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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh welcome again to the kingdom live special broadcast it's so wonderful to be here again to bring you a moment of fellowship and a moment of information that will have all that has to do with you and the future and the call of god that is upon your life we are so excited to be here i want to say dick take you to our paper and mama doctors abel and rachel damina for this opportunity to bring you this world and bring you this information good news we call it because that is what it is glory to god forevermore early and as always with me as apostle prince orlando man of god is excited yes what an opportunity again this is a great privilege moment to be healed given unto us by proper and mama to bring forth information to god's people just in a few seconds before we pray that's all right so looking at what we have today is the information that actually has to do with the bible school so i like you to prepare yourself because those information are going to help you to plan where i'm going to help you to actually make good preparation you know one of the things that jesus said to very clearly in the world is that we are the light of the world so anywhere we appear we bring forth the light of the word of god that brings illumination to men so that is what is going to be coming through this television set to you this evening which is the word of god paul call it he say i commend you to god unto the world of his grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among the sanctifiers so the word of god is a builder that's how we call it the restructuring material he restructure your life and put you in the place of destiny and glory to you oh my goodness let us pray father in the name of jesus we thank you for grace upon grace and we thank you for that which christ has consummated on our behalf upon his resurrection we have been given a new life we receive grace and we thank you because at the end of the day we are being built from strengthened and edified and jesus glorified in jesus precious name and amen what a wonderful opportunity again to be here and we're excited at the things that god is doing and one of the major things that god is doing is he's bringing upon the early revolution and a revelation of jesus that has brought about a revolution of the grace of god upon the earth whereby men are having an insatiable hunger for more of jesus attention and all eyes are focused on jesus because he is the desire of all nations we're here this moment to bring unto you the information concerning the one-year bible school we keep saying and the reason why we keep bringing it forth with such level of tenacity is because that the one year bible school is an opportunity for every one of us out there to get involved and get trained man of god there is a need for you to be trained acts chapter 18 verse 24 acts 18 24 oh my goodness hallelujah to jesus acts 18 24 and a certain jew named apollos born at alexandra an eloquent man and mighty in the scriptures this is the description this is the adjective using qualifying this man is a mighty in the scripture came to ephesus yes came to ephesus this guy has been traveling next pass next verse glory to god this man was instructed in the way of the lord that these are the credentials instructed in the way of the lord and being fathered in the spirit he spake and taught he speak the guy the man is a good speaker and he thought he's a good teacher the things of the lord you will not know what those things are actually you will get to know what those things are knowing only the baptism of john next person next person hallelujah and he began to speak boldly in the synagogue he was bold with what he knew whom when aquila and priscilla had heard they took him on to them and expounded interpreted damage dominion unto him the way of god more perfectly now the word perfectly there is the word achilles christ means to the finest detail they explained the word of god to him equivalence to the finest detail in other words they picked and picked and aligned the entire scripture and they let him see from the scripture the center and the call of every teacher they taught him in a more perfect way they brought to him the finest detail in other words he had been preaching he had been speaking he had been traveling he was popular he was seen in the eyes of many to be a successful young minister but there was something lacking which is the call of what is missing majorly in the ministry of apollos apollos had the gift of god a pono could talk a color is like an orator he could swindle you that man has so much going for him but by but by a close assessment very intelligent and established and intellectual minds that have known the scripture could look at him and study him and could spot a lacuna could spot the problem that he had knowing that they called him just as god right now to this network is beckoning on you that you have been doing ministry you have been doing so much but what you are doing there is still something that is left out there is a need for you to be brought to a place where you will be exposed interpreted to the scriptures interpreted to you and you come to light as far as the finest details you need to know and you need to have skill and you need to have dexterity in your ability to finally divide rightly divide the world of truth now that inability that had always eluded it is what the power bible school one year is going to bring to the fall in your life you are going to come to a place of confidence a place of audacity audacity with precision audacity that is born out of a hypnosis accurate precise and accurate knowledge audacity that is born out of a comprehensive knowledge of what the scripture is all about not cherry-picking not preaching things you have heard or combining things from different authors no was staying with the narrative of the scripture as a minister of the gospel therefore jesus calling you faithful servant at the day of your appearance before the famous seat of christ and that's why it's important for you to know that power bible school is on already the forms are on sales the email to click