The Last of Us 1x2 BLIND Reaction | Infected

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hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're watching The Last of Us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey guys welcome back to the channel today we're watching episode two of The Last of Us after the last episode uh I mean not being familiar with the game did I think we were gonna lose Sarah no did I think there was going to be a 20-year time jump right after that absolutely not uh so we were like devastated and then devastated a lot um and then just seeing like the difference in Joel you know like Ellie really took care of him it seemingly looked like she kind of took care of Tommy a little bit as well but mostly she took care of Joel and now it seems like he has tests to kind of help take care of him slightly I think them being a Duo and them a team that's what he needs um but they're off to find Tommy but also taking Ellie to a different area and they just kept saying to the the state something about the state but they're taking her there and then hopefully getting what they need to then go find Tommy because he's been gone for about three weeks Joel doesn't know where he is um and some of the messages that he's been receiving on the radio um we kind of learned a little bit about the code um like 60s and 70s and there's a Fred or Frank and a gym I probably should have went back and wrote all that down but I did not um so then when at the very end of the episode we see the radio turn on and the 80s start playing so [ __ ] went South something's wrong someone needs help I'm not quite sure what the code is for and I think we're gonna find out they wouldn't have put it in there if we didn't um but we no longer have to worry about Robert and Marlene and Kim are still in the qz Marlene is the one that dropped Ellie off at the orphanage I think it was an orphanage um it was like she said something about it being fedra military school but it's technically an orphanage uh but so that means that Marlene knows Ellie's mother or at least her parents or somebody close to Ellie I would think I would hope I don't know she dropped her off there I mean quite frankly in this world to like take care of a baby would just be absolutely terrifying especially if it's not yours so uh I I I don't know how she remembered who she was either um but then we also kind of gotten a little bit of Clues as to what started the whole pandemic um obviously we know it's a fungus um but it seemed like with the biscuits the cookies the cake and the pancakes it kind of gave us the clues that it's probably grain of some sort um which if if I'm in this um I um uh quite the carb lover so I would be absolute toast or the toast would be me I don't know I'd probably eat toast and I'd probably get a fungus and then I would be one with the cordyceps that sounds horrible although my question is and I don't think we'll ever get this answered but like the people that get taken over yes they're hungry and they want to to eat more people to spread more of their their fungus essence um but are they tripping do you think like they're seeing like kaleidoscopes of color and [ __ ] I don't know random thought anyway excited to get into this episode because now that we know that Ellie has been bitten she has been healed although that scar did not look three weeks old it looked like it was three years old I'm concerned about how Tess and Joel will be treating her knowing that she's been bitten I'm sure they're going to ask her a lot of questions that she probably can't answer uh the other interesting thing that I I thought was um I kind of like I caught and I said it but I didn't know if it was important at the time but like when Joel is beating up that guard Ellie is like kind of like very entranced and watching it and she's just like so like interested is she weird like that like does she does she like is she okay with like people getting hurt is she interested in human bodies she's not gonna dissect somebody is she because I don't I'm not here for that like I like her attitude I like that she's feisty I like she doesn't put up with [ __ ] but uh if she's gonna start doing autopsies on bodies uh or loving the stabby stab part of uh you know killing people or shooting people like if she's a little off um and and she enjoys it that's going to be a tough one to swallow Now isn't it if only Sarah had survived she's what the world needs okay guys so I'm not gonna waste any more time I'm gonna get into this episode I'm really excited to move on get more of Ellie's story figure out why she can even survive a bite how that is even possible um and kind of just check in on Joel you know he's still wearing his watch and someone said in the comments that that watch has the exact time that Sarah died on it that's really really [ __ ] sad okay guys let's get into it okay so this is the beginning oh who's this why is she important Professor mycology ah mycology is the study of mushrooms because of Star Trek I know what a mycelial network is as well Paul stamets for the win um like when we get some science beg to differ oh do they have someone oh dead or alive hopefully dead she's going in by herself Oh I thought it was gonna be a mushroom but it's a bite are you allowed to do that foreign yep same girl I'd be terrified too I also work in dentistry and if I found it in someone's mouth I'd freak out green so I don't know where it started need an anti-fungal and I don't know what does that vaccine free boom oh well yeah wow the burden of