Dad Cries to The Last of Us Episode 1 - Group Reaction

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it's time for The Last of Us TV show it is finally here and two of us the two boys on the bottom have never played the game so we can't even give input and God is it gonna be a glorious ride yeah I I can't wait oh my God I kind of wanted to talk about a little bit before we started then I was like anything I would literally ruin it for them y'all can't know nothing no this is just advertising this is they're talking about stuff that's not [Music] we can fix that in post we'll cut it you didn't have to see all the crap before we took Carrie yeah space of crap before so we have a blur damage to show you later I'm so excited dude and that's your biggest worry yes any kind of virus I'm sorry I meant surely everyone will wear a mask and protect each other in Madagascar say it could be in Chicago within a matter of weeks and uh Dr Newman you're also oh yo that's Alistair from pandemic keeps you up at night as well it's quiet enjoy him oh that's my phone well that's our show no mankind has been at war with the virus from harmless enough many species it's funny this is happening because there was like a study where there was like you seek not to kill the U.S but 60 of it has like a fungus that can cause like respiratory issues really um you just came out with it or whatever where do we get LSD from where do you get it from my neighbor a fungus this has been going for the jokes he did not get enough laughs viruses can make us ill but fungi can alter our very Minds there's a fungus that infants will this is real yeah that's actually true know what to do like a puppeteer with a marionette and it gets worse from within replacing also the truth flash with it John but it doesn't let it let it what doctor fungal infection of this kind is a real but not in humans true fungi cannot survive instance the world were together such a hypothetical wow now there is reason to evolve one gene mu poisoned mines permanently yeah like everybody's soul is leaving their body or affection to every last human alive is this man's talking about like the fungus Among Us like I don't know treatments is that what's Happening Here so if that happens it's like a lot of the real life zombie stuff people will be like this fungus is literally real life zombie but this is not the t-virus sir okay this is this is like oh with the music oh let's go I'm so happy [Music] it's a very game of thronesy intro yeah out of curiosity how long was the playthrough in this game 20 hours 25 hours that's pretty I mean that's pretty decent for a storyline games in the first game I actually had yeah the second game was like a little more open world ish you kind of let you wander around more I love the music in this game this game I was like really worried they were gonna like change the music uh yeah completion is about 22 hours but it is by the same um again no drugs the director of yes or yes multiple like remake so like remasters and this and that right like it was like a master and a remake so like this game's been out for been around for how long PS3 then rematch yeah PS4 then remake on PS5 like 2012 I think so I mean like for that time that was a long game yeah like if it came out back then and it had like a 20 something hour play through yeah I think for a single player game it was like literally when the last player was banging yeah jeez it was literally like one of the last games to come out on the PS3 because it was like pushing that thing to its Paces bro it tapped all that thing could handle oh no is this who I think it is oh stop bro I want some eggs now do I have some eggs here earlier oh man they're really good where's the pancake mix that's my benefit [Laughter] vitamin C I don't know if I'm bugging but this kitchen looks identical to the kitchen in the game I it's fractions if they're going to that kind of detail that's pretty crazy we're diapers soon he says I don't already show this is the way lovely is there enough for our uncle Tommy not me not the same I think we'll pick you something up on the road concrete guy is going to be there yeah I'm just wait give Carter where is that Middle East it doesn't ring a bell it's definitely a country Maybe I know I'm so curious like do we know how many episodes it's confirmed to be all right I'm gonna guess 9 10. 8-13 is the usual for something like this yeah per episode I don't know because Game of Thrones I'm gonna say aren't they usually 10 or something I think [Laughter] I like the dynamic that they have going on yeah it's very refreshing I think that they're fleshing it out so she went into his room and she's stealing money from him it's a really like nice knife huh hey neighbor why do I feel like she's taken that money to buy Cake knowing he's gonna forget damn H man no faith no faith after school this cold blooded age man a little bit she'll take what you got y'all can wait whatever what no I don't think she can eat on her own but I'm on Atkins I won't stay as long as you want bro I always hate it when my parents did you get like that dude I'll tell you how exciting it was to listen to that [ __ ] conversation put that out happy birthday to you oh I forgot this was based in Austin oh wow exactly as I have it always subject and predicate okay the sentence is where are you going I found seeing Bush that funny I didn't expect to see him in the show predicate it is 2003. yeah it's weird because like I don't know what to think so it feels like I'm waiting for like like a shoe to drop or