on is power bible school gmail.com i repeat power bible school at gmail.com that is the email to click on and it will open up to you and you are going to register and i want you to know this that we have a quarter of the population that we want admitted in the bible school the moment we hit that quota we shut down admission the portals are closed up there'll be no more admission the reason being the facility can accommodate certain levels of people and people are coming in from all over the world and want to accommodate and house them in a hostel the hostel when is filled to its maximum capacity will close down it has to be by 2023 that you can be open the portals can be open again for admission and that's why it is an answer to your prayer it is a moment that god has brought you to be alive with this information that will change your life forever you have the need of training you have the need of training now matthew chapter 4 verse 19 jesus said this to his disciples he said follow me and he said unto them follow me and i will make you fishers of men they are making is in their training jesus took time teaching his disciples all he did more than anything else is teaching them he kept teaching them he kept speaking to them he kept ministering to them he kept astounding unto them the scripture using parables and using all kinds of pickles of speech to explain to them the scriptures and it's good for you to know also that the textbooks that jesus used for his preaching ministry are the writings of moses and the prophet which he always calls the law and the prophet and that's why you need a comprehensive understanding of what the bible is all about it is the book of jesus it is the book of salvation and that book is centered on christ you are not actually having an explicit bible study except you have come to the place of christology whereby you are studying your study brings you and satans you on the person of christ the bible is the book of jesus so the moment you come to the class and there is an expounding you will find that man of god you think you can exhaust preaching jesus you can't exhaust preaching jesus because if you have been taught well you will find that all the reality that a believer has in christ there are the things that you keep teaching till jesus comes because you can't exhaust god you can't he's deep and he's inexhaustible his wisdom his riches are unsatiable he's called the unsearchable riches of christ that's right you cannot exhaust them and that's why when you are taught you will see the magnanimity of what is inside the volume of the books that you keep preaching all your life you know the good thing about it you become an excited preacher a joyful preacher a rejoicing preacher with a rejoicing spirit preaching the word of god and you'll be so excited and what the word of god the result and transformation the change it will be bringing in the life of people you will look at people and see how they have been meant to move forward they have been changed you see the transformation happening right before your eyes the things you eat you are struggling with before you desire to see in the life of the people you'll be seeing it in their life naturally because they have been built up in the word of his grace and that word you see them living out their inheritance the fullness of the grace of christ in their lives and you'll be glad that you have been given you've given yourself to training so man of god training is what you need training is what you need if apollos we need training by aquila and priscilla who took him in power bible school now is calling and beckoning on you to come so that we can take you in because you can do better you can do more because there is a more excellent way and you will do much more than you have done in all your life of ministry and the bible will become an exciting book for you once again and you're going to have the best of time preaching the gospel and doing that which god has called we're so excited to have met you at this moment because god is bringing you this information to set you on the right footing so that you can be on course as far as god's plan for your life is concerned supposed to pray yes one word many words not just one word about the power bible school glory you know the bible school is a place of preparation that's why it's a place of preparation now put for us on the screen proverbs chapter 16 verse one proverbs 16 verse 1 proverbs 16 verse 1 he say the preparations of the heart in man that's what and the answer of the tone hallelujah is from the lord glory to god so showing us the import of preparation that the preparation is absolutely optimal see there's a place of preparation the job you are about to do for a lifetime you need to actually have an adequate preparation that's right because that preparation will determine how far you can go this is why we are bringing to you the information of the one-year bible school that will help you in fact that we prepare you for the tax ahead don't forget we off to remind you that ministry is a high calling of god and it requires skill to get it right and like we often say that skill is a function of training and training is what you need to be able to do the work of the ministry that's right because training built in your discipline training building you character training built in you that doctrine you come to a place of indoctrination whereby you find out that some of those things that you have as an assumption we clear off you become more factual you become more realistic you become accurate because the scripture actually the testimony of christ therefore their truth you see i am the way the truth and the life that means truth is not a statement truth is a process so in talking about one year bible school is something that we cannot over emphasize we just need to keep giving out the information to help someone out there to make a right decision that we're helping to be able to grow now we are in the days of knowledge listen to me there is no way you are going to actually do a work in this generation without adequate preparation the preparation is very important so where we read said that the preparation is absolutely up to a man and