crucified he says had they known they would not have crucified the lord of glory so that event was a thing that was hidden that event was a thing that was hidden that requires revelation by the spirit so the things also will involve events the things it's important to know that when god talks to you the only way you can receive what god says is by revelation i repeat it's important to know that when god speaks to you the only way you can receive what god says is by revelation by revelation that's the only way you can know the things that god is speaking to you because god talks his word to us and when god talks his word to us we in turn receive revelation we receive revelation so paul is writing about what god did in christ everybody who was in israel should be able to give us details you know of what happened like you know pilots killed jesus pilate killed him on the cross you know i know there were two male factors and there were two criminals actually there were four people crucified with jesus even though religious people always tell you there are two there actually fought there were two manufactures and there were two criminals on the cross there were four of them okay you need to study to see that i know in the events everybody you know uh heroes on the third day even though many didn't accept but neither was his body found they know that the body was not there and the soldiers know that nobody came to steal it because under their watch day and night they watched the body buried and they protected the burial in fact the stone that was used to seal the tomb was sealed they put a seal you know a seal of the government on that stone okay that means nobody touches it except the government and soldiers were put there to protect and they were there from when the body was buried till the body disappeared so they knew that nobody stole so something beyond words must have occurred to that body so they saw it's an event that was clear everybody saw what happened and they could have simply explained the events that took place yet brother paul said it was hid from them even though they saw the progression of events yet they were not seen eyes they have but they see not ears they have but they hear not they thought they saw but didn't see for had they known they would not have crucified the lord of glory so that's why the have to be revealed by the spirit the things have to be revealed by the spirit all right now stay with me and follow this so now brother paul is saying that those events will require your eyes to be opened is it opened or opened okay opened okay your eyes have to be opened to know what happened i love it in ghana you don't say open you say open seven seven seven seven days in nigeria seven days south africans love nigerians love seven seven case course goddess people all right don't mind me i just said okay now so your eyes have to be opened or opened to know what happened because listen let's let me simplify it if the same way when you speak english you go to paris and you meet a strictly french-speaking person and you speak to the person he's looking at your lips move he's hearing sound but can't understand what you're saying except somebody who understands english interprets what you say to him they saw the event but the event was in french while they were speaking english so even though they saw events they could not get the import of the event until it is interpreted i don't know if you understand i'm giving you a parabola an analogy okay now so you see but you don't understand you hear but you're only hearing the sound except the holy spirit interprets so now somebody will have to you know interpret the same way just like signals are sent into the airwaves used by tv stations right in this building right now this channels television right here there's channels television there's british broadcasting bbc in this building there's al jazeera in this building there's news marks in this building but right now we're not able to hear anything from bbc or from newsmax or from al jazeera why because some appliance has to be used to track the signal identify the signal converts the signal for us to be able to see but the signal is here the fact that you don't see the signal does not deny the presence of the signal the signals are all here but the the the vehicle that will translate the signal to my visibility is missing now they saw the debt they saw the burial they saw the resurrection they saw the ascension but did not have the appliance that converts those events to their comprehension it was hid from them even though they were seen they were seen but they were not seen that's why it has to be revealed by the spirit because whatever god says can only be received by revelation and revelation is of the spirit that's the import of brother paul's prayer that the eyes of your mind be flooded with light that you may know all right now please follow me now [Music] the news coming from news marks are coming from cnn or bbc is being broadcast now but there's a way to receive the news listen you must receive the news the news is here but it's not automatic you must receive it the process of receiving the news is what will involve the acquisition of the relevant gadgets that have the capacity to interpret the signal to my comprehension for me to receive what god says i must be able to have the vehicle of translating and the vehicle of translating what god says for my mental comprehension is called the eyes of my understanding being enlightened by the holy ghost or in a summarized word it's called revelation revelation when god is talking to you there's a way you receive what god is saying and the only way you can receive what god is saying is revelation there's no other way every time god talks to you what he says to you is revelation