4 Grown Men Cry to The Last of Us Episode 3 | Group Reaction

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according to Twitter this is the greatest episode of Television ever let's find out if that's true Twitter do you lie that's a real thing I'm not kidding like there has been nothing but praise everything on Twitter is factual all the time ever exactly exactly and that's why we're discussing it because we need to know why are you so important tomorrow um absolutely not okay just fine since we're getting started with this the original voice actress for Tess in the video game passed away the other day so thank you rest in peace it was yesterday right yep Annie worshiping she was 46 or 45. okay shout out to her a look had to run out soon I love the way they handle these Recaps I will say it does make me happy too that a lot of people are enjoying the changes that are going to blame Boom for deciding to talk your age man not me by what what I really hate I was like it's a recap did she's just making out with the Mushroom Man okay you got a problem with mushrooms I I don't even know what I say and now all I can think of is h-man's afraid of intimacy anyway let's proceed on you good Jesus having a freaking breakdown right now the show hasn't even started then he's freaking out of those ostrich pillows where he can hide away [Laughter] I love this song so much oh like the instrumental there's an instrumental version of this which is like the full song it is actually like super chill to just listen to I just love that it's literally just showing the growth like of something like this like if one thing were to spread this is literally what would happen the fungi or can I wear all the thing I was going to say was like the last episode and like tests and all that like the changes they have made people are actually enjoying them not like oddly enough the gamers aren't super upset about it like because it just seems well done and coherent I wonder where they did the filming for this hmm oh is he stacking rocks yeah that's an art bro it's not easy to do I mean he just put himself into a corner you could put a big rock there hmm yeah but I don't know that one's pretty curved I've I've seen it done people are crazy this depends on how much time you want to spend to balance it [Music] want your jacket back I've never been in the woods thought yeah look I've been nobody made you go along with this plan you needed a choice yeah don't blame me for something that isn't my fault looking for her for standing up right this is just the head shake of fair enough yeah and good for him for acknowledging it he's angry at the world right now I mean teenagers are definitely not as dumb as adults think they are like I feel like adults think that teenagers still are like you know young kid you know can't really understand the world yet but I'm like teenagers generally like you know they get what's going on to an extent at least teenagers at least like from my perspective because I used to be one uh I was I was great at understanding things just really bad at decision making yeah like taking calculated risk or being bad at math how much longer which man is looking very judgmental today he has been doing this it's literally since the episode has started for like six minutes straight to everything we have said he has just been uh rebuttal to that like this [ __ ] hates me face I think he's just trying to figure out the fastest way to take Pedro Pascal's clothes off it looks like he's right that is probably true but it looks like he's trying to poop is what it is what's going on you pooping H man oh he's multitasking know every every party has a pooper that's why we invited you that's a beautiful thing I've heard that song God Christ son all right not often no what are you looking out for people all right nice Frank is how'd you get that scar on your head what is it something lame like you fell down there oh I got these scars okay so what then someone shot at me and missed you see that's cool is she back yeah you get him no I missed two it happens more often than you think in general you know so this is just the two of us I was thinking I should foreign so I I feel like this is going to be like a huge emotional moment eventually in the show he's going to give her a gun all right for sure yeah that's gonna happen yeah like that is going to be the signification of like him trusting her finally [Music] getting back a minute he asked a lot of goddamn questions dad we had supplies on roots we find ourselves short on gear I'm trying which I currently am because no way you ever play this one go for a mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones man [Laughter] you forgot what you put your stuff yeah no I'm just zeroing in on it it's been a couple of years okay I'm gonna everybody's gotta have a chunk drawer trust me it's all been picked over already maybe maybe not I don't know how people don't like her like I feel like she's channeling Ellie's energy so well yeah I enjoy her he's done a great job and I just know her from Game of Thrones yeah or she demands the respect of the northmen oh what I'm crying secret tunnel you're not gonna say anything just gonna okay yeah I feel yes like you could you could at least said something which I guess if you don't have to worry about being infected true that doesn't mean that they can't rip you apart oh 100 percent maybe use