god give the answer the answer of the tongue is given that is the old god is the one who supplied the utterance but the preparation is mad to do that is why we are actually calling for for the place of training so when you come and call in or email or call the number what you will be what would we give to you is this and this and this is what you need to do so that you can betray and not listen to me this training is a time where you are being indoctrinated where you are built in ministry because many of us have actually done ministry in the past and we don't actually know what ministry is all about we think it is all about it just come get and hold get a place and just begin to like do some shows like that no no no ministry is a high calling of god and for anyone who want to do it must know how jesus told them talking about the place of preparation he said in jerusalem until you are endured that is preparation because he knew that what they are about to do require training it asks them to tarry in jerusalem until they endure with power that means until the utterance is given to them the endowment is not the power the endowment is the utterance given to them don't forget in the book of matthew already a son told them that the power has already been given to them now he has sent them to ontario in jerusalem again he couldn't be talking about power again no what he was talking about here the utterance and in the days of pentacles what was given to them is the utterance they done the speaking but the old trance was given by the father non-listing that is to say that for a man of god who really want to be effective who really want to communicate efficiently who really want to communicate the word of god the way ought to be he has to go through training and the bible school is a place of preparation where the training is the way the training is ongoing and where the truth of jesus is on there to you this is very important and it's very instructive for those of you out there who have been praying where do i go to somebody who is out there not be wondering where do i go which of the bible school do i really need to go oh think no more take no more this is the place that's why it has been proven i'm a product doctor so many of us there were many who came for the one-month intensive bible school they went back to their country and become lighthouses that's right everywhere and it has been moving so i bet you that when you come for this bible school oh god you can't be alive in your community because that is what it will produce out of you so now the bible school is ongoing the admission is on right now he's on his own so what do you just need to do is to call in now i want to show you the bible tells us in the book of ephesians in chapter four you know from verse 12 ephesians chapter 4 verse 12 hallelujah he say okay give me from verse 10 let's go to verse 10. all right he said he that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens that he might feel all things glory to god verse 11 [Music] and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors teachers that is pastoring teachers and what is the work of this man look at this in the next verse verse 12 now verse 12 now for the perfecting of the sense of jesus so ministry is a work for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry so ministry is what pastoring is a world that's right he said for the defining of the body of christ that's right so for a practicing job like this you don't just start doing it in assumption that's why it's so taxing that you don't just double into it it's so taxing that you don't just wake up because you feel it you operate in one gift or the other you pray people fall down and you just think that is ministry no no no listen you don't even build ministry on gits no you have to be you have to be trained you need to know what ministry is all about you need to know the message how to communicate the message what does the message does who need what because the message that is for the believer is actually not the same as the one that is not now listen he said my will is that all men be saved and now come to the knowledge of the truth those who are saved don't need salvation anymore but what they need is to know who they are in christ and that's why papa always say that his job is to reintroduce jesus knowing who you are as a believer knowing what you have know what god can do to you is important now listen i never knew that there is the past tense of salvation the present tense and the future tense of salvation until i come to meet in the bible school that's right so it opened up to me i have been reading the same scripture but not knowing that this is what has been done this is what is is god is ongoing and this is what will be done i never knew so but in bible school i was told how these things are they're not listening to me knowing english is not knowing scripture that's right because the bible is not an english book that's right and this is why it's important for you out there to know how important this very bible school is and now listen if one month can produce these same heavy results i keep saying it will be another thing it will be off this planet for what will be coming out in one year bible school that's right in fact at the end of the day when people see you of the truth they will say he has turned into another man that's why you know when this man went to the midst of the prophet saws he said when you get into that place you shall be turned into another man because we prophesied with them that's why because the environment was contagious that's right and when the man getting there is that professor and they ask is all among the prophet that is what training can do that's why so just call it now and let us give you the information on how you can actually get the form and start let the ball keep ruling i know you will be turned into another kind of minister with accuracy that's right and very very strong enough for the world to see you fitness and the good thing man of god yes as the word of god keeps coming yes and coming and coming by the washing of water by the world a man is being transformed that's right there is a shift in his mind that's right