to you that's why paul says that you may know who you are in christ that you may know what you have in christ and he uses the word epignosis accurate precise exact revelation or comprehensive insight there are two words there the word epignosis is the word sometimes apocalypses apocalypses apocalypto apocalypses in the greek or fenerosis or fenuru phenorosis or fenuru and it is used as the unveiling the unveiling or the manifestation the unveiling so that your eyes can see so when god talks to you the only way you can receive what god says is via the channel of revelation whatever god says to you is a revelation to you when god speaks when you hear it it becomes a revelation let me say this carefully now we have come to a place of fellowship with god where the broadcast station is not an outhouse we have come to a place of fellowship with god where the broadcast station is not an outhouse are you following that now so because we have come to that place of fellowship we have come to a place where god does not broadcast from a station for us to receive god for us does not broadcast from a station for us to receive for example first corinthians chapter 1 verse 9 are you still here first corinthians 1 9 god is faithful by whom you were called unto the fellowship of his son [Music] by whom you were called unto the fellowship of his son jesus christ our lord fellowship of his son so we have been called unto fellowship the word fellowship is the greek word called in [Music] means same we are being called to the same place same place that is we are now in the same place with the sun same place first john chapter one verse three you know john puts it like the first john 1 3 he says that which we have seen and have declared on and heard declare we unto you that you also may have fellowship with us and truly our fellowship is with the father and with his son jesus christ our fellowship is with the father and with his son the book of second peter our brother peter puts it like this second peter chapter one verse three and four second peter chapter one verse three and four this second second peter chapter one verse three and four the brother on the computer needs prayer ns go lay hands on him second peter chapter one verse three and four second peter chapter one verse three and verse 4 whereby are giving unto us exceeding great and precious promises that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature the word divine nature there is the same thing we've been talking about fellowship of the divine nature put it back of the divine nature having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lost so we are partakers of the divine nature of we are in fellowship with the father and with the son we are in fellowship he has given to us his divine nature hebrews chapter 2 verse 11 look at the way the writer of hebrews now explains the same concept hebrews chapter 2 verse 11 for what he has sanctified and they who are sanctified are all of one coinnonia same place are all of one for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren the writer of romans puts it like this romans chapter 8 verse 28 brother paul romans chapter 8 verse 28 and we know give me verse 9 verse 29 romans 8 29 because of time for whom he did for no he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his son the word confirmed take note of that word to be conformed to the image of his son that he might be the firstborn among many brethren the word confirmed is the greek word some of all so more full it means to be irreversibly bound to the nature of his son to be irreversibly bound to the nature of his son that he will be the firstborn among many brethren that he will be the the prototypus firstborn prototypus prototype among many brethren so we have been called to fellowship with god we have been called to fellowship who have been called to the same place all right now that's why first corinthians 6 17 now says he that is joined to the lord is one spirit same place called innonia one spirit so we are one spirit with god romans chapter eight verse nine look at the way brother paul says this but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the spirit of god dwell in you now if any man have not the spirit of christ he is none of his now listen he says if christ be in you that means you are in fellowship with him because the word in i n means in union together in in union together so that means you are in fellowship with him that means you do not receive signal from him you didn't get that you are in fellowship with him meaning you are in the same place you are in the same place you don't receive signal from him rather you have signals in union with him you understand that you have signal in union with him you do not receive from in the sense of a third party you are actually in union with the signal discharging station you are in union with the signal discharging station as you speak as you sit the bible calls you the temple of the holy spirit first corinthians 6 19 know you not that you are the temple of the holy spirit so that already shows you that illustration will apply looking at brother paul's prayer now paul says the eyes of your understanding whenever you see eyes of your understanding you are talking about the mind the emotions or the wheel the mind the emotions or the will first corinthians 14 14 see the way brother paul puts it first corinthians chapter 14 verse 14. for if i pray in an unknown tongue my spirit pray yet but my understanding is unfruitful my spirit prayed but my understanding is unfruitful you didn't get that so my spirit can be actively talking to the father while my mind is totally not aware of what's going on my understand my spirit is actively in fellowship but my understanding is unfruitful so that's why brother paul