the flashlight like dude I'd be way too paranoid I would add that [ __ ] on immediately what why is there a trash can down there I was probably living down there yeah is that a body um they were removed interesting how is she gonna get out of there Pedro Pascal's big strong arms like maybe he could she could stand on the trash can and try to get out but still this was a not a very intelligent decision once once again teenagers in decision making yeah not without a gun why did they put lockers down what is this it's probably a storage area a Ford apocalypse time I mean those are dude those are probably gold in the Apocalypse tampons dude oh that's unfortunate oh okay this is where you go this is oh crap oh it's trapped yeah wait what it collects those are a collapse that happened then looks like it I mean we know they bombed right so like there's probably earthquakes all around no walk towards it though oh yeah why I mean you gotta think at this point too it's been 20 years like buildings are going to naturally fall in I understand you're a curious because there was a thing there was a thing like on the ground in front of it I'm pretty sure that's what she was going for or not no she's just curious ghost what does she do okay well yeah that is so [ __ ] gross barely bleeding dude it's wild just spores and mushrooms under it okay I'm stressed out literally just mushrooms and mold underneath that's crazy I appreciate how ballsy she is oh we found the supplies nice Ellie kicked over my ass no especially not that gun right like yeah if I'm giving you a gun it's not the big one I do love her logic though like if you're gonna leave in there can't oh damn a few times are terrible you don't understand what you mean shoved into a middle C paid 12 bucks for a sandwich dude I get what she's talking about though you know what I mean like it's kind of stuff we take for granted and it's still kind of cool right like yeah you give me experiences that yeah you'll never yeah like yeah we get packed like sardines yeah they overpriced for everything but like still still went in the sky like amusement park no I mean I mean nothing right like there isn't like she won't really be able to ever play a video game like I mean no more jokes nothing nope no more Mortal Kombat was TV ain't got no electricity yeah public asset public yeah working toilets that antenna TV not even radio not even podcasts yo one day we'll give input today is clearly not that day though [Laughter] the audacity of this [ __ ] [Laughter] all at once how did it even start each man said his life wouldn't change he can still kill hookers in the Apocalypse I just noticed something you didn't have subtitles on this whole time I noticed it when we were talking just now and I couldn't like I didn't know what they were saying because we were talking over it and I was like wait there are some people that get mad at us for having the subtitles on we do it so we don't miss [ __ ] well then also you guys know where to sync up a lot of the times too all at once that's interesting was it a monkey I bet it was a monkey it wasn't a monkey I thought you went yeah how did this happen all at once she makes a really good point you want our videos one month early and fully uncut click the join button down below or check out our patreon links down below now back to the video we found out in the last episode remember that it has to do with the grain plant and stuff like that well yeah but for to all happen literally at once like this where all the planes everything shut down literally all at once it wasn't like it slowly took over like how I was anticipating it was from like the opening but from what she just said it happened all at once well yeah I think about that one bad batch went out like it's gonna happen all at once because yeah I mean it's exported globally and then you have so you have not only is the product being scattered in every single country all across the globe you also have people that are now infected that are then flying all across the globe right like like this plane crashing more than likely somebody was infected they snapped mid-flight and [ __ ] what I mean look at the recent pandemic I mean it started in literally one city and then in the matter everywhere spread though like there's lessons they didn't have mushroom people but it makes it seem like the mushroom people literally just snapped all at once well no but like in multiple places because it's transmitted through the grain like that and these it's not like that one mushroom is only in that one country would have been infected like you know when they say instant they probably are talking about over the course of the next few months right like I mean because kovid wasn't instant but it felt instant because it happened like almost enough to bring a plane down though yeah if if [ __ ] all it takes one mushrooms instantly though all over though yeah well I mean it what 14 people at that uh at that factory like went out so that's that's 14 people out of a couple hundred that probably worked there right somebody on the bus now everybody on the bus is there you're on the sidewalk now the people near you are there you're on a plane everybody in the plane's transformed you in a car your family's [ __ ] like yeah yeah I mean once again like how many grain silos were infected you don't know where all they went how many things of bread it went into