there is unlearning there is relentlessness you see that so new things you begin to see things in the light of christ that's right the bible comes along this is actually one of the things that happened to us god being in the class changed everything about us as far as ministry was concerned and it is one moment of my life i can never forget in a hurry because it marked my life forever coming face to face with the reality of scriptures knowing the reason for the bible knowing what the bible message is i've been preaching messages messages the most the most frustrating days for me those days is friday saturday when you seem to be prepared to wrap your mind around what to feed the people with and you are reading all kinds of books motivational speaking book you have something in your mind you thought you want to put in order and you look for scriptures to back it up to put certain things in place it's not just not the revelation of jesus not just the words that will make you put the people under control and make sure church is going forward and these things most times don't work you know the reason why because that is man's wisdom that's right if i come down to you in the wisdom of man so that your faith will not rest in the wisdom of my mind that's in the power of god that's right the wisdom the power of god is the preaching of jesus christ so when jesus is preached the power of god is not working that's right you're not still the real life you see no pretense you see the real life of the beginning you see people leave no more prayers they live the way they are you can easily correct you can rebuke you can destruct you see a church that is with you without preaching a church that is not masquerading a trust that you know that god is at work they may not be where they ought to be but they are left where they were and they are headed for where god wants them to be that's right and when you see that you know there is hope even for the ministry for yourself and listen see this pleasure and tension that pastors carry on their head because they have been told in quote that these are the criteria for a successful ministry you see john the baptist never had any one of those criteria never he never had no because he was he was the greatest never well-dressed people met him in the wilderness that guy had so much of the word that was announcing jesus that people gathered to hear him in the wilderness there were no gimmicks there were no plans no death the guy just was just there and people were coming because the words were fury words the words were burning in the hearts of men he was a born in john c and a shining light that's right so this man has what the message is john had that and john preached it with gusto he preached it all his life and we saw what became of john so john is the successful successful minister of the gospel that is success on what is the success of paul of john is predicated on the message he preached he preached the message he preached the message he has come to prepare the way of the lord behold the lamb of god that taketh away the sins of the world and john had supernatural ministry because john operated the word of wisdom and the word of knowledge he saw people and he preached to them he saw the hearts of men he had discernment of spirit he said behold the lamb of god that is a word of knowledge they are taken away the sins of the world that's the word of wisdom that guy has miracles he has okay but he never built his ministry on that he built his ministry on the message and the message is what burned in the heart of men and we saw what became of the ministry of job an effective ministry you know one thing some of them disciples of john actually followed jesus because he had guilty to them he has trained them they were loyal to that man and now john they could flow with jesus and jesus took them in and they walked together they had been trained you could see that it was not new for them anymore in ministry they had had a preaching before and now the one to whom their master was pointing to and announcing to israel when he appeared and they saw him they followed him you see when you are trained you can recognize things you can discern things you know what is and what is not as fast criteria as what how far as authentic ministry is concerned you will leave the path of competition you will live the fully of they that compare themselves with themselves you walk in the path of peace and calmness you don't give yourself to these things that destroy men that frustrate people that makes them that that cuts them off short you won't do that why because it will deliver you from corruption that is what the message will do to your life now there is a young man called titus apart from timothy called titus you know paul had there very many of them he has timothy he has titles he has only servants he has spieleman all right he has them and these people where people he has affected doctrinally now titles chapter 1 verse 2 titles chapter 1 verse 2 glory to god forever lord hallelujah in hope of eternal life which god that cannot lie promised before the world began now this promise what became of the promise next box next verse but had in new times manifested his word through preaching he has manifested that promise which he was preached to the world he said which is committed unto me according to the commandment of god our savior paul is saying here that something is committed unto me there was a promise made and it is my responsibility to preach and to announce that the promise has been fulfilled in the presence of christ the preaching of the promise the preaching christ is the promise who feed is the message is the message now look at that put it back on the screen put it back on the script but in due time the next verse next verse 4 verse 4. my own son after the common faith after the community there is nothing about this faith that is ambiguous this faith is straightforward it's not complicated when a pastor begins to struggle and begin to bring in things dimensions begin to bring in talks about the mystery there are no more mysteries no mystery is not mysterious mystery is that which ought to be explained that can be explained all right so it's a common