was saying second corinthians chapter four verse three please pay attention second corinthians chapter four verse three but if our gospel behead it is here to them that i lost next verse in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them which believed not lest the light blinded the minds blinded the minds blinded the mind lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them blinded the minds so when you see the word heart heart it doesn't mean the spirit it means the inner core of a man's being the inner core heart it could be referring to the spirit but most of the time the spirit and the soul heart spirit and the soul most of the time now at that point you are in union with deity your spirit cannot be lightened again your spirit does not require illumination you and deity are in union you you and deity are the ones producing the light your your spirit cannot be lightened anymore you cannot enlighten your spirit you cannot lead your spirit your spirit cannot be lit it has been lit once and for all bible calls us the children of light that means we are light we are light it means you cannot be lit anymore you don't put light on light however because man is a spirit that has a soul and lives in a body the spirit and the soul constitutes the part of man that functions and takes his decisions that part of man that functions and takes his decisions the soul so there's a part of you which is your soul where you have your mind your emotions that needs enlightenment that needs revelation your mind your emotions that your intellect that requires illumination or revelation your mind so any information that passes from your spirit to your mind is what huh i feel like clapping for you but i have microphone in my hand but you know i have clap for you already okay any information that that moves or passes from your spirit from your spirit to your mind is revelation so you are not seeking to know in the context of the man that is born again but that spirit got the life of god so therefore number one god communicates to us what he has done for us in christ number one god communicates to us from the spirit to the mind revelation what he has done for us in christ number two what he is doing in us and through us in christ number two what he is doing in us and through us in christ number three what he will do through us and to us in christ what he will do through us and to us in christ so everything is in christ what he has done in christ what he has done well you know i love something brother tony cook said he said i believe and i confirm and strongly affirm the finished work of redemption i believe and confirm and truly affirm the finished work of redemption all that christ has done number two i affirm the ongoing work of the holy spirit where he is building character and building the life of jesus and building me to walk in love number three also the unfinished work of the church we have the world to reach we have the nations to touch we have our communities to disciple and that work is not yet done that work is undone but will be done by the church are you in the building now ephesians chapter 4 verse 11 to 13 gives credence to the ongoing and unfinished work he says and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers why for the perfecting of the saints why for the work of the ministry why for the edifying of the body of christ next verse till we all come in the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the son of god unto a perfect man unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ next verse next verse that we as for be no more children those two and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in a way to be to deceive that shows you there's an ongoing walk in our individual lives and also an ongoing work of the church where we have nations to reach mark 16 15 go into all the world and preach the gospel hold on look at everybody and preach the gospel to what to every creature so why don't we preach to animals goats and cows they're part of creature i saw it in the bible there's nothing dr amir can say i saw it in the bible it's written in black and white it's really black and white god kill it and make it a life i also saw in the bible that we preach to every creature so stop preaching to the cat in your house all the rats gather them and have the bible study disciple the cockroaches i don't know creature is it no writing may i just follow the bible preach to all creatures get all the snails and when they are crawling on your legs don't shout they are god's creature that's why we interpret the bible so when he says creature in mark then we look at matthew's account of the same commission all power is given to me in heaven and on earth go and make disciples of every nation he doesn't use scripture now because he is streamlining the creature to what he specifically have in mind make disciples of every nation nation nation in bible language is not nigeria ghana nation is a tribe or a group of people so that knocks out animals teaching them to observe all things and lo i am with you always so that's why we don't just take things to hookland and zinka we allow the bible patiently to arrive at conclusion listen don't arrive at conclusion for scripture before the scripture concludes follow follow follow keep following till the scriptures arrive at its conclusion then you can also see what the scripture concludes on the matter before you now can take a position otherwise just a creature without allowing scriptures explain that concept then we will have a church for rats will now grow cockroaches because they have to be saved all creature we gather snakes and speak the world we gather lions we start assembling all kinds of ants soldier and police and air force ant we gather them i'm teaching good