before well that's like with with our pandemic like I try not to say the word just in case they do monetize it yeah no don't say those like they say like you know one person could infect up to like 53 people like within a like perimeter based on like how how dense the population is right so I mean you gotta think that one turns into 53 that 53 turns into 2500 that 2500 turns into was it 625 000 so on and so on and so on right so I mean they keep growing yeah you know it it it instantly in in is a subjective term in the fact of instantly could it to him could be a month weeks a year you know it's it's just a person quickly right yeah he does he doesn't mean like you know they snap the walls I don't think somebody went two and 50 million people were sick yeah so it's like those things yeah like I I think he means like once the snowball started rolling you know the Avalanche happened okay was it a monkey I bet it was a monkey monkey I bet it was a monkey it wasn't a monkey I'm sure but best guess for a lot probably a basic ingredient like flowers we had this whole conversation love you comments are so angry cereal like just shut up and watch just shut up don't argue so the tainted food all hits the store shelves around the same time Thursday ate some Thursday night or Friday morning oh he's legitimately explaining all of it you gotta leave it in I mean let's be honest the comments are gonna be angry at us because we didn't pause and we talked the entire time they're gonna be mad about this right now that we're pausing again conversation right before the scene bro this show I had people genuinely pressed at me because I was like oh that's so cool that's in the game as well I said it like five times that first episode people were mad like mad at me I was like damn I'm sorry for being excited about something I enjoyed people do not like when you have a reaction that is not the reaction they expected shock we all react differently the internet hates happiness beats on Thursday night or Friday morning they stop asking questions that's what I'm learning with this show they got worse and they started biting Friday night September 26 2003. damn he even got a date wow about Monday everything was gone so Thursday to Monday there you go a weekend literally that's crazy monkeys thanks sure what we'll cut across the woods here yeah it's just there's stuff up there you shouldn't see I don't want you to serious Ellie oh I do love that he's kind of like taking care of her at this point it feels like um right everything they've seen like how bad is it yeah no too honest man should have said Ax Murderer [Music] whatever it was fun is it just a bunch of nope oh it's gonna be wrong yeah dude yep about a week after hell break day soldiers went through the countryside evacuated the small towns Jesus Christ told you you were going to a qz and you were if there was room oh if there was what bro holy [ __ ] porn sick no probably not I killed him wouldn't it just even be dead people can't be infected oh dude dead men tell no Tales oh and they're gonna show us their lives too we're going to see the beginning thank you people people gotta feel man this is where they're doing the qzs and everyone oh my God so messed up literally they tell you to pack up your lives and if there's no room they just take you to a mass grave what you don't work for the government no I think he's inside the house with that had the camera on it and he's hiding yo my man's in the basement to the basement uh or just a secret area of the basement yeah not today you world record [ __ ] mandatory evacuation that's even crazier to think about it wasn't a choice oh my Lord so he's a doomsday prepper that makes sense why he didn't go that's pretty cool respect right actual secret tunnel I want one of those now I'm sure there are plenty YouTube videos that can help you out with that yeah man that means The Whole Town's just gone yeah they have to have the whole time dude he's on edge he is armed nice house though very nice house hey oh he looks familiar he said I'm gonna go steal everybody's [ __ ] who is he he looks really familiar Nick Offerman yeah [Music] yo mama said imma get this bro [ __ ] um Parks and Rec guy yeah okay is uh I've never like seen that show fully proved I don't no I know him from like all the other [ __ ] he's been I don't really know parks and recs yeah I don't either I hadn't seen it really you all haven't seen Parks and Rec holy crap okay that might be that might be something y'all have to like look into because that is a great show I've seen like one-off episodes but I haven't seen that I've seen it dude I know him from dude he's freaking great huh it's like the office yeah I think so Kinda Yeah it takes place in Pawnee Indiana well I guess let us know if you want to see that down into Home Depot we go why am I not surprised Home Depot is the place to go though damn [Music] so we just turned back on the Natural Gas well I think you just turned the power back on he said I'm gonna get drunk yeah that man has been preparing for a minute dude for real oh my God I am an Envy like I understand even taking notes well it's it's the funny thing for other people think right everybody kind of like makes fun of the Doomsday Preppers too and to an extent right because of how like the chance of this happening is so slim but it's like but if it does happen they will be set the [ __ ] up you know