We Were NOT Ready for The Last of Us 1x3: Long, Long Time [Blind Reaction]

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what is up homies welcome back to another reaction from Heroes we forged we're reacting to the third episode of The Last of Us the first two apps have been really really solid we're getting into the story some uh some massive losses already they're not they're not holding anything back rip tests RP test if you want to see Uncle reactions go to patreon.com we have the reactions for every single episode plus everything that we've been watching for the last two years now wow subscribe if you haven't already my god it feels like it's been forever wasn't the first thing we did Mandalorian Season Two Season Two Pedro Pedro back again we follow you wherever you go across the Galaxy that's right that's right yes uh you guys ready to get into this yeah man I almost I almost cried each episode one and two so maybe this is maybe this will be wrong all right here we go in three two one go nobody made you go along with this plan you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault facts is that is she using Joel's jacket shirt jacket as like a little yeah that's a nice jacket I was watching like looking at his Pedro's clothes and I was like I need to get me some boots like that that's right that's the outdoor yeah outdoor Daddy I'm here which I currently am because no way never play this one oh my God so honestly I did watch the last season of Game of Thrones I have no clue if this if she talked once in that whole season oh okay there could be a zombie in there might be zombies God people in zombie movies never or shows never yeah around any Corners assuming there's nothing like this is foolish dark hole get the this is absolute foolish nonsense you only scared yourself Adam you gotta wait it wasn't the right time yeah true that was a good scream though you got me good it was pretty good Cynthia's probably in there like what happened yeah oh nope absolutely not Below have you seen Haunting of Hill House is that blurred yeah oh good thank you that is not the reason why you went down there but necessary supplies yeah that's like oh God not that necessary all right oh my God why are you still standing there oh that guy's trapped so what are you doing no no wow that makeup is amazing holy God very cool it looks yeah it looks like worms and Vines it's like why are you messing with this why why why why why oh cool like moldy is that a CG effect or is it like I think that was a prosthetic wow thank you okay oh dang oh okay yeah dude and she's not gonna tell him about the zombo she's just yep nope and it's it's kind of a bummer that like walking dead did it because it's such a smart idea but I would rock a katana never run out of ammo silent if you have to get bit to be infected then who bit the first person was it a monkey I bet it was a monkey what came what came first the chicken or the egg shitty government failed to prevent a pandemic best guess cordyceps mutated yeah there were certain brands of food that were sold everywhere all across the country across the world bread weren't they talking about wheat at the beginning yes first episode second episode you eat enough of it it'll get you infected so the tainted food all hits the store shelves around the same time Thursday remember the old lady was being fed bread biscuits biscuits um cookies big brain Hector Friday night September 26 2003. on Monday everything was gone that's one crazy weekend y'all whatever it was I think it's gone okay that's scary too how's something gonna move since the last time he was here oh oh wow oh yeah these shoes bones dude you want to see bows is that where people fell out of the plane soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns told you you were going to a qz and you were and they'd execute you if there wasn't Jesus wow and people had packed bags and stuff just like the Holocaust jam oh my God I killed him wouldn't it just leave him be dead people can't be infected she's some mom and a baby right there oh my god oh we're gonna oh no are we about to see you come on December 30th Friday was if Friday was the 26th this is Monday this is Tuesday oh Tuesday there you go they're gonna they kill all these people glance of the American flag oh is this what's his name oh man who uh Nick Offerman oh Nick offerman's in the show yeah yeah I think that's him I like this but I also fear that it's just gonna embolden Doomsday Preppers it's a new world [Laughter] again danger isn't crazy and good Lord oh this is like 10 Cloverfield Lane yeah right that was a good movie that's an excellent movie look at all that wine you think it's a cabinet but it's actually my stairs I built it myself it's Cedar this also reminds me of the uh the Will Forte show last man on Earth it's the day he's been waiting for he's about to go on his boat damn this man is raiding everything I mean it's the perfect time to do it Jesus that would be kind of insane though to be like the literally the last person in your town yeah but I mean like even got copper damn look at this fool but here's the important part alone yeah nobody at the table to share with him so just me basically it's fine what uh humans are social creatures [Music] I smell steak potatoes grilled veggies wow see you Kevin McAllister you got one what what what's he looking at catch one they fall into the hole yep oh no it's also kind of similar to like the Will Smith character in I Am Legend like I'm not infected are you armed no why did you take that long to answer thought about lying for some reason but I'm just trying to get to Boston that's Nick no no it's not Nick Offerman what a Twist yeah just a bruise I dude I'd be if I were him I'd be way chattier I'd be like look if you help me up you can look at every inch of my body I'm not bitten I'm not sick I'm not infected how'd you get that you're