this morning so when the bible gives you a word it has to be studied in the light of the same scripture say here i'm not hearing you at all so all that is our ongoing work of the church so now listen so revelation will be the communication of the spirit to our minds so that we can walk in the plan and purpose and will of god for our lives revelation is a communication of the spirit to our minds so we can walk in the plan the purpose the will of god in for our lives somebody say very loud there's a plan of god for my life i want the radio people to hear you there's a plan of god for my life it is my responsibility to search it out by the holy ghost i didn't have a good amen so now revelation will be the communication of the spirit to our mind so that we can walk in the plan of god as touching number one what he has done number two what he is doing number three what we will do as well to work in the plan of god for our lives as touching number one what he has done number two what he is doing number three what we will do as well that will be revelation this takes us now to the inward witness we were just eating appetizers so let's move into the main course in my personal life as abel damina i have worked more in god's purpose for my life via the inward witness i have walked more all you know all these years of my life in god's purpose for my life via the inward witness than any other thing i mean i have visions i have revelations i have gifts of the spirit in operation but the greatest part of the leadings of my life to walk in the purpose of god to stay in the will of god has been by the word witness i'm not in a quiet bomb because i saw a vision or i had a voice i'm in acquire because i had an inward witness that this is where god wanted me i was not a pastor i never dreamt i was going to pastor because my father was a pastor and i didn't like his experiences so i didn't want to walk in his footsteps i wanted to cover my own life and just be happy back in the days if you call me pastor i'll tell you god punish you because i didn't want to be a pastor he was far from my mind it's the last thing i wanted to be i just wanted to do business make money and support pastors because i knew what it means to be a pastor so i i called myself evangelist so that i would not be a pastor so i was evangelist everywhere doing the work of a pastor and eventually understanding grew and i knew what real pastoring was and then god told me to start power city and even god telling me to start our city was by the inward witness again i have pastored this church over the years these years mostly by the inward witness nothing spectacular no thunderings and lightnings just the inward witness i spend time to pray and as i pray i pick up direction i pick up instruction from the inward witness i don't wait to see things most times if i see visions it is to help people most times if i hear you know a voice or if i see revelations it is for people but if it is for my personal life is by the inward witness i have walked these years in the purpose of god for my life following the inward witness so don't play with what i'm going to be teaching from today take it very serious because it will determine how your life will be the next 50 to 100 years listen carefully so the inward weakness therefore is critical but you know if you observe i think it's baby indian beyond most of the times we seek for the spectacular and miss the supernatural we seek for the spectacular and miss the supernatural and i'll show you why in a moment brother kenneth hagin said the primary way god leads his children is by the inward witness the primary way god leads his children is by the inward witness the primary way the interesting thing about the inward witness is is the least pronounced you know is the least obvious in the scriptures of the way god leads is the least it's not pronounced it's not loud then what weakness is the least pronounced but when you study very well the scriptures it is the most common way god has led his people over the years we are looking at following the inward witness romans chapter 8 verse 14 um pay attention romans 8 14 4 as many as are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god notice as many as are led by the spirit of god let me just help you understand what that means in the normal way of english when you say led by you might imply that somebody is a leader and you are just following that's normal english somebody is a leader you are just following but actually in the greek of that word led by the spirit is a greek word to be carried by carried to lean on that is when you bear someone on yourself um hello you bought a ticket for ibom air that is flying to lagos today at 4 15. i think that's the schedule for today's flight 4 15 p.m and something happened in uyo town there was serious traffic on the airport road because there was an obstruction and while you're still in traffic and praying that the airlines will understand that you are being delayed not by deliberate circumstances but by unforeseen circumstances you are there in traffic finally you go to the tall gate and then you call a staff in the airport and say excuse me i'm i'm i'm getting late for the plane have they delayed the flight he said oh the plane is airborne airborne what he's saying is that the air has carried the plane you understand what you say is airborne it means the air is carrying the plane borne by the air that means the plane is normal on ground the air has carried it and the air is keeping it up there that means even if you come no no no show no show up please he's airborne so airborne means led by the air the plane is led by the air so we say as many as are led by the spirit means as many as are born by the spirit that means the spirit is the one now carrying you [Music] led by the spirit you are not going to be led you are already spirit born so you don't pray to be led leading is not a prayer leading is the state of a man that is born again his spirit born born by the spirit are we still communicating the spirit born now so actually in the context of romans 8 14 it is not something we make happen it is something god has made happen already in christ so anybody who is a son of god is led by the spirit of god is born by the spirit of god now verse 15 explains verse 14 romans 8 15 for you have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received the spirit of adoption whereby we cry what abba father now verse 16 verse 16 which which is our context today the spirit itself buried witness with our spirit that we are the children of god the word bear witness means to endorse to endorse he bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of god he endorses by the spirit that we're the children of god he bears witness with our spirit that we are religion now in the context of that that is the proof of songship the witness of the spirit is the proof of sonship or the endorsement of the spirit is the proof of our sonship the proof of sonship is that the spirit of god and our spirit bears witness that is the spirit of god and our spirit agrees the spirit of god and our spirit are in total agreement they agree it means they are together they are together it means they are in a union where you can't tell one from the other you can't tell one from the other inseparable like scrambled eggs you know scrambled eggs when you scramble your eggs you can't separate the egg from the oil you can separate the egg from the tomato whatever all of them are together a union that cannot be separated to remove them and separate them will be to scatter everything so to separate you from the spirit of god is to scatter everything that's why you are one is one spirit inseparable a union that is irreversible a union that is that's why when people talk about losing salvation is because they have not gotten into the depth of the story of god's word it's an it is very embarrassing for an elderly man of god to be talking those kind of things it's really embarrassing i feel i shame for them they're things you shouldn't say how can you be talking of losing salvation you see your salvation you only lose what is your own is your salvation salvation is of the lord how can you lose the lord's salvation are you the custodian it's not your salvation is his salvation and because it is his salvation he's the sultan he's the soldier of soteria he's a sultan the sota is the keeper the sultan is the safe the sultan is there is the preserver the sota is the security the sota is a custodian of soteria so how can you lose what the soldier has in his custody a union that is irreversible and a union that cannot be separated you can separate me from the spirit of god and the spirit of god cannot be separated from me that's why i say he bears witness with our meaning the spirit of god entered my spirit brought my spirit to life and they intermingled and intertwined in a dimension where you can tell one from the order that's the endorsement that i'm a child of god i don't know if i'm talking to somebody that's endorsement that's the guarantee that is the assurance that is the insurance that is the confirmation that is the authentic identification that is the genuineness that is the reality that is the confirmation that is that the decado begin of the fact that i am born of god and i can never be lost glory to god i give unto you eternal life you shall never perish no man shall be able to pluck you out of my my father that gave you to me is greater than all and no man can pluck you out of my [Music] father somebody shout i hear you say i am eternally saved see i'm in a union with god that can never be separated glory to god glory to god you cannot tell the difference between one from the order yeah irreversible irreversible please sit down i'm almost done what is that the proof the proof they cut together so in romans chapter 8 verse 14 and 16 it carries a greater weight than just leading you understand it's greater than leading you know leading where i lead you romans 8 14 is greater than just mere leading okay because romans 8 14 is the state of that union where leading is in the dna so for you to have day to day leading is because you are led do you understand is because it's like saying i am a man that's why i wear trousers it is not trouser that makes me a man because women wear trousers but because i am a man that's why i wear trousers so trouser wouldn't be a prayer point okay do you understand prayer is natural by virtue of the fact that i'm a man leading day to day leading of the spirit is natural because i am already led see mattobela when the air carries the plane even though the engines are powerful to withstand the direction of the air there are times the engines of the plane fight with the direction of the air because the air will decide to carry the plane to where the plane doesn't want to go and the plane will insist not to go then you have turbulence that shows the strength of what bears you when you are born by the spirit the spirit naturally determines your destination and if you resist the spirit inside you you will know that you are resisting the direction to your peace i don't know if you understand there will be an inner knowing that this is where the spirit because it's dna you will know that i should be here even though i'm saying no i know that even in my rebellion where i'm going is not where i should go it's just that i have decided to be stubborn not to notice but i know and that's why you lose peace you lose joy because you know you're fighting where you ought to be because the direction of the spirit is in