Film Student FALLS IN LOVE with **THE LAST OF US** | Episodes 1 & 2 Reaction

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oh the yeah the POV shots this is so video game this is really really well done hey everybody I'm Jackie and welcome to another movie night or I guess technically this is a TV night because I am watching The Last of Us now I had not originally planned on doing this show for the channel I was gonna stick to movies for a while until I got a little bit more established but I've had this requested so many times in the live stream on patreon in the comments you guys have been asking if I'm gonna watch this show and so even though I had intended on watching it on my own anyway you guys wore me down so I am doing it for the channel I'm a little bit behind so today I'm gonna be watching the first and second episodes to see what the hype is all about now I do know that this is based on a video game it's a sort of post-apocalyptic post-pandemic type story so I'm guessing we're gonna get some sort of I don't know if they're gonna be zombies but some sort of like the way the virus affects people because in a game you have to have challenges and adversaries so my guess is if we're going with a post pandemic thing it's going to affect humans somehow so I'm really curious to see how they do that and how this unfolds and it is Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsay whom I adore I am a huge Game of Thrones fan I'm a huge Game of Thrones seasons one through six fan clarify that and I think one of the highlights is Bella Ramsay she is an absolute scene stealer with another incredibly charismatic character from that show played by Pedro Pascal so this is going to be a lot of fun I'm really really excited for this to see what everyone is enjoying about this show I've heard it's an incredible game to TV adaptation so I would love to hear your guys's thoughts from those of you who have played the games about how the story translates why it's apparently such a great adaptation as someone who hasn't played the games I would love to know that but for myself I am going into this relatively blind aside from the sort of General premise I know nothing about the games I know nothing about the specifics of the story I have managed to avoid spoilers for the last two weeks so I am going in blind and excited so if you're ready let's get into this but as always please don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up drop me a comment again did you play the games do you like the adaptation what are your thoughts on all things The Last of Us and redder is better please hit what used to be the big red subscribe button but is now a black subscribe button but I'm gonna continue to say big red subscribe button until they bring it back so redder is better hit the Subscribe button and without further Ado let's get into The Last of Us this episode is an hour and 20 minutes long oh my goodness Global pandemic pen meaning all the whole world becomes sickle at once we are familiar with this concept not viruses so fungus fungus because there are some fungi who seek not to kill but to control ooh zombies where do we get LSD from where do you get it from touche fungus starts to direct the ant's Behavior telling it where to go what to do like a puppeteer with a marionette this is a great way to do Exposition and really set the tone for this show for instance the world was to get slightly warmer global warming any one of them could become capable of burrowing into our brains and taking control not of millions of us but billions of us terrifying and they're all starting to feel the gravity of this now he does not sound like a quack anymore and there are no treatments for this no preventatives no cures they don't exist it's not even possible to make them so if that happens we're all doomed we lose what he said oh the tone got sober in this room Charming like this this is sort of the antithesis of The Walking Dead because in The Walking Dead at least as far as I know we never actually learn the specifics of how the zombies came about I I vaguely remember some explanation of what the virus does but I don't remember the specifics so I like that this is literally opening with this is how this is going to happen we predicted this way back when which is again a terrifying thought for those of us who have lived for the last few years but that's a really fascinating way to start the show and a hell of a way to set the tone my goodness I'm excited for this this is cool I mean terrifying and horrifying and it's not going to be pretty but really good so far then these opening credits are beautiful in a really horrifying terrifying way eggs something we do not have right now Craig Mason I recognize that name vitamin C um establishing early on that he is not the caretaker here you get your homework done please how old are you again 36. I'm gonna have to wear diapers soon today I don't know I'd be done by nine by nine right you are not going to be done by nine I'll bring back a cake I promise don't promise things never promise things it's not gonna happen your t-shirt's inside out this mess of a man so one thing I do know about the show is that he has to sort of take care of Bella Ramsey's character so I love that we're setting up very early on that he is not a caretaker this is a fun Dynamic that's already creating quite a bit of tension and entertainment value for later in the show Connie was asking after you oh this sweet old couple is gonna die and that makes me sad I do but I'm on Atkins the 2003 references this is great already the writing on this is so good already Desert Storm combat veteran got it okay context they're doing a really good job again of giving Exposition without it feeling clunky we've already learned so much in the first few minutes of the show with attention