The Last of Us 1x2 REACTION!! - Infected

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I give the last of us two air kicks and a snap we loved you Sarah yes will a cordyceps cookie make you feel better no thank you I'm on a diet I want one good luck I don't know what do you think so I'm not having any either to be honest with you welcome back everyone storm here Mom here give me here we're going to be watching more of the last of us today episode two we love the first episode mom and Kim have not played The Last of Us game they don't know the story I played the first part I played a portion of the second part and let's get into episode two all right let's do it okay thank you that fast oh Jakarta we're going back okay no we mentioned that last time yes they did uh-oh who are they looking for ah that's not intimidating okay I'm scared but it oh crap here's the sample are you sure he's dead yeah I know maybe it's the first one that wakes up but I don't know oh yeah okay you don't mind if I take part of you do you um he's not gonna like it the fungus Among Us you dropped it foreign [Music] um that's horrible right oh my God I know it's one person's opinion but in this case we know she's right yeah because she's saying for herself too yeah she knows yes well that's true sometimes you run a little low Mom right yes you do sound natural it's not getting any worse is it she locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick so I have to pee test you how tear out a few places that happened sooner or later life in front of me yum then you must have heard that he wants to shoot you tell anybody now people like we've heard this a million times vaccines miracle cures none of it works [ __ ] you man I didn't ask for this you and me both she so much as twitches [Music] can I have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus [Laughter] it's incredible darn is this where they bombed yeah they hit most of the big cities like this slow the spread somehow is based on that limited information how did you get bit more than accusing one that's sealed off and boarded up and now it's supposed to go in ever that one so it was just you and there alone yeah really nobody's gonna be coming after you right like Mom dad boyfriend I'm an orphan so they're aren't super infected they explode fungus spores on you [ __ ] I hope not oops can it just stay daylight all the time musical frog s I don't know [Music] oh my gosh I have a feeling she's going to grow on them now oh yeah right well I mean maybe I could climb up there work my way around that's enough Texas what about Tess Detroit no questions about me how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school one card [Applause] what now hmm wow oh my gosh oh my God great there's so many the last time we were here they were still deep inside the buildings but I guess enough people came through looking for the qze more than you know how do you know where you are now they come oh my God you're not immune from being ripped apart understand ah short way Museum holy crap there's a way across from the top floor well then I guess it's fine okay one of these or just sandwiches yeah congratulations come on ah oh [ __ ] here little question to upgrade [Applause] oh freaking out [Music] that's okay [Music] [Music] it's going down oh my gosh look at it oh great oh boy [ __ ] holy place crap holy crap it's like calling his friends yeah [Music] hello they're calling they're calling more ah okay okay don't say anything don't oh my God it's just a bad movie no no no no no no no another one no oh no no what the hell right there [Applause] now don't you wish you gave her a freaking gun I'm just so fast wow [Applause] sounds like it's clicking you die oh he's right there oh fungus face everything's gonna be okay sweetheart it's like I feel like I have to be quiet too yes oh my gosh I'm freaking sucks God damn it all right wow is he biting foreign [Applause] wow wow [Applause] all right oh no more I have no more bullets where's Tess probably has enough bullets all right [Applause] I want that back I need it to kill you again crap I didn't [ __ ] my pants that's a bonus I don't blame you oh damn it holy crap those things are so scary over there yeah I know it looks scary that was scary oh my gosh wow okay I just want my controller the first bike can take it oh geez like that does very well come on let's get there before it's dark um yeah I love the attention to detail oh my [Music] boy [Applause] that was freaking Brave fresh oh my God what a fresh Blood come on don't be Hasty wait what's she doing oh there you go wow oh my gosh Tess it's over we are going all that for nothing what huh oh that's why she's so upset [Music] oh my gosh boy oh boy oh it's real it's [ __ ] real listen oh look at she she's trembling just do this for one thing come on oh God holy crap oh my gosh creepy look at oh [Applause] man oh gross wow see they're all alerted now they're all coming oh boy um this isn't good oh that's not good dinner time [Applause] she's such a strong woman I don't know like you can't even touch her she's she's infected they have to not immune like you are holy crap baby oh baby I'm so sorry cheers oh my god oh boy you light it up nightmare oh boy come on look work you son of a [ __ ] I don't want her getting killed like that oh good slide slip come on baby oh come on don't mind he's like running right by her it's not going and now they're gonna go right for them oh there's one shoot on this face oh come on light come on that's kind of light it's gonna be nice and slow turn it sometimes okay oh God damn it oh no no no let me give you some time baby oh gross she's like what do I do yes please yes please oh I saw your last God [Music] oh poor chess God oh just doing oh and he lost so much already in losing her and [Music] so sad I know there's like no words for her like he's not saying anything because he's going through so much yeah yeah that was horrible this music is so beautiful I just love it and she was so brave yeah she was saying you know good things to her she didn't want to kill yes you're so curious she was yeah she was really tough very strong and very brave I mean yes yes you know that's the end once you're bit and yet she didn't want to say anything right away because once you do it's over you know it's gonna happen fast but yes even though Joel like I totally understand why his reaction was like that because he he at one point was a caring guy he loved Sarah he loved his daughter um he loved his brother Tommy um and he's worried about his brother Tommy but you know he cares and then for a test to be