your dna by the spirit bearing you that's a believer doesn't pray for leading he is led he is not going to be led he is led from the day got born again it is no more leading it is led the believer does not pray for the voice of god master speak thy servant here red eh waiting for your precious word i am listening now for thee what has done was what has thou got to say to be if you pray for god to speak to you you have left the spirit to the flesh my sheep hear my voice god is always speaking and you're always hearing but is wanting to always hear god is another thing to recognize that it is god okay everybody shall glory shout it very loud shout it very loud what did you hear huh you had voices huh you heard voices you had voices can you tell whose voice is with which let's say the game can you tell you can't because there are many voices okay but listen we're going to say it one more time and this time i will sit with you can we go one to go glory can you tell my voice from your own why is amplified and two you're used to my voice so because you're used to my voice when we all said glory out of the voices you could identify mine so what you did was you recognized by voice it's not that i was not speaking i i spoke and you recognize but somebody doesn't know my voice would not recognize it he would just think he had voices now how many of you have moved in uyo or somewhere and somebody's playing my message and you just knew it was me you didn't even need to stop and say whose voice is that you just say okay that's papa preaching there why because you're used to my voice so you are able to recognize my voice even from a distance when you get used to the word of god it will be easy for you in the midst of voices to recognize that that is god so that's why this book of the lord shall not depart out of your mouth but you shall meditate there in how many times day and night why are you meditating there at night so that you will recognize the distinct voice that god speaks with i don't know if i'm teaching here now i want to stop here and and pray and then continue next service now but just before i stop before i stop before i stop so there is a relationship we have with god in our spirit there's a relationship we have with god in our spirit and that relationship is that he carries us that's the relationship he carries us or he bears us together so in that relationship is where we find guidance in the relationship that we have with god that is where we find guidance and remember this guidance is for what our spirit or our soul the guidance of the spirit is it for our spirit or for our soul but you know the spirit and the soul are together right but which part of them needs guidance why don't your spirit need guardians because your spirit is in the light it knows what to do but your soul that interprets what the spirit is saying for your body to carry out the activity is not born again it has been fed information that needs to be flushed out a new information from your spirit download that so that your soul can lead you physically in the way of your spirit which is the spirit of god did you get what i just said so your mind or your soul is what needs guidance because our soul is where there is an ongoing walk romans 12 verse 2 romans chapter 12 verse number two and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god so that is where the ongoing work is when we renew our mind he said that you may endorse the renewing of the your mind gives you the ability to endorse that you may accept that is that which is good and perfect and permissive will of god so he says that when our minds are renewed we will be able to endorse that which is the will of god the renewed mind is has the ability to endorse the will and the plan of god so the inward witness therefore will be the inward witness of our spirit to our minds the inward witness will be the inward witness of our spirit to our minds already there's an inward witness of the spirit of god and our spirit what is necessary now is the inward witness of our spirit to our minds that's the inward witness we're dealing with here now because our minds is where we make decisions our minds is where we store information where we store information and where we make decisions our minds are the seat of logic the seat of logic our minds is where we make business decisions business decisions they are made in our minds our minds is where we make marital decisions financial decisions career decisions when it comes to the inward witness one of the characteristics of the inward witness is there is no logical explanation the inward witness does not have logical explanation and that is the key factor in knowing the inward witness because the award witness is like an inward knowing an inward knowing you know like a nowhere no one not n o a h nowhere k-n-o-w-e-r like a noah the inward witness now this does not mean that decision of your life will be taken by the noah by the noah the decisions will be taken by the mind your decisions are not taken by the spirit ultimately even when the spirit is guiding you your mind must decide so that is why that your mind that your soul is where failure and success happens when you see christians who are failing their failing failing failing is because their mind is feeling them the mind is where victory is obtained and we are failures of obtaining this physical life you know one times one equals to two is not holy spirit one times one because two is not the holy spirit one times when it comes to his logic and logic is not spirit spirit is not logic i speak in tongues but my mind is unfruitful the realm of logic is useless to the spirit but the spirit can illuminate the realm of logic and give logic direction to accurately get things done right but logic don't affect the noah the