they're building this is shot really well oh my God we're 10 minutes in and I'm already so hooked on this show the ticking the really subtle ways they're building tension so far the ticking in the background the in and out of focus now the sirens you should go home oh dip here we go I feel like my heart is pounding already I'm already so nervous I was thinking we'd make some cookies chocolate chip oatmeal raisin raisin I'll live yep no fun for you there's been no music too that's part of the tension building there's been no real music so all you're hearing is the ambient noise just making it more and more tense oh what is she doing is she having a seizure or something in the background there oh that's creepy silent seizure what the oh my God what happened to the old woman oh God oh God a dog is staring at her nervous we didn't see her face what the hell happened oh my God they just keep adding sounds the sprinklers The Tick Tock the everything oh oh that's bad that is very very bad it's at the National Guard called in or something I'm so tense right now it's 10. oh no oh swear yes on your life in a post-apocalyptic show hmm fixed it for you it's gonna be his token that he carries around with him through the apocalypse I don't hear anything I don't either and it's making me nervous where'd you get the money for this your drawer drugs I love this snarky Child come on pop it in I literally have a pit in my stomach right now I started swinging at a waitress something wrong in the head it's starting that's sweet God there's no music the silence is freaking me out oh we're starting to get music instructions oh God the dog knew something was up when the animals are freaked out you know something's bad it's like when you see rats running you need to move what are you doing out here boy no no oh no he doesn't want to go back he doesn't want don't make him go back don't make him go back oh my God they're all dead or zombified or something oh no no no no no no no no Mrs Adler oh no come on attention oh that's bad oh shirt oh you see blood don't go toward it he said he was gonna die run run child ew huh oh get the truck yes right now good response get go go go move quickly now now oh my God oh my God what are we doing Joe shoot her fungus oh God she been infected how does it transmit oh this is a great POV shot very reminiscent of a video game yeah the way they're shooting this is very first person since I know it was adapted from a video game I can see the The Vibes through the way that they're shooting this what how do you know we're not sick see she is the smart one of the family oh God don't stop do not stop no compassion is good but this is very much not a take that risk situation oh yeah the POV shots this is so video game even if someone is not a gamer this is really really well done Tommy come on the music in the background it's subtle but it's pulsing so it's like a rapid heartbeat it's just raising your nerves even higher guys my heart is beating so fast right now drums maybe that's everywhere this has all been from her perspective so far which is really interesting because I know that she's not the primary focus of the story that is not easing me right now that is not giving me any reason for comfort oh the pace is picking up the beat is picking up oh my God the horror of this from a first person perspective oh my God God the tempo keeps picking up more and more and more oh my God yeah it must have been on the plane oh my God oh [ __ ] the building of the chaos of the silence oh my God are you okay we gotta get off the street God just the chaos right now and the beat is back the thumping it keep your eyes on me okay oh my God the twitching is it a sound thing or a scent thing like oh sure they can run they can run they can run that's bad that's bad that's bad oh dip holy shart oh dip oh yes sir oh no oh no that was a very terrifyingly Resolute yes sir kill on site we are not sick oh no oh no you're okay move your hand baby move your hand s no no no I know I know I know I know I know I know dummy help me oh he knows there's no hope come on baby girl I gotta get you come on oh she's gone she's gone she's not rasping anymore oh foreign oh my God so 2023 we're present now oh my God my God it's got duct tape on his shoes oh damn yeah post-apocalyptic the soundtrack for this is so desolate everything about this is just so good okay oh wow so this literally happens within 24 hours what if I told you that after we gave you some medicine we're gonna find you your favorite food to eat would you like that I don't trust that and toys nope as many as you want to play with nope they're going to euthanize him it's like giving someone they're telling someone you're gonna give them their last meal or something I don't know no no no no no no you're safe no you're not you're being euthanized oh no is that literally a truck full of bodies I can't oh it's the kid it's the kid oh it's like the little girl at the red coat and Schindler's List the duct tape shoes it's to show the scale of mass tragedy you go small you focus on the tiny little details oh my God after I exit from a quarantine Zone oh my God is this like a public execution oh my God definitely a commentary on society reverting really impressing the seriousness of how bad this is pills and bullets bullets and pills the more you shoot people the harder it is to sleep I guess that makes a lot of sense the back back stay up the streets for the next few nights [ __ ] fireflies been blowing [ __ ] up all week I'm doing a really good job of establishing the world as it is right now like again there is no clunky Exposition in this show it's doing such a great job of Showdown when you're lost in the darkness look for the light oh that's lovely and hopeful and very out of place in a world like this but yeah they're doing a great job