knowing everything I've just been staring during everything like that was a really a a scene to digest I'd be so terrified of all plants oh [Laughter] it's not getting any worse is it what was Marlene doing with an infected kid I'm not infected she locked me up and had her guys test me every day to see if I was getting sick test you how they'd make me count to ten and hold out my hand and then keep it steady but you know I think what really impressed them was the fact that I didn't turn into a [ __ ] monster I mean that's the biggest way to show that you're not infected it doesn't matter it's going to happen sooner or later well better than than us oh damn talked about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her ow you hungry you can share some hours thanks Marlene sent me with my own what are they eating it looked like he was eating tree bark is that chicken yeah probably until they get it from Smugglers that's not you guys [Laughter] give me that damn sandwich hey hey are you so important to Milo there's a firefly based Camp somewhere out west they're working on a cure I've heard this before and whatever happened to me is the key to find in the vaccine that's what this is we've heard this a million times vaccines miracle cures none of it works [ __ ] you man I didn't ask for this you and me both this isn't going to end well Tess it doesn't matter if she is or she isn't what the fireflies saved they believe that she is then we get what we want yeah it doesn't matter one way or the other if she so much as twitches that is not funny I would not [ __ ] with Joel like that can I have a gun absolutely not okay Jesus fine I'll just [ __ ] sandwich at them plus I saw the way she was looking at him while uh he was beating the crap out of somebody I'm sure she'd enjoy shooting somebody so she hasn't been into any Wide Open Spaces the daylight huh so are humans the only thing that are affected by the the mushrooms like no animals so they deer out in the wild are fine to eat so the State House is across there it's about a 10 minute walk if you could go straight so long way or short way it's the long way or the we're [ __ ] dead way well I vote long way it's based on that limited information insane I mean like what's the dead way is it like through like a bunch of mushroom people patches everyone said the open city was crazy like swarms are infected running around everywhere not exactly like that you know people like to tell stories so there aren't super infected that explode fungus spores on you yeah is there oh that was not a no if it wasn't so terrifying foreign [Laughter] a place like this I don't even know what this is have you heard of books wait are we going in there it's probably nasty stairwell on the other side well I I don't know how to swim seriously do you think we have pools in the QC exactly yes I mean I don't know how I supposed to know that but also like there's got to be so much gross [ __ ] in that water and leeches so gross yeah agreed don't touch things sir I would like your fleas yes ma'am right away man I'm a weird kid you're a weird kid now the inside of their shoes are all wet and slimy and gross come on it wasn't that bad we try climbing some freaking floors with our knees right well I mean maybe I could climb up there work my way around oh well I'm the smallest so it'd be but you die and you get nothing you stay that's dripping wet collapsing where are you from Texas what about Tess Detroit it's in Michigan I go to school I know where Detroit is that's good so uh you two like uh pass you end up in Boston yes no more questions about me I want to know more about you though Joel I want to know how he got to Boston how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school it's a really shitty one [Laughter] well some last about a month or two but there's others been walking around for 20 years you ever killed one I killed lots of them was it hard like knowing they were people once sometimes Joe what now did something happen oh no the last time we were here they were still deep inside the buildings that I guess enough people came through looking for the qz we went inside so you can shelter and that's how they get more and more of the city bit by bit year after year Jesus they're connected more than you know the fungus also grows Underground long fibers like wires some of them stretching over a mile you step on a patch of cordyceps in one place and you can wake a dozen infected from somewhere else wow you know where you are now they come you're not immune from being ripped apart you understand it's important I'm trying to keep you alive yikes so we're not going that way what do we do then short way Museum is that the short way through the museum this is all very pretty if it weren't also terrifying I think you're gonna hear me say that a lot does it mean it's dead it could mean they're all finally dead in there highly unlikely they come up against anything you get behind us and you stay there okay I have a spare hand congratulations [Music] oh God they're everywhere I guess we should have gone this way in the first place oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] did that maybe he was attacked outside and crawled through the doors the door was open who would you hear and attacked by one and it wasn't like that okay from this point forward we are silent not quiet silent well no question yeah I feel like she will struggle she'll struggle very much I feel like I feel like she's gonna make a noise I feel like she's gonna be loud I want kids that's why I don't want