and it's crazy because it's in a weekend like this happens so quick it's literally a weekend and it's done like there's no warning it's just like wow yeah growing up in the South and like being around like hunters and stuff like that all my life it's one of those like I think they like survival tactics should actually be taught in school like not not like prepper stuff but like I agree you know some of the basics of it right like just in case God forbid like you know a bomb goes off and you you know your your communication powers out for a month yeah luckily people watch YouTube and there's enough survival YouTubers that like somebody can actually yeah but that doesn't help when the power's out and you can't go to YouTube do you all know how to make a snare a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is that snare I I used to I know I know the principle of it I don't know how to make it though spent enough time it's traps it's it's what you'd use to catch rabbits and stuff to to to to catch wildlife oh really oh the rock one yeah dude okay I know I know of a couple of them I haven't done the rock one but I know like uh the ones you can go around around the tree around like one of the Trunks and stuff and oh anyways survival tactic I really want I really want this guy to just go steal like a cement truck and just start making like a barricade wall or something I mean he knocks down that gazebo he's already got a garden right there that's true I mean what does he do oh probably like a ventilation pipe hey let's go bruh he is he full on living off the grid already this man's he's like ain't nothing changed bro he got a wine and everything oh yeah it's his last meal think about it like this like if you're a Doomsday prepper this would be like enjoying your last meals before you know [ __ ] gets bad uh oh an actual person oh nope interesting how it's already like gotten this far though [Music] oh my God that's awesome bro oh my God it doesn't get old no he does not that is how you do it right there yeah all righty then I love this four years later yeah cause like I'm pretty sure that that means know who this is but like this is information we never have or had no this is at all I I like this guy like this character dude that is gnarly how he has that system built in oh whoa oh what now I'm just trying to get to Boston for more Baltimore qz it's gone I think this is who we think it is just a bruise foreign no I'm sure he's getting a rope or something but like that guy has to assume he was just being left in the hole damn he had that ladder ready quick it's like all right get up and get out of here stop there oh he even has one of the devices my man probably has his ways yeah I mean I get it like you can't risk it right right I mean if I've been living alone for four years yeah you best believe like well especially if you're at the point where qzs are starting to to fall yeah yeah you're probably at the peak of things going wrong and being bad and said we have a lone Pig for dinner Austin is that way I'm really hungry that's a shame Boston maybe like that's not my problem dude first my name's Frank oh yeah here's the thing Arby's restaurant listen smart ass I won't talk about it to any bums or hobos or vagabonds I promise lying if you want our videos one month early and fully uncut click the join button right here on YouTube to gain access or just swing over to our patreon links in the description box below back to the video I get it though there's that weird like you know your humanity is like you know you want to help the person but right I I get it you know say you want to throw him a carrot yeah I would have been like I would have thrown him like one of the carrots on the garden have been like all right be on your way I think if I was in his position I'd do the same clothes here for you like if I still had like my family like if I had my kids and [ __ ] no clothes but oh yeah on my own I mean [ __ ] it what you know although can I have five more minutes sure sure thank you this is amazing I don't like him I don't trust him he's just happy to have a shower after four years well you have to understand this man is like the only person with electricity probably and who the [ __ ] knows in the state probably I do love it literally he wouldn't turn down the natural gas it's like [ __ ] it I don't give a [ __ ] I'll go turn it back on hey who's gonna stop me well I'm assuming once they probably cleared out an area they they probably never went back right yeah I mean why would they that's just wild to think about like he knew exactly where to go to turn it back on I I think it's loose lips or he's coming back right because it's like think about the environment they're in yeah you're not gonna experience this and be like all right I'll go back to living in the woods there's no way especially because it's the whole town right it's not even like you know you got to come and take over his house like I would have shot him does he know I I would I just I if I've been living for four years at doomsday prepper and I'm some random dude walks into one of like one of my Pitfall one of my pitfalls like that like one he's either there for a reason and the first thing that comes out of his mouth is a man's just trying to ask for food he's not he's not trying to escape he's not like okay bye like that you think the first thing you would do is try to run food like