with him she seems like she's all together too you know she's definitely she knows what true caring is and um you know for Joel to actually step away from her she didn't want to lose like her Humanity yeah that's right definitely so she waited a little bit which is a wrist and she wanted yeah and she wanted to get them there she wanted to see you know just okay drop off we did what we had to do you know she's safe we're good and uh and Ellie was the one who said that she's infected she's like yeah yeah she saw it right away yeah she's pretty smart she's a very fresh but yeah good as she is you know she's kind of be strong what she's going through yeah she's got a you know now she has you know now ever you know I'm sure Joel realizes yeah this is the real deal she is very important you know she could be the key to getting a cure but um to do it on his own and it took tests to really tell him like look come on this is the bright side let's go forward with this yeah now I'm trying to recall I do remember a lot from the first game but I'm trying to recall certain things I don't know if she got bit again um at this time but like I think that's kind of neat to have that in the show to kind of like show another point of oh well because you're gonna solidify everything it validates yeah because the second time and look at her I'd be like Joe would be like I don't know I mean maybe she's just a really slow Turner you know maybe because there's billions of people who are unfortunately infected there might be some that turned really slow like she well so you never really know so I'd be paranoid too but then you have another bite and if it takes a while and she doesn't turn still then I'd be like oh crap this might be the real deal like I'd want to have some hope but this episode was intense like we were quiet like we were freaking out but we were really quiet like on edge the whole time right yeah and they told us to be quiet yeah and then that freak you out you know even in the hotel when you know Ellie was being a kid you know when she's playing with the the ballet and you know here's the bellhop but um you know she was she was being and you know a kid what kids do and um you know Tessa it and I think she kind of like like you said like you think they're gonna grow on her that's right and her she's going to grow on them rather and um I think Tess was you know completely getting there quicker than Joel oh yes with Ellie but um I think now he's just gonna say you know yep and after what happened with his daughter too he probably didn't yeah he looked at the watch yeah they probably won't have a connection but he will now yeah yeah like he doesn't want to love Yeah like he did before he doesn't want to be you know a dad for someone where he thinks he's going to lose them yeah and Ellie like she's so sarcastic and trying to like talk to Joel and just have basic conversation and he didn't want to like get to know her or anything he wants to keep it very separated um and then the common thing they talk about is um infected you know like that is the world it's very negative but um that's the way you survive like it's good to know um you know a lot of details about him but that's what people can talk about the common denominator that's the only thing going on right now yeah I mean and it took over everything it is insane how fast they are and it's just over there it's just creepy and the clicking and you know trying to and then they they can call out to other ones you know alert other ones isn't that freaky because like it was so scary I don't want to compare to the walking dead because I know it's a very different story different kinds of I know they're not zombies in this they're infected I used to say that in the game a lot and I get why um a lot of people would correct me and be like they're not actually dead they're infected you know so um they're hosts to these fungi that um you know take over them and there is still part of them which is even more sad I feel that you're still kind of there but you can't do anything you can't control your body so they're still so that makes it way worse right um I won't say any more than that because it'll be fun to learn more through this show and I am very confident at this point like the creators of this show really are spot on with all the detail was like I really feel like I'm reliving the game in a very positive way where it's fun to watch um and like the gameplay was very interactive and was not boring um and you were doing all these things like tasks climbing through the rubble unlocking doors being quiet things crashing on you I'm going through that plank like on that plank of wood across buildings like you do all of that stuff you got the balance and yeah I'll tell you yeah just a dialogue going on it's kind of similar and they did change a few things too but um I think it's really cool on you know how they really paid attention to the feel of it um the characters and just like the music and even the scenes like you feel like you're playing these levels um down to so many details that there were certain areas where I was like oh my God like this feels right out of the game and it looks very realistic I mean the game is very realistic too and when you saw which I can say now because we saw are these infected that Mom said it sounds like they're clicking yes so they're called clickers okay they sound like they're clicking yeah yeah and you play those or you don't play them in the game but you know you're actually crawling around you have to be quiet and you have to go quickly behind things and the cool thing about like newer video games although The Last of Us came out the first game came out a few years back um they're so different than what you guys know not that you ever played games we used to watch Tom and I play games when we were little like Mario and stuff like that but um very different idea and it's so real like I appreciate those games a lot because I didn't grow up with them and they're just so much more advanced and I really get into it and it's just a completely different feel so can you imagine like you're kind of like reliving those scenes but you're making the choice because you're playing the character and you got to be quiet and the same details and the thing that freaking turns around and just goes yeah and like I used to scream like look out so so sometimes I couldn't play the game for a little while I had to be in like an okay mood because I didn't want to be terrified to the point of like I can't do this you know but the clickers Joel was kind of signing Whispering that they can't hear uh or