faith that the fate of christ is a common faith is a thing that is accessible can be understood can be known can be comprehended it's a faith that can be known come on for your grace mercy and peace from god the father and the lord jesus christ our savior next verse now next verse verse five look at the instruction now for discuss because of training he has been trained for this cause i left thee he could leave him to watch over a work and for this course i left it that thou should have set in order the things that i wanted that means there are certain things i didn't finish but being on the ground i have trained you to a place whereby you are capable and fixed you are proficient you can fix it and ordained look at it that are wanting and ordain elders in every city you say you have this responsibility you can do it and he told him the criteria for ordaining elders you see as i have appointed thee that he had told him what to do he has given him the nitty-gritty teachings on how elders elders here are leaders can be appointed man of god you know there are ministries whereby you become an elder because of your level of influence in the society that's true you are an elder because you can give money but you are not spiritual you saw the criteria in acts chapter 6 of men that will serve tables the criteria is a very serious criteria yeah chapter 6 verse chapter 6 verse 3 chapter 6 verse 3 put it up on the screen act chapter 6 verse 3 glory to god forever wherefore brethren looking among you several men of honest report only support full of the holy ghost and wisdom who may appoint over this business full of the holy ghost of godless report that means they they had a report among the brethren the brethren have enjoyed of their ministry the brethren has partaken of the grace of god upon their life that you walked into our church are you a dignified man honorable man from the society that's not the reason why we honor you no we are all one in christ but why we begin to see something different about is that the grace of god in your life is blessing the brethren your ministry is touching lives yes you are part of the work you are working in the local church you are serving in the local church your fantasy and spiritual can see it and how do we see your father and say we see you serving the lord serving the brethren is serving the lord when we see all that we watch you we see how you have grown in doctrine doctrinal soundness we have seen your persuasion we have seen your documents we see how you evangelize you disciple you bring in people and train them we see that the thing that was committed unto us that was committed to you you two you have laid hold on it and you are passing it on with religiously judiciously you are doing everything to make sure that there is no breaking of rank the word of god is flowing there is exploit you are vision-minded you are missionary minded you are a believer beyond your money we see a zeal and a zest that cannot be denied these are the criteria it's half a point there's what to look for to appoint elders appoint leaders in the church titles i have taught you that and i've appointed you that to make you know what to do and to it took training and it took conviction satisfaction paul was highly satisfied that titles had the capacity to handle the work why because you have trained him man of god some of the things you are doing is because you have been taught ministry differently for example when you bring men and ordain them the bible says he said lay your hand suddenly or no man he's talking about quick ordination that means don't put people on position of authority quickly because they walked into your church they came in with a flashing compact outside or he worked with the government and you think he's well placed in the society all of a sudden he becomes an elder in your church and he knows that that is the reason why you made him an elder he knows he knows and that's why he becomes an obstacle and he challenges the will of god and the plan of god concerning that church flowing through you tomorrow because he knows that from the first day you have lost your place your focus was on his resources your focus was not on the apostolic order of why leaders should be appointed and that's why you're having a big problem and you have them all over your ministry and they are giving you a headache and they have been there for years they have constituted pharisees and barriers and and sadducees and a block of their own opposing the move of god in the church you caused that because they taught you ministry wrongly you taught by ordaining them you will trap them you will know that is one of the methods they obtain them and place a title on them and keep them because they don't even know that ministry is a hidden desire the work of ministry is design a good work this work is not titled but because you were not trained you think that by giving them titles you're going to keep them and that's why you're having the problem right now but when you are well taught you become you look for the right things like titles because you've been trained by the father you will not look for the right thing you will not be you'll not be given to people easily you will know exactly what to do because you have been taught by way of the scripture and you have been trained and you have had practical minutes now the bible school is on admission opened right now and if it's been on your future come register powerbibleschool.gmail.com is the place and there is scholarship for the first group of people that comes in what registration comes goes through there is this scholarship for you that covers for your accommodation but not for your feeding and your welfare your upkeep is up to you your upkeep it's up to you your upkeep is what's up to you now listen it's from january to december 2022 and that's why you can take time to prepare believe god for resources and we are praying for you right now that the god is touching and stirring up the heart of men and these men are going to support this mission of yours to come and get trained under our papa doctor abel and rachel damina so that your life can gain the propensity and receive that that push that it needs for