kids they don't listen oh goodness oh my God I would trip and I would fall face first into a pile of all of that oh please say we're okay clean cool for now [Music] well foreign but to find their way out please be a bird or a raccoon can they see light or do they smell people how do they know you're there they can hear thank you Joel for answering that question I can hear you breathing stop it holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God they're faces oh my God they're what they're not even faces anymore oh my God hello how do you take him down stop breathing Jewel s [Music] oh my God oh my God how do you kill them like that oh thank God Tess ax in its head all right foreign no people twisted ankles don't farewell around Joel I'm kidding me kidding me it ripped open [Applause] she's not wrong it bit her in her same bite or it ripped open that must be a very tasty part of her arm it was probably more ahead so we'll deal with it then what about the kid maybe the first bite you can take and what other thing I'd like to just take the good news can you do that once maybe we could actually win it's been 20 years you wanted to be optimistic now before jury's still out it's her first day pull your sleeve down kiddo hide that [ __ ] you know I'm gonna say it it looks really pretty the fresh blood oh yeah they went inside come on Jess oh just leave Joel behind huh holy [ __ ] hmm oh I got bit the healthy ones fought the sick ones everyone lost where did Marlene say that she was taking you uh I don't know just west one of them's got to have a map on them right you hope Tess it's over we are going home and okay our luck had to run out sooner or later she's infected what show me seriously um I need you to get her to Bill and Frank's they'll take her off your hands they'll handle it for me no no no I can't they won't take her they're not gonna take her because you'll convince them ask you for anything not to feel the way I felt not to you shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time this is your chance you said everything right all this [ __ ] we did please say yes Joe please that means it's communicating oh [ __ ] it's like what I was saying with the mycelial network kind of the same thing um that's like some I Am Legend terrifying like runners burn it clever girl clever girl but take some of that with you like a couple grenades come on I can't believe we only got anatore for two episodes but what a badass ah you're gonna have to throw a grenade come on come on come on come on oh the way to go out the way she was done but damn you okay Joel I definitely thought we were gonna get her for a while one I guess one plus is that I didn't get attached okay so I'm not exactly sure when tests got bit because she didn't when when the guard had tested her it was Green so I guess it must have been when they were in the museum um damn I really thought we were gonna have her for a while y'all that play the game are probably just like don't get attached wow wow wow wow wow wow wow well I mean I guess there I mean I guess it is hard to believe that somebody would have survived a bite I mean there is evidence in front of you and you're kind of like hoping that that scar that's on Ellie's arm does mean that she was bitten but also at the same time it's just like like Joel said like they're they've heard the story so many times about going out west and that there's doctors out west that are working on a cure that are working on a vaccine that are working on medication and we know that like there really isn't a medication at least from the doctor at the beginning when she's explaining that like she studied this there is no vaccine there is no medicine it you know that's why like like anti-fungals can only do so much and normally you have to do the thing like that like starves the fungus of like whatever it's feeding on and most of the time it's like a sugar of some sort or something like that um and it started in the grain and Flower Factory and they didn't know who patient zero was man I I really expected her like when when they said well what are we supposed to do um like like what do you recommend we do and she's just I thought she was going to be like oh pray you know but she's like bomb destroy everything blow everything up like holy crap like she knew that like the end was nigh well I don't know where Joel and Ellie go now because obviously the the the the State Building the state place that they're going to they destroyed each other they killed each other and then um thankfully Tess blew it up so you know I I hope she took out uh as many as possible in that building I really wish she had grad like grenades because they they seem to have like some good stuff there um but also shouldn't they have like a lot of trucks shouldn't they have batteries shouldn't they have vehicles like shouldn't there have been like more there so like maybe there was something that happened and everybody you know went away somehow but it was so interesting not only to see like what they look like with the the the fungus or the fungi growing on their faces and that they can't see anything but they can hear um but the the whole networking thing um I not to like mixed media but like you know I'm kind of a big fan of Star Trek and Star Trek Discovery like they talk about like a mycelial network and they actually have named a doctor on there Paul stamets after you know one of the the main uh I guess he's a Mycologist um he probably has like a more fancy name but you know he's the mushroom guy he's he's he's the guy you