something because like it's just feeling ominous yeah I mean I mean you have an enjoyable idea right you know yeah like because we watch we watch the trailer so we know it doesn't stay happy-go-lucky I have no idea what you're talking about I'm pretty sure it's all going to be great I'm just blown away so far at like the attention to detail like even the street in the building she just walked into like I recognized that yeah like yeah it's like it's scary I'm not trying to say anything to spoil these guys but it's also like the adaptation is like like to like like I said the kitchen from my memory I might be wrong looks one to one what I recall the kitchen looking like in the the game like I like and it seems like there's a lot of things that are like that right it's just kind of nutty because I don't think we've ever really seen especially not a video game adaptation do it that well and we're only like a few minutes in selling his watch happy birthday right or is she like getting your [ __ ] dad uh okay what's that about and SWAT geez we're closing huh okay I'm very sorry he cannot finishes I think he was fixing it yeah he was fixing it okay you should go home I think the only difference with the characters so far is that Sarah was younger in the game I love that window like that little Shop's window and then dropping it down having the clock there I loved that that was cute sorry I was getting worried I was getting something for my dad probably looks a lot better before it was covered in nicotine stains true yep that's what I say lady I was thinking we'd make some cookies chocolate chip just just yo I'm down for some reason you have some chocolate chips in the raisin you can't just like oatmeal raisins yeah something not not just raisin cookies that's two I don't know why I talk to her oh I like it's fun so I I I do want to ask because we're in I feel like we're like in a transition phase do you guys feel the the two that don't know uh anything about this do you feel any kind of tension whatsoever like it do you do so besides I feel worried right now or are you just wondering what's happening I'm I'm just on anticipation of waiting for like because they're obviously they're building it up they mentioned the virus at the beginning now they're mentioning that country now there's a bunch of police on the road so like I'm just an anticipation of just when it's gonna happen slow build bro she got her hair slipped back already for Speed [ __ ] she ready to go there's something about the way that she's blurred that is making this yeah it makes it way worse this is yeah oh God what is happening around your face could I borrow this oh let's let's check on Grandma real quick what's up yeah what is what might be a good idea oh no what oh she's back to normal now okay yo the dog is not yeah yeah dude take me with you please bro dogs no man like when we have food delivered the second they pull up outside the dog knows immediately every day yeah Oh I thought just random people had jets in Texas [ __ ] the thing is in North Carolina we have like military bases here and so randomly you will see stuff like that is this gonna be like a oh no like gave us the wrong side I'll get us one tomorrow I knew he was gonna forget you don't get your present you got me a present swear all my life I think the first episode's literally just gonna be leading up to the thing I think it's gonna I don't think so there's so much time left I don't know what to expect on how much they're gonna adapt because they are fleshing it out way more did you think like all of what we've seen so far is not in the game no they're like fleshing it out way more actually the game is like right about here it's a hardcore yeah she literally said that in the game that watch is going to become incredibly important throughout the story is I feel like they spent too much time on this watch for it to just be up there I mean we did get a couple whole scenes on it apart from the adlers oh this is one of the deleted scenes yeah come on pop it in I love their relationship that's the one with the deleted scenes yeah yeah the the drugs joke in the watch yeah I think was in the game but don't fall asleep of course I want it's too riveting that's gonna be like rough when he's old and it's gonna be like a one-piece DVD yeah he's like oh this has the bonus features this has the four kids edition on each side too except Bree and all the kids are gonna be asleep before it starts yeah we'll see one piece hello it's me in jail oh God is that his brother yeah okay happy birthday can't even enjoy a goddamn movie oh it was 2003 he lucky that call went through yeah true that yeah good point I like our main character so far it feels like he's just trying to do his best I just I I I like him for that I think you can say that about Joel as a whole in the game it was the best well that's not no what what is that oh my channel it's been two hours right you put her to bed at midnight I think I I didn't know sorry can you get like 1203 or something like that oh no it's 215 well it was it was 216 but like he put her to bed and it showed them for three hours yeah so three hours okay he should definitely be back home then right yeah you would assume hey I mean this is back in 2003 Austin was not a big city but at that point so there wouldn't have been like traffic especially that late oh no don't let something bad happen to her when the Dad's away please law enforcement and Emergency Services that's not fun to bring up oh great no you should let me in trying he's like I'm trying