of showing you reality not telling you reality so I give you my word that he won't hurt you promises promises [Music] Jesus oh fireflies like the resistance group or something it's the I'm guessing it's the faction of people who are feeling oppressed Ramsay Bella Ramsay is locked up for some reason oh my God she's so cute look at her little face count slowly and clearly from one to ten one G3 slowly and clearly one I can see what they cast her already seven eight this is lyanna Mormon in this world you I love her already oh this snarky child oh somehow it's not as cheerful when it's Written in Blood the Chamber of Secrets has been opened 73k Orlando out oh they're getting they're posting messages to people in three weeks it's never taken more than a day to respond that's bad I'm sure he's okay I'm sure he's not or maybe he is but we're oh God show me where the Tower is pulse is back Joel it's in Wyoming oh dip there are worse things than infected out there there are Raiders there are slavers but you're sure he's okay so they're calling them infected they're not zombies they're infected got it okay map Tom's guide or something for years even after cell phones and GPS my mom made me keep a Thomas guide full map in my car I don't think I ever had to use it but in the case of a post-apocalyptic world I have it Boston to Wyoming that is a haul yeah the watch it's like his memento oh it was her oh my goodness he sold down battery to someone else oh no oh that's why she needed it oh this is just shot so well God the production value on this show is incredible people are asking what's going on and I don't know what to tell them tell them to follow [ __ ] orders that is the response yeah your job is not to know your job is to follow orders every Firefly in Boston is going to gather in this building and you're going to leave the QC oh damn yeah we're taking that random girl locked in that room West because she's the Cure she naturally immune or something so somehow this is all going to go really badly and in his attempts to leave he gets the battery and winds up with Bella Ramsay she said her name Veronica somehow by the end of this episode I think he ends up with her feeling lost tell me to look for the light and I'll break your jaw hahaha how about we start with thank you for what I am the one who told not to shoot you with [Laughter] is it gonna happen no so can I go so so they were keeping her for like 24 hours to test to see if she was infected it's for Orphans they put you there I did wait what why how much terrorist dump me with fedra because it's where you'd be safest and you were safe there until you decided to sneak out terrorist was Riley a terrorist there's history was her mom immune or something and she died and what I'm about to tell you cannot be repeated to anyone because if you do you will die here we go all right oh God are they gonna cut away oh of course they cut away ah so secret even the audience doesn't get to know not yet anyway the show is so good at building tension my God the atmosphere they're utilizing darkness really well Craig Mason's the director of this I have I got to know him from somewhere that name sounds really familiar holy shirt oh my God is that what happens to them over time or something maybe down here is where he was infected how it though because concerned to oh that bad that's bad the body that's blocking the door yep yep so are these people murdered or infected I'm guessing just straight up murdered oh so something bad happened between I'm gonna tell you stuff and now don't not at her oh you just revealed how valuable she is that was a lot of gunfire effect was going to be annoying you know what happened so now I'm thinking you're gonna do it ah yeah yep but now I don't have a truck cut off a squadron fedris five minutes away what I do have is you stealth if you don't have Brute Force stealth and I know what you're both capable of what are they capable of I want to know too I mean he's played The Red Viper and the Mandalorian the man that has skills I just want to know what they are in this universe Firefly vehicle usually means repurposed Venture stuff so better than decent chance making it to Tommy in one of those good point we all talk it through but please remember that I'm bleeding out narc you are all that matters remember what I told you now go get your backpack I want to know what she told her I mean I can guess but I want to really actually please please yeah there we go this woman is saying please you know it's serious I don't get the sense this woman says please and thank you very often the bead is back the pulsing no no oh the strings those stressful mournful strings BF 60 nothing in 17 New Stock 80x the radio is a smuggling code right uh oh that's clever she's smart girl got it okay your watch is broken doesn't need to work sentimental value you mumble in your sleep so do I you guys talk in your sleep apparently I laugh in my sleep funny dreams but you know where to go so we're gonna be okay um knowing where you're going is not the only factor in whether you're gonna be okay or not there are no guarantees except you know plot armor oh the radio came on when you're sleeping like wake me up before you go though don't leave me hanging on like a yo-yo gotcha hahaha all right oh here we go whoa okay all right that got really bright really fast hell of a transition um holy [ __ ] I'm actually outside yeah now's not the time to walk around and be a tourist he's not happy about this situation tempo's picking up literally supposed to feel like you're heart beating in your ears yep it's getting faster ah we're back to the noise and just Ting Ting is kind of like The Tick Tock the the rain it's supposed to just build the tension oh and my heart is pounding again huh well also the fact that he is now with a young girl again it's