there was no fear there like it makes me wonder like if this guy has ulterior motives than just getting food from him maybe he's casing The Joint to see how many people are there this or that to well I I I will agree with you up to a point like you gotta they've already been in this for what uh for four years four years in his head yeah uh party started off as ten there's one at some point there's probably like a level of nihilism going into everything that you do because it's just like yeah the odds of me surviving this aren't great who gives a [ __ ] yeah I I yeah again something from the garden I would have given them something from the garden but like all right maybe he just eat it while you walk maybe he's just looking for a companionship while you walk yeah I I think I think I would have I would have invited him like I would have just been like yeah I mean honestly at this point like all right yeah I could live alone for the rest of Eternity like is that really living you know what I mean yeah exactly like so like I mean okay worst case scenario he he turns on me and kills me right best case scenario I'm now no longer alone yeah you know I have somebody like and think about like the amount of like just a second set of hands to like imagine what you could do to a tower hands make the best work also emergency food so you know you never know yeah so so we we have we have Sione who's just leaving him in the pit yep what he said he's pulling the trigger he's not leaving him there to die he's killing him graphically okay I was trying to say it less graphically literally is it was one of ten people left where's all his weapons how did he survive how did he get out of 10 people I would probably find out like I know what happens so I can't say anything I don't like him is he gonna start cleaning I swear so why are you standing up right he's like why are you standing up I can't lie dude I'd be doing the same thing right because you're on edge I get it God bro look at these meals okay I feel like I'd never leave I don't trust them nah dude I would do anything I would be like what do you what do you need help with yeah like yo my man even putting the the napkin into his lap could you imagine what that would be like after four years of like living on probably like yeah that would be the answer what the [ __ ] yeah but not like this I mean dude cooks with wine and [ __ ] too like [Laughter] oh he's even he got the fancy pour I know I don't rabbit they're eating I'll do rabbits delicious he's like yes I do still have my gut on my head man man's had fancier taste he's showing that because he knew like about pairing the Foods there is fans wants to let someone in but it's just so damn hard I don't trust him so I'll be going then yep bye see you later get out of here Tales of Hoffman yuck these aren't yours my mother's could you not a little too comfortable yeah I don't like him I don't know the the emotion right yeah it's like if he can impress him and be like yo I can play music I got music that like I think like imagine like you were encountered with something that you loved yeah like like say you got to sit down and play a game for the first time in like four years and you never thought it was going to be like happen ever again kind of thing like could you imagine that if you were fine Nintendo yeah like yeah wine like a full stomach and and now like a piano foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay everything I'm saying what does that guy have to lose I'm gonna have to leave like this is why he was making the faces it's like it's all wrong yeah look you're off beat you're off tempo [Music] which well he was a theater kid and he's married to it Megan Mullally so like man that was his way around the song [Music] is this the jpeg of a hot dog guy think I'm gone this actor is that he is he the one for parks and rec who wants the jpeg of a hot dog you all just need to watch Parks and Rec and then we can talk about literally the only thing I can spoil anything besides I don't eat what my food eats yeah the only thing I know about Parks and Rec and him is like I know he's like man quote unquote like manly man or whatever okay yeah yeah he's like the guy who wants the picture of the hot yeah well he was like in a Home Depot or something he just like the guy walks up and he's like I know more than you and just like walks away or something okay yeah okay that is who I think that's literally all I know about him or that that character girl you're singing about there is no girl I know oh or I can't imagine how good that must feel right like especially after that long thinking like the apocalypse is over well I mean zero human contact zero talking to anyone dude I don't even know your name yet there's a lot of beard happening between I think it's better it's been a while uh yo mama ain't going up those steps quick he said imma get some [ __ ] damn it [Music] oh my sir are we going to see Nick Offerman hang sausage yeah what's going on here gonna see like a half cheek Maybe no cheek I mean they say he's got techniques coming out his butt cheeks I feel like I'd be on edge have you ever done this oh you're still yeah you're gonna work well because you're like well it's also you're sitting there wondering like so so is he is he actually gay or is this man trying to steal my wine and he's gonna like stab me in the neck you know what I mean like you'd