you to become the man that god has called you to be in fulfilling his call concerning your life and that's why you don't need to doubt it because it's gonna happen and it's happening right now god is putting in the heart of men to bring resources and to support and to sponsor even while you are here to be sending provisions and descending resources for your upkeep right here as you run through your course of the one-year bible school right here now listen we said something that is of great importance that you do not build your ministry on spiritual gift no sir you don't do that you don't build your ministry on the gift of the spirit why ministries are not built on that ministries are built on the message they are build on doctrine it is doctrine that defines ministry if you don't have the doctrine you are not sounding doctrine of the letter and the writings of paul to all his children to philippines to misemas to titles to timothy where doctrina that means doctrine was the basis of his instruction he warned he instructed he cautioned them and told them to put their eyes and set their eyes on doctrine their persuableness must be on doctrine they must not shift their ground they must be full of audacity as far as doctrine is concerned you take doctrine away we normally have christianity what we have is a club but when you doctrine is what defines and differentiates christianity from any other faith is doctrine and that's why what you need to be sound on you have to be is to be sound on doctrine glory to god forevermore what a wonderful opportunity to be here man of god why talking you said something and what you said before moving to the courses you're going to be doing and that we're going to be offering in the bible school you said something about a minister who is a minister and at the same time he's having a kind of a dual mentorship you know is he trained yes it's a trend where you're not satisfied with one you just go and pay homage so you said something on that line yes sir now you see the reason why many people are doing that is because there is no persuasion that's right there is no training there is no training because if there is a strong training between the link of the father and the son that would be the basic of relationship but you see what we have today is those who claim to be father they don't even know what their son is doing that's right someone will tell you that i'm a product of connecticut but by the time you go to his church and see what he's doing you discover that his opposite cannot hit it that's right he may have read the books but he doesn't follow the doctrine of kenneth he gave that's right so he's sad same way with any other persons out there who they call father also but you see the reason why many are like that is because they don't own they have not been taught ministries that ministry is on doctrine that's right ministry is all on doctrine timothy all of them put together their relationship with apostle paul was on the tree that's right there was no special sentiment about them that's why no it was undoubtedly not and when you know what paul said he said when i come among you that's among the brethren that's what on his construction when he came among them he said i desire not to know anything except christ he may not be crucified that's right that is just what i want to know so tell me what were his teachings that was what paul was asking tell me what was his teaching and that is how he got to know that on the night before he died he took the bread and broke it and say this is my body why because he asked what was teaching and they started giving him and told him this and this and what what he said and by the spirit paul begin to look at it and because paul has been trained that's why he knew what and what and what to put things together listen training is very important training is very important so when a man of god is having this dual fatherhood he lacks understanding of what ministry is all about that is why we are calling on you to come when you come to the power bible school you will be taught what ministry is all about that's what that ministry is not the largest church ministry is not all about the cause the people and all that no it's not about tent or edifice no is about a message a message he said walk on a message for the edifying of the sense of the body of the blood of christ so it is all about edification building the people of god as well so it's not all about a showmanship no no no is a work is a work and now listen until you are trained you can understand what the work is all about do you know listen activities no productivity there are a lot of people who are working you know seems to be doing ministry but there is no result when we talk about results we are not saying you are not you don't build you don't have cars you have cars you have people there but when you talk about results don't forget jesus say here is my father glorified that you win so and nearby here is my father glorified so it is all about salvation in christ jesus it's all about what jesus did in his three days dead barrier and resurrection and his ascension and glorification these are the things that a pastor should be able to be feeding the people with to know who they are in christ and you can't tell them who they are when you serve you don't know who you are many ministers don't know who they are in christ in christ they don't know yes they don't know when you hear them talk you know that they have an identity identity crisis they have identity you can hear a minister tell you that you lose salvation and people are losing it every day that's right that's to say that the person don't even know what salvation is all about because you can only lose what you you can lose it because jesus said i gave them that's right and the father who gave them to me is greater than all why i cannot lose that that's right okay that scripture names it so listen ladies and gentlemen ministry is not what some of us used to think that's what what used to think that it was but today training has opened to us what ministry is all about that ministry is all about the the administration of what jesus did in his death burial and reservation it's all