it's very reminiscent of the beginning of the episode just feeling the tension the light flashes ah the parallels to the beginning well oh dab oh dip oh it's your buddy get on your knees at least he didn't shoot at least he didn't shoot him on site unauthorized exit they're hanging for that oh rest my job for half off oh dip What's It Gonna register for her oh oh my god oh she stabbed him we can fix this because it wasn't already bad to begin with oh dip oh what happened what happened oh yep flashback flashback oh the parallel oh he just saw the officer that killed his daughter that's all he can see right now is the guy that killed his daughter oh oh my God and she just watched him savagely beat a guy to death oh it's like a man possessed oh dip no yep yep yeah she's immune somehow Joe we gotta move yep yep we gotta move go now oh dip it is it's like 80s disco what does 80s mean 80s is X Red X right bad oh my God this is so good oh my God so again I know nothing about the game so I can't compare this to how good an adaptation it is but just from the way that this is shot and written and produced my God the production value of this this is so good oh I get it I get it I get why everyone is hyped about this this is so good oh I could go on forever and ever about the writing this is written so well this is constructed so well the music the sound design the set design oh my God huh I am now really really glad that I didn't watch this last week because now I get to go on to the next episode yay oh my God oh my God this is just hitting every single thing my little film student heart is just screaming with joy right now God this is so good all right we're moving on to the next episode next episode episode two let's do it let's do it right now we get another cold open yes this has to be a flat Jakarta oh yeah okay they mentioned Jakarta earlier and we're back to silence and tension um they're bringing here because she knows about the fungus she's a specialist or an expert or something SARS oh my God just every other outbreak guarded by a guy with a gun that should make you nervous two guys with guns yeah that should make you nervous care don't taint the experiment see what she comes up with on her own and I have a feeling it's going to make us all really really nervous famous last words it's he's like yeah that's what we thought too you feel sick you're gonna die the body gonna wake attack her or something no okay yeah how do you kill them is it like a zombie Every Creature everything has its way that it can be killed yeah and how does it transmit I still don't know how it transmits is it throw a bite oh dip oh dip oh my God the tension's building the noise the music the noise ew damn pulse I don't like this at all oh my God it's moving it's moving oh and then yep see euthanize them yep execute them yep yep yep oh that's terrifying on the bright side with how quickly it transmits and affects you have a very small window infection oh that's not gonna work she's about to tell you there's no hope no yeah pray boom Oh dip that is not what he expected when he woke up this morning oh I cannot even imagine how it must feel to literally be the person that's recommending genocide as a solution talk about a bad day Jesus I want to know Craig Mason where do I know him from why do I know that name Chernobyl that's why yep yep but I knew I recognized his name Chernobyl that makes so much sense oh that's a really interesting image of her in the Fatal position because that's very much especially surrounded by Greenery it's symbolic of life she looks like an infant like a baby in utero as like a symbol of New Life a new beginning that was an incredible opening shot morning yeah I'd be nervous if I was them too yep don't come any closer ooh Chris test you how I have to pee made you know I think what really impressed almost the fact that I didn't turn into a [ __ ] monster Fair she makes an excellent point and her snark is admired there's not gonna be anything bad in here just you God the writing on this show is so good ouch it'll heal fast it's the mental wound that's the concern here stop talking about this kid like she's got some kind of life in front of her that's cynical understandable but incredibly cynical oh they're sitting there eating jerky and she's got a whole sandwich I'm gonna talk to you're an adult that's probably the right decision don't talk down to her Joel and I aren't good people hmm she told me not to tell anybody that I'm telling the first people that I well your life kind of depends on it honey they're working on a cure I've heard this before and whatever happened to me is the key to find in the vaccine this isn't going to end well Tess we need to go back you've got some decent evidence in front of you though it doesn't matter if she is or she isn't what the fireflies saved they believe that she is we get what we want touche when self-interest and the greater good align rare that that happens she so much as Twitches I love her so much oh please protect this baby at all costs I mean obviously they will but just because she's funny can I have a gun absolutely not okay geez it's fine I'm so [ __ ] sandwich I love her snark excellent job on the set design they hit most of the big cities like this they had to slow the spread somehow makes sense in a horrifying kind of way so long way or short way I mean it's the long way or the [ __ ] dead way I mean I feel like that one's a no-brainer but I'm not there you know the old Mall in the QC the one that's sealed off and boarded up and no one's supposed to go in ever that one little troublemaker so it was just you in there alone no yeah no I don't believe you mommy you got some balls on you sister well that's true she did single-handedly kill a giant everyone said the open city was crazy like swarms are infected running around