to tell you you got to listen to me something [ __ ] up this is not right Mercy what are you doing out here boy he's like hey don't go that way bad over there I'm not gonna lie like if there's like a National Emergency thing that pops up on TV like that that says lock the door and stay inside I'm just I start I start building the barricade yeah honestly you're not wrong that's not a bad idea nah nah like worst case I have to take a dive yeah I know it's gonna be fine sure it's gonna be fine like the door is just open wide open uh but the college especially when the dog refuses to go back like that's how you know like no yeah it was bad inside girl get out of there what are you doing go home and lock the door just go home and lock the door see for our European viewers the fun in that is you don't know if that's a gunshot or a firework yeah [Music] I think the helicopters and Jet scrambling instantly oh she spilled her raisin cookies all over the floor all that raisin cookie oh God Santa he fell into the raisin cookies girl yeah what the what is there that think of God run oh my damn oh that's gonna be nightmare fuel later oh my I love this guy that's none of my business close the door close the door yeah okay the dad made it back what the heck was that I think she tripped we just killed Miss Hadler this is interesting like they deviated from how this scene takes place but it's still so good yeah I'm sorry Joe we got to go it's not just the adlers we're gonna be it's time to get out yeah I mean let's be real good thing that he got Tommy out of jail on time you know what I mean I'm just glad he made it back to her I would have been so sad he came home to her being like gone run them down in the [ __ ] house way to go Denise you don't know you're saying it's a virus it's kind of parasite terrorists don't a fungus Among Us no of course not why do things blow up cell phone no radio oh it's Jimmy's Place that was in the game it would it's probably what she was in there with him yeah you'd already be bugging off if you weren't no you do not stop you keep driving no not in this situation hell no dude nope nope wow I'm getting Joel is a man dude when you got a kid no [ __ ] if I was by myself I wouldn't take the risk they got a kid I don't care holy [ __ ] what's [ __ ] is like this this is what would have happened like yeah yeah the people would be doing this it is like a really like their relationship was like this in the game as well too it was very much very similar yeah Mexico just far as far as we can how much gas a quarter tank Gotta Give him props for thinking of this on the fly so they've been completely blockaded in by the military at this point yes everywhere well yeah the military blocked the highway so the people in the city couldn't get out yeah like for for perspective I like I live in Austin that there is literally one there's two [ __ ] ways to get from like North Austin to South Austin and it is the main Highway and the toll road and that is basically it like it is this is exactly what would happen dude if it was open here I'm [ __ ] I never understood that about like big cities like that because there's a lot of big cities like that in that like there's like one road out I think that mostly because they weren't originally big cities and they just didn't plan yeah I guess yeah it was like you know and they do make a lot of lanes like it's not like it's a two-lane highway it's like we have yeah we have big highways it's just having people here the one that goes out like it doesn't matter if it's five Lanes when you're in a dense populated area that has like you know three million people that five Lanes is Gonna Fill up pretty quick yeah true oh okay that that's not supposed to be that low none of those jets are there supposed to be hello why are so round grab something I'm guessing they must have been coming in for landing and had to pull off yeah I mean air travels like that sometimes you just got pulled over when it ain't going your way bro this is literally like the game it's kind of messing me up right now I can't do it it's literally like the game right oh they did a really good job hey you are at the point where it's just you gotta go when you go into the Town Square because I think they were trying to get over by the golf course 2022 like that'd just be some guy talking about you can't live oh yeah foreign no that's not how it happened we in Uncharted Territory no she's still okay you're gonna be okay everything's gonna be fine oh yeah Sarah's a Survivor dude oh my God you look at me oh God I honestly don't remember at this point but I do think they like wrecked in the game and they had to get out of the car it was like another car hit them yeah yeah it's not like that would have happened why are you splitting up they're blocked off the fire yeah they're in an Alleyway okay look anywhere else okay she looked somewhere else Joel how would you not oh [ __ ] well these are like the worst possible type of zombies too like ones that can run yeah was that the brother is that Tommy you're safe oh is he told to kill him or something wait what fourth we're not sick sure no we are not sick are you serious not quarantined nothing like that just just straight up open fire I'm sorry please stop oh okay no no no no no no no no no you're okay like you're okay move your hand baby move your hand no I know I know I know I know I know how are they gonna do this right off the bat come on baby girl come on baby girl I knew that was coming that [ __ ] annihilated me yeah I I trust it hurts just as