about bringing men to salvation it's all about being ambassador of jesus because jesus himself said you know paul was preaching he said in the book of second quarter chapter 5 17 he said if any man being christ is a new creature that's right all things are passed away behold all things we call things and he went to veganism to read that god was in christ jesus reconciling man back to himself therefore he has given to us what a ministry and what is the ministry the ministry of reconciliation oh my god reconciling men back to god because all have seen and come short of the glory of god we are all lost so now by jesus dead barrier and restoration now man is reconciled back to god jesus did it himself you can't improve on it that's why he has done it that's forever settled so what we do is to amplify what jesus did in that three days that's what we do as a minister we have solidified and when it is well communicated power is applied that's what and before you know it the person is safe and when he's safe he's safe forever save eternity you know the joy i kept i kept i kept i kept laughing and having a good time getting excited because we know what and how we used to be yes and how we used to perceive ministry and do ministry now the whole thing has shifted is completely different all together because of training because of training because of training my i have a hard fed for the people that was not caught out of this light because i knew what i was suffering now i can look back and say am i really the one who was doing those things that's right oh god at least you need to come today i beg you i know one good thing jesus took time and he poured off himself into men in matthew 4 19 he said i will make you the naked was report of himself into them through nothing through knowledge training they walked with him they were with him slept with him they saw him all through upon his resurrection when they went different ways away from the course he had set for them he went after them went after peter got everybody back and still touched them is it not surprising that jesus apart from walking through the locked doors and the and the closed enclosures and came into where they were because they were hiding out of this when jesus walked in is to demonstrate to them that the same jesus that was with them that died is not the jesus they are now seen because the glorified christians then this is what happened after that jesus took 40 days and 40 nights he never told them what happened when he died his spirit went to hell the demons he saw how many they were all the different compartments of heaven when some is hotter the other one is not a spot this one that i saw told them the sections where they keep different kinds of people these today based on the level the level of their sin or the dimension of the which is operating now private yes and the dimension is operating as jesus how they are too small they can come close yeah and right now he's good he has no time for all that these were realities that they were about to know through the polite revolution that's right that they came into in those realities there were things you're not even supposed to know like how wide is hell how long his health how deep his hair he is he's in consequence this jesus taught them what they needed to do i want to know yes i'm not going to so he taught them what they needed to know and what he taught them look at the discipline jesus stayed with the narrative of the scripture he was teaching before he died and upon his resurrection he continued teaching them that which had been seen had been fulfilled he stayed with the textbook he stayed with the tesla no supernatural addition he is all god by himself he has been exalted and yet he never taught on that he taught on teaching dreaming look at how they shook the world so the proof of ministry is change lives that's true the message that will change the lives of men is the message the gospel of christ any other thing you see that motivation speaking that you are keep teaching you kept teaching the greatest failure of your life is that message called motivational speaking that you are bragging about another reason why right now it holds no water right now it falls like dry leaf in the face because the days are over that those motivational speaking can motivate men anymore because what has come upon humanity it takes only jesus being the hope and the desire of all nations for them to have the kind of fulfillment and the peace which is the prince of peace if you don't preach the things of peace and you're preaching motivation they will never they will never and you yourself you shouldn't become victim and you need motivation eventually by another motivational speaker and that's the reason why you need jesus amplified and you need to be taught like apollos how to preach how to teach how to expound the scripture and make jesus come to life in the heart of men and that's why you need your bible school you need one year power bible school it's the least you can is the easiest is the list of content is the list so that is what you need right now and that is going to be a glorious moment and what are the courses that will be having offered in this bible school the course is to be offered is eschatology will be taught that is that is the message about the last days the last day you'll find out how the last days is centered on the revelation of jesus the book of revelation he said this is the revelation of jesus this is the revelation of jesus jesus this is the revelation of jesus so that book opens up to let you know that the book of revelation is all about jesus all those angels a lot of those are beasts they are all metaphors in explaining pastor that's what fear the book of revelation fear they do they don't dare go there it's night it's a nightmare in fact they take the teasers of the revelation oh i come quickly that's right oh and open the door there's no one shot those are the ones they picked at the place of the world out of the message they are afraid of it they can't deal and this is why you need to come to the bible school in case you are a man of god be preaching and when you reach revelation you say leave that sign let's continue the whole