noah affects logic the problem is logic likes to operate independent of the spirit because logic thinks it has education but education is limited to the elements of life the spirit does not have education the spirit has a revelation which is higher and superior to education so that's why the spirit which is where revelation is should be helping the soul where logic is and upgrade the soul to see what the soul is blind to so the soul can make informed decisions when you decide something and then suddenly events happen and say how did you know how did you know how did you know that you should not have imported rice last month you almost paid then you change your mind because if you had imported rice when the rice will be arriving you will have lost because federal government one month after that brought in rice and slash the price by 50 percent so your price will have arrived in the midst of abundance of rice at 50 percent cheaper than what you would have sold how did you know you shouldn't have the spirit took my mind elevated my mind to see into a future and by that future my mind saw that if i make decision to import rise i will lose so my mind made a decision not to import so by the spirit i make informed decisions and i have victory and people can understand i'm teaching good because that's where you make decisions that's why the mind has to be renewed see the spirit has a knowing that doesn't have a logical submission a knowing that does have a logical submission the inward witness precedes the very you know it precedes the very logic of the mind which means that inward witness points you to something how many funerals they say time to pray about something and they say time not to pray there's a time you pray about something it doesn't make sense even makes you look stupid somebody is sick you didn't pray he now dies you now want to pray it doesn't make sense while the brother is believing god for a woman to marry he doesn't pray after he marries and the woman is beating him he starts praying father is it your will is his will now the beating the beating is not his will but what brought the written is his will unfortunately that which now became his will has beaten inside it that if you had followed the spirit you will have seen the beating in the container as one of the fringe benefits i want to close his arms the brother in ghana a pastor married a lady whose breast was amputated because she had a health condition so she used attachment breasts and the guy thought it was real and she never told him that she doesn't have breasts that they are just artificial he didn't pray enough to see by the spirit and the lady did not tell him so after wedding did not get back home then the man discovers i heard the man of god said god why god why why and he is in that religion where once you marry no matter what you don't divorce so now he has to live with a wife that has no breasts oh god why god do we say bro why stand up let's go home away the beauty god why bro ladies and gentlemen you will know what to do and you will not fail in this life if your aiming is louder i say you will know what to do and you will not fail in this life say by the spirit of god i'm making informed decisions informed choices by the spirit of god i receive intelligent direction insight into the purpose the plan the will of god for my life i'm not going to live in trial and error i am going to live by the intelligence of the spirit knowing where to be we are not to be what to do what not to do i have inside information the illumination of the spirit to my mind and in the name of jesus i yield to the holy spirit and i see things that the human eyes cannot see cannot fathom cannot know and in my life i will have this victory all the days of my life i didn't hear a powerful amen can i hear a victorious amen can i hear a celebration amen am i teaching good this morning glory to god i walk in the spirit i walk by the spirit yeah my soul my mind opens up to the information of the holy spirit revelation knowledge hallelujah show me revelation knowledge say i revelation knowledge say it again i receive revelation knowledge is kenneth copeland who said few years ago that apart from jesus god's greatest gift to man is revelation knowledge yeah that's god's greatest gift to be able to buy the spirit of god see what logic cannot fathom and ladies and gentlemen when we begin to operate in this dimension we begin to make choices and decisions that will baffle the world that will shake the world that will cause men to wonder because you just go to a board meeting in your company you go to a board meeting in your organization when they list the items of this course you just look at one of the items and you say excuse me please i will request that we suspend this particular item on the schedule let's suspend it because it's not going to work in this season and they look at you funny but you're speaking by the spirit that's why you're there and they ignore you make the decision and trouble comes then they go like how did you know so the next time when you now speak they take you serious because they now know that there's something about you that's what happened to daniel and joseph daniel said i mean the king said is there anybody in whom the spirit of god is like this because he gave directions and clarity to his organization that brought massive success wherever you are that is how you are supposed to stand out because you have inside information and you spend time to hear from the spirit of god so you can give direction you can help you know things are not working in your office you just bring counsel and everything straightens out you are the light of the world glory to god i say you are the light of the world i say glory to god i say glory to god say glory to god lift your