bad in the game as well I have not like played this game uh since I had I was not looking forward to that part I I honestly thought that was how the episode was gonna end if you want our videos one month early and fully uncut click the join button right here on YouTube to gain access or just swing over to our patreon links in the description box below back to the video oh dude that like destroyed me before we the first [ __ ] I don't know 30 minutes of the game 30 minutes jeez yeah that's how the game starts literally like like she she dies you time skip in the game she was like a lot more like squilly and vocal though like it is not cool I just came he is such a [ __ ] good actor dude yo these to Boston and this year 2023 yeah I can't actually remember if the game was based in 2023 but I think it was I will say though I fought like a son of a [ __ ] to not tear up like before that happens I didn't want to give it away to either of you yeah it was bro that [ __ ] was [ __ ] me up from the second they got in the truck yeah [Music] um there's the the the what is the waiting was the worst part honestly it's like Jesus and that's literally how it happened like the dude just straight up just was told to shoot them like that was it like there was no yep God and that sucks that she got she took the huh I'm like I hate it yeah I mean that was how it happened in the game like like shot for shot oh literally yeah like I said like out of that intro the only things that I can think of that were different was like I said the beginning it was way more fleshed out the game basically starts with them on the couch uh yeah with the exchange with the watch that's pretty much kind of like how it opens um and then Sarah never like leaves the house it's just Joel comes like running back inside um and like you know slams the door and has to like you know shoot yeah or something oh so they made us care about her more before they took her away yeah that's right yeah they added more and I feel like it made it even worse oh yeah why for a game they didn't include all of that but well I I think since it's a TV show they had to do the setup where like yeah it was like you I the neighbors like still play A Part early in the game but you don't really give a [ __ ] because like they're just like nameless people kind of yeah so I mean like the fact that yeah like they spent like that five ten minutes like in the show kind of like fleshing them out for a second showing that they were close you know kind of made that difference as well I'm so happy you guys didn't play the game though I so badly wanted like just to get your raw reaction to it because we knew what was coming and I still teared up what's your name it got me man I I missed Sarah no I've legitimately never cried that much on a video ever like that one that [ __ ] me up real bad oh oh that's a shame what if I told you I told you you better not be lying you [ __ ] [ __ ] I swear to God I think she is and I'm not happy about it that's why she said yeah medicine like they didn't even like lift up his shirt they just poked right through his shirt you're safe they just got a body fire I mean did you see the the [ __ ] destruction of the city I mean is they're gonna be Joel right there I think so kind of looks like him a little bit what okay I'm gonna be the little boy I'm guessing oh [ __ ] dude yep as you tested negative no he tested positive that's why yeah yeah [Music] that sucks so bad but that's where we live in now huh I feel like in the game they just like scanned your eyes or something though I don't remember yeah I I that's kind of hazy I guess that that makes sense makes sense yeah play crew 4 P.M start you know they ain't getting paid [ __ ] neither nope it's a delicious tickets probably [ __ ] job [ __ ] work [ __ ] hey bro that dude didn't have arms or legs shoelaces and boot laces Jesus oh it's a nice little touch there's like things I want to call out but I can't because it will be a spoiler because I'm sure it's going to talk about it later [Music] oh oh we just moving on to Hanging people okay wow I almost feel like at this point I would almost want to just say [ __ ] it and live out in the woods somewhere and hope for the best I feel like you ain't even living at this point no oh that's a stack what's he selling shoot you yeah but then what would you do you're short five he's selling rations or something yeah those would be very popular yes they would that's it he's like bro we have rough times all right how are we doing with the vehicle what's that I had to get one last guy in the Depot to buy in good morning boss has got us working doubles it's fireflies in relation to that Mark they were painting over bro I love I I don't know who this man is but he is doing such a good job Pedro Pascal baby he's the Mandalorian as well oh that's what it was I didn't watch that you tell him that I got jumped by some guys and then you and I can just so are we good what our world baby I like whoever she's referencing towards oh okay holy that's a way to open a building I guess oh well Karma and she got the easier way to get out of there yeah what was that though like three or explicit is that the fireflies I'm gonna guess fireflies they said that they were yeah they said they were blowing [ __ ] up so yeah it looks like it was they were trying to blow up the car nope yo batteries are like so rare kind of crazy for them to blow up a car that's probably why they did it you know just kind of [ __ ] the military Maybe oh yep that is unlucky problems just trying to get