everywhere hmm give it time or ones with split open heads that stay in the dark like bats okay the Shaker ham is actually making me a little bit dizzy right now that's a bad noise what was that something you don't want to go near the World building on this show is so well done already God they really really use their budget well got the little details in this show are just so good wait are we going in there got a better way well I I don't know how to swim do you think we have pools in the QC Fair Point no smart ass [Laughter] oh the water's gross and it makes me really nervous something's hiding in it this is so gross agreed no no don't draw attention don't draw attention you're a weird kid [Laughter] gross come on it wasn't that bad I tried climbing some [ __ ] floors with our knees you are a sprightly child you do not get to complain all right well I mean maybe I could climb up there uh no well I'm the smallest you are not leaving our sight foreign once again the sound design on this is so good just the lack of Music the use of silence and sound effects God it's just so good it's just ah it's got some skills where'd you learn to do that Winterfell where are you from small talk so uh you two like uh pass no more questions about me how long do infected live Oh I thought you went to school it's a really shitty one well some last about a month or two but there's others been walking around but 20 years wow [Music] what about that guy last night no last night was different that was PTSD and a whole host of other [ __ ] oh yeah okay that's her oh my God oh my God Jesus they look like a fungus yeah when you have them all kind of like that they look like a creeping fungus they're connected more than you know hmm you step in a patch of cordyceps in one place and you can wake a dozen infected from somewhere else oh it's almost like a hive mind you're not immune from being ripped apart that's a fair point so no gallivanting often doing dumb [ __ ] ew fungus that's not pretty natural growth that's fungus growth it's a great contrast to all the beautiful green Vines growing on some of the buildings and then the fungus bone dry it could mean they're all finally dead in there good is that a bet you want you want to challenge or this is the the level you have to beat or something I hear movement I don't like it and we're back with attention Jesus yeah the contrast of the fungus and the Decay right next to the perfectly preserved welcome signs oh [ __ ] that's bad animal something to be scared of okay from this point this point are silent oh God my guess is some sort of infected animal because we have not seen infected animals up to this point this is how you utilize darkness in a show what was that oh I really have to give both the game and the show credit scissors [Music] I was going to say incredibly original creative and well done as far as the mythology of this fungus goes mostly I'm just trying to break the tension because I'm nervous and thoroughly repulsed in a good way though I had to say a relatively untouched room it's making me nervous oh dip what the hell what the hell yeah infected animal sounds like a frog watch it be a frog and then something big pops out it's gonna seem like something a little innocuous and then something big is gonna pop out what the it's infected to kill it silently or okay let it pass Ed the noise it's making it's like somewhere between a croak and a rasp oh my God huh oh there's more there's more there's more there's more oh my God oh my God oh my God now is not the time to trip I'm having flashbacks to the the library scene in uh the battle for Winterfell the long night the movement though oh God it's out of frame it's out of frame it's out of frame it's not a frame it's not a frame it's not a frame I don't like it I don't like it it's right there huh [Music] wait can they not see oh is that what he was minding to her that they can't see so it's only Noise Okay because he literally just flashed the light in its eye and it didn't move I wonder if they hired some oh yep don't let it bite you don't let it bite you don't let it bite you how do you kill these things the head headshot headshot I'm guessing headshot good save so some kind of head shot dip holy [ __ ] [ __ ] kidding me she get bit again I mean if it was gonna happen to one of us touche let's get the [ __ ] out of here good plan I was starting to ask I wonder how many of the performers they hired to do this were the walkers in Game of Thrones or the whites because the the sort of movement I imagine there's a very small pool of talent that they hire to do things like that so I'm wondering if there was an overlap there yeah I know it looks scary that was [Laughter] probably more ahead so we'll deal with it then yeah one thing at a time one level of the game at a time oh my heart rate is still trying to slow down I should just take the good news yeah okay one thing at a time I think for once maybe we can actually win oh hold on to your optimism wait did she get bit why do I feel like she's hiding something am I just trying to be suspicious oh God am I just trying to be suspicious or something bad happen did you get bit but man you can't deny that for you you never saw it and it's Heyday honey come on let's get there before it's dark okay she did something something happened when she was off camera I don't like this because Joel and Veronica wind up just the two of them so whether we lose tests now or later something tells me we lose tests Twisted because twisted ankle was what happened to his daughter I'm sensing a parallel here or I'm just paranoid because my heart rate is still through the roof right now dip oh my God the visuals on this show are so good they did not waste their budget oh dip wait we still never established what ripped that other guy to shreds because we established that it