free to go Boston is that way you can make it by Nightfall I'm really hungry he's not he's been eating in two days he's a military guy he's an army guy I think so he's a spy if I feed you then every bum you talk to about it is going to show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an RB he wants to be alone Harvest didn't have free lunch was a restaurant I won't talk about it to any bums or hobos or vagabonds I promise you already know I'm bad at lying how many where are they I left some clothes here for you thank you can I have five more minutes sure this is amazing he's in there like all right there's one guy and he's got all these supplies that guy is also 100 jerking off in that shower this is amazing water or months years I'm like so uneasy dude yeah I don't trust him but I'm like but it's not going to end well yeah I don't know what the hell because just if this like bunker guy is so about his rules in life yeah he can't he's gonna kill this guy before he lets him go to Boston it's too I don't know [Music] this is miraculous this is kind of adorable is this the beginning this guy said his name was Frank what was the other guy's name on the on the paper B and F Bob and Frank yeah was it Bob yeah I think so is offerman's character named but like is this the beginning I don't know what the [ __ ] is this a meat cute are they gonna fall in love everything tastes good when you're starving yeah but not like this be great he's about to get dude like serve wine properly yeah I know I don't seem like the type now you do I think they're flirting y'all is it just me I don't know I I actually was thinking that I don't think they're flirting that's a that's okay bro get up oh come on Augustine what's the way to a man's heart right I don't want to see it is what I think I'm feeling yours my mother you're about to attract every infected I don't trust this guy is he gonna shoot him not in his house no no no sir no thank you sorry not this song not this phone well I'm not a professional well neither am I but bro you gotta go you just overstayed your welcome get out of that house and then I'll leave and then I'll leave I'd love to hear a piece of me this is so awkward I don't know if it's I'm just like trap this is a trap it's 100 a trap this guy doesn't have a weapon on him though otherwise but I don't know [Music] you're not not hearing music maybe for like four years this guy's getting a rear naked choke hold on top of my watch he's about to there's something going on we're like this is so adorable that guy's about to rear naked chocolate I I oh damn we were right I you know but I still don't trust me like yeah wow it's the origin of Bill and Frank go take a shower bill you stink Bill no man go take a shower because we're about to ask hard I I will say I am a bit surprised that he is so trusting of a person yeah yeah for someone who's so like Die Hard the prepper like style offerman's in good shape man you know what I think you're right Adam but I feel like I maybe I'm mistaken but my reading of this is that part of the reason that this trust is happening is because Frank is gay and Bill is gay and they met in these circumstances and then once they realized the other was gay also they probably have this like ever done this before with a girl a long time oh man I want you to know that I'm another [ __ ] listen everybody I'm not a murderer so if I do this I'm I'm gonna stay for a few more days I still don't trust him so so fascinating that this like don't tread on me bunker prepper guy is gay he's never been with a guy and you're like all of a sudden you're like oh what was what is his life yeah what is his backstory oh [ __ ] you come on hey would you stop do I ask for things why have I even saying 2010 this is my street too just let me love it the way I want to you're trying to keep it tidy yeah he just wants to fixing up some of the shows I wish like I get that we don't have friends we're the last of us we'll never have friends because there are no friends talking to a nice woman on the radio see oh this is yeah oh you watch how nice this is to have a civilized meal in such a beautiful place less Grays in there yeah yeah because 2010. I really needed this wow we are working together also isn't it so relatable that like we are in every couple there's like the curmudgeony like and then there's the one that's like I want to have friends over here you're Nick Offerman oh Jesus well aren't I the lucky one the stuff we have in the qz that you don't have here books medicine machine parts we can help each other and get that gun out of my face that gun out of my face you don't have to be disrespectful you don't have to trust but you don't have to be disrespectful yeah but not as wire already started to corrode um if I can get you 10 spools of high tensile aluminum last you the rest of your life keep talking I'm interested sooner or later there will be Raiders they'll beat that fence and your trip wires they'll come at night quiet and armed wow we'll be fine oh there's only seven years after everything went down yeah and already no Joel is like oh yeah this is a 2010. Joel is like they'll be Raiders yeah like that's wild man it's okay ready yes oh nice strawberries radishes strawberry radishes oh my God hello Betty's Ten Years After maybe not having strawberries what was that what was that it was a little fuzzy thingy oh dandelion okay I see something about the moon is it deadly damn strawberry sounds so good right now damn I'm jealous as hell owner means we're still here this episode's gonna end very sad horrible oh my God I don't know I was never afraid before you showed up and now he's afraid of losing him yeah Joel lost his daughter but lost his daughter at the hands of someone else I have a feeling one of these two is gonna kill each other oh god oh it's fire yeah oh [ __ ] thank you I bet you Offerman is already yeah yeah that's crazy