home right counselor one two three slowly and clearly you [Laughter] hold out state your name slowly I like her you become a much of a menace they may just kick you out Tommy responded we'd know and you're talking to the Tower every day they gave him your message they haven't seen or heard all right maybe I thought that is what people learning it's uh it's the Cody town Bill's got some hookups in this place though I mean when you walk in with some foiled cigarettes yeah true you know drugs and cigarettes and alcohol do that especially in an apocalypse um [Music] your man had had some some hills I can't imagine those are super easy to get [ __ ] oh you can't read a map it's no it's not that I can't read it I just have a horrible sense of direction that like like even with the map like it wouldn't matter like I'd get lost so much it's a journey I I've had to use one to navigate before back back in the day before there was GPS and garmins everywhere yeah back in the day of map questing and printing it out even before mapquesting literally just using an atlas like to you pull out the foldable bad boy right there and you start following the roads yeah that seems like that would be the best way to go in that case you got pills and alcohol just take a bunch of them every night eventually you won't wake up and that'll probably be better than getting eaten by [ __ ] whatever those things are true fair enough who is this yeah who this uh okay if you think about it you guys can piece it together oh it's dead I got jumped bro his reaction oh my God he said some [ __ ] enough come on you know I need you to take he was he was terrified yeah that is true yeah he didn't want that smoke why would you sell it to don't know well where is he don't know I would very much like for you to hurt him [Laughter] and then we'll go find Tommy all right oh so he has more than a hatchet in those four people yes he does I'm guessing these are the fire the team in places South to follow [ __ ] orders and we have some random girl locked in a room and the guys you have guarding her won't tell me [ __ ] people now it doesn't always work though see how they followers yeah that's true they said fair enough fair enough we are in a war against a military dictatorship to restore democracy and freedom to discernmently oh [ __ ] no we're taking that random girl big moves are happening here former guy in the radio tower in Salem don't worry I don't want anything but if you're feeling lost tell me to look for the light and I'll break your jaw [Laughter] I said all right fair enough fair enough what would say that he's like I'm glad you didn't break my jaw to start with he's supposedly taking better dude can you imagine living in a [ __ ] situation like this oh I don't want to Jesus I'm kind of sad that this is gonna be a week ago I'm looking forward to it like this I'm just wishing yeah no I'm just wishing it was all already out I know yeah I'm ready to take this adventure with you guys then unlock me how about we start with thank you damn for what for saving your life I am the one who told not to shoot you if you yeah I think that's balanced out by chaining her that's true we'll get to that feeling I want to leave this is it gonna happen you're my [ __ ] mom or something [Music] my name is Marlene unleak out a terrorist was Riley a terrorist yeah I'd be like screw that greater purpose this great porpoise comes great responsibility Uncle Ben to tell you cannot be repeated and we're not gonna hear it of course they gotta keep you they gotta keep you stronger man yeah man you gotta keep guessing I mean we know yeah the smart handsome Club already has all the answers but like that's because you guys played ahead top Boys in years ago all right y'all played ahead I don't know what to tell you okay a couple of brokies with your Xbox I haven't played any PlayStation games yet I've been missing out like I've been playing the God of Wars dude I'm so far behind on everything I actually didn't really play this game fully until uh it came out on PS4 you know one game that like like really looks interests like Horizon zero Dawn I saw like that oh my God I have not looked I've not played it but it looks like I came to PC recently too yeah really yeah yeah oh yeah specifically yeah it's so you know you don't get the new ones right so like God of War just came to PC but Ragnarok didn't um Horizon zero Dawn is on PC now yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah dude I I Quest that game so much the game literally stopped and told me to go play the main mission I'm not kidding there's actually a prompt it sounds awesome this actually makes me want a Dying Light Show I would love a Dying Light oh what was that thing it's a fungus person it's a mushroom do you think he's Portobello flavored no you are the worst you think he came down after he was infected so not I don't know these final rewards work well actually help you grow and see kids this is what happens when you take too many restaurants at a concert that's why you don't do them I'm really curious where that original doctor is now in the 80s like with all this happening he just sit in like some like bunker being like that I told him if the world didn't end you know he would have he would have been looking pretty pretty good I just I got a question here he was like older in 1968. so like this is literally 60 years later where the virate where mushrooms being a virus they could take over people yeah an LSD so as LSD the uh cure did everyone just gotta take a bunch of acid and then they're