was not an infected that typically does that so what element are we still missing this is why my heart rate hasn't slowed down is she infected because she seems to be starting to get erratic and impulsive they're not they weren't killed by infected I say they look like they were massacred or something one of them got bit the healthy ones fought the sick ones everyone lost [Music] let's just maddeningly unhelpful we are going home this is not my [ __ ] home oh dip something's up with her our luck had to run out sooner or later oh dip she's infected yep yep called it called it call it called it oh oops I oops uh understatement take your bandage off it hasn't spread it at all nothing I I never ask you for anything not to feel the way I felt not too but you shut the [ __ ] up because I don't have time that's true you keep her alive and you said everything right oh God I hate it when I'm right oh that's oh my God what the oh my God they're waking up what the hell the hell [Music] oh my God message transmitted from there to oh you guys Gotta Move You Gotta Move now right now she's gonna stay and fight him off oh she's gonna blow up the building I mean smart but uh oh yep yeah that'll do it but you guys gotta get clear get clear move that's all you can do oh my God Bella Ramsay's baby Yoda it just occurred to me the Mandalorian and baby Yoda grow goo it's baby Yoda I give her credit she is brave she's gonna go down swinging that's the best you can hope for is go down fighting oh dip except when your lighter doesn't work oh God I know it's gonna work but all the tension they're building with the light are not working right now oh no oh no they spotted her they sensed her light it up girl the focus just on her like oh that's so gross oh oh oh oh oh that's disgusting oh my God that's disgusting that's so disgusting oh I I can't even make a joke about that being the worst kiss ever like of your life just no there's there's not even joke that can be made oh get moving though don't waste it [Music] oh what ah I can't believe that was the end of the episode like it fits oh I got spoiled I got to watch one and two now I have to wait for episode three so good God I hate it when I'm right ah [Music] words cannot describe just how good the writing on this show is and the production my God the sets and the visuals because you know a lot of this is CGI but everything just looks incredible the World building there is no clunky Exposition between episodes one and two there is nothing clunky it all just works so well and the tension that they're building oh my God I'm simultaneously just grossed out horrified and impressed all at the same time this is so good what else is gonna say oh yeah same producer as Chernobyl that makes so much sense that it is the exact same producer of Chernobyl and this is just flying by because it keeps you in suspense but you're so engaged every single second this is just flying by I'm just gonna gush because it's so good it's so well produced and I'm sorry it is now the Mandalorian and grogu she is baby Yoda she is the the child he has been tasked with protecting it's it's really funny you start to see the parallels of I hate to say they're being Typecast but this is very much a a familiar role for Pedro Pascal here but she's also playing this universe is Lady lyanna Mormon like it's perfect casting they're doing such a great job so mad I now have to wait for the third episode because I'm just I I will I don't do very well with suspense but I'm just my heart rate is so fast right now anyway I feel like I've been gushing the entire show about just how good it is and it is so good and I'm so glad that I did not wait to watch this I'm so glad I'm doing this for the channel and I'm so mad I have to wait a week this is fantastic thank you so much to everyone who pushed me to watch this I'm so so so happy that I did and you better believe I will be back next week with episode three I am gonna be watching it the second it drops I am so hooked and absolutely oh I know what I was gonna say this is very well adapted again I'm not familiar with the games but this is very well adapted from a game because it has those elements those POV shots of seeing through someone's eyes this sort of every episode is the new level that you have to pass it's the new element even as someone who's not a gamer in general I can see those reflected in the production of the show and that is so well done and even if I even if I didn't know this was adapted from a game I might have maybe guessed it just based on the way that this is structured and the way that it's done but anyway well done to the writer's producers everyone doing this I'm just this is probably going to be a full season of me gushing about how good this is I just it's so rare to have a show that is this good and you're hooked so quickly and so much oh I'm so excited I'm so excited for the next episode all right I gotta go or I'm just gonna keep talking myself in circles about how good this show is huh alright I will see you guys next week for episode three don't miss it as always please don't forget to like this video If you enjoyed it drop me a comment are you as are you geeking out over this as much as I am right now I need to know that other people are geeking out as much as I am right now redder is better hit what used to be the big red subscribe button and check me out on patreon the full-length reactions to this show as well as all of my other content are there plus other exclusives and I will see you guys next week for another episode bye
Channel: Movie Night at Jacqui's
Views: 124,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tdHe0O3N29I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 57sec (2757 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 25 2023
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