right hand and shout very loud i'm a stranger to failure i forbid failure i can never fail i have inside information by the holy spirit i didn't hear a good amen there are some of you in your career right now you need wisdom you need direction some of you in your place of work some of you even in your businesses right now you need wisdom you need direction there are some decisions you will make right now for the next 25 years of your life you will not cry you will not struggle just some decisions you will make they will restructure your entire life now as your aiming is coming like thunder receive such direction receive such clarity receive such insight receive such ideas receive such ideas receive such understandings receive it in the name of jesus there are some decisions you're about to make in your life i declare by the power of the holy spirit you have illumination for those decisions receive it in the name of jesus and i pray this morning wherever you're hearing the sound of my voice that the eyes of your mind be flooded with knowledge in the name of jesus we rebuke confusion we rebuke complications we rebuke distractions we rebuke the voice of the devil we rebuke confusion in the name of jesus zeko la batana angra the so-called abortion and the peace of god that passage all understanding keeps your heart and mind lego jacques you're not confused you're not afraid you're not under pressure anything that has been released to pressure you i take the pressure off pressure go pressure go tension cease tension sees peace be still peace be still peace be still peace be still in the name of jesus ghetto [Music] praise your father hallelujah in jesus precious name i didn't hear a powerful amen wave your hands and give him thanks for a few seconds just give god thanks deliberately give god thanks consciously give god thanks deliberately give god thanks rejoice and just give him thanks laiko shakayana [Music] praise your father praise your father glory to god glory to god now if you believe that you have clarity and you know exactly what to do just begin to rejoice and celebrate we're going to give him praise go ahead give him praise go ahead give him praise go ahead give him praise go ahead give him praise glory glory glory glory amen are you blessed this morning i want to take up your offerings we give in honor of god's word we give in honor of the finished work of christ we give in honor of all that jesus has made available to us glory to god get out a good offering this morning and i want to quickly appreciate all of you online as you also quickly look at the banking details on the screen those on television the bank candidates are scrolling those on radio mr michael bush will give you the accounts but wherever you're watching right now we rejoice and we thank god for you i want to also use the opportunity to ask for those of you who are partners of this ministry we love and appreciate all of you for what you continue to do so together we get this gospel to the ends of the earth if you are not yet a partner of this ministry and you want to partner with us today remember somebody gave and through their giving the gospel got to you you heard what you heard that brought you from darkness to light because somebody gave imagine if you also give to support this ministry every month in partnership for the next 12 months how much you are giving can get this gospel to people who are in darkness if everybody plays a little part of his in this assignment we can get this world overtaken by the gospel so today if you're watching anywhere you are radio you're listening on television on social media you want to partner with this ministry beginning from this moment where every month you take a portion of your income to support what we do wherever you are watching around the world all you need to do is shoot email to dr abeldamina dr asindi r ebelldamina oneworld if you send me a mail today we will send you details to help you partner with us so we can get this gospel to the ends of that and remember jesus has a reward for those who get the gospel to those who need it the bible says blessed are the feet of those who bring good tidings the bible tells us as many as done many to righteousness they shall shine as the stars so we give because we are very convinced that what we do is a service for jesus and his body and for the assignment that is yours thank you again for giving and responding and thank you for partnering with us the next 12 months god bless you all right everybody lift up your offerings up to the heaven just wave them up raise them up as a sign of worship lifting up holy hands with our offerings in worship of jesus father we're giving faith we give with joy and we thank you for the privilege of honoring you with our offerings this morning and we thank you for the blessing that is upon this whole family and everybody giving their needs are met supernaturally thank you for the blessing in jesus christ's name and every believer says a powerful amen online we are signing you off we look forward to connecting with all of you at 11 am gmt plus one as i continue on following the inward witness and until then enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers with a shout this morning glory [Music] amen grab your offerings hit the music let's do it anyway around the pulpit drop your offerings as we rejoice and give glory to god hallelujah asked by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel dominant please call plus 234-806-800-9939 or email powercityoffice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,644
Rating: 4.931818 out of 5
Id: sEJdXR0k8hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 23sec (6443 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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