just immune or something we've watched the same beginning of the show huh they were talking about it man he said who do you get it from okay he only just wants drugs to be the answer yes how do we cure the mushroom monsters bro if you just want permission to do drugs just ask [Laughter] I mean and the answer is yes yes yes yes not you you chat oh not you oh oh man that's discomforting oh is he okay got a bullet in the head and everyone got bullets in the head oh okay though take it and get out take it and get out well the battery is no good oh don't try to sell it twice but you guys were going to steal it anyways well they bought it he's yeah they had already paid for it oh okay good point he sold it to them then tried to sell it to another person try to double dip oh [Laughter] no no yo my man's good oh [ __ ] no it's okay I'll be all right guevar of Boston from scumbags like him yeah it kind of has been the merch was bad and he obviously didn't take [ __ ] it at me is she a car battery are you a car battery I feel like if you reveal that she's more valuable than yourself like why would he not point the gun out of here clearly that's the better negotiation points yeah well they know each other right like he he's still putting his gun at them Ellie did try to stab him I mean I can imagine why he's on edge we've had this conversation before who can you trust more than the people that you don't trust like it yeah I mean like you can always count on them to [ __ ] you over that's why you trust them the most you trust them to know things to be untrustworthy I think you turn my own brother like that's me okay that was a lot of gunfire effect was going to be on the way you know you know oh so Tommy's a part of the fireflies then we're gonna move Ellie out of the Zone tonight I'm so proud of you get anywhere like this not for a while anyway so now I'll be like that it was a compliment you dick I was being actually I was saying I didn't pick up on that so that's okay yeah smuggle people something like a real cracking about it right now bro okay we can just address the fact that I actually compliment age man and he just immediately assumed I was thinking who he is everybody thinks we bully H man but really we're just keeping his monstrous ego and yeah like half you don't know what he's like [ __ ] you [ __ ] he did make me cry that's true unfortunately it was just it was just the trauma showing through of constantly being bullied you know that's what it is I see whatever it is what it is you're the cause of it you turn my own brother against me okay oh you don't have time who is she do you she's cargo we don't smuggle people sorry I [ __ ] here on your [ __ ] head could you please you know she really does it not wrong you make an excellent point but I can't hear it Squad some High Praise Fair you get the job done you get her there safely what you need not just a battery be like this is a politician's daughter like what's going on here yeah right what is this trade that's going on why why yeah you tried to stab him why do you think he's just gonna give it back to you you trust him okay here's the deal we'll get her to your crew really that's my team will not jeopardize that remember no go get your backpack now Ellie she's like girl I am trying to keep you alive now we'll say in the game they have like a more of a closer relationship than this I think I remember right I feel that way like it feels more like Ellie had been like living with them more than she was like a prisoner yeah chained up by him yeah yeah oh and she snatched the knife don't [ __ ] this up he said this is the way please I'd be stressed I'd be like why you gotta tell me what's going on here like what did I just agree to I don't I don't know I feel like a guy like Joel would be happy you're not knowing because it's the job right the job is to get her from there to there that's the job true true good point I just feel like she's throwing a lot of shade right now for somebody leading Rebellion that has failed for 20 straight years get out there remember Rebellion is a lot like villainy it only has to succeed one time true I mean dude imagine growing up in this world you know what I mean yeah the the apocalypse has been happening longer than she's been alive you know yeah we're in the apocalypse like well let me even said like you know Marlene dropped her off like with the federal orphanage right like so she was growing up a federal dictatorship orphanage yeah I don't know yeah I don't know if I believe that she dropped her off in the orphanage I think I could see her just lying to her to make her have trust in her interesting okay ephedra boarding house that's what they said that just that doesn't why would a military company have a boarding house because to raise orphans in the soldiers yeah you turn the orphans into soldiers dude it's a dictatorship yep it's easy to brainwash children way more than it is to brainwasher uh German six six yeah germa okay yeah basically no that's crazy we're we're the Power Rangers when you need them I think even the Power Rangers were in this world they would be super dead and overrated generation of Music huh you are what are you doing killing time he's pretty good oh I was waiting for that oh I'm just glad he kept it with him all this time and didn't let no one steal it or nothing oh there's no shot like he would not the gift you got from go there Simba [Music] [Laughter] last time okay what's it matter but you know where to go he's gonna get emotionally attached to this girl I can so what's the deal