book we read the scriptures together we read across the scripture all through of jesus in genesis jesus in in the gospel jesus in revelation of the word that's why we read the cross that's what so you don't need to be afraid of revelation when you come to the bible school the revelation will be open to you that's what he's about jesus that's right there's nothing more that's right every other thing beasts are not there that's right and when compressed is one of the smallest book of the bible oh there is the smallest that has one message one message and all the message to the angels of the churches were all doctrinal that's right rebuke warning corrections on doctrine oh my goodness man of god you are missing out so much you know what he said to them in jude 1 jude 1 put jude 1 verse 1 jude 1 verse 1 on the screen jude chapter 1 verse 1 glory to god foreign you the servant of jesus christ and brother of james to them that are sanctified by god the father and preserved in jesus christ and called next verse next verse these guys are called messing unto you and peace and love be multiplied he's talking to the god look at the instruction he's talking to people who are sanctified and who are called that means they have the ministry given look at the next one he said beloved those who are sanctified and called is the one who's calling beloved when i gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation from timothy from paul to titles he calls it titles my son according to the common faith now completely back on the screen come on salvation it was needful for me to write unto you to write i'm writing that's right you will learn and in learning you'll be assured that's right he said i'll exhort you that you should endlessly content content stand your ground that's right be frontal be confrontational don't be apologetic for the faith which was delivered until they said what happened to the faith that was undelivered it was being corrupted men first brethren came in unawares this fate was being attacked came under persecution and many shifted ground and they made shipwreck of their faith they couldn't identify with christ and with the message the message looks and seems out of place you look like a jew guy you look like you are not updated your time has passed you by we are talking about advanced 21st century innovative ministerial technique for breakthrough unlimited and you're telling me about jesus you better preaching jesus the the faith that was delivered to the sin content was delivered that means many have shifted away from that which was delivered put it back on the screen hallelujah put it back on the screen look at it now next verse verse four verse four for the asserting men crept in unaware these are the men who came and they were making shipwreck of the faith that tight jude has been he's been told now to stand his ground he said of so who will before of old ordained to this condemnation ungodly man turning the grace of our god into lashiviousness and denying the holy lord god and our lord who is that only god he said and our lord jesus christ you see that now next verse next verse verse five oh my goodness that's fine next month i will therefore put you in remembrance though you once knew this how that the lord hadn't saved the people out of the land of egypt after what destroyed them that believed not that destroyed were being taught by papa dr abel damina that's why bible school is exciting it's exciting because he puts it as if god is a destroyer you see that now in the land of egypt the absence of god is the presence of evil of destruction so god oh my goodness man of god the time is up that time our time is up and that's listen to me that's why the bible is is juicy it's exciting if you have been taught it's exciting but if you're not being taught the whole thing is like a closed book it will be shocked at the mystery the bible becomes so boring so boring yes it is [Music] because something is already doing us hallelujah yeah revelation knowledge is doing us and we should get the excited man of god we're excited because we know that is what becomes of you when you get to a power bible school we're just talking about scattered not when you open up the bible when the bible is opened up to you by our papa dr abel damina and mama damina is opened up to you you will just you will kiss and sleep with your bible and love your bible you hold your bible to your breasts all the days and enjoy it because it will just be a book you love reading all the time no one the man of god in many ministries most people don't read their bible because there's no joy no excitement even the pastor doesn't read it he read other books to come and praise motivation he doesn't know the bible so why would the church member read the bible and the pastor shall look listening right now you are not good with reading the bible the bible is too boring for you why won't you be boring to your church members yes it's a cry of your heart but by the time you return from power bible school the members of your ministry will know that a new man has emerged a new you has broken forth the man of revelation knowledge the man dipped and soaked in inside glory to god forever hallelujah paparazzi big thank you for you for this opportunity to be on set and bring this information about the one-year bible school i want to say hey we're expecting you to come on and be present here in flesh and blood and we do ministry together both in the classroom and practical ministry in the field and you'll be assessed and you do ministry in a way that has never been before with such level of boldness and audacity and confidence knowing that you do ministry and you have fruits and success in ministry according to the apostolic order and until we come your way again this happens to priests or enemies gabriel o'quaker is my name saying unto you that the kingdom of god is power amen glory to god [Music] this is king
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 510
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: FEIi991hc7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 31sec (3571 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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