dude no I'm I'm stressed I'm invested in Bill and Frank now and now I don't want anything to happen to either of them shop by one of these Raiders no damn it we gotta get you inside no everybody's getting shot in the side what the hell Jesus I gotcha I got you she's sort of like movies yeah you're like oh it's serious but they could survive it yeah you can't be here alone you're here did it say what year this was 2013. this is still 2013. he'll take care of it he's gonna pick that thing out nah Nick ain't making it wow I didn't think it was gonna be Offerman who was gonna go dude dude all right my prediction was a little more Bleak but this is still super sad I did think also that uh Frank was gonna yeah me too yeah because Frank was kind of the more loving one oh oh bill made it what wait this is now the present this is 2023 10 years later probably sick oh ten years later oh no you can still get sick even though there's yeah yeah because he was saying well Joel was saying well this was you know 10 years before but he was mentioning about medicine and stuff yeah but it also depends on what Franco it's it's the worst thing to be to to in a zombie story like this in a Fantastical World whatever to still have a character age into old age and be like well I have cancer or yeah Alzheimer's or yeah and there's nothing and there's not the normal medical system setup also the thing I love about this episode so far is like there's absolutely been no infected yeah that's true yeah big round it's unfair too because Frank was in better shape God man this is this is like the opening to up this episode it's like an entire life together and it's so sad took most of the night I'm exhausted God damn what did he do he got up out of bed by himself I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day you can't just say that man you can't just drop it like that just give me one more good day starting now make me some toast [Laughter] where I'll pick outfits for it you'll wear what I ask we'll get married oh my God it's gonna make me cry and you cook a delicious then you will crush all of these up Jesus put them in my wine I will drink it then you will take me by my hand bring me to our bed and I will fall asleep in your arms foreign I can't do you love me of course yes yes then love me the way I want you to these actors are so good man damn I was not expecting this type of story in this type of show absolutely absolutely and if Adam if what you said is true that this thing was either written for or created for the show it's like what a great way to yeah sort of pause the story for a whole episode [Music] it's a whole where he found him yeah he's like all right I guess we're gonna do this oh my God [ __ ] oh is that the same mule when they first met dude you know it yeah the same little move too the little turn yep but now instead of sitting across from the he's sitting right next to him oh man you think you you know you think you love a person I don't know if I could do what what bill is doing yeah I don't know if I have the strength to do that is he gonna split the bag oh no Adam I guess not oh [ __ ] did he put it no he couldn't have not that we saw and it I mean the the the glasses were empty he could have used something else in the bottle enough to kill a horse oh man he did do it and you were my purpose I do not support this should be furious but from an objective point of view it's incredibly Jesus guys this had to have been after the first end of the first episode Bill and Frank sent an 80s song yeah so like Joel and Tess and Ellie are already on the road yeah and I think Joel so at the end of this made me have to show up yeah oh my gosh I love seeing the actors who are traditionally known as being um not stereotyped always but sometimes as like comedians yeah Offerman was definitely in that yeah yep I have range beyond your even your imagination Nick Offerman is in a bunch of cool roles like that yeah yeah he's still always kind of still Nick Offerman yeah but I love him so much yeah watch it's gonna go like and it's gonna be Joel well [ __ ] oh no maybe that's the end is that it the next morning they're gone Joel shows up no I think it's been a while it looks pretty dilapidated but yeah now they can't get in the generator is still running okay okay yeah codes are still good codes are still working flowers so it's been some time yeah well but again they had to have how long do you think they've been on the road since episode one how long do you think it's been a few weeks a few months it's a good question you hear anything you see anything yell what if they're gone yeah see they never came back down mm-hmm oh for for your car um I like don't wanna [Music] she left I like don't want to see what state they're in I know it's from Bill yeah We're not gonna see them wow you probably wrote a letter and was like [Laughter] it was this look at all the dust wow Honda so they're dead they're literally upstairs I'm guessing you found this Joel because anyone else would have been electrocuted or blown up by one of my traps we have a job to do and God help any [ __ ] I leave you all of my weapons and equipment use them to keep test safe but Tess is now not his person it's Ellie yeah and this is so great because this all felt like a isolated episode but you know what it's exactly what Joel needed to hear it is going to be for Joel's character development yeah you know it's a replica Ghostbusters Ecto one oh okay it's a Chevy S10 nice Chevy no battery of course laughs he keeps him on a battery tender come on man Nick offerman's prepper yeah there's one right there yeah oh he took the battery apart so he can build it you need those those rods and sulfuric acid so that it wouldn't create the chemical reaction wow show me your arm scabbing up chill just chill I just finished making a truck battery it's charging right now all right MacGyver I'm taking you