go to for any information on mushrooms and so I kind of knew a little bit about like networking and the mycelial network that way but like that is insane that they can speak to each other through everything under the ground I love it but also I hate it you have to be so careful you have to be like like them going through the the museum you have to be so careful because if you are not you are tripping an alarm Bell that could send you know all of these infected towards you a mile radius not just oh one over here one over here like within a mile radius oh my God oh this is so gnarly oh it's so gnarly yeah there I mean of course there's other things like like they said like you know they have no problem snapping you in half it's not necessarily that they're going to just turn you you know you could be broken and eaten oh my God terrifying I'm so intrigued though I uh so I asked if I should play the game and a lot of people said wait until after the first season and I don't know if the whole game will be wrapped up in the first season if there is only one season um but I think I am going to wait because I don't want anything spoiled for me uh I'm I'm definitely I think if it wraps it up and everyone says on the finale like yeah you can play the game you're good to go I think I I think I'll probably take a weekend and just play I can get to know it and and relive it and uh open up the trauma and the triggers of watching the show because uh some people had said something about like the the beginning of the game that you play Sarah and I'm like well damn that's traumatizing for the people that played the game who had to play her and die and then had to watch it happen again and so I'm sure I'm sure it'll be reversed for me where I watched her die in the show and then I watch her die in the game as I'm playing her and I'm I think it'll actually Hit me hard I'm I'm I can almost guarantee that it will holy [ __ ] so where do they go now what do they do now like does he just like go west young lady like how does he know where to go like I like the test was like looking for a map I know she was doing it out of desperation because she had been bitten but uh I I also like like are they gonna run into somebody that's like gonna be like oh yeah I know who to call to like go do that like like they're supposed to be trucks they're supposed to be Maps they're supposed to be people that could help and like now all of that is just gone like are they gonna head back to the the qz because I don't think that that's smart um I I especially think that uh they need to continue on a mission especially when Tess says you know save people if there's one like lasting effect that Tess could have on him I hope it's that because she kind of mentioned like like I didn't ask you to return feelings like that I know you didn't have or you know I'm sure he's closed off I'm sure he doesn't let people in and she was close like that like that was his girl but it like wasn't like love um where she might have felt that way he didn't so I'm I'm hoping that like helping Ellie and taking her where she needs to go and saving people maybe will open up his heart because it seems like he's just been surviving closed off and you know he's still wearing his watch so he's still thinking of Sarah oh my gosh I don't know where he's going next uh very curious to find out but if you want to watch the full-length reaction to this episode it will be available on my patreon as well as other shows that I am watching currently like box Machina the expanse finishing house the dragon I will be starting Severance soon and other movies Glass Onion John Wick 3 um and I'm hoping wakanda Forever at the beginning of February uh but in the meantime like subscribe leave me a comment down below OMG I don't even know what to ask you guys I am so just uh these things are terrifying they're not just like people with like faces that are like dead like like you see Walkers or zombies they are like otherworldly they they look alien even though they're people I don't I don't even know what to ask you guys like oh I guess did Tess die this early in the game I imagine that she died because uh if they they killed off a character that everyone loved on the show in the second episode I'm pretty sure people would Riot was it shocking to you because it was shocking to me didn't expect that but damn what a way to go out what a boss I still would have loved more of anatorev though bummed about that man but it does make sense that only Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey are in the opening credits so it's their show I just if we run into anyone else I'm just gonna assume at some point they did okay guys I will see you here next week for episode three where I'm sure more [ __ ] will go down I will be shocked about it and you will be cackling because you've played the game and you'll be like this part's coming up is she gonna cry is she gonna scream is she gonna Flinch because if there's something running at the screen I'm going to Flinch I'm going to to freak out um but uh we need to find Tommy there's still that that we have to figure out so come back here four more next week okay guys I'll see ya I can't believe she's gone after two episodes damn
Channel: funnylilgalreacts
Views: 71,984
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Keywords: reaction, reactions, reactionvideo
Id: iLw1nA5ZLpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 49sec (2089 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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