with you anyway you some kind of oh yeah you did I mean that would be my immediate like that's literally what it feels like yeah what what was the song I kept saying like wake me up before you go go oh my God yeah 80s means trouble listen thank you spot under Lancaster looks good you got a jacket in your package she's pretty good I'll give her that it's time to go yeah like all of the actors and actresses so far have been incredible like she is nailing Ellie to a T yeah sounds like her honestly yeah I mean this isn't her like first big show either on HBO stuff oh really I didn't know that it's part of Game of Thrones you did a very good job during those scenes okay the spoilers me and Ruff had to eventually watch it yeah eventually y'all y'all will get into some Game of Thrones you can see the the dong like a tongue but till then bro I saw so much sausage in the Spartacus show like that that ain't gonna phase me oh okay well it was so much until then we'll just keep holding the door happy you're gonna make me sad I'll try you're not done being sad with this I think we're making it out we're getting out of here I'm not gonna lie I got caught in this part of the game like so much because I was rushing it that the game told me to turn down the difficulty don't you love that that backhanded insults yeah I was like it was like four times the game's just like hey you're not that good can you just yeah I was really I just I just try to run through oh it's literally like this though yeah Jesus terrifying they did so well with this kind of stuff yeah I mean if the game director yeah if the game director is the same director for this I can see why it's gonna be as you would assume it's gonna be some kind of head button because like I feel like Hollywood finds a way to like shoehorn [ __ ] and it doesn't make sense but like they've done a really good job of changing things but keeping it basically the same in a way yeah recreating the experience like even if he's the game director like is a big part of this like recreating that experience to where it feels like that same kind of tension and stuff is incredibly difficult and we're in the Era of Good freaking you know things Sonic 1 Sonic 2 detective Pikachu now this I mean everyone was skeptical with when this got announced dude and I am beyond true Blown Away yeah time I was about to say it looks like that person's taking a piece because they are oh don't move out with the pants down oh it's that guy yeah you're gonna be [ __ ] me okay let's talk this out turn around he did tell him to stay home though he did yep he's going to buy the book why does she look all past oh she's gonna Mark over at his machine half off all off risk my job for half off holy [ __ ] down the [ __ ] way whoa whoa yeah you're gonna have to do a thing go let it happen again no this guy's getting he's gonna kill him yep yeah this is some PTSD hmm and that's why they wanted Joe for the job Ellie holy crap dude bare knuckle like this man's gonna have to squash up his pills uh-huh row row [Music] I said what the [ __ ] wait so it's been three weeks since she's been bitten Joe we gotta move is that why they had her locked up then yeah I think they had it locked up because they were doing so if you if you noticed it was on the wall that if they start slurring their speech or they can't like perform certain like mental faculties then like that is like the first sign that they are like becoming yeah yeah and when they brought that fit in they said like it was like four to five hours if it's in the foot and then two to three hours if it's like in my arms or whatever so she would have yeah wouldn't have survived it's been three weeks that's crazy here we go that's not good well there's the 80s yeah but I guess we kind of already knew there was trouble didn't we yeah that's true but does that mean there's more trouble on top of I think that I would assume that's what they're getting at I feel like that probably means like the safe house they're going to yeah let's go dude I'm so excited bro I can't tell you how like stoked I am for the rest of it so right now we have to wait to watch more but this is going to be a journey every freaking week I cannot believe how good that was that was that was really good remember you can't get it uncut patreon and YouTube members we will be doing this uh commentary section over there thanks for watching YouTube hope you enjoyed it be the joy damn it we'll see you next time see you later YouTube off to patreon bro I can't believe how good this was I'm just like I'm curious like we me and boom have already made it very clear this adaptation is incredible but like from A New Perspective like what are your thoughts on it so far from just the show perspective I think they've done a really good job at keeping like the mystery of what Joe's did in this last 20
Channel: Sorta Stupid Reacts
Views: 92,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us reaction, last of us, last of us reaction, reaction, the last of us 2, youtubers react to the last of us, the last of us hbo, the last of us review, the last of us season 1 review, the last of us playthrough part 1, the last of us season 1 episode 1, the last of us episode 1, the last of us show, the last of us episode 1 breakdown, the last of us hbo episode 1, Reacting to The Last of Us Episode 1 Without Playing The Game
Id: nbozyBcBA7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 10sec (3730 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 15 2023
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