with me there's some rules you gotta follow first of all rule one yeah shut the [ __ ] up matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves we'll too you don't tell anyone about your condition you see that pipe Mark they won't think it through they'll just shoot you roll three you do what I say when I say it we clear repeat it what you say goes he goes I meant all the rules yes everything so what now his brother his brother his brother yeah that's trying to get into your lab to save the world dude this guy has so much stuff they are ready yep can I have a gun [Laughter] dude no there's a wall yeah you're not trained with a weapon with another hour they have hot water I'm taking a shower yeah and then your shower yeah y'all probably oh oh God it served its purpose okay writing desk lady this kid is have some respect I I get it though because like Ellie's never done anything done yeah of course I mean I'm sure it'll come in handy later on will in the story something bad's gonna happen you look pretty wow ah deodorant nice look at you dude I would have loaded up the back of that truck right in there like guns supplies food Twinkies it looks like they did toilet paper everything it's your first time in a car it's like a space that Chevy is 10 businesses I think old ass Carver look Chevy S10s Ford Ranger's reliables dude those are the trucks that you want yup and Subaru route Max those out oh man yeah it's better than nothing dang he's got a remote activity yeah yeah it is episode yeah well at least they can kind of treat this as a home base because yeah right you think people will I mean it's of course Raiders could try to yeah they will I feel like as long as they locked up everything it'll be a little oh there's stuff no no they're gonna show them they want to see this is gonna make me too sad too sad too sad nah they're not gonna show him that's the window they left open yeah it is they're the beds oh that's a plant guys I know I thought it was a person's hair all right all right this is some cool with something my hands are gonna go crazy that was lovely damn that was lovely we can kind of leave a little bit Yeah because we have the last two episodes were crazy batshit this was just a story about two people this was like this is a pandemic yeah this was oddly like Slice of Life yeah in the like most extreme circumstance but you're right though because I mean there were a lot of stories at the I mean throughout multiple parts of of covet of like people finding each other yeah in the most unexpected circumstances absolutely did you guys remember the early stages of covid and shutdown and quarantine specifically the element of like when everybody kind of everybody was very online and communicating but then people started to talk about like I live alone yeah and this is really hard yeah or even if you lived with other people it was like I you know I I need to go and and and safely distance yeah go have a lunch with some friend like I need to I need to talk to people and people kept talking about that mental health aspect of like we need socialization we're social creatures and especially for the folks who I remember it happened a lot in in La like I knew a lot of friends that were single and they live by themselves and all of a sudden it was really really hard and I and I remember specifically I had friends who like I was quarantining for two weeks and you I knew one other person was quarantined for two weeks it was a friend of theirs and we decided to meet up and hug yeah and it was like you they were like breaking down crying just just hugging yeah you know um just because those weeks or months or whatever were so so tough but that's what it reminds me of right people finding themselves and yeah and I like people who like lived across each other in in apartment buildings and they would start communicating you know all that kind of stuff the thing I think I was imprinting on the the story was that uh bill was the prepper and I kept being like yeah but he's alone yeah he doesn't have anybody yeah he I'm like I know he's miserable there's no way that this guy is that you know that was my own because I feel so like social and sometimes I don't understand when people can be very kind of on their own and independent and isolated and stuff and I was right haha by the end he admitted he admitted um no but it's it's and it all goes back to like how is this going to affect the story with Joel and yeah Joel heard that because that ending yeah I don't think there was any I mean there obviously could have been other ways to present this but to present it in a way that felt so normal in a world that's not normal yeah was incredibly smart like they didn't try to weave it into like oh well you got bit and then you got better or like you know like some some craziness which we've seen over and over again in other movies um this was a really good not out of this world for this universe that like somebody a doomsday prepper could have a normal life yeah and he could like accidentally meet somebody and then fall in love and then they have normal arguments like a couple and then they you know love each other and then you know life happens yeah somebody maybe get sick or you know something happens it felt very normal and I feel like that normalcy is really the only thing that could have affected Joel yeah like yeah Joel's life changed from from being so normal just the dad who works taking care of his daughter to suddenly the pandemic breaking out right and so that normalcy kind of just crept back in and that's the way to communicate with him right now he's so hardened against the world right now he's so extraordinate against this situation yeah that like that's that's what got to him yeah you know brilliant story time you know you're bringing that up Augustine and I'm and it reminds me of how like Tess was in this episode right almost the different