you have to be on edge about it right like it's because they did just meet and it is the apocalypse and he does have electricity is he just using him yeah it is yeah yeah with a girl oh that's true because it was 2003 right like I don't even think gay marriage was even legalized yet okay uh no bro not even close it was like well like from the first state I mean I want you to know that I'm getting the apocalypse I'll touch someone for a Lunchable get out of here H man cover your eyes that's a whole lot of irritation it is [Music] a lot of beard between those two people like I think they got more beer than all four of us combined I guess like damn oh hey three years later do I ask for things ever it's an inside job [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] I am asking for some paint and there's a gasoline for the lawnmower that's all I'll do everything else myself you say Resource Management so help me I will run through one of your tripwires I I I get it like just tell me why paying attention to things how we show love it's his love language man let him love just let me love it the way I want to yeah yeah but like I get it I mean some of the shops the wine shop in the furniture store are we hosting formal Garden parties now no this one's been a normalcy we're gonna have friends excuse me we are gonna wait what I mean think think about it like he he wants to build he wants to find people and build a community up I think that's what he's saying yeah like you he I said how do you do that you make it a little nicer and people walk by and they're like oh [ __ ] there's people there you know yeah or or you go oh [ __ ] there's people let's Rob them well okay like we're in a freaking apocalypse here I mean I think what what Frank is doing he's seen after the apocalypse I think he's seeing like oh the the whatever the new world is going to be where where things are more cohesive where Bill thinks like it's always going to be this it's never not going to be this and that's where they're running into their issues I just love that he said but not the stupid ones and Bill was just like okay that yeah I like that they both know what the stupid ones apparently are they don't even explain it yeah then he said the boutique and then the boutique was too far was crossing the line you want to oh God oh my God wait wait for real oh yeah I thought it was like test from the uh from the wide shot they're gonna get along aren't they oh definitely by the way I do love that Frank and Tess are are more or less the mediator between like the craziness of those two look how nice their lawn is like I get it dude yeah he's like I got you bro get my books medicine machine parts we can help each other and get that foreign references came into play yep oh [Music] my gosh so they're the ones I've been playing music this entire time too no sooner or later I do like how they're like the characters match up and appealing to each other's personalities yeah in the way they're talking to one another mm-hmm I mean they're basic basic like yeah yeah [Music] another three hours so we've had almost a 10-year time skip so far yeah yeah so a day seven years old we're seven years away from pick it up I think the beginning of the show like I can't I kind of get it like what else what else do you got to do you know not bad okay ready I will say I'm not looking forward to like the inevitable sadness that they're gonna smack us with oh [ __ ] got him a little strawberries go and test one of your guns for a packet of seeds oh God a little one yo I mean strawberries that would be pretty fire and now you just have like endless seeds pretty much right God I bet that'd be amazing right [Music] I love that he's been like growing it in secret like this was a this was a problem what's crazy is the luxury that they've been living with this entire time and this is still another luxury to them like it is wild it says little it hits a normalcy right like I mean it's it's a good point I just can't get over how much beard is there when they kiss oh my God damn do they thought of everything on them oh no there we go God damn it oh if there was oh my God foreign ERS I mean they'll they'll do it but was he already out there oh oh no no keep your head down bro keep your head down bro don't die don't die oh you're what keeps him peaceful and happy maybe you'd have to get the gun I mean that little that little pea shooter ain't gonna help you with I mean it's better than nothing right or so you get you stay inside dude well yeah he's looking for me why could I see Bill on the rooftop oh he's already out there he's just on the street shooting a sniper I mean yo making sure that they know like they're either dead or they know not to come back now hold on to me oh I hate this so much I know uh we knew they were gonna book into all the happiness with garbage for me hold your hand there oh the list I have copies no I do like that Joel must have gave him enough like steady advice that he trusted him um well you gotta think every three years he'll take care of you oh wait did he really just die from a gut wound like from a well I think there was a more than one bullet wound you know something might I think he's passed out yeah like you got to think how much like he's dumping alcohol on an ocean wound yeah like oh he's not able to nah it's it's flipped they come oh ten years later we're to the start of the show