they can't see you but they can hear you oh noise yeah and then the clicking is like echolocation yes oh okay so in that freaky I think it's so bizarre and freaky and kind of figured that so it's like you start to learn one thing but oh yeah like they can evolve and you can have different yes lines have infected so so I guess they're going out west now I think so oh gosh yeah I feel bad for Ellie because I think she wanted to kind of be comforted at that moment yeah I mean she didn't want to leave her yeah even though you know she knew in her heart they had to yeah um but you know like but there again Joel's going through his own thing you know he just lost you know someone that he was close to so you know and he's just like he's done you know he's done with this chapter and let's just go forward because I can't he can't deal with that the pastor he's just gonna go and I can't imagine living in a world like this but I try to keep in mind that you know they are harsh like Ellie um is very vocal and um you know she likes to swear a lot uh just like the freaking game character which I thought was awesome so it's like really matches up um and with Joel like he's really tough too so is Tess but look at the world around them and Ellie was raised in this world this is all she knows right to express themselves like that you know it's just very different you know you know but and yet she can stop and look at the scenery and say you know yes like a kill of you I mean she is appreciative of what she is seeing even though it's just this yeah terrible I think that's important and especially how people have treated her in the past and she's still worried about Tess and didn't want to leave her alone and Joel like he cared for Tess but he just just know is like that's it you know you have to there's nothing you can do and the infected are going there so many all of them they said so it's like oh my God it's like how many are there um so it was just very freaky I thought that was so freaking bizarre the way that one went up to test and then just made out with her like mouth to mouth I'm like that's so freaking disgusting now from what I remember from the game um I remember she was bit and she had to stay behind um but I don't think you actually saw her die I think I think you just saw an explosion and that was it so they added that extra scene it was a little weird to me but again it's really weird I'm kind of thinking the fungi um they attack you they bite you they do anything they can to you to infect you but maybe this one because you know the human is still kind of possibly aware because just staying like still and everything didn't make it aggressive so maybe that's why she just stayed still because she wanted to make sure she was just yes or start the flame instead of um you know oh my God then it shreds her right pieces or something that you can't even do it so but yeah that was really great to the end she's very strong right to the end yeah please leave your comments below I'm very curious on what you thought of this episode especially those who have played the game because um I really had Nostalgia here like it was it was definitely it's sad I mean I hate that test died here but um I really care for her and I felt really bad I was floored and shocked during the game um I was like no way she died so early and I really thought she was going to be a main character but kind of like Sarah too like um you're following her yeah the first part of the story and then she dies and that shines me too because I thought I'm like uh because you play as her in the game and then she dies I'm like wait what what just happens here yeah it's pretty messed up but hey it's more real that way and um it's a pretty neat concept so um one other thing I want to say is with the infected um without giving away too much detail uh they're not like walkers from The Walking Dead where those are dead right you know um like once you die in this like a head like a bullet to the head like we saw um in the morgue when that scientist went over to look at that body we were all freaking out though because I'm like maybe they'll have a new twist or something and we saw the bullet wound but maybe it didn't hit the brain so um but yeah so like once a person actually dies like the old lady last time when Joel hit her hard enough it was enough to kill the person um but I'm just gonna keep babbling but we'll learn as we go because you knew the Clippers were harder to take down because they had some more fungus that were kind of like armored plated stuff we'll find out anything else you'd like to add no it just really scary yeah interesting to learn how they found out in the beginning that that poor scientist I mean how devastating I kind of figured when they were coming into the dining you know into the restaurant and they were just seeing her I was like yeah she's not doing anything so I'm sure it's got to be a scientific and she seems so sweet too she's like did I commit a crime like I felt so bad for her because she was so scared but it was so sad with that told him about the place when she said that because yeah because um you know we know from this that she's very smart and she seems like a very caring person and she was like traumatized by this like she knew there was nothing and for her to say bomb this place I want to be with my family like she knows she can't leave she knows to save Humanity that you have to kill everyone and it went all around the world that way in Boston like everywhere and the bombs seemed to work in certain locations which is very sad so how many people actually died you know it's just 20 ish years later and it's just crazy yeah so can't wait to watch the next episode guys stay tuned thank you so much for watching please subscribe and we'll see you very soon as always bye guys
Channel: Storm Akima
Views: 61,726
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TLOU, The Last of Us, Reaction, Reactions, React, Joel, Ellie, Infected, Zombie, fungi, disease, apocalypse, scary, horror, first time, game, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Tess, Tommy, survive, smuggle, United States, runner, stalker, Clicker, Bloater, Anna Torv, Nico Parker, Sarah, Gabriel Luna, Merle Dandridge, FireFlies, rebels, military, quarantine, zone, QZ, Storm Reid, Riley Abel, death, infection, scream, cry, shock, surprise, fight, mom, sisters, spores, afraid, cure, immune, cordyceps
Id: igzpDVMMDiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 18sec (2058 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 24 2023
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