character it felt like yeah she didn't feel like that character and you think about what Tess was like in 2013 when they had their little lunch meeting which was adorable yeah Tess was the one that was like I'm trying to get normalcy yeah so I've made a friend in Frank Frank was trying to be like I'm trying to get normalcy and bill and Joel were like the two groups they're like too grumpy girls I don't like this yeah but to think about tests in 2013 versus how we met her in the story and where she was now yeah that lady went through some [ __ ] yeah absolutely I'm sure Joel did too but like it was like whoa that's crazy yeah and then at the end it coming back to test because Bill said protect Tess it's the reminder of just everything that's important to [ __ ] life the [ __ ] I think it's also massively impressive that this episode I don't know I don't I'm gonna assume that Frank was also a character that was not part of the video game I have no idea no idea but oh you know what though I was thinking about it and maybe in the game as Joel you just get to like running in Bill's house yeah and maybe there's a kind of backstory that they never yeah or I don't know something but maybe me I I don't know all speculation maybe they get to the this house yeah and they see a couple right skeletons in bed yeah and in this they decided to make them connected and friends and exactly that's a great way but using using uh those two characters to tell just like a story that it it's connected to the world but it's very disconnected like you were talking about you know but it but it just has like so much depth and meaning and yeah um just so beautifully like it got me yeah yeah absolutely the performances were incredible my performance were amazing and I think also and I was watching an interview with the director today who was talking about how like you know they liked or it's sometimes the the best storytelling is when there's like minimal dialogue yes and I feel like this the when there was dialogue it was incredible but when there's just subtle moments of just it's like movement communicate you know communication Through The Eyes it really impacts you when it's that strong some of my favorite storytelling this is why I love Gandy so much because he's very good at the visual storytelling yeah telling yeah because it requires you to think outside of you know that you need to explain this with normal dialogue to people which is I feel like can be a crutch sometimes you need to get the story across I feel like also tell a story and no words yeah just visually because you're I feel like your brain kind of fills in the blank exactly and you're going like I know exactly what's happening one of my favorite examples of that is they did a comic a Spider-Man comic in the 90s where Harry Osborne Peter Parker's friend the son of the original Green Goblin relapsed and became the Green Goblin himself again for a little bit but then was like something happened and I think the goblin Goblin formula was breaking him down and he started dying and he was unmasked and regular hairy again like normal and Spider-Man helped him get to an ambulance and I think he was in like an ambulance car with Harry as Harry's kind of on the table and then he passes and originally they wrote In The Script it was like they they talked to one another and there's word balloons and stuff but but then when the writer got the pages back of the art he was like wait a minute I could just pull all of this away and just the visual storytelling of what these two characters how their how they're drawn and how they're kind of acting to one another as this moment resolves itself they were like that's the storytelling yeah we don't need all this extra stuff it's just it's there and it's the audience as we're reading it we're probably like oh what are they saying to each other and you're filling in the blanks and nothing can really top that and beautiful stuff man I know when I re-watched this episode with my girlfriend I'm gonna cry yeah fully full-on I was holding it back with you bros I did I was sitting here I was going like here it comes here it comes emotions and I was also it's it's the TV has rotted our brains because we're also all used to like you know this these surprises and the rug getting pulled out from under us I did not expect you were untrustworthy of Frank until basically they it started so the lovemaking yeah and then when they cut to them being a normal couple I'm like oh the times the time skip of what three four years later we're like okay it's but even up to the end and I just want some gas yeah I almost half expected like at the very end for Frank to be like after he like drinks the wine to be like I knew all along and I just I lied to you and I snuck in you know some like TV twist stuff like what like yeah I had my guard up but now that I see it again I know it's going to be wholesome so now from the opening shots [Laughter] let us know your thoughts in the comments below as always jump into the Discord also where everyone's going to be talking about this show this episode in particular check out the unco reactions on patreon subscribe if you haven't already and we'll see you guys in the next bye-bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Heroes Reforged
Views: 183,915
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes reforged, the last of us, the last of us reaction, the last of us episode 3, the last of us episode 3 reaction, the last of us long long time, bill and frank, nick offerman, tlou episode 3, murray bartlett, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, the last of us episode 3 review, hbo the last of us, tlou episode 3 review, tlou episode 3 reaction
Id: gW_DFonyoFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 0sec (2340 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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