now yeah not surprising either right like they were already old but like yo the apocalypse gonna age us for damn sure I mean just the fact that they've held this place for how many years almost booby traps and all that like that's crazy well I feel like enough attempts of raiding and you eventually stop okay now I feel bad I feel bad for shooting this guy I was gonna say I was just about to bring that up that if this was the only he would have been shot [Laughter] h-man would have left him in the hall like you know what no that's what it was well there you go yeah yeah you fed him and then through your happiness in the garbage okay friendship wins every day I will say I get the praise though like I went into this episode with really high expectations and they killed it so far absolutely killed it what I I did I like seeing a younger Joel as well I wonder what's wrong with him just old they probably don't have any medicine you know don't mention that like we have medicine you guys don't oh they do have medicine they have been working with Joel yeah they've been trading the Top member that's how they got the stuff no but I didn't know like you know to what extent like openly you know he's not doing very well no um big Roundy God I hope it's peaceful I'm gonna be destroyed if it's not foreign took most of the state God damn it you gotta be kidding me I don't want you falling asleep in the chair I won't you will and then your feet get blown I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day what if we find a doctor what if what if someone shows up who can help there wasn't anything to cure this before the world fell apart God what is he have made up my mind [Music] bill bill foreign every day was a wonderful gift from God's I've had bad days with you too I really don't want to talk about this right now more good days with you than with anyone else just give me one more good day starting now maybe some toast this is so saddening to the boutique all these up okay put them in my wine take me by my wow you love me we went from strawberries to this what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude oh yes don't love me the way I want you to I mean they both they're acting is incredible yeah bring tissues our funky tissues when we watch this [ __ ] show we're always nuts Jesus bro for perspective none of this happened in the game no like we know of the characters but no which I'm sure we'll get into like how we know more of them later on I guess right like like in the game it's just straight up like a letter oh really yeah yeah like the bill you know of but like the dude who you know Frank yeah um you just find a letter about Frank and that's how you know you know that bill was gay and like that he had somebody wow but just having a whole episode dedicated to this like yeah um this to me like I just want to see more of this like more of the the world like you don't even have to focus on Joel and and Ellie and stuff like just more of the world there's so much more they could do each man was about to kill me when I paused yeah [Music] I don't think I'd be able to do it oh I think if I was Bill like I I don't think I'd be able to like not break down I think that's the first thing he ever made him isn't it yeah I think so I think so they also showed the the hole is still there in the ground at all the music isn't helping no no no foreign he's not going to put it in both their glasses does he that'll wreck me okay if he was gonna he wouldn't do it in front of him yeah I don't think so either it's a whole lot of wine to Chuck though will it be enough oh of course oh God this isn't the tragic suicide at the end of the play I'm old I'm satisfied and you were my purpose uh gosh dig it I do not support this oh it's too late now it should be furious but from an objective point of view it's incredibly romantic that's one way to put it I don't think I've consistently cried for this long before in a [ __ ] show God damn it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] okay those burned all the way down oh it looks like there's a lot of dust like it looks like it's been a while it has yeah now it's not the time to be playing on a piano oh and like I can't even matter like he just lost test too Billy Joel yeah I fell under whomever okay was this well he liked them August 29th [Laughter] I never liked you but still it's like we're friends oh well that's what I did I saved him I protected him wow all of my weapons and equipment is it say test yeah yeah probably oh Joe hitting some emotional notes Jesus Christ I'm going to blow my nose again yo we paused and I stopped crying and I'm back again damn it this is why I was iffy like I was trying to avoid it but I didn't know if they were gonna actually change it and kill him but yeah I mean it's completely different from the game yeah it's I I actually like this more I'd say oh I mean Joel you still got one person to protect and it's gonna be his purpose check out the ride bro that boat still looks no right this car probably gonna look even nicer I love that it's the same truck I think no battery though check the boat I mean I'm sure there's a battery somewhere in there because they he wouldn't keep a truck with no battery yeah there's the top of it DIY battery all the stuff he needs in there show me your arm feel like it's gonna be fine and he he needs that hope my guess is he knows where some of them are out there what you say ghost all the music's still playing yeah it's definitely a lot wow this guy was a genius why was the music on trouble cans from over there no there's a come on let her have one bro she wouldn't have said anything just pocketed one I know I wouldn't even know I mean right probably still did let's be real need another hour they have hot water no laughs oh that clock's [ __ ] it's been [ __ ] for a while I don't think she would have attempted to fix it if it wasn't she finally got a gun yeah oh yeah it's his little gun I mean it makes sense why he doesn't want her to have one um dude that must be the best feeling ever to find some [ __ ] deodorant right just to be clean yeah I hate that she threw her bag with the gun in it into the back seat like that oh this is her first time in like a normal bar it's your first time in a car spaceship looks like a piece of [ __ ] Chevy S10 hey he's a [ __ ] Chevy S10 was my first car ever and she's like what the [ __ ] is a seat belt seat belt oh if you don't pop the cassette in back Ellie do you know who's interrupt how dare they play this song to to tie it all together how dare they I will say my entire like I I don't know what to expect now because of how much how different this was it makes me wonder how much of the story is going to be different where I feel like I can't yeah I don't want to spoil it because I want them to play the game and then come back to us and tell us what they think yeah like let's just put like this part is so vastly different even this part yeah and now I'm wondering like like in the game I know like what would come after this and now I don't know if that's how it's gonna happen or if they're gonna change it like dude there I feel like we're gonna have to have a moment where me and he's trying to disconnect and y'all you and boom are just gonna have to talk about like the it's not needed because of how different it is no they better not show us they're gonna they might that's just unneeded emotional damage oh come on don't do it okay I mean we know yeah yeah that was such a good touch though a great episode um we want to do the after thingy yeah absolutely if you guys want to see the after thingy make sure you come to the patreon yeah thanks for uh joining us on this depression journey of sadness I I I I I will say I'm just I'm happy with the way it went and I love the change uh yeah hats off to both the actors like that was oh yeah seriously good oh they literally got us connected within an episode to two characters we've never met before and ripped them away I mean they also showed their entire lives together right and somehow managed to show that and and inflict that much emotion in a singular episode is insane think about the scenes they only had like what like three or four different scenes they were in the house they were in the bedroom um they were outside in the area in the by the area by the fence like and then outside the house when they had to cut the grass they didn't have very many scenes for this oh by the strawberries as well like that's crazy to think of how much work they put in between all of those scenes and just inflicted that much emotional damage the pain if y'all want to see more pain go to the patreon we're gonna go watch uh whatever this after episode thing is okay until then we'll see you guys later be the joy bye my first reaction to the episode was surprised it was everybody is a [ __ ] accent what is that why are why are they all better than us this is what we're learning people with accents are better than us Americans what is this nonsense this show has always been when should we deviate worse we stay where the game is if it's better we deviate [Music] bill because he's on his own as a way to follow through time it's not very long out loud he only wanted to [ __ ] shoot him I would have shot himself I'm sorry I'm sorry I kind of operate in the world you know Bill's super prac not emotional and Frank is the opposite of that we're going to make friends we don't have when I when I just Envision him God look at them all so cleaned up world before Frank Jesus I didn't even realize that was him oh my God damn he's been able to persuade people of his value whereas bill has used the other one away I will kill you it's amazing because we get to do such contrasting where love can take you and this was the pure innocent perfunctory what is the not being too old because I think it's better to let us be oh hit me again damn it Joel has already felt video game adaptation that has ever been made and we're three episodes in it is I I I don't see them on a trajectory where they're gonna [ __ ] it up in all honesty I really
Channel: Sorta Stupid
Views: 104,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, the last of us reaction, the last of us episode 3, the last of us 2, the last of us hbo, last of us, the last of us review, the last of us episode 3 breakdown, the last of us season 1 episode 3, the last of us episode 3 reaction, the last of us episode 2 reaction, last of us episode 2 reaction, the last of us tv show reaction, the last of us show, pedro pascal and bella ramsey, the last of us bill, the last of us show vs game, TLOU